The best of Oman
HEALTH: Strong foundations DESTINATION: Wadi Qurai
JAN 26 - FEB 01 2017 / ISSUE 455 • WEEKLY
COMPETITION Celebrate Y’s ninth anniversary by entering our competition. There are a lot of exciting prizes to be won. Turn to P34 for more details.
ROAD ACCIDENT FATALITY RATE Accident rates have consistently dropped across the Sultanate, however, the death rate has increased, especially among expat drivers, new reports suggest.
TEMPERATURES The temperatures across the Sultanate have dropped following the heavy rains that poured down this week.
THIS WEEK… Team Y has been taking advantage of the cooler temperatures and rain by introducing our intern, Taylor, to the delights of wadi bashing in Al Khoud, cruising Shatti with friends and visiting our favourite Thai restaurant.
Ways to get your Y fix Online: Visit for even more inspiration. Smart device: Catch up with Y on the go by scanning the QR code below
Welcome to Y Magazine – your top guide to the best of Oman every week.
Fast forward
anuary 26 marks a very special day in Oman. Not only are we celebrating Republic Day in India and Australia Day in my home country, Y Magazine is also celebrating a milestone. That’s right – today is Y’s ninth anniversary! Y Magazine has come a long way since first rolling off the presses nine years ago, evolving into a bold, innovative, engaging publication that covers the country’s vibrant scene and social trends with in-depth features, interviews, lifestyle articles and news. Over the past 12 months, we’ve tackled a range of issues, from the horrifying bus crashes in January and March last year (which killed 25 people and injured dozens of others in the space of just five weeks) to climate change, the squeeze on the country’s economy thanks to recordlow oil prices, the taboo topic of mental health, cancer awareness and road safety; to name but a few. We also celebrated Oman’s 46th National Day with our third edition of our popular Portrait By A Nation competition – gathering more than 1,500 children around the country to create lasting tributes to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said. I think it’s safe to say that it’s been a big year for Y and the team, who have worked tirelessly to bring you the best of everything in Oman. Last, but certainly not least, birthdays are about gifts and to thank our readers, we’d like to give back, and have some amazing prizes to give away this week – turn to p34-35 for details. As we move into our 10th year, we shall continue to evolve and give you all the best that Y has to offer. Have a great week and thank you for all your support and encouragement!
EDITOR IN CHIEF Sayyida Iman bint Hamad bin Hamood Al Busaidi MANAGING EDITOR Felicity Glover
@ytabloid /ytabloid
/ytabloid ymagazine /ymagazine
Y Magazine is published by SABCO Press, Publishing & Advertising LLC / Y is a SABCO Media product.
CEO Eihab Abutaha We’d love to hear your news and views. For editorial enquiries, please email Want to read Y on the go? Scan our digital issue here: Download any QR reader from iTunes or Google Play to read Y on the go
Write to us at Y Magazine, SABCO Media, PO Box 3779, Ruwi 112, Sultanate of Oman. JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
JAN 26 - FEB 01 2017
Your Oman 06 Coffee With Y Santrupth G R Vedanti 08 Voice Of Oman Kevin McIndoe 10 News Heavy rain hits Oman
20 9th Anniversary Special Best Cover Stories 22
This Week 16 ROHM Review Eugene Onegin 20 Movies Weaponized
12 This Week International kids 14 Faces Of Oman
Features Top 9 Destination, Omani symbols, cars, moments, sport and gadgets
34 Competition Celebrate our birthday with great prizes
15 Hyundai – Driven To Success Adil Habib Moosa al Lawati
Cars and Adventures Food and Drink 3o Y Celebrates Top 9 restaurants 31 Best Of Top 9 Omani recipes
41 Destination Wadi Qurai
Health and Beauty
46 First Drive Porche 718 Boxster S
44 Y-Fi Multi-tasking gadgets
36 Fashion Little darlings 38 Beauty The SiliSponge 39 Health Strong kids
h G R ntrupt
Jeevan Blesson sits down with drumming sensation Santrupth G R Vedanti and ta lks about his passion for percussion and plans for the future
rumming prodigy his band’s lead singer Haitham also teaches different techniques Santrupth G R Vedanti performed at the Ohio University began his love for his and polishes the skills of each campus in the US, as part of instrument at the tender age of indi vidu al,” he says. Oman’s 46th National Day three. As he watched television San trup th also plans to enrol in celebrations. and videos, his parents noticed a dipl om a course on drumming. “The Omani students’ that he was keeping a beat in tim Spe akin g e about his experience cou ncil team had watched our to the music. of sharing a stage with Indian performances on YouTube and His proud parents, Kavitha and music director A R Rahman, he Instagram, which made them Ramakrishna, decided to channe says l : “It was a dream come true invite us to the National Day his skills by introducing him to the and it was a once-in-a-lifetime celebrations there,” he says. magical world of percussion. experience.” “We had a great time and were Santrupth has given numerous overwhelmed by their hospitality. The teenager also wants to performances, one of the most “Ou buil r d a career in engineering, and 90min ute set wowed the memorable of which was audience and they were happy by his amb ition is to take his music to playing alongside the legendary our performance.” Santrupth also the nee dy. A R Rahman and Sivamani in praised Haitham, who is currently “I want to bring happiness Muscat, which he considers the taking part in a television musica into their lives through my l biggest achievement in his nascen t reality show in India. drumming,” he says. musical career. “He is definitely talented and In 2014, Santrupth raised He has also enjoyed a rare gifted. I am sure he will come RO 1,000 for the Oman Cancer opportunity to play with the trio through with flying colours and Association (OCA) during his Gino Banks, Dilip Doshi and if he does it would be a feather in performances across the capital. Arunkumar. the cap of Red Khanjer,” he says . Now 16, Santrupth plays drums He knows that his parents have Santrupth, a student of Indian for Red Khanjer, a musical band played a prominent part in his School Muscat (ISM), has that has made quite an impression musical progress. achieved Grade 8 in Drums from in the local community over the “I have reached this level the Trinity College of Music, past couple of years. because of my parents’ support London. He believes he is the He also trains under B A and encouragement, which has youngest performer to attain this Sukumar, one of India’s top bro ught me here,” Santrupth says. grade. drummers, and is also an expert “M y parents have always He also completed a five-week in percussive instruments such sup por ted me in pursuing programme at the Berklee College as acoustic drums, Mridangam, my dreams. They always feel of Music (BCM) in the US. The Khajan and Chenda. honoured when my teachers and college, in Boston, Massachusetts , Santrupth has been with Red mentors appreciate me and they is the largest independent college Khanjer since it formed two years of contemporary music in the always say that they are really ago. world. It is also widely known as bles sed to have a son like me,” he Intensive practice and the world’s foremost institute for adds. rehearsals have made them a the study of jazz and modern “And my second home, Oman, tight band, with a powerful sound American music. has always lent a lot of support to that audiences are starting to take “BC M has give Red n me Khanjar and myself.” an notice of. opportunity to work with many Their forte lies in their ability Grammy Award winners like Have you got a unique story to tell or do to mix genres, and perform in you know someone who has? Contact us James Murphy and Victor English, Hindi and Arabic. to have coffee with Y and be featured in Wooten and also to work in a Y Recently, Sandtrupth and Magazine. cross-cultural environment. It Email:
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
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correspondence DEBATE OF THE WEEK WE ASKED: What more can be done to encourage the recycling of rubbish in Oman? JASON FELIX NORONHA
cots all over the world were this week celebrating the birth of Scotland’s “Bard”, Robert Burns, on January 25. Rabbie, as Scots prefer to call him, penned Auld Lang Syne, which some have called the “world national anthem”. But I think one of his greatest works is A Man’s A Man For A’ That. This, a simple yet profound take on the human psyche, is based on one principle ie that we are all basically the same. A slice of it goes: “A Man’s a Man for a’ that; For a’ that, and a’ that, Their tinsel show, an’ a’ that; The honest man, tho’ e’er sae poor, Is king o’ men for a’ that As many of Muscat’s Scots tucked into the traditional Burns Supper (haggis, neeps (turnip) and tatties (potatoes), they were celebrating a great artist and thinker. Burns, a farmer, was regularly asked to assume the role of “court jester” in the smart salons of 18th century Edinburgh. And he was savvy enough to know he was often being patronised as the “ploughman poet”. Yet this poor man’s artistry has endured all over the world for a reason; not only for the richness of his language but also for the themes he explored. The world changes but the DNA of the human condition does not, and Burns mined it. He took the joys, travails and injustices of life and turned them into work that could be powerful, poignant, incisive or amusing. When things aren’t going as they should, either in our own lives or in the world at large, we might do well to read, and remember, some of the words of Robert Burns.
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Recycling is something that is still unknown to a lot of the population. The recycling of paper has been prevalent for a long time. First and foremost, the people in charge need to develop grassroots programmes across the country in which everyone can be educated on the process, the benefits and the effects that recycling can have on our environment and our way of living. Special curricula covering this subject should be added in the primary schools so that our kids are made aware that even rubbish can be of use if properly utilised. A clear understanding of what constitutes rubbish, how it can be recycled and how it can benefit society at large will go a long way in making our beloved Oman a much better place to live in.
To encourage the recycling of rubbish in Oman, strict rules should be adopted, and awareness of recycling schemes in schools should be created among the students. This would help to improve the environment and reduce the amount of money spent on waste disposal. Nowadays we are reproducing rubbish: if we don’t want to be buried in rubbish, we should think twice about it by re-using plastic bags and recycling our glass bottles. In short, to encourage the recycling of rubbish in Oman, awareness about “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” needs to be created in the minds of people; in schools, offices, hospitals and homes. It is up to us to understand the importance of recycling to create a clean, healthy and fresh environment in Oman.
Oman should adopt the strategy towards recycling practised by countries like Sweden. Complacency in this regard is dangerous, and
we are already starting to see the environmental impact as a result. Before incinerating garbage, it is first filtered by home and business owners. Things that can be recycled are separated (such as food scraps and paper products), and anything that can be salvaged is set aside. Because would-be waste is carefully examined, it leaves relatively little rubbish that needs a landfill. One proposed approach rejects the Western practice of throwing things away all together. Things that would normally see their way to a trash bin such as clothing, shoes, or bicycles could instead be repaired.
