HEALTH: Seeing is believing DESTINATION: Wadi Al Khoud
FEB 02 - 08 2017 / ISSUE 456 • WEEKLY
Welcome to Y Magazine – your top guide to the best of Oman every week.
Fast forward W
ith more than 1,300 runners competing this year, it has to be said that Al Mouj Muscat Marathon is well on its way to reaching its goal of becoming a global sporting event – up there with the likes of Boston, London and Dubai. Last weekend’s event was well-planned and went off without a hitch, while the competitors, who represented a total of 75 countries, were very complimentary about their experience. In our cover story this week, Team Y reports from the starting line and finds that the atmosphere at Race Village, in the heart of The Walk at Al Mouj, Muscat, was electrifying, with thousands of spectators gathered to witness the country’s best marathon yet. Congratulations to the organisers and we are looking forward to next year’s extravaganza! Elsewhere, we head to Wadi Al Khoud in Destination, sample some delicious pizza at Trattoria in Taste Test and announce the winners of our 9th Birthday competition. And to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Y’s We Are Soulmates competition is back, in which we’ll be searching for Oman’s most perfectly matched couple – is that you? Turn to page 28 for details on how to enter. Have a wonderful week!
EDITOR IN CHIEF Sayyida Iman bint Hamad bin Hamood Al Busaidi MANAGING EDITOR Felicity Glover
@ytabloid /ytabloid
/ytabloid ymagazine /ymagazine
Y Magazine is published by SABCO Press, Publishing & Advertising LLC / Y is a SABCO Media product.
CEO Eihab Abutaha We’d love to hear your news and views. For editorial enquiries, please email Want to read Y on the go? Scan our digital issue here: Download any QR reader from iTunes or Google Play to read Y on the go
Write to us at Y Magazine, SABCO Media, PO Box 3779, Ruwi 112, Sultanate of Oman. FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
contents FEB
Your Oman 08 Voice Of Oman Shahd Maan Naddaf 10 News SalamAir celebrates maiden flight 12 News Oman wins CISM World Football Cup
This Week
06 Coffee With Y Deepali Kumar
14 Faces Of Oman
16 Competition 9th Birthday winners 18 This Week Sunset Musica Festival 2017
Features 22
Chasing dreams Al Mouj Muscat Marathon hailed a success
28 Perfect Match Y’s We Are Soulmates competition is back
21 Movies Silence
15 Hyundai – Driven To Success Fatema Nasser Rashid al Maqbali
Cars and Adventures
Food and Drink 3o Food Feature Rich in health 33 Taste Test Trattoria
40 Destination Wadi Al Khoud 42 Postcard From Vienna, Austria
Health and Beauty
44 Y-Fi Home gadgets
34 Fashion Urban Cool
46 First Drive Jaguar XE
36 Beauty Natural remedies 37 Health Seeing is believing
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Alvin Thomas meets Deepal i Kumar, a former journalist whose path to self-discovery has led he r to a wh ol e new career t has been a while since I did an take into thei
r careers and their lives.” interview for Coffee with Y, so I me. I accepted myself as the person Luc kily, I how ever, Deepali was able to am, and wanted to find someone with an healed any wounds that were find support from her friends whe inspiring story to tell. n she left open,” she explains. shifted to Mumbai to pursue a deg And during my recent outing at the ree During this time, Deepali also in mass communications – and used Muscat Marathon 2017, I happen became intrigued by yoga rehabil ed to that as leverage to forge a itation, career in meet Deepali Kumar, who works and decided to train as a professiona with a journalism. l wellness institute, and she fits the yoga therapist – to help others dea bill. “My time in college really helped l with During a brief chat with her, I various physical and mental problem me shed all the negative energy I s. learned that Deepali is a former had “Krishnamacharya [a yogi, healer, gar ner ed from scho ol. If it weren’t for journalist and a very proficient yog linguist, Vedic scholar, expert in the i my time there, I really would hav who actually gave up her career in e lost Indian schools of though t, researcher myself when I got back,” she exc media to pursue her true passion laims. and author], had a very and diff erent In 201 2, Dee pali was taken on as love: yoga. approach to yoga. He didn’t believe a rep orte in r for a mag azin e in Oman. Our meeting point was Oman the westernisation of yoga but was Soon, she went on to become the still Avenues Mall, where we decided very secular in his approach. to assistant editor. However, in 2013, meet for coffee although Deepali she “What he successfully did was , 25, made the shift from journalism to doesn’t actually drink the “surviv public disconnect religion and faith al – thereby rela tions to get a taste the corporate juice” anymore as part of the stric giving us yogis an option to choose t wor ld. lifestyle she has adopted. whichever path we wanted to,” exp But she tells me that her life in a lains As a matter of fact, she tells me that Dee pali. bus ines s env iron men t didn’t last long, coffee is one of the many things from “That’s why I decided that I wan and soon, she decided to adopt a ted her past she has let go of since star new to become a yoga therapist. I don’t ting lifestyle – one that she kne w nothing yoga. simply want to use yoga as a med about. ium to “If you knew me a few years hea l sick people, I want to sit down and “A yea r and four mo nths into my job, listen to the vari back, you would be shocked to see ous problems a person I realised that, despite being content the changes I have made to my life. is facing, and then use yoga as a cha with wor nnel k and my life in Oman, I Especially after practising yoga,” to counsel his or her problems awa laughs wasn’t fulfilling my inner y. desires. I just Deepali. “For example, you’re diagnosed with wanted to get rid of the shackles She was born in Oman, and has that anxiety, you will most likely be put bou nd me and live a new life. I wanted on resided in the country for most of medication. But, these medications her to escape. will life. Talking to her, I also learned take a toll on your body. And with that Thi yog s was a also when Deepali’s interest therapy she is actually an “Oman aficiona I aim to cure these sicknesses do”, in yoga grew. Soon, she acq uired a meaning that she knows the country using alternative methods, which video of the 30 Days Beginner’s Cha have inside out. “Oman is home and I llenge been used in yoga for cen turies. yoga video by Adriene, from You cannot think of any other city as Tub e. “One thing about having a strong my “The first time I got on a mat, I was hometown.” min d is that you can beat any form doing everything wrong and became But she has not always had a dee of negativity. For instance, my mo p disa ppointed in myself. But as the day ther sense of inner tranquility. As a form s is a three-time cancer survivor er passed by, I could see so much pro , and I student of an Indian school in Om gress. believe that it is her positive an, mindset Suddenly, I realised that I was gett she suffered bullying. ing that helped her get through the ord very con eal fide nt with the way my body “My time at school was terrible. I than the actual medicines that she was worked. I also saw moveme was nts bullied and even shamed as a stud in my exposed to. And if that doesn’t sho ent. body that I never knew I could ach w the And because I wasn’t the brightes ieve . pow er of the mind, then what will?” t But abo ve all, I was able to attain a level kid in school, I was even picked on Deepali is due to obtain a by of concentration and peace that teachers,” she says. I never degree in yoga therapy from the cou ld achieve by my time behind a desk “And as a woman who was growin Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram g at wor in k.” up, it led to a lot of issues with my July, after which she is expected to selfSo beg in Nov in emb er 2015, Deepali esteem. I suddenly became confuse “training” patients, but whether or d mad e not the tou ghe st dec ision of her life about myself: I didn’t know if I was she stays in Oman to practice rem – pack her bags and head to Che ains even capable of doing things on my nnai, to be seen. “Life is so spo ntaneous. I where she would start training at own. the don’t know where it will take me Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, next,” “The sad part is that it is not just she says. me an institute with decades of training who goes through this on a daily basis. experience in yoga. Have you got a unique story This sort of hatred is what shapes or do you know the “Yoga affected me in ways I cannot someone who has? Contact usto totellhave women of today, and that is what coffee with they even explain to you. It did Y and be featured in Y Magazine. so much for Ema il: editor@y
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
correspondence DEBATE OF THE WEEK WE ASKED: Y Magazine celebrates its 9th anniversary today. What’s your best memory of Y Magazine or your favourite feature? WAFAA EL ANANY
rom 2011 till 2016, a time full of war, I feel very sad to hear that kids all around the world are dying. Families became poor after the wars started and many children are having a hard life. I feel bad about this because as a kid I can’t imagine living their life. Every kid deserves to go to school to study and make some of their dreams come true, and many of these children don’t get to go to school because the buildings have been bombed. When you see the photos of damaged buildings it is scary to think there are kids living there and seeing these big horrors every day. I hope that one day the leaders of all the countries will have a meeting to solve all the problems and hopefully stop these wars, especially the one in my country, Syria. And I hope now most of you will have some understanding of what they are going through. I also hope that one day everyone around the world will be happy and dream of peace. It would be so much better if we could have some good news this year. Another of my dreams is to visit the Czech Republic and make a lot of friendships all around the world. And in the end we must thank God for giving us this life, and thanks to Y Magazine for giving me this chance to write.
