Summer Events Leaflet 2017

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Summer 2017

Events Make the most of your summer with artist talks, sculpture courses, family workshops and many more exciting events at the Park.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

YSP Talks & Tours May EILEEN ADAMS DRAWING CONCLUSIONS: THE EDUCATOR’S RESPONSE 27 MAY / 15.00–17.00 / £5 Adams will consider the potency of drawing as language and as a key element in the education of children, referring to her work as the Director for Power Drawing and using additional references from the NAEA’s Learning Through Drawing Collection.

HAROON MIRZA: ARTIST IN CONVERSATION 24 JUNE / 15.00 / £5, YSP MEMBERS £4 Hear Mirza in conversation with Dr Suchitra Sebastian, Lecturer in Physics at the Maxwell Centre and Director of the Cavendish ArtsScience Project, University of Cambridge. The artist will discuss his new intervention in James Turrell’s Deer Shelter Skyspace at YSP and his wider practice.

ART & LANDSCAPE TOUR EVERY SAT & SUN UNTIL 29 OCTOBER 11.30–12.30 / FREE / BOOKING ADVISED Meet our team of volunteers for a free guided walk and talk to explore the sculpture in the landscape. The perfect introduction to YSP.

September EXHIBITION WALK AND TALK WITH RANA BEGUM 14 SEPT / 18.30 / £6 YSP MEMBERS £5 Explore Occasional Geometries: Rana Begum Curates the Arts Council Collection with the artist and guest curator as she discusses her practice and her inspiration behind the exhibition. The event is introduced by YSP Senior Curator Helen Pheby.

June KALEIDOSCOPE: TWO O’CLOCK TUESDAYS 6 JUNE / 14.00 / FREE BA Fine Art students from Leeds Beckett University will share their perspectives on the work displayed in Kaleidoscope: Colour and Sequence in 1960s British Art, discussing its impact on their own practice. CORNELIA PARKER: ARTIST TALK 13 JUNE / 19.00–20.15 / £10 YSP MEMBERS £8 Hear internationally renowned artist Cornelia Parker talk about her practice, influences and work, including Neither From Nor Towards (1992), which can be seen installed in YSP’s 18th century Chapel as part of [Re]construct.

PAINTER’S PROGRESS: THE JOURNEY FROM HERE TO THERE 16 SEPT / 15.00–17.00 / £5 A talk by Tom Wood, painter, portraitist and former professor of Fine Art at Bretton Hall College, outlining his own recent work with reference to selected items from the National Arts Education Archive.

To find out more and to book online visit

YSP Family May KALEIDOSCOPE: READY STEADY… PRINT! 31 MAY / 12.00–16.00 / FREE / DROP IN (AIMED AT ALL AGES) Join artist and printmaker Sally Gilford for this fun and free screen printing workshop and explore the shapes, colours and repeated forms found in 1960s abstract art. Using the brightly coloured sculptures and paintings on display in Kaleidscope as your inspiration, you can make your very own work of art to take home. June ARTS AWARD FAMILY STUDIO 1 JUNE, 4 & 23 AUGUST / 11.00–13.00 & 14.00–16.00 / FREE (AIMED AT AGE 6+) Is your family working on their Arts Award Discover or Explore? Our Arts Award Family Studio gives you a free space to think and create, and a base to explore our current Arts Council Collection National Partners Programme exhibitions. TOGETHER WE PLAY: [RE]CONSTRUCT FAMILY SCULPTURE WORKSHOP 10 JUNE / 11.00–12.30 & 14.00–15.30 / £3 (AIMED AT AGE 6+) Led by performer Natalie Bellingham, be inspired by the works in the [Re]construct exhibition. Work together to reimagine and recreate your own sculptural installations, and enjoy how space can shape a work of art. TEETERING TALES 24 JUNE / 11.00–12.30 & 14.00–15.30 / £3 (AIMED AT UNDER 6S) Travel with storyteller Oksana Tyminska to discover artworks by Tony Cragg as you move, stretch and bend to imagine how he made his sculptures. Followed by a visit to the Hidden Forest for some child led play.

July OUTDOOR SCULPTURE BUILDING: COME RAIN, COME SHINE EVERY TUES BETWEEN 25 JULY & 29 AUG 11.00–12.00 & 13.30–14.30 / £3 Immerse yourself in an imaginative world of sculpture making. Work and play together to build sculptures inspired by artists in the Park. FRAME, FOCUS, SHOOT: PHOTOGRAPHY FOR BIGGER KIDS 26 JULY / 11.00–13.00 & 14.00–16.00 / £3 (AIMED AT AGE 6+) Work with local photographer David Lindsay to curate a series of photographs that tell your own story of the Tony Cragg exhibition. LITTLE EXPLORERS FOR UNDER 5S 27 JULY, 31 AUG & 28 SEPT (LAST THURS OF THE MONTH) / 10.30–12.00 & 13.00– 14.30 / £3 (AIMED AT UNDER 5S) Adventure awaits in YSP’s Hidden Forest, our dedicated space for under 5s. Jump, laugh, make, sing, and play beneath the trees. Enjoy this magical space together in the beauty of the outdoors. MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME: FAMILY STUDIO SPACE SUN–TUES BETWEEN 30 JULY & 5 SEPT 11.00–16.00 / FREE (AIMED AT ALL AGES) A drop-in space with lots of family friendly activities which explore ideas inspired by current exhibitions at YSP.