The issue here is not just about awareness, it also involves responsibility. Each one of us is responsible for waste generation so we should also have a role in reducing and recycling our waste. For me it is quite simple, every household should be incentivised to reduce the waste they generate and recycle. There are many models to copy. One concept often used is based upon the more waste you produce the more you pay. Even if the charge does not encourage everyone to be more thrifty with their waste generation it does at least fund recycling at the end of the day. Adding a value to the waste will also encourage recycling. For instance, you could apply a value of, say 50 cents, to a PET bottle that would be returned when that bottle is placed in a recycling station. Education alone will not change the current situation; putting a value on waste by making the public buy in to it will.
To encourage the recycling of waste it is important that the awareness of recycling is generated through community awareness. This should be addressed in schools so that pupils become aware of the issue. Cottage industries should also be encouraged to produce more product made of recyclable matter.
I think encouraging people to get in the habit of assembling products for recycling would be a good way to start. For instance, grouping paper and cardboard in one place, glass in another, and tin cans and plastic boxes in another. The authorities should make grants available to contractors willing and able to collect a certain number of recyclable products. Moreover, this would save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But even doing
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something simple like saving paper wrapping and decorations for use again next year would help to foster a better attitude towards recycling.
It is all about inculcating the habit in the minds of younger ones. Let us begin it at home by looking at the items and materials stored. If they are not touched or are lying unused for six months or more, get rid of them by giving them away to needy ones! You will be setting a good lesson to your children and also successfully encouraging the recycling process.
The practice should be introduced to pupils in schools by setting up different colouredboxes in which to put things for recycling. For example, plastic cartons put in one box; cardboard and paper in another. Yes, we know it can be time-consuming but educating kids about ecological issues surrounding the buildup of waste will be easier in the long run.
Recycling should not just be an awareness programme but also an encouraging habit that makes us environmentally responsible. I believe that people are still not wholly
aware of this programme or its basic rules. In order to encourage recycling , we all must come together. Schools should incorporate recycling into their curriculum workplaces and residential complexes should also follow the example. Media and the municipality can play their part by starting up a recycling competition and reward the most active participants.
New Debate: Y Magazine celebrates its 9th anniversary today. What’s your best memory of Y Magazine or your favourite feature?
Share your view with us on Facebook and you could be in with a chance of winning dinner for two.
The initiative taken on recycling of rubbish by the Oman government is welcome and we should be putting it into practice and moving on with it. We find different schools and colleges and organisations now recycling rubbish. There have been advertisements creating awareness on the recycling of newspaper and other rubbish. The importance of waste management has become an important topic even in school text books. But I feel though that even if every initiative is taken to encourage the recycling of rubbish, are we sure that this practice has reached everyone? Putting up posters in malls, schools and colleges or giving away prizes to those who have set an example would help bring in some changes. Oman is a beautiful place to live in and to make it even more beautiful the keys to start are in our hands. Make a difference!
MARISSA MARTILLANO was spotted with her favourite Y Magazine in Muscat Happy chinese new year 2017 2017
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JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
esidents of Muscat were awakened by the unmistakable sound of rain and thunder on Tuesday ( January 24), as the capital marked its first thunderstorms of the year. Earlier in the day, thundershowers were also reported in the areas of North Al Batinah and Buraimi. The Public Authority for Civil Aviation (PACA) reported that the governorates of Musandam, South Al Batinah, Al Dhahira, Al Dakhliya, and North and South Al Sharqiya were also among the recipients of the country’s first heavy rains to lash the country this year. “The rains are a blessing, to be honest. There were light showers in my area [Ruwi], last week too, but this time round there was thunder and lightning too. I was very excited when I got up for work in the morning,” says Yahya, an engineer working in Muscat. “After all, it is not every day that we get to experience rains here. However, this also means that the roads will get dangerous.” The Public Authority for Civil Defence and Ambulance was on alert and safety experts urged citizens to exercise caution when driving on slippery roads. The heavy downpours also led to the filling up of wadis, which disrupted the flow of normal traffic in various areas across the Sultanate.
JAN 12 - 18 / ISSUE 453
Impatient drivers attempting to cross overflowing wadis have often been the cause of accidents in the past, sometimes leading to loss of life. “There is a wadi crossing near my house, which filled up with water,” said Hussain. “The level was well above the red marking, but I still saw many SUVs and buses crossing the wadi. This is in tone with reckless driving, as it puts the passengers at risk,” he added. Afternoon classes at Indian School Muscat, Indian School Wadi Kabir and Indian School Darsait were cancelled because of the bad weather. Meanwhile, the rains also brought temperatures down to a cooler 17 degrees in the capital, while reports of temperatures falling as low as four degrees Celsius was reported in the mountains of Jebal Shams. Meanwhile, the city of Saiq and Yanqul also reported temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius. The weather analysis of The National Multi Hazards and Early Warning Centre said the rain was caused by a trough of low pressure over the Sultanate. The storms were also accompanied by north to north-west winds, which caused sea levels to rise moderately along the coastal areas of Musandam and the Sea of Oman, with a maximum wave height of 2.5 metres, according to the PACA.
Channel your inner chef with Chez Sushi down at Al Mouj. There, you can master a range of recipes from California rolls to Maki rolls, with the aim of creating your very own sushi platter for just RO16. Organised with the Women’s Guild in Oman (WGO), beginners are welcome to learn, and advanced students are encouraged to exceed their expectations and experiment with the art of sashimi. Register your interest with WGO at their regular Wednesday coffee mornings or go to for more information.
J A N U A R Y Immerse yourself in the 62 cultures comprising The International School of Choueifat. From 2pm – 4pm, you can enjoy a diverse range of food and drink prepared by the pupils’ families. There will be live performances and you can head down to ISC campus in Al Hail South for the ultimate ethnic experience, free of charge.
Celebrate humanity in this fulfilling yet thoughtprovoking film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Enjoy the scenes of culture and life at this outdoor screening of Human, which will bring you face to face with the Other. Enjoy the movie, which is in French (with English subtitles), at The CFO in MSQ at 7pm.
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
JAN 28
aces of
Welcome to Y’s weekly photo series that profiles the diverse characters who call the Sultanate home Name: Tanya Shvachko Age: 33 From: Ukraine Occupation: Fitness instructor Passion: Yoga, travelling
Photo: Shaquel al Balushi
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Name: Alex Nikitin Age: 28 From: Russia Occupation: Personal fitness coach Passion: Travelling
Name: Anna Dyakova Age: 29 From: Belarus Occupation: Fitness instructor, fitness bellydance Passion: Travelling
After obtaining a master’s degree in human resources from Majan University College, Adil Habib Moosa al Lawati, 34, started his career with Gulf Air before opening the Richoux – a restaurant and coffee shop situated in Muscat’s Opera Galleria and Al Mouj Q: What drives you to success? The way I have worked so far is that I set goals for myself, which I try to achieve. I make my own checklist – a list of things I want to do or become – and then do my best to make that my goal. This motivates me and drives me forward. Q: Who or what has been your inspiration in your career? There are lots of people who are successful in their own fields who have inspired me deeply. My mother is one person who has taught me so much. She is a teacher, and has been working in that field for the past 40 years. And I asked myself that if she could do what she loved, then why couldn’t I? Of course, a lot of Omani entrepreneurs who started from scratch and reached high levels also inspire me. I try to learn about how they fulfill their responsibilities to the community, and also about their work ethic. Q: What is your biggest career success to date? My biggest success to date is the switch from being an employee to an employer. That had been my biggest thought and goal when I was young. But as I grew older, that became a dream, and soon, a target of mine to achieve. To be honest, opening the Richoux happened a little earlier than I thought. That has also been my biggest career success to date. In my career, I had always wanted to do something of my own. And instead of putting in my time and effort
working. For me, this is doing what I love the most. Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time? In the coming decade, I would like to open two other branches within Muscat, as well as establish a few outlets in places like Salalah and Sohar. On a personal level, I have always wanted to learn to speak six languages. So far, I have been successful enough to learn four (English, Arabic, Hindi and Lawati). My next target is to learn Italian, and maybe French or Persian (Farsi). for someone else, I wanted to do something for myself. And that is another thing that I have been successful in achieving. Q: What are your career goals? Now that I have opened up Richoux, my new goal is to see the company grow and maintain stability within this market. I would also like to expand beyond Oman and set up some businesses outside the country. The key is to do something that you love. And as a young boy, going to coffee shops and trying out new cuisines interested me. So, when I was opening up my business, I knew what I wanted to do. With Richoux, I can work for 12 hours straight, and it still does not feel like
Q: What do you like about the Genesis? I am truly amazed by this car. The handling is crisp and sharp, and the performance from the engine is fantastic. In addition to that, I found the ride to be very cozy and smooth – something that I miss even in many premium vehicles. From a design standpoint, I feel that the Genesis really captures true Korean essence, and fine-tunes it to another level altogether. Honestly, this is a well-sorted car, and I think it is a safe bet to say that the Genesis is a winner.