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
Happy birthday, Y Magazine! You have brought new meaning into our lives. We are always eagerly waiting for your fascinating articles, useful tips and wonderful competitions .Thank you for your excellent online Y Magazine. The first time that I knew about Y was during Ramadan two years ago, when I had opened my Facebook and read the debate on memories of the previous Ramadan. I wrote all about my feelings about being alone during the last week of Ramadan. At the end of the week, the last day of Ramadan, I was on my way to my home country and was at the airport waiting for take-off when I looked through Y. I found what I wrote had been published, including my name as the winner, and I had won a prize of dinner for two. I cannot describe my happiness that day. From that day, my Y magazine is my best friend to me here in Oman. I wait every Thursday to collect my hard copy and also follow Y on Facebook or Twitter.
First, let me say congrats and best wishes to our dear Y Magazine on its 9th anniversary and wish it many more anniversaries. The Portrait by a Nation competition for National Day is my alltime cherished memory for me and my kids. I like Y as an entertaining read and am not singling out any particular feature. But I always love the way you respond to our everyday wishes or on any occasion. Please do keep it up. Once again, cheers for your journey so far and hereafter.
My best memory or, as I may say, best memories of Y Magazine are: first, when my friends told
me that I had won, for the first time, a dinner voucher for two at Golden Tulip Hotel-Seeb last October in the Debate of the Week about the measures that I have taken to protect my online identity. I used the dinner voucher together with my friend to celebrate my dad’s birthday that month although he is miles away from me. Secondly, I was able to see and met former Y Magazine sub-editor Matt Blackwell before he went back to his home country of the UK. I also recently met the managing editor Felicity Glover. Happy 9th Anniversary, Y Magazine! Keep up the good work and continue to be the best weekly English magazine in Oman.
Mabrouk Y Magazine! The article Portrait by a Nation is my favourite. I was one of those taking part during my younger years, too, participating in such competitions. I hope there will be more youthinspiring activities in Oman in the near future.
First of all, I would like to extend my heartwarming congratulations to Y Magazine on its 9th Blessed Birthday. Y Magazine is, all in all, full of amazing and fascinating memories depicting all aspects of life and manner of topics, especially the Portrait Competition and not to forget the Debate of the Week, through which can get to be the Winner of the Week. Y Magazine is always at the forefront of every national occasion and during the Holy Month of Ramadan delivers fabulous prizes to its readers through various interesting questions. All in all, there is everything in this magazine and one could not ask for more. Cheers once again.
My best memory with Y magazine was when the editor of Y magazine complimented my smile in a picture in one of the selfie competitions last year. Happy birthday, Y Magazine. You make every week interesting by reporting on the latest issues. Thank you very much for that.
Congratulations to the Y team on your splendid achievement. As you celebrate the 9th anniversary, I wish you further success and many milestones in the years to come. My favourite feature, of course, is “The Debate of the Week”. This feature, no doubt,
Dinner for two at Le Jardin restaurant
ebHotel /GoldenTulipSe eb @GoldenTulipSe
SEND US YOUR letters, photos, news and views to / @ytabloid / /ytabloid. Impress us and the winning correspondent will receive a voucher for dinner at the Golden Tulip. Vouchers must be collected from Y’s
Seeb offices in person only. For the rest of the terms and conditions, see the Golden Tulip voucher.
is the jewel in your crown and assiduously picks up a contemporary issue/subject and elicits readers’ responses. This serves to present diverse views and allow one to see issues from different perspectives. Added to that, there is reward as well – dinner for two at the Golden Tulip!
May your spirit reach new heights “Y” As freely as a butterfly’s wings “Y” May your heart be filled with joy “Y” The profound joy of simple things “Y”. May your journey continue in peace “Y” As serene as early morning dew “Y” May only roses line your path “Y” This is my birthday wish for you to Y on completing a successful nine years.
If time in this Arabian Peninsula flies like an arrow we must bow down before the bows like Y! Today Oman tops any list of peaceful places on the planet thanks to the visionary mission of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said. Y – Pulse of Oman has also contributed with its highly conscientious journalism as a watchdog of the peace and progress here. My family and I are up there on cloud nine on learning that Y is celebrating the 9th anniversary. Our best memory of Y magazine was its Volume 1, Issue 34, Tuesday, August 19, 2008, with the maiden poetry of Raka, our only child. She was then in the 7th standard. And now she is in the final semester of her Junior year. But she bagged a few hard copies of Y before going back to the United States after having a fortnight’s winter in Muscat.
While I congratulate Y magazine and its team headed by Ms Felicity Glover on its 9th anniversary, which is memorable; I wish Y to continue to play a vital role in the print media of Oman. Portrait By A Nation stands tall in my esteem as it is the best tribute any one can offer to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos and it is my best memory of Y magazine and next only in seeing my picture (shot in Dubai) that appeared in I’m A Y Reader way back last year. Coming to weekly topics, I always look for Debate of the Week, which affords me a great chance to educate myself on various topics.
issue. I particularly respected the fact that an Omani woman’s study on the issue was utilised. Basically, thanks for giving us much-needed professional, well-written journalism which is respectful of Omani traditions and values and uses the talents of both Omani and international journalists, with excellent ethical standards. You’re quite the breath of fresh air that we need!
It’s a feeling of awe I have when I see Y magazine celebrate its 9th anniversary, which is no mean feat, and it is seen in the context of quality, affordability and reaching out. I take this opportunity to congratulate the whole Y team, led by Ms Felicity Glover. I’m sure it will go well into the next decade and continue to address the pressing issues of the day. To be frank, Coffee With Y that once featured me is my best memory of Y and will remain so for my entire life. My patriotic fervour and attachment to the Sultanate of Oman that is my second motherland naturally favours Portrait By A Nation as the best content of Y; not to be left out, the article “Special investigation: Bus accident victims are not statistics” had a special bearing on my passion and profession. I wish the best of luck to Y Magazine in reaching greater heights in the near future.
New Debate: US President Donald Trump’s move to ban citizens from seven countries in the Middle East has shocked many around the world, creating mass confusion and chaos over the new policy. Does this ban affect you or anybody you know – if so, how?
Share your view with us on Facebook and you could be in with a chance of winning dinner for two.
THIS IS YOUR SPOT! Just send us your picture with Y Magazine or pose with our photographer and we will publish it on this page
Send it to:
Congrats Y Mag!! Your mag is well laid-out, infused with interesting articles, and brings a joy to all its readers. You are extremely innovative and keep bringing new things to the table. One of my most memorable moments was when you featured my Barkha Horse Race image a couple of years back as your centre spread. Keep spreading the cheer.
Happy 9th. Quite the accolade! I have collective memories of some of your more probing articles into social issues in the Sultanate, such as FGM, the economic situation in the Sultanate, females being harassed and the expat exodus. These potentially touchy subjects (especially about FGM) were dealt with expertly and fairly. The article on FGM reported both opposing viewpoints of the
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
man marked an important date in its aviation calendar after SalamAir – the Sultanate’s first budget airline – took to the skies for its maiden flight from Salalah to Muscat International Airport on Monday [January 30]. The flight – an Airbus A320 – touched down in Muscat at 11.50am. Salam Air currently operates three state-of-the-art narrow-body Airbus A320 jet airliners. “SalamAir will first operate two flights daily for 10 days to Muscat, going up to three and, finally, four flights in a couple of weeks,” SalamAir chairman, engineer Sheikh Khalid al Yahmadi, was quoted as saying by local media. SalamAir currently offers three fare options: Light, Friendly and Flexi for passengers. Light is the airline’s lowest fare and is designed for customers who travel light and only require hand baggage. The Friendly option includes 20kg of luggage plus 7kg of hand baggage, while Flexi allows passengers added benefits such as priority check-
in and the possibility to change flights at no extra cost. In addition, a “budget-conscious menu” of additional services is available, which includes extra luggage allowance, seat selection, and priority check-in. “Our competitive price structure makes it possible for tourism, leisure and business passengers alike to take journeys more frequently, giving them the chance to experience more,” said al Yahmadi, in a statement to the press, earlier in January. Tickets are available through the company’s website, as well as from numerous affiliated travel agents across the country. Customers can also seek support from the SalamAir call centre via live chat, email and phone. The airline company is expected to operate five aircraft by the end of the year, and has plans to also fly to destinations such as Dubai, Jeddah, Karachi, Sialkot and Multan, as well as direct flights to India.
n its efforts to boost the country’s transportation system, Oman’s national bus operator, Mwasalat, will be soon launching its fleet of metered taxis to complement bus services across the capital. The company this week floated a tender for a specialist company to manage its new fleet of taxis, which are expected to hit Muscat’s roads later this year. Mwasalat has called for companies that can supply, install and maintain a taxi management and booking system – with a capacity to support more than 250 taxis – for a period of three years. The company also stated that the documents for the updated tender will be available until February 13 for a non-refundable fee of RO330, while the final submission date is March 1. However, firms or individuals who are already providing taxi services within Oman, or contracting to taxi operators within the Sultanate are prohibited from participating in the tender.
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
“The outer design of the Mwasalat taxis has been finalised and we are just waiting for the approval from the responsible authorities,” Ahmad bin Ali al Bulushi, the chief executive of Mwasalat said recently in an interview with local media. “To begin with, the new taxis will operate in the Muscat Governorate, the Muscat International Airport and commercial centres, and will also be available on call,” he added. In a statement, Mwasalat added that it had recruited around 230 taxi drivers to service malls and 200 service both commercial centres and oncall services.
