Tai Chi

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TaiChi Exercise Yuenting Tsui KINS 4702.01 Nov 30, 2012

What is Tai Chi? O Also called tai chi chuan O uses slowing flowing movements that

strengthen the tendons and ligaments of the body-without risk of strain or injury. Weight is shifted and balanced, which strengthens the legs and trains the body.

Who can practice Tai Chi O All ages

O All Levels of fitness O Older adult may especially find tai chi appealing because the

movements are low impact and put minimal stress on muscles and joints O Maybe also be helpful for those have arthritis or recovering from an injury

Tai Chi Exercise O Perform a series of postures or movements



in a slow, graceful manner. Each posture flows into the next without pausing No special clothing No equipment To gain full benefit: seek guidance from a qualified tai chi instructor

Tai Chi Exercise O Based on research, it said “Same range of metabolic

equivalents (METs) as Aerobic Walking: 4-6 METs� (Lan, Lai & Chen, 2002) O Has been shown to be superior to aerobic walking for cardiovascular function (Adler & Roberts, 2006) O Improves immune function (Gantts, & Woollacott 2006) O Improves tactile acuity (Irwin, Pike, & Oxman, 2004)

Health Benefits on Tai Chi O Relieving chronic pain O Improving cardiovascular fitness

O Improve Spine Flexibility O Exercises Deep Abdominal Muscles O Improve muscle strength

O Increase energy, stamina and agility O Increase feelings of well-being O Improving balance and coordination


O Preparation and

Warm-up exercises O Three element Qi Gong-”Taking the sky and earth energy” O Tai Chi Chuan 24 Form

ADVANCED GROUP O Preparation and Warm-

up exercise O Qi-gong-eight-element PA TIAN CHIN, standing form O Tai Chi Chuan 48 Form O Tai Chi 42 Sword Form

20 Minutes of Tai Chi Exercise O The slow tempo movements of Tai Chi trains your

body and mind to be focused with every breath as you distribute weight between limbs O For those who practices the Tai Chi have firm, strong muscles

Essential Principle of Tai Chi O RELEX: be soft and yielding, exert no strength. Allow O O O O


your body to do the moving MOVE AS A CYLINDER: The waist includes the entire trunk of the body HOLD THE BALL: Attune to the energy flowing between the palms of the hands FLEX the LEGS: keeping the rear tucked in BREATHE NATURALLY: through the nose into the abdomen. Keep the tongue touching the roof of the mouth. CONCENTRATE: let the mind direct each movement HARMONIZE: move all parts of the body as one, with balance and coordination

Postures of Tai Chi O More than 100 possible movements and


References O Adler, P. A., & Roberts, B. L. (2006). The use of tai chi to

improve health in older adults. Orthopaedic Nursing, 25(2), 122-126. O Gantts, S. K., & Woollacott, M. H. (2006). Neural mechanisms underlying balance improvement with short term tai chi training. Aging-Clinical & Experimental Research, 18(1), 7-19. O Irwin, M., Pike, J., & Oxman, M. (2004). Shingles immunity and health functioning in the elderly: Tai chi chih as a behavioral treatment. Evidence-Based Complementary andAlternative Medicine, 1(3), 223-232. O Lan, C., Lai, J. S., & Chen, S. Y. (2002). Tai chi chuan: An ancient wisdom on exercise and health promotion. Sports Medicine, 32(4), 217-224.

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