Soulful Music
Exotic Escalade
SEP 21 - 27 2017 / ISSUE 487 • WEEKLY
Welcome to Y Magazine – your top guide to the best of Oman every week.
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he numbers alone tell a powerful story of self-obsession. More than 80m photographs are uploaded to Instagram every day, more than 3.5bn ‘likes’ are recorded every day, and some 1.4bn people —20% of the world’s population —publish details of their lives on Facebook. Is social media turning a relatively modest species into a pack of publicity-hungry narcissists? Or were we already inherently self-absorbed? I woke up last week to the shocking news of a social media “star” filming herself driving at 203 kmph in Oman and was caught after posting it on her SnapChat. This news to me is disturbing and alarming. By doing this “social media stunt”, the model nearly put her life and those of others on the road at risk for five minutes of fame! The video went viral and she racked up some more followers on her social media handle after she publicly admitted to her mistake through the front page of a leading local newspaper. But where is our generation heading to? According to a social media expert, if you have a boring profile, you will get no likes. But if you post something stunning about yourself, or something challenging, then you get more likes. “People with 5,000 followers are constantly thinking about what they’re going to post next to get a reaction,” he tells me. This is not it. In February this year, Russian model Viktoria Odintcova did just that when she risked her life to take a dangerous selfie in Dubai’s Cayan Tower in pursuit of fame. In the video, she is first seen tilting backwards over the huge drop before climbing slowly down onto the ledge to dangle above the ground. Unfortunately, we’ve broken ourselves into bite-sized chunks. We are infinitely more complex than a selfie or 140 characters. If we believe that’s who we are, it becomes impossible to tolerate the complexity of ourselves and other people. It’s a huge struggle to be authentic, warts and all, and social media isn’t helping. This week our cover story talks about the dangers of doing “social media stunts” to become famous. Have a great week!
EDITOR IN CHIEF Sayyida Iman bint Hamad bin Hamood Al Busaidi SENIOR ONLINE EDITOR Nishad Padiyarath ART DIRECTOR Matthew Herbst
@ytabloid /ytabloid
/ytabloid ymagazine /ymagazine
Y Magazine is published by SABCO Press, Publishing & Advertising LLC / Y is a SABCO Media product.
CEO Eihab Abutaha We’d love to hear your news and views. For editorial enquiries, please email Want to read Y on the go? Scan our digital issue here: Download any QR reader from iTunes or Google Play to read Y on the go
Write to us at Y Magazine, SABCO Media, PO Box 3779, Ruwi 112, Sultanate of Oman. SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
contents SEP
Your Oman 08 Voice Of Oman Nishad Padiyarath 10 News Muharram holiday announced in Oman 13 News New rules for hiring domestic workers in Oman
Features 22 Cover Story Socially Obsessed
26 Art Aches Arists in search of appreciation
This Week
28 The Clash of Spartans Taking on the challenges one at a time
18 Soulful Music Lotfi Bushnak and Mohammed Tharwat to perform at ROHM 20 Movies Kingsman: The Golden Circle
10 Cars and Adventures 32 Destination Musannah Castle 34 First Drive Cadillac Escalade 36 Postcard From Poovar
20 Health and Beauty 40 Fashion Trendy bags 42 Beauty Go plush at 60-plus
38 Y-Fi Fitness gadgets
Food and Drink 44 Food Feature Cheesy treats 46 Taste Test Tiptara
43 Health Eat right
d plan an his d n a r g his mas anate is ith Alvin Tho t l u S e th w unch in Khaifi shares a l e n o l iPh da ing and n Apple pires him. Ima ultanate kes teach a li g e h n i e t tu s eS Ho ins very vir ting to the youth s for th s what i his m a e to e g k r c n propaga n. a d b a ing ch nd oved ost a p m o e e t h th n , Oma is a matter of beouth of p 2 o f u 1 o r 0 k 2 o o T n to o I o d s y life in “Succes be honest, the to the untry an ntative at Oored k e o home co Faceboo e
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SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
correspondence DEBATE OF THE WEEK
hen was the last time you went to a library or a bookshop? I am sure some would say months ago while others may say ages ago. The digital revolution certainly has forever changed our reading habits. Libraries have always been at the heart of the communities they serve across the globe. They are safe spaces, providing access to huge resources of information and knowledge. According to recent data, there are an estimated 315,000 public libraries in the world. The public library transcends national and cultural boundaries. No matter where you are in the world, they are an essential part of creating and maintaining an educated and literate population. But unfortunately, today, public libraries are at a turning point. The way we access and consume information has changed dramatically in the 21st century, thanks to the digital revolution. The advent of new technologies such as smartphones and Kindle has changed some of our reading habits. Last week, we kicked off a debate in Y Magazine asking people if Oman needs more public libraries to stay relevant in this digital age. While a majority of the respondents supported the idea of opening more libraries in the country, a few were against it. Since our need for shared, community-centred spaces to find information is unlikely to change any time soon, we need more public libraries that are innovative. It should inspire a generation living in this “smart age” to read and aspire to knowledge. Just as Y Magazine reader Mohammad Osama Rawat emotionally responds to the debate: “The nation must build more libraries to develop the hobby of reading books which is slowly losing its charm among our children in this age.”
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
WE ASKED: The advent of new technologies has changed some of our reading habits. To survive in the digital age and stay relevant do we need more public libraries in Oman? JELENA LAGGER
If you look at a library in terms of being only a book repository, then probably not. The library has the potential of being so much more though. It can be a source of paperback and digital information; a place where a librarian can guide you; a quiet place to work or study alone or in company; a place where you have access to library computers and the internet; a place where lectures take place; a place where book presentations take place; a place where there are storytelling events for children; a place that can act as a cultural centre; a place where you can teach things;.... Public libraries are not only about “reading”. I love libraries and miss the fact that there are not many of them here. I can’t even begin to mention how many happy memories I have from libraries around the world, the interesting conversations I’ve had, the friends I’ve made, and the things I’ve learned.
Libraries are a place of knowledge, and they can be perfectly designed to suit a large array of interests and goals, making them attractive to the local public. If Oman wants to continue promoting the development of a knowledge-based-economy, access to knowledge is one of the most fundamental starting points.
Yes, if we have missed something here in the Sultanate in the last two decades, it is the system of public libraries. Nothing can replace a public library in the way we acquire knowledge in leisure and comfort. Going to library in itself is a healthy habit, and libraries help one cultivate good friends too. The recent initiatives taken by Oman to open more public libraries are a step in the right direction.
We need many more public libraries in Oman as books are too dear to lay your hands on. Each
Dinner for two at Le Jardin restaurant
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Vouchers must be collected from Y’s Seeb office in person. Only one winner per week; editor’s decision is final. For other terms and conditions, see the Golden Tulip voucher.
of the 61 wilayats must have at least one public library. There are many knowledgeable men from across the land who may be hired as librarians; their own knowledge can fill the blank space while readers google references related to Oman. Publication of books on various Oman-based subjects in both Arabic and English need to be generously funded.
ANANTHA KRISHNAN was spotted with his favourite Y Magazine in Muscat
We need faster internet connection. Then, people don’t need to go far to read books. Just simply browse the web —viola! you got the books you need.
Opening more libraries in Oman is a good idea, but there is a need to promote reading habits. Someone who is not interested in reading is unlikely to even touch a book even if it’s offered to him for free at his or her doorstep.
We must have more public libraries here because, in the present scenario, availability of books should be made easy to promote reading habits, especially among children. People do not bother to travel a long distance for anything unless it is a must for them. In digital times, children are losing interest in books and we need to catch them young to get them back to the habit of reading.
New Debate: Do you think strict action should be taken against those who risk their life for getting social media likes or fame in Oman? Share your view with us and you could be in with a chance of winning dinner for two.
THIS IS YOUR SPOT! Just send us your picture with Y Magazine or pose with our photographer and we will publish it on this page
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Y reader, Sudhir Sukumar, snapped this beautiful picture of Bandhar al Khairan, using his Samsung Galaxy Note 6.
Send your photo to to be featured in our new section, Through Your Eyes. Include where it was taken, your name and a few details about your photograph, such as the camera used.
PHOTO: Sudhir Sukumar
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
ayyid Khalid bin Hilal bin Saud al Busaidi, Minister of the Diwan of Royal Court, Chairman of the Civil Service Council, on Sunday, issued a decision on the holiday of the Holy Prophet’s Hijra Anniversary (PBUH) and the advent of the New Hijri year 1439 AH. The decision said: “On the occasion of the Holy Prophet’s Hijra Anniversary (PBUH) and the new Hijri year 1439 AH, it was decided that the first day of Muharram, 1439 AH will be an official holiday for the employees of the ministries, public authorities and other departments of the State’s administrative apparatus. If the first day of Muharram 1439 AH falls on Friday, September 22, 2017, the holiday will be on Sunday 3rd Muharram 1439 AH, corresponding to September 24, 2017. Muharram moon sighting will be declared by the concerned authority.” On this great occasion, the Minister of the Diwan of Royal Court extended his congratulations to His Majesty
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
ow Oman’s first interactive menu was born out of a nightmare suffered by a young graduate who dug into a chocolate cake at a restaurant and developed allergy. Nawar, 23, was having a wonderful evening with her family at a restaurant until she ordered a “plain” chocolate cake. It contained hazelnuts. The next few hours of what was planned to be a happy outing turned into a nightmare. Nawar’s face started swelling and she suffered from nausea. “I wondered why the waiter didn’t mention that the cake contained nuts. If only I saw how the cake was made I could have avoided ruining that evening,” she said. That was when she thought of developing an Augmented Reality (AR) menu; so diners could see the food items before placing their order. The first-of-its-kind menu was designed for Richoux Cafe in Al Mouj. Visitors will need to download a mobile app that allows them to view 3D pop-up figures of meals just by focusing the phone camera on the menu. It also plays a brief video displaying how the meal was cooked. “People take long time to decide which dish they want to have because menus fail to provide an image of each food item. Plus, most costumers hesitate to order what they are not familiar with because they do not have any idea how it will look like,” she said. “Lots of tasty meals are not popular in Oman
Sultan Qaboos bin Said, praying to Allah the Almighty to protect His Majesty, grant him good health, happiness and a long life and for the return of this and similar occasions on His Majesty for many years to come. He also wished the Omani people and the country with further progress and welfare under His Majesty’s wise leadership, and all Muslims with blessings and welfare. On his turn, Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser Al Bakri, Minister of Manpower also issued a decision on the occasion of the new Hijri year 1439 AH, declaring that the first day of Muharram, 1439 AH will be an official holiday for employees at the private sector’s companies and establishments, as Muharram moon sighting will be declared by the concerned authority. The decision explained that if the first day of Muharram 1439 AH falls on Friday September 22, 2017, the holiday will be on Sunday September 24, 2017. The decision allowed employers and employees to agree on compensating this holiday if necessity arises.