Photo credit: ROP staff photographers
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
emperatures are expected to plummet this weekend, with weather forecasters predicting more rain around the Sultanate. According to The Weather Channel, high winds and rain are expected in Muscat tomorrow (February 3), while the temperature will drop to 21 degrees Celsius and 14 overnight. On Saturday, it will be sunny but the windy conditions will persist, while the temperature during the day will be 18 degrees Celsius and just 13 degrees overnight. Meanwhile, the Oman Meteorology Department was quoted by local media as saying: “The latest weather analysis shows that the Sultanate may be affected by a trough of low pressure with chances of light rain over northern governorates from Wednesday [February 1]. “This will continue for three to four days. Strong northeasterly winds will bring down the temperature. The state of the sea is expected to be rough along the Sea of Oman.” Just last week, the Sultanate experienced heavy rain in many parts of the country, including the capital, creating havoc on the roads due to heavy flooding and causing the Muscat Festival to close, as well as some schools in badly affected areas. The spokesman from the Oman Meteorology Department added that rain was also expected in Musandam and other coastal areas around the Sea of Oman. “[There will be] mainly clear skies over the rest of the Sultanate with chances of fog over Oman Sea coastal areas and governorates of Dhofar, Al Wusta and South Al Sharqiya,” he was quoted by local media as saying.
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
pirits around the nation were at an all-time high last weekend, when Oman created history on home turf by winning its first ever CISM World Cup football trophy after a tense penalty shoot-out with Qatar. With no goals scored – even after extra-time at the Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex on Saturday (January 28) – both teams remained neck-and-neck until the final moments of the shoot-out. However, Oman was successful in keeping its nerve to eke out four goals – striking the net every time – as opposed to Qatar’s one during the penalty shoot-out, thereby crowning them champions this year. This year’s CISM World Cup also marked the Sultanate’s second attempt at the trophy after the team fell short by one goal to Iraq at the inaugural edition of the CISM World Football Cup in 2013. Oman’s sole hiccup during the qualifying rounds was in the semi-finals against Egypt, when both teams remained unseparated at two-goals apiece. A total of 16 teams took part in the world
cup, this year; but Oman remained favourites throughout the tournament, recording one-sided five-goal victories against teams from Mali and Guinea. The CISM World Football Cup is a part of the Military World Games, which is organised by the International Military Sports Council (CISM), and has been held since 1995. Countries such as Germany, France, Iran and North Korea competed this year. The venues for the matches were Al Seeb Stadium, Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex and Royal Oman Police Stadium.
Qurum Beach forms the stunning backdrop to this week’s reader photo. Taken by Milan Manoj, a year 4 student at Indian School Wadi Kabir, he captured the setting sun perfectly as the final rays of the day turned the sea a deep orange.
Send your photo to to be featured in our new section, Through Your Eyes. Include where it was taken, your name and a few details about your photograph, such as the camera used.
PHOTO: Milan Manoj
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
aces of
Welcome to Y’s weekly photo series that profiles the diverse characters who call the Sultanate home Name: Samah Darwish al Balushi Age: 29 From: Oman Occupation: Showjumper Passion: Reading, swimming, travelling
Photo: Shaquel al Balushi
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
After obtaining a degree in civil engineering, Fatema Nasser Rashid al Maqbali, now 26, struggled to find a job. Instead, she and her sister set up the Photo Café. Situated at Panorama Mall, it is the first coffee shop in Oman to offer photography facilities to customers Q: What drives you to success? My goal has always been to be different from everyone else in every single way. My sister and I could easily have just started a simple coffee shop but we realised that we had to be unique when we started our own venture. I also believe it is my reluctance to follow a set path that drives me to success. That is also why Photo Café has been an immense accomplishment since its inception. Q: Who or what has been your inspiration in your career? Without a doubt, it is my family that inspires me. I have been gifted with an amazing father and mother who have been instrumental in my success. They never stopped me or forced me to do something that I didn’t like. Instead, they have always motivated me and stood by my side during all my moments – be they successful or not. Q: What is your biggest career success to date? Opening the Photo Café. Following my time in university, I have always wanted to do something that was truly unique and so when I got the opportunity, I took it with both hands. Q: What are your career goals? Photo Café is just in its initial stages. But I am doing my best to make the business grow, and also expand internationally in the process.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time? Right now, I am concentrating on gaining some experience managing the Photo Café. But in the coming decade, I would also like to start up an event management company. Meanwhile, I am also quite disappointed that I could not make the best of my degree in civil engineering. So, I would like to do a course, which would help me in my business. Q: What do you like about the Genesis? Driving the Genesis was truly a revelation. The sedan is extremely stylish and didn’t fail to impress me in the performance department. Apart from that, it also handled well in the corners and gave me a sense of confidence, which I could not get from many other cars in this segment. I also like how the car is spacious and crammed with technology inside. The heads-up display was something I particularly found useful; I actually want it on my car now. I think the Genesis is so good that when the time comes, I shall buy this for my sister as a gift.
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
We received some amazing “9 Seconds of Y” themed videos for our Grand Prize of a Samsung Curved Smart TV and Samsung Wireless Airtrack sound bar. The final decision was very difficult for our judges, but in the end there could only be one winner. Congratulations to Pramod Shende, whose video impressed us with the use of fireworks to celebrate Y’s 9th Anniversary. Thank you to all who entered and we’ll be in touch, Pramod, for you to pick up your prize.
rize p 2 nd
Magical Musandam
Congratulations to Abdulrahman al Harthi, who has won our romantic two-night getaway to magical Musandam, staying at either the Atana Khasab or Atana Musandam hotels. Abdulrahman, who correctly answered that Atana means “come to us”, has also won a fantastic dhow cruise around the famous khors of Khasab. The prize, courtesy of the Oman Tourism Development Company (OMRAN), also includes late check out and breakfast. 016
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
LET THERE BE LIGHT Congratulations to Connie Abellanosa, the winner of our sleek, Scandinavianstyle lamps from IDdesign. Worth a total of RO300, Connie correctly answered that the IDdesign brand originated from Denmark.
Congratulations to Dr Suddapalli Bhaskara Rao, who has won a delicious buffet lunch for two people at Taybat, the Grand Millennium Muscat’s all-day dining venue. A tribute to the rich, cultural, heritage and time-honoured values of Oman, the Grand Millennium Muscat Hotel is located in the heart of the city, close to the airport and is seamlessly connected to the Muscat Grand Mall. Enjoy!
Congratulations to Anjana Agrawal, Gopi Shekhar, Brian Martis and Farid al Kindy, each of whom has won a RO25 voucher to dine at the sublime Richoux Tea Room and Restaurant, which offers a traditional English dining experience. Its most recent outlet was opened at Al Mouj, Muscat.
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER MOVIE TIME Congratulations to Maureen Clarke, who has won four City Cinema VIP Lounge tickets. Maureen correctly answered that the VIP Lounge, where you can kick back and relax in the comfort of an armchair and enjoy a personal waiter service, is situated in Panorama Mall.
Congratulations to Alison Haynes and Alfiya Fazil, who have each won a pair of VIP passes to attend a performance at Royal Opera House Muscat. Both correctly answered that Sebastiano Rolli would be the conductor of the ROHM’s forthcoming opera of L’Italiana in Algeri, or The Italian Girl in Algiers.
F U L L PROTECTION Last, but certainly not least, we extend our congratulations to Aleem ul Islam, the winner of our fabulous V-Kool full protection package worth RO240. Aleem correctly answered that V-Kool’s newest showroom is located in Al Khuwair.
ALL ABOUT THE CAKE Y congratulates Aru Abu and Viju Partha on each winning a RO20 voucher to spend at Cloud9 – The Bake Studio, which is based in Bausher, opposite Muscat Private Hospital. As the city’s most popular bakery, we are sure you will have no problem choosing some delicious treats!
ThankYou Team Y will be in touch with the winners to organise the picking up of your prizes. Thank you to everybody who entered and we look forward to our 10th year, in which we shall continue to bring you bold and innovative coverage of the Sultanate.
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
Spend this Friday chilling out at the Lounge on the Beachfront at Al Bustan Palace, a Ritz-Carlton Hotel. It’s all about unwinding from a busy week as you listen to the in-house DJ spinning a few decks as the sun sets on the beachfront. Entry between 2pm to 5pm costs RO10 per person, including two selected beverages, but if you arrive after 5pm, entry is free. For more information, call 2476 4000 or email
F E B R U A R Y Head to the Park Inn Hotel rooftop tomorrow afternoon for the Sunset Musica Festival 2017, where you can groove to some sweet sounds at what is being described as the capital’s first music festival. The 12-hour lineup of entertainers includes a host of international and local DJs – DJ Slim from France, DJ Natalie Brogan from the UK, DJ Ali from Oman and DJ V Groove from India – as well as live music by local band T Band. Entry is RO12 for men (includes one free beverage), women enter free and the dress code is chilled out. The music starts at 2pm and ends at 2am.
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
They say laughter is the best medicine. And fans of live comedy will be happy to hear that the Radisson Blu Hotel has kicked off Oman Comedy Central, a standup laugh-fest that will be held on the first Saturday of each month. Entry is free and the fun starts at 8pm and finishes at 9.30pm. For details, call 2448 7777.
