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Y SIN EMBARGO, un magazine de cultura, sociedad, arte; libre, independiente y de descarga gratuita realizado desde diferentes ciudades. Su aparición es trimestral, coincidiendo con el cambio de estación. # # # Y SIN EMBARGO, a magazine about culture, society, art. Can be downloaded cost-free; contributions come from cities like barcelona, berkeley, berlin, boulder, buenos aires, carmagnola, copenhaguen, coyoacán, dublin, graz, london, madrid, marseille, mexicali b.c., montréal, náples, new york, paris, saarland, sao paulo, southport, tarragona, toulouse, vienna, etc. Issues are released quarterly, coinciding exactly with each change of season. Each issue is completely different. We believe content, design and concept are equally important and we try to reflect this aesthetic in every article. This is not another submission-driven magazine, not another publicity-uncovered magazine. It's free. It's independent. Get the magazine on Paper: http://stores.lulu.com/ysinembargo