because people have no clue how they look,” she explained. The Sultan Qaboos University graduate said some waiters did not know how the food was made and what ingredients were used while cooking it. “Augmented Reality has been used in different sectors, especially health and construction. But It is rarely cultivated in the hospitality sector,” Nawar said. Nawar’s project includes only 15 main courses and desserts so far. “It took me just a month to add the 15 items to the application,” she said, adding that the response to her app was “overwhelming”. Nawar, an accounting graduate, has just started her own company, Excellence and Execution (E&E), that aims at providing firms with creative marketing solutions.
o you find it difficult to sleep with all the snoring? Have you given up on finding a solution to your problem? If so, think again, because you could be putting your immune system at risk. According to a study conducted by a team of 11 Oman-based doctors, snoring can negatively affect your immune system, by causing a lapse in your antibacterial defense mechanisms. “Snoring is a noticeable sign of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA),” said Dr. Elias Said, the assistant professor at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, at the Sultan Qaboos University. “OSA is a breathing disorder that involves a partial or complete halt in airflow while attempting to breathe during sleep,” he explained. This results in partial reductions in breathing or complete stop of airflow for at least ten seconds during sleep, which could
result in a sudden drop in bloodoxygen saturation. This pattern can happen hundreds of times per night giving rise to an increase in sleep fragmentation, and could adversely affect the patient’s immune system. The study was conducted on 22 patients diagnosed with severe OSA, in the sleep clinic of the Department of Clinical Physiology. The study –which was funded by the College of Medicine and Health Sciences –is a new milestone achieved to better understand the effects of this disorder.
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
he sports industry in Oman is receiving a facelift with the establishment of an all-new agency, Sabco Sports. The company, which is a part of the Sabco Group, has been set up to lead the ever-growing industry in the Sultanate and to tap the huge prospects in the region. The official launch of the company will be on Sepember 30. The day will also mark the culmination of the three-day ‘E Sports’ event, which will be conducted at the Oman Avenues Mall in Baushar. Sabco Sports will be Oman’s premier sports agency that focuses on sports marketing, sports events and sponsorship as well as managing the group’s longstanding interest in sports, players, clubs and associations. It will furthermore focus on delivering value for Oman and the community by using the power sports has instilled in individuals and the population. Sayyid Khalid al Busaidi, the chairman of Sabco Group, was also the chairman of the Oman Football Association (OFA) for a period of nine years where he oversaw a revolution in the sports industry in Oman. Talking about his new venture, Sayyid Khalid said: “Since leaving the OFA, I have been keen on using my experience and knowledge in continuing to help Omani sports grow, and Sabco Sports will be a great company to help deliver that. “With the team that we have in place, we intend to work with as many sports organisations as we can to
help them grow, and we will be offering our services to Omani businesses who recognise that sports is a very real way for them to market their products,” he added. Sabco Sports will be partnering with the organisations Sayyid Khalid helped build relationships with during his time with the OFA, and it has entered into collaboration with some of Oman’s most forward-thinking sports personalities. To stay up to date with more news and events, users can register at Participants interested in taking part in the E Sports competition can also apply online. The Sabco Sports E Sports event is partnered by Nescafe 3in1, Etihad Airways, FBT, Effect Energy Drink, Sabco Media and Muscat Media Group. For more details, check the company’s website.
he Government of India has authorised six state government agencies to carry out recruitment for foreign employers, the Embassy of India in Muscat has said. “These are NORKA Roots, Kerala; Overseas Development Employment Promotion Consultants, Kerala; Overseas Manpower Corporation Ltd., Chennai; Uttar Pradesh Financial Corporation; Overseas Manpower Company Andhra Pradesh Ltd. and Telangana Overseas Manpower Company,” the embassy said in a statement on Monday. “Employers of female domestic workers and recruitment agencies have been pointing out that the financial guarantee of RO1,100, a deposit to be made with banks, has been a key factor in discouraging recruitment of Indian female domestic workers through E-migrate system. “The Government of India has, after consultation with various stakeholders, decided that for employers recruiting female domestic workers from India through any of these six state government agencies the requirement of bank guarantee of RO1,100 stands waived with immediate effect,” it said. The recruitment of Indian female domestic workers from any other agency in India will continue to require a bank guarantee of RO1,100 and a no-objection certificate from the embassy. “Any recruitment of female domestic workers, if not carried out through E-migrate system, is a violation of Indian rules and laws,” it added. The embassy hopes that employers in Oman who want to employ Indian female domestic workers, and Omani recruitment agencies which carry out recruitment on behalf of employers, will abide by the requirements of Indian laws and regulations and will not engage in recruitment of Indian female domestic workers out of E-migrate system.
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
Photo: Shaquel Al Balushi
Today’s inspiration: The backbone of an entire economy.
In a new series, we look for inspiration from a variety of influences around Oman, including its people, places and wildlife.
Whispers of Serenity is hosting an art competition titled ‘Not Alone Awareness’. Art lovers in Oman can submit their work to info@ before September 30. The categories are: Still life (paintings and photographs), textiles (fashion design), digital art (short films and videos), performances (music and plays) and theatrical make-up.
Award-winning comedian Nitin Mirani is set to perform in Muscat on September 29. “Let’s Talk About Them,” an amazing night of hysterical comedy, will be held at Sheraton Hotel. Nitin has gone global, including an appearance at the Gotham Comedy Club in New York, reducing audiences to tears with his routine of crazy, embarrassing and simply bizarre comedy sketches. Ticket prices starts at RO5 and can be purchased from Virgin Mega Store, Muscat City Center, Oman Avenues Mall, Lulu Hypermarket Darsait and SABCO Commercial Centre.
SEPTEMBER A truly unforgettable evening awaits you on September 23! Legendary Arab musician Lotfi Bushnak and Egyptian stalwart Mohammed Tharwat will perform at the iconic Royal Opera House Muscat. This special concert will be conducted by Ahmed Taha and enriched by the beautiful voices of Retaj, a choir of young Omanis devoted to Inshad.
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
24/7 /yTaBLoID
sCaN Our Qr CODEs WITH aNY Qr rEaDEr aPP
highest-paid actors of 2017
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
Earnings: $65m (RO25,028,250)
Mark Wahlberg
Vin Diesel
Earnings: $54.5m (RO20,979,775)
Earnings: $68m (RO26,176,600)
Adam Sandler
Jackie Chan
Earnings: $50.5m (RO19,445,025) 020
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
Earnings: $49m (RO18,862,550) *Source: Xxxxxxx
MOVIES MOVIES FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TIMES, GO TO: City Cinema: Al Bahja Cinema: VOX Cinemas: Star Cinema: Tel +968 24791641
Kingsman : The Golden Circle Starring: Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Taron Egerton, Mark Strong, Halle Berry, Elton John, Channing Tatum, and Jeff Bridges ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ introduced the world to Kingsman — an independent, international intelligence agency operating at the highest level of discretion whose ultimate goal is to keep the world safe. In ‘Kingsman: The Golden Circle’, our heroes face a new challenge. When their headquarters are destroyed and the world is held hostage, their journey leads them to the discovery of an allied spy organisation in the US called Statesman, dating back to the day they were both founded. In a new adventure that tests their agents’ strength and wits to the limit, these two elite secret organisations band together to defeat a ruthless common enemy, in order to save the world, something that’s becoming a bit of a habit for Eggsy.
Oman Release Date: 21 September 2017
The Lego Ninjago Movie Starring: Voiceover: Dave Franco, Justin Theroux, Olivia Munn, Kumail Nanjiani and Jackie Chan
Six young ninjas Lloyd, Jay, Kai, Cole, Zane and Nya are tasked with defending
their island home, called Ninjago. By night, they’re gifted warriors, using their skills and awesome fleet of vehicles to fight villains and monsters. By day, they’re ordinary teens struggling against their greatest enemy: high school. Oman Release Date: 21 September 2017
support from his family and girlfriend, Bauman embarks on a long and heroic journey to physical and emotional rehabilitation. The inspiring real-life story of Jeff Bauman, an ordinary man who captured the hearts of his city and the world to become a symbol of hope following the infamous 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
T Jeff Bauman loses both of his legs when two bombs explode during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. After regaining consciousness at hospital, Jeff is able to help law enforcement identify one of the suspects, but his own battle is just beginning. With unwavering
Starring: Sanjay Dutt, Aditi Rao Hydari
Oman Release Date: 21 September 2017
Njandukalude Naatil Oridavela
‘Njandukalude Nattil Oridavela’ is about a family that faces an imminent threat in the form of cancer. How the family faces this is what Althaf Salim has beautifully captured in the film. Produced by Nivin Pauly’s home productions Pauly Jr, the story is written by Althaf Salim and George Kora. The cinematography is done by Mukesh Muraleedharan and the music is composed by Justin Varghese. Very few movies manage to stay with you after you watch it. This is one such memorable film. The little things do matter, especially when you are facing something that you have no control over. This film reminds us of those little things.
