Welcome to RV Adventures (RVA) for the WIT Club. We offer the best membership camping value in the industry! Through your membership with us you’ll encounter first-class service and friendly faces. Experience our affiliated camping system that is spread throughout the U.S. and Canada, designed exclusively for Winnebago’s WIT Club. Our resorts offer an array of activities and amenities to satisfy any type of RV lifestyle. RVA is dedicated to providing our members with exceptional outdoor vacation opportunities. We will do everything possible to make your camping membership a foundation for fun and relaxation. R V Ca m p i ng Gu id e Co n te n ts Resor t Location Map 2 3 Member Highlights & Benefits 4 –5 Th e c l ea r es t wa y i n to th e u n i v e rs e is th r oug h a fo r es t wil d e r n ess. John Muir

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 1 RESERVATIONS & CUSTOMER SERVICE 1(800) 934 3443 Fax (970) 641 7461 P.O. Box 430 Gunnison, CO 81230 www.r va4wit.com OFFICE HOURS 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Mountain Time Monday Friday HOLIDAY SCHEDULE — CLOSED Memorial Day 4th of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas New Year’s Day Reser vation Ser vices 6 7 Commonly Asked Questions 8 9 Resor t Director y 10 RV Adventures, a division of Adventure Outdoor Resorts, owned by AOResorts, LLC is an independent contractor and in no way associated with the ownership, management or operations of Winnebago Industries, Inc or Winnebago's WIT Club

2 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 3

4 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE One of the major goals for the RVA System has been to keep all procedures simple for the members. That’s why using the RVA System is as easy as a single phone call. No cards to keep track of, no complicated restrictions, and no uncertainty about being accepted or having a site waiting for you. With the RVA sytem, you can relax and travel within the system where you are truly a valued member. The RVA system consists of RV Adventure Affiliated Resorts (RVA), which offer $15 to $35 / night camping, and the Adventure Camping Network (ACN), with campgrounds offering 10-50% off published rates. • Members may use campsites up to two (2) separate seven (7) night stays at each RVA Affiliate Resor t LENGTH OF STAY RV ADVENTURES NETWORK (RVA) • Following any overnight stay of three (3) or more nights, member must remain out of the RVA system a minimum of seven (7) nights before resuming camping in the RVA system Members have access to ACN parks all of the time. EXCLUSIONARY PERIOD • The nightly camping fee at all RVA Affiliate Resor ts is $15 to $35 per night for a standard site including water and 30 amp ser vice . Additional fees for cable , WiFi, 50 amp ser vice , or other resor t amenities may apply. Reser vations are required to receive the RVA rate , call 1(800) 934 3443 NIGHTLY C AMPING FEES • All members must present a valid RVA Membership Card at time of check in If your RVA Membership Card is lost or stolen, replacement cards may be obtained by sending $10.00 to RV Adventures, P.O. Box 430, Gunnison, CO 81230 If your card is lost or stolen while on the road, please call Member Ser vices MEMBERSHIP IDENTIFIC ATION • Resor t rental accommodations are available to members at the resor t’s rates Reser vations for rentals must be made directly through the resor t you are planning to visit. Some resor ts may require advance reser vations and some may require a deposit Please consult this guide for phone numbers RESORT RENTAL ACCOMMODATIONS You will be billed for your annual dues on the anniversar y date of joining the RVA camping network MEMBERSHIP DUES RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED TO RECEIVE RATE • Toll-free calls for campsite reser vations • Up to three (3) reser vations at one time • Usage at ACN Resor ts • RV Adventures Resor t Camping Guide • Website: www.r va4wit.com Hass l e F r e e Tra v e Mls e m b e r Hig h l ig h ts

• Members are responsible for any damage at RVA Affiliate Resorts or ACN Campgrounds caused by them or their guest(s).
• Failure to abide by the rules, regulations, and policies of RVA or the individual RVA Affiliate Resor ts or ACN Campgrounds may be cause for suspension or termination of your RVA privileges.
Your camping Network represents a significant value when compared to other programs which offer nominal discounts off published rates. As an ACN Member you pay a discounted nightly fee , with fees star ting as low as $10 00 a night. The nightly fee includes water and electric utilities. Additional fees for cable , sewer hookup, and park amenities may apply. All RVA members have access to the Adventure Camping Network
• If, at any time , you experience what you consider “difficulty” with an RVA Affiliate Resor t or ACN Campground, we ask that you immediately contact RVA Member Ser vices at 1(800) 934 3443.
• Emphasis on destination areas and major travel routes. C AMPING NETWORK (ACN)
• Convenience of toll free calls to make reser vations
• Non membership RV parks and campgrounds
• Members agree to adhere to the individual rules, regulations, and guidelines established by RVA Affiliate Resor ts and ACN Campgrounds.
• Members agree to comply with the policies and procedures established by RVA and Adventure Camping Network for the management of the system
• Discounted camping with fees starting as low as $10 a night.
CODE OF CONDUCT As a Member of RVA you have access to the Adventure Camping Network (ACN), which is a nationwide network of non membership RV parks and campgrounds The Adventure Camping Network has been designed to supplement your RVA membership by offering additional facilities along major traveling routes and throughout many destination areas Enjoy the convenience of toll free calling for reser vations through our central reser vations system when you use the Adventure Camping Network
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 5
If there are camping resorts you would like to suggest be added to the RVA reciprocal system, or to the ACN Network please advise us of the facility’s name and address along with any names of personnel you may know at the facility
• Security of confirmed campsites.

6 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE Our commitment to you as an RV Adventures (RVA) / WIT Club Member is to provide you with an unparalleled level of customer service and satisfaction. Our customer service representatives are trained to answer all your questions and make your reservations. • Consult your RVA guide for campground location, utilities, facilities, amenities, and directions. • Have your RVA member number readily available . • H ave yo u r a n t i c i p a t e d a rr i v a l a n d d e p a r t u re d a t e s fo r e a c h l o c a t i o n . • Inform the Reser vations Specialist of the total number of adults and children traveling with you • Have a pen and paper available to write down your reser vation information and confirmation number(s) • If you will be traveling with pets be sure to let the Reser vation Specialist know. • Notify reser vations of any cancellations at least 24 hours in advance of your stay. • If you are running late or anticipate arriving late for checkin be sure to contact the resor t directly so they can make arrangements for your late arrival • Notify reser vations of any special needs you may have regarding handicap facilities • Reser vations are required. All campsite reser vation requests are to be made through RVA’s Central Reser vations System at 1 800 934 3443. • Advance reser vations are required for all overnight stays at all RVA Affiliate Resor ts. • Reser vations may be made up to a maximum of ninety (90) days in advance and a minimum of seven (7) days in advance of anticipated arrival • Reser vation requests made less than seven (7) days in advance are acceptable , however, a Reser vations Specialist will have to contact the resor t to determine availability. • Reser vations must be canceled a minimum of twenty four (24) hours in advance with the RVA Central Reser vations Center. “No Shows” will be charged a fee of $20.00. • RVA privileges will be made unavailable to members with outstanding “ no show” fees. If you anticipate difficulty in meeting a resor t’s check in deadline , please contact the resor t directly or call the RVA Central Reser vation Center for assistance • RVA members may have up to three (3) open reser vations in the system at any one time RESERVATION TIPS RESORT C AMPSITES L if e is n o t m easu r ed by th e b r ea th s w e ta k e, bu t by th e m o m e n ts th a t ta k e ou r b r ea th a wa y. Maya Angelou

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 7 • A reser vation fee of $3.00 is required per reser vation. RESERVATION FEES PURCHASING RESERVATIONS PREPAYMENT OPTIONS • R e s e r v a t i o n s m ay b e p u rc h a s e d o n a “ p e r u s e ” b a s i s f o r $ 3 0 0 e a c h w i t h a c re d i t c a r d ( M a s t e r C a r d , D i s c o ve r, o r V i s a ) . • Members may pre purchase reser vations with check, money order or credit card To use this payment option members need to prepay prior to making a reser vation. • Six (6) Reser vations $15.00 (17% Savings) • Unlimited Annual Reser vations $25 00 • To purchase by check or money order, please send full payment to RVA Reser vations, P O Box 430, Gunnison, CO 81230. • To purchase by credit card, please call RVA Reser vations toll free at 1(800) 934–3443 THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND WHEN MAKING RESERVATIONS • Prior to making reser vations, please review the resor t or campground listing in your RVA Guide for specific information about sites, facilities, and amenities. • While visiting any of your RVA Affiliate Resor ts or ACN Campgrounds, please familiarize yourself with their individual rules and guidelines which must be adhered to and obeyed. • RVA has the right to suspend reser vation privileges for members who are not in good standing. • When making accommodation reser vations with an Affiliate Resor t, please note that the resor t’s reser vation personnel may not be available on weekends and / or major holidays. • Have your credit card (MasterCard, Discover, or Visa) available for reser vation fee payment, or ask the Reser vation Specialist about remitting check or money order. • Reser vation Specialists are available Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm Mountain Time at 1(800) 934 3443.

• No. The rights to reciprocal use are not combined between different camping affiliation memberships. No park is obligated to host a member under different affiliations for a member’s consecutive visit AM I ABLE TO STAY AT THE SAME PARK CONSECUTIVELY UNDER DIFFERENT MEMBERSHIPS?
8 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE
• Your permanent membership card should reach you within 30 days from the time your application is received by RVA, if your application is completely and correctly filled out and the membership fee has been paid. You may star t making reser vations upon the day you enroll in RVA Camping Program by using the Temporar y Membership card and calling reser vations at 1(800) 934 3443 WHEN C AN I START MAKING RESERVATIONS? DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS IN ADVANCE?
• This is a cour tesy to our Affiliated Resor ts. When we make a reser vation for one of our members, our Affiliated Resor ts reser ve a site for this reser vation If the member does not show up nor call to cancel their site , it sits empty The Affiliated Resor t is not able to sell that site to another camper. They must be compensated for reser ving that empty site . WHY DO YOU CHARGE A $20.00 “NO SHOW” FEE?
• The general public cannot join RVA Camping Programs Only members of resor ts affiliated with RVA or organizations / clubs approved by RVA may join. This ensures that the RVA Affiliated Resor ts will host our members according to the rules of the RVA membership This also ensures that our members will be greeted with cour tesy when using the camping system
• If you wish to be guaranteed a site and only pay the RVA Camping rate you must make reser vations in advance We recommend making reser vations as far in advance as possible You may make reser vations up to ninety (90) days in advance . Sites are reser ved on a first call, first ser ved basis, and RVA cannot guarantee availability at a resor t Ver y few, if any, RVA Affiliated Resor ts will allow drive in members the RVA Camping rate of $15 to $35 per night. Our Affiliated Resor ts will accept reser vations the same day as your arrival if there is a site available

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 9 • RVA’s online site , www.r va4wit.com has current updates, an RV community, RV director y and other resources. We also send member newsletters in between guide publications HOW DO I RECEIVE UPDATES? • All affiliated resor ts are independently owned and operated RVA cannot guarantee that any affiliate resor t will remain affiliated with RVA. We do, however, continuously seek to add resor ts to our system. WILL THE RESORTS IN THE SYSTEM ALWAYS BE THE SAME? • Yes In order to remain in good standing with RVA and receive the discounted RVA rates, you must pay your annual dues to RVA within 60 days of their due date . Any member who allows their RVA membership to lapse for more than 60 days will be required to pay a reinstatement fee of $250 00 in addition to the current annual dues ARE THERE ANNUAL FEES FOR RVA? N a tu r e is a l wa ys l o v e ly, in vin c i b l e, g la d, w h a te v e r is d o n e a n d suff e r ed by h e r c r ea tu r es. A l l sca rs s h e h ea ls, w h e th e r in r oc ks or wa te r or s ky or h ea r ts. John Muir

10 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE Your adventure begins here. Get ready to experience over 230 resorts across the U.S. and Canada. Our resort guide is an alphabetized directory of resorts by state, city, and resort name with RVA resorts listed first followed by ACN campgrounds. Select your destination, reserve a site, and you’re on your way to adventure and discovery on the road. RVA is a division of Adventure Outdoor Resorts (AOR). ALAB AMA RVA 12 ACN 50 ALASKA RVA 12 ACN 50 ARIZONA RVA ..................................... 13 ACN ................................... 50 ARKANSAS RVA 15 C ALIFORNIA RVA 16 ACN ................................... 53 COLORADO RVA ..................................... 18 ACN ................................... 54 FLORIDA RVA 19 ACN 55 GEORGIA RVA ..................................... 20 ACN ................................... 58 IDAHO RVA 21 ACN 59 ILLINOIS ACN 59 INDIANA RVA ..................................... 21 ACN ................................... 59 KANSAS ACN 60 LOUISIANA ACN 60 MAINE RVA 22 MASSACHUSETTS RVA ..................................... 22 ACN ................................... 61 MICHIGAN RVA 22 ACN 61 MINNESOTA RVA 24 MISSISSIPPI RVA ..................................... 24 MISSOURI RVA ..................................... 25 ACN 61 MONTANA RVA 26 ACN 62 NEW HAMPSHIRE ACN ................................... 62 NEW MEXICO RVA ..................................... 26 ACN 63 NEW YORK RVA 27 ACN 63 NORTH C AROLINA RVA ..................................... 29 ACN ................................... 64 OHIO RVA 30 ACN 65 OKLAHOMA RVA 31 ACN 65 OREGON RVA ..................................... 32 ACN ................................... 66 PENNSYLVANIA RVA 33 ACN 66 SOUTH C AROLINA RVA 34 ACN ................................... 67 SOUTH DAKOTA RVA ..................................... 34 ACN ................................... 67 TENNESSEE RVA 34 ACN 68 TEXAS RVA 35 ACN 68 UTAH RVA ..................................... 37 ACN ................................... 70 VERMONT ACN 70 VIRGINIA RVA 38 ACN 71 WASHINGTON RVA ..................................... 38 ACN ................................... 71 WEST VIRGINIA ACN 72 WISCONSIN ACN 72 WYOMING RVA ..................................... 44 ALBERTA RVA 46 BRITISH COLUMBIA RVA 46 ACN 74 MANITOB A ACN ................................... 74 NEW BRUNSWICK ACN ................................... 75 NOVA SCOTIA ACN 75 ONTARIO RVA 47 ACN 75 QUEBEC RVA ..................................... 48 ACN ................................... 76 YUKON TERRITORY ACN 76

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 11 R V A U N I T E D S T A T E S UNITED STATES I go to n a tu r e to b e s oo th ed a n d h ea l ed, a n d to h a v e m y se n ses b e p u t in tu n e o n c e m or e. John Burroughs

12 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 687 COUNTY ROAD 3919, ARLEY, AL 35541 (205) 221 7042 RVA / WIT RATE: H$15 IDDEN COVE RV RESORT ARLEY, ALAB AMA Purpor ted to be an ideal stopping place on trips to and from Florida, Hidden Cove RV Resor t is situated on Lewis Smith Lake at the edge of the William Bankhead National Forest in Alabama’s nor thern Highlands. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a dump station, clubhouse , swimming pool, lake swimming, fishing, boating, boat ramps, horseshoes, miniature golf, basketball, playground, picnic areas, and volleyball. DIRECTIONS: Southbound I 65 Exit 308 (U.S. Hwy. 278) west. Go 16 miles to Hwy. 77 south for 9 miles. Make a sharp left on Hwy. 12, then stay to the left until Hidden Cove entrance . SITES: 62 full / 10 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 1 PROSPECTOR WAY, TOK AK99780 (907) 883 5543 sourdoughcampground.com RVA / WIT RATE: S$25 OURDOUGH C AMPGROUND TOK, ALASKA Sourdough Campground is a full ser vice campground in Tok, Alaska. The sites are level and separated by trees so you have privacy and quiet There is nightly enter tainment to welcome you to Alaska and free WiFi to send those pictures to friends Be sure to enjoy the famous sourdough pancake toss and breakfast Stay a few days and do some nearby gold panning, fishing, hiking, biking, resting. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a pavillion, gift shop, open air museum, laundr y, restroom,showers, horseshoes, outdoor games, playground, picnic areas, and volleyball, RV Storage , self ser vice RV wash, and WiFi hotspot. Pets welcome . DIRECTIONS: From Jct of Alaska Hwy & Glenn Hwy 1 (Tok Cutoff Rd), S 1.7 mi on Glenn Hwy/Tok Cutoff Rd (R) Note: Facilities may be limited in early and late season. SITES: 23 full / 60 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 90 FT PEAK: None OPEN: April 14 September 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 1313.4 MILE ALASKA HWY., TOK, AK 99780 (907) 883 5877 www.tokr v.net RVA / WIT RATE: T$25 OK RV VILLAGE TOK, ALASKA We are an Alaskan family owned and operated RV park, beginning our twenty ninth season We pride ourselves in our clean facilities and friendly ser vice , and we are dedicated to ser ving our customers with the best possible ser vice . The park is big rig friendly, with over 100 pull thru, and has tents sites, and ample space and greener y FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resor t has a recreation hall, pavilion, laundr y, restroom, showers, horseshoes, outdoor games, picnic areas, RV storage , self ser vice RV wash, WiFi hotspot, firewood, ice and propane available Pets welcome DIRECTIONS: Nor th on Alaska Hwy. at MP-1313.4. SITES: 101 full / 53 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 60 FT PEAK: None OPEN: May 15 Sept 21 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 13 711 N. MADISON, BENSON, AZ 85602 (520) 586 2035 www.redbarncampground.com RVA / WIT RATE: R$15 ED B ARN C AMPGROUND BENSON, ARIZONA Located just 40 miles southeast of Tucson, this campground offers 36 full hookup sites With 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Phone hookups are available monthly only Tent camping is offered Group RV are available . Pets are welcome . WiFi near office . FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a rec / TV room, pavilion, restrooms, hot showers, sewage disposal, laundr y, public phone , tables, grills, patios, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, hiking trails, and horse riding trails. Seasonal planned group activities are offered Propane gas available DIRECTIONS: Take I 10 to Exit 304, go nor th on Ocotillo to first road on right Turn right, go 1/5 mile to campground (second park). SITES: 36 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: December March OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 775 BULLHEAD PARKWAY, BULLHEAD, AZ 86429 (928) 754 2595 www.sunriseresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25RIDGEVIEW RV RESORT BULLHEAD CITY, ARIZONA Located less than a mile from the captivating Colorado River in the Mohave Valley, Ridgeview RV Resor t features an open deser t setting with views of the mountains It is directly across the border from Laughlin, NV where casinos offer 24 hour gaming, restaurants, and exciting enter tainment FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Bathhouse , clubhouse , game room, hot tub, laundr y facilities, picnic area, swimming pool,TV lounge , horseshoes, hiking trails, shuffleboard, swimming, full recreation program DIRECTIONS: From Las Vegas, take U.S. 95 south to Hwy. 163, then 20 miles east, cross to Laughlin bridge into Arizona straight on Bullhead Pkwy .5 mile on left. From Needles, take Hwy. 95 nor th 15 miles to Bullhead Pkwy, turn right 9 miles to the resor t located on right. SITES: 302 full ELECTRIC AL: 30/50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: December March OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 1951 N. PAGE SPRINGS RD., CORNVILLE, AZ 86325 (928) 634 4309 www.sunriseresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15PAGE SPRINGS RV RESORT CORNVILLE, ARIZONA Situated on the banks of beautiful Oak Creek in a stor ybook setting of old cottonwood trees and ar tesian streams, Sunrise Resor ts’ Page Springs is truly a resor t for the entire family. FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resor t offers a dump station, clubhouse , fishing, hiking, horseshoes, and 24-hour security DIRECTIONS: From Phoenix: Drive nor th 90 miles on I-17, then take the Cottonwood exit. Travel 14 miles on Hwy. 260 to Cottonwood, then turn right on Rt. 89A. Drive 8 miles to Page Springs Rd. (Hwy. 50), turn right and resor t is about 2 miles on Sleft. ITES: 18 full / 46 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: 3/1 4/30, 9/13 11/15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

