ANA Choreographic duo

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Creation 2012

A choregraphed duet mixing mime, dance, gestual theater. The tale of a fight, of a life story.

ÂŤMy name is Anorexia Ana for you, friends ? Âť

Few words... Beyond words, Ana reflects the unease that our occidental mass consumption involves. The diktats of slimness, of «5 fruits and vegetables per day», of «Eat soya, but not too much», of «sweets don’t suit you» are omnipresent in the «always more» realm - «Meringue nests, do you want some?», «nougat cookies, have fingers full with!»... This paradoxe is dangerous, to say the least: how to resist ? How to not fall in obsession of perfect body ? How to eat without regret ? Some people, more fragile or more exposed, can’t and change dramatically for too few or overflow. The dance sector in particular is one of the hardest hit, in silence. It is these problematics we approach. Beyond its primary theme, this show is artistic and subjective, creating a world in which each and every one will recognize a part of him/herself: is not everybody confronted to his/her own demons whatever they are ? Ana highlights the duality between mind and body, points out the often wrong perception everyone has of himself, says the need to be loved

...about a show without words Body is the center of the sickness. Indeed, it is always rejected and controlled at the same time. The body of the sick person becomes scary looking for the people around. The body even becomes holy because it is, at the end of the day, the main focus of the sick person. Anorexic persons doesn’t speak. Why to use words ? There is no more to say, actually.

As a cross between mime, dance and theater arts, this show demonstrates the awkwardness of the relation between body and mind. Ana is only spirit, Camille destroys her own body. To tell it, words become inadequate.

The characters Two minds in one body Therefore, two bodies on the stage: Camille, a real human being and her personified sickness, her love. Camille is not a very satisfied teenager. She always questions herself, she is shy and fragile. She is however gifted of a strong force; she wants to achieve ideal goals that she believes are good for her, Ana looks skinny and pallid. She is mean and evil. She is talented devil, a fascinated ghost. She is a solitary person with a strong mind and a capacity to lead opinions, she is fascinating. She looks very king and unbelievably beautiful at first but slowly her dark force reveals and she becomes a hideous creature. For Camille, Ana is the person she aims to be, Camille creates her to destroy herself by thinking it will actually save her.

A stage almost empty The closed bedrom of a lone teenage. Only one significant element is there : a giant cake, central and majestic, oversized, out of touch with reality, but in accordance with Camille world where everything becomes gigantic, huge, indecent. Dream and reality are mixing up, merging. The sound and the light are a huge part in the creation of a grave atmosphere. Music, strange, scaring, light, expresses hurly-burly, infernal spiral but also allows silence, very necessary sometimes.

A dark laugh The consequences and symptoms of anorexia are terrible and violent. We chose to enter totally in this world to be able to out pass borders of reality until touch absurdity. Humour and sarcasm are our weapons against tragedy.

Who has never thought something was wrong with him/herself after looking at the mirror’s reflection ? Anorexia is an actual illness which so much increased in this past twenty years that it is now considered by some as one of the «illness of century».

Anorexia is a true mental sickness, a problem related to the behavior towards food. The loss of weight is the most visible sign of the sickness but there is so much more troubles, psychological and physical, resulting from it (loss of hair, nails, teeth, bleeding of breathing ways, memory loss, depressive state, blackout, lethargy, heart problems, and so on...). This disease is a real addiction, it is not to «invent problems» as we can read or hear sometimes. Break with anorexia destabilizes ill persons, their fears and anxieties are reactivated. Ana is anorexia, its nickname given by those who forget that they are victims. Often, anorexia is characterizd by an interior force capable of everything. We chose L'anorexie, une maladie le and fantastique de par la présence invisible to underline this dualityabordant between body mind.

d'une force intérieure capable de tout. Une maladie dont l'essence même Camille can’t get overetfrom «Ana» :asune «Pro-Ana» named it, thisentre movement est la dualité de l'esprit du corps lutte de pouvoir mental et advocates anorexia by pretending it is a way of life, it plays down the real risks of physique, un combat permanent qui entraîne bien souvent la négation du the sickness. corps au profit d'un psychisme devenu surpuissant. Does the search for perfection have to lead to death ?