‘Bhoomi’ is one of the most anticipated films in Bollywood currently as it marks the actor’s comeback in the film industry after his 42-month long stay in Yerawada Jail, Pune. Dutt has always been Bollywood’s poster boy for action films. Although he has many successful light-hearted comedy films to his credit —‘Munna Bhai’ series, ‘Masti’ series, ‘Dhamaal’ series to name a few, his action-star image is very much intact. As per the trailer, it seems that ‘Bhoomi’ is packed to the brim with action and a lot of emotion. The movie explores the relationship between a daughter, played by Aditi Rao Hydari, and a father, portrayed by Dutt. ‘Bhoomi’ also stars Sidhant Gupta, Shekhar Suman and Sharad Kelkar. It is directed by Omung Kumar and co-produced by Bhushan and Krishan Kumar’s T-Series Films and Kumar’s Legend Studios. It is slated to release on September 22, along with Apurva Lakhia’s crime biopic ‘Haseena Parkar’ and Dhwanil Mehta’s horror film ‘The Final Exit’.
Oman Release Date: 21 September 2017
Oman Release Date: 22 September 2017
Starring: Nivin Pauly, Shanthi Krishna, Lal, Ahaana Krishna, Srinda, Siju Wilson
Stronger Starring: J Jake Gyllenhaal, Tatiana Maslany, Miranda Richardson, Clancy Brown and John Pollono
THIS WEEK'S QUESTION Who is the director of Njandukalude Naatil Oridavela? LAST WEEK'S WINNER Benjamin Dsouza
TO BE IN WITH A CHANCE TO WIN, just answer a question based on the week’s cinema reviews and send your answer to, along with your name and contact information. Tickets must be collected from Y’s Seeb offices in person only. For the rest of the terms and conditions, see voucher. Contact: Movie enquiries 2460 7360
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
E S B O Y L L A I C O S AND E C E E FA S AR H R T E W IN E LLO ATH O E F D N TH D G O N N A I N I S TAR OMS LIKE O IE S P Z F U L S K SE OMA RAC EA H O K T T A IA VIN OT . AL WH MED S L E E S A I O THO SOC ZER st in E N R ot ju O n A N T e I s A i Y T E M the r a POS IN O S. TH e on r E S a life in ot T O s ” i s N R t h n E t U h H ST as s r los p stu NO chea ia sta o Ruiz, w ould s. “ d EDIA d e h d c M a m –La cial Pedr ed w . er, su ” he IAL icity, y, howev he globe -based so he star, they hop channel t l SOC b u p t S lle .T lit be at
me beco o t go sa d youedia? It i al l u o er rw lm ow fa on socia vokes sev ome s n r i a sta ion that rs: while ing ch s, d t e to et ns, ques ent answ by uploa e hashtag y r t ia so ir r diffe followers g creativnt of the Many al rs, politic n . e i e g s s g n o u aini mom vide s, sin and e in g content ing every ng short ovie star v e , not i l be ating ecord ati (i.e. m Well uals are e r ? s c r v s r r ivid mbe . capti s opt for selfies o sonalitie ars. ig nu ertain ind llowers” lf r g c r b e r n e i p e e h k s p s t o c e o c f o u u i s l s , h o r c t k w e e h fe ee rn by siv fam lives faces on th expen lp you ea ted last w sake of a o deems chat h i p a e e r w r a thei r pose w tricks h emonst sk for th odel – orm Sn at e o f i n d etc.) will thes as was lives at r Omani media plat orts seda b d t r p d r i n u m l s e l Aa B rily. A ut th o year- d to socia 63 AMGe United a g to p s 1 s e 2 c a e C th ne willin ds of pload -Benz ds to when “ usan o h now ll started star” – u ercedes d onwar t eral It a l media ing a M man an d g sev n i c e, an a r i a O n e r c o n f o l r r s o e a a “ s h treet a ram ral, g s eo of nstag nt vi I e a vid h on the w n o man p video wers al O o e y l 203k tes. l h o t o f R , a say 000 y, she r the Emir dless to 214, hat. sy fo sequentl he had s a a e e h e c s N tly ap wa er. Sub s that s urren on Sn hat it e d s. view e model c ds more meant t ffic offen 76 offenc ed. edia s a n i d h e r a h t n s h T hou f t n the 0 for t impou stream m o l t l l a w a 0 , n r sever indsight track do f RO1,0 d her ca eral mai ere also d In h OP) to a fine o ar (!) an d by sev model w ding an ye ee e (R ith he ere Polic apped w r the past ore cov iews of t ers of sp e? g l m v s istak m was itted ove s further te. Inter t the dan r e h a a u m ting com e news w e Sultan lked abo ccep to remain a h a t h d t T ies in n she es d an her rei pan rwar who wish o f s of id it to g com hed whe laws. d n l i n a i i om c is fic ed he m publ ing traffi oble in c ROP of t in t ything, sh h g e n k u n a e bre was sh ” says o d tho e ever good a goo t, despit So, nd no, ty is d i e c i a a w l h o s b t “Ye ous. ink y pu has s y, an m use she ause I th a y d n o e a c an s, bec , be of th end “Ye s; and no rs. e h t er we At follow few folloap stunt. a e gain was a ch “It
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
d e u a u U In re ut aroun June, a ion onlin ing act th lic YouT o fire a b dgun t b t r n b i n i u n n d a , da Oma example her recog owing a n their p was aske t Eagle h couple o l r t z r l e r e e o o p s r f i u h F ain f d sh lisa Pe bre De sure t a lfrien lower a og li bid t by his gir uple’s fol her Mon a .50-ca est; a me h t fter dead se the co nage mo cm, usinga to his c me a f her a f d a i e e incre Lisa. Te from 30 cycloped e bullet. ova gain uary 3) o ower T d r a c h n n t b t n e e e n o i i k F r m d t (on M boyf rdbac fe fro ayan e edge O C a e i r i r h n h l a at he held a h save his el Vikto m accou dge of t ck over t the d le a d a as he ht would ssian mo r Instagr rooftop eaning b recorde then e l e u g e e h u tho ubai, R eo on h on on th as seen hand. H teeth. S but a w g D d i s i s ’ l n i n v i n I a pa ode r friend ween h h noth er. With t osted a com he m e it h she p ing with arina. T g onto h nched be ilding w a below d in e u n e t n i l d b M i s c i d r n i l sta Duba ile ho amera of the the ma odel tw d the h e e e c t f d w h m i e e t o l l s r b r the e in ys nd, the comp r six e porta e tow e erwa e of th e with a down ovbusy wat st one ha der as sh eived ov g l c f u l a j e e u t e r h s o n g o t r e fo ed he and still usin er her sh has sinc er 18). l in Oma p r o e r v w d e d l b o o v n hair il lo e e e vid ess, a metr eptem hat le ses w 300- ety harn icked her YouTub (as of S eded to t tragic ca f e ts no sa ind and fltunt. Th ommen ever exce rays such s of c s n w trend ith 5 g e h the -defyin nd 2,24 os have that he p t ith or w e ing w ne’s life, deathn views a stunt vid l, adding p e e , ia o are k risk to o milli ankfully OP offic ate. track a , we stant “Th s the R e Sultan ntry. Yes at pose n o c th ou say ep ts th g yet,” occur in eaceful c e do ac ople? ave to ke eedin w e p h r p s p e d a e l v s e s e r u w n man i y sho g mor here ive of dr “O but wh harmin point w s i ose a i , a ed to th ge lity of o a m t o s l e l e a h a i i t e com e. n soc s. ossib r but the p ill we hav eos onlin t threat o lic road offende nd “St ing vid s bigges s on pub ly to the ade a ia. For n m nd anate’ ir skill o e n t r t e o of e Sult 11 e be the l med risk n s hav on socia orsche 9 t Th ing off ” a huge s e r eos . ose his P al ar how or “s ch acts p he tells Yths, sever ase of vid drifting . g “Su icinity,” w mon the rele sted for Khasab r driftin t o a e e f v n f r c i g ) r s t e l in th er the las d followin en was a of a mal (June 12n the Mu z d i i v O area rreste a cit unde gnal impo n July 9, parking er was a traffic si s r a c v o in the e at th g dri nce, insta supercar s, a youn orts car p GT3 ther new orvette s o C n t I ole hevr his C
SEP 14 - 20 / ISSUE 486
have n to and tens w o n as k ram deo won Instag i v e . ed h te. T 00 views Facebook impound a r o s ,0 rn n Gove ed over 8f views o SUV wa on a y s v g i o u n e i rec usands y, a Lex or drift eo shot b l o f d t i h n t d v of re rece arreste er the Mo owner alah aft e Sal of th ews the and patch in t viral. d video 3,000 vi ers 4 n n grass ders we 36-seco ved over any view n y, the m a ei t s y b all hicle rec outed by c ys i n o Ir ded ve was t m, sa he r fi n d t un an ctio hat impo cebook, nstru intains t lding o c a a a F on tirical”. ager at and m ile upho ” a n as “s is, a ma hilarious our” wh w “ e u s h m L o wa n. e of e s d n i e a car P statio v s e e s the has a “ O I t on he R ime ROP w. ery t outside t and fas ous v e d d a the l augh har parked oing har t is a seri nd “I l ded and those g w, but i w off a to no un . sho impo reminder ht laugh want to ager says ore g t i n s It’s a ads. I m days ju the ma at the m a ” o th the r kids now ir videos, believes he more e t ; it , e , e e h e issu es for t instanc s onlin ’s a defin the k o o r e i t t l r o o get y son, f his ph rs. The getting st of e r e r e o h o M f f t p “ ts h his rs the far it he ge ngste likes s he is w ong you will go to u trict famo etition amhat, they ted s n e t m p r ple com nd to do P im f a bette ty O a , R o f p e e to s. th t know and h h ime lengt s about t is. I don’ n arrest e “It’ ch as th acts tha ts, w su ch iden oad and c n i rules ent to su ins. r both P’s r cent a deter he expl to the re the RO must use hand s ,” m fines h regard ficial fro A driver eeping a r Wit d an of e says: “ a car. K r it is fo es tur the .H ng acte cont division en drivi egal whe aking pic e n l h t c l traffi hands w busy is i texting, ing a pho k a or m share . l cal ople whoselves “Pe f them re so aa d vi eocial medi ence d on so g an evi tion n la i r o i a v d sh raffic e fine t b a n f a o c they and
It was a cheap stunt. At the end of the day, any publicity is good publicity
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
ver ing o deo d e e p i ev lf s herse shared th the d e m d e l at. h ha ho fi se sh for th e lady w ed becau ard whic i al “Th was fin dashbo dds. a er Al a e h p h e p t e h k e d 0 20 isplaye on it,” r goalk l medi s a a n d d and displaye l-Hilal st and soci percussio lic. s b d A e r u r e e d e p t sp an an oungs of the n the Om dvises y aware have o ou post be can si a at y Hab nalities to photos bout wh a lot of a d a e o pers videos an careful here ar f you are T e i their u must b si says. “ specially e taken iners b o e b w a Y , “ Al H llow you are must our follo ” , e y n c o i onl e who f ity. So, u want l l o are peop persona d what y , you ike d a a n i o a d l r me you do the rive ly on rmal to d n get s s e what . l no eve reck e to se driving that it is hey may y e ause “B peopl ows? T t bec ty. i g n n o k i d show nd who oing so. e fame; in socie ng,” A t lo h that. d while dings for t ht impac vant for e g e i l h r t inju on’t do ke the r o stay re ni, “D t to ma ple wh arwa n o B a e l p w a i h you t is suc adds. o Y, Al man’s i t And alkeeper peaking r of the Oed such s o n e , g c e l fi e th anwhi tive of condem er to Me f execu ciation, r pow u e o i s o s h y se ni. the c Safety A acts. ust u l Barwa nd m ” d e u a l A o o b h y s R ponsi ncer e i ” say ing off b ong s , e e e u r g r fl i n “ ow n in cha t am “As a positive g and sh mon trai . This is s n i a 5 2 iv e cur om creat ckless dr car is a c of 18 to idents oc “Re el of a he ages of acc he age u mt the w sters fro e percent group. efore yo ost m g b e g l n g l r e i a u c a yo hy a l in this n thri you w e w n v e e l e o h s p al g peo or use, t a n wice amo t think t act; bec for n u lace nds and “B such a m it. p n o m ch fro frie mit com back out a is a comess their itting sug m r i n y p i d l like cial me g to im e to com lso caus “So ers tryin a flipsid ssibly a po one gst e’s le ph nd youn but ther r life and s. i b o r s, m a peer osing you y to othe using a t with it em,” l r s e h : u d t g j s i t d ac and in w forb still fi round a a e death e ROP l ut peopl t happen h “T iving. B ngs tha dr thi h w ile ideos of v take