14 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1600 JOY LANE, FORT MOHAVE, AZ 86426 (928) 768 7141 www.sbr vresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: S$15 NOWBIRD RV RESORT FORT MOHAVE, ARIZONA Snowbird RV Resor t is just 13 shor t miles from all the Casinos of Laughlin, Nevada, in the Colorado River valley between two rugged mountain ranges within the Mojave deser t. The climate is mostly hot and dr y. Temperatures normally range from 40 to 70 degrees in the winter Pets welcome FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Snowbird has 124 sites with cement slabs and full hookups Telephone and cable TV available at ever y site . The resor t features a clubhouse , outdoor pool, exercise room, exercise equipment, shuffleboard cour t, horseshoe cour t and a 9 hole golf course free to guests. A nearby river with marina provides oppor tunities for boating, fishing, swimming and beach activities DIRECTIONS: From Jct. of SR-68 & SR 95 (Laughlin Bridge), S 13 mi on SR 95 to Joy Lane , E 0.2 mi on Joy Lane (R). SITES: 124 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 35 FT PEAK: December March OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 JUNCTION HWY. 87 & FH3, HAPPY JACK, AZ 86024 (928) 477 2299 www.sunriseresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15CLINT’S WELL RV RESORT HAPPY JACK, ARIZONA Surrounded by the Ponderosa Pines of the Coconino National Forest, Sunrise Resor ts’ Clint’s Well offers cool, clear, mountain air This mountain getaway features wildlife right on the grounds of the resor t and nearby lakes for water spor ts. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t offers a dump station, clubhouse , rough pitch golf course , pool table , games, hiking, and horseshoes Phone ser vice suspended October 15 to May 1. DIRECTIONS: From Phoenix, drive nor th on I 17 to Camp Verde (exit 286, or 287). Take Hwy. 260 east approximately 30 miles to junction with Hwy. 87. Turn left and go approximately 10 miles to junction with Forest Hwy. 3. Turn left and go approximately 1/2 mile . First right turn. From Winslow, take Hwy. 87 south approximately 52 miles to FH3 (Lake Mar y Road), turn right. Go 1/2 mile then first right to park. From Flagstaff, take FH3 (Lake Mar y Road) approximately 62 miles SE of Flagstaff. Last left, turn before junction with Hwy. 87. SITES: 40 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 2207 N. YUCC A DR., HUACHUC A CITY, AZ 85616 (520) 456 9301 www.quailridger v.com RVA / WIT RATE: Q$15 UAIL RIDGE RV RESORT HUACHUC A CITY, ARIZONA Located just a few miles nor th of the Mexican border, Quail Ridge RV Resor t greets its guests with a “ warm welcome” year round Temperatures in this open, high deser t area are pleasant both winter and summer. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers 2 dump stations, clubhouse , picnic area, video and DVD rental, limited TV, pool table, ping pong, Conestoga wagon rides, propane, and storage areas. DIRECTIONS: From Tucson, take I 10 east to Exit 302 (Hwy. 90). Drive south 20 miles to Hwy 82 Turn right (west) on Hwy 82 about 1/4 mile to the resor t entrance SITES: 120 sites / dr y dock area ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: December 1 March 31 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 15 801 S. LEE ST., ST. DAVID, AZ 85630 (520) 720 4140 www.stdavidr vcamping.com RVA / WIT RATE: S$15 T. DAVID RV RESORT ST. DAVID, ARIZONA Visitors to this southeastern Arizona resor t enjoy the arid weather at an elevation of 3,500 feet With the resor t’s twin lakes and five ar tesian springs, relaxation comes almost automatically. FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resor t has a dump station, clubhouse , outdoor heated swimming pool, hot tub, fishing, horseshoes, shuffleboard, basketball, playground, picnic area. Tombstone and Kar tchner Caverns nearby. DIRECTIONS: From I 10 east of Tucson, take Exit 304 (Benson). Turn south and go to stoplight. Turn left and follow Hwy. 80 south through St. David. The resor t is one mile south, on the left side of Hwy. S80. ITES: 173 full / 42 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: December 1 March 31 OPEN: December 1 April 30 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 1876 HWY. 260, MILE POST 317, SHOW LOW, AZ 85901 (928) 535 5978 www.sunriseresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15WHITE MOUNTAIN C AMPERLAND SHOW LOW, ARIZONA Nestled in the beautiful serenity of the White Mountains, Sunrise White Mountain Camperland resor t offers hours of enjoyment in the seclusion of the cool mountain air at nearby mountain lakes for fishing, on miles of adjacent hiking trails, watching the abundant wildlife , and sightseeing at the many nearby attractions FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This campground offers a dump station, clubhouse , laundr y room, bird watching areas and wildlife areas, hiking, horseshoes, bingo, Pekeno, and pool table Limited amenities July, August, December, Januar y DIRECTIONS: From Phoenix/Mesa, drive north on Hwy. 87 to Payson to Route 260 east. Go through Heber and 9 miles past Overgaard on Route 260 to resort on left near mile marker 317. From Show Low drive west on 260 to M.P. 317 (24 miles). From I-40, go south on Hwy. 77, go southwest on 377, go west on 277, go to Hwy. 260 and go east 14 miles to resort on left. SITES: 30 full / 36 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: June 1 September 15 OPEN: May 1 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 241 HWY. 330 SOUTH, SHIRLEY, AR 72153 (501) 723 8212 www.goldenpondr vpark.com RVA / WIT RATE: G$15 OLDEN POND RV RESORT SHIRLEY, ARKANSAS In the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, Golden Pond RV Park is surrounded by hardwood trees and one of the oldest mountain ranges in Nor th America FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t has an equipped pavilion, picnic area, horseshoes, pond, pond fishing, and hiking trails. Nearby there is a golf course , 40,000 acre lake , horseback riding and the Little Red River Dump station DIRECTIONS: From Clinton Hwy. 65 and 16 intersection, take 16 east 2 miles. Turn right on Burnt Ridge Road. There will a sign that says Fairfield Bay West Entrance . Go 8.2 miles to the four-way stop. Turn left 2.6 miles to park, which will be on the right. From any other direction or for more information, call resor St. ITES: 47 full / 3 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: June 1 September 30 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

16 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 46305 POPPET FLATS RD., B ANNING, C A 92220 (951) 849 4501 www.silentvalleyclub.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15SILENT VALLEY CLUB B ANNING, C ALIFORNIA Silent Valley is one of the finest private resorts in the US. It is dedicated to providing the outdoor oriented family with an unparalleled camping experience in a natural setting enhanced by the finest recreational features. FAC I L I T I E S / A M E N I T I E S : T h i s re s o r t h a s a d u l t a n d c h i l d re n ’ s c l u b h o u s e s , t wo o u t d o o r sw i m m i n g p o o l s , J a c u z z i , b a s ke t b a l l , c h ap e l , c o u n t r y s t o re , f i s h i n g p o n d , m i n i a t u re go l f , p l ay g ro u n d s , re s t a u r a n t , l o u n g e , s a u n a s , s h u f f l e b o a rd , s n a c k b a r s a n d t e n n i s DIRECTIONS: From San Bernadino, drive east 30 miles on the San Bernadino Freeway (I 10) to Banning. Turn right, or south, on 8th St. (Idyllwild) exit and travel 9 miles on Hwy. 243 (caution: steep, mountainous road) to Poppet Flats Rd. Turn right, or west, and go one mile to park. SITES: 587 full / 263 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: May 15 Oct. 31 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 39744 ROAD 274, B ASS LAKE, C A 93604 (559) 642 3148 basslake r vresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: B$15 ASS LAKE RECREATIONAL RESORT B ASS LAKE, C ALIFORNIA Located next to Bass Lake in the Sierra National Forest of Central California, Bass Lake Recreational Resor t offers an abundance of activities for the spor tsman, nature lover, and sightseer. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resort has a clubhouse, swimming pool, lake swimming, exercise room, fishing, boating, boat ramps, horseshoes, sports court, shuffleboard, basketball, playground, picnic areas, and volleyball. DIRECTIONS: Take Hwy. 41 nor th of Fresno through Oakhurst. Three miles past Oakhurst, turn right onto Road 222. Follow Road 222 two miles until road forks. Follow the left fork, Road 274, to the resor t (2 and 1/2 miles on the Sright). ITES: 147 full / 7 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 32300 SAN TIMOTEO C ANYON RD., REDLANDS, C A 92373 (909) 795 0171 haloresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15HALO RESORTS’ FISHERMAN’S RETREAT REDLANDS, C ALIFORNIA Fisherman’s Retreat is well secluded in the midst of the beautiful San Timoteo Canyon With 340 acres that range from flat grassy meadows to scenic hiking hills with deer, squirrels, and over 300 types of birds, the resor t also boasts three man made lakes stocked with catfish, bass, and trout for year round fishing FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t provides visitors a community recreational building, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, three fishing lakes, grocer y store , baseball diamond, cafe , and craft cabin DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. 60, driving east, take the Moreno-Redlands Blvd. Exit 66. Drive nor th to San Timoteo Canyon Rd., then turn right, 3 miles to campground. From I-10 driving east, take Mountain View turnoff. Turn right and go to Bar ton Rd. Turn left and go 1 and 1/2 miles to San Timoteo Canyon Rd. Turn right and go 9 and 1/2 miles. The park is on the right. SITES: 189 full ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps PEAK: December 1 March 31 OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 17 3707 W. HWY. 80, WINTERHAVEN, C A 92283 (760) 572 0875 www.pilotknobr vcamping.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15PILOT KNOB RV RESORT WINTERHAVEN, C ALIFORNIA Pilot Knob RV Resor t is situated on 23 acres of picturesque deser t proper ty within a mile of Pilot Knob Mountain Refreshing Pilot Knob features the clean, clear air and relaxing silence of the deser t wilderness, while offering all the excitement of Yuma’s many activities just minutes away FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse/recreation room, swimming pool, spa, planned activities, shuffleboard, swimming, bingo, cards, crafts, nearby fishing and hiking DIRECTIONS: From I-8 exit at Sidewinder Rd (approx. 8 miles west of Yuma, AZ, go south a shor t distance to frontage rd, turn right and continue west to resor t on the left. SITES: 152 ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: Januar y 1 March 31 OPEN: October 15 April 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 22074 STATE HWY. 128, WINTERS, C A 95694 (530) 795 4133 www.vistaresor ts.net RVA / WIT RATE: $25C ANYON CREEK RV RESORT WINTERS, C ALIFORNIA With first class accommodations and tree lined RV and tent sites, Canyon Creek offers the finest in outdoor recreation Located just 30 miles east of Napa (Wine Countr y,) 40 miles west of Sacramento or a shor t drive from San Francisco, this oasis location is a natural favorite! FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a dump station, clubhouse , swimming pool, general store , snack bar, playground, picnic area, hiking trails, fishing creek, horseshoes,volleyball, game room, and nearby pond and lake for swimming, boating, and fishing (license required). DIRECTIONS: From Sacramento take I 80 West to I 505, then nor th on I 505 approximately 11 miles to Hwy. 128. Turn left on Hwy. 128 and go west 12 miles to resor t entrance . The last 9 and 1/2 miles on Hwy. 128 is a winding road. SITES: 32 full / 83 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: May 1 September 30 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 38955 OAK GLEN RD., YUC AIPA, C A 92399 (909) 790 1801 haloresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15HALO RESORTS’ OAK GLEN RV RETREAT YUC AIPA, C ALIFORNIA At an elevation of 4,800 feet in the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains, Oak Glen Retreat is in the hear t of California’s apple countr y. In keeping with the theme of the resor t’s location, most of the sites have their own apple trees FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a clubhouse , two swimming pools, spa, restaurant and tavern, miniature golf, playground, arcade room, grocer y store , laundr y facilities, craft cabin, and hiking trails DIRECTIONS: From I 10 east from San Bernardino, take Live Oak Canyon Road Turn left and go approximately 10 miles to resor t. From Hwy. 60 east to I 10, take Beaumont Ave Exit and proceed nor th 10 miles to the resor St ITES: 183 full ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps PEAK: May 1 October 31 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

18 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 33975 HWY. 24, BUENA VISTA, CO 81211 (719) 395 2323 www.arrowheadpointresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25ARROWHEAD POINT CAMPGROUND & CABINS BUENA VISTA, COLORADO Come join our family at friendly Arrowhead Point Campground & Cabins. You'll feel right at home in our welcoming atmosphere Whether you ' re playing a round of horseshoes, joining in on a volleyball game , surfing the web, playing a game of pool in our rec room, or stopping in for an espresso drink at our Espresso Bar, you'll be glad you chose to stay with us. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The campground offers a store , espresso bar, pavilion, recreation room, horseshoes, basketball cour t, volleyball cour t, playground, laundr y, dump station, WiFi (fee). River rafting, fishing and ATV trails nearby. DIRECTIONS: 5 miles nor th of Buena Vista on Hwy. S24. ITES: 44 full / 40 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 55 FT PEAK: June 15 September 15 OPEN: May 1 October 1 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 45044 W. HWY. 50, C ANON CITY, CO 81212 (866) 341 7875 echocanyoncampground.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25ECHO C ANYON C AMPGROUND C ANON CITY, COLORADO Welcome to Echo Canyon Campground and RV Park, a full ser vice campground in the hear t of Royal Gorge Countr y, 8 miles west of Canon City, Colorado Just one hour from Colorado Springs, your stay at Echo Canyon Campground is in close proximity to a variety of popular Colorado vacation activities like white water rafting, Pikes Peak, Royal Gorge camping, Bridge and Park, historic train rides, ATV tours, fishing and much more FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The campground offers a store , pavilion, picnic area, unlimited WiFi, remodeled showers and bathrooms, dump station. River rafting, fishing, boating, ATV rentals and the Royal Gorge nearby DIRECTIONS: 8 miles west of Canon City, Colorado, just one hour from Colorado Springs. Located on the south side of U.S. Hwy. 50 between mile markers 270 and 271. SITES: 25 full / 21 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 55 FT PEAK: June 15 August 15 OPEN: May 15 September 13 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 27601 W. HWY. 50, GUNNISON, CO 81230 (970) 642 4150 bluemesar vcamping.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25BLUE MESA RECREATIONAL RANCH GUNNISON, COLORADO Nowhere is the awesome beauty of the Rocky Mountains’ western slope more magnificently defined in nature as in the Curecanti National Recreation Area, home of Blue Mesa Recreational Ranch. At an elevation of 7,500 ft., the resor t is just a “stone’s throw” from the waters of Blue Mesa Reser voir FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t’s clubhouse has an indoor swimming pool, sauna, and spa.The resor t also offers adult clubhouse with outdoor swimming pool, family center, horses and horseback riding, hiking, fishing, boating, horseshoes, shuffleboard, a children’s fishing pond, a playground, TV, miniature golf, and laundr y, dump station, ATV rentals and trails DIRECTIONS: Take U.S. Hwy. 50 12 miles west of Gunnison or 48 miles east of Montrose . SITES: 267 full / 50 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: June 15 September 15 OPEN: May 1 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 19 126 ROSE LANE, MONTROSE, CO 81401 (970) 249 3884 www.cedarcreekr v.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25CEDAR CREEK C AMPGROUND MONTROSE, COLORADO Whether Cedar Creek RV Park guests prefer to spend time relaxing on shaded patios or enjoy an afternoon playing at the park’s complimentar y full length miniature golf course with family and friends, there is something here for ever yone . FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers tent camping, 24 hour security, RV and boat storage , free WiFi and cable , 18-hole miniature golf, gift shop, restrooms and showers, laundromat, pavilion, playground, picnic area, surrey rides, camp store , LP gas and dump station Leashed pets welcome DIRECTIONS: Traveling west on Hwy 50: Turn left at the first stop light which is Hillcrest. Go south 1 block. Turn right on Alley Way. Go straight 1 block and into the park.Traveling East on Hwy. 50:Turn right at the light which is Hillcrest. Go one block south to Alley Way and turn right. Go straight one block and into the park. SITES: 31 full / 12 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 34 FT PEAK: June 15 September 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 4001 LOG LAKE RD., HOLT, FL 32564 (850) 537 C AMP (2267) riversedger v.co RVA / WIT RATE: R$15 IVER EDGE RV C AMPGROUND HOLT, FLORIDA Our RV Park near Holt, Florida is the perfect place for you to camp and enjoy the great outdoors in the panhandle of Florida We offer campers a nature based atmosphere amongst tall shady trees. Many campsites have fire rings and a few select sites offer screen room porches, garden boxes for planting flowers or vegetables, or views of the Yellow River. A community garden is also available in spring/summer. WiFi is complimentar y to all campers FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse , open pavilion, restrooms, hot showers, handicap restrooms, sewage disposal, laundr y, tables, fire rings, guard, playground, RV storage , picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, spor ts field,river fishing, boating, ramp, river canoeing, and hiking trails. RV supplies, propane gas, and wood are available DIRECTIONS: I 10, Exit 45 Go 1 and 1/2 miles south SITES: 90 full / 20 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 80 FT PEAK: December April OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 155 S.W. OLD ST AUGUSTINE RD., MADISON, FL 32340 (850) 973 2504 deerwoodinn.com RVA / WIT RATE: D$15 EERWOOD INN C AMPGROUND MADISON, FLORIDA With all shaded sites, this campground offers 25 full hookup sites, 60 with water and electricity only, and 10 without any hookups. With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed.Tent camping is offered. Group RV and tent sites are available Pets are allowed Extra vehicles $3 FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Large covered pavilion, swimming pool, shuffleboard, playground, picnic area, tennis, horseshoes, hot showers, tables, and grills. Group reser vations available WiFi hotspot DIRECTIONS: Take I 10 to Exit 258, 1/4 mile off Interstate on Hwy 53, 60 miles east of Tallahassee and 110 miles west of Jacksonville S. ITES: 25 full / 60 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 80 FT PEAK: December April OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

20 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 2241 S.E. 349 HWY., OLD TOWN, FL 32680 (352) 542 9500 oldtowncampground.com RVA / WIT RATE: O$15 LD TOWN C AMPGROUND OLD TOWN, FLORIDA We are a quiet countr y campground, where ever yone is treated like family. Enjoy a quiet campfire under our majestic oaks, and tall pine trees We are nestled between the Suwannee River and the Gulf of Mexico. Great fresh or saltwater fishing. Just a shor t distance to Cedar Key We are home to Manatee Springs and Fanning Springs, and Old town has a great countr y club for the golfers. Our local winer y, The Dakota Winer y, is rated tops in Florida FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse , equipped pavilion, picnic area, horseshoe cour t(s), We have picnic tables at all sites, a fenced in dog park, lightning fast WiFi in your rig, laundr y Easy big rig pull thrus DIRECTIONS: 10 miles Nor th of Chiefland, and 10 miles South of Cross City. We are 2 miles south on CR 349. SITES: 29 full / 18 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 150 FT PEAK: December 1 April 1 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 3678 HELEN HWY., CLEVELAND, GA 30528 (706) 865 6546 yonahcampground.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15YONAH MOUNTAIN CAMPING RESORT CLEVELAND, GEORGIA In the nor theast Georgia Mountains, not far from the Chattahoochee River, Yonah Mountain Camping Resor t is so close to Yonah Mountain that it has a hiking trail leading from the camp up the mountain. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t has a clubhouse , adult swimming pool, family pool, fishing, ball fields, basketball cour t, volleyball, horseshoes, shuffleboard, and ar ts and crafts center. DIRECTIONS: From I 985, take Exit 24 at Gainesville and go nor th on U.S. Hwy. 129 to Cleveland. From Cleveland, take Hwy. 75 nor th approximately 4 miles to the resor t on the Sright. ITES: 108 full / 20 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: July 1 October 31 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 2690 ARENA RD., UNADILLA, GA 31091 (478) 627 3254 southerntrailsresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25SOUTHERN TRAILS RV RESORT UNADILLA, GEORGIA Deep in Georgia’s historic Old South, Southern Trails RV Resor t offers a “ cer tain serenity” with its sites spread among the trees of a pecan grove This area of the state is one of the richest in historical attractions, many within easy day trip distances from the resor t FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers pull-thru sites, full hook-ups, shade , miniature golf, clubhouse , modem hook up, cable TV, laundr y, propane , swimming pool, chapel, and free pancakes Modem hookup/wireless access Dump station DIRECTIONS: The resor t is located on I-75 at Exit No. 121, 120 miles south of Atlanta and 120 miles nor th of the Georgia/Florida state line . Going nor th or south on I-75 take exit 121 and turn left.Take the first right, then cross over railroad tracks to stop sign and turn right. Go 1/4 mile to Southern Trails Resor t which will be on the left. SITES: 133 full / 58 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: March - April; Oct. -Nov. OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 21 25094 C AMAS RESERVOIR RD., MOUNTAIN HOME, ID 83647 (208) 653 2494 for trunningbear.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15FORT RUNNING BEAR RV RESORT MOUNTAIN HOME, IDAHO A beautiful wilderness area and one of the finest fishing lakes in southwestern Idaho are just two of the rewards you’ll be giving yourself when visiting For t Running Bear FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Pavilion, cook-out facilities, clubhouse , TV lounge , videos, card room, swimming pool, pool table, miniature golf, horseshoes, playground, laundr y, showers, weekend breakfasts, pot lucks, and bingo Dump station DIRECTIONS: From I-84 take Exit 95 and go nor th on Hwy. 20 approximately 26 miles. Watch for signs. Go to 118 1/2 mile marker. Turn left at Little Camas Inn. Go 2 and 1/2 miles to For t Running Bear. (NOTE: Travel 3 miles on gravel Sroad). ITES: 46 full / 25 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps PEAK: June 1 September 30 OPEN: April 15 October 10 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 1942 DEER CLIFF RD., PRESTON, ID 83263 (208) 852 2124 cubriverguestranch.com RVA / WIT RATE: C$15 UB RIVER LODGE & RV PARK PRESTON, IDAHO Cub River RV Lodge and Guest Ranch has 11 RV Sites with Hookups. A large lawn area is surrounded with the RV Sites with access to the forest just a 1/4 mile away A great area for 4 wheeling, snowmobiling, biking, hiking, horseback riding trails, etc The Guest Ranch offers fun and excitement for people of any age Great year round facilities and activities. Hiking, biking, horseback riding, or just relax around the pool, or around the campfires in the evening You can enjoy full dining and restaurant facilities next door at the Famous Deer Cliff Inn Restaurant. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a sw i m m i n g p o o l , t a b l e s , p i c n i c a re a , gazebo, fire pits, hot tub, volleyball, horseshoes, tetherball and WiFi The resor t is l o c a t e d n e a r C a s h e N a t i o n a l Fo re s t fo r o u t d o o r re c re a t i o n . S n ow m o b i l e , 4 wheeler, wave runner and horse rentals are nearby No discounts June or July DIRECTIONS: Call (208) 852 2124 for directions SITES: 11 full / 4 dr y ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 35 FT PEAK: June 1 September 30 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 3622 E CTY. RD. 200 SOUTH, VERSAILLES INDIANA (812) 689 6464 RVA / WIT RATE: $15BROWNING C AMP VERSAILLES, INDIANA Situated near a lake , this park offers 228 full hookup sites, 10 with water and electricity only, and 50 without any hookups. With 15 and 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee . Tent camping is offered Group tent and RV sites are available FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a recreation hall, pavilion, limited grocer y store , arcade games, swimming pool, boating (7 hp limit), canoeing, dock, lake fishing, basketball, badminton, spor ts field, horseshoes, and volleyball Planned group activities are offered on weekends. Propane gas and wood are available . DIRECTIONS: From East junction of US 50E and Hwy. 129N, go one mile south on 400 East St then 1000 feet west on 200 South St SITES: 228 full / 10 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 15 / 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 80 FT PEAK: April October OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