Introduce your children to the delights of the comic opera The Barber of Seville, which will be performed in a shortened version by the young singers of the Accademia dell’Opera di Firenze. The colourful performance sees Figaro, the town barber, help the handsome young Count Almaviva, who is in love with a beautiful heiress, Rosina. The orchestra and chorus of Opera di Firenze will be also be performing under the baton of Bruno Campanella. Curtain up: 4pm. For bookings, go to
FEB 11
Family fun
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
best-selling novels of all time
❶ Don Quixote Author: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Worldwide sales: 500 million plus
A Tale of Two Cities ❷ Author: Charles Dickens Worldwide sales: 200 million plus
❸ The Alchemist
Author: Paulo Coelho Worldwide sales: 150 million plus
❹ The Little Prince
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Worldwide sales: 140 million plus
Harry Potter and the ❺ Philosopher’s Stone Author: J.K. Rowling Worldwide sales: 107 million plus
JAN 02 FEB 05 - 08 11 //ISSUE ISSUE452 456
MOVIES MOVIES FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TIMES, GO TO: City Cinema: Al Bahja Cinema: VOX Cinemas: Star Cinema: Tel +968 24791641
Live by Night
Silence You would have thought Martin Scorsese might have thought twice about taking on religion again. His The Last Temptation Of Christ got a decidedly mixed bag of reviews on its release 30-odd years ago. But you can’t keep a good man down, as they say. With this, Scorsese has plundered the depths of his talent and come up with another masterpiece, In 17th century Japan, two Jesuit priests Rodrigues (Andrew Garfield) and Garupe (Adam Driver) are on a mission to find and rescue their mentor, Father Forreira (Liam Neeson), at a time when their religion is outlawed, on pain of death. But the two canny clergymen refuse to believe their mentor has renounced their religion, and embark on a journey where their faith in their faith is sorely tested. Scorsese (who once trained for the
THIS WEEK'S QUESTION Who plays Father Forreira in Silence? LAST WEEK'S WINNER Vembu.K
When Jo Coughlin (Ben Affleck) returns to Boston from fighting in the Great War, he's not exactly up for holding down a nine-to-five job. priesthood) has wanted to make this film After deciding that robbing banks is for years, apparently. It’s clearly a film an easier way to make a living he gets with a message and tackles questions caught up in a world of rival mobsters about faith, sacrifice and our very while falling in love with Emma, a existence. gangster’s moll (Sienna Miller). And However, it has been worth the to top it off, his dad is long-suffering wait. Its superb performances, rigorous craftsmanship and stunning cinematography make this the latest jewel on Scorsese’s unmatchable CV. Andrew Garfield, already on a roll from his Oscar-nominated success in Hacksaw Ridge turns in a nuanced performance that should propel him onto Hollywood’s A-list while Neeson does what he does best i.e. dominate the screen. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. An epic movie? Yes, but epic movies can often be a tad long and just a little bit dull in places. So it is with this beautiful, brutal film. Review by Kevin McIndoe
TO BE IN WITH A CHANCE TO WIN, just answer a question based on the week’s cinema reviews and send your answer to, along with your name and contact information. Tickets must be collected from Y’s Seeb offices in person only. For the rest of the terms and conditions, see voucher. Contact: Movie enquiries 2460 7360
police chief Thomas Coughlin (Brendan Gleeson) who is torn between the law and his wayward son. Cue plenty of car chases and shoot-outs in Prohibitionera America. Despite showy sets and costumes, this thriller is a bit on the bland side but Affleck fans will enjoy it.
Split When three girls are kidnapped by a man with 23 different personalities, their escape plan is not going to be straightforward. James McAvoy plays the multi-faceted man, called Kevin ( or Hedwig or Patricia etc), and the girls, led by Casey (Anya Taylor-Joy) will need to talk about Kevin, and which one of his personalities is going to help or hinder them. They will also have to work it out before he develops a 24th. McAvoy is brilliant in this: spellbinding, chilling and disturbing; all at the same time, as he changes personae from maladjusted “Patricia” to the innocent nine-year-old boy Hedwig. Gripping stuff.
Long View ROCK DOG Tibetan mastiff Bodi (voiced by Luke Wilson) has set his sights on becoming a rock star after a radio falls mysteriously out of the sky. While his quest for stardom sets him on a path of discovery it also opens up a whole can of worms, not least of which is: who will mind the sheep in his mountain village while he’s off to the city in search of the big time? When beanie-wearing Bodi meets Angus Scattergood (Eddie Izzard), a cat with attitude, he finds the road to fame and fortune more arduous than he thought. With a score that includes some catchy songs, it’s a bright enough effort that the kids will enjoy. Oman release date: February 23
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
IN THE LONG After months of blood, sweat and tears, more than 1,300 runners from all over the world braved Muscat’s marathon, half-marathon and 10K races. Alvin Thomas was at the finish line
t’s a nippy start to Friday: the time is 5.55am and the temperature stands at a cool 15 degrees Celsius. The sun hasn’t yet risen to reveal the race-day preparations going on at Race Village at Al Mouj, Muscat for what is to be the sixth annual Muscat Marathon. The electricity in the atmosphere is crackling at an all-time high – and that’s electricity with a capital E. With the clock still ticking, the runners for the full marathon – all 124 of them – are jostling for space at the starting line, stretching and warming up for the arduous task ahead. It doesn’t take long to realise that these aren’t your average Joes and Jills from next door. Rather, it’s a group of motivated individuals who are here on a mission: to complete and conquer the 42km marathon. As a matter of fact, tensions are running so high that race officials have to signal to participants to stay behind the rope before the start of the actual race. But come zero hour: the clock strikes 6am and the race announcer signals the countdown of the start of the Al Mouj Muscat Marathon 2017, and after that, there’s no stopping the competitors – comprising 99 men and 25 women – who have trained long and hard for this very moment. Now, there’s no stopping these folks. Even the lead bike, which has a set of cameras mounted on
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
RUN it, is no match for the sheer muscle and focus of the runners as they take the first corner just off the Al Mouj, Muscat roundabout, and onto the calm and quiet highway that encompasses the full marathon course. After all, this is musclepower over horsepower. But don’t be fooled: the race isn’t all fun and games. The participants are well aware of that as they relax their speed to conserve energy and reserve that brio for the trickier parts of the marathon. After all, it’s not a sprint but a test of one’s strength, energy, stamina and willpower. In total, the full marathon stretches over a challenging 42.195km (better known as the “mile 26.2”), which spans all the way from the Race Village at Al Mouj, Muscat towards
the farthest corners of the Seeb Beach Road, then back to Al Mouj Golf Course before finally concluding at the finish line at Race Village. It’s no wonder experts say that one never simply stumbles into a marathon but rather trains himself or herself to become a “survivor of the race”. After all, a marathon is a race that requires you to push the limits of your body. There’s a saying that goes: “Everything you ever wanted to know about yourself you can learn in 26.2 miles,” which further articulates the true nature of the race. However, it is not just the marathon that is being held today. There’s also the half marathon (21.1km) and the 10K (10km), and a total of 1318 runners are taking part in all three events – making this the largest ever marathon to be hosted in the Sultanate. A specific colour system has also been adopted to split runners into various categories: blue for marathon runners, yellow for half-marathon runners and red for 10k runners. There are 177 runners from countries such as the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, while runners from 75 other nations are also taking part in the event, which has been organised by the Muscat Road Runners and Oman Sail; and sponsored by BP, Oman Air and Muscat Festival. Faisal al Barram, an executive from Horizon Fitness, an official supplier of the event, sheds some light on how rigorous the training regime has been for the runners taking part in the marathon. “We have been conducting strict fitness targets for those taking part in each of the three races today. “We have been working hard for the past eight weeks. But today, we are offering pre-run workouts and energy drinks to those who might require them. This will help them perform better. “Apart from that, we have also been exposing runners who are a part of our gyms to warm-ups, high-intensity training and 10km runs. We slowly increased the distance by 1km every time we hit our target, thus making our runners fit for today. “On the fitness side of things, we have done a lot to prep our runners, and we hope to support the Muscat Marathon in coming editions as well,” says Faisal. Aid stations supplying water, power drinks and toilets are also on the course route and are located approximately 5km apart, as well as at the start and finish lines. Each and every runner is also provided with a timing chip along with his or her bib to time the run. Split times and post-race results are also updated online should the runner require them. On the competition front, however, runners are still high on adrenalin, as witnessed in the final leg of the full-marathon, when Belgian Pierre Breuer takes a deep breath before sprinting to the
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
finish line to complete his 42.195km. He also bags a RO500 cash prize, which is on offer to the male and female winners from the full marathon. He completes the race in a time of 2 hours, 42 minutes and 51 seconds, with an average speed of 15.55kph. Pierre says: “This marathon has been all about determination and willpower. The route is really scenic, and I feel that this has been quite a challenging track for me. “But I believe I was able to hold a steady pace in order to have finished first. “This has been the combined result of hard
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
This marathon has been all about determination and willpower. The route is really scenic and I feel that this has been quite a challenging track for me work and determination, and nothing else,” he exclaims, before congratulating other runners as the cross the finish line. Meanwhile, Omani runner Amer al Amri finishes in second place – just 12 minutes behind Pierre – with an impressive time of 2 hours, 54 minutes and 14 seconds. Among the women, it is Iceland’s Asta Parker who finishes first with a time of 3 hours, 23 minutes and 46 seconds. Of the 124 participants, 94 men (out of 99) and 25 women (out of 25) completed the full marathon, with a total finish record rate of 94.45 per cent. Next to commence is the half marathon – which comprises 336 runners – with 239 men and 97 women. By now, it’s beginning to warm up as the sun starts beating down on the runners. However, the competitors in this race complete the 21.1km run without any hiccups. Abdullah al Qarini, 35, who belongs to the
Royal Army of Oman, is first across the line in the half marathon. When asked about how he felt about winning, he says: “I am the happiest man in the world. I feel very good right now. I have trained for a very long time to win this, and it is definitely a step-up for me to take the podium this time. I have also created a new record for myself.”