A 17-year-old boy attempted to take a selfie on top of a train carriage in Tambaram railway station, India. He touched a live wire, suffered severe burns from electrocution and died four days later.
An 18-year-old was swept into the sea and drowned while he was taking a selfie at a beach in Mumbai, India during high tide.
Four undergraduate students of the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria were taking selfies in a canoe while boating on a campus pond. The canoe capsized. Two students who could swim barely made it to safety while two others drowned.
A Scottish man was knocked down and killed after trying to take a selfie on a German motorway. He was with two friends when he was hit by a car on the A24 Autobahn in Gudow, near Hamburg.
Two Sri Lankan girls were visiting Ain Garziz in Oman with their families. While at a picnic, they were taking selfies near a deep spring. One girl slipped into the spring and grabbed the hand of the other. She was unable to pull her companion out and was dragged down into the water where both of the girls drowned.
sive xpen e s d i that. eir k ns. chase th not stop , but i a l p r he ex rents pu ars. I can have fun kids how “Pa erful c right to h their s. eac the pow and one has ep in to t ,” he add must r n y t e s Ever ts must ible driv educatio are s n pare a respon lot more fore they gsters – n e a e l to b so, I fee drivers b hese you nk they i l T h o A t t . “ ided a car is alike – licence,” v o o t r s p r be the key Oman et thei g f given riates andfter they imes o ial T t a , a y e l p c l i o a ex vincib the s cal d n th lo d about e was i are i ls us. w l .H iew lke he te n interv rwani ta t 200kph she has on a s a In li al B ed pa ht think h stunts t ig ,A suc o sp s ac Oman star wh g: “She mause of angerou ious c d ia r n med d as sayi pular be tremely a very se o x e t t p e a quo e very is is an cky th ed m h lu emn e beco ad, but t lly very d n o c a o th the r he is actu t occur.” must be came to ep. e o t s l s n r n i d o e g an ent did t every “The ug d sah accid wever, no li tells Y. nd that i istake an is Ho stake, A ised. A d her m veryone at, th log mi .E oo for a and apoe underst ity or not ady to do c i e c h l i pub means s for publ f she is r i That s it; be it ge, and ” by n t rther . e a r r reg le of ch udge he tion is fu released affic j r a b s capa ould not i’s frustr t statistic eral of T n n h n a s e e we al Barw e accid rate G ear, Ali d by th Directo last y d e t e e r n h t ccur es. cemeOP and nts o 61 injuri e R d i e c th ar. ac nd 3,2 those use e 721 this yotal of 4, deaths a 2,076 of er one ca A t in 692 ted for e numb 2,052 th nd un ting resul ions acco ding was deaths a s 8 e f 16 Colli ents. Spe ing in 37 ents. ges o er cent a t d l e d i i u h c acc ath, res 499 ac tween t or 28 p f all , o of dees from 2 rivers be7 deaths, er cent, d p i 9 r , 3 1 u n inj dditio ed for 9, or 3 er 14 p ir In a account nd 1,06 f o l s, a tota 25 g the and casualtie for a en losin 3 d e t l e2 un om of al es. acco ith 97 w ear, whil e also s i h t r inju ale dea alties, w ng last y 41, wer Fem all casu ss drivi about 7 kle of or he cent ue to rec injured, e in t y and s a d e e s r h inc live nt of t uar e e cent een Jan at of th r e p h w per c n. t t 45.7 s be e d to wom ere was a ni female compare ics tatist ar Th f Oma is year, ar. S r o th so t ye tre f e ye death d of July ths of las nal Cen ing of th i n n o the e ven mon the Nati e beginn 51 Oma 35 e m h f s o t first ording t n, from deaths o rease fro c c o , i c n A mat uly 2017 a steep i ast year. l J Infor d and end of gistered, e period orms an e f e t r h m a t till es were g the sa edia pl mani ing l O v fema ed durin g social ma young him dri d f n r s o i s o r s e o rec er scou e acr video on th Aft , we cam posted at pace ho les ans of hand reneur w orts sed ition group p d p s e n r o t n t c a c en rope man. Y on a sele And u his E ays of O speak to : “I have ive fast. ood r o w g high agreed t opens up ing me d m with I e e e e t h e H ity. H love s rve t fast, bu ym e ho to se anon lowers w y duty al to driv m l g s o e f of k of it a it is ill w I thinnt. I kno e t n co
Oman is a peaceful country. Yes, we are keeping with the trends of the age, but why should we do acts that pose a risk to one’s life, or with the possibility of harming more people? only n o s I am do it stretche cars, orld that ing e v i y s t en vat ew emp ds. g exp ple in th like moti s. n a i s o a r o o h I of vide ed. e pe m purc “By show th be attain up such Instagra t o t n n u o a g p c tryin uxuries t’s why I ave been le to see f o l p such e and tha share. I hI like peo a matter l r o p e d peo s not ov now, an . It is als en “It’ e years s I own ve be a h r s e r ca video for th s of the eral m page. h v o e t s ” . o , c ph for me erview stagra w mu n t pride ce our in e user’s I dered ho acts are Sin from th er won y such wh ed u ev e d let have yo hare and that t s Bu is over ried rcissistic r o w ? re ng na ed shari committ ologists a rend for sonality n r r t h e n ofte ay, psyc s set the ) – a p rm patte D d e a t P o h T edia r (N s a long sed by lm i orde i socia nality dis ch there haracter ance and mon t c i o r h r s o r pe er in w haviou elf-imp ong com e d s m r b a f o l s di norma lings o ation – e r al of ab erated fe for admi ourn j g d g e e a h t e ex sive n ocial ir ed in s blish our and S base the exce e. u p i o l e dy peop ecent stu gy, Behav eople wh d to shar ely t r n p o a l t te A sycho d tha earance e to ultim p n r u e o Cyb orking f eir app es onlin h v ny Netw orth on t themsel o ma o t f w o g f . h sel photos ention , sharin ed wit e t t y more ete for at the stud n associa an also b c e o p t t t f i m o g , co ordin self is ntrary Acc of one the co ost ho p n social res but, on eem. w u t e c l i p st peop ions o the issism elf-e narc to low s pplied to s possess up with d a d u linke is can be r luxurio an be tie al c i h e T th esteem logic g o f h o c s y n lf re s “ps plifti pictu : their se . wn a ve and u ideos o a n i n w d k v iti me they o enon, s and s e pos thing is phenomn produc g picture their Th ip”, ca e sharin boosts do rsh opl , an ownes, and pe n or can lushi ke a B l w t ad a u ma effec at they o s Fah oices yo your life h y w a s f . e o he ch alter a this,” denc confi member sman. “T not only e making it e e r t o l ’ i R “ ve sa u comm o, if you re you d your u moti auto e acts yo others. S , make s us to get y h f t t k r o s i and so that thing r on’t hu l d e a e t m s bu do so k; plea o s call t r own ri u o ■ y ” ilani at ckled. l Gha i t A r o e eg : Bad Photo
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
Mohammed Al Kindi
Raiya Al Rawahi
oung Omani artists are travelling abroad to sell and promote their works, citing lack of appreciation for visual arts in the Sultanate. Some of the emerging artists said they ended up spending more than they made from their artworks. “The local art market is almost non-existent. Owning art is seen as an unnecessary luxury rather than an investment,” conceptual artist Raiya Al Rawahi said. “Since arts are generally overlooked and under-developed in the country, the culture of collecting [art] is not embedded in the local collective consciousness,” she added. “I am aware that local artists can make greater profit in terms of money and exposure when selling their artwork abroad,” she said. “There is a growing gap between the local perception of art by the average individual and what art actually is. I believe that the starting point is rousing curiosity in order to encourage learning about the arts not just by students but the general public as well,” she suggested. Al Rawahi said “a society cannot be expected to value what they are unfamiliar with.” She explained that once the appreciation and understanding of art are present, contributions by patrons would offer financial support, resources and skills for the art scene to grow 026
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
Photo by Anas Al Dheeb
05 Rawan al mahrouqi
04 06 01 & 04. Habitat - An
02. On The Geometry of Mortality - An installation by Raiya Al Rawahi (2016) 03. Life , Being and Death - A sound installation by Raiya Al Rawahi (2015) 05 & 06. Illustrations by Rawan al Mahrouqi
in Oman, he tried selling it for RO120. “Even then it was not bought,” he said. Murtadha Al Lawati, Director of Ghaliya Museum, presents another take on the subject. “Art is relatively new to Oman. The government only showed a real interest in developing young artists in the 1980s, but has not since then been able since to drive society into buying artworks,” he said. “There are between 30 to 40 houses being built in Oman every month, house owners spend fortunes buying furniture but seldom spend a penny to purchase a painting,” Al Lawati said. “Due to cultural and perhaps religious reasons, people are still reluctant to support art in Oman.” However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. “A good example of supporting local artists is the Stal Gallery’s annual Young Emerging Artists Prize,” Al Rawahi said. “It offers its space and resources to ten young and exceptionally talented Omani artists through an open call. The freedom given to artists facilitates the production of avant-garde and experimental artworks,” she said. Sarah Ahmed agrees with her. “I just have to point out how amazing the Stal Gallery has been doing which I can honestly say is life saving. It’s an amazing space…I can’t wait to see it grow and many more spaces just like it in the near future.”