22 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 3036 MAIN ST., HANOVER, ME 04237 (207) 824 2836 www.stonybrookrec .com RVA / WIT RATE: S$15 TONEY BROOK RECREATION HANOVER, MAINE Discover our quiet, family campground nestled along the beautiful Androscoggin River and surrounded by the foothills of the White Mountains. Get away from the crowds and enjoy relaxing in the beautiful western mountains where families can enjoy nature at its fullest Stony Brook Recreation and Camping is the closest full ser vice campground to Grafton Notch State Park and hiking abounds for all levels of ability. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t includes a recreation hall/rec room, heated swimming pool, shuffleboard, full line convenience store , playground, hot showers, handicap restrooms, sewage disposal, laundr y, public phone , tables, grills, fire rings. picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, spor ts field, miniature golf, arcade game room, river fishing (license required), river canoeing, and hiking trails. RV supplies, ice , and wood are available DIRECTIONS: From the junction of Hwy 26 and U S 2, go one mile east on US 2 SITES: 28 full / 20 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 49 E. BRIMFIELD HOLLAND RD., BRIMFIELD, MA 01010 (413) 245 9525 adventureresor tsofamerica.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25STURBRIDGE RV RESORT BRIMFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Reser ve an easy access campsite at Sturbridge RV Resor t and experience the ultimate campground retreat This quaint New England treasure is situated upon 200 acres of picturesque woodlands, and it features lakeside sites along with a host of resor t style amenities FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a clubhouse , pavillion, playground, outdoor pool, planned activities, laundr y, dump station, propane, volleyball, badminton, basketball, horseshoes, picnic area, fire rings, arcade room, hiking trails, 5-mile canoe/kayak trail, 420 acre reser voir, boat ramp access, bass, trout, pike & pickerel fishing, beach with BBQ grills, paddle boats & canoes, store , boat and camper storage , cable TV, and WiFi. DIRECTIONS: From turnpike, exit 9: Sturbridge / Harford, exit 3B. From I 84 and US 20, take US 20 west, travel 3 miles, take first left after the lake. SITES: 91 full / 73 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: April 15 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 4085 BEAR C AVE RD., BUCHANAN, MI 49107 (269) 695 3050 www.1000trails.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15BEAR C AVE RV RESORT BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN Built at the site of a former Native American village , Bear Cave Resor t is a riverfront property located about 20 miles east of Lake Michigan that is popular with fishermen FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a clubhouse , store , adult lounge , swimming pool, Jacuzzi, game room, horseshoes, shuffleboard, playground, fishing, walking trails, movie room, indoor picnic pavilion, and a boat ramp Dump station Pavillion and Lodge Rentals for weddings, reunions and group outings. DIRECTIONS: From I 94 where it enters Michigan from Indiana, go E on U.S. Hwy. 12 for 18 miles to Red Bud Trail. Turn N on Red Bud Trail and go about 5 and 1/2 miles to the resort entrance on the right. When coming from Detroit, go south on US 31, turn right on Exit 5 (or Snow Road). Go to Red Bud Trail and turn left. Travel 3-4 miles. SITES: 52 full / 85 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: May 1 October 31 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 23 84981 47 1/2 ST., DEC ATUR, MI 49045 (269) 423 7311 www.timber trailsr vpark.com RVA / WIT RATE: T$15 IMBER TRAILS RV PARK DEC ATUR, MICHIGAN Timber Trails is a rustic family campground with a relaxed friendly atmosphere that enables residents to enjoy natural surroundings. Located on 'Lake of the Woods', the largest and one of the most attractive lakes in the area for fishing, boating, and swimming Fish are plentiful and the lake is not crowded Pet restrictions apply FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a limited grocer y store , shuffleboard, playground, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, spor ts field, lake , lake swimming, lake fishing (license required), pond, pond fishing, (no license), beach area, boating, dock, rowboat/canoe/paddle boat rental, and local tours. There is a limited grocer y store Propane gas, ice , wood, candy, and fishing bait are available No weekends or holidays. DIRECTIONS: Exit 56 on I-94. Go south on M-51 6 miles to Decatur, Michigan. Go one mile past McDonalds and turn right at Lake of the Woods public access sign Half mile on right SITES: 162 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: June 15 September 15 OPEN: May 1 October 1 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 9581 N. BROOKS RD, IRONS, MI 49644 (231) 266 5102 enchantedacrescamp.com RVA / WIT RATE: E$15 NCHANTED ACRES CANOE & RV RESORT IRONS, MICHIGAN Enchanted Acres is truly a campers paradise nestled in the hear t of the beautiful Manistee National Forest, One mile south of Irons on Brooks Road. The scenic wooded areas surrounding the campground provide a natural beauty which together with all the nearby attractions will insure your family of a unique camping experience FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Recreation hall, equipped pavilion, limited grocer y store , hot showers, handicap restrooms, sewage disposal, laundr y, tables, grills, fire rings, guard, playground, basketball, volleyball, badminton, horseshoes, hiking trails Canoe , kayak, tube and cabin rentals. Lake swimming, fishing and canoeing only in area not on park premises Pet farm and free WiFi Restrictions: campsites are for 2 adults; extras cost $5 each, air conditioner add $3 day; electric heater add $3 day; no electric hot water allowed; use gas please DIRECTIONS: Take M37 18 miles nor th of Baldwin to 10 Mile Road, go six miles to Nor th Brooks Road. Go south at the bank LOSB. SITES: 20 full / 40 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 /50 amps PEAK: June July OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 4370 NORTH RIDGE RD., MEARS, MI 49436 (231) 873 3285 www.timberlake resor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15TIMBERLAKE RV RESORT MEARS, MICHIGAN T imberlake Resor t, located in the beautiful western por tion of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula, affords its guests an oppor tunity to enjoy a wide variety of on site recreational activities. The area surrounding the resor t offers amusement parks, golf courses, “ u pick” fruit and vegetable farms, and beaches with an abundance of sand dunes for hours of leisure and enter tainment. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a clubhouse , equipped pavilion, shuffleboard, playground, pool, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, arcade game room, lake , lake swimming, lake fishing (license required), pond fishing, beach area, dock, and hiking trails Dump station DIRECTIONS: From U.S. 31, take Hear t Mears Exit and go west on Polk Rd. Turn nor th on 56th Avenue and go 1/2 mile to Deer Rd. Going west, follow Deer Rd. to B15. Go nor th on B15 for 2 and 6/10 miles. Resor t is on the right. SITES: 143 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps PEAK: June 15 September 15 OPEN: May 15 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

24 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 22931 185TH ST. DETROIT LAKES, MN 56501 (800) 482 3441 www.foresthillsgolfr v.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25FOREST HILLS GOLF & RV RESORT DETROIT LAKES, MINNESOTA Located in the hear t of the lake countr y of Detroit Lakes, Forest Hills Golf & RV Resor t is surrounded by over 400 of Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes within a 25 mile radius. Oak forests and natural wetlands ser ve as a refuge to abundant wildlife and contribute to the picturesque scener y FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse , restaurant, indoor heated sw i m m i n g p o o l , s p a , h o t t u b, s a u n a , e xe rc i s e ro o m a n d e q u i p m e n t , p l ay g ro u n d , picnic area, miniature golf, golf course , horseshoe and basketball cour ts No check in after 9 p.m. DIRECTIONS: The resort is located 3.5 miles west of Detroit Lakes, south of Hwy. S10. ITES: 180 full ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps PEAK: June August OPEN: May 1 Oct.ober 1 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 14605 PARKER RD., BILOXI, MS 39532 (228) 872 0456 www.mar tinlake .com RVA / WIT RATE: $15MARTIN LAKE RESORT BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI Located just outside of Biloxi, in an area with lots of stately pine trees and majestic oaks, Mar tin Lake Resor t is a 65 acre resor t with a 22 acre lake This resor t, with limestone sites, overlooks a cr ystal clear spring fed lake which is excellent for fishing and swimming You’ll experience beautiful weather year round at the resor t and be in the perfect location for all the area attractions, including casinos. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a clubhouse , swimming pool, hot tub, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, lake swimming, lake fishing, beach area, boating (electric motors only), paddle boats, and hiking trails. DIRECTIONS: Exit 50 off I 10. Go nor th on Tucker Rd. Turn left on Parker. Resor t is about one mile off I-10. SITES: 130 full ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: November 15 March 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 23098 FREDDIE FRANK RD., PASS CHRISTIAN, MS 39571 (228) 452 9100 tlcwolfriverresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15TLC WOLF RIVER RESORT PASS CHRISTIAN, MISSISSIPPI Located just ten minutes from the Gulf of Mexico and surrounded by majestic oaks and stately pine trees in the Piney Woods, TLC Wolf River Resor t is a tourist’s paradise . FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse , game room, pavilion, laundr y facilities, beach area, swimming pool, wading pool, playground, fishing, horseshoes, boat launch, and volleyball. Pets must be leashed. Go car ts not allowed. Visitor mail not accepted DIRECTIONS: From I-10 east, take Menge Ave . (Exit 24). Travel south (towards beach) 2 and 1/2 miles across Wolf River Bridge . Take the first left. Resor t is 1/2 mile on left (Freddie Frank Rd.). SITES: 120 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: November 15 April 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 25 25793 HWY. N., CLARKSVILLE, MO 63336 (573) 242 3577 familyresor tsandtravel.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25TIEVOLI HILLS RESORT CLARKSVILLE, MISSOURI Hidden in the beautiful Mississippi River countr yside , Tievoli Hills offers one of the best amenity packages in the Midwest The Resor t is on 178 acres, surrounded on all sides by thousands of acres of undeveloped, natural acreage . FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse , swimming pool, bistro, gift shop, children's wading pool, spor ts complex, paddle boats, canoes, playgrounds, miniature golf, driving range , weight room, pavilion, racquetball, Splash Cafe & General Store (open Memorial Day to Labor Day) DIRECTIONS: From I-70 west of St. Louis, take Hwy. 79 north 60 miles to Clarksville. Two miles past Clarksville, take Hwy. N 4 miles west to Resort on the Sleft. ITES: 32 full / 35 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: May 15 September 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 11020 E. STATE HWY. 76, FORSYTH, MO 65653 (417) 546 3000 jellystonebranson.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25 FORSYTH, MISSOURI Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park™ Camp Resor t near Branson, MO is family owned and operated just minutes away from downtown Branson, the strip, Branson Landing, Bull Shoals Lake , Table Rock Lake and Lake Taneycomo yet surrounded by nature’s natural beauty of the Ozarks FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Our full ser vice RV resor t offers all concrete streets and pads, free cable television, free wireless internet, swimming pool, pavillion, playground, horseshoes, basketball cour ts, spor ts field and hiking trails D I R E CT I ON S: Fro m Sp rin g f ie ld: US 6 5 S to F H wy. e x it. M a ke le f t o n to F ro a d, proceed to Forsyth (F road turns into Hwy 160) Travel through Forsyth to Hwy 7 6 . M a ke a r i g h t o n H w y 7 6 a n d go o n e m i l e . Tr ave l i n g N o n U S H w y. 6 5 : Ta ke Hollister exit, make a left off exit, go one block and turn right on Bus 65, through Hollister. Continue straight on Hwy. 76 E to Jellystone Park on the right. (10 Miles). 3 6 6 7 0 6 5 6 L a t i t u d e 9 3 0 9 5 0 9 8 L o n g i t u d e U s e a dd re s s : 2 5 0 S h o a l s B e n d B l v d Forsyth MO 65653 SITES: 52 full / 12 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: May September OPEN: March November RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 11 HWY. M, STEELVILLE, MO 65565 (573) 775 2889 www.candycaner vpark.com RVA / WIT RATE: C$15 ANDY C ANE RV PARK STEELVILLE, MISSOURI Candy Cane is a place to make friends and memories.This park offers 30 sites that can accommodate RVs up to 65 ft It provides 30 amp electrical receptacles Tent camping is offered. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Swimming pool, miniature golf, hot showers, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball and dump station The resor t is satellite friendly Nearby fishing, hunting, river floating, Toy Museum, Maramec Caverns, St. Louis and Branson. DIRECTIONS: From I 44 St. James, exit onto 68 East and then exit onto 8 East. Go 12 miles and the campground is located on the corner of 8 & M. From I-44 Cuba, exit onto 19 South and then exit onto 8 West. Go 2 miles and the park is located on the corner of 8 & M. SITES: 20 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 /50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 70 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 YOGI BEAR’S JELLYSTONE PARK

DIRECTIONS: From Silver City, take Hwy. 90 south about 14 miles. Travel under the railroad underpass and go one mile Turn right onto Road 136 Resor t is about 7 miles on the left. 32 full AL: 30 Memorial Day Labor Day Year-round (800) 934 3443
rooms are available for
FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a clubhouse , TV lounge , playground, picnic area, and pond/ trout fishing on the resor t (no license required), free WiFi Dump station.
RVA / WIT RATE: B$15 URRO MOUNTAIN HOMESTEAD SILVER CITY, NEW MEXICO Nestled in the foothills of Burro Mountains ’ll Burro Mountain Homestead, New Mexico destination historically famous lodge is the highlight of this resor t that 32 full hookup 30 amp (energ y impact Lodge rent. Pets 2 RV / AMENITIES: This resor t has a lodge with clubroom, equipped pavilion, exercise room and equipment, picnic area, horseshoes, hiking and ATV trails, and bingo. Planned group spring fall.
RV and lodging
DIRECTIONS: From the center of town, south 0.2 miles on US 89/12 (SW 3rd Ave) to Folsom Street, west 0.2 miles (right). From all highways, follow signs to park. From south, turn left on Folsom. Four blocks to campground.40 (800) 934 3443 HIDDEN VALLEY RD NW, DEMING, NM 88030 (575) 546 3071 hiddenvalleyranchr v.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15VALLEY RANCH
must be leashed, and only
park An
sites with
DIRECTIONS: From I 10 at Deming go nor th on Hwy 180 3 miles, turn right onto Keeler Rd. Go 1.4 miles, cross cattle guard (road becomes gravel), go 1.3 miles, turn right at HVR sign, go 5 5 miles 150 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps November 1 Februar y 28 Year-round (800) 934 3443 665 TYRONE RD., SILVER CITY, NM 88061 (575) 538 2149 burromountainhomestead.com
SITES: 27 full / 14 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH:
amps PEAK:
FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a clubhouse , picnic area, horseshoes, hiking trails, ATV tours and trails, laundr y facilities, LPG Plant, and scheduled activities. Mexico border and historical ruins are nearby.
FT PEAK: June 1 August 31 OPEN: May 1 October 15 RESERVATIONS:
26 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 815 8TH AVE. S.W., WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, MT 59645 (406) 547 3890 ccmemberships.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15CONESTOGA C AMPGROUND WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, MONTANA Conestoga Campground is located half way between Glacier and Yellowstone national parks on Hwy 89 Conestoga Campground, as you might expect from its name , invokes both the spirit of America’s early travelers and the rugged beauty that inspired pioneers who made the trek to the hear t of the old west Today, the landscape still calls to travelers, enticing them to stop and take notice .
are allowed. FACILITIES
electrical receptacles
activities offered
DEMING, NEW MEXICO Nestled in the high desert along the foothills of Cookes Range, Hidden Valley Ranch is a quiet refuge in a dramatic setting No trains or highways, just 7,000 acres of open range framed by endless skies, a setting that makes it truly one of the hidden treasures of the southwest. The absolute tranquility, diverse wildlife and stark beauty, invite you to stay and enjoy the ranch, while a wealth of sights and activities beckon to you from the surrounding area.
love the gorgeous setting, the exhilarating activities and the overall rural location of the historical proper ty,
and Gila National Forest in New Mexico, you

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 27 687 CR 3919, TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCE, NM (575) 894 6468 monticellor vpark.yolasite .com RVA / WIT RATE: M$15 ONTICELLO RV PARK TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCE, NEW MEXICO Your comfor t is our goal. We have created a restful retreat that you can think of as your home away from home when you ’ re in the area We offer ser vices for any traveler, whether you ’ re on business or your journey is for pleasure . When you plan your visit, consider us for your stay FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Restrooms, showers, laundr y, convenience store , gasoline , propane , picnic tables, rec room, horseshoes, tent sites, large RV sites, ATVing and motorcycling, fishing, jet skiing, boating, water recreation at Elephant Butte Lake , RV/boat storage . DIRECTIONS: From I 25, take exit 89 and continue east 5.5 Smiles. ITES: 66 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 75 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: All year RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 105 METTACOHONTS RD., ACCORD, NY 12404 (845) 626 5521 rondoutvalley.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25RONDOUT VALLEY RV RESORT ACCORD, NEW YORK As its name implies, Rondout Valley Resor t is in a lush valley filled with an abundance of beautiful vegetation The resort is spread among 180 acres of native trees, including pine and sycamore , that blend together to create an awesome natural beauty. FACILITIES / AMENITIES:The resort offers a clubhouse , swimming pool, adult lounge , countr y store, snack bar, exercise room, volleyball, basketball, boccie ball, shuffleboard, playground, miniature golf, horseshoes, nature trails, and fishing. Dump station. (Open: Year-round, Nov -March, weekends only) DIRECTIONS: From I-87 going nor th, take Exit 16 (Harriman) onto Hwy. 17 and go west to Exit 113 (Wur tsboro). Go nor th on U.S. Hwy. 209 to Accord (105 Mettacahonts Rd.). From I-87 going south, take Exit 19 (Kingston) to U.S. 209 South. 17 miles to Accord (105 Mettacahonts Rd.). SITES: 245 full / 75 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Columbus Day OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 969 E. SCHROON RIVER RD., DIAMOND POINT, NY 12824 adirondackadventureresor ts.com (518) 623 3954 RVA / WIT RATE: $25 DIAMOND POINT, NEW YORK Among the majestic pines and maples of the Adirondack Mountains, this resor t offers a “get a way ” experience that includes lovely waterfront sites and nearly a mile of river frontage . Staying at Adirondack Adventure Resor t Schroon River not only provides all the comfor ts of home , it also features fun activities and a close proximity to exciting attractions. Whether you choose to relax or spend your time soaking up local culture , you’ll find your fun here FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resort offers laundr y facilities, clubhouse, outdoor pool, horseshoes, basketball, convenience store, pavilion area, shuffleboard, Sunday worship. DIRECTIONS: Take I 87 nor th to Exit 23. Turn right. Go 1/4 mile . Turn left onto E. Schroon River Rd. Continue 4.6 miles to campground on left. SITES: 92 full / 61 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: May 15 Labor Day OPEN: May 15 October 12 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 ADIRONDACK ADVENTURE RESORT SCHROON RIVER

t has a clubhouse , restaurant, pavilion, fire rings, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, volleyball, spor ts field, movie theater, arcade , beach area, fishing, marina, boating, WiFi, and cable TV. One vehicle per site .
DIRECTIONS: From South: N I 87 to exit 20 (Whitehall/For t Ann 149) left at the light Turn right at 149 to For t Ann, left on Route 4, right on Clinton, left on Main Street. From Nor th: South I 87 to exit 21, left, then right onto Route 9 to 149. Left onto Route 4, right on Cinton, left on Main
28 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 6994 PLATO RD., EAST OTTO, NY 14729 (716) 376 4144 alleganymtresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $35ALLEGANY MOUNTAIN RV RESORT EAST OTTO, NEW YORK In the foothills of New York State’s Allegany Region, with their own recreation staff and many points of interest in the area, 225 acre Allegany Mountain Resor t is a vacation wonderland. The resor t is well known for its theme weeks, with special events where you can either watch or take par t in the fun and festivities FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Clubhouse , equipped pavilion, 2 outdoor pools (til Labor Day), indoor pool, spa, shuffleboard, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, miniature golf, golf driving range , lake fishing, boating (fee , no motorized boats), boat rentals, and hiking trails. Dump station DIRECTIONS: From north: Take the QEW south to the Peace Bridge to USA. Take I 90 S to the I-90 interchange. Take I-90 W, continue to Exit 55 at the 219 Expressway. Take 219 to the end of the Expwy. Turn LEFT, go to the light and turn RIGHT. Stay on 219 south approx. 12 miles S of Springville. Watch for signs, turn right on Plato Rd. From Southern Tier Expwy. (Rt. 17): Take US 219 N approx. 10 miles to Ellicottville. Follow 219 N approx 8 miles to Plato Rd Turn left and follow our signs SITES: 250 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 36 FT PEAK: June 15 September 15 OPEN: May 1 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 1560 SKYLINE DR., SCHENECTADY, NY 12306 (518) 864 5352 frostyacrescampground.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15FROSTY ACRES C AMPING RESORT SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK At 1,250 feet above sea level, the spacious campsites at Frosty Acres Camping Resort overlook the Capital Saratoga Region The resort’s three spring fed ponds are inviting to anyone seeking a leisurely day of fishing or boating. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t offers a countr y store , snack bar, swimming pool, beach, picnic area, canoes, paddle boats, fishing, horseshoes, badminton, volleyball, ponds,propane station, playground, softball field, arcade area.
SITES: 100 full / 100 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: 934 3443 1 MAIN ST., WHITEHALL, NY 12887 499 5055 www.champsRV.com / WIT RATE: NEW YORK
June August OPEN: May 15 September 30 RESERVATIONS: (800)
to ever y site on the property It’s a nature lovers paradise loaded with wild life, as it borders a protected nature preser ve. FACILITIES / AMENITIES:
Street SITES: 40 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: May 20 October 1 OPEN: May 1 October 20 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443
DIRECTIONS:Take exit 25A off NYS thruway, then exit immediately after toll booth and turn left on Rt. 7. Go 1/2 mile , then turn left onto Rt. 337. Go 1/2 mile and turn left onto Rt. 159. Go 6 miles, then turn left onto Nor th Kelley Rd. Go 1/2 mile and turn right on Skyline Drive , then go 2 more miles.
This park has it all. Nestled in the historic town of Whitehall, NY and 10 minutes from the Vermont border, Champs RV Resort has a beautiful setting right on the Champlain water way. The park has gorgeous mountain views that kiss the shimmering waters of the Champlain accessible This resor