Second to finish the race is Mahmood al Qarini, who is a medical professional in the Royal Army of Oman. He says: “I am extremely happy with the results. There’s no denying that Abdullah ran very well today, so I am not upset that I came second. Both Abdullah and Mahmood trained for an entire year to prepare for Al Mouj Muscat Marathon, and also took part in four races across the GCC to prepare for it. The third and final run – the 10K – sees a record 672 runners take part – which is more than the total number of participants who took part in last year’s Muscat Marathon. The 10km run starts from the Race Village, before proceeding to Al Mouj Golf Course and back. Omani Yunos Abdullah al Jabri is the first to complete the 10km run, with an impressive time of 35 minutes and 59 seconds, and an average speed of 16.75kph. Meanwhile, it is Dubai resident Maria Markovicova, 29, who is in town solely for the
Shabib al Mamry, communications and external affairs manager at BP Oman
“We have been partnering up with Oman Sail since 2015 in different programmes, and we have extended our partnership this year with Muscat Marathon. And so far, it has been incredibly successful.” race, who takes female honours in an impressive time of 45 minutes and 58 seconds. “I feel amazing winning the 10k,” says Maria, as she poses for a photograph with her friend Nadine Reader, who finished in 30th place. “The route across the golf course was particularly amazing, and also the highlight of my run. Although it is not my first marathon, it still is my first time running in Muscat and I am truly in love with this place. “It feels like a holiday and I love the vibes over here. I also love how energetic the atmosphere is over here. There are lots of children playing around, and it’s all very alive,” the Slovakian-born expat says as she points at the Omani traditional band and the drum parade entertaining spectators and competitors alike in the Race Village. When asked about her training, Maria says: “I only ran one run a week but that has been good enough for me to keep myself fit and ready for the race. Unfortunately, my work does not allow me to spend too much time running or being down at the gym so I have to resort to weekends to spend some time training. I will definitely come back here, and I will bring a few of my friends next time too.” Meanwhile, Nadine Reader points out that the Al Mouj Muscat Marathon is actually a “friendlier FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
Nasser Al Sheibani, CEO of Al Mouj Muscat
“We are delighted to be the title sponsor of this international sporting event and look forward to hosting you at Muscat’s premier lifestyle destination. Promoting the benefits of an active lifestyle is a key community objective at Al Mouj, whether you’re joining us to enjoy a game of golf, take a trip to the beach or indulge in a day of watersports and fishing. Our title sponsorship of the Muscat Marathon is therefore a natural extension of our offerings.”
race than the one in Dubai”. “People here are competitive but also quite friendly and sociable. That’s something I have seen missing in Dubai. I cannot wait to come back for the next edition of the Muscat Marathon,” she says. According to Mohammed Mubarak al Shikely, the vice president of marketing at Oman Air, one of the sponsors of the race, it is this “friendly spirit” and “sense of oneness” that makes the Al Mouj Muscat Marathon 2017 a “grand success”. “We need more activities like these to take place in Oman,” he says. “You can see the size of the crowd that this marathon has drawn. This is what unites various people from different nationalities. Look around and you will find people from different parts of the world. But today, they’re all cheering together for the people who are representing an event that has been hosted in the Sultanate by the Sultanate.”
PRIZE MONEY 1st: RO500 2nd: RO300 3rd: RO200 026
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
S E T A M L U O S E R A “Y” WE m os t e th r fo t ou ok lo e th on is Y – s le up co l al Ca ll in g an Om in am te e if w d an d an sb hu ed ch at pe r fe ct ly m
Associate Sponsors
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
alentine’s Day is just around the corner and love is in the air, which means that our popular “Y We Are Soulmates” competition is back, bigger and better than ever before. Are you and your partner more in love than ever? If you’ve still got the spark, then we want to hear from you as the call for contestants begins. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve just got together or have been married for 20 years; the most important thing is that you’ve got the right recipe for love and all the ingredients for a long life together. In association with Markaz Al Bahja and Golden Tulip Seeb Hotel, we’ve got a total of RO1,500 worth of prize vouchers up for grabs. Couples will have a chance to test their compatibility in front of an audience with the ultimate live quiz show. Entry is open now and we’ll be whittling down our couples to 10 finalists who will answer a series of questions about their spouses to prove how well they know each other. If you think that you know your husband or wife well, this is your chance to show them in the most romantic of ways – and win some very dreamy prizes.
The winning couple will receive RO750 in prize vouchers, with two runners-up winning RO500 and RO250 worth of rewards. “Y is excited to bring you once again our special competition in the spirit of love and romance,” says Felicity Glover, Y’s managing editor. “It’s a fun, popular contest and a chance for couples to show us how much they love each other. “But the big question is: How well do you know your soulmate? Enter our competition to find out.” For a chance to become one of our 10 contestants in the live final at Markaz Al Bahja Mall on February 17, simply tell us in 50 words or less who your soulmate is and why. Send your answer to by Sunday, February 12. We’ll choose the best answers and invite 10 couples to be part of our exciting final to find out if they really are soulmates. Good luck!
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
Eating healthily doesn’t have to be boring these days, but finding the right flavours is essential.
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
New Restaurant
THE TASTE OF HEALTH Savour the flavour of nutritious food that needn’t be dull, with these three recipes
dopting healthier eating habits doesn’t have to mean resorting to tasteless food. In fact, you may surprise yourself by enjoying your new lineup of healthy, wholesome meals even more than the calorie-laden dishes you covet. These recipes are just as big on flavour as they are good for you so you can savour every last bite. Take time to start off the day with a unique twist on a nutritious smoothie by enjoying it in a bowl. Then at lunch, rely on unexpected ingredients like ripe, juicy berries and beans to transform a ho-hum salad into a true culinary delight. Round out the day with a sensible dinner that gives you a healthy serving of protein and veggies seasoned to simple perfection.
Strawberry and Fava Bean Salad with Pecorino fava beans. Boil for one minute, drain and then cool the fava beans in ice water. § Drain the fava beans. Pinch one end and slip off Ingredients: tough skins of the larger § 2 litres of water, salted beans (Note: skin on small § 2 cups shelled fresh fava beans is not usually tough). beans (about 900g in pods) Discard the skins. § 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil § Whisk together the olive oil, § 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar vinegar and lemon juice. § 2 tbsp lemon juice § In a large bowl, season the § 2 cups fresh California fava beans and strawberries strawberries, stemmed and with salt and pepper. Add quartered the rucola and enough § coarsely ground black dressing mixture to coat the pepper salad lightly. Mix gently and § 3 cups rucola (wild arugula) spoon onto a platter or six § pecorino cheese salad plates. § With a vegetable Method: peeler, shave the cheese § In a large pot, bring the generously over the salad. water to boil over a high Grind some pepper on top. heat. § Add a pinch of salt and the Recipe courtesy of California Strawberry Commission Servings: 6
Oatmeal Banana Smoothie Bowl Courtesy of Alison Ray of So Chic Life
Ingredients: § 2/3 cup rolled oats § 1/2 cup full fat coconut milk § 1 tbsp chia seeds § 1/2 tsp vanilla extract § sea salt § 1/2 cup almond milk, 2 per cent milk or soy milk § 1 small banana (or 1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauce) § goodnessknows snack squares (any flavour) § grated coconut, to taste
§ Pour creamy oats into a bowl, and top with snack squares, coconut and slices of the remaining half of banana. Tip: Use extra milk to thinnen the consistency, if required.
Method: § In a small bowl, mix together the oats, coconut milk, chia seeds, vanilla and a pinch of salt. Cover and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes or overnight to help the flavours soak in. § In the blender or food processor, combine the oat mixture with the remaining milk and half of the banana (or apple sauce). Blend until smooth and creamy.
Find more nutritious recipes that make it easy to enjoy eating right at, and – Family Features
Chicken and Vegetables Recipe courtesy of the USDA Servings: 4 Ingredients: § 1 1/2 tbsp margarine § 1 tsp garlic powder § 1/2 cup onions, chopped § 450g of chicken thighs (110g each), boneless and skinless § 1 package (280g) cut green beans, frozen § 1/4 tsp pepper Method: § In a heavy frying pan, melt the margarine. Add the garlic and onions and stir until blended. Cook over a medium heat until tender, for about 5 minutes. Remove from the frying pan. § Place the chicken in the frying pan. Cook over a medium heat until the chicken is done. Remove the chicken from the frying pan and keep it warm. § Place the green beans, pepper
and cooked onions in the same frying pan. Cover and cook over a medium-low heat until the beans are tender, for about five minutes. § Add the chicken to the vegetable mixture. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally until heated through, for about three minutes.