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
THE RUSSIA HOUSE Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin basked in the glow of a stark set design at the Royal Opera House Muscat but was no less powerful for all that, writes Georgina Benison
Photo credit: Khalid al Busaidi, ROHM
chaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin is not the sort rich, warm colours and backdrops fitting for a of opera that will have you sobbing into Russian tragedy. a tub of overpriced ice-cream at the The chorus was wearing black-and-white interval. dresses and black, Russian suits, which gave the Rather, it’s a more restrained yet refined saga soloists the chance to stand out in their colourful of sorrow, love and death. costumes. Based on Alexander Pushkin’s poetic novel of The orchestra only began the Overture after the same name, it curiously reflects aspects of the some minutes of silent mime, under the baton Russian composer’s own life. of conductor Felix Korobov, and the mood This version, by the Moscow State Stanislavsky swiftly changed to a light, innocent scene of Music Theatre at the ROHM, worked well with a pastoral delight, with the four female protagonists minimalist set design and stylised period costumes scattering blossom playfully from a veranda as well as, of course, an excellent orchestra and overlooking their garden. superb performances all round. This led seamlessly to the unusual opening aria, The story begins with a dreamy country girl, which used the sparse sound of a single harp and Tatyana, who falls in love with a young man four ladies’ voices. from the big city. Romantically, she pours her I was unfamiliar with the opera but the music intoxicated feelings into a love letter but she was deliciously, unmistakeably Tchaikovsky is rejected and humiliated by the emotionally from beginning to end, with echoes of the Fourth cold, bored and nihilistic object of her passion – Symphony and Romeo and Juliet, and included his Eugene Onegin. famous Entr’acte and waltz music in Act 2. This production began in eerie silence, with Tchaikovsky’s orchestration here was lush and four mime artists dressed in ashen-white, acting rich, with a clever use of horns and evocative out a prologue to the drama, including the central woodwind, suggesting Russian folk songs, or a duel scene. shepherd’s pipe. The set consisted of eight suspended pillars, This love letter from Act 1, scene 2 provides the which could be angled or turned throughout the pivotal point of the drama, and its intensity stems opera. from its personal relevance to the composer, who These were all derived from the setting of the also received a similar confessional letter from his original 1922 performance in which the venue pupil, Antonina Milyukova. had structural columns in the room. It sent him into a state of delirium prompting It became, at various stages, a garden veranda, conflicting emotions, culminating in a failed Tatyana’s bedroom, a washing line, a cloakroom, marriage and an attempted suicide. trees in the duel-scene and a ballroom chandelier. This version was performed on two nights in However, the stark set would not have been to Muscat with different casts, but on Thursday the everyone’s taste; some would have preferred the part of Tatyana was sung exquisitely by Natalia
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Petrozhitskaya opposite the baritone Dmitri Zuev in the title role, with the fine lyrical tenor, Sergey Balashov, as the tragic friend-turned-rival, Vladimir Lensky. On both nights Prince Gremin was sung superbly by the deep expressive bass voice of Roman Ulybin and the warm tone at the bottom of his range called to mind the famous Russian bass, Chaliapin. Olga, Tatyana’s frivolous younger sister, was played on both nights by the delightful mezzosoprano, Larisa Andreeva, in an energetically demanding role. She is, after all, the cause of the duel that affects the course of destiny for all the characters. The final duet between Tatyana and Onegin was softly haunting yet lyrical. It resembles the final scene of Bizet’s Carmen but without the tragic murder of the heroine. The tables are turned, and now Onegin is the rejected lover, left to lament the cruelty of fate while Tatyana bravely remains faithful to her newly-embraced destiny. This music is, without doubt, among Tchaikovsky’s finest and was driven by his personal identification with Onegin’s suffering. It reaches deep into the Russian psyche and its obsession with passion, nostalgia, regret, pessimism and the destructive power of fate. However, the opera itself is anything but depressing. Audience members left the theatre in cathartic happiness, with some remarking that this had been one of the best opera productions yet to visit Oman.
MOVIES MOVIES FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TIMES, GO TO: City Cinema: Al Bahja Cinema: VOX Cinemas: Star Cinema: Tel +968 24791641
Weaponized Guns, grenades and terrorism are all modern-day fears of today’s world. This well-crafted war action blockbuster unravels the plight of a damaged father Kyle Norris (Tom Sizemore), who is fighting for justice after his son’s death at the hands of terrorists. With the attack calling for a new kind of warfare, military contractor Norris helps to create the biomechanical weapon SWAP, which can switch the consciousness of a soldier and a target – giving the soldier complete control of the target’s actions. On his return from the battlefield, veteran Jack Simon bursts out from a mass shooting, which results in the death of a senator. After
THIS WEEK'S QUESTION Who plays Kyle Norris in Weaponize? LAST WEEK'S WINNER Sanam Khalid
stumbling upon the weapon, Detective Mitch Walker (Johnny Messner) illicitly interrogates Jack to help put him in the clear. Director Timothy Woodward has clearly been influenced by classics like 1984 or Brave New World but this rather rushed-looking effort just isn’t in that league, to put it mildly. A big letdown is a clichéd collection of characters, which includes an Asian computer whiz and an eccentric professor (Mickey Rourke). However, despite a predictable plot, it offers a unique twist on war and its repercussions, which is welcome. Review by Taylor Glover
TO BE IN WITH A CHANCE TO WIN, just answer a question based on the week’s cinema reviews and send your answer to, along with your name and contact information. Tickets must be collected from Y’s Seeb offices in person only. For the rest of the terms and conditions, see voucher. Contact: Movie enquiries 2460 7360
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Tyler (Michael Campion) is in the doldrums over the death of his beloved dog. His doting father Tom (Patrick Muldoon) can’t bear to see his son sad and withdrawn so he puts his skills to the test to create a robotic dog. After inventing a super battery for a robo-dog to exist, his dastardly ex-boss Mr Willis (Wallace Shawn) won’t stop until he claims the industry-changing invention. Cue lots of silly internecine
strife in scenes dealing mainly with bad guys and romance. Revelling in clumsy special effects and a rather obvious plotline, director Jason Murphy may have had the small screen in mind with this effort. The kids might like it, though.
Jackie The most famous US First Lady of them all needs a powerhouse actress to give her a decent big-screen outing. And she certainly gets it in this, in the form of Oscar-winner Natalie Portman. Pablo Larrain’s film focuses on character rather than plot to emphasise the notion of loss, grief and motherhood as well as the personal and political changes after JFK’s death in 1963. Larrain cleverly captures the style and culture of the era by integrating scenes with original news footage and selecting an impeccable cast, which includes Peter Sarsgaard.
Long View THE WORTHY Direct from Dubai, this action-packed thriller is for daring moviegoers only. The daily battle to live in this dystopian world has eradicated the most basic of needs, the primary one of which is water. Havoc reigns over the last survivors of director Ali Mastafa’s postapocalyptic world, when two mysterious characters appear at the gate of an abandoned aircraft factory. Suddenly, a thrilling game of cat-and-mouse begins and a blood bank builds. Mysterious and unforgiving deaths begin to occur and resources become scarce. The fight for survival becomes real. This one is for the thrill-seekers. Oman release date: February 23
Y’S TOP 9 COVER STORIES As Y Magazine celebrates its 9th anniversary, we have continued our bold and innovative coverage of the Sultanate’s trending issues. Over the following pages, we celebrate all things nine related to Y and Oman Fatal school bus accident rocks Oman Almost one year ago to the day, the lives of 34 schoolchildren from Indian School Nizwa were changed forever when their bus was hit by a truck on the way back from a field trip to Bahla. Six people were killed, including three pupils and a teacher. The community was left devastated while the tragedy raised serious questions over road safety and seat-belt use in Oman.
Special Investigation: Bus accident victims are not statistics The Sultanate was blighted by yet another bus crash that left 18 people dead and more than a dozen injured, and brought the death toll from bus-related accidents in Oman to 25 in less than five weeks. The latest crash involved three vehicles – a tourist bus, a truck and a car – which were involved in a pile-up on the road between Fahud and Ibri in March.
Global Meltdown: Climate change crisis
Y put climate change in the spotlight. In an interview with Y, Suaad al Harthi, the programme director at the Environment Society of Oman (ESO), an environmental NGO founded in 2004, said that climate change was the greatest challenge facing mankind and posed a “grave threat to future generations in every part of the world” – including in the Sultanate.
Ruthless trade of stealing pets In April, Y Magazine reported on a despicable crime-wave in Muscat – a rise in the kidnapping or “dognapping” of pedigree pets either to sell on or to breed. In some cases, we found that ransoms were being demanded for the return of the pet but stealing the animals for breeding was the biggest lure – pulling in thousands of rials for each litter.
Is the expat dream over?
As the fiscal squeeze tightened in Oman due to record-low oil prices, the dream was starting to turn sour for some expats who had made the country their home. Many were forced to leave due to losing their jobs or because of the rising cost of living in the Sultanate.
Stranded in Sawadi In June, Team Y headed to Barka, where a group of 70 workers had been stranded by their employer after the Al Sawadi Beach Resort was closed down, leaving them with no pay, food or electricity. While a local trade union came to their rescue, the workers were forced to borrow money just to survive and to support their families back home.
Wonder Women: We celebrate the strength of Oman’s single mums
With the divorce rate on the rise in Oman, Y Magazine met several single mothers to talk about the challenges they faced of bringing up their children while maintaining a career. We found their stories inspiring – and that divorce, once a stigma, is no longer an issue in modern-day Oman.
The khors of Khasab: Exploring magical Musandam
A rare opportunity to visit Musandam saw Team Y set off on an epic journey to Khasab, where we explored the stunning khors, or fjords, on a traditional dhow. We also headed up to Jebel Harim – Mountain of Women – on a safari like no other.
Portrait By A Nation Y’s annual art extravaganza, Portrait By A Nation, is one of the most popular events in Oman for children wanting to create lasting tributes to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said to celebrate National Day. Our 2016 event was the largest one yet, with more than 1,500 children entering our competition – many of whom impressed the judges with their artistic talents.
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Shaquel al Balushi picks nine of his favourite trips over the past year
Ruins of Al Hamra
Wakan Village
Al Amerat Wadi
ocated close to the heart of Bahla, Al Hamra happens to be one of my favourite destinations from last year. It is essentially an area where the past comes to life; with ruins mixing seamlessly with inhabited mudbrick houses. The entire village is like a maze, and it is very easy to get lost among all the rubble. Embarrassingly and rather inadvertently, we also entered someone’s house, thinking it was abandoned. There’s no “wrong time” to visit the area; the people are very hospitable, and the weather is also quite forgiving – even during the summer months.
akan Village is considered to be one of the hidden gems of Barka. The village is atop the mountains, and you can only access the village using a 4x4. Despite that, the village is truly mesmerising: it is very evident that the residents of the village have spent years taming the mountains to make it accessible to outsiders. Even then, I found it very hard to climb the steps that led to the foot of the village. Make sure you bring enough supplies if you’re planning on staying the night. Also, expect temperatures to plummet below the 10 degree Celsius mark.
