A few midnight haunts

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A few midnight haunts By Ysabel Cacho, Patricia Manio, and John Sarao

Self-proclaimed night owls are up and about, more alive at night than they were during the coffee-born day. After a long day at work or in school, they prowl the streets of the Metro and urban areas looking for a place to unwind, and temporarily forget the stress daylight chores bring. This month, The Menagerie takes its readers out past their bedtime, onto the streets of Metro Manila, exploring the various sights and sounds that are sure to be found under the night sky, and explains what it really means to pull off an all-nighter. Midnight Mercato Hungry for a late-night snack? Don’t bother tiptoeing to the kitchen to make your way through the dark in search of food. Instead, put on some shoes, grab your wallet and head on over to Midnight Mercato. Located at 34th Street and 8th Avenue in Bonifacio Global City, it is filled with dozens of stalls lined up offering visitors tasty and affordable dishes from 10 pm until 3am. From molten chocolate cakes, mozzarella paella, and giant hamburgers, all the way to liquor ice cream, the area is just itching to entice one’s taste buds. Midnight Mercato is a place for

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