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 29 538 MT. VERNON RD., WURTSBORO, NY 12790 (845) 888 2161 catskilladventureresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15C ATSKILL ADVENTURE RESORT WURTSBORO, NEW YORK Located high in the scenic Catskill Mountains, this resor t offers the best in family fun Maple and oak trees, some reaching heights of more than 100 feet, adorn the countr yside around the resor t, providing a scenic vacation spot. A pond and nearby river provide fishing and canoeing at this 235 acre facility that features excellent tent camping. Recreation oppor tunities include horseback riding, golfing and much more . FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse , equipped pavilion, outdoor swimming pool, playground, picnic area, arcade room, movies, hiking trails, spor ts field, and cour ts for horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, and badminton. DIRECTIONS: From Rt. 17, take exit 112, make two left turns at exit. Drive 1.2 miles and turn right. Go 4.6 miles to Mt. Vernon Rd., turn right. 2 miles to resor t. NOTE: From RT. 17 please use printed directions not GPS. SITES: 100 full / 75 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: May 15 October 31 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 1059 SYC AMORE LN., JACKSON SPRINGS, NC 27281 (910) 652 5559 travelresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15SYC AMORE LODGE RESORT JACKSON SPRINGS, NORTH C AROLINA Located in the Southern Hear tland Vacation Region of Nor th Carolina just 70 miles southwest of Raleigh, Travel Resor ts, with its two acre lake and bountiful amenities, rests among tall pines in one of the most historical areas of the United States. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t offers a clubhouse , swimming pool, Jacuzzi, canoeing, fishing, horseshoes, fishing pond, general store , game room, playground, pavilion, TV lounge , miniature golf, and paddle boats. Dump station. DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of U.S. 15 501/Hwy. 211 and I 1, in Aberdeen, continue south for 2/10 miles on I-1 to Roseland Rd., then proceed west (right) 4 and 1/2 miles to Rose Ridge Rd. Turn southwest (left fork) 5 and 2/10 miles to Sycamore Lane Drive northwest (right) 2 and 8/10 miles to resort entrance. SITES: 146 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: May August OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 4394 JONATHAN CREEK RD., WAYNESVILLE, NC 28785 (828) 926 1645 prider vresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25PRIDE RV RESORT MAGGIE VALLEY WAYNESVILLE, NORTH C AROLINA At the edge of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Nor th Carolina, Pride RV Resor t Maggie Valley is located among some of the most rugged and beautiful countr y in the Eastern United States and one of the most scenic routes in the world to get you there FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t has a Sunday morning worship ser vice , clubhouse , fishing, horseshoes, playfields, miniature golf, heated pool and spa, square dancing and enter tainment Dump station DIRECTIONS: From I-40 take Exit 20 U.S. Hwy. 276. Go 2 miles south to resor t located on the Sleft. ITES: 150 full ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: May 1 November 1 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

30 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 4051 STATE RTE. 46 S., JEFFERSON, OH 44047 (440) 484 4000 gomillbrook.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15MILLBROOK OUTDOOR RESORT JEFFERSON, OHIO If being in the outdoors and savoring the quiet that Mother Nature affords is what you ’ re looking for, Millbrook Outdoor Resor t is the place to visit Imagine yourself enjoying the many recreational facilities at the resor t, going for a walk along the nature trails, or going for a shor t drive to visit the many area tourist attractions FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Clubhouse , equipped pavilion, indoor swimming pool, sauna, exercise room, shuffleboard, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, miniature golf, arcade game room, fishing (no license required), beach area, dock, rowboat rental, and hiking trails. Dump station. DIRECTIONS: From Cleveland, take I 90 E to Rt. 11 South. On 11 South, get off on the Rt. 46S exit. Stay on 46S, resort is located about 7 miles south of Jefferson. From Erie, take I 90 W to Rt. 11 South. Take 11 South to Rt. 46S. Follow 46S to Jefferson. Resort is 7 miles south of town on the right. From Warren/Youngstown, take 11 N to Rt. 6 W. Follow 6 W to Rt. 46 N. Go N on Rt. 46, 2 miles. Resort is on the left. SITES: 200 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps PEAK: June August OPEN: April 15 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 16121 WALLY RD., LOUDONVILLE, OH 44842 (855) 559 2559 wallyworldresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15WALLY WORLD RIVERSIDE RESORT LOUDONVILLE, OHIO In a peaceful valley setting along Ohio’s Mohican River,Wally World Riverside Resor t offers a rustic beauty and charm to all its visitors About midway between Columbus and Cleveland, the resor t is in Ohio’s vacation center, with the Great Lakes only a two hour drive to the nor th FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a dump station, clubhouse , swimming pool, lake swimming, fishing, boating, boat ramps, horseshoes, miniature golf, basketball, playground, picnic areas, and volleyball DIRECTIONS: Southbound I-65 Exit 308 (U.S. Hwy. 278) west. Go 16 miles to Hwy. 77 south for 9 miles Make a sharp left on Hwy. 12, then stay to the left until Hidden Cove entrance . SITES: 5 full, 205 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps PEAK: May 15 September 15 OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 44705 RESORT RD., RACINE, OH 45771 (740) 992 6488 kountr yresor tcampground.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15KOUNTRY RESORT C AMPGROUND RACINE, OHIO Kountr y Resor t Campground is a family oriented luxur y resor t in southeast Ohio, just three miles from the Ohio River and the West Virginia state line Four lakes make water spor ts popular at this Ohio River Valley resor t. Golfers will find an 18 hole course nearby, and adventurous visitors can thrill to river rafting For the young and young at hear t, roller skating can also be found within easy driving distance . FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Recreation hall, seasonal indoor pool, hiking, playground, spor ts cour t, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, fishing (no license), laundr y, propane , dock, and ramp. Dump station. $4 energ y fee . DIRECTIONS: From Columbus, take U.S. Hwy. 33 southeast to Pomeroy. At the intersection of U.S. 33 and Rt. 7 North, exit onto 33 E. toward Ravenswood, WV, and go approximately 3 miles.Turn left onto County Road 34. This brings you into the park. SITES: 140 full / 60 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps PEAK: May 15 September 15 OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 31 14296 CEMETERY RD., WAPAKONETA, OH 45895 (419) 738 5000 lakewoodvillageresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15LAKEWOOD VILLAGE RV RESORT WAPAKONETA, OHIO Lakewood Village Resor t is located in the west central par t of Ohio, south of Lima and nor th of Dayton on I 75 at exit 111 The resor t is near the Neil Armstrong Air and Space Museum, the Ohio Caverns, and other attractions. Shopping is available in nearby Lima and Wapakoneta Dayton, home of the Wright Brothers, is 50 miles away FACILITIES / AMENITIES:The resor t has a clubhouse , pavilion, snack bar, game room, indoor pool with 2 spas, sauna, two lakes, miniature golf, pedal boats, fishing, and cour ts for horseshoes, shuffleboard, and basketball Dump station DIRECTIONS: Fifty miles nor th of Dayton, 80 miles south of Toledo on I-75, take exit 111 and go east approximately 1,000 ft. Turn left on Cemeter y Rd. (at Dodge City Restaurant). Go 500 ft. to resor t on right. SITES: 137 full / 66 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps PEAK: May 1 September OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 32100 HWY. 85, AFTON, OK 74349 (918) 782 3295 web1.wavelinx.net/pelican RVA / WIT RATE: $15PELIC AN LANDING RV RESORT AFTON, OKLAHOMA Pelican Landing Resor t, situated on the beautiful and scenic Grand Lake O’ The Cherokees, sits in a 60,000 acre spor tsman’s paradise where angling enthusiasts can fish for bass, crappie , and catfish, and water spor ts enthusiasts can enjoy swimming, water skiing, sailing, and cruising FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Clubhouse , swimming pool, video games, beach area, fishing (license required), indoor heated fishing dock, paddle boats, boating, water skiing, boat ramps and docks, horseshoes, volleyball, basketball, nature trails, ball fields, onsite security, and miniature golf. Dump station. DIRECTIONS: From I 44, take the Vinita Exit and proceed east on U.S. 60 for 5 miles to Hwy. 82. Go south on Hwy. 82 and drive 6 miles to Hwy. 85. Go east on Hwy. 85 through Ketchum and then proceed on Hwy. 85 four miles to the resor t. SITES: 50 full / 50 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps PEAK: July 1 October 15 OPEN: April 1 October 31 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 25301 HWY. 59, GROVE, OK 74344 (918) 786 6196 bearsdengrand.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15EAGLES LANDING RV RESORT GROVE, OKLAHOMA Located in nor theastern Oklahoma on Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees, one of the state’s finest fishing lakes, Eagles Landing Resor t offers a multitude of recreational oppor tunities and chances to explore and par ticipate in the heritage of the area. Water spor ts, world class enter tainment, and living histor y are the hallmarks of the lake and surrounding area. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t has a new 5,700 sq. ft. clubhouse , fitness center, pavilion, outdoor swimming pool, WiFi, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, sports field, miniature golf, arcade game room, lake, lake swimming, lake fishing (license required), pond, pond fishing (license required), boating, and paddle boats Dump station. Pets welcome and must show verification of shots at check in. DIRECTIONS: From the I 44 Turnpike , take Exit 302 (Grove/Afton Exit). Go thru the toll booth to Hwy. 59. Go towards Grove for 9 miles. The resor t is on the right side before the Sailboat Bridge . SITES: 34 full / 98 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: May 15 September 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

32 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 19691 U.S. 77, THACKERVILLE, OK 73459 (580) 276 4411 redriverranchr vresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15RED RIVER RANCH RV RESORT THACKERVILLE, OKLAHOMA A wide variety of year round activities at the resor t and surrounding regions await the guests of Red River Ranch RV Resor t, located in the south central par t of Oklahoma and just a few miles from the Dallas Ft. Wor th Metroplex. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse , outdoor pool with waterfalls and jacuzzi, picnic area, horseshoes, and miniature golf Dump station DIRECTIONS: From I-35, take Exit 5. Go 1/2 mile west, then south on Hwy. 77 1/2 mile. SITES: 130 full / 81 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: April-May, September-October OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 53750 HWY. 97, LA PINE, OR 97739 (541) 536 2244 RVA / WIT RATE: $15C ASC ADE MEADOWS RV RESORT LA PINE, OREGON If you enjoy the great outdoors with the Pacific Nor thwest scener y at its finest, along with unlimited recreational oppor tunities, and you ’ re anticipating a few days o f p e a c e a n d q u i e t , yo u r d e s t i n a t i o n s h o u l d b e t h e C a s c a d e M e a d ow s RV P a r k . Elevation 4,200 feet FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a clubhouse , free WiFi, outdoor swimming pool, spa, shuffleboard, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, spor ts field, movies, arcade game room, store , and is computer friendly DIRECTIONS:Twenty-three miles south of Bend Oregon on Hwy. 97, at the junction of Hwy. 97 and Paulina, East Lake SRd. ITES: 101 full / 15 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 70 FT PEAK: May 8 September 8 OPEN: April 1 November 1 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 1505 N. LAKE RD., LAKESIDE, OR 97449 (541) 759 2801 www.ospreypoint.net RVA / WIT RATE: $25OSPREY POINT RV RESORT LAKESIDE, OREGON If you’d like to spend your time away from home enjoying beautiful rugged scener y, water spor ts on lakes and streams, dune beaches on the Pacific coastline , or just relaxing and enjoying the many amenities at a resor t, then Osprey Point RV Resor t is the destination for you FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t offers a clubhouse , playground, picnic area,horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, arcade game room, lake swimming, lake fishing (license required), pond, rental boats, dock, ramp, fish cleaning station, countr y store , laundromat, pub, phones at sites, and local tours.The resort includes a “village” where you can purchase your own site Dump station Free WiFi DIRECTIONS: Take either lakeside junction into town, cross the railroad tracks and turn left onto Nor th Lake Road. Travel 1/2 mile , turn right into park. SITES: 132 full / 15 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 65 FT PEAK: June 1 September 30 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

GETTYSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA Gettysburg Battlefield Resor t sits in the middle of an area rich in Civil War histor y and affords visitors the oppor tunity to enjoy yester year as well as the present day. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t has a lodge , equipped pavilion, outdoor swimming pool, playground, picnic area, basketball, volleyball, movies, pond, pond fishing, hiking trails, local tours, general store , and cafe . Dump station. DIRECTIONS: From US 15 in PA, take Steinwehr Ave . (Bus. Rt. 15) exit. Coming from the nor th, turn right off the exit; from the south, turn left Follow Bus Rt 15 towards Gettysburg for 3 miles. Resor t entrance is on the right. SITES: 253 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: June 15 October 15 OPEN: May 15 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 33 32445 HWY. 101 N. ROCKAWAY BEACH, OR 97136 (503) 368 6581 araresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15PARADISE COVE RESORT & MARINA NORTH ROCKAWAY BEACH, OREGON Paradise Cove Resor t and Marina is a beautiful 68 acre , multi level waterfront resor t with a complete marina, three clubhouses, two swimming pools, hot tubs, laundr y facilities, boat and trailer rentals, indoor basketball cour t, free WiFi and 24 hour security It is located on Nehalem Bay near Rockaway Beach on the stunning Oregon Coast between Seaside and Tillamook. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers 2 swimming pools, oversized outdoor jacuzzi, 3 clubhouses, satellite TV and lounge, picnic area, boat storage, marina, boat launch, docks, large crab cooker, bait and tackle shop, laundr y room, billiards and ping pong tables, indoor basketball court, trails, and 24 hour security DIRECTIONS: Traveling on Hwy. 101, the resor t is one mile south of Wheeler, OR. It is located on Nehalem Bay on Hwy. 101. SITES: 140 full / 60 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 50 FT PEAK: Memorial Day October 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 194 TANNERY RD., CHAMPION, PA 15622 (724) 593 7837 roaringrunresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $35ROARING RUN RV RESORT CHAMPION, PENNSYLVANIA The Laurel Highlands of western Pennsylvania is where you’ll find Roaring Run Resort. The Allegheny Mountains begin here in the rolling hills and small peaks of the Highlands, making the region a prime area for outdoor activities. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t has a clubhouse , swimming pool, fishing, hiking, picnic area, pavilion, playground, tennis, basketball, volleyball, wading pool, miniature golf, horseshoes, countr y store , shuffleboard, bocce ball, cross countr y skiing, and adult center Dump station WiFi and Cable DIRECTIONS: From the Pennsylvania Turnpike-Donegal Exit, take Rt. 31 east (left) 2 miles to Rt. 711 south (right) one mile to the village of Champion. Turn left onto County Line Rd. Turn at first left (at bank) onto Roaring Run Rd. and go one mile to the resor t. From the south, follow Rt. 711 nor th to Champion. SITES: 157 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 36 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: April 15 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 1960 EMMITSBURG RD., GETTYSBURG, PA 17325 (717) 337 3363 campgettysburg.com

34 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 101 CYPRESS RV WAY, MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29588 (843) 293 0300 cypresscampingresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $35CYPRESS C AMPING RESORT MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH C AROLINA Cypress Camping Resor t is a new camping destination in Myr tle Beach that offers first class amenities and activities to please ever yone in the family Visitors can enjoy swimming, pedal boats, kayaks, pontoon boats and cart rentals. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Paved campsites, picnic tables, outdoor lighting, free WiFi, cable (for a fee), fire pits, adult and children pool, snack bar, camp store , conference center, game room, meeting area with audio/visual, planned activities, private boat ramp, 24 hour security, modern bath houses, ministr y ser vices, playground, gazebo, outdoor pavilion, laundr y facility, pump station, walking trails, waterway swimming area, camper and boat trailer storage . DIRECTIONS: From south: take Hwy. 17 to SC 544 to SC 707, to River Rd. From nor th: take SC 31 to SC 544 (Georgetown Exit) to SC 707 to River Rd From west: take SC 544 to SC 707 to River Rd. SITES: 101 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: June August OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 907 MAPLE ST., SUMMIT, SD 57266 (605)398 6355 countylinecampground.com RVA / WIT RATE: C$25 OUNTY-LINE C AMPGROUND SUMMIT, SOUTH DAKOTA County Line Campground provides full hookup RV and tent camping sites in Nor theast South Dakota, a small town surrounded by great fishing lakes and great hunting. Just a mile and a half off of I 29 for easy overnight stops and enroute to the Black Hills area of South Dakota FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resor t has groomed gravel pull through sites with nice grass area with fire ring, grill and picnic table at each site . Coin laundr y, store/hospitality area for potlucks Cable TV in hospitality area Nice shower and restroom facility. Unlimited tent camping, large boon docking area. Pet area. No pets or smoking in Cabin DIRECTIONS: Exit #207 off of I-29 In South Dakota, Then one mile east on Hwy 12 then turn south on Summit Road, travel 9 blocks on right. Follow signs. SITES: 17 full / 7 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 85 FT PEAK: May 15 September 15 OPEN: April 15 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 395 OAK PARK CIRCLE, CROSSVILLE, TN 38572 (931) 788 1873 RVA / WIT RATE: $15BRECKENRIDGE LAKE RV RESORT CROSSVILLE, TENNESSEE Tennessee’s Mountain Plateau is home to Breckenridge Lake Resor t where guests are offered a variety of tourist attractions as well as a taste of the great outdoors Not only is it situated midway between Knoxville , Nashville , and Chattanooga, but it’s just south of the Cumberland Mountain State Park FACILITIES / AMENITIES:The resort offers free WiFi, BBQ area, horseshoes, croquet, badminton, activities building for cards, puzzles,TV, books for trading, pavilion, laundr y, bathhouse.Tent sites, dump station. Nearby: tourist attractions, lake swimming approx. 0 5 mi from park (requires pass $5 per day per person) [no lifeguard], on shore fishing (requires same pass $5 per day per person), TN fishing license required. DIRECTIONS: From I 40: Exit 322 S to TN 392 bypass. 2.4 mi to U.S. 127. L on US 127, 2 4 mi R at fork on US 127 Five mi to Hillendale Rd R for 2 mi L on Dunbar, immediate R on Clint Lowe Rd. 2 mi to Breckenridge Rd. R 0.7 mi. to Park. SITES: 25 full / 18 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: May 20 September 20 OPEN: March 1 November 30 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 35 8601 HWY. 290W, BRENHAM, TX 77833 (979) 836 0680 www.ar tesianr vpark.com RVA / WIT RATE: A$15 RTESIAN RV PARK BRENHAM, TEXAS Ar tiesian Park RV Campground is located in Brenham, 16 minutes from the center of town in historical Washington County and is conveniently located near Br yan College Station and Texas A&M. The campground is a 22 minute drive from Rocky Creek Park, where water skiing enthusiasts can hone their skills FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resor t has clubhouse , recreation hall, a cour tyard with pavilion, playground, scenic pet walk, laundr y, showers, volleyball cour t, basketball, croquet, horseshoes, badminton, pool table , ping pong, dar t board, and WiFi Pets welcome , no cable available . DIRECTIONS: Travel 7 miles west of Brenham, where park is located on the southside of Hwy 290 SITES: 49 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 44 FT PEAK: March May OPEN: April 15 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 35100 LAZY PALM DR., EDINBURG, TX 78541 (956) 383 1020 www.lazypalmsranch.com RVA / WIT RATE: L$15 AZY PALMS RESORT EDINBURG, TEXAS Lazy Palms Ranch is the essence of the wild Texas hear t, with unending vistas and Padre Island within a few two steps Enjoy regular shindigs, barbecues and resor t style amenities. Group RV sites are available . Come for a visit and spend some time relaxing and having fun! Pets must be leashed, and only 2 pets per RV are allowed Adult park 50 plus, no children. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse , heated swimming pool, spa, covered cabana, shuffleboard cour ts, pool tables, bocci ball cour t, librar y, horseshoes (and washers), pond fishing (no license), bingo and WiFi. There are planned group activities hot showers, handicap restrooms, sewage disposal, laundr y, concrete patio slabs, RV storage and self-ser vice RV wash. This is an Adult Park. DIRECTIONS: Go 1 and 7/10 miles south on U.S. Hwy. 281 from Linn. Turn right on Floral Rd and go 2 miles Turn nor th on paved road and go 1/2 mile to the resor t entrance . SITES: 300 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: September April OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 310 STATE ST., FORT DAVIS, TX 79734 (432) 426 2250 texascamping.com RVA / WIT RATE: O$15 VERLAND TRAILS C AMPGROUND FORT DAVIS, TEXAS Howdy Neighbor! Come stay with us in the “Highest Town in Texas” For t Davis, the gateway to Big Bend and the Chihuahuan Deser t We're high among the Texas mountains where the humidity is low, the sun always shines and the skies are not cloudy all day Camping cabins, airstreams and tents are available for rent Pets are allowed. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a pavilion, limited grocer y store , WiFi, playground, picnic area, hot showers, handicap restrooms, sewage disposal, laundr y, public phones, tables, grills, guard, hiking trails, horse riding trails, horse rental, and local tours RV supplies, ice , and wood are available DIRECTIONS: From the nor th junction of Hwy. 17 and Hwy. 118, go south one mile on Hwy. 17/118. Nor thbound: From the south junction of Hwy. 17 and Hwy. 118, go nor th 2/10 mile on Hwy. 17/118. Located in the center of Ft. Davis on Main St. (Hwy. 17/118). SITES: 15 full / 22 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 34 FT PEAK: March, Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