Kbaikab Graveyard
Ras Abu Daud
adi Amerat is neither the most secluded wadi you can find nor the prettiest. But for one very good reason, it is a very emotional location for me. Back in 2007, when Cyclone Gonu hit Oman in all its fury, this was the wadi that flooded the whole area. But it soon became a symbol of our resilience and our unity as we overcame the incident fairly quickly. Of course, today the wadi is used by families and friends for camping and various other cultural activities. Thinking of a spot for a quick weekend getaway? Wadi Amerat is the perfect place for that.
oqum is another gem, hidden deep in the heart of Al Amerat. While the topography of the location is vastly rocky, it is an excellent area for trekking and other activities. But for me, the most striking feature of Hoqum is the mosque that lies en route to the destination. It is a very simple mosque: just four walls and a few doors make up the exterior. The simplicity of the mosque really touched me, and I found that to be the most salient feature of this area. If you’re planning on heading here, make sure your car is ready to tackle some gravel.
Saqlah Village
Sinaw Souk
baikab Graveyard has left me with more sleepless nights than any other. Most of that isn’t necessarily due to the haunting stories that surround the area, but because of the odd incidents I faced with my Jeep on my trip there. However, my third attempt to scour the area finally let me into the beautiful setting, which is Kbaikab. The underlying rocks are almost lunar-like in structure, and stretch for kilometres. It has to be seen to be believed. A 4x4 is a must for visiting the area, and make sure you pack extra food, water and even a couple of litres of fuel, just to be on the safe side.
he village of Saqlah lies in Al Batinah South and is largely untouched by the hands of modern civilisation. Sure, the people there receive electricity and basic amenities but otherwise, everything else is untainted by the outside world. If you’re heading here, you’ll be shocked by the sheer hospitality of the villagers, and they’ll even teach you a thing or two about their culture and heritage. However, it would be best if you go with some Arabic-speaking members.
Wadi Qabil
he wadi of Qabil is situated en route to Quriyat, and is well-known for its crystalclear waters, serene surroundings
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
as Abu Daud has to be the most striking beach in the entire country. For starters, the beach is completely secluded, with few or no visitors at all. Reaching the shores of the beach is quite a task as you have to take a boat out from Quriyat beach. Expect to pay RO15 to RO20 for a round trip but while you’re there, you can opt for fun activities such as snorkelling, sunbathing, swimming or even crab hunting. The setting is so pristine it belongs on a postcard.
f you’re tired of visiting the souks in Muttrah and Seeb, you should definitely try out Sinaw Souk. As the name suggests, it is situated in the city of Sinaw. The souk is most active on Thursdays, which is also the perfect time to visit. But one thing that really struck me is how much the residents in the area embrace Omani traditions. Upon getting out of my car, I felt like a foreigner (despite hailing from Muscat). Do visit the area if you’re looking for a nice time out with family. The people here are accustomed to expatriate visitors, and are very hospitable.
and social atmosphere. The water from the wadi is fed by a nearby dam and, therefore, there is a constant flow in the water, which flushes out any impurities. It is best to visit the wadi a few days (three to be on the safe side) after the dam has been opened, as the flow can be potentially life-threatening. It’s a great place to visit with friends and family, while it’s also a popular place to take a swim.
Junior chefs Junior chefs Junior chefs learn from master chefs called learn from master chefs called learn from master chefs called mom mom mom
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SALT & PEPPER SALT & PEPPER These fun mini pita breads will be a hit with the kids.
Milk Milk
These fun mini pita breads will be a hit with the kids.
Tree lunchbox Tree lunchbox CHILLI PEPPER CHILLI PEPPER
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An irresistible lunchbox idea packed with love your kids won’t say no to! An irresistible lunchbox idea packed with love your kids won’t say no to!
Milk Milk
Lunch Boxes Lunch Boxes Lunch Boxes packed with love
packed with love packed with love come back come come back back
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OMAN’S TOP 9 SYMBOLS There are many enduring symbols that represent the heart and soul of the Sultanate, and while everyone has a favourite, Shaquel al Balushi presents his top choices
Jebel Akhdar
Otherwise known as the “Green Mountain”, Jebel Akhdar is part of Oman’s renowned Al Hajar mountain range. The ancient villages along the way make for a wonderful road trip that requires a well-equipped 4WD to tackle the steep drive. Be aware that it’s hard to take your eyes off the breathtaking view of Wadi Ghul – Oman’s “Grand Canyon” – which is filled with stunning rock faces and blossoming flora.
Muttrah Souq
Believed to be one of the oldest souqs in the world, Muttrah Souq has a rich history. Idyllically positioned on the Corniche, it is an enchanting experience to visit the hustle and bustle of the bartering market. With a variety of fabrics, ornaments and antiques, the souq is a great place to roam around.
Muscat Gate
The infrastructure to identify a nation, Muscat Gate is often an underrated gem. Traditionally used to stop access in and out of ancient Muscat, this symbol has served its grand purpose yet has still maintained its venerable splendour. With stunning mosaic collections lining the walls surrounding the bridge, any sunset makes it a joy to pass beneath.
Riyam Park Frankincense burner Holding Oman’s distinct fragrance, a giant statue of “mabkhara” was erected to celebrate Oman’s 20th National Day. This traditional symbol of the Sultanate comes with great expectations of warding off evil spirits to keep Omanis safe. It was part of a momentous occasion to celebrate Oman and its leader, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said.
Omani khawa
A melange of sweet and earthy flavours can be found in Oman’s traditional coffee. With classic spices added to the sharpness of the beans, including cloves and cardamom, this is the perfect warm beverage to greet guests or celebrate special occasions. It is a distinct and aromatic part of Omani culture and is one that should be celebrated and cherished.
Al Mirani Fort
A tale of all being fair in love and war is part of the history of Al Mirani Fort. Oman was liberated through a Hindu supplier tricking a Portuguese commander into “replacing” his fort supplies, in return for the Hindu’s daughter’s hand in marriage. Through leaving the fort defenceless, Omanis retook the fort and kicked out the Portuguese. This is truly a totem of a triumphant event in Oman’s history.
Al Illam Palace
Located in Muscat, it is quite simply one of the most important royal residences of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said. The elaborate palace is redolent of Arabic style and décor, and can be viewed from the front gates of the palace. Built in 1972 shortly after His Majesty’s reign began, it stands as a symbol of progress, leadership and hope.
Grand Mosque
Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque is an enduring symbol in the capital, standing out on the city’s skyline. Housing the world’s second-largest carpet and chandelier, the Grand Mosque was completed in 2001 and is set on huge area of 416,000 square metres, and is surrounded by beautiful gardens. Able to hold up to 20,000 worshippers, the Grand Mosque is open to non-Muslims from 8am to 11am daily, except on Fridays.
Wadi Shab/Bimmah Sinkhole
A certain mystique lingers over the crystalclear waters, idyllic palm trees and stunning rock faces at Wadi Shab. This is the ultimate getaway destination for a leisurely hike, some relaxing swims or simply a release from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Located in the Al Sharqiyah region, this is a tranquil oasis of natural wonder and beauty – and one of the country’s most famous natural wonders. JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
9 BEST CARS Y’s motoring expert Alvin Thomas reveals the cars that he likes, and everyone else wants Ferrari 488 Spider
Ferrari’s replacement for the old 458 Italia – the Ferrari 488 Spider – has to be the best car I drove over the past year. Its flowing lines and exotic looks also make this the bestlooking car to have come out of Italy last year. In the middle of the car lies a 3.9-litre twin-turbo V8 pumping out an astonishing 661hp and 760Nm of torque. The car is lightning-quick off the line (hitting the 100kph mark in only 2.9 seconds), and it attacks corners like no other supercar does. There’s no doubt this has to be the best supercar prowling around the roads of Oman today.
Range Rover Sport SVR
Very rarely do I get attached to the cars I drive. But, the Range Rover Sport SVR left a lasting impression on me. I wanted to keep my test car with me… forever. This souped-up “SVR” version of the Britishmarque not only changed the image of the most versatile SUV on the market today but also made it one of the most desirable SUVs out there. And with 550hp and 680Nm of twist, it is also one of the fastest SUVs in the world. Don’t agree with me? Try listening to its exhaust note on YouTube. This is an off-road ready SUV, with almost Ferrari-levels of performance.
Ford Edge Sport
How did the Ford Edge shed its family-hauler tag and become a track-ready SUV? To be honest, even I have no idea. Truth be told, I’m still only recovering from the shock I received when I pushed my foot hard on the accelerator. Of course, the Edge Sport will still seat five in complete comfort and sip on fuel like a family saloon; but when the time comes (maybe on a race track), it will munch on its rivals from Europe. All the muscle comes from a 2.7-litre turbocharged V6 engine, pumping out 335hp and 542Nm of torque. The Edge Sport is so fast and poised that even the Mustang would be proud of it. 028
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Ferrari California T
It didn’t take me long to like the Ferrari California T. For starters, it is a Ferrari, and you’d have to be monumentally imprudent to dislike one. But, the California T is more than just a Ferrari: it’s actually a very good grand-tourer and an even better sports car. It houses a 3.9-litre twin-turbo V8 upfront, generating 560hp and 755Nm of torque, and hits the 100kph mark in a mere 3.6 seconds. What’s more astonishing is that it can do those speeds while carrying four people (if you really don’t mind squeezing your friends). Apart from that, it rides really well, and also takes corners with grace and finesse.
Lincoln MKZ
The Lincoln MKZ is what I would call elegant: It’s a very good car, wrapped in a very sophisticated and stylish body. The interior is plush and the seats are comfortable too, especially if you’re looking to travel long distances in it. The MKZ is powered by a 3.7-litre V6 producing 300hp and 375Nm of torque. But despite all the numbers, the most amazing feature of this car has to be the onepiece panoramic moonroof. It’s essentially a convertible sedan! How often do you hear of something like that, and why wouldn’t you want to be in one?
Volvo XC90
The Volvo XC90 was one of those vehicles that I looked at and asked: “Why does this vehicle only cost this much?” It’s got an abundance of tech on-board as standard, and it also brakes and drives itself when you need it to. But if you leave all the tech aside, you’re still left with a beautiful SUV, with an even prettier “Swedish” interior. Aside from that, if you go for the Inscription variant, you will get real wood panels, plush leather seats and even more tech goodies. All of this, coupled with a 2.0-litre turbocharged and supercharged four-cylinder engine putting out 320hp makes way for a perfect SUV.