Note: To remove the bone from bone-in chicken thighs, place the chicken on a cutting board. Remove the skin from the thighs. Turn the chicken thighs over. Cut around the bone and remove.
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
24/7 /yTaBLoID
sCaN Our Qr CODEs WITH aNY Qr rEaDEr aPP
Tr e n d
te g Budendly fri
New Restaurant
Info Box
Behind Costa, at Al Assalah Towers (Saud Bahwan Plaza), Al Ghubra Tel: 2421 0452 (bookings and takeaways) Opening Hours: 8.30am – 11pm Price: RO11.8 (two people)
Verdict : 9/10 SERVICE 8/10 FOOD 8/10 AMBIENCE Great food and quick service at affordable prices. Y Magazine reviews anonymously and pays for its meals
f you’re an ardent follower of Y, you would know of my love of all things Italian. However, I have to confess that I haven’t been keeping my word lately: I’ve not had anything Italian (food, mostly) for quite some time now. My last time at a proper Italian restaurant was in November last year! Surely, it was about time to bring a few things back in order. So when I was the designated taste-tester for this week, I drew up a few places that I thought I could visit to end my three-month drought of not having had my favourite cuisine. Thankfully, this time I wasn’t flying solo. Instead, I was accompanied by Taylor Glover – Y’s intern from Australia who has been working with us for the past two weeks. From the list of restaurants that I had put forward, we quickly decided to head to Trattoria – a sister restaurant to Mamasan (a Chinese restaurant) that I had reviewed a while back. One of the reasons we headed there was because Trattoria is placed in a secluded location (at the Al Assalah Towers in Azaiba), meaning it would most likely not be crowded, and we wouldn’t have to wait too long for our food. Entering the restaurant, I realised that not much had changed since my last visit. Faux bricks cover most of the walls while incandescent lights light up the place. Overall, the décor is simple but tasteful. It’s like those restaurants featured in 1940s-period films (think Bicycle Thieves). Our server – a very polite young lady – was quick to bring us our menus. The selection is every
turkey was a tad on the smoky side but the asparagus (something I’d never fancied before) was growing on me, and I enjoyed the generous NOT ONLY DID WE FIND THE FOOD serving of mushrooms. Even the pizza slices were TO BE DELIGHTFUL, BUT ALSO quite large; something I haven’t seen for quite a EVERYTHING, FROM THE OVERALL while at Italian restaurants across the capital. AURA TO THE POLITE WAITERS Following our main course, we briskly ordered AT THE RESTAURANT, BRING THE some pudding. Taylor opted for the chocolate TRATTORIA ON POINT. cheesecake while I opted for the raspberry cheesecake. Italian food lover’s dream: it is jam-packed with a Both arrived quickly, and were definitely freshly variety of dishes ranging from traditional Italian prepared. Taylor’s cheesecake had a soft cake base, pane (breads), cornetti (croissants), tramezzini and she said that it reminded her of chocolate (sandwiches), pastas, ravioli, steaks and even mousse. But she still gave it the thumbs up and pizzas. declared it to be “a wicked indulgence”. But since we were in the mood for something I found my raspberry cheesecake to be simple, we found ourselves scouring through the marvellous too. It was doused in raspberry syrup, menu for some meat pizzas and Pane All’aglio and the cheese was soft and fresh. There’s no (traditional Italian garlic bread). doubt that this was one of the best cheesecakes I Soon, both of us decided to settle for the had tried in a while. Fantasia pizza and a portion of Parmesan cheesy In all, our stop at Trattoria turned out to be garlic bread. We also ordered a simple 7-Up-based quite successful. Not only did we find the food lemon mocktail to start things off. to be delightful, but also everything, from the Our mocktail was the first to arrive, and it was overall aura to the polite waiters at the restaurant, served along with a side of mint and lemon. It was bringing Trattoria on point. quite refreshing, to say the least. But since both Trattoria is definitely worth visiting, and without of us were parched from the sun, we enjoyed the a doubt, it has to be one of the best Italian drink. restaurants in the capital. The garlic bread was the next to arrive. It had There’s no doubt that I’ll be heading there again been freshly prepared and was served with plenty soon. of cheese and finely chopped garlic cloves, which Do you have a favourite restaurant that you’d like to see Taylor said she quite liked. Needless to say, it reviewed? Let Y know at didn’t last too long on our plates. Our pizza arrived in less than 10 minutes too, and we found ourselves gorging into it. To be honest, amidst all the hurry, we almost forgot to click pictures for the sake of the magazine – but thankfully, that was not to be. The Fantasia pizza was generously garnished with Danish mozzarella (my favourite kind of cheese), turkey ham, black olives, mushrooms, asparagus and onions. Taylor quickly pointed out that the pizza was scrumptious. She also commended the thin crust, which was very well-prepared. I found the pizza to be quite delightful. The FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
URBAN COOL It’s all about black for the uber cool teen, with skinny jeans and bomber jackets still trending on catwalks and the high street for the cooler months. Team with a skateboard and et voila, you’ve nailed the look, like this outfit from Topman.
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
T t Ge
k o o L e h
, reet ok t s lo gh e hi get the h t d to ou to n e igh helps y h e th ver From ity Glo c Feli
This Next bomber jacket is a classic style, but also cool enough for the teen about town. From RO31
Nothing speaks street cred than a pair of skinny low-trashed jeans from H&M. Made from stretch denim, they are super comfortable and just the ticket for a weekend adventure. From RO18.7
A baggy T-shirt is de rigueur for teens these days, but this cotton striped crew neck top from M&S adds a touch of style to any outfit. From RO7.8
A hold-all backpack is an essential accessory, perfect for gadgets, earphones, school supplies and anything else you can carry, such as this paint-splatter rucksack from Next. From RO12
A classic baseball cap not only protects you from the sun, but is a must-have for all teens, such as this cap from H&M. From RO6
Choosing the right trainers can be a big decision for teens, but this faux suede pair from Next could be a step in the right direction. From RO18.3
No outfit is complete without a pair of Ray Ban-inspired sunglasses, such as this UV-protected pair from H&M. From RO5
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
Health Fashion
Celebrity hair stylist Asgar Saboo offers tips on using natural remedies to detox your hair
he party season is well over now so it’s time to detox your hair, more so as the cooler months can be hard on your locks. This can result in brittle hair, dry scalp and split ends. However, there are some natural solutions to your troubles that can all be found in your kitchen, and each takes just under five minutes to prepare!
in fatty acids and vitamins to help heal dry locks. The eggs will replenish your hair with protein while honey is full of antioxidants and nutrients.
Cleanse your hair without harmful chemicals
Simply leave it
Store-bought shampoos and conditioners are often full of harmful and artificial chemicals. Instead, opt for a more natural, simple approach by creating your own cleansing and nourishing remedies. All you need is baking soda and apple cider vinegar! Filter one cup of water and add a tablespoon of baking soda then mix well. Work this through your hair and rinse. Filter a second cup of water and mix this with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and repeat. Done!
Whip up your own hair mask
Nurture your hair back to health with the contents of your fridge. Simply mash a ripe avocado and mix in an egg, before adding a tablespoon of honey. Stir well and apply to wet hair. Let the mixture work its magic for approximately 20 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. Avocados are rich 036
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
These days, we are increasingly using harmful heating devices such as hairdryers, straighteners and curling irons to achieve the perfect look. The continual use of scorching hair tools can leave your hair with split ends as a dull, lifeless mane. Asgar’s advice is simple but effective: resist the appeal of fast-track dry hair and perfectly curled locks and just let your hair dry naturally and do its thing. You might have to survive without that impeccable blow-dry bounce for a few weeks but your hair will thank you.
If you wear glasses but struggle to read what’s in front of you, read on (if you can). You might learn something
s the playwright Oscar Wilde said: “With age comes wisdom”. For a lot of us, though, age also means we have difficulty in seeing things up close, including this article. It happens to almost everyone. You may find yourself holding things farther away to see them clearly or realise you’re struggling to read small print. In either case, your eyes probably don’t see as well as they used to. Here’s what doctors know: as you age, the lens in your eye becomes less flexible so that by your mid-40s, you are likely to be holding anything you’re trying to read at arm’s length. If this sounds familiar, you may be among the one billion people who have presbyopia, an age-related condition that makes it difficult to see things up close. It’s important for people to understand that what happens to our eyes between the ages of 40 and 50 is completely normal, according to Dr Howard Purcell, a senior vice-president at Essilor of America, the creators of Varilux lenses. He says: “The best way to know if you have developed presbyopia is to visit your eye doctor to get a comprehensive eye exam.” Ageing is a part of life, and while diet, exercise, and other habitual changes can help, presbyopia is natural and may be inevitable, even for those who have always had perfect vision. “For years, the only option available to help with presbyopia was bifocal
lenses, which were invented by Benjamin Franklin more than 250 years ago,” explains Dr Purcell. “The problem is that with only two sections (powers) of vision, bifocals don’t cover your vision at around arm’s length so objects such as cell phones, computers and menus will still look blurry.” Today, people with presbyopia have a better option. If you’ve ever worn bifocals, you know there is a line in the middle of the lens separating the top, which is used to see far away; from the bottom, used to see close up. The good news is that progressive lenses such as Varilux don’t have this distracting line and allow you to see more clearly across all distances for the most natural vision possible. This seamless change also means there is no more “jumping” of images when your eyes move between the top and bottom of the lens. Another reason to choose progressive lenses is that the design and functionality continues to improve. For example, Varilux progressive lenses have WAVE technology, which virtually eliminates distortions so you have clear, sharp vision, even in low light. So why not treat yourself to the best possible vision? For more information about presbyopia and progressive lenses, schedule an appointment with your opthamologist, and visit * NewsUSA FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
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Postcards from
Y- F i
Visitors flock to Wadi Al Khoud after the rains to experience the thrills and spills of offroading.