The team Célia CHAUVIERE

Mime, dancer and choreographer After a theater education, Célia learns French Sign Language before going towards miming. She trains at the so known Ateliers de Belleville scholl where Yvan Bacciocchi teaches her during 3 years courses. Next to this, she continues her training in contemporary dance and ballet dance at the Charles Munch Conservatory in Paris and also at the Kim Kahn Dance School. Since 2009, she created short performing works -solo or duetusing mime and dance presented in festivals. In 2010, she moves to Warsaw where she discovers Pantomime. Since 2011, she works also with La Compagnie Théâtre Orage, company for which she performs («Le Musée des Fous» en 2011, «Je vous demande la route» en 2012) and gives mime and dance classes in psychiatric hospital.

Marie DOREAU Actress, dancer

Marie received her theater education with François Ha Van when she followed his Vélo Volé course. She also studied at Maurice Ravel Conservatory in Paris where she trained with Gloria Paris and Chrisitne Gagnieux. She then enter in L’Ecole Studio d’Asnières-sur-Seine where she trained in the acting course directed by Jena-Louis Martin Barbaz and Hervé Van der Meulen. Interested by body expression, she also takes dance classes with Jean-Marc Hoolbecq (improvisation and body analysis) and Jean-CLaude Guilbert (hip-hop). She also learns circus with Alexandra Malaisé. She mainly works with the Studio Company (La dame de chez Maxim, Feydeau directed by Hervé Van der Meulen, L’ïle des esclaves, Marivaux directed by Chantal Deruaz). She also works with the Compagnie les Yeux Grands Ouverts (La Mouette, Tchekhov and L’Echange, Claudel directed by Gregory Benoît) and with La Compagnie des Gens d’Ici (La savetière prodigieuse,Garcia Lorca, directed by Nathalie Texier). She also performed in a previous show directed by Célia Chauviere: Le collier d’Hélène, C. Fréchette.

A meeting with the artistic crew can be organised at the end of the show.

Léopold ROY - musician In 2008, Léopold, musician since always, heads for Sound and Digital Techniques formation and throw himself in compostion of music and sound environment for film and theatre. He has worked alongside Frank Loret (for a documentary movie: «flexible zone»), Ishmael Ferrouki (for the film «Free men») and Alice Winaucour (for the film «Augustine»).

Lucile GARRIC - stage


Lucile discovers lights spots randomly and it was a revelation for her. As a painter, she immediately thinks that light work is more magical than a painting. She then trains in Essaïon Theater, in Café de la Danse and in 20ème Théâtre. In 2006, she is engaged in a few theaters near Paris: Théâtre Berthelot, Théâtre de la Noue and Théâtre des Roches. In these theaters, she creates lights for the companies in residence. She also works with different companies and realizes among others lighting in the show «D’où va-t’on?» written by Clémentine Yelnik.

Technical requirements Duration: 1 hour


Maximum house: 500 persons maximum

31 x PC 1kW 14 x profiles 613

Stage Area: 2 x profiles 614 Minimum opening: 6 m 12 x PAR 64 CP62 Maximum opening: 16 m 10 x PAR 64 CP61 Minimum depth: 6 m 2 x PAR64 CP60 Maximum depth: 15 m Sound: Features: Stereo system Load in: 8 hours 2 stereo speakers Preparation time for dancers: 1 hour Load out: 2 hours

Expense defrayal and charges of performers are not included in prices.

La Compagnie des Corps Bruts

Born in January 2011, La Compagnie des Corps Bruts was founded by Célia Chauviere and includes four dancers, two mimes, a sound technician, i light technician, a scenographer, a costume designer The affirming wilingness to mix mime and dance shows that the company is experiencing the richness of gesture and movement. The company’s shows are expressed through body movement. what words can’t tell. In a society in which dreams and suprises have no more room, to let anyone laugh, be touched a few minutes, before going away with, we hope, a lighter mood. Since 2011, two shows have been created: the first one, Les Destinées de Li et La, is for children audience. The second show, Ana, is for adult and teenager audience These two creations are supported by the City of Paris, and by «Le Café-Danses Bobby Sand» (residence device in Savigny-LeTemple city)

To invest areas where neither mime, neither dance are usually represented, shorter forms are created, with no technical requirements. La Compagnie also developp mime and contemporary dance teaching actions in Paris.

Artistic Direction : CĂŠlia CHAUVIERE +33 6 81 39 94 30 22, rue de Bagnolet 75020 PARIS FRANCE

Licence d'entrepreneur du spectacle 2-1051037 SIRET : 531 172 872 00016 Code APE : 9001Z Association Loi 1901

Photos : © Yvan Teulé

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