07, 08 & 11. Questioning Religion An installation by Raiya Al Rawahi (2015) 09 & 10. Formless Portraits of the Imperceptible Self An installation by Raiya Al Rawahi (2016)
and flourish over the years. Echoing her, film director Mohammed Husam Al Kindi said: “Artists do eventually start selling their works outside Oman because it is not very common here to buy exclusive signed images. People would rather buy random prints of an apple or a wave instead of researching an image and know more about its story.” “In Oman, the ideology is very programmed against accepting full-time artists,” he added. Al Kindi decided not to take a job in Oman but, instead, he has been working on a number of film, photography and other art exhibitions in Saudi Arabia, Europe and the United States. “Art in Oman, in general, needs a push forward. The biggest issue we face is that the youth are alone and the government is alone. I think the authorities should involve more local artist in local project,” he said. Asked if it was too early to be a full-time artist in Oman, Al Kindi replied: “It is rather very late. Art gives voice to Oman. I meet a lot of people during my foreign exhibitions who ask me about my country and show interest in visiting it. I think art is an industry people did not hit yet in Oman.” Young artist Sarah Ahmed said: “I feel that the reason why so many Omani artists are selling their work abroad is simply the fact that the locals were not exposed to it much in the past.” Anas Al Dheeb, award-winning photographer, voiced his frustration over the lack of appreciation of art in Oman. “The biggest problem here is that artists are not doing art as a full-time job. Treating art as just a hobby stops them from developing their skills and knowledge,” he added. “What is being sold here for RO50 can be easily sold for RO450 in a neighbouring country,” he explained, encouraging art bodies in Oman to support local artists through teaching them what the market needs and how they can promote themselves. He said he once sold a photo for RO800 in the UAE and when the same piece was displayed
installation by Raiya Al Rawahi (2016)
11 SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
t’s like the set of a sci-fi movie: scores of people lying face flat on the sands of the beach in Azaiba while several others crawling or lumbering towards the safe and flat ground. No, I am not describing a still from the zombie apocalypse television series ‘The Walking Dead’, but rather the scene from the training grounds of the worldrenowned Spartan Race. And why wouldn’t they be exhausted? The participants are taking part in one of the most challenging training sessions they have ever had. Spartan Race, organised in Oman by Spartan (a US-based company), is a series of obstacle races held across 25 countries, of distances ranging from 5km (Sprint) to
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
20km (Beast). The training regime starts with stretching. “How hard can it be,” you ask. Well, stretching is just the start of things to come. The almost-Spartans then shuffle onwards to the high-intensity training grounds on the beach. What happens then is beyond belief; it’s military-grade tough. And it doesn’t matter if you are young or old, fit or unfit, or simply exhausted. It is almost 8:30am and the sun is already glaring down, upping the temperatures to a sultry 38-degrees-Celsius. The high humidity isn’t helping either. The training starts with coaches Steven Bartle and Risto Dimitrov motivating the participants to give it their all. They are then asked to run towards the trap points
where they have to fall flat and crawl towards the exit. Following that is a series of Ss that aims to test their agility, before they are made to repeat the gruelling course again. Any mistake and the offender must undertake a 10-pushup penalty! But if you’re thinking that Spartan Race is only for the strong, then think again. About 35 epilepsy patients –kids and adults alike –are taking part in the training. From the founder of UB-Cool (an adventure-booking platform based in Oman) Medina Ilyasova, we learn that the free-training session is organised by the company in association with the UFC Gym Oman. “We are doing it to raise epilepsy
awareness in Oman. We want to educate people about this illness while taking part in Spartan Race. “Our message to the people is: we can do a lot more than what others think. Soon, I am interrupted by Risto. “Why are you standing there with a camera,” he asks me, before turning his attention to another participant. “Are you ready to be a winner? Spartans don’t give up when they are tired,” Risto tells one man who is seen catching his breath while on his knees on the sand. When I talk to the Macedonianborn coach Risto (the mixed-martial arts coach at UFC Gym Oman) about his training, he says: “I am tough with these guys; they are going to take part in the toughest race in the world.” “I own them,” laughs the coach. Leeds-based coach Steven says it is a hot day for such rigorous training. “I think we had a fantastic turnout today,” he says. “We are going to be putting forward more programmes over the coming few weeks. Today was just a feeler for people; giving them an indication about what the training is all about. Talking about supporting the epileptic patients, Steven says: “We are here to support everyone. It doesn’t matter who you are and how fit you are. It’s all about giving it your best shot; everybody works within their own limits after all.” “It’s a fantastic opportunity for them to come down and take part. Hopefully, the turnout in the coming weeks will be better,” he adds, before running back to give the participants another dose of training action. ■
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
GRAB IT BEFORE IT’S GONE GET YOUR FREE COPY OF Y AT THE FOLLOWING DISTRIBUTION POINTS… Capital Region Azaiba • Amara Dermatology Clinic • Audi Showroom • Bentley Showroom • Costa Coffee • Al Fair • Jaguar Showroom • Jeep Showroom • Al Maha Petrol Station • Mazda Showroom • McDonald’s • Mitsubishi Showroom • Oman Arab Bank • Oman Oil Petrol Station • Peugeot Showroom • Range Rover Showroom • Sayarti Auto Care • Shell Select • Skoda Showroom • The Sultan Center • Volkswagen Showroom • Volvo Showroom • Yamaha Showroom Bawshar • College of Banking and Financial Studies • Dolphin Village • Modern College of Business and Science • Muscat College • Muscat Private Hospital (Emergency and Outpatients) • Oman Medical College CBD • Al Maya Hypermarket • Alizz Islamic Bank • Bahwan Travel Agencies • Bank Sohar • Copper Chimney Restaurant • Costa Coffee • HSBC • Lama Polyclinic • NBO • Oman Arab Bank • Standard Chartered Bank • Woodlands Restaurant Darsait • Indian Social Club • SPAR
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Y- F i
The bold and burly Escalade is all American. It has the looks, power and the heft to take on the heavyweights from Europe. -P34 Photo: Alvin Thomas
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
D E S T I N AT I O N C a r s
P o s t c a r d s Fr o m
Y- F i
Mischief 032
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
Among the attractions at Mussanah castle are its proximity to the beach and the residential houses around it, but the mischief he sought to play backfires on Shaquel al Balushi
most striking feature: its proximity to the beach. It’s so close to the beach that it could very well have been a makeshift lighthouse, in my opinion. The walls of the structure are entirely made up of rocks, which are cemented down with mud. This is in line with most castles in the country but I noted something else that is different: its architecture. The stones that form the walls are incredibly symmetric in nature; a little more so than what I have seen on castles in the
country. It was satisfying to look at. Make sure that you visit the castle on a weekday and during operational hours. I have heard that the castle adorns some of Oman’s finest architecture and wood engravings. I then proceeded to the beach to feel the gust of sea breeze in my hair and resorted to sitting on the sand for a few moments. Hanif was getting annoyed. I cut short my time by the beach and headed back to the car. It was a pity that I missed out another opportunity to scour one of Oman’s most prominent locations. Maybe my plan didn’t work out that well, after all.