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
D E S T I N AT I O N P o s t c a r d s f r o m
Y- F i
WADI AL KHOUD Y’s intern Taylor Glover experiences her first rains in Oman and heads to a nearby wadi to understand just what all the fuss is about 040
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
side to side to maintain traction so we didn’t get stuck. The stunning mountains in the distance were too much for Shaquel not to pull his camera out for, so we took a break and savoured the stunning landscape of Khoud Village. People were sprawled all over the mountains, with some people having picnics, others taking selfies or playing with children. It was a breathtaking scene. The cool breeze whipped through my hair as I took in my surroundings. Incredible ombre mountains deepened in colour as they scaled down towards the earth, leading down into an array of bushes and plants that camouflaged the rocks and running water of the wadi. The drizzle had stopped for the time being and just for a minute, I was blessed with a fleeting moment to capture the sun beaming down onto the damp pebbles and mountains, making them shine. My first experience of wadibashing was incredibly thrilling. It’s a bit like going on your favourite theme park ride over and over again and being unable to catch a clear shot of the wonders around you. I’ll definitely be back to encounter fresh adventures at more wadis. I will, however, make a more sensible choice of footwear. My new, pristinely white Converse trainers clearly don’t cut it in the rocky, muddy terrain of a wadi.
y first Destination day trip started out as what I thought was a cold, wet and miserable day. We Aussies often associate rain with negative connotations because it means we can’t go to the beach, mow our lawns or ride our pet kangaroos (just joking!) However, here in Oman, it is a very different story. Y Magazine’s photographer Shaquel Al Balushi, a few of his friends and I headed off into a glorious sky of rain. The wet weather symbolises a joyous occasion for Omani people, considering the lack of rain here. Our journey began with a few snacks and Mountain Dews for the boys. The traffic was heavier than usual due to the excitement of the unsettled weather. After about 20 minutes we, and the rest of the Jeep Fleet, arrived at Wadi Al Khoud. Even though it was a working day – Tuesday – many people had managed to be there to celebrate, such is the rarity of rain here. Driving at a snail’s pace over large pebbles, we gingerly entered the wadi, and I could already feel the car giving and taking as the wheels caught and lost traction. This being my first off-road drive, I was a little nervous. But I was confident in our driver – Shaquel’s cousin, Haneef – as he is an experienced trail boss. I watched other vehicles cross the first deep wadi as their tyres disappeared into the running water before coming out the other side. As we charged towards the water, a spray of mist surrounded the car, setting me into a fit of giggles. For some reason, things like four-wheeldriving and theme park rides bring out the excitement in me. We bulleted ahead, with Haneef alternating the steering wheel from
Follow the road out of Muscat on Route 15, also known as Nizwa Road. Continue past Sultan Qaboos University, which will be on your left until you get to a roundabout where you will go straight. Head down the hill into Khoud Village and pass the
mosque on your right. Not much farther down, there is the entry to the Wadi for SUVs and there is parking available.
GPS coordinates: N23°27’26.6” E57°48’28.2”
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
The historic city delights visitors with its eclectic mix of old and new, while the coffee’s not bad either
1. Visit Mozart House, one of the composer’s homes 2. Visit the Sigmund Freud Museum (the couch is still there) 3. See the iconic Wiener Riesenrad ferris wheel at Prater 4. Wander down Stephansplatz, the city’s official central point 5. Chill out in the trendy Freihausviertel area
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
Kevin McIndoe recommends
s a kid I heard that Vienna “meant nothing” to the 1980s pop star Midge Ure. However, the frontman of the British band Ultravox had his biggest hit by giving the city a nod, so even then I knew it was worth checking out. Some 35 years later, this capital of classical music and the home of Mozart, Freud and Gustav Klimt makes this a very special place indeed. And its cafes serve up the best coffee and cakes I’ve ever had. It’s a vibrant, very clean and uber-efficient city that has often been overlooked in favour of its European rivals. But Vienna was last year voted the best city in the world to live in, in a poll by the Mercer Quality of Living Worldwide. And I can see why. The city, which sits on the River Danube, boasts more than 120 square metres of parks and gardens, making it one of the greenest in the world. Vienna’s lofty status in the 19th century is all too clear through the grandeur of its imposing imperial palaces and Baroque architecture. Its formidable artistic legacy is assured for all time but there’s also a hip and happening side to Vienna, with a whole new generation of writers, artists and musicians keeping the city current. With a bewildering array of cafes, shops, street markets, museums and art galleries, my only problem was how to fit them all in. Still, there are plenty of places to buy a pretzel and a coffee (the best in Europe to have one outside Italy) to refuel.
My favourite place
For me, it has to be the House of Music in the Palace of Archduke Karl, in the old city centre. Six floors of conventional and high-tech music displays will let you see, hear, read about and experience some of the city’s formidable musical legacy while having a go yourself. Holograms of Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn hover through the air, and there’s a Mozart feature that brings the great man from Salzburg to life. Another interactive display will let you conduct the Vienna Philarmonic Orchestra. Whether or not you can wield the baton like a maestro your prowess will get a verdict at the end of it. And the kids will love a set of steps that double up as piano keys, and which light up on a wall panel with every note they step on. Pretty sharp, I’d say.
It has to be the Habsburgs, doesn’t it? And the coffee and cakes. The world of the mighty Habsburgs is one every visitor should get a handle on, from the magnificent Schonbrunn and Belvedere Palaces, the Ring Boulevard, and the heart of their vast empire and their main home, the Hofburg (Imperial Palace). You can easily spend the whole day at Schonbrunn Palace, the family’s summer residence. It’s not Austria’s top tourist attraction for nothing. It’s a paragon of Baroque architecture, the rooms of which display furniture, art and tapestries that reek of the power, prestige and glory of its owners. There are also wonderfully lush gardens (and a zoo) for the kids to let off some steam. After visiting the Hofburg, you will find one of the best places to get your caffeine fix (and some great food) in the wonderful Palm House. It’s a splendid steel and glass building that cosies up to a side wall of the Hofburg and is a tourist draw in its own right. You can pile your plate with home-made pastries, and come back again for dinner in the evening.
Lowlights Trains and subway stations. While lacking the ticket barriers you can find in other cities (like London) you must stamp (i.e. validate) your ticket before you get on any train, tram or bus. Some of the machines are not always easy to find but if you don’t and you get caught, expect to pay a fine of 70 euros. Also, online booking for tourist attractions is often vital unless you like standing in a queue for a couple of hours. Souvenirs Naschmarkt is the city’s most famous, and it’s where you can find stalls selling vintage antiques and artefacts. It’s also a farmers’ and street food market so you won’t go hungry while you’re browsing, either Getting there
You can fly to Austria’s capital with Oman Air, via Dubai.
Where to stay As you would expect, every hotel chain has fallen over itself to get a prime location for its Vienna base. Trivago, Expedia, Kayuk and are the best places to start looking. FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
D e s t i n at i o n
Be the master of your home and impress your guests with these gadgets, writes Alvin Thomas BASS MASTER
LIFE’S GREAT Are you looking for a device that will not only serve its purpose as a monitor for your desktop computer but also add a bit of chic and class to your home? If you said “yes”, then look no further: what you need is this new LG Ultra-Wide Monitor. At 90cm, it is almost like having a giant television at your desk. However, this is one of those rare monitors that displays at a respectable resolution of 3840x1600 – much of which comes from a brilliant curved IPS panel. The Ultra-Wide Monitor is compatible with USBType C, HDMI as well as regular “old-school” USB cables. The curved screen makes for some unbelievable viewing angles, while the design is definitely a touch above anything else on the market. Yours for RO620 from
Worried that your speakers aren’t blending in with your modern home décor? Look no further: the VIZIO SmartCast speaker is what your home needs. Not only does it look simple and modern but it also does a very good job as a speaker. For starters, the SmartCast speaker propagates sound in all directions – and still manages to hold its juice for more than eight hours! Even more interesting is that the speaker can be charged wirelessly – like a smartphone –meaning you won’t be dealing with any cords. Moreover, you can also control the device using the VIZIO SmartCast app or even Google Chromecast. As an added treat, the speaker will produce bass as low as 80Hz. Get yours from for RO96.