36 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 5260 HWY. 150 W., PUMPKIN, TX 77358 (936) 767 4101 www.hillcrestr vpark.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15HILL CREST RV RESORT PUMPKIN, TEXAS T he beauty of the 161,508 acres of the Sam Houston Forest surrounds Hill Crest RV Resor t and adds to the many existing recreational amenities that are available for visitors to the resor t. FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resor t has a clubhouse , playground, outdoor pool, hot tub, picnic area, horseshoes, volleyball, badminton, spor ts field, movies, WiFi, lake fishing (no license required), pond, and hiking trails. DIRECTIONS: From I 45, take Exit 103 (southbound) or Exit 102 (nor thbound) on Hwy. 150. Go east 13.7 miles, resor t is on Sright. ITES: 31 full / 10 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps PEAK: December March OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 5451 HWY. 35 N. ROCKPORT, TX 78382 (361) 288 4723 www.bayviewrockpor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15B AY VIEW RV RESORT ROCKPORT, TEXAS T h e t ow n o f R o c k p o r t i s a p i c t u re s q u e s e a s i d e c o m mu n i t y f a m o u s a s a n a r t i s t c o l o ny a n d o n e o f A m e r i c a ’ s l a r g e s t b i rd i n g a re a s N e a r by i s l a n d s s e r ve a s t h e n e s t i n g a n d b re e d i n g g ro u n d s fo r t h o u s a n d s o f m i g r a t o r y b i rd s . T h e A r a n s a s National Wildlife Refuge , 36 miles to the nor th, is a wintering ground of the near extinct whooping crane . FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t has gated security, 2 clubhouses, 2 outdoor swimming pools (one heated for adults), 2 spas for adults, playground, horseshoes, shuffleboard, spor ts cour t for basketball, pickle ball, freshwater lake , librar y, Adult fitness center, pool tables, ping pong table , air hockey, seasonal activities director, cable and WiFi. DIRECTIONS: from Rockpor t / Fulton area: one mile nor th of Aransas County Airpor t on Hwy. 35N. Resor t is on the left. SITES: 22 full ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 60 FT PEAK: November 1 April 30 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 255 SUN COUNTRY DR., WHITNEY, TX 76692 (254) 694 4023 lakewhitneyr vgolf.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15SUN COUNTRY RV & GOLF RESORT WHITNEY, TEXAS A 200 acre resor t with an adjacent 140 acre , 18 hole golf course , this resor t sits on the shores of Lake Whitney, the sixth largest lake in the state , just a “Texas stone’s throw” south of the For th Wor th/Dallas Metroplex. One of the highlights of this resor t is the golf course and full ser vice countr y store that overlook the lake FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Clubhouse, swimming pool, exercise equipment, shuffleboard cour ts, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, miniature golf, and game room. Dump station DIRECTIONS:Take I-35 south from Dallas (I-35E) or Ft.Wor th (I-35W) to Hillsboro. From Hillsboro, go 12 miles west on Hwy. 22 to Whitney. Take Business 22 into Whitney to Whitney’s only traffic light and turn right onto FM 933. Proceed nor th 3.3 miles to the resor t on the left. SITES: 300 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: Feb. March, Oct. Nov. OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 37 776 WEST MAIN, DELTA, UT 84624 (435) 864 1813 www.antelopevalleyr vpark.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15ANTELOPE VALLEY RV PARK DELTA, UTAH On U.S. Highway 50, this oasis in high deser t countr y boasts 30 full grown Russian Olive trees and several full grown elms The resor t is near numerous lakes only two miles from Gunnison Bend Reser voir, for example , that offer bass fishing, swimming, boating, and a beach If rockhounding is your passion, this area will thrill you with garnets, topaz, Apache tears, red ber yl, and trilobites. This resor t is a great destination spot for fishermen and rockhounds FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resort has a large grass area, laundry room, and restrooms with showers. Nearby: fishing, rockhounding, exploring, boating, lake swimming, water skiing, hiking, boat ramp, and marina DIRECTIONS: From Salt Lake City, take I-15 south to Nephi. Take State Hwy. 132 west to U.S. Hwy. 6 and go 15 miles to Delta. Resor t is 1/4 mile west of Delta. SITES: 95 full ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps PEAK: June August OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 8850 S. 26500 W., DUCHESNE, UT 84021 (435) 738 2044 www.retrailia.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25RETRAILIA’S LAKESIDE PARK DUCHESNE, UTAH Nor theastern Utah’s mountain countr y is the setting for this 20 acre outdoor paradise Right next to Star vation Reser voir, the resor t’s extensive water diversions range from canoeing to water skiing. Star vation Lake State Park and the surrounding area offer a multitude of other adventures, including all season fishing, rock hounding, hunting and nature explorations. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resort has a clubhouse, pavilion, laundromat, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, volleyball, arcade game room, lake , lake swimming, lake fishing (license required), boat dock and ramp, badminton, movies, and dump station. DIRECTIONS: From Salt Lake City, take I 80 east and onto Hwy. 40/189 to Heber City. Continue on the highway past Heber City about 70 miles to the Star vation Reser voir Freedom Bridge . Cross the bridge and turn right. SITES: 19 full / 6 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 48 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 2903 S. 1700 E., MT. PLEASANT, UT 84647 (435) 462 2010 www.retrailia.com RVA / WIT RATE: $25RETRAILIA’S PLEASANT CREEK MT PLEASANT, UTAH Situated in the foothills below the Manti La Sal Mountains and next to the Manti La Sal National Forest in central Utah, this 25 acre resor t has a commanding view of the rugged mountains, overlooks a picturesque valley below, and is surrounded by some of most breathtaking scener y in the entire state FACILITIES / AMENITIES:The resort has a clubhouse, equipped pavilion, heated outdoor swimming pool, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, movies, and arcade game room Dump station DIRECTIONS: From I-15 south of Salt Lake City, take the Manti/Price Exit (Hwy. 6/89) and follow Hwy. 89 to Mt. Pleasant. Turn east on 700 South / Hawk Blvd. (look for Nor th Sanpete HS marquee) in Mt. Pleasant and drive 4 miles to resor t on the left. SITES: 72 full / 36 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 48 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: April 15 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

38 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 300 LAKE RESORT DR., GASBURG, VA 23887 (434) 577 2194 RVA / WIT RATE: $15LAKESIDE RV RESORT GASBURG, VIRGINIA Located on the shores of beautiful Lake Gaston, Lakeside Resor t offers members and guests some of the finest fresh water activities on the East Coast Swimming, boating, water skiing, jet skiing, and fishing are some of the most popular activities for outdoor enthusiasts Here , visitors can rent a paddle boat, hang out at the beach house snack bar, play in the game room, or explore the lush natural beauty surrounding the resor t FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse , outdoor swimming pool, playground, picnic area, horseshoe/basketball/volleyball cour ts, miniature golf course , arcade room and lake for swimming, fishing and boating Boat rentals are available DIRECTIONS: From I-85 take the first exit in Virginia to Hwy. 903 east for 10.8 miles to Ebony. At stop sign turn left onto Rt. 626 and follow to Gasburg. Proceed on Rt. 626 past Gasburg 2.5 miles to resor t on left. SITES: 130 full ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: April 1 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 30250 224TH AVE. S.E., BLACK DIAMOND, WA 98010 (360) 886 2244 www.sunriseresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15LAKE SAWYER RV RESORT BLACK DIAMOND, WASHINGTON With an expanse of waterfront on Lake Sawyer and near the western slopes of Washington’s Cascade Mountains, Sunrise Lake Sawyer is the ideal spot for vacationers looking for beautiful scener y and relaxation. Lake Sawyer is one of the area ’ s largest natural lakes and boasts some of the best bass fishing in the state A Sunrise Resor t. FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resor t offers a clubhouse , playground, 2 spor ts cour ts, lake , lake swimming, lake fishing, beach area, rowboat/canoe/paddle boat rental, laundr y, 10 RV storage sites, and 24 hour security. Dump station. DIRECTIONS: Nor th or south on I 5, take Exit 142 A. Follow Hwy. 18 to 272nd Exit. Turn right at stop sign onto 516 E. Follow to 216th Ave . SE, turn right, go 3 miles. SITES: 73 full / 30 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: June 1 September 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 5001 B AY RD., BLAINE, WA 98230 (360) 371 5006 www.soundpacificr v.com RVA / WIT RATE: $35BEACHWOOD RESORT BLAINE, WASHINGTON Eighty acres of all season fun makes this resor t ideal for your next family vacation. The resor t is located just two hours nor th of Seattle and one hour south of Vancouver, next to the Pacific Ocean. That means plenty of outdoor or cultural activities are available within this great Nor thwest region FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resor t offers a clubhouse , outdoor heated pools, spas, sauna, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, spor ts field, tennis cour ts and arcade room Dump station DIRECTIONS:Traveling Nor th on I-5 take Exit 266 Grandview Exit,Turn Left Across Freeway.Travel approximately 7 miles to Jackson Road and turn right. After one mile , turn left on Bay Road. SITES: 240 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: May 24 September 4 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

Columbia Shores Resor t is located on the southern tip of beautiful Long Beach Peninsula near the Washington / Oregon state lines The peninsula, known as one of Astoria, go nor th across the Astoria Bridge on Hwy. 101 approximately 5 miles to Chinook. The resor t is on the east side of Hwy. 101 in downtown Chinook. 934 3443 BEACH, WA 98535 (360) 289 4278 www.sunriseresor ts.com / WIT RATE: $15 I-5,
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 39 7520 THOMAS MALLEN RD., CHENEY, WA 35541 (509) 747 9415 www.kmresor ts.com
COPALIS BEACH RESORT COPALIS BEACH, WASHINGTON If you ’ re looking for a relaxing outdoor oriented vacation, you ’ re sure to enjoy your stay at Sunrise Resorts’ Copalis Beach on Washington state’s beautiful Pacific Coast With its location on one of the Nor thwest’s finest razor clam beaches, the resor t is centrally located for beachcombing, surf and deep sea fishing, golfing, horseback riding, hunting, and a wide variety of other recreational activities. FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resort offers a clubhouse, tetherball, arcade game room, salt water swimming, salt water fishing, horseshoes, volleyball, teen room, puzzle room, laundr y, playground, recreation room, cable TV, clam cleaning station, and 24 hour security Dump station DIRECTIONS: From
RVA / WIT RATE: K$35 /M PONDEROSA FALLS RV RESORT CHENEY, WASHINGTON Ponderosa Falls RV Resor t offers great outdoor fun, 24 hour gated security, and planned activities! The resor t offers great outdoor activities, mini golf, and more FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a dump station, clubhouse , swimming pool, lake swimming, fishing, boating, boat ramps, horseshoes, miniature golf, basketball, playground, picnic areas, and volleyball
DIRECTIONS: Ten miles west of Spokane , the park is conveniently located just off I 90 in Cheney, WA.
the best in the countr y for razor clamming and surf fishing, has the longest beach expanse for driving in the world FACILITIES / AMENITIES:The resort offers a clubhouse, river fishing (license required), salt water fishing (license required), boating, marina, dock, and ramp. Dump station. DIRECTIONS: From Olympia, WA, take Hwy. 101 to Hwy. 18 and rejoin Hwy. 101 South. Go south on Hwy. 101 approximately 65 miles to Chinook. From Por tland, OR, take either Hwy. 38 or 26 West to
SITES: 57 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 36 FT PEAK: June 1 September 30 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800)
SITES: 156 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: All year RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 706 HWY. 101, CHINOOK, WA 98614 (360) 777 8581 www.kmresor ts.com
go west from Olympia on the Aberdeen Freeway. Go through Aberdeen and Hoquiam on St, Hwy. 109 to Copalis Beach (21 miles past Hoquiam). Turn left on Heath Rd. to the resort on the beach. SITES: 73 full ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: June 1 September 30 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

DIRECTIONS: From I 5, at Olympia take Exit 104 (Hwy. 101N) to Hwy. 8, continue west on Hwy. 8, 20 miles to Elma, (Exit 12 east) turn right, go 1 block, turn right and go to the resor t.
DIRECTIONS: From Seattle , drive east on I-90 to exit 70. The resor t is adjacent to the freeway, surrounded by Lake Easton State Park. 3443 an oppor tunity to see game birds, deer, and elk.
134 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps PEAK: June 1 September 30 OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800)
lover’s vacation. After you ’ ve tried the resor t’s amenities, sightseeing, and the nearby saltwater beaches of the Strait of Georgia, there are also a casino, bingo hall, golf courses, and shopping to be enjoyed. FACILITIES / AMENITIES:
FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse , outdoor swimming pool, hot tub, pool table , playground, game room and hiking
offers a countr y store , laundromat, heated outdoor swimming pool, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, and volleyball Dump station and propane . DIRECTIONS:
PEAK: May 15 September 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800)
SITES: 49 full / 68 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: June 1 September 30 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934
FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t has a clubhouse , heated outdoor pool, shuffleboard, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, and arcade game room. Dump station.
on the right. SITES:
801 E. MAIN ST., ELMA, WA 98541 (360) 482 3877 www.kmresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $35K/M TRAVEL INN RESORT ELMA, WASHINGTON Nestled in the beautiful Pacific Nor thwest between Puget Sound and the Pacific Ocean, Travel Inn Resor t offers you an array of outdoor recreation for the whole family. Salmon, tuna, steelhead, and trout are abundant in the saltwater and freshwater rivers and streams The nearby mountains are great for hiking, and the surrounding wooded area affords
SITES: 934 3443 6335 PORTAL WAY, FERNDALE, WA 98248 (360) 384 2622 www.holidaytrailsresor ts.com / WIT RATE: $15 , by the natural beauty of the great Nor thwest and just a shor t drive south of the Canadian border, Cedars RV Resor t is the ideal spot for an outdoor This resor t From I 5 (nor th or south) take Exit 263 onto Por tal Way. Follow Por tal Way nor th for one mile to park. From Sumas or Aldergrove , follow Guide Meridian Road to Birch Bay Lynden Rd. Turn right and follow to Enterprise Rd. Turn left Enterprise follow until it turns into Por tal Way. Follow Por tal Way to park entrance 150 full 10 par 50 FT 934
40 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 581 LAKE EASTON RD., EASTON, WA 98925 (509) 656 2255 www.sunriseresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15LAKE EASTON RV RESORT EASTON, WASHINGTON Lake Easton RV Resor t is located in the middle of the State of Washington on the eastern ridge of the Cascade Mountain range , 2,100 feet above sea level Four area lakes with launching facilities offer fishing and water skiing. The Yakima River, a shor t walking distance from the resor t, offers the best catch and release fly fishing in the state . Winter activities include cross countr y skiing on groomed trails and snowmobiling, all accessible from the resor t Night and day snowboarding and downhill skiing are only 15 freeway miles away. A Sunrise Resor t.
oppor tunities
amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 41 2670 N. LAKE CUSHMAND RD., HOODSPORT, WA 98548 (360) 877 5022 sunriseresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15DOW CREEK RV RESORT HOODSPORT, WASHINGTON Located in the midst of the Olympic National Park and Olympic National Forest, Sunrise Resor t’s Dow Creek offers an oppor tunity to enjoy almost ever y kind of outdoor activity imaginable . Choose from the variety of on site recreational amenities, hunting in the surrounding wooded area, or water spor ts on nearby Hood Canal and Lake Cushman. A Sunrise Resor t. FACILITIES / AMENITIES:The resor t offers a clubhouse , gazebo, sundeck, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, laundr y, general store , hiking trails, and 24 hour security. Dump station. Visitor mail not accepted. DIRECTIONS: 2.7 miles up Lake Cushman Road from Hoodsport. Take I 5 south to Olympia, Exit 104 to Hwy. 101, north to Hoodsport. Left on Lake Cushman Road (119). Resort is 2 and 7/10 miles up road on right. SITES: 17 full/ 45 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: June 1 September 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 510 W. 5TH AVE., KETTLE FALLS, WA 99141 (509) 738 6831 sunriseresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: P$15 ANORAMA RV PARK & STORAGE KETTLE FALLS, WASHINGTON Panorama RV Park & Storage located in Kettle Falls, Washington is within minutes of a number of great attractions including the Columbia River Group tent and RV sites are available .There is a fee for pets, and they must be kept leashed. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a well stocked store with many RV items in stock, a clubhouse , playground, horseshoes, basketball, laundr y, hot showers, handicap restrooms, RV storage , clean campground with gravel interior roads and campsites DIRECTIONS: From Jct of US-395 & Juniper St, S 0.1 mi on Juniper St to 5th Ave , W. 100 ft S(E). ITES: 61 full / 6 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT. OPEN: All year RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 12109 PACIFIC WAY, LONG BEACH, WA 98631 (360) 642 2770 sunriseresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15PACIFIC HOLIDAY RV RESORT LONG BEACH, WASHINGTON Long Beach Peninsula, known as one of the best beaches for razor clamming and surf fishing, and the longest beach expanse for driving in the world, is the home of Sunrise Resor ts’ Pacific Holiday. A Sunrise Resor t. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a member clubhouse with game room, swimming pool, shuffleboard, playground, horseshoe pits, adult multi-purpose room, laundr y facilities, and 24 hour security. Dump station. DIRECTIONS: From Por tland, take I 5 nor th to Longview exit. Follow to 101, turn left. Hwy. 101 to Seaview, turn right on Hwy. 103 to Long Beach. Park is 3 and 2/10 miles nor th from stop light in Long Beach and on the left side of the Hwy. S103. ITES: 92 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 50 FT PEAK: June 1 September 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

