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Foundation Level 1 - Part 1
The Lady Niguma Foundation Level 1 Certification course is designed for students of all levels to develop a deep understanding of Lady Niguma’s yoga. The first part of the course will be a review of Lady Niguma’s fascinating legend, lineage, and philosophy, an exploration of the inner body, the Lady Niguma Asana Series 1, and will instruct students on how to integrate these teachings into living a comprehensive Lady Niguma lifestyle.
Foundation Level 1 -Part 2
The second part of the course is a 30 day Wisdom in Action challenge where students will bring the information to life in their daily worlds. Each week students will have the opportunity to work closely with their assigned mentors for Q&A and discussion of their experiences. Upon completion, students will have established a deep foundation of information and life experience in Lady Niguma’s tradition. After passing a final examination, students will earn a Certification of Completion in Lady Niguma Foundation Level 1.
Master Level 1
The Lady Niguma Master Level 1 Certification course is for students who are certified yoga instructors (at least 200RYT) and are interested in teaching YSI Lady Niguma asana classes and workshops. As well, this course is ideal for practitioners who want a deeper level of mastery in the practices of Lady Niguma.
The three levels of Lady Niguma
There are three levels of Lady Niguma, each delving into more subtle and profound teachings. Level 1 covers the foundational components. Among other advanced topics, Level 2 delves deeper into transforming negative emotions, the 5 inner winds, drops of consciousness in the Wheel of Time system, and the specific mechanisms of getting winds to enter into the central channel. Level 3 is the most advanced level of Lady Niguma and its curriculum prepares students to directly reach the highest goals of yoga. In traditional study, yoga asana was reserved for the highest level of students. Typically asanas like Lady Niguma Series 1 were only taught after 20 years of intense and dedicated study. These practices are very subtle. It might not seem like these practices were ever secret when we see yoga advertisements everywhere, but that is where this practice is very distinct —what you are about to learn goes so much deeper than what we can see. We are delivering to you some of the highest, most subtle teaching in any yoga system, even in Level 1. By the end of this course your understanding of your inner and outer worlds may evolve dramatically. But the highest teachings are still reserved for those who dedicate themselves to mastery. Let us all strive to master this system so we can help all beings to our greatest capacities.

Why Lady Niguma
Mastery of Lady Niguma’s yoga has the ability to radically transform a practitioner’s experience of the world in a very short period of time. By combining the outer methods of the physical elements of yoga with the inner practices of the traditional and ancient systems, results manifest more quickly. In addition, by understanding seeds, we understand the mechanisms that bring all of this together into one coherent picture.Lastly, we must learn how to integrate these teachings into the real world. The ultimate form of yoga isn’t the perfect “down dog”. It is walking through life with grace.
Lady Niguma in context
In the past 100 years, the world of yoga has become primarily a physical practice aimed at the many health benefits that the poses bring. The lineage of the Lady Niguma practice is 1000 years old and brings us back to some of the most crucial elements of yoga that have been lost over the centuries. Some essential elements of this practice include an understanding of the role the subtle body plays in yoga, how the poses affect these energies, and how we use this understanding to create a world defined by wisdom, love, compassion and bliss. The benefits of a consistent Lady Niguma practice vary extremely and are highly personal. For many though, the world may appear generally more vibrant and joyful and they may experience a feeling of “open-heartedness” or deep enduring compassion. Many feel less stressed and more calm throughout the day. Practitioner’s often feel higher levels of energy and clearer, sharper minds. Of course the higher benefits, like achieving the ultimate goal of yoga, are the main fruit of the practice and are discussed in depth throughout the course.
How to maximize your experience

The goal of the Lady Niguma intensive course is to propel people into a “yogic lifestyle”. The course is not something that one finishes in four days or even after a 30 day challenge. These practices take many years to integrate and the subtleties reveal themselves within these years of practice. Niguma Yoga is not so much a sprint but an ever deepening journey of self-discovery. To help get the most out of this experience, please be prepared to bring as much time and attention to the training as possible. The Lady Niguma tradition is to review each class before attending the next, and there will be small groups meetings and mentors to help facilitate this process. Doing a lot of work with the inner body can also cause some unexpected or undesired results, as blocks to prana are removed and energy flows differently in the body. If issues like an inability to sleep, chest pain, headaches, or an inability to concentrate occur, please talk to an instructor for guidance. These are uncommon (but not abnormal) issues related to an excess of wind energy called “lung”.
To prevent these problems, please make sure you are eating a healthy diet and are getting enough sleep. It is advised to decrease the amount of device screen time as much as possible and to avoid alcohol and non prescribed drugs.Lastly and most importantly, it is crucial to not be too serious! Look for ways to enjoy the experience, to laugh, play music or dance in the breaks, find ways to uplift others, and to make the training a celebration. Connect with people and support each other in the practices, not just in the training but beyond as well.