Porsche Macan S
On the face of things, the Macan may not look much different to a Cayenne, or even make much sense if you were looking for a five-seater Porsche. If you were, you would most likely end up with the more spacious Cayenne. But the Macan is better than the latter for one very good reason: its character. The SUV feels reminiscent of a Porsche sports car (maybe like the 718 Boxster S we tested this week), and even takes corners without much drama. It also has 340hp and 460Nm of twist on tap, thanks to its 3.0-litre turbocharged V6. If you have the guts, you can also drift the SUV into corners like a pro-racing driver. It’s all the car you will ever need.
Maserati Ghibli SQ4
I’m not sure why the world is so sceptical about the Ghibli: it derives its name from a classic Italian sports car, drives and handles like a dream, and also seats five adults in comfort while doing so. In short, it’s everything you need from an Italian sedan. My tester SQ4 variant came with a 3.0-litre twin-turbocharged V6, generating 410hp and 550Nm of torque, which also made it quite swift. This, coupled with Maserati’s exhaust, makes this the most soulful car I’ve driven in 2016.
Chevrolet Malibu LTZ
The Chevrolet Malibu LTZ was released in 2016, making it the youngest car we tested last year. It’s incredibly spacious (you can seat six little kids in the back!), and there’s quite a lot of tech on board too. This should fare well with families and kids. The ride is also silky smooth, and the seats are very complacent – and overall, it makes way for the perfect family hauler. With 186hp on tap, the Malibu is also surprisingly swift.
OMAN’S 9 BEST MOMENTS There’s been many momentous occasions in Oman over the past year – here’s Y’s top 9 picks
OMANI WOMEN’S DAY As we recognised Omani Women’s Day, we met some some of the Sultanate’s most inspirational After two months of routine medical checks in women. From teachers to bankers, they came Germany, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al together to celebrate their contribution to the Said returned home. The news of His Majesty’s Sultanate. return, on April 12, was cheered by Omanis, who took to the streets to celebrate.
Oman played a crucial role in the release of CandianIranian hostage Dr Homa Hoodfar in September, after being detained in Iran for three months. She also expressed her appreciation to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said and the Government for aiding her release.
The UK’s Charles, Prince of Wales and The blazing his wife Camilla, sun set, and the Duchess of Cornwall breathtaking moon began their tour of rose. The super the Gulf in Muscat, moon of 2016 was where the Omani the closest it had Heritage and been in decades, Cultural Minister and bathed the and a troupe of Sultanate in a cool traditional dancers greeted them. The royal couple white glow. We continued their trip, visiting the National Museum hope you’re not and Bait Al Noor Church. holding your breath for the next rarity, which is due His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said was around November 2034. awarded the Arab Human Rights Award 2016, in December, by The Arab-European Centre of Human Rights.
Bring ing Co lo
Al Hoota Cave The hues of red, reopened on green and white September 5, 2016, engulfed every other and was accessible colour on the streets again after having of Oman during the been closed for country’s National refurbishment. Day celebrations on The stunning rock November 18. With national pride at its highest in formations and celebrating His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al tranquil waters are a Said’s 46-year rule, there was no better time to be haven for adventure enthusiasts and a major tourist in the Sultanate. attraction.
The leading Printing Press in Sultanate of Oman
Life to rs
The on-off saga of the Sheraton Oman Hotel was finally resolved, when the 14-storey hotel was re-opened at the end of last year. The hotel, the highest building in Muscat, had been undergoing a lengthy refurbishment.
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JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Tr e n d
New Restaurant
TOP 9 RESTAURANTS Team Y has reviewed more than 50 restaurants over the past year and while everybody’s tastes are different, here are our best Taste Test experiences
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
TOP 9 OMANI RECIPES Oman has some of the most delectable food in the world, particularly when it comes to handing down recipes to future generations. Team Y gathers the favourites
Lamb Kabouli
This is a delectable dish that explodes with spices and warmth. Slow-cooked lamb, tender and juicy, complements the flavours of Oman including saffron, cumin and cardamom. Feeding up to six people, this is the ideal dish for foodloving families.
Lamb Biryani
For a large family, this is the ultimate dish. The fresh, milky flavours of yoghurt and ginger hug the slow-cooked lamb, giving an explosion of various flavours and textures in your mouth. Saffron rice complements this dish perfectly by giving it a tasty base.
Chickpeas and Vegetable Djaj Fouq El-Eish Chicken Maraq Flavours of This quick and easy dish will leave you drooling for more. The buttery flavours of the ghee are infused through the rustic feel of the tomato-based dish, leaving the texture of the vegetables soft and melting in your mouth.
Chicken Makbous Musandam Style
This authentic roast chicken with rice is the perfect dish to share with the family. A feeling of togetherness and giving is felt with each and every bite of this scrumptious meal. The earthy essence of saffron, accompanied by the refreshing rose water elixir, completes this traditional Omani dish.
caramelised onion are delicately infused through the buttery nature of this dish, giving the elements a rich taste. The spices of cloves, cinnamon and pepper are sharp in the dish but subdued by the creaminess. This traditional Omani dish is definitely a flavour sensation.
Chicken Maraq
A loud crescendo of flavour and spice builds as you slurp on this delicious meal. The juicy chicken is swimming in a soup comprised of tomato and other vegetables. These rich, heavy flavours are complemented by the fresh zest of coriander – the perfect combination.
Zeinabs Fingers
As you bite into the crunchy tube of sweetness, the tang of the lemon syrup tingles on your tongue. It’s the perfect combination of tang and sweetness. As an after-dinner treat they are absolutely scrumptious.
Halawet Ahmad The nutty flavour of these noodley delights is subtly sweet. The creaminess of the condensed milk emphasises the coconut flavours, making this the perfect little treat for anyone’s sweet tooth.
Omani Khabeesa
Leaving your tastebuds tingling, this spicy and sweet dessert is different yet delicious! Served warm, the dish emphasises its flavours of saffron and cardamom while being balanced by the sweetness of condensed milk. This pudding is perfect for families as it is quick, and could even be made by the kids (supervised by you). Source: JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
OMAN’S TOP 9 SPORTING EVENTS Our athletes achieved much on the world stage over the past year, and set the standard for our juniors to follow
World record in sailing
2016 Summer Olympics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
usandam-Oman Sail made the Sultanate proud after setting a new world record during its sensational victory in the 2016 Volvo Round Ireland Yacht Race in June. Sailing around Ireland, the crew crossed the finish line at 3.47am local time, just as dawn broke. The new world-record time of 38 hours, 37 minutes and seven seconds smashed Musandam-Oman Sail’s previous best of 40 hours, 51 minutes and 57 seconds, set in 2015. Their achievement was celebrated at home, where
F1 comes to Oman
016 was the year the hills at Muttrah were alive with the sound of an F1 car. This was not only the first time a 850-horsepower Formula One car powered through the streets of Oman, but also the first time residents got to see former F1 star David Coulthard in action. Also, gracing the event was Omani racing driver Ahmed al Harthy, who showcased his limited-edition Aston Martin Vulcan to the many spectators who had gathered despite heavy thunder showers.
Fatma al Nabhani on the rise
man’s Fatma al Nabhani put the country on the map of world tennis as after winning three runnerup trophies at ITF Pro Circuit tournaments in Rabat, Morocco; the ITF Pro Circuit tournament in Casablanca; and the ITF Las Palmas de Gran Canaria tournament in Spain, keeping her fans happy and her country proud.
Oman cricketers on world stage
man entered the ICC World Cup T20 qualifiers with few hopes of qualifying. However, a thriller against the big guns from Ireland not only boosted their confidence on the world stage but also inched them closer to the final 10. However, a 54-run loss against Bangladesh sent the team crashing into third position, thus eliminating any hopes of qualifying for the finals. But cricket experts hailed Oman’s efforts as “heroic” and “inspiring”.
man’s participation in the Summer Olympics at Rio de Janeiro last year marked the country’s ninth consecutive appearance at the summer Games. It may not have been our most successful to date but sprinter Barakat al Harthi certainly raised our hopes when he finished third in the quarter-finals of the 100m. However, he failed to qualify for the semi-finals by a whisker (0.11 seconds). Other Omani athletes included Mazoon al Alawi (100m), Hamed Said al Khatri (Men’s 50m rifle 3 positions) and Wadha al Balushi (Women’s 10m air pistol).
Shihab al Habsi on the podium
man’s young karting star Shihab bin Ahmed Al Habsi made his country proud when he took pole position in the third round of the 2016/17 UAE X30 Challenge at RAK Track in Ras Al Khaimah. The youngster not only showed his mettle in the qualifying rounds but also edged out his opponents by more than one second over the course of 17 laps.
Spartans raid Jebel Sifah
lose to 1,500 contestants lined up at the starting line of the Sultanate’s first-ever internationallevel endurance “Spartan Race”, which was organised by the XDubai at Jebel Sifah. The race featured a 6.5km track that was riddled with obstacles ranging from fire and cold water – which contestants had to scale – to complete the race.
Tour of Oman
fter five days, six-stages and 984 gruelling kilometres, Vincenzo Nibali took home the prestigious Tour of Oman title last year. Some of the world’s top cyclists took to the roads and hills of Oman, in the seventh edition of the Tour of Oman. Many residents also lined the streets to cheer on contenders.
Oman misses World Cup Qualifier by a whisker
man’s hopes of going into Round 3 in the FIFA World Cup Qualifiers went down the drain after Iran edged out Oman by two goals. Oman had earlier come out on top against countries such as India, Turkmenistan and Guam – securing a healthy 14 points before the final match. Oman was placed second in the group but was still nudged aside by the likes of the UAE, China, Syria and Iraq, meaning our hopes for a ticket to Russia in 2018 were crushed.