42 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 3400 SAGE RD., MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 (509) 765 6319 sunriseresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15PIER 4 RV RESORT MOSES LAKE, WASHINGTON Located on the Moses Lake waterfront adjacent to Moses Lake , Sunrise Pier 4 offers a wide variety of recreational activities, regardless of the season Lounging, water spor ts, exploring, bird watching, and four wheeling on the sand dunes are popular in warm weather, and in winter, ice fishing and cross countr y skiing are added to the list A Sunrise Resor t. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t offers a café, adult lounge , kids game room, swimming pool, spa, playground, volleyball, tetherball, lake , lake fishing, boating, dock, 2 boat launches, paddle boat rental, trailer storage , laundr y, fish cleaning station, boat moorage general store , and 24 hour security Dump station DIRECTIONS: The park is on the south side of I-90, 1/2 mile west of Moses Lake . Exit 174. SITES: 187 full / 17 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: June 1 September 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 701 N. NEWPORT AVE., NEWPORT, WA 99156 (509) 447 3663 kmresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $35K/M OLD AMERIC AN KAMPGROUND NEWPORT, WASHINGTON Located on the Washington/Idaho border, Old American Kampground offers its guests Pend Oreille River fishing, boating, water skiing and swimming, hiking, backpacking, skiing, and snowmobiling in the nearby mountains. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t has a clubhouse , spa, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, miniature golf, river fishing (license required), boating, marina, dock, ramp, river canoeing, and boat tours. Dump station. DIRECTIONS: From Spokane , take Hwy. 2 Exit on I 90 then go nor th on Division St. for 6 miles. Follow Hwy. 2 to Newpor t for approximately 35 miles. Turn right on Newpor t Ave ., then left at McDonalds to the resor t Sdriveway. ITES: 96 full ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: June 1 September 30 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 6607 HWY. 291, NINE MILE FALLS, WA 99026 (509) 276 2350 araresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15WILLOW BAY RESORT & MARINA NINE MILE FALLS, WASHINGTON Willow Bay Resor t and Marina is located on breathtaking Long Lake near Nine Mile Falls, WA The resor t is 20 minutes nor th of Spokane and within driving distance of golf courses, wineries, scenic hiking trails, and other offerings of the beautiful Inland Empire At Willow Bay Resor t and Marina, swimming, waterskiing, and trophy fishing are right in your front yard. FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resort offers a bathhouse , beach area, boat dock, ramp, rentals, clubhouse , fishing, hiking and nature trails, laundr y facilities, volleyball cour t, paddle boats, dump station, and 24 hour security. DIRECTIONS: Take I 90 to Spokane . Take Division Exit 281 follow about 3 miles to Hwy. 289 (Francis Street). Take a left and continue 20 miles to resor t. SITES: 100 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 50 FT PEAK: Memorial Day Labor Day OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 43 2428 S.R. 109, OCEAN CITY, WA 98569 (360) 289 0628 kmresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $35K/M OCEAN BREEZE RESORT OCEAN CITY, WASHINGTON Ocean Breeze RV Resor t is the perfect place for Ocean Shores camping! The park has over 200 secluded campsites encased in 170 acres of forest and trees and is loaded with amenities. Just minutes from the beach, family fun at Ocean Shores and the casino, there’s something for ever yone FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t offers a clubhouse , swimming pool, spa, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, miniature golf, game room, salt water swimming, salt water fishing (license required), and hiking trails Dump station DIRECTIONS: From I-5, go west through Olympia, then west onto the Aberdeen Freeway. Follow the signs through Aberdeen on SR 109. Sixteen miles west of Hoquiam, go past Hwy. 115 junction 7/10 miles to the resor t on the right. SITES: 200 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: June 1 September 15 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 6897 S.R. 262 S.E., OTHELLO, WA 99344 (509) 346 2447 osullivanspor tsmanresor t.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15O’SULLIVAN SPORTSMAN’S RESORT OTHELLO, WASHINGTON Located in scenic eastern Washington, O’Sullivan Spor tsman’s Resor t offers activities for the entire family, regardless of the season With the 24,000 acre Potholes Reser voir just a block away, you can choose your own island for ice fishing and all kinds of snow spor ts during the colder months or water spor ts, bird hunting, and hiking during the summer. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t offers a clubhouse , equipped pavilion, heated outdoor swimming pool, spa, sauna, exercise room, exercise equipment, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, golf driving range , golf course , lake , lake swimming, lake fishing (license required), beach area, boating, and hiking trails DIRECTIONS: From Seattle on I-90 East, take Hwy. 26 exit just E of Vantage . Drive about 26 miles to A Street SE “SR262”. Turn left Resor t is on right. From Spokane on I-90 W, take Hwy. 17 exit at Moses Lake . Turn left and go about 2 miles to M Street SE. Turn right and go to O’Sullivan Dam Rd. SE “SR262”. SITES: 175 full / 25 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: May 1 September 1 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 11519 HWY. 12, RANDLE, WA 98377 0247 (360) 494 9202 cascadepeakscamping.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15C ASC ADE PEAKS C AMPGROUND RANDLE, WASHINGTON In the hear t of Washington’s Cascade Range , lofty peaks provide the backdrops for this premier destination resor t on the Cowlitz River The beauty of the resor t and surrounding grandeur combine to invite ever yone to explore and enjoy all that nature has to offer FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a clubhouse , equipped pavilion, outdoor heated swimming pools, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, movies, hiking trails, and river fishing on the resor t (license required) Dump station DIRECTIONS: From I-5 take exit 68 on Hwy. 12, 8 miles east of Randle . From Yakima, take Hwy. 12 over White Pass 7 miles west of SPackwood. ITES: 120 full / 580 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 / 50 amps PEAK: June 1 September 1 OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

44 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 175 S.R. 131, RANDLE, WA 98377 (360) 497 2742 www.kmresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $35K/M MAPLE GROVE RESORT RANDLE, WASHINGTON With Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Adams forming a triangle around Maple Grove Resor t, adventure is never ver y far away This RV park is located on 1,400 feet of the Cowlitz River near Randle , WA. Amenities include a 9 hole golf course , indoor pool and hot tub, clubhouse , playground, horseshoes, volleyball, and fishing FACILITIES / AMENITIES:The resor t offers a clubhouse , pavilion, heated indoor pool, sauna, Jacuzzi, cafe , convenience store , exercise room and equipment, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, golf course , arcade game room, pond fishing (no license), and river fishing (license required). Dump station. DIRECTIONS: From Seattle (nor th) or Por tland (south), take I 5 to Exit 68. Go east on Hwy. 12 approximately 50 miles to Randle . Go south on Hwy. 131 (Mt. St. Helen Exit) 1/8 mile to the resor t. SITES: 54 full / 65 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 60 FT PEAK: June 1 September 30 OPEN: April 1 October 31 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 294 INDUSTRIAL PKY., SEQUIM, WA 98382 (360) 681 0590 www.kmresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $35K/M DIAMOND POINT RESORT SEQUIM, WASHINGTON The Klallam Indian word, Sequim, means “calm waters,” and that is exactly what awaits you on your vacation stay at Diamond Point Resor t Enjoy some relaxation in the beautiful Nor thwest with its Olympic Mountains, Puget Sound, Canadian San Juan Islands, and an array of outdoor activities nearby FACILITIES / AMENITIES: The resor t has a clubhouse , spa, shuffleboard, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, miniature golf, salt water fishing (license required), and local tours Dump station DIRECTIONS: Go approximately 12 miles east of Sequim on Hwy. 101. Take Diamond Point Rd. nor thwest about 3.5 miles. Go left on Industrial Hwy. to the resor t. SITES: 60 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 35 FT PEAK: June 1 September 30 OPEN: All year RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 8889 HWY. 191, BOULDER, WY 82923 (307) 537 5453 RVA / WIT RATE: $15WIND RIVER VIEW C AMPGROUND BOULDER, WYOMING At the base of the Wind River Mountain range in western Wyoming,Wind River View Campground is a 10-acre paradise for ever yone who loves the great outdoors Antelope , deer, elk, and moose abound, and numerous fishing lakes and streams are just a shor t drive away FACILITIES / AMENITIES:The campground offers a clubhouse , laundr y, scenic driving tours, and wildlife viewing. Dump station. DIRECTIONS: From Rock Springs drive 89 miles north on Hwy 191 and park is on the left. From Jackson Hole, drive 88 miles south on Hwy. 191 and park is on the Sright. ITES: 13 full / 14 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT OPEN: June 1 September 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 45 R V A C A N A D A C ANADA Th e wil d e r n ess a n d th e id ea of wil d e r n ess is o n e of th e p e r m a n e n t h o m es of th e h u m a n sp ir i t. Joseph Wood Krutch

46 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 45056 A C RANGE RD. 275, HILL SPRING, AB T0K1E0 (866) 626 3407 www.gcbd.ca RVA / WIT RATE: G$15 REAT C ANADIAN B ARN DANCE HILL SPRING, ALBERTA The Great Canadian Barn Dance is, quite possibly, the only campground you'll find where the whole family can camp, dance , enjoy recreational activities, and take in live enter tainment all in one scenic location. Our Campground is Safe and Quiet with lot of activities for the kids The regular Saturday night Countr y Style Buffet and Family Dance and Friday night Music Legends Dinner Show feature the live music of the Kunkel Family Music for all ages You can join in complimentar y dance lessons and horse drawn hay rides, and with no liquor allowed at the dance it's an event the whole family can enjoy FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resor t has a clubhouse , playground, picnic areas, spor t cour ts, beach and swimming area, bed and breakfast, bunk house , coin laundr y, free showers, canoes, frisbee golf, water ski boat rental Barn dance events ever y Friday and Saturday. Reser vations required if attending any meals. DIRECTIONS: GPS Location: 49.343566N 113.613917W SITES: 71 full ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 55 FT PEAK: July 1 August 26 OPEN: May 20 October 21 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 1501 2ND AVE., W., LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA T1J4S5 (403) 381 2357 holidaytrailsresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15BRIDGEVIEW RV RESORT LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA Settled in the picturesque Oldman River Valley an area that repor tedly has more sunshine than anywhere else in Canada Bridgeview RV Resor t provides plenty of oppor tunities for sightseeing, boating, and fishing on the surrounding river. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a dump station, clubhouse , countr y kitchen, countr y store , laundromat, heated outdoor swimming pool, playground, horseshoes, arcade game room, river fishing (license required), river canoeing, hiking trails (horse riding trails and local tours nearby) DIRECTIONS: From the west, exit south off Hwy. 3 onto Bridge Drive . Follow shor t way to turn around at golf course and reverse direction, now proceeding nor th over Hwy. 3. Follow signs to park. From the east, exit right (nor th) after crossing Oldman River Bridge . Follow signs. SITES: 148 full / 9 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 45 FT PEAK: May 15 September 14 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 9010 TRANS C ANADA HWY., CHEMAINUS, BC V0R1K4 (250) 246 2078 holidaytrailsresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15COUNTRY MAPLES RV RESORT CHEMAINUS, BRITISH COLUMBIA Countr y Maples RV Resor t is located on Vancouver Island, off the southwest coast of British Columbia With the Chemainus River running through the resor t and the waters surrounding the island noted for year round fishing, the resor t is a fisherman’s paradise and an excellent vacation spot for nearly anyone FACILITIES / AMENITIES: T h i s re s o r t o f fe r s a d u m p s t a t i o n , c l u b h o u s e , l a u n d r y, s e a s o n a l h e a t e d o u t d o o r sw i m m i n g p o o l , p l ay g ro u n d , h o r s e s h o e s , s h u f f l e b o a rd , s p o r t s f i e l d , a rc a d e g a m e ro o m , m i n i a t u re go l f , s e a s o n a l c o u n t r y s t o re , r i ve r swimming, hiking trails, and local tours. DIRECTIONS: Traveling nor thbound on the Trans Canada Hwy., take U turn route at Henr y Rd. to entrance of resor t 1.5 miles on the right. Traveling southbound on Hwy. No. 1, park entrance is 10 miles from Duncan, or one mile south of Chemainus. SITES: 120 full / 16 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: May 15 September 14 OPEN: Year round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 47 53730 BRIDAL FALLS RD., ROSEDALE, BC V0X1X0 (604) 794 7361 holidaytrailsresor ts.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15C AMPERLAND RV RESORT ROSEDALE, BRITISH COLUMBIA Located in the beautiful Fraser River Valley, Camperland RV Resor t is just a shor t distance from the Canadian border, Bridal Veil Falls, and Mt Cheam Skiing, hiking, fishing, rockhounding, and whitewater rafting are just a few of the recreational activities that can be enjoyed in the surrounding area FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers a clubhouse , restaurant, countr y store , laundromat, heated outdoor swimming pool, spa, sauna, exercise room and equipment, playground, horseshoes, basketball, miniature golf, movies, arcade game room, river fishing (license required), hiking trails, and golf and driving range nearby. Dump station DIRECTIONS: From Vancouver, travel east on Hwy. 1. Take Bridal Falls Exit 135 16 miles past Chilliwack. Follow frontage road to park entrance 1/4 mile past Dinotown. From Hope , travel 35 km west on Hwy.1. Take Exit 138. turn left and take overpass to nor th side of highway. Follow frontage road to park entrance . SITES: 150 full / 3 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT PEAK: May 15 September 14 OPEN: April 1 October 31 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 8685 ROCK GLEN RD., ARKONA, ONTARIO NOM 1BO (519) 828 3456 rockglen.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15 SEP JUN $35 JUL AUGROCK GLEN FAMILY RV RESORT ARKONA, ONTARIO Rock Glen Family Resor t is located on gently rolling hills overlooking the beautiful Rock Glen Falls The resort has excellent facilities, including an indoor pool, whirlpool, 18 hole miniature golf course and planned activities for ever yone to enjoy. Nearby attractions include museums, beaches, char ter fishing, small zoo, seven golf courses, nature trails, waterfalls, Lake Huron, drag races, Point Edward Casino, and Hiawatha Slots FACILITIES / AMENITIES:The resort offers a clubhouse, outdoor pool, indoor heated pool, hot tub, exercise room, shuffleboard cour t, playground, horseshoe cour t, basketball cour t, miniature golf course , hiking trails, pond fishing, nearby river fishing and a nearby lake . DIRECTIONS: From Sarnia/Por t Huron, take 402 E to Exit 44. Turn left at Nauvoo Rd. go to second stop sign and turn right on Townsend Line . Go through Arkona, turn left on Rock Glen Rd. From London, 401 to 402, take Exit 65, turn right, go to Townsend Line (10 km/8 miles) and turn left Go to Rock Glen Rd SITES: 110 full ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps PEAK: May 1 October 15 OPEN: Year-round RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443 2707 BUCKHORN RD., LAKEFIELD, ONTARIO K0L2H0 (705) 657 8055 www.galvinbay.com RVA / WIT RATE: $15GALVIN B AY PARK RV RESORT LAKEFIELD, ONTARIO In the hear t of Ontario’s Kawar tha Lakes Region, Galvin Bay Park Resor t welcomes members and guests to 95 acres of quiet, scenic beauty in one of Canada’s most celebrated lakelands. FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has a clubhouse , pavilion, swimming pool, shuffleboard cour ts, playground, picnic area, spor ts field and hiking trails Dump station. DIRECTIONS: From Peterborough follow Hwy. 28, nor th to junction of Cty. Rd. 23. Travel 9 miles nor th on Cty. Rd. 23. Resor t is on the Sright. ITES: 40 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 30 amps MAX RV LENGTH: 40 FT OPEN: May 15 October 15 RESERVATIONS: (800) 934 3443

FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resort offers a recreation center with arcade and pool tables, cafe, heated indoor pool, WiFi, indoor toddler playground, large screen movies, cable TV, waterslide, playgrounds, sandy beach, fire rings, and dump station.
DIRECTIONS: From Montreal: Take Hwy. 10E, Exit 121 towards USA, Exit 21 to Ayer’s Cliff, Road 208E, in Compton turn left on Road 147 and left on Chemin de la Station. From Quebec City: Take Hwy. 20W to Drummonville , Hwy. 55S to Sherbrooke , Exit 58 Road 222E, Road 143 S. towards Sherbrooke , Lennoxville , Road 147 S, in Compton turn right on Chemin de la Station. 240 full / 47 par tial ELECTRIC AL: 50 amps PEAK: June 23 September 5 April 15 October 11 (800) 934 3443
OPEN: April
48 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1129 MERSEA RD. C, LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO N8H3V4 (877) 521 4990 RVA / WIT RATE: $15STURGEON WOODS CAMPGROUND & MARINA LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO Sturgeon Woods Campground and Marina is located in Southwestern Ontario on Lake Erie , minutes from the town of Kingsville and Wheatley The campground is situated on the Point Pelee peninsula just 1 km from Point Pelee National Park, 5 minutes from Leamington and only 45 minutes from Windsor and Detroit Casinos Sturgeon Woods... the perfect Ontario camping location for the whole family.
DIRECTIONS: From Toronto or London: Take Hwy. 401 and exit at Hwy. 77 (South of Chatham). Follow signs to Leamington and Point Pelee National Park. Sturgeon Woods is just before Point Pelee (look for signs as you get close to Point Pelee).You will pass the Pelee Days Inn and then a small bridge. Turn left at the first street past the bridge on Mersea Road C to access campground entrance. 20 full / 51 par tial 50 amps June 15 September 7 15 October 15 (800) 934 3443 24, CH. DE LA STATION, COMPTON, QUEBEC J0B1L0 (800) 563 5277 campingcompton.com / WIT RATE: $15C DE QUEBEC Just across the border into Canada and a few miles nor th of Vermont and east of New Hampshire , Le Camping de Compton is at home in a captivating region of Quebec Province known as the Eastern Townships.National Forest in Alabama’s nor thern Highlands FACILITIES / AMENITIES:The resort has an adult clubhouse, swimming pool, jacuzzi, water games basin, playground, horseshoes, shuffleboard, French bowling, volleyball, badminton, chip shot golf, and adult and children's animation Dump station

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 49 A C N U N I T E D S T A T E S UNITED STATES To th e l o v e r of wil d e r n ess, A las ka is o n e of th e m os t wo n d e rfu l c ou n tr i es i n th e wo r l d. John Muir