here’s something oddly satisfying about tricking your close ones into doing something they do not like. I can proudly say I am a master of manipulation. But, before you jump to conclusions, let me explain what actually went down this week. It all started when my cousin Hanif asked me to accompany him to the city of Mussanah, situated a few hundred kilometres from my home in Al Amerat. Being the sweet cousin that I am, I obliged. But I had a smart idea: why not travel with him in his SUV and stop by the renowned Mussanah castle? This meant that he would have to cover all the costs: the fuel, refreshments and any other charges. Of course, I refrained from telling him my plan. Hanif doesn’t like travelling a lot, so even the slightest of hints that I had planned a mini-excursion would have seen him going to one of my brothers for company on the trip. We started from Al Amerat a little after 10am and hit the highway soon after. Expectedly, it took us almost two hours to reach Mussanah, and we were well past lunch time. Thankfully, Hanif took less than 10 minutes to complete his tasks. When he asked me where we were headed next, I simply asked him to just drive on. I then asked him to drive down the road (still maintaining it a secret) and towards the castle. It is well marked with road signs, and you should also be able to locate it on Google Maps, should you need it. This meant Hanif soon caught on. He shot me an annoyed expression and asked: “Are you planning on doing a destination for Y Magazine today?” I just smiled. Now that he knew of my devious plan, I no longer needed to hide my camera. I quickly took the DSLR out of the bag and began clicking photos of the castle from within the car. The castle – which resembles a citadel – is situated close to the beach, and there are numerous residential houses around. This means that it cannot quite capture the distinctiveness of other such castles in the country. I couldn’t help but imagine how cool it would be to live around a castle; like how subjects used to reside by the king’s castle, for protection and security. Today, however, things are a bit different. It is the people who live around the castle who protect it from overly curious tourists, teenagers vandalising the walls and even nature which has been slowly eating away at the tall structure, taking it down stone by stone. Still, the castle manages to stand tall among a sea of other smaller residential apartments in Mussanah. Upon reaching the foot of the structure, I decided to go around the castle and try to get inside. Sadly, the entry point was shut, and I had to resort to clicking photos of the outside. Upon doing so, I stumbled upon Mussanah castle’s
From Muscat, take the Sultan Qaboos Highway and head towards Suhar. Then take the exit to Musannah and look out for the brown board that denotes the castle.
GPS location: 23°46’25.1”N 57°38’43.8”E
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
Stepping into the Escalade is quite an event, says Alvin Thomas, after stepping out of the all-new model impressed with the look and feel of the real Caddy: strong, burly and truly American
he automotive industry is a dynamic and ever evolving sphere: new cars enter and older ones get phased out of the market, monthly. Some even say it is a cruel world out there, and that the only real way to remain relevant is to constantly stay in the news. While some manufacturers do so by faking tests (yes, you know who they are), others rely on relatively non-scandalous tactics such as bumping up performance figures or simply introducing newer trim levels or refreshing their cars, annually. Believe us: It works! However, the Muricans love playing games a bit different. They don’t believe in staying relevant by crafting expensive cosmetic and mechanical changes. So, what is it that they do? Well, in two words: Hollywood endorsements. Why in the name of all that’s holy would
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
you spend millions of dollars in research and development when you can hire an actor to do the job for a fraction of the price? Pfft. This is also the reason the Escalade has been a huge seller for Cadillac. For over the past decade or so, it has been the vehicle of choice of rappers, actors and even politicians. Heck, if an actor is seen driving a Cadillac Escalade at pace, on screen, they’re almost certainly the villain. Remember the scene where rapper T.I. drives away in a blacked-out Escalade after replicating the diner shootout scene from the Godfather movie, in his music video – King? Aah, classic! Not only has all of this made the Escalade prominent, but also one of the coolest SUVs you can currently lay your hands on. If you own one of these, you’re deemed a celebrity. Introduced to the audience in 1999 as a spruced-up variant of the Chevy Tahoe, the firstgeneration Escalade didn’t turn many heads, to be honest. And not much changed in the following years, either. The third-generation variant ran for a whole seven years (!), before finally ending production. And even that was a refresh from the second-generation Caddy from 2002. In truth, the Cadillac Escalade of today is only in its fourth iteration. But, looking at my tester, I couldn’t help but notice one
P o s t c a r d s Fr o m
Y- F i
thing: for the first time ever the Escalade looks like a real seat seven in utmost comfort, and space in the third-row Caddy; a strong and burly American product. is class-leading if you opt for the long-wheelbase“ESV” This then is Floyd Mayweather of SUVs. It’s everything variant. I found the space in the third-row of my you wanted, and more. “regular” variant to be adequate, if a bit cramped. Of course, it still shares elements with its plebian cousin, On the plus side, there is plenty of room to play with for but it sprinkles a lot more glitz and glamour over the luggage when the rear seats are folded down. Chevy that it is originally based on. Even better, the interior is crafted in beautifully stitched The lights, for instance, are long and swept-back like leather and soft-touch surfaces. Surprisingly, my tester also what you see on the brand’s sedans. They also comprise came with real wood inserts in the dashboard and door of a series of LEDs, which gives it a premium feel. Then panels. It was tasteful, and ups the poshness of the cabin. you have the large brushed-aluminium There are a lot of nifty tech-toys grille; it’s ostentatiously whopping crammed into the Escalade as well: but ornamental. for instance, you get Cadillac’s ‘CUE’ The Escalade also stays true to itself in infotainment system, complimented this lucrative segment with its large body, by a large and responsive capacitive thick chrome panels on the doors and touchscreen. All of the buttons – of which linings around the window, and the long, there are several – are capacitive as well. elongated single-strip LED tail They can be hard to use, initially, but lamp. The latter has split audience, BUYING AN ESCALADE IS SO upon spending time with the vehicle, MUCH MORE THAN BUYING I was able to master the craft. but I found it to be quite pleasing A REGULAR LARGE 4X4; IT’S to the eye. There’s even a hidden BUYING INTO A LIFESTYLE compartment behind the airStepping inside the Cadillac is quite an event: pull the door conditioner controls that pops open handles and you’re greeted with a side step, which opens when you lightly brush your finger against the chrome up to let you step into the cabin. It then retracts into panel. It’s futuristic, yet incredibly thoughtful. place once you have closed the doors. It is signalled by the The capacitive buttons are also the best I have ever unmistakable sound of an electronic motor pulling in the tested on a car. Kudos to Cadillac for that. heavy side step; resembling what you hear when your pilot Ironically, they balance it all out by fitting a basic retracts the wheels of the flight just after take-off. column-mounted gear shifter. It’s phenomenally easy to Inside, you’re greeted with tons of space: the SUV will use, but it isn’t the most sophisticated system out there. Power comes from the same engine that powers the beastly Chevrolet Corvette sport car. The engine – a 6.2-litre V8 – which has been modified ever so slightly for towing, pumps out 420hp and 623Nm of twist. It doesn’t sound like a Corvette, but the unmistakable V8 burble is evident if you let down your windows and attack the throttle. Power is sent to all four wheels through an intuitive six-speed automatic transmission. The gearbox is capable of kicking-down gears when required and settles in with the right cogs at most times. Thanks to the low-end torque, initial acceleration is strong enough to bury you into the seats for a couple of seconds, but things settle in soon after. Still, naught to 100kph is achieved in a little over seven seconds (during my hot weather
Cadillac Escalade Specifications: Engine: 6.2-litre V8 Transmission: six-speed automatic Horsepower: 420hp Torque: 623Nm Top speed: 170kph (limited) All-wheel drive Parking sensors Sunroof Push-button start 56cms alloys Traction control Heated and ventilated seats Head-up display Adaptive cruise control CUE touchscreen Blind-spot monitoring Cylinder deactivation Forward collision alert Dual-zone climate control
test), which is impressive considering the Escalade tips the scales at 2.7 tonnes, not adding the weight of the occupants. The ride in the Escalade is smooth as its “magnetic” suspension does well to soak up most of the bumps and undulations on the road. It is worlds apart from its previous generation. But, because it is still a body-on-frame SUV, it shows its true colours ever so often; mostly during cornering. I encountered a substantial amount of body roll while cornering but it was nothing out of the ordinary for an SUV of this heft. Surprisingly – and because the Escalade sends power to the rear wheels at most times – it’s easy to lose the back end during hard acceleration (from a standstill). It’s incredibly fun, but the stability control kicks in to prevent you from embarrassing yourself if things go out of control. Sadly, I found the brakes to be a little spongy. Although that could be an isolated case owing to journalists and potential buyers going hard on the brakes before I was given the keys to the SUV. On the upside, the steering is smooth and sensitive. This means it is easy to park in tight spots; as was the case when I hustled into a parking spot in the crammed parking lot of one of the malls in Oman. Of course, you also get the rearbackup camera and all-around sensors to keep you from reversing into a wall. I really enjoyed my time behind the wheel of the Cadillac Escalade. Opting for the Caddy over the Chevrolet Tahoe that it is originally based on may seem like a hard decision. But buying an Escalade is so much more than buying a regular large 4x4; it’s buying into a lifestyle. And for that very reason, the Escalade prevails as the coolest kid on the block. Others can only look in vain.
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
When you’re at Poovar, it is hard to distinguish between fantasy and reality.The beauty is just beyond what words can ever explain.