We’ve reviewed hundreds of gadgets over the past 12 months. Alvin Thomas picks his favourites Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge The duopoly of iOS versus Android was sparked again last year when the rivals both released new mobile phones. Samsung’s newest addition, from March last year, is extremely sleek and sensible. It also displays a gorgeous 14cm curved AMOLED screen, complete with a 12MP camera and heart-rate sensors. It also weighs in at 157g – about the mass of an apple (coincidence?).
Apple Airpods
We’ve seen Bluetooth earphones in the past but none quite like this. The AirPods are tiny, and quite long, but they should fit in your ear like regular Apple EarPods (wired earphones). The sound quality is almost on a par with its wired counterparts, and you will also get a safe holder-cum-charging port for your AirPods. Apart from that, both the AirPods are touch-sensitive, making controls easier for listeners. The cancellation of the headphone jack on the iPhone 7 also makes this the most controversial release of 2016.
Google Pixel
Apple iPhone 7
The latest generation of iPhones was received with open arms by Apple lovers. However, critics took a shot at the iPhone 7 due to the lack of a headphone jack. But because Apple omitted the jack, you can now dunk your phone in water (although we strongly advise you not to). Apple’s latest phone sports a 12cm screen and weighs in at 138g. Similar to its Android counterpart, the newest product will also sport an exceptional 12MP camera to capture your moments like a pro.
Sony PlayStation Virtual Reality Step inside your favourite PS4 game with Sony’s latest virtual reality (VR) technology. With a 100-degree field of view, 3D audio processing and a 600g VR panel, all you need is your PS4 console, controller and a camera bar. Enjoy specialised games such as Star Wars Battlefront, Batman Arkham and Farpoint with your new VR device. Released in October 2016 – the future of gaming is upon us. Go and grab yours.
MacBook Pro 2016
The cutting-edge innovation from Apple is proving to be incredible for Mac users. It has a new touch bar, is dynamic to any app that you’re using, and boasts touch ID with Apple Pay. Just to please its fans some more, it also includes stereo speakers, faster core processing and longer battery life for those longer days at the office. This is a dream come true for many (maybe not the longer working hours though).
The Pixel is Google’s first standalone smartphone, meaning there is no other manufacturer tag associated with it. The specifications of the device put this phone in a whole different league altogether. Underneath the Google skin you get a very fast Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 processor with 4GB of RAM and either 32GB or 128GB worth of storage, making it quite a performer. The Pixel also allegedly has the “world’s best smartphone camera”.
Samsung Gear 360
The Samsung Gear 360 was a surprise release for 2016. The Gear 360 is essentially a spherical camera with two fish-eye lenses working together to give you 360-degree or virtual reality images and videos. It’s also dust and water-resistant, meaning you can go underwater to shoot pictures and videos. Clips can also be transferred, trimmed and shared with your Galaxy phone or edited on a computer. This is essentially the most economical way to create virtual reality videos and photos.
Panasonic 4K TV
Panasonic wasn’t the first company to introduce 4K resolution televisions to Oman. However, it is the first to wrap up its own soundbar, smart TV capabilities and superior image processing into a tasty little package. Also, this isn’t so much a television; it is a design statement. You’re going to want to keep your kids from scribbling on this baby. This is the ultimate TV you can buy today.
Nikon D5
The Nikon D5 was the best digital camera unveiled last year. It is so good that even local YouTubers have adopted it for daily vlogging. However, its unique selling point has to be the new sensor, which offers the highest light sensitivity to date, at ISO 3,280,000. So, if you like to photograph things moving really fast in really dim light, this is the camera for the job. Oh, and don’t forget: you can also record 4K videos on this. JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
BIRTHDAYS ARE ABOUT GIFTS AND Y HAS SOME FABULOUS PRIZES TO GIVE AWAY TO OUR READERS TO MARK OUR 9TH ANNIVERSARY – GOOD LUCK! What does Atana mean? Email your answer to editor@y-oman. com by Monday, January 30. The winner will be announced in our February 2 issue.
Let there be light
Magical Musandam
Our top prize is an amazing Samsung Curved Smart TV, with full UHD viewing experience on a monster 49-inch screen, as well as a Samsung Wireless Airtrack to boost your listening experience. With its superb picture quality and curved screen, it promises to take your television experience to a whole new level, not to mention giving you faster access to your favourite media and entertainment. To be in with a chance of winning our Grand Prize, enter our “9 Seconds of Y” competition. Send us a nine-second video that incorporates you, or your friends and family and Y Magazine – be as creative and fun as you can! Email your video to by Monday, January 30. The winner will be announced in our February 2 issue.
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Win a romantic getaway for two in magical Musandam, staying at either the Atana Khasab or Atana Musandam hotels. Located in the best spot in the Sultanate, the Atana Khasab and Atana Musandam reflect the spirit of the country and feature state-ofthe-art facilities and services to cater to all needs. Managed by the Oman Tourism Development Company (OMRAN), the hotels offer spacious, stylish rooms, all of which have private balconies and flatscreen televisions with satellite. We’ve got a fabulous prize of a two-night stay for a couple in a Superior room, with late checkout, breakfast and a fantastic dhow cruise around the stunning khors of Khasab also included in the package. To enter, all you have to do is answer the following question:
The IDdesign universe is characterised by furniture and home accessories that have been handpicked or designed with the well-known Scandinavian sense of detail and quality in mind. Visit our store to avail special offers in the “Furniture Festival Sale”. Log on to or search for IDdesignOman on Facebook for further details. And to celebrate Y’s birthday, IDdesign has two sleek, modern lamps worth RO300 to give away to one of our lucky readers. To enter, all you have to do is answer the following question: Which country does the IDdesign brand originate from? Email your answer to editor@y-oman. com by Monday, January 30. The winner will be announced in our February 2 issue.
VING BACK Rich Richoux
The Richoux Tea Room and Restaurant is a culinary experience like no other and with two outlets now in the capital – at Al Mouj and in Opera Galleria – it offers an inviting, graceful feel and understated cuisine. In fact the venue exudes excellence in a typical English manner, with traditional English décor, high teas and desserts. We have four RO25 vouchers to give away to our readers to experience the delights of Richoux themselves. To enter, all you have to do is answer the following question: Where did Richoux open its most recent outlet? Email your answer to editor@y-oman. com by Monday, January 30. The winner will be announced in our February 2 issue.
A night to remember
Royal Opera House Muscat is the leading arts and culture organisation in Muscat, showcasing the rich and diverse artistic creations from Oman, the region and world, including operas, ballets and musical performances. To celebrate our birthday, we have two pairs of VIP passes worth a total of RO180 to give away. To enter, just answer the following question: Who will be the conductor of the ROHM’s upcoming opera of L’italiana in Algeri, or The Italian Girl in Algiers? a) Sebastiano Rolli b) Martin King c) George Benson Email your answer to editor@y-oman. com by Monday, January 30. The winner will be announced in our February 2 issue.
All about the cake
Cloud9 – The Bake Studio may have had a humble beginning, but these days it’s a fully fledged bake studio offering a wide range of cupcakes, brownies, macaroons, cakes, coffee and much more. The passion of Nadiya Khan and Shatha al Saleh continues to grow as they offer something new and unique to everyone. Cloud9 has two RO20 vouchers to give away to our readers. Just answer the following question to enter: Where is Cloud9 located? Email your answer to editor@y-oman. com by Monday, January 30. The winner will be announced in our February 2 issue.
A grand affair
A tribute to the rich, cultural, heritage and time-honored values of Oman, the Grand Millennium Muscat Hotel is located in the heart of the city, close to the airport and is seamlessly connected to Muscat Grand Mall. What’s more, the hotel is also close to the popular tourist spots of Muscat, which are just a short drive away. Today, Grand Millennium Muscat is giving away a gift voucher for a one lucky winner that entitles him/her to experience their lavish buffet lunch of international delicacies for two people. To participate, simply answer the following question: What is the name of the Grand Millennium Muscat’s all-day dining restaurant? a) Bahriyat b) Café D c) Arayik d) Taybat Email your answer to editor@y-oman. com by Monday, January 30. The winner will be announced in our February 2 issue.
Movie time
Everybody loves the movies, more so when it’s in a VIP lounge, where you can kick back and relax in the comfort of an armchair and enjoy a personal waiter service. City Cinema is the place to be for this experience – and we have four VIP Lounge tickets to give away to one lucky reader. To enter, just answer the following question: Where is the City Cinema VIP Lounge located ? a) CC Shatti b) CC Azaiba c) CC Panorama Email your answer to by Monday, January 30. The winner will be announced in our February 2 issue.
Full protection
For the ultimate in premium protection for your car, look no further than V-Kool, the global window films specialist brand. To celebrate our 9th anniversary we are giving away a V-Kool Ultramaster complete body paint protection voucher, worth a whopping RO240, to one lucky reader. To enter, simply answer the following question: Where is the new location of the V-Kool showroom? a) Qurum b) Al Khuwair c) Boucher Email your answer to by Monday, January 30. The winner will be announced in our February 2 issue.
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Given the chance to shop for their clothes, children pick out some of the most colourful outfits they can find; those that truly represent their creativity, imagination and their playfulness. This week, we check out some outfits your kids will approve of, like these stylish looks from Matalan, which scream #FriendshipGoals.
