50 Ways to Play at YSP Play all day at YSP. Here’s our helpful 50 Ways to Play guide, packed with wild and wonderful free things to do every day of the week across YSP. See how many you can do today! Playing together helps children and adults relax, explore and share. So, why not be more playful? Play with our art and nature to lift your spirits, enjoy your day and test all your senses. You’re free to run around in the open air and explore. We also have lots of playful events to join in with. Share the ways you have played today using #YSPFamily ysp.org.uk yspsculpture YSPsculpture YorkshireSculpturePark
Relax, unwind and do nothing but be
Seek out the Greek Temple hidden in the trees around Upper Lake, share a story from long ago
Imagine the sculptures could talk – what would they say to you?
Spot the Highland cattle in Menagerie Wood. Do you think a cow is a moving sculpture?
Enjoy a picnic in the Park
See if you can spot the Henry Moore bronzes from Longside. Why do you think he wanted his sculptures to be seen outside?
See the field of poppies at Longside during the summer
Cast a shadow on Andy Goldsworthy’s Shadow Stone Fold in Country Park
Make music at Greyworld’s Playground
Step inside Seizure, a room of blue crystals created from the imagination of Roger Hiorns (open during school holidays and weekends)
Play hide and seek – seek out the sculptures and hide behind the trees
Spend some time with the sculptures in Barbara Hepworth’s The Family of Man. How has she given each member their own character?
Go on a scavenger hunt
Wave at One and Other by Antony Gormley
Cross the stepping stones in Menagerie Wood
Shhh, go quietly and try to spot a kingfisher around the lakes. See how many different types of birds you can see
Collect fallen leaves, twigs and feathers and create your own natural sculpture
Watch the cascades at Dam Head Bridge
Spot Hemali Bhuta’s Speed Breakers on Oxley Bank (be sure to look down!)
Capture sculptures from every angle with sculpture.cam. There are 10 to find
Walk up David Nash’s Seventy-one Steps
Find a special place at YSP, take a selfie and check in on Facebook using #YSPFamily
Cloud spot. Are clouds sculptures in the sky?
Find the cedar of Lebanon tree in the Formal Garden. Can you guess how old it is?
Take part in the WILD Explorer Nature Trail around Upper Lake
Look out for little birds roosting in the Asher Munn houses outside YSP Learning
Pick up the free playful packs in the galleries. Be inspired to look, draw, chat and make your own art
Count the shells in the Shell Grotto
ee how many different S objects you can spot in Dennis Oppenheim’s Trees from Alternative Landscape Components. What objects would you add?
Look out for newts and frogs in the Formal Garden pond
Take the 5km circular walk to Longside Gallery
Become a moving sculpture and roll down a hill
Let your dog take the lead and direct you to the next sculpture
Visit the Upper Lake bird hide and look for water voles
Find Jem Finer’s Longplayer – a music compilation that is one thousand years long
Count the sheep in the Country Park, but don’t fall asleep!
Go on a bug hunt and see what you can find – be careful with the mini-beasts who live at YSP though
Make shadow sculptures – use your body to make shapes and see what you can create
Enjoy our exhibition spaces free of charge
Puddle splash
Search for Andy Goldsworthy’s Hanging Trees on Oxley Bank
Shut your eyes and describe an artwork to a friend or family member. What did you remember? What did you forget?
Listen for woodpeckers near Brian Fell’s Ha-Ha Bridge
Visit Lady Eglinton’s well
Find a sculpture of a hare that has objects hidden within. Make up a story using these objects
Take in the view from the top of the Bothy Garden and play ‘I Spy’
Tell a joke as you cross the Ha-Ha Bridge
Close your eyes and spin around. Count to ten and stand still. Open your eyes and take a photograph of what you see
Play pooh sticks from the bridges over the River Dearne
Come again!