1. Book a boat and go for a ride in the backwaters 2. Visit the Lighthouse on the beach 3. Enjoy your time with family at the Samudra beach 4. If you need a spa, visit Dr Franklin’s Panchakarma Institute and Ayurveda Centre 5. Visit Vizhinjam Marine Aquarium
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
Nishad Padiyarath recommends
his is an incredible story! A magnificent sailing ship, with five rows of oars, was carrying goods from Ophir to Babylon circa 1500 BCE. It is believed that the biblical Ophir, whence Solomon also imported luxury goods including ivory, sandalwood and cedarwood, is today the small fishing village of Poovar, just outside Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala, India, which travellers fondly call as ‘God’s own country’. Today, however, it is not “ivory and sandalwood” that attracts visitors. It is the extraordinary Poovar Island Resort, located on a small island at the mouth of the Neyyar river. This is one among the most picturesque resorts I have ever been to. It is so serene and calm that you are tempted to say: “I want to stay here for the rest of my life.” So, what’s extraordinary about this place? While location just takes your breath away, it is the floating cottage (like anchored houseboats) that stuns you completely. Then there is sun and sand. The place is peace and quiet. Soothing backwaters. Beautifully designed spaces. Very good food and, above all, value for money. On arrival at Trivandrum International Airport, it’s just a 50-minute drive to the resort which can be fun, looking at the lush-green landscapes all around you. Since the resort is on an island, you have to get there by boat. The narrow and exceedingly green Neyyar river welcomes you and even at the height of the dry season it is completely full. The backwater ride will take you through some lush-green and dusky backwaters from the colony with worth admiring flora and fauna and via the elephant rock, a floating giant rock. The 12-minutes boat journey to the resort from the landing is superb - unlike backwaters elsewhere in Kerala, especially in Alappuzha that teems with human habitation, there are no people residing here. Beyond the bay is a narrow beach; you are tempted to wade across to the Arabian Sea. You can be rowed across, or the speedboat will take you there. Poovar is majestic especially at sunset, the beauty is just beyond words. It’s a mustvisit for travellers who like to be on an island that is peaceful and quiet.
My favourite place The beaches. The intensity of the waves is breathtaking. There is a lifeguard on duty who helps you explore the island but prevents you from going too deep as the waves are strong. Orange sands, mighty waves and water all around — it is a treat to watch. Highlights The fascinating view of the floating cottages that look like thatched Kerala huts drifting like a mirage on the waters of the bay. Made of teak, they are deceptively rustic. The interior of the cottage looks grand; a comfortable king-sized bed, a small dresser and table, and a rather luxurious bathroom with lovely fittings. There is also a little verandah for sunbathing or watching the stars, or fishing. I tell you these cottages are perfect for honeymooning couples.
Lowlights Avoid going out in the sun especially near the beach. Souvenirs
Shops in Poovar have a wide variety of interesting little trinkets.
Getting there
Fly from Muscat to Trivandrum International Airport — it only takes about three hours and fifty minutes. From the airport, it’s under 35km, or a 50-minute drive by car, to the Poovar Island Resort.
Where to stay Poovar Island Resort. SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
GOOD, BETTER AND THE BEST It has become a social standard to wear smartwatches, fitness trackers or other apparel. Matthew Herbst scours the market to help you separate the good from the not-so-good
SMART FEET If anything, you’re probably just as bored with Fitbits and fitness watches that curb your style. Why not take a different approach and invest in a pair of Under Armour Gemini 3 RE smart shoes. The sports apparel company has integrated a fitness tracker right into the soles of the shoes, meaning no more odd-looking fitness watches to record your fitness data. Being the most intelligent, if not the first Fitbit style trainers you’ll ever slip your feet into, they also boast an accelerometer to record running metrics and Bluetooth connectivity that saves it all to an app afterwards. Hit me up with a pair. At from RO67.50
Under Armour created a nifty bit of tech with audio experts JBL to build a set of in-ear Bluetooth headphones with a little twist. Together they created a heart rate monitor built-in with your tunes. And according to the public it's all the rave right now. While we have seen this done before (Bose and Jabra also make in-ear sports headphones with an integrated heart-rate sensors) we can leave unto you to decide which is best, of course. Just bear in mind that this pair of UA Sport Wireless Heart Rate Headphones is able to connect to the company's completely free Record platform through an app that lets you track workouts with exceptional detail. That’s not all, it also gives you audio updates for things like pace, distance, heart rate and heart-rate zones so you can improve on previous workouts. Enjoy. At from RO67.50
Meet the Coros smart bicycle helmet, it’s pretty much everything a cyclist could possibly ever want from a bicycle helmet. Long gone are the days of risking your life wearing earphones while cruising the streets, because this bicycle helmet has boneconducting earphones built in so that you can safely listen to music or GPS directions while on the road without blocking out background sounds. Even better, it tracks your mileage and if you have an accident, the built-in collision detection automatically sends your next of kin a message to alert them. Talk about safe. At from RO76.90
Destiny 2
Info Box
Developers: BUNGIE
Evolved into something incredibly bigger, better and smarter, the second edition exposes you to an exciting amount of stuff. Alvin Thomas recounts the shooting and looting
estiny 2 is a clear-cut case of how hard work truly pays off. I don’t usually start off reviews with such fervour, but Destiny 2 is an exception; it’s the game I didn’t know I would get hooked on. And, all thanks to the developers (Bungie) who spent three long years polishing this game to utmost standards. The result is a slick, smoothflowing and witty game with quirky features and a storyline to match. From the onset of the game, you’re exposed to an overwhelming amount of stuff (tasks and missions). You still play the role of a guardian –trying to protect the earth from alien races –to keep the last city on
earth safe. We have no idea why aliens would want to invade a crippled Earth but that’s just how it is; the genre –mythical sci-fi –is an uncanny one, if you ask me. Nevertheless, the script writers manage to capture the audience with numerous twists and paradigms in the plot. Things can get a bit awry if you’re a newcomer but there’s not much of a learning curve; I was in the groove within minutes. In any case, the story, which revolves around the Red War, takes you through four areas that you can explore, introducing you to a different mission, as you go. There's also a bunch of optional activities to choose from, including story-like adventure missions, simple loot dungeons called Lost Sectors that lead to hidden areas of the map, and public events and patrols, which are a carryover from Destiny 1. But if you thought it was just about the story, then you’re wrong: thanks to the uncapped frame-rates and the native 4K resolution support, the graphics are spectacular. I would advise players to max out their computers in order to juice the graphics out of the game. Upon doing so, you will be treated to a movie-like gaming experience. The physics engine is intuitive and there’s a general sense of unity between the characters and the surroundings. All in all, Destiny 2 is a superior sci-fi title than its predecessor. And you know what? It could be one of the best that I have ever played in recent times. This is aces in my book. It’s a great game that will be well worth your time. Trust me on this one. JULY SEP 0321 - 09 27 / ISSUE 487 327
Missandei is a person of knowledge: she taught us of Grey Worm, and here she is – in a completely different attire – teaching us how to carry a fashionable and chic look, and dress with style!
FEB 1121 -- 1727/ /ISSUE SEP ISSUE407 487
k o o L e h
aran K e tin hris C , t ry tree esto s o h h g s e hi rmy h a t e o t H end e look. ram h g g hi th the to get n Insta m Fro s you tine o is help w Chr o Foll
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Jackets are something that can be worn for work or casually. Pick the right one like this peplum jacket from Debenhams and we are sure you are going to be the showstopper. Buy it at RO20
Large, bright and funky: this is the perfect accessory to carry day or night. It can make your ensemble look super stylish. Buy it from F&F at RO9
Not feeling your plain old white formals? How about these floral embroidered whites from Bon Prix, instead? We are sure these will make your ensemble cute, as well as fierce! Shop it at RO19
A modern-day woman needs the perfect handbag that is elegant, classic and fashionable. This beige bag from Dune is perfect to make a fashion statement. Shop it at RO33
Do you carry the ‘entire world’ in your handbag? Then this minimalist suede shopper from H&M is what you need; there is tonnes of space inside. Shop it at RO26
Backless loafers are the new cool. They have a vintage feel to them and can be had in different patterns; like this floral one, for instance. Buy these super-pretty loafers from Littlewoods at RO21
Going for an afternoon tea? Then you need to dress the part. We bet this mini city bag with faux fur strap will definitely put you in the ‘posh’ category. Buy it from ZARA at RO20
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
HEALTH& BEAUTY important than whether the style will work for you. ● Look for garments that have a defined shape. You don't have to wear form-fitting clothing, but do avoid overalls or baggy, pull-on pants and maxi dresses with no waistline, Brock advises. ● Find your colours, Williams suggests. Everyone has certain colours that complement their skin tone, hair and eyes, and others that are less flattering. Determine which ones are yours and emphasise those colours in your wardrobe. Brock also counsels against putting too many colours in a single outfit, and says avoid wild colour patterns. Instead, pick one piece in an outfit to make a colour statement and use muted, complementary colours in the rest of the outfit to create a backdrop for your statement colour. ● Just as important as knowing your best colours, you should also know the visual line that looks best for your body type, Williams says. For example, if you're pear-shaped, a line that draws attention to your shoulders can be flattering, Brock adds. Apple-shaped women may find an A-line skirt flattering since it creates an angle from the shoulder to the waist.