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
k o o L e h
aran K e tin hris C , t ry tree esto s o h h g s e hi rmy h a t e o t H end e look. ram h g g hi th the to get n Insta m Fro s you tine o is help w Chr o Foll
T t Ge
Though Granny’s knitted sweaters may be the most comfortable ones for kids, why not pamper them with something vibrant and vivacious? Wrap up your kids in this cool-looking printed hoodiejacket from Zara that will not only warm them up but brighten their mood as well. From RO7
As much as we love this colourful, embroidered jacket, your kids will love it more. Matching their colourful minds, we are sure they will have lots of fun with this. Find it at Zara from RO13
Whether it’s a birthday party or just playtime with friends, let your daughter’s personality come alive in this cute, sequinned top from M&Co. From RO5
Attending a family event and want to dress up your little one in formal wear that will make them look smart, sharp and a tad cute? Look no further than from Monsoon for this three-piece tux. Price unavailable
Your daughter is your princess and it would only be right to dress her like one. Make her a little star in this pastel-blue and floral frock from Monsoon. Price unavailable
This fine-knit jacket from H&M is perfect for girls or boys who want to run around the park on a cool weekend. Providing warmth and style, this printed hoodie is something your kids will love. From RO11
If your daughter loves super heroes then she will savour these silver shoes from Marks & Spencer, from RO6.5
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Health Fashion
The latest craze for beauty blenders has reached new heights thanks to the SiliSponge, writes Taylor Glover
or the past 10 years or so, traditional sponge blenders have been the foundation of our beauty routines, buffing our faces perfectly and allowing us to create a look that has few, if any, flaws. But in this digital age of ours, it doesn’t take long for something new to go viral on the internet and on social media platforms. And when something starts being talked about, particularly by beauty vloggers on YouTube, you know that the product will sell out pretty quickly. And so it is with the SiliSponge – the latest beauty blender that uses silicone rather than a sponge to perfect our make-up. After eight restocks, and a “sold out” decal lingering over its range of SiliSponges for quite a while now, it is safe to say that Molly Cosmetics has clearly created the blockbuster applicator of 2017. The teardrop-shaped blender is petite and will fit into half of your palm. The rigid silicon that encases the liquid inside provides a firm applicator, which is perfect for buffing your concealer and foundation into the more expansive parts of the face, such as the cheeks and forehead. Some of you may have seen some beauty vloggers on YouTube using silicon bra inserts to apply their base and foundation. Basically, this is the hack to use if you can’t get your hands on that hard-to-get SiliSponge. However, the vloggers say the squishy feel of the silicon between their fingers is a little alarming but this is perhaps because it feels so different to the traditional sponge applicator. Watching one YouTuber use a silicone insert instead of the real product was interesting. It started out gloopy and very streaky and it took double the time it would to blend foundation with a regular beauty blender. But once it was buffed, their complexion was flawless and just as dewy as it would have been with a sponge application. I was surprised, to say the least. It spread the product very evenly and required less foundation. One of the best advantages of the SiliSponge is that it’s very easy to clean, with a squirt of soap and a rinse under cool water. I’m not sure if it would be my choice of daily applicator because it takes so long to apply. But it was fun to see what the fad was about. The reigning sponge beauty blenders are what they say they are… sponges. They absorb the beauty product, whether it be foundation, concealer or cream blush/contouring creams and even loose powder and are more difficult to keep clean. However, they do provide a flawless and dewy finish. It’s as if the applicator hugs each and every pore to provide an even and controlled base. My beauty sponge also allows me to blend the product into the inner and outer corner of my eye, where the product can be used liberally. However, 038
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
when contouring the face you need a specific shape or shadow, I prefer to dab my applicator into a small amount of product. I’m not so sure how easily I could do this with the SiliSponge. From this, I can achieve a controlled and buffed finish, giving me the option to build the product to give the desired look for the occasion. Through using and caring for your sponge blender properly, you can keep them clean for up to three months. This can be achieved through using the blender as it should be: wet. Yes, wet. The sponge output is activated when the fibres are dampened – providing the ultimate coverage. The correct technique is also crucial – soft dabbing motions should be exercised when buffing. Any swirling or swiping of the face could not only damage your pores and cause breakouts but tear your beauty blender and shorten its life. Despite the hype about the SiliSponge and its advantages, many still prefer traditional sponge blenders, including me! But it seems that being “sili” could be the way of the future.
According to the experts, exercise is key to building better and stronger bones in kids
t’s been ingrained in our heads since we were little that building strong bones is important. The problem is that these days many children aren’t getting the daily recommended diet and exercise needed to do so. And, with technology use at an all-time high, children are spending less time playing outdoors, which increases the risk of obesity. This issue is also compounded in Oman, where the extreme temperatures of summer mean little or no outdoor play for children. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the number of overweight or obese infants and young children increased from 32 million globally in 1990 to 42 million in 2013. If that trend continues, the WHO warns that this figure will explode to 70 million by 2025. In the United States, approximately 32 per cent of children and adolescents aged between two to 19 are considered overweight or obese while in Oman obesity levels are on the rise. However, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) wants to help empower families to get up, get out and get moving to ensure optimal bone growth and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and other diseases later in life.
“Building your child’s bone bank is like a college savings plan: the earlier you start investing, the better,” says AAOS spokesperson Dr Jennifer Weiss, a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles. “Parents should ensure that kids are getting adequate calcium to keep their bones strong as well as appropriate levels of vitamins D and C to allow the body to absorb the calcium.” So what’s a parent to do? The following tips from the AAOS will help get your kids (and you) moving while building better, stronger bones:
Move it
Make physical activity a part of a child’s schedule for at least 30 to 60 minutes per day. Make it fun. With the cooler months in Oman, walking around the block to see the colours, kicking a football in the garden or at the beach, or riding a bike is a perfect way to bond with your kids and still get in some exercise. Bonus? Being outside gets you and the kids some much-needed vitamin D, which also helps build strong bones.
Watch what you eat
Life is busy, which makes on-the-run snacks and meals an easy fix for harried parents.
Unfortunately, most of this kind of food does not have the nutrients to ensure good bone health. Adolescents should consume a healthy diet with calcium to maintain strong bones and lower the risk of excessive weight gain.
Lift things up, and put them down
Studies show that strength training is key to healthy bones. During resistance training, muscles have to work harder and, over time, become stronger. Although resistance exercises focus on increasing muscle mass, they also put stress on bones and have bone-building capacity.
Set limits
It’s understandable that kids’ whims change with the seasons, as do the number of teams they want to play on. However, try to limit the number of teams a child plays on in one season to avoid overuse injuries. In addition, if your child tells you that something hurts, discourage him or her from playing through the pain. For more information, visit * NewsUSA
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
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Knowledge Oasis Muscat -4 (ITA) • Middle East College • Omantel • Waljat College of Applied Sciences Ruwi • Apollo Medical Centre • Kamat Restaurant • KFC • Khimji’s Mega Store – Swarovski Showroom • Khimji’s Watches • KM Trading • Oman Air • Oman UAE Exchange • Oman Trading Establishment • Saravana Bhavan Sarooj • Al Fair • Al Masa Mall • City Cinema • Ayana Spa • Cosmeclic • Emirates Medical Center • McDonald’s • Shell Petrol Station • VLCC Wellness Sawadi • Al Sawadi Beach Resort Seeb • Golden Tulip Hotel • McDonald’s Shatti Al Qurum • Bareeq Al Shatti Complex • Caribou Coffee • D’Arcy’s Kitchen • German Eye Centre • The Indus Restaurant • InterContinental Hotel Muscat • Jawharat Al Shatti Complex • Kaya Skin Clinic • Muscat Eye Laser Center • Oasis By The Sea • Second Cup • Starbucks • VLCC Wellness Sifah • Sifawy Boutique Hotel SQU • Diplomatic Club • College of Economics and
Political Science Students Banking Area • Reception/ Canteen Wadi Kabir • Al Maya Hypermarket • LuLu Hypermarket • Muscat Pharmacy • National Hospitality Institute • Pizza Hut • Shell Petrol Station Wattayah • Ahli Bank • Best cars • BLS International Services • Chevorlet/GM showroom • Ford Showroom • Hatat House • Honda Showroom • Hyundai showroom • Kia Showroom • Lexus Showroom • National Travel & Tourism • Passage To India Restaurant • Shell Petrol Station • Subaru showroom • Suzuki Showroom • Toyota Showroom The Wave • Almouj Golf • Costa Coffee • Oman Sail • Shakespeare & Co. • The Wave Head Office •
Other Regions Barka • Al Nahda Spa and Resort • LuLu Hypermarket Nizwa • University of Nizwa Sohar • Centrepoint (Splash) • Crowne Plaza • National Gift Markets • Ooredoo • Pizza Hut • Safeer Mall • Sohar Beach Hotel • Sohar Port and Freezone • Sohar University
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Postcards from
Y- F i
Wadi Qurai offers visitors a glimpse into the past with its ancient water channels, or aflaj.
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
D E S T I N AT I O N P o s t c a r d s f r o m
Y- F i
Great days out in the outdoors mean taking your time and dealing with mishaps, as Shaquel al Balushi finds out 042
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
s many of you will know, looking to scour some of the remote we Omanis are very eco- areas of the wadi. centric: we love to keep our But if you’re a bit of an adventurer, surroundings as natural as then this could be the perfect spot for possible. As a matter of fact, we take you, especially if you’re a fitness freak. immense pride in telling the world all The beautiful rock formations make about it while showcasing the many way for some extreme stamina-testing, highlights scattered across our country. and the uneven falaj walls mean some And one such area (among the quite intense climbing exercises. many thousands) is Wadi Qurai. My However, the terrain was quite first (and last) visit here was in 2015, challenging for me because I was when I was left astounded by the sheer carrying around quite a lot of gear beauty of the surroundings, and the (three cameras, lenses and a heavy falaj system that dissected the far ends tripod). As I moved forward, I also felt of the wadi. So, I knew it was time to very uneasy, as my mind was giving re-visit this area one more time, and off negative vibes – screaming at me before the rains fell. to not continue on the path. Sadly, however, I was riding solo on But I ignored them all and went on. my journey this week, as Imran and But what a mistake that turned out my other friends were incredibly busy. to be. But, that wasn’t going to stop me. Just a few metres ahead, I So I packed up my camera gear, the encountered my first calamity: a herd usual supplies of food and water, and of menacing goats, who were staring headed out for the long drive that lay me down. They had to be the most ahead. My starting time was at 5am – hostile goats I’ve ever come across before the crack of dawn – and before in my life. To avoid getting rammed, the rush-hour traffic kicked in. I had to move aside onto a slab of This is the best time to drive as you rock. get to enjoy the sunrise, as well as I also took that as an opportunity the empty roads. It really is a feeling to click some photographs of them. unlike any other. But upon doing so, they all stopped My drive towards Wadi Qurai was and started glaring at me – like I a long one – measuring in at almost had done something impolite. 120km – from my home. But armed This set off alarm bells in with a playlist of my favourite music, I my head. I quickly grabbed my was on my way. gear, and headed in the opposite The wadi can be found close to direction. This also meant that I had Nizwa, and there’s a sign board that to climb farther up the falaj. points towards the village that leads Upon doing this, however, to it. Luckily, I was also able to drive you will be treated to some truly towards the far corner of the village marvellous sights. From up here, you and approach the wadi from there can catch a glimpse of the entire with my trusty Jeep. wadi. It was striking, and a very However, do bear in mind that serene place to be. all wadis are challenging. And Wadi Do note that when you’re Qurai is among the hardest of them here, you also won’t get any all to explore. The terrain is incredibly range on your smartphone. So, rocky, and sometimes you’re forced to you’re completely secluded from walk on the falaj – the walls of which everything. It’s only you and your can rise by a few metres – if you’re surroundings. The only sound you’ll
hear is of the winds shaking the leaves and branches on the trees, and the pleasant sound of water running through the falaj. It has to be seen to be believed; it really is that wonderful. By now, I was running on fumes. The climb had drained all my stamina. So I decided to turn and head back to my Jeep, which was waiting for me by the village. And call it bad luck: my left foot slipped and I fell off the falaj wall. During my mishap, I also managed to knock my face on my tripod. It was a bad fall, but thankfully, I wasn’t too hurt. I quickly packed up my gear, and continued my way down at a slow but safe pace. It was only upon reaching my car, when I realised how dangerous things could have been had I actually
slipped off one of the steeper falaj walls. And that, coupled with the fact that my smartphone was completely disconnected from the outside world meant that I would have had to rely on myself to get out of trouble. Because of that incident, I urge everyone to always travel with company (family or friends). Also, try to carry a satellite phone, as you never know when disaster might strike. As they say: it is better to be prepared and safe than to be sorry. Also don’t forget: the rainy season is fast approaching, and things will only get more risky. So, I would suggest you put off any plans to visit secluded wadis and aflaj until May – when the skies will be clearer and the waters safer.