YSP Members August ANIMAL ESCAPADES 2 AUG / 11.00–12.00, 13.00–14.00 & 15.00–16.00 / £3 (AIMED AT UNDER 6S) Meet Monkey, Rabbit, Ox and friends as you participate in an animal escapade with storyteller Oksana Tyminska. THE ARTCART 5 & 25 AUG / 11.00–16.00 / FREE (AIMED AT ALL AGES) Bring your friends and family and take part in some art making, art thinking, and art playing. The ARTcart is inspired by the Tony Cragg exhibition and our outdoor sculptures, and will roam the Park throughout the day. See if you can find us! SHAPE AND COLOUR OF LIGHT: FAMILY DROP-IN 9 AUG / 11.00–12.30 & 13.15–16.00 / FREE (AIMED AT ALL AGES) Discover how artists have used light, colour and shape in the Occasional Geometries exhibition. Explore the sculptures, paintings and drawings with your family through fun and creative activities in this drop-in workshop. ART ADVENTURERS 19 AUG / 10.30–12.00 & 13.00–14.30 / £3 (AIMED AT AGE 5+) Join performer Natalie Bellingham for an interactive outdoor storytelling adventure. Taking on the role of an art agent, you will embark on a top secret mission, investigating sculptures, searching for clues and uncovering mysteries to complete your task. September DISCOVER, EXPLORE: FAMILY ARTS AWARD DROP-IN WORKSHOP 16 & 17 SEPT / 13.00–16.00 / FREE (AIMED AT AGE 5–11) Join our family drop-in activities to find out how you can embark on an Arts Award journey. Work with artist Sarah-Jane Mason to explore art from the Arts Council Collection and YSP exhibitions, and be inspired to make your own creations that can support Arts Award Discover and Explore.

June CURATOR’S TOUR: TREAD SOFTLY [RE]CONSTRUCT 10 JUNE / 11.00–12.30 / £8 Join Curator Sarah Coulson for an exclusive tour of two exhibitions featuring work from the Arts Council Collection. Tread Softly presents works in which artists explore childhood experience and familial relationships, revisiting and reassessing pivotal moments and people within their lives. While [Re]construct questions what we know and understand about architecture. July APPRECIATING MOORE AND HEPWORTH 1 JULY / 10.30–12.00 / £5 Join YSP volunteer Kathryn Barnes for a tour of sculpture in the open air at YSP. Including the Country Park’s iconic Henry Moore’s, and the newly refurbished and sited Barbara Hepworth, Family of Man, the tour is followed by an optional lunch in YSP Restaurant (not included in the price).

YSP Wild June WILD WALKS 3 JUNE / 11.00 / FREE Join members of the YSP WILD team and nature enthusiasts on an informative expedition around the historic woodland and lakes. Find out what calls YSP home and uncover new and interesting sights along the way.

YSP Workshops June LOMOGRAPHY AT YSP 4 JUNE / 13.00–16.00 / £10 Join Lomography at YSP for a special Fisheye 2 workshop where you’ll learn all the tips and tricks of this super wide angled 35mm camera. You’ll learn about double exposures, flips and the power of a good close-up. This is your chance to explore the Park in analogue. MIDSUMMER METAL 24–25 JUNE (TWO-DAY COURSE) 10.00–17.00 / £270 Led by Brian Fell and Owen Cunningham the midsummer metal course takes place over two days in YSP’s metal workshop. Enjoy the opportunity to explore the use of metal to draw and divide space. July STONE CARVING 5–9 JULY, 16–20 AUG & 6–10 SEPT (FIVE-DAY COURSE) / 10.00–16.00 / £305 Led by Marcia Bennett-Male, these five-day stone carving courses are open to all levels of ability. Learn the techniques of carving stone, allowing time to develop and refine skills. PAPER QUILT WORKSHOP WITH ALICE PATTULO 8 JULY / 10.00–16.00 / £85, YSP MEMBERS £80 Taking inspiration from Alice Pattulo’s exhibition, Of House and Home, produce your own cut, collaged and decorated paper patchwork piece. Explore mark-making, print techniques and work with the artist to create your own design. SCULPTURE SKILLS: STONE CARVING 29 & 30 JULY (ONE-DAY COURSE) 10.00–16.00 / £60 Join Marcia Bennett-Male for a one-day introduction to stone carving. This course provide an opportunity to work on a relief based carving in Ancaster limestone, with a strong emphasis on working with hand tools from start to finish.