Women over 60 need not look so frumpy to be ageappropriate or too trendy to feel their best. Here’s how they could pull it off and step out in style
uumuus and mom jeans or spangled capris and Aloha shirts — is this really all the fashion world has to offer women over the age of 60? Do mature women who desire to dress fashionably really have to choose between "frumpy and fogey" or "too young and trendy?" Not at all, says Catherine Brock, who blogs about style on "Reaching a certain age doesn't mean you have to give up your love of fashion, or that you can't be stylish," Brock says. "In our youth-obsessed society, many fashion trends are geared for young women, but truly stylish clothing can work for women of any age." Joyce Williams (name changed to protect her privacy), a resident of Brookdale Belle Meade Senior Living Community in Nashville, Tennessee, agrees. Williams didn't leave her lifelong love of fashion behind upon moving into the senior community. Instead, she remains an avid reader of fashion magazines, and designs and makes her own jewellery to accessorise her wardrobe. She happily shares fashion advice with other residents who seek to remain stylish after 60. Here are some of Brock's and Williams' favorite tips and insights for senior women: ● Senior women can have trouble finding fashion images that feature women who could be their peers, Brock says. Because most clothing is marketed with images of younger models, many older women may worry about their clothes being "age-appropriate". Don't be limited by that kind of thinking, she advises. The age of the model wearing the fashion is far less 042
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● Stay true to your own personal style, regardless of your age. "If you had a wellestablished personal style when you were younger, it doesn't need to change just because you're older," Brock says. "If anything, as you age, you can pay more attention to your personal style and be less of a slave to the season's trends." Adapt your younger style to your more mature place in life by focusing on creating outfits that make only one statement at a time, she advises. For example, wear that big, chunky turquoise necklace that you've always loved and pair it with an outfit that's simple and straightforward like a pair of tailored jeans and a white blouse. ● Some styles work particularly well for senior women, Brock says. Blazers and cardigans pair well with V-neck tops, sheath dresses, shift dresses and button-down shirts. "In warmer months, V-neck tops with elbow-length sleeves are the new T-shirt for seniors," she says. "Just add a necklace for a little sparkle." Plus, every senior woman should have wardrobe staples such as a black blazer, white buttondown shirt, dark-wash jeans, straight-leg trousers, neutral-coloured cardigans, a collection of dolmansleeve tops and T-shirts with varying sleeve lengths and necklines. ● Never underestimate the power of great accessories, Williams says. The right jewellery can turn an ordinary outfit into something stunning, and you can change the entire look of an outfit simply by switching around your accessories. "It's never too late to discover your personal style," Brock says. "Start by creating a Pinterest board and saving looks you love (get a fashion-minded younger friend to help if you're not tech-savvy). Then reacquaint yourself with your body type and go shopping with a friend. Try on different cuts of pants, skirts and dresses until you both agree on which are the most flattering. Find the cuts that look good on you and then start experimenting with colours and textures." Source: BPT
GET it RIGHT From doing exercise to eating foods to getting to know about the other ways, good health is a matter of taking the right steps
hen it comes to creating a healthy lifestyle, some recommendations are fairly simple, such as exercising regularly and eating right. Many people, however, don’t know how much exercise they should get or which foods are the best choices. They also may not realise there are other ways to take care of your body and mind to promote better overall health. Start on the path to healthier living with these tips. Exercise regularly. The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity at least five days a week, and that’s because an active lifestyle can help you achieve far more than muscle mass or weight loss. Regular exercise can also contribute to mental well-being, and even something as simple as a walking break or two at work can provide health benefits. Eat well. The keys to a healthy diet are eating the right amount of calories for your activity level and eating a wide range of foods to ensure that you're receiving all the nutrients your body needs. By prioritising great taste and ingredient guidelines, such as minimising hydrogenated oils, trans fats and artificial ingredients. Get enough sleep. Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being, and can help
improve your mental health, physical health and quality of life. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours per night for adults and 9-11 hours for school-aged children. If you find sleep elusive, try implementing a bedtime routine to send signals to your body that it’s time to sleep, avoid screen time immediately before lights out and eliminate caffeine after lunch. Manage stress. Between juggling a career, family and other commitments, it’s easy to find things to stress over. Practices such as meditation and yoga can help to better manage stress. Setting aside time for a favourite hobby can also help relieve stress and focus on an activity you enjoy. Aside from mental and emotional impacts, stress can also impact your physical health, so it’s important to identify coping mechanisms that reduce overall stress. Be social. Making time to socialise with friends and family is an important part of living a long and healthy life. Even if your schedule is packed, try to block out time at least once a week to spend with family and friends. Break bad habits. Whatever their nature, work to break bad habits by first acknowledging the problem, and then work to replace the negativity with alternatives that make a more positive impact on your life. Even a negative attitude can bring you down. Source: Family Features SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
New Restaurant
Do you love garnishing your pizza with cheese? If so, try out Pizza Hut’s all-new ‘Big Cheese Box’, which adds a large cheesy bites pizza, and a side of cheesy potato wedges and poppers.
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
AND Chill
After sinking his teeth into large cheesy bites pizza along with a sizeable helping of parmesan fries and cheddar pops last week, Alvin Thomas says cheese anyway he pleases
ilk isn’t for everyone: give someone with an aversion towards milk a glass, and it is highly likely that you will get it back just as it is – untouched. However, let this very milk culture in the right conditions, and you’re left with one of the world’s mostfavoured dairy products: cheese. Uncanny, isn’t it? Cheese that is over three years old currently sell for several hundreds of Riyals – and people are queuing up to buy it! But, not all cheese has to be expensive, old and withered. A simple packet of cheddar or mozzarella will go a long way, and it can be used to tart up an otherwise dry (and bland) meal; i.e. burgers, pizzas and sandwiches. And as was revealed earlier this week, why stop with a single serving of cheese? I recently attended the launch of Pizza Hut’s all-new ‘Big Cheese Box’ – which adds a large cheesy bites pizza (you know, the pizza with cheese bomb rolls scattered on the crust) alongside a sizeable helping of parmesan fries and cheddar pops – and the crowd loved it. Several visitors even went for second and third servings (no, I wasn’t prying; shush!). Adding dairy then, it seems, is the way forward. You can also add cheese to your favourite fruits to create a well-rounded snack. Pair cheese sticks with fresh fruit, such as an apple, pear or grapes, for a quick bite. This is kid-friendly, and you can also make it hands-on fun by creating colourful fruit and cheese kabobs. Take a look at our recipe, and get your children involved in the process.
Rainbow Fruit and Cheese Kabobs Recipe courtesy of the Midwest Dairy Council Prep time: 15 minutes Servings: 6
§ 1/4 cup blueberries § 6 purple grapes
Ingredients: § 8 wooden skewers § 170g Monterey Jack cheese, cut into 18 cubes § 1/2 cup strawberries, halved § 1/2 cup cantaloupe, cut into 3/4-inch cubes § 1/2 cup pineapple, cut into 3/4-inch cubes § 1 kiwi, peeled and cut into 6 pieces
Method: § Thread each skewer with one piece of cheese, one strawberry half, one cantaloupe cube, one pineapple cube, another piece of cheese, one piece of kiwi, two blueberries, one grape and another piece of cheese. Repeat the pattern with the remaining skewers.
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
etg d Bu ndly Frie
Tr e n d
New Restaurant
Way 6816, Ghala Heights, Bausher Tel: 2423 6600 Opening hours: 7-10:30am, 12-3pm, 6pm onwards Meal for four: RO29.900 Verdict : 9/10 SERVICE 8/10 FOOD 8/10 AMBIENCE
Tasty gourmet foods at relatively reasonable rates Y Magazine reviews anonymously and pays for its meals
he word ‘procrastination’ is one that I hold quite close to my heart. As a matter of fact, if I were to write about myself (which I probably will never do), it would be on the forefront of words that I would use to describe myself. But, of course, something of that sort would be for another day. Pun intended. Keeping in line with that, I must point out that during one of my outings earlier this year with my friends, I came across a new hotel – Centara. Situated just off the Sultan Qaboos highway (in Ghala), it seemed like the perfect location for a breakfast or a lavish dinner. But, due to our schedule, we couldn’t quite stop by the restaurant in the hotel. And ever since that day, I had been putting away visiting the restaurant; laziness really did get the better of me… until now. I headed there – after months of procrastination – for a spot of dinner with my family, last week. The restaurant – Tiptara – which is on the ground floor was our point of interest. Surprisingly, we were the only ones in the restaurant at that time (6pm) and made ourselves comfortable in one corner. The waitress then handed us our menus. The menu itself is quite small, but she promised us that the management was in the process of expanding their menu. I quickly opted for a portion of the ‘Soup of the Day’, Lentil, and a ‘3 Hour Salmon Steak’. Meanwhile, my parents opted for Italian; a penne
SEP 21 - 27 / ISSUE 487
marinated. The fries that came with the dish were also a welcome touch. The pasta, my parents declared, was MY SALMON STEAK, WHICH HAD scrumptious but not any different from what BEEN SLOW-COOKED FOR THREE you can find in other restaurants of this class. HOURS, WAS SOFT, AND THE However, I was told that the penne carbonnera SKIN CRISPY was a tad spicy. That must have been because of the chilly flakes that were sprinkled on it. If spice is all you care about, though, you must try out the Thai food that is on the menu. But the waitress (thankfully) thoroughly warned us about the spice-scale of the food before we had even placed all our orders. My sister claimed her chicken delectable, but she also seemed to enjoy the pasta. I put that down to the tooth she pulled out recently. In the end, we washed it all down with glasses of pineapple and lemon-mint juices. As expected, they were refreshing. Upon finishing up at Tiptara, I realised that it does deliver on all fronts –the ambience, the food arrabiata and a penne carbonnera. My little sister and the service. But there was one other reason decided to go simple with a ‘Kid’s Meal’ serving why I found it to stand out from the sea of other of fried chicken. upscale restaurants in the city: the price. The attendant first bought us a basket of bread, The cost for all our starters, dishes and juices which consisted of freshly baked bread and buns. came up to an acceptable RO30. A high-end It tasted amazing with a dash of Danish butter, restaurant with dishes ranging in the price bracket but it did fill our tummies to a point we felt we of a food joint in Shatti is beyond belief. Now, if couldn’t gobble anymore food down. So, do that isn’t a steal, I don’t know what is. keep in mind to go easy on the bread if you are heading there. Do you have a favourite restaurant that you’d like to see My soup was the next to arrive. I was pleasantly reviewed? Let Y know at surprised by the serving; it was a large bowl filled up to three-quarters. It was creamy and with the right amount of flavour. Thankfully, the consistency of the broth was perfect, making it easy to gulp down. Our main course arrived soon. By now, we were all replete but dug in nonetheless. My salmon steak, which had been slow-cooked for three hours, was soft, and the skin crispy. It was furthermore garnished with caramelised onions and a few strips of freshly-cut potato fries. Upon sliding my knife into the meat of the fish, I was able to see the flavours and natural oils gush out ever so slightly, signalling that it was well