50 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 3876 CLEVELAND AVE., C ASTLEBERRY, AL 36432 (251) 966 5540 ACN DISCOUNTCOUNTRY SUNSHINE RV PARK C ASTLEBERRY, ALAB AMA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This RV park offers 17 total RV sites and 2 tent sites It can accommodate any size RV, and it offers 30 / 50 amp ser vice , full hookups, 11 pull thru sites, bathhouse with washer and dr yer (handicap accessible), walking lane and a quiet, countr y setting Pets are allowed, but clean up required DIRECTIONS: Exit 83, go east 3.5 miles, park is on left. From Hwy. 31, turn west at caution light in Castleberr y. Go 5.5 miles, park is on the right. OPEN: Year round 115 PARNELL CIRCLE, WOODVILLE, AL 35776 (256) 776 2348 www.parnellcreekr vpark.com ACN DISCOUNTPARNELL CREEK RV PARK WOODVILLE, ALAB AMA FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This RV park offers 21 full sites and 13 par tial sites with 30 and 50 amp ser vice Cabin and trailer rentals are available Group camping available Pets must be leashed and cleaned up after Amenities include: covered shelter, horseshoes, basketball, propane , activity center, movie rentals, small camp store , on site miniature golf, bathhouse , laundr y, sewer hookup, firewood, ice and free WiFi Nearby attractions include: Cathedral Caverns, Unclaimed Baggage , Botanical Gardens, NASA Space and Rocket Center and boating and fishing DIRECTIONS: From Scottsboro, take 72 west to mile marker 125 and take a left onto Parnell Circle . From Huntsville take 72 east to mile marker 124 and slow down, we are just past the log cabin store and over the ridge , take a right onto Parnell Circle OPEN: Year round 1615 N. DELAWARE, APACHE JUNCTION, AZ 85220 (480) 982 4008 www.carefreer v.net ACN DISCOUNTC AREFREE MANOR APACHE JUNCTION, ARIZONA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This well kept and maintained park offers 140 full hookup sites with par tial shade trees at most sites, with 50 amp electrical Air conditioners and heaters are allowed Cable TV and phone hook ups are available Group RV sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: recreation hall/rec room, pool table and billiards hall, swimming pool, spa, shuffleboard, picnic area, walking track, newly remodeled bathrooms, sewage disposal, modern laundr y facilities,WiFi, tables, grills, fire rings,patios, full commercial kitchen, security cameras, modern LED street lights and a librar y Planned group activities DIRECTIONS: From U.S. 60, go nor th on Ironwood 3 miles to Teepee , then west on Teepee to Delaware . OPEN: Year round 35292 STERLING HWY., STERLING, AK 99672 (907) 262 2331 ACN ADISCOUNT LASKA C ANOE & C AMPGROUND STERLING, ALASKA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground is a smaller privately owned RV park conveniently close to the Swanson Lakes Canoe System, Kenai River, and the many lakes along Skilak Lake Road The park offers 25 sites with 30/50 amp electrical ser vice The sites are nicely spaced and mostly wooded Facilties include: store , delux cabins tent sites, fire pits, picnic tables, WiFi, tent sites, showers, restrooms, canoe , kayak, and raft rentals, fishing, fish cleaning station and fishing equipment rentals DIRECTIONS: Located at milepost 84 on the Sterling Highway about 1 mile past the town of Sterling headed towards Soldotna. OPEN: Year round 6570 W. PARKS HWY., WASILLA, ALASKA 99623 (907) 376 5504 www.aktrailsr vpark.com ACN ADISCOUNT LASKAN TRAILS RV & C AMPER PARK WASILLA, ALASKA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This park is located four miles from Wasilla with 125 Sites with full hookups, 20/30/50 amp ser vice , 54 pull thru sites, 28 over size sites 24' X 60 Facilities include: WiFi, BBQ, restrooms, showers, laundr y (fee),RV storage and dump station DIRECTIONS: From Jct of Glen Hwy (AK 1) & Parks Hwy (AK 3), N 12.9 mi at MP 48.2 (L). Located off the highway so be sure to slow down and watch for the sign as you get here . Sign may be hard to find for newcomers so please be safe . OPEN: Year round
p m
stands, cable TV, pavilion, clubhouse , pool, spa, public phones, nature trails, horseshoe pit, propane , free WiFi and fishing lakes This
to resor t. OPEN:
DIRECTIONS: Take I-10 to Arizona exit 1 (Parker Road). Go nor th 1/2 mile to Ehrenberg-Parker Hwy. Turn left and go 1/3 mile to resor t entrance on the right.
to county road (at Circle K), turn right and go nor th. The park is on the right side of the road. OPEN: Year round 1472 W HORSESHOE BEND DRIVE, C AMP VERDE, AZ 86322 (928) 202 3409 ACN DISCOUNTC AMP VERDE RV PARK C AMP VERDE, ARIZONA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Camp Verde is located in the ver y hear t of the Arizona region offering 89 full / 53 par tial, with 30 or 50 amp electrical Cable TV is available Phone hookups are available Tent camping available Group RV sites are available Pets are allowed Additional facilities include: clubhouse , heated outdoor swimming pool, spa, shuffleboard, playground, picnic area, dump station Park models available Recreational amenities include: horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, spor ts field, miniature golf, movies, arcade game room, and river fishing DIRECTIONS: Exit I 17 at exit 287 and go nor thwest on Hwy. 260 for 2 miles, turn right for one mile on Horseshoe Bend Drive . OPEN: Year round 1703 N. THORNTON RD., C ASA GRANDE, AZ 85122 (520) 426 9662 www.sundance1r v.com ACN DISCOUNTSUNDANCE 1 RV RESORT C ASA GRANDE, ARIZONA FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This resor t offers 190 full sites with 50 amp receptacles Maximum RV length is 55 feet Facilities include a clubhouse , heated swimming pool, water aerobics, spa, laundr y room, exercise room, card room, craft room, game room, horseshoes, shuffle board and Internet at sites This resor t is a 55 plus resor t Six foot maximum leash on all pets No generators Quiet hours from
BENSON, ARIZONA FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This RV resor t offers 104 full sites (five pull thrus) with 30 and 50 amp y, bbq resor t is a 55 plus resor From Tucson, go 32 miles east on I 10 to Pomerene Rd. (Exit 306). Go south on Pomerene Rd. to the frontage road (Business Loop I 10). Go .25 mile west on frontage road 10 to From Phoenix, go east on I-10 to exit 185. Go 8 miles south to Cottonwood land and turn west. Go one mile to Thornton Road. Resor t is on the left. From Tucson, go west on I 10 to I 8. Go 5 miles to exit 172 (Thornton Road) then nor th 5 miles California, go east I 8 to exit 172 (Thornton Road) then nor th 5 miles Year EHRENBERG PARKWAY, EHRENBERG, AZ 85334 (928) 923 8230 ACN DISCOUNTARIZONA OASIS RV RESORT
receptacles Park Models are available Phone hookups are available Additional facilities include: laundr
picnic areas,
BENSON, ARIZONA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t consists of 173 landscaped RV sites with full utility hookups Ever y RV site has direct plug in availability for 20, 30 and 50 amp electrical circuits Fifty landscaped sites are at least 40' wide The other 123 landscaped sites are at least 30' wide by at least 50' deep All sites spor t their own picnic tables There are 24 paved and level 30' x 55' pull thru sites There is an obser vator y and on site astronomer, free cable TV, golf & practice green, swimming pool, spa, banquet hall, clubhouse propane , exercise equipment, billiard, librar y and computers Free WiFi for daily and weekly guest
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 51 251 S. OCOTILLO AVE., BENSON, AZ 85602 (520) 586 4400 www.r v-resor t.com ACN DISCOUNTBUTTERFIELD RV RESORT & OBSERVATORY
round 50238
EHRENBERG, ARIZONA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This well kept and maintained park offers 160 full hookup sites. With 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Pets are allowed Facilities: security, clubhouse , boat ramp, beach area, grills, pull thru, cable TV, WiFi, propane , laundr y, pool, kiddie pool, hot tub Recreational amenities include: ATV trails, playground, fishing, tenting, activity center, pool table , horse shoes, planned winter activities
OPEN: Year round
DIRECTIONS: From I 10, exit 304 Go south on Ocotillo approximately 3/4 mile Resor t is on left
to resor t. From
52 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 2840 AIRWAY AVE., KINGMAN, AZ 86409 (928) 692 6202 www.zunivillager vpark.net ACN DISCOUNTZUNI VILLAGE RV PARK KINGMAN, ARIZONA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: In a high deser t flatlands, this park offers 84 full hookup sites With 50 and 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Cable TV is available Pets are allowed Shopping is nearby Facilities: swimming pool, sewage disposal, large laundr y, public phone , WiFi and tables RV storage is offered RV supplies, LP gas, and ice are available DIRECTIONS: Coming east or west on I 40, take Exit 53 off Interstate to Old Hwy. 66. turn left (nor th) on Hwy. 66 (Andy Devine Ave .). Go 1/2 mile to Airway Ave , turn left again going 3/4 mile west Park is on the left OPEN: Year round 50 W. ORO VIEJO DR., QUEEN VALLEY, AZ 85118 (520) 463 2300 www.queenvalleyr v.com ACN MDISCOUNT ACGAVINS QUEEN VALLEY RV RESORT QUEEN VALLEY, ARIZONA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers 25 full sites with 50 amp receptacles The resor t offers clubhouse with planned activities, heated pool, 2 jacuzzis, sauna, exercise room, recreation center, librar y, crafts room, billiards, horseshoes and shuffleboard This resor t is a 55 plus resor t Restrictions: no aggressive dog breeds Six foot maximum leash on all pets No generators Quiet hours:10 p m to 8 a m DIRECTIONS: From junction of Hwy. 60 and Idaho Road (in Apache Junction), go east 17.6 miles on U.S. Hwy. 60 past the 60/79 junction to Queen Valley Road. Then nor thwest 5.4 miles. Follow signs. From junction of U.S. Hwy. 79 (Florence Junction), go east 2 miles on U.S. Hwy. 60 to Queen Valley Road Then nor thwest 5 4 miles Follow signs OPEN: Year round 7625 QUARTZSITE ST., SUN VALLEY, AZ 86029 (928) 524 2972 ACN SDISCOUNT UN VALLEY RV RESORT SUN VALLEY, ARIZONA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With par tially shaded and open level sites, this campground offers 11 full hookup sites and 7 with water and electricity only With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles Tent camping is offered Group RV sites are available Leashed pets are allowed Facilities include: hot showers, handicap restrooms (not showers), 2 sewage disposals, laundr y, tables, horseshoes and pond Souvenirs are available Recreational amenities include: Nearby attractions include the Painted Deser t and the Petrified Forest DIRECTIONS: From I 40, take Exit 294 on the nor th side of the highway. Go nor th on Sun Valley Rd. Turn right at the first street, Quar tzsite . You can see the park from the top of both off ramps OPEN: Year round 201 W. ALLEN ST., TOMBSTONE, AZ 85638 (520) 457 3738 www.tombstone stampede .com ACN SDISCOUNT TAMPEDE RV PARK & B&B TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers 45 full hookups with 50 amp receptacles It is also big rig friendly and provides pull thrus B& B cabins are available (no pets in cabins) Tent sites are available The family park features an Old West theme with cable TV, modern restrooms and showers, laundr y facilities, and walking distance to Tombstone Pets must be leashed DIRECTIONS: Located in Tombstone on W. Allen Street. OPEN: Year round 1475 N. HWY. 80, TOMBSTONE, AZ 85638 (800) 348 3829 tombstoner vparkandcampground.com ACN TDISCOUNT OMBSTONE RV PARK & RESORT TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This park has 78 RV sites and is able to handle big rigs with large , pull thru sites. Sites have 30 or 50 amp electric ser vice and full hook ups, fire rings and picnic tables are available A rec hall and full kitchen are available for use Tent sites are available as well as 4 cozy Cowboy cabins and 4 fully furnished motel rooms The park offers heated swimming pool, clean showers, restrooms laundr y, children's play area, fenced dog park, 2 horse corrals, propane on site , free shuttle ser vice to and from Tombstone DIRECTIONS: Exit I-10 in Benson if traveling from Tucson or Willcox and drive south, or drive nor th if coming from Bisbee . We are the old KOA on your right as you drive on Hwy. 80, located just nor th of Boot Hill in Tombstone . OPEN: Year round
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 53 41560 TERWILLIGER RD. SP 75, ANZA, C A 92539 (951) 763 4819 www.anzar vmtnresor t.com ACN ADISCOUNT NZA RV RESORT ANZA, C ALIFORNIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This beautiful campground in open, rolling countr y with mountain views offers 63 full hookup sites and 53 with water and electricity only With 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Phone hookups are available Tent camping is offered and group RV sites are available Facilities include: laundr y, public phone , grocer y store , tables, and fire rings LP gas, and ice are available RV storage is offered DIRECTIONS: From junction Hwy 79 South and Hwy 371, go 14 miles east on Hwy 371, then one mile south on Kirby Rd , then one mile east on Wellman Rd , then 1 and 1/2 miles south on Terwilliger Rd (follow signs) OPEN: Year round 70 405 DILLON RD., DESERT HOT SPRINGS, C A 92241 (760) 251 6555 ACN DISCOUNTDESERT POOLS RV RESORT DESERT HOT SPRINGS, C ALIFORNIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: In the subtropical paradise of southern California’s Coachella Valley, Deser t Pools offers 287 full hook ups with 30 or 50 amp electrical receptacles The resor t features three hot tubs fed by mineral hot springs Facilities include: clubhouse , heated outdoor swimming pool, 3 mineral springs hot tubs, park models, shuffleboard, pickle ball cour ts, fitness room, playground, horseshoes, basketball, tennis, miniature golf, resor t activities, and church ser vices DIRECTIONS: From I 10, exit onto Palm Drive , go 3 miles to Dillon Rd. Turn right on Dillon Rd. and go 4 miles to the resor t. OPEN: November 1 April 15 30 COMMERCIAL WAY, ETNA, C A 96027 (530) 467 5679 www.etnar vp.com ACN DISCOUNTMOUNTAIN VILLAGE RV PARK ETNA, C ALIFORNIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Surrounded by majestic mountains and beautiful valleys, this park offers 44 full hookup sites (29 seasonal and 15 all year) With 20, 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Satellite TV is available Phone hookups are available , for a fee Group RV sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: playground, picnic area, and horseshoes, laundr y (fee), public phone , tables, and grills There is a limited grocer y store RV supplies, LP gas, ice , gasoline , diesel, and kerosene are available DIRECTIONS: Exit 773 off I 5 in Yreka, turn west, at the stop lights, turn left onto For t Jones Hwy. (Hwy. 3). Go 26 miles W of I 5. When you reach the Etna City limits, turn left after Dotty’s Café and go about 1/2 mile Turn left onto Industrial Park Way OPEN: Year round (15 sites). Open March 31 November 1 (44 sites). 24630 TEHAMA VINA RD., LOS MOLINOS, C A 96055 (530) 384 2851 www.campdriftwood4fun.com ACN DISCOUNTDRIFTWOOD RV & FISHING RESORT LOS MOLINOS, C ALIFORNIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers 16 full hookup and 16 par tial sites With 20 and 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Cable TV is available for a fee Pets allowed Facilities include: recreation room, picnic area, hot showers, river fishing (license required), boating, boat dock available across the street (free), canoe rental, dump station, laundr y (fee), tables, grills and patios available
OPEN: Year round
DIRECTIONS: From the junction of I-5 (Chico-Orland Exit) and Hwy. 32, go 1 block west on Hwy. 32, then 1 block nor th on Road HH.
OPEN: Year round 4490 COUNTY RD. HH, ORLAND, C A 95963 (530) 865 5335 ACN DISCOUNTOLD ORCHARD RV PARK ORLAND, C ALIFORNIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: In the midst of an almond and walnut grove , this park offers 14 full hookup sites and 38 with water and electricity only With 15, 30, and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Facilities include: laundr y, public phone , tables, movies, seasonally and on weekends Lake swimming, lake fishing (license required), river fishing (license required), ramp, and boat rentals are all available nearby
DIRECTIONS: From I-5, take Gyle Rd. exit, go E 7 miles on A-11 which turns into C St. through Tehama. Go across the Sacramento River, over the bridge to light which is 99E. Turn left on 99E & left on ver y next street which is Tehama & Vina Rd. Go all the way down cross over small bridge , past mobile home park on your right at turn in road is park entrance on your right.
54 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 24340 HWY. 78, RAMONA, C A 92065 (760) 788 3085 ACN DISCOUNTRAMONA OAKS RV RESORT RAMONA, C ALIFORNIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Spanning 105 acres with an abundance of Spanish Oak trees this resor t offers 115 full hook ups, with 50 amp electrical receptacles, 6 tent sites w/water and electricity and park models Facilities include: clubhouse , outdoor heated swimming pool and spa, WiFi and miniature golf, hiking trail, fishing in man made lake , shuffleboard, basketball, horseshoes and Go Me TV DIRECTIONS: From 15 South, take Scripps Poway Pkwy east to 67. Turn left on 67 and go through Ramona (turns into 78). From 8, take Hwy. 67 nor th through Ramona OPEN: Year round 753 PATRICK’S POINT DR., TRINIDAD, C A 95570 (707) 677 3554 www.r vintheredwoods.com ACN DISCOUNTEMERALD FOREST OF TRINIDAD TRINIDAD, C ALIFORNIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Spacious shaded sites in a 12 acre redwood forest All 40 sites contain picnic tables, 14 sites overnight pull thru, maximum rig length; 45 Full hook ups, water and electric , self contained, or special area for pop ups and campers in the redwoods Facilities include: outdoor grill, children's playground, picnic tables, horseshoes, event hall with kitchen for groups up to 40 people Local: mini market (beer and wine available), coin laundr y, propane sales Nearby: restaurants and shopping, beaches, hiking and fishing DIRECTIONS: From nor th or south bound Highway 101, take the Trinidad exit. Travel 3/4 of a mile nor th on Patricks Point Drive . Our entrance is on the right OPEN: Year round 634 COUNTY RD. 97A TIONESTA, TULELAKE, C A 96134 (530) 664 2081 www.eaglesnestr vpark.com ACN DISCOUNTEAGLES NEST RV PARK TULELAKE, C ALIFORNIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With an abundance of wildlife and high deser t plants, this campground offers 20 full hookup sites With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, metered electric use Pets are allowed Facilities include: laundr y, picnic tables, playground with goat petting area, horseshoes, hiking trails, biking, off road trails, and planned activities There is a limited store nearby Gas, ice , and food are available DIRECTIONS: Located thir ty miles south of Tulelake , 55 miles nor th of Alturas on Hwy. 139. Near Lava Bed National Park and Medicine Lake . From Hwy. 139, turn west on County Rd. 97. Go 2.4 miles, turn left to Tionesta, go thru the village to the second RV park. OPEN: Year round 521 MAIN ST., BLANC A, CO 81123 (719) 379 3201 ACN DISCOUNTBLANC A RV PARK BLANC A, COLORADO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Set among large cottonwood trees, this southern Colorado park offers 26 full hookup sites and 10 tent sites With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, heaters and air conditioners are allowed Tent camping is offered Group RV sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: laundr y, public phone , hot showers, picnic tables, grills, and fire rings There is a limited grocer y store Mini storage is offered RV supplies, LP gas, ice , and wood are available DIRECTIONS: Off I 25, go west on Hwy. 160. Park is on left side of road in Blanca. OPEN: Year round 2000 BARRETT RD., COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80926 (719) 576 0619 mountaindalecampground.com ACN DISCOUNTMOUNTAINDALE CABINS & RV RESORT COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Whether you ' re in a 40 ft. motorhome , a pop up trailer, or looking to rent a cabin, you'll fit in here . All 75 RV sites are full hook up and have 20/30/50 amp ser vice Facilities include: recreation room, big screen TV, pavilions with grills, site surface is gravel featuring a fire ring, picnic table and patio, laundr y, showers, volleyball cour t, small children's playground, bingo, square dancing, small group meetings, potlucks, WiFi, and pet friendly with large fenced dog park DIRECTIONS: 14 miles southwest of Colorado Springs, off of Highway 115. We are just 2 miles from Hwy 115 with paved easy access. OPEN: Year round
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 55 25 ALDER ST., DEL NORTE, CO 81132 (719) 657 4530 ACN WDISCOUNT OODS AND RIVER RV PARK LLC DEL NORTE, COLORADO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This RV Park offers 26 full sites, with 30 & 50 amp ser vice that can accommodate any size RV All sites are on the grass The Park also offers shaded areas for tent camping on the Rio Grande River Check out our Facilities include: Free WiFi, hot showers, laundr y, great trout fishing, walking trails, fire pits, and picnic tables It is close to golfing, restaurants and shopping Facebook at: www facebook com/woodsandriverr vpark and youtube video at Woods & River RV Park Del Nor te , CO DIRECTIONS: From Hwy 160, turn nor th on Pine St , next to the Shell Station Turn west on 1st St , then nor th on Alder OPEN: Year round 11674 HWY. 65, MESA, CO 81643 (970) 268 5651 www.grandmesar vpark.com ACN GDISCOUNT RAND MESA RV C AMPGROUND MESA, COLORADO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This western Colorado RV park offers 24 full hookups with 20 and 50 amp electrical receptacles Amenities include convenience store , tobacco products, pizza, propane , dumping station, coin laundr y, coin showers, clean bathrooms, play ground Tent camping is available as well as Cabins Cabins are newly furnished and all have electricity and air conditioning DIRECTIONS: Take Hwy. 65 to mile marker 50. 12 miles south off I 70, exit 49. OPEN: Year round 84 S. CHURCH AVE., OLATHE, CO 81425 (970) 323 8706 ACN UDISCOUNT NCOMPAHGRE RIVER RV PARK OLATHE, COLORADO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Ver y quiet, 55+ seniors campground, all sites on concrete pad with patio, with lots of grass and trees at each site 32 sites, 26 full hookup with 30 and 50 amp ser vice Resor t offers recreation hall, horseshoes, river, pond, restrooms, showers, laundr y, RV storage , self ser vice RV wash, WiFi DIRECTIONS: From the Jct of US-50 & Hwy 348, W 0.5 mi on Hwy 348 to Church Ave , S 0.2 mi (L). OPEN: Year round 306 COLORADO AVE., SEIBERT, CO 80834 (970) 664 2218 www.shadygrove .com ACN SDISCOUNT HADY GROVE C AMPGROUND SEIBERT, COLORADO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Shady Grove offers clean and quiet sites; 30 sites, 24 pull thrus with 20, 30, and 50 amp ser vice All sites are full hook up RV sites are well over 75 ft long and Texas sized with plenty of room for slide outs and tows A family run resor t, Shady Grove offers free showers, private restrooms, laundr y, free bike borrows, cabin rentals, picnic tables and free movie borrows on DVD Additional fees for extra people , 50 amp and our self RV wash No charge for children under 18 or pets Limited facilities during the winter months DIRECTIONS: Exit 405 from I 70, go nor th one block, take first turn (For th Street) on the right, go straight 3 blocks to resor t. Located 130 miles east of Denver, 120 miles east of Colorado Springs, and 45 miles west of the Kansas border. OPEN: Year round 7500 OSCEOLA POLK LINE RD., DAVENPORT, FL 33837 (800) 347 6388 mousemountainresortrv.com ACN DISCOUNTMOUSE MOUNTAIN RV CAMPING RESORT DAVENPORT, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Just five miles from Walt Disney World, this park offers 267 full hookup sites. With 20, 30, and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Tent camping is available Facilities include: laundr y, public phone , hot showers, tables, and patios, recreation hall, swimming pool, 3 shuffleboard cour ts, and horseshoes There are planned activities, LP gas is available DIRECTIONS: From I 4, exit 58 then east 1.6 miles on State Road 532. Pass through the stop light, go another 500 yards and see the entrance on right. OPEN: Year round