August BRONZE CASTING 2–6 AUG (FIVE-DAY COURSE) 10.00–16.00 / £595 An exciting opportunity to complete a five-day bronze casting course that simplifies the process, enabling you to learn complex casting techniques. WOOD CARVING 9–13 AUG (FIVE-DAY COURSE) 10.00–16.00 / £305 Led by Arthur De Mowbray, on this course you will learn a wide range of woodworking techniques, using a variety of tools such as saws, chisels, axes and gouges. WIRE BIRD MAKING WITH CHRIS MOSS 12 AUG / 10.00–16.00 / £85, YSP MEMBERS £80 This one-day course starts with a brief introduction by Chris Moss on her own practice and inspiration. During this workshop, you’ll learn basic wire techniques and discover how to use them to create your own scribbly wire wren, sparrow or robin. September PARLOUR PASTIMES: PAPER FLOWER ARRANGING WITH ALICE PATTULO 16 SEPT / 10.00–16.00 / £85, YSP MEMBERS £80 Inspired by Alice Pattulo’s screen print series in Of House and Home, explore Victorian parlour pastimes to produce a selection of cut and collaged paper flowers to be ‘arranged’ in a pre-printed paper vase provided by Alice.

To find out more and to book online visit

YSP Heritage

YSP Unique

June HISTORIC LANDSCAPE WALKS: FREE INTRODUCTORY TALKS 10 JUNE, 1 JULY, 5 AUG & 23 SEPT 14.00–15.00 / FREE / BOOKING ADVISED A free series of short introductory walks to explore the Park’s interesting past. Each tour will showcase a particular aspect of the Park’s history, from the building of the Chapel, interesting historical features and follies, including the old pump house and Belle Vista.

June STILL LOOKING: MINDFULNESS AND ART 13 JUNE, 11 JULY, 8 AUG & 12 SEPT 11.00–13.00 / £20 Take time out for yourself and experience art mindfully. This event also includes tasty refreshments and time to share your experiences with the group.

THE CREATION OF BRETTON’S LAKES 24 JUNE / 15.00 / £8.50 (INC. DRINKS, CAKE AND PARKING) Join the Heritage team for a special exclusive summer walk to explore the beautiful viewpoints around the lakes and discover the stories that surround them. August THE BRETTON FAMILY PLEASURE GROUNDS: SUMMER PICNIC 19 AUG / 15.00 / £8.50 (INC. DRINKS, TREATS AND FREE PARKING) A midsummer exploration of the kind of entertainment the families of the estate would have enjoyed. Explore Sir Thomas Wentworth’s and Diana Beaumont’s lavish entertainment that occurred at the lakes. Along the way, stop off at its many interesting follies and finish with some treats at the Greek Temple. September HERITAGE OPEN DAY 9 SEPT / 14.00 / FREE Join us for Heritage Open Days 2017, an annual celebration of England’s architecture and culture, and find out more about the Park’s history and its surrounding landscape.

ART & SOCIAL FOR OVER 55S 29 JUNE, 27 JULY, 31 AUG & 28 SEPT 14.00–16.00 / £5 Join our monthly social for over 55s and enjoy tea, coffee and cake, followed by a look around current exhibitions, a gentle walk, or perhaps a drawing or making activity. Whether you come alone or with a friend, we guarantee a warm welcome. July RECHARGE: YOGA RETREAT 27 AUG & 24 SEPT 10.00–16.00 / £75 Melt away your aches and pains and revive your energy in this special monthly yoga day. Taught by a range of teachers, each class focuses on different yoga styles and is followed by a delicious lunch and a nourishing afternoon activity.

14–16 July 2017 From dawn until dusk, experience everything that’s wonderful about YSP #YSP40

About YSP Events

Events at YSP range from artist talks and sculpture courses to family workshops and more, and aim to enrich the experience and understanding of sculpture. To find out more and to book online visit or talk to a member of staff at the Information Desk in YSP Centre. YSP Unique

YSP Members’ Exclusives

From poetry readings to film screenings, these events give a unique insight into the many facets of YSP’s artistic programme.

Join YSP as a Friend or Patron for your chance to take part in an exclusive range of special events.

YSP Family


The whole family can enjoy creating artworks together in our regular programme of bespoke workshops.

Find out about the wildlife that makes YSP its home with regular walks, talks and tours.

YSP Talks & Tours

YSP Food & Music

Meet the artists and curators behind our exhibitions programme or take a tour to find out more about art and landscape.

Celebrate the season with family and friends in our series of food and music events.

YSP Workshops

YSP Heritage

Learn a new skill, from wood carving to jewellery making, with the help of our expert tutors.

Explore the rich heritage of the Park, from the pleasure grounds of the Bretton Estate, to the captivating stories of families who once lived here.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park West Bretton, Wakefield WF4 4LG +44 (0)1924 832631 /

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