TOUCH EVERYTHING Now that you’ve blown the minds of your guests with your cool speaker and monitor, it’s time to crack open your Touchjet Pond. Not only will your guests appreciate your choice of tech but they also won’t be leaving your home after seeing this. The Touchjet Pond is essentially a cool-looking projector that runs Android, and is capable of touch input. In short, it turns any surface into a touchscreen. With this device, you can interact with your phone, play games and even draw a picture. Those looking to get pinpoint accuracy can also use the stylus to act as a pen... or a remote. Get yours at for RO192.
JULY FEB 0203- -0809/ /ISSUE ISSUE456 327
TOP NINE GAME RELEASES EXPECTED IN 2017 GHOST RECON: WILDLANDS CRASH BANDICOOT N. SANE TRILOGY may not be any photos or ❶ There videos of the gameplay yet but if we go by what history has taught
us, Ghost Recon: Wildlands will be quite a stunning game. This open-world tactical-shooter game is expected to feature an even bigger environment than its predecessor Ghost Recon: Phantoms (2014), and should also bring into the equation an excellent storyline – as expected with most Tom Clancy-based games. Release date: March 2017
DESTINY II original Destiny game was a bit messy with a complicated storyline ❷ The and a patchy gameplay. It required
users to download content to actually continue playing the game, leaving many frustrated. But for 2017, Bungie, the developers are toting this, which should not only erase the shortcomings of its predecessors but also set the ball rolling for this first-person shooter game. Release date: March 2017
STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT II The original Star Wars Battlefront had nothing unique to write home about. However, for 2017, Electronic Arts are bringing back the game without the woeful storyline. It will also run the same physics engine as its predecessor so gameplay should be fun. Apart from that, there will be three game modes (campaign, galactic conquest and instant action) to keep you busy. Release date: October 2017
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a round of applause to Vicarious Visions – developers of the Crash Bandicoot series – for resurrecting their much-loved game for 2017. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy brings to the console the best of all three titles, which were released over the course of two decades. However, this time round, the game will feature a new physics engine –meaning – it’ll be a great engaging game. Late 20th century gamers will find this nostalgic. Release Date: June 2017
Not much information has surfaced on this game. But judging by developer Arkane Studios’ success in the past, Prey should be quite an impressive action title. Expect the game to feature an array of unlockable weaponry and some challenging puzzles to solve as you proceed through the game. Release Date: August 2017
SLACK Most companies have adopted WhatsApp as its unofficial messaging client already. Most employers and employees tend to use them to communicate with each other outside work, too. However, if you’re looking to maintain your privacy, and also keep your WhatsApp away from work, it is best you switch to Slack. While it may not be the most informal way of chatting with your colleagues, it also allows you to send large files, create private groups and even send multimedia. Download from Google Play and iTunes for free.
Do people still spend time killing zombies? Well, if they do – and if you’re one among them – then Days Gone should have you hooked on to your console for days. Sony’s Bend Studio have also implemented some cool tech that allows thousands of zombies to literally “pour” out of compounds and buildings, forever fumbling and tripping over themselves, providing you with much-needed entertainment. Release date: December 2017
Honor ❹ For isn’t a game
for kids: it’s for blood-thirsty and gore-loving video gamers who think that games like Assassin’s Creed and Call of Duty are a tad on the tame side. The game will blend medieval-style slash and hack warfare with true offline multiplayer modes, which should make way for some interesting duels at home. Oh, and lest we forget: the graphics are true-to-life too. Release date: February 2017
App of the Week
With more than 500 cars to choose from, and numerous game modes woven into the title, Gran Turismo Sport should provide fans of the racing genre to be pleased – especially after they’ve made them wait for over five years
without a release. Oh, and do expect the game to be virtual reality ready. 2017 should be a good year, folks. Release date: August 2017
RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 This sequel to the much-loved
Red Dead Redemption is all ❾ original gamers will need to keep busy for
2017. The storyline is expected to delve into the history of John Marston (the protagonist) but if rumours are correct, then you’ll actually get to play as seven characters, hot-switching between each in the same manner as GTA V. We can already assure you that this “Rockstar” game will be the most anticipated title for the year. Don’t forget to pre-order it or risk being in the blue for weeks, if not months. Release date: October 2017
JULY FEB 02 03 - 08 09 / ISSUE 456 327
Postcards from
Y’s motoring expert Alvin Thomas finds the Jaguar XE is one of the best compact sedans he’s driven
et’s rewind the clock back to 2001: Jaguar has just unveiled its all-new X-Type saloon, a small compact vehicle that aims to dethrone cars produced by the holy trinity – Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz – and subsequently takes the car market by storm. A few months into the release, the X-Type becomes Jaguar’s best-selling car of all time. However, Jaguar’s dreams of taking over a share from the Germans doesn’t quite pan out, as all three brands post sales numbers that overshadow those of Jaguar by quite a significant margin. But today, as I stand in front of the new Jaguar XE – the successor to the X-Type – there’s no denying that I am looking at arguably one of the most vengeful vehicles to be released on the car market in recent times. This is vengeance served up in attractive attire and is exactly what the compact car market has been missing for decades. This marks the dawn of a new battle: the battle for prestige. So, is this newcomer all set to bring down the Deutschland trio? To start things off, the Jaguar XE looks like nothing else on the market. This is arguably the bestlooking compact sedan that I have ever driven. Sharp lines dominate much of the exterior posture of the car, with lines flowing across the bonnet as well as the sides of the door, which blend in with the rear panels. Even the headlights are sharp and chiselled – as if they are frowning or staring down its competition. My “R-Sport” variant came with blacked-out exterior panels and “R-Sport” badges to enhance the overall sporty appeal of the car. The interior of the Jaguar is fairly reminiscent of that of the F-Pace we drove a while back, but there’s no denying that it still is an excellent place to be in. My tester’s interior was wrapped in soft-touch
FEB 02 - 08 / ISSUE 456
leather materials, for the most part. However, the bottom panels are finished in plastic – which is quite normal for cars in this segment. In terms of practicality, the XE shines with good leg and headroom in the back. The seats are extremely comfortable and are also wrapped in leather. The driver and passenger seats in the front particularly receive excellent side bolstering and lumbar support. But Jaguar steals the show when it comes to sheer excitement. For instance: push the “Start” button, and you’ll witness the automatic gearbox controller rise dramatically from between the front seats. Powering the XE is a 2.0-litre turbocharged in-line four-cylinder engine, which pumps out an astonishing 240hp and 340Nm of torque. What’s more interesting is that the motor sends power down to the rear-wheels via an eight-speed automatic ZF gearbox. So how much fun is 237hp going towards the rearwheels? A lot! And I’m not exaggerating here. The car is incredibly quick and it handles like nothing else in this market segment – it’s perhaps as good as the BMW 3-Series – a car that has been touted as the one of the best handling sedans in the world. The chassis is incredibly stiff and that brings the car alive in corners. I found myself driving the car in “Sport” mode and using the paddle shifters more often than I would in any other sedan. The car absolutely devours corners with precision and accuracy. The steering – which is electric assisted – has very quick response times and leaves its German rivals, shall I say, flat-footed? The steering also provides a fair bit of feedback, which cars in this segment usually lack. In comparison, my Nissan Maxima’s steering feels light and dead (even in “Sport” mode).
Y- F i C A R S 2017 Jaguar XE Specifications: Engine: 2.0-litre turbocharged four-cylinder Transmission: 8-speed “ZF” automatic Horsepower: 237hp Torque: 340Nm Sunroof 380W Meridian sound system 46cm alloy wheels Torque vectoring by braking Dynamic stability control Lane departure warning InControl touchscreen Black pack LED daytime running lights
If you’re planning on having more fun, you can also turn off the traction control system. But upon doing so, you better be prepared for some quick counter-steers. The car loves to oversteer (drift) and even though it has wide rear-tyres, it still feels nippy – and incredibly alive. Despite all the drama, the XE is tameable: anybody can drive this car. You really don’t have to be a skilled racing driver to take this car quickly around sharp corners. Much of the work is done by the car itself – all thanks to the brilliant engineers who tuned it. The car can also pull itself to 100kph from a standstill in a respectable 6.8 seconds, despite a fair bit of turbo-lag from the engine at low RPMs. Of course, you can counter that by holding the gears using the steering mounted paddle-shifters. The gearbox itself is the same one you’ll find in most Jaguars. However, this one has been tuned differently. Initially, I felt the gear ratios to be quite short but I soon figured out that it was because the XE was gaining speeds quite swiftly. In normal mode, the gearbox is quite quick to shift up, but, it doesn’t kick down as fast as I expected it to. That could be because it prioritises fuel economy and comfort over sheer acceleration. On the comfort front, however, the car does an exemplary job in soaking up the bumps on the roads. For the most part, the ride is incredibly smooth and compliant. And yet, when you need it to, it changes into a car that can outrun most of its competitors on track. There was a reason why people who look for a premium compact sedan ended up buying a German car: they’ve been known to provide drivers with the right amount of comfort and sportiness. But with the XE, Jaguar has not only accomplished that, but also added an extra bit of zing. And that is exactly why I believe that the Jaguar takes the cake.