Saturday Lunch at China Mood Every Saturday | 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
HOW TO GET THERE From Muscat, take Route 15 to Nizwa and remain on this road for 76km before exiting to the right. The journey should take a little over one hour.
GPS coordinates: N23˚09’ 52” E57˚ 51’ 14”
Gather the family and enjoy a delightful Saturday lunch experience with breathtaking views on the terrace of China Mood. The set menu features dishes by Chef Lau, showcasing the most refined flavours of Chinese cuisine. Reservations: 2476 4000 or email Advanced booking is recommended.
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
D e s t i n at i o n
MULTI-TASKING MARVELS Gadgets need to be versatile in today’s virtual world. Alvin Thomas, a man who can multi-task, tests some of them out QUICK FIX
PUZZLED Smartphone accessories haven’t been all that innovative in recent years. As a matter of fact, more people these days opt for quick-switch accessories like a battery-extender or a phone case, and have done with it. With the Puzlook, however, things are quite different. The case, which easily clips on to any iPhone – as long as it is post2015 – not only offers your phone extra protection but also gives it five extra eyes – literally! The body shell houses five interchangeable smartphone camera lenses – ranging from fish-eye, micro (yes, micro), tele-photo, zoom and wide-angle – and essentially lets you have the right lens at the right time. Even better is the fact that the five lenses form a puzzle on the rear of your phone so if you’re looking for one, simply slide a few lenses and you’ll be ready to snap away. Get this gadget for RO28 from
So imagine this scenario: you’ve just bought yourself a spanking-new Apple iPhone 7. You’re extremely chuffed about your expensive purchase and cannot seem to part with it; it’s there with you wherever you go. You also tend to spend quite a lot of time with it because you can’t get enough of Apple’s Ear Pods (bundled wired earphones). But bam! You’re out of juice. Your battery has just run out. In a normal scenario, you would have to remove the earphones (which connect to the lightning port) and plug in your charger. It’s not a two-in-one scenario, and you’re left with either the charger or the headphones. And that’s where the Belkin Lightning Audio + Charger comes in handy: what it lets you do is charge (or even transfer files to your computer), and listen to music at the same time. It’s incredibly versatile and quite compact, too. Yours for RO15.4 from
FOURTH TIME’S A CHARM Are you one of those tech-savvy individuals who require multiple smartphones and tablets just to get through the day? If so, you would know the pain of having to find a charging cable when you most need it. How awful would life be if your flat iPhone was connected to the charger, and your Samsung phone just died on you? Disaster alert! What are going to do now? You’re going to have to get one of the all-new Fourza chargers. The gadget essentially allows you to charge up to four devices at a single stretch, and size doesn’t matter. The insides of the device are lined in rubber so that your precious device won’t slide out, and there’s a total of 48W of juice. Get yours from RO15.4 from
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Postcards from
The Boxster is back with sleek looks, a strong engine and sharp handling. Alvin Thomas takes it for a spin
here was a time in the world when the word “turbo” meant fast and powerful. Back when I was growing up, the word was so prevalent that it would be written on toys, clothes, mugs, and even vacuum cleaners! So to me, “turbo” was all that I would ever need in a car. Today, however, things are a bit different: the word “turbo” on a car translates to “efficiency” – lowering fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. So when I was taking the keys to Porsche’s latest (and first) turbocharged iteration of the Boxster – the 718 Boxster S – I was none too sceptical. Growing up, I had grown to adore the Boxster – its sports car pedigree and throaty exhaust note produced by the in-line six-cylinder engine – was simply glorious. Today, however, Porsche claim that their choice to go the turbocharging route is not only to maximise efficiency but also to kick dust on their predecessors. So, have they done that? Keep reading to find out. But before we delve into the drive, let’s begin with the looks of the 718 Boxster S. From the outside, for the first time ever, the 718 Boxster looks truly unique. Granted, it still looks as distinctive as a Porsche, but with its newly redesigned 918-esque headlamps with the embedded LED-light patterns and redesigned bumpers, the 718 Boxster S looks nothing short of menacing. My test car, which was finished in yellow, was particularly striking to look at, and even more eyecatching when on the move – especially with the electrically operated soft-top stored back in the boot. Inside, the 718 is fairly reminiscent of the Macan we had tested a while back, which is a good thing. It is a marvellous place to be in, with surprisingly comfortable sport-bucket seats and soft-touch materials all around the cabin. All the areas your legs and hand would touch are padded in leather.
JAN 26 - FEB 01 / ISSUE 455
Surprisingly, the car is quite spacious – for both the driver and the passenger – and there’s enough leg and head room for both. Unlike most sports cars, it’s also very easy to get in and out of. The soul of the 718 Boxster S is a 2.5-litre turbocharged four-cylinder motor, which is placed bang in the middle of the car, and pumps out an astonishing 350hp and 420Nm of torque. Of course, there’s no pun, when I say “soul” because the engine is an absolute gem, and it sounds (admittedly, surprisingly) very good. Yes, Porsche’s decision to drop two cylinders may have left Porsche purists begging for the old flat-six screamer from 2012 but this engine is more purposeful than show, as it knocks-out the old engine by 40-odd horsepower. All of this, along with the PDK transmission and sports chrono package allowed me to charge from 0-100kph in just 4.5 seconds! The gearshifts are extremely smooth (again, surprisingly), even when you take control of them manually. There’s a sense of urgency in the shifts, even when you let the car take control of things but at no point does the power and torque feel like a handful, thanks to the brilliant electronic nannies that work hard to keep you from going into a tank-slapper (awkward drift). But because the Porsche 718 Boxster S is a mid-engine sports car, the chassis is quite stiff and well sorted, even though there’s no metal roof that provides additional rigidity. Therefore, you can take corners like a real racing driver (even if you’re an ox, like me). The steering, even though it is electric, really manages to communicate with you, as if it were actually like a real hydraulic setup. Because of all this, you can take corners at extraordinary speeds. Things are kept a bit mellow – but sharp – if you keep the car in ‘O’ (normal) mode.
Y- F i C A R S
Porsche Boxster S Specifications: Engine: 2.5-litre turbocharged flat four-cylinder Transmission: Seven-speed “PDK” auto-manual Horsepower: 350hp Torque: 420Nm Rear-wheel drive ESC and Traction Control Retractable fabric roof HID headlights Bose audio system Sport Chrono package
But switching things into ‘S’ (Sport) and ‘S+’ (Sport Plus) sharpens things up even further. I’m guessing that this also relaxes the traction and electronic stability controls, because, now, the car turns into an absolute animal (maybe a cheetah or something). Doing this stiffens up the suspension and quickens the steering, gearshift and throttle response to help you make the most out of the power and torque at any given moment. The handling in ‘S+’ is absolutely phenomenal. The car takes sharp and tight corners flat, with no understeer or tyre squeal whatsoever. Of course, if you are planning on unsettling the car, you can poke it with a stick (by giving more throttle). Doing this lets you drift into corners like nothing else out there. Even then, the steering is incredibly precise, and there’s no chance of you messing up and ending up in an embarrassing spin or a cloud of your own dust. If things do get a bit out of hand, the clever traction control will sort things out for you. Drifting in the Boxster S is still a very civilised affair. There’s none of that tyre smoking and donutmaking drama like you find on American muscle cars. Also included in the car was a “Sport Response” button, which kicks up the turbocharger for an added boost for a period of 20 seconds. I reckon this could be useful on the track if you plan on racing your machine someday. To be completely honest, I didn’t require it, because there’s always plenty of power on tap. And if you take control of the gear shifts manually, you could also eliminate the possibility of any turbo-lag. Unlike most turbocharged vehicles, the engine also screams onto 7,000rpm. I still remember there was a time people saw the 718 Boxster S as a toned-down version of the bigger and beefier 911. But in truth, this car is nothing like the 911. It’s a true-bred full-on sports car, which can unsettle all its European and American rivals, and then go on to give supercars a run for their money on the track.
(The Italian Girl in Algiers) Opera by Gioachino Rossini Performed by Opera di Firenze
Royal Opera House Muscat presents Gioachino Rossini’s masterpiece L’Italiana in Algeri – Sebastiano Rolli conducts this fast-paced opera of a lively Italian girl turning the tables on her bumbling captors featuring music of enormous vitality via Rossini’s blend of madness and fun.
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