56 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 350 B ASS HAVEN DR., DE FUNIAK SPRINGS, FL 32433 (850) 892 4043 ACN DISCOUNTB ASS HAVEN C AMPGROUND DE FUNIAK SPRINGS, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground offers 15 back in full hookup sites and 4 with water and electricity 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles A rental sleeping room is available Trailers for rent Tent camping is offered as well as travel trailers, for a fee Group tent sites are available Pets and children friendly All sites have a picnic table Facilities include: clubhouse , recreation hall/rec room, picnic area, shower and restroom house , laundr y facilities, horseshoes, boating, dock and ramp, clubhouse and fishing dock Free WiFi, cable included in daily fee DIRECTIONS: From I 10, Exit 85N Go 2 5 miles to Hwy 90, turn right Go two blocks, turn left on Hwy 83N Turn left for 2 5 miles, turn onto Juniper Lake Dr go 3/10 mile turn right onto Bass Haven Drive Go to three way stop sign and follow sign with arrow to resor t OPEN: Year round 366 PARADISE ISLAND DR., DE FUNIAK SPRINGS, FL 32433 (850) 892 7229 www.sunsetking.com ACN DISCOUNTSUNSET KING LAKE RESORT DE FUNIAK SPRINGS, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers 150 full sites and 98 pull thru with 50 amp ser vice It accommodates RVs up to 45 feet Amenities include clubhouse , equipped pavilion, outdoor pool, exercise equipment, cable TV,WiFi, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, lake fishing (license required), boating, dock, ramp, store , pontoon boat rentals, bait and tackle , propane , and a laundromat Dump station Pets need to be leashed DIRECTIONS: From E: Exit 85 off I 10, right on 331 2 miles to Hwy. 90, left 5 miles to Kings Lake Rd then turn left to resor t. From W: Exit 70 off I 10, left on 285 4 mile , right on Hwy 90 E 8 5 miles to Kings Lake Rd then turn right Follow signs to resor t OPEN: Year round 21036 HWY. 231, FOUNTAIN, FL 32438 (850) 722 1401 www.pinelaker v.com ACN PDISCOUNT INE LAKE RV PARK FOUNTAIN, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With large , level, grassy campsites 30’ x 60’, this park offers 50 full hookup sites, 77 with water and electricity only, and 28 with water only With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Pets are allowed Facilities include: recreation hall with satellite TV on big screen, pavilion, horseshoes, lake fishing, and workout g ym, hot showers, laundr y, and picnic tables LP gas is available DIRECTIONS: From I 10, Exit 130, 15 miles south on U.S. 231. Located on east side at nor th foot of overpass. From State 20, 8 miles nor th on U S 231 at nor th foot of overpass OPEN: Year round 252 S.E. RIVERVIEW CIRCLE, HIGH SPRINGS, FL 32643 (352) 318 4602 www.riverriseresor t.com ACN RDISCOUNT IVER RISE RESORT HIGH SPRINGS, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With 15 full hookup sites and 28 par tial, this park offers 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles It can accommodate RVs up to 42 ft Campers will find shady sites without concrete pads Pets must be authorized and approved, and children must be accompanied because of deep water Facilities and recreational oppor tunities include: weight room with resistance equipment, picnic area, pond, kayaks and canoes, horseback riding and hiking Nearby attractions include areas for cave diving and shopping DIRECTIONS: From Gainesville , take I75 N. to Route 441/20/25 NE to High Springs. Stay on Route 441/41/25 N to the bridge over the river about one mile nor th of town. OPEN: Year round 8053 S.E. 140TH LANE, INGLIS, FL 34449 (352) 447 2777 ACN DISCOUNTVILLAGE PINES C AMPGROUND INGLIS, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With lots of shade trees on level sites, this campground offers 31 full hookup sites and 4 with water and electricity only With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Tent camping is offered Pets are allowed only on leash No aggressive breeds Facilities include: recreation hall/rec room, shuffleboard, and horseshoes, hot showers, handicap restrooms, laundr y, tables, and patios DIRECTIONS: Seven miles nor th of Inglis, FL on U.S. 19, look for Covered Wagon sign. OPEN: Year round
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 57 303 SR 70 E., LAKE PLACID, FL 33852 (863) 465 4815 www.sunshiner vresor t.com ACN DISCOUNTSUNSHINE RV LAKE PLACID, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t, surrounded by orange groves, lofty pines, and fresh water lakes with record breaking fish, offers 100 full sites with 30 amp electrical receptacles Rates are based on a 2 person occupancy Rates are good for up to a 14 day stay No pets over 40 lbs No aggressive breeds Facilities include a swimming pool, laundromat, cable TV, WiFi, sewer hookup, shuffleboard, horseshoes, clubhouse , recreation hall, billiards, exercise equipment, bocci cour ts and petanque DIRECTIONS: From Orlando, go south on 27 to US 70 E, go east 1/5 mile to the resor t on the right From Sarasota, go east on Route 70 to 303 SR 70 on right From Ft Pierce , go west on Route 70 to 303 SR 70 on left OPEN: March 15 December 31 26125 U.S. HWY. 27, LEESBURG, FL 34748 (352) 787 1504 ridgecrestresor tcommunity.com. ACN DISCOUNTRIDGECREST RESORT COMMUNITY LEESBURG, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This park offers 129 full hookup sites and 8 par tial with 30/50 amp electrical receptacles Facilities include an air conditioned clubhouse with planned activities, heated swimming pool, heated spa, laundr y room, WiFi in clubhouse , billiards, librar y and dog walking area DIRECTIONS: From I 75, take exit 329 to 44 E. Turn right onto Rt. 27 and go south 4 miles. OPEN: Year round 17192 HWY. 27 N. MOORE HAVEN, FLORIDA 32340 (863) 946 6616 www.mr vresor t.com ACN DISCOUNTM RV RESORT MOORE HAVEN, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This south Florida resor t offers serenity and seclusion in a rural, countr y setting, and features stocked fishing lakes and an abundance of Florida wildlife M RV Resor t is just about five miles from Lake Okeechobee , the second largest fresh water lake in the United States 243 Full Hookup Sites; Easy Access, Easy Exit! All with 30 / 50 Amp Ser vice DIRECTIONS: Call resor t for directions. OPEN: Year round 11203 US 19 N., PORT RICHEY, FL 34668 (727) 863 2040 www.ja mar travelpark.com ACN JDISCOUNT A-MAR TRAVEL PARK PORT RICHEY, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With 396 level and grassy full hookup sites, this park accepts full hookup sites only with 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles Large spaces some with shade trees, friendly family owned and operated, concrete patios, and some all asphalt sites available Ver y Active Park Facilities include: recreation hall, heated swimming pool, pond fishing, and 8 shuffleboard cour ts bingo, exercise , g ym, line dancing, golf outings, planned bus trips, cruises, bocce ball, pickle ball, quilting, wood car ving and coffee hours, hot showers, handicap restrooms, laundr y facilities, and patios DIRECTIONS: Easy access from I 75 (20 miles west). One mile from Gulf on US 19, on the west side of the highway. OPEN: Year round 2206 CHANEY DR., RUSKIN, FL 33570 (813) 645 6037 www.hide a wayr vresor t.com ACN HDISCOUNT IDE-A-WAY RV RESORT RUSKIN, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This secluded park on the Little Manatee River offers 400 full hookup sites.With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Cable and phone hookups are available through companies WiFi available for free Small pets only Peak Season charge Jan 1 to March 31 additional $5 per night Deposit required Facilities include: recreation hall, swimming pool, 8 shuffleboard cour ts, horseshoes, boating, river fishing, ramp, and dock, dump station ($10 sewer hookup), hot showers, laundr y, tables, and patios LP gas available DIRECTIONS: From the junction of Hwy. 674 and US 41, go 2 and 1/2 miles south on US 41, then 3/4 mile east on Chaney Drive . OPEN: Year round
58 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 3006 14TH AVE., S.E., RUSKIN, FL 33570 (813) 645 7860 ACN SDISCOUNT UN LAKE RV RESORT RUSKIN, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Just a shor t distance from Tampa Bay, this 6 acre resor t offers 50 full hookup sites and 3 with water and electricity only With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Cable TV is available Phone hookups are available Tent camping is offered Group RV sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: recreation hall/rec room, group activities, outdoor swimming pool, hot showers, laundr y, public phone , tables, patios, and guard, shuffleboard, golf green, lake , lake fishing, boating (electric motors only), and rowboat and paddle boat rental Ice is available DIRECTIONS: Exit 240 off Rt 75, 6/10 mile west to 33rd St , 7/10 mile to Sun Lake RV Resor t Next to Sun City Center OPEN: Year round 2236 S.E. 100TH LANE, WEBSTER, FL 33597 (352) 793 8626 www.sunshinevillageflorida.com ACN SDISCOUNT UNSHINE VILLAGE WEBSTER, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located in central Florida, this resor t offers full sites with 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles Pets must be leashed Facilities include: shuffleboard, horseshoes, bocce ball, picnic area, clubhouse , planned activities, heated pool, clean showers and restrooms, coin laundr y Recreational amenities include: nearby theme parks, fishing, water recreation and golfing DIRECTIONS: Take I 75 to 48E at Bushnell to Bevilles south 2 miles to W Central Ave . The resor t is 1/2 mile on left. OPEN: Year round 937 STATE ROUTE 66, ZOLFO SPRINGS, FL 33890 (863) 735 0030 www.r vzolfo.com ACN ODISCOUNT ASIS RV PARK ZOLFO SPRINGS, FLORIDA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This adult park (55+) offers 64 full sites and 8 par tial with 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles Facilities include: recreation hall with planned activities, LP gas, dump station, showers, horseshoes, shuffleboard and stocked fishing pond (no license required) Nearby attractions include: Orlando, Key West, Cypress Gardens, Gulf of Mexico, golf courses, restaurants, winer y and shopping DIRECTIONS: Go .5 mile east of State Route 17 on State Route 66 in Zolfo Springs. OPEN: Year round 125 EDMONDSON RD., MOULTRIE, GA 31788 (229) 456 2452 ACN MDISCOUNT OULTRIE RV PARK MOULTRIE, GEORGIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This new park offers 45 full hookup sites that can accommodate any size RV It provides 20, 30 and 50 amp ser vice , long pull throughs and level sites Within walking distance is the Agricultural Expo, car show and ar ts & crafts festivals It is 40 miles from Valdosta, GA and 50 miles from Albany, GA DIRECTIONS: From Moultrie Bypass (319), take 133 South toward Valdosta. When the 4-lane ends to 2-lane , turn left on Edmondson Rd. Turn left again into Park. Park is all the way to the back of the drive . OPEN: Year round 1088 LAKE HARMONY DR. SW, TOWNSEND, GA 31331 (888) 767 7864 lakeharmonypark.com ACN DISCOUNTLAKE HARMONY RV PARK & CAMPGROUND TOWNSEND, GEORGIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This park must be seen to appreciate its beauty. Although conveniently located just 6/10 of a mile off I 95, the park is quietly nestled within 60 wooded acres Sites are located on an 18 acre spring fed lake This park offers 50 pull thru, full hookup sites and 20/30/50 amp receptacles Cable TV included Tent camping is offered Facilities include: recreation hall, laundr y, WiFi, tables, fire rings, and traffic control gate , shuffleboard cour t, horseshoes, lake fishing (no license required), lake swimming with beach and floating swim dock, row boat, pedal boat, and kayak rentals Propane , RV supplies, ice , bait, and tackle are available DIRECTIONS: From I 95, take Exit 58 (Hwy. 57). Go west .6 mile . Entrance is on left. OPEN: Year round
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 59 5153 WHITE HOUSE PKWY., WARM SPRINGS, GA 31830 (706) 655 2480 ACN DISCOUNTRAMSEY RV PARK WARM SPRINGS, GEORGIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This quiet, peaceful western Georgia campground offers 28 full hookup sites With 20, 30, and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Tent camping is offered Group RV and tent sites are available Pets are allowed, on a leash Facilities include: outdoor swimming pool, picnic area, laundr y, tables, grills, fire rings, and guard on premises Wood is available DIRECTIONS: Located on Alt. 85, one mile nor th of Warm Springs. OPEN: Year round 25900 S. DOWNATA RD., DOWNEY, ID 83234 (208) 897 5736 www.downatahotsprings.com ACN DISCOUNTDOWNATA HOT SPRINGS DOWNEY, IDAHO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground offers over 60 sites With 20/30/50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Teepee , cabin and yur t rentals Pets are allowed in the campground Seasonal facilities: include: snack bar, equipped pavilion, naturally heated outdoor swimming pool, hot pool, spa, playground, water slides, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, spor ts field, golf driving range , movies, arcade game room, tables, grills, and fire rings, and hiking/horse riding ATV areas, limited grocer y store , ice and wood No sewer DIRECTIONS: Off I 15, take Downey Preston Exit 31 At the stop sign, go east on Hwy 40 to Hwy 91 Go south for 3 and 1/2 miles, Downata Hot Springs sign will be on the right Follow sign, resor t will be on the right OPEN: May October. Open year round on weekends. 313 W. FRANKLIN, CERRO GORDO, IL 61818 (217) 454 2585 ACN TDISCOUNT OM & C AROL RV PARK CERRO GORDO, ILLINOIS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers six full sites with 50 amp ser vice , and it can accommodate RVs up to 40 ft Facilities include: full hook ups, laundr y facility, bathhouse , community/game room, and upholster y ser vice Weekly and monthly rates available Pets are welcome DIRECTIONS: From Decatur, go east on Hwy. 105, then nor th on Hwy. 105/32. Go west on South Street, then south on Lincoln Street. Go East on Franklin Street for 100 feet to the park. From Champaign, go west on I 72 to Exit 166. Go south on Hwy. 105 to Cerro Gordo. Go west on South Street, then south on Lincoln Street Go east on Franklin Street for 100 feet to the park OPEN: April 4 October 26 2700 290 STREET NORTH, HILLSDALE, IL 61257 (800) 747 5253 www.sunsetlakesresor t.com ACN DISCOUNTSUNSET LAKES RESORT HILLSDALE, ILLINOIS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resort offers Spacious concrete and grass sites, 125 Full / 250 Partial sites Paved roads, dust free! 50 amp electrical, maximum RV length: 50 ft Check in: 9 AM to 6 PM Facilities include: clubhouse, swimming pool, river access, countr y store, fishing lakes (no powerboats), playground, snack bar, tennis court, paddleboats, miniature golf, game room, fitness center, shuffleboard, and volleyball Dump station DIRECTIONS: From I 88, Exit (6). Turn E on Hwy. 92 to 290 St. and turn right. It is about 1/2 mile to the resor t. From I 80 W take I 88 E and follow above . From I 80 E, take the Geneseo Exit, turn right on Hwy. 82, 9 miles. Turn left on Hwy. 92, go 3 miles to 290 Street, turn left 1/2 mile to the resor t OPEN: March 15 October 15 13552 N. U.S. HWY. 41, OAKTOWN, IN 47561 (812) 745 2125 www.newvisionr vpark.com ACN DISCOUNTNEW VISION RV PARK LLC OAKTOWN, INDIANA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This centrally located Midwestern resor t offers 39 full hookup sites with 20, 30, 50 amp electrical receptacles. Located on 16 acres, the campground features interior roads and pads of crushed limestone Leashed pets are allowed The park is big rig friendly Facilities include: WiFi, laundr y, hot showers, storm shelter, propane , firewood, playground, picnic area, spor ts field and fish cleaning station Fishing is available from a resor t pond DIRECTIONS: From Vincennes, travel 14 miles nor th on U.S. Hwy. 41. From I-70 in Terre Haute , go 45 miles south. The entrance is just off the highway on the east side . OPEN: Year round
DIRECTIONS: Take I-10 west on Exit 240B. Turn right onto Chef Menteur Hwy. Go 1 block and make a U-turn to the RV Park. Take I-10 east to Exit 240A, Downman Rd. Turn right onto Chef Menteur Hwy., campground will be on the right.
OPEN: Year round
DIRECTIONS: 4 miles West of I 235 (west Bypass Exit 78) on US 54, 1 mile Nor th on 119th St., 2 1/4 miles West on Maple , SB 2 miles East of Goddard on US 54, 1 mile Nor th on 167th St , 3/4 mile East on Maple
OPEN: Year round
FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Seasons RV Park is conveniently located out of the “hustle & bustle” in a nice quiet suburban atmosphere on the west edge of Wichita It is void of heavy interstate or highway noise and loud trains It is your kind of place for a nice visit or an extended stay Facilities include: 55 sites, shady, level pull thrus Quiet countr y atmosphere Limited groceries, propane , laundr y
FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Laissez les bons temps rouler, just 6 miles from the French Quar ter, this campground offers 68 full hookup sites. With 30 and 50 amps electrical receptacles All our sites includes free Cable TV and free secured WiFi Tent camping is offered Group RV and tent sites are available Pets are family and are always welcomed Facilities include: outdoor swimming pool, picnic area, laundr y, picnic tables, gated campground There is a full ser vice and limited grocer y store on site , RV supplies and ice are available
60 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 22470 C AMPGROUND RD., PAXICO, KS 66526 (785) 636 5321 www.millcreekcampground.com ACN DISCOUNTMILL CREEK C AMPGROUND PAXICO, KANSAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located in the Kansas Flint Hills just off I 70, this campground offers 31 full hookup sites and 14 with water and electricity only With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Tent camping is offered Group tent and RV sites are available Pets must be leashed Facilities include: equipped pavilion, playground, laundr y, free WiFi, tables, fire rings, picnic area, spor ts field, creekfishing, beach area, and hiking trails Ice is available Cabins available Bathhouse closed November 1 to April1 DIRECTIONS: Take I 70 to Exit 333 and go one mile east on Blacktop Road. OPEN: Year round 1592 S. SENEC A RD., SOUTH HAVEN, KS 67140 (620) 892 5115 ACN DISCOUNTOASIS RV PARK SOUTH HAVEN, KANSAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This Midwestern RV park offers 45 full hookups with 20, 30, and 50 amp electrical receptacles All pull thru slips are wide and 106 ft long Leashed pets are allowed Dusk to dawn “quiet time” is enforced Facilities include: shower, restrooms Free wireless internet The park is conveniently located 1/2 mile from a convenience store , gas station, motel, restaurant and 24 hour road ser vice/tire store Propane available DIRECTIONS: Take I 35 south and Hwy. 166 Exit 4. The park is located 4 miles nor th of the Kansas/Oklahoma state line on I 35. OPEN: Year-round 18159 TV TOWER RD., KINDER, LA 70648 (888) 755 2230 www.quietoaks.com ACN DISCOUNTQUIET OAKS RV PARK KINDER, LOUISIANA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This southwestern Louisiana campground offers 75 full hookup sites and 10 with electricity only With 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Phone hookups are available Tent camping is offered Group RV and tent sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: pavilion, playground, picnic area, fish pond, volleyball, horseshoes, laundr y, tables, and grills Ice and wood are available Clubhouse available for groups WiFi throughout the park DIRECTIONS: Off I 10, take the Alexandra exit 44 to 165. Drive into Fenton, turn left on TV Tower Rd. and resor t is on the left.
OPEN: Year round 6232 CHEF MENTEUR HWY., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70126 (504) 246 2628 www.riverboattravelpark.com
15520 MAPLE AVE., GODDARD, KS 6705 (316) 722 1154 allseasonsr vcampground.com ACN ADISCOUNT LL SEASONS RV PARK WICHITA GODDARD, KANSAS
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 61 864 OLD COLDBROOK RD., B ARRE, MA 01005 (978) 355 2090 www.coldbrookcountr y.com ACN DISCOUNTC AMP COLDBROOK RV RESORT B ARRE, MASSACHUSETTS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t offers 330 sites with 30/50 amp electrical ser vice Pet friendly Facilities include: executive par three golf course , 100’ wading pool, olympic size pool, WiFi, countr y club, playground, volleyball, basketball, tavern/bar, hiking, fishing, mountain biking, store , arcade , enter tainment, dump station and propane DIRECTIONS: From the East: Take Rt. 90 (MA Pike) to Exit 11, take Rt. 122 nor th to Barre . Once into Barre , take 3rd right onto Fruitland Rd Follow signs from that point From the West: Take Rt 90 east (MA Pike) to exit 8 Follow Rt 32 east to Barre Once into Barre , take Route 122 S to first left onto Fruitland Rd Follow signs from that point OPEN: April 15 October 15 11283 E. CONDENSERY RD., C ARSON CITY, MI 48811 (989) 584 3031 www.redpinescampground.com ACN DISCOUNTRED PINES C AMPGROUND C ARSON CITY, MICHIGAN FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This Central Michigan campground with large, shaded sites offers 8 full hookup sites and 22 with water and electricity only With 20 and 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Tent camping is offered Pets must be leashed Facilities include: club room, picnic shelter, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, pond, pond swimming, catch and release fishing pond, beach area, fire rings and hiking trails DIRECTIONS: Take M57 to Carson City. Turn nor th at blinker light. Campground is 2 miles nor th and 600 feet E. on Condenser y Road. OPEN: May 1 October 1 5755 N. TOWNLINE RD., STERLING, MI 48659 (989) 654 2447 river viewcampground.com ACN DISCOUNTRIVER VIEW CAMPGROUND & CANOE STERLING, MICHIGAN FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Over one mile of riverfront camping, this 160 acre campground offers 110 full hookup sites, 125 with water and electricity, and 98 without hookups With 30/50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Tent camping is offered RV seasonal sites are available Cabins rentals available Pets must be leashed (MI law) Reser vations required Facilities recreation center, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, volleyball, basketball, river swimming and fishing (license required), 2 ponds with catch and release fishing, canoe/tube/kayak rental, river canoeing, hiking and biking trails, and game room, laundr y, tables, grills, fire rings, traffic control gate , camp store DIRECTIONS: From I 75, Exit 195, go one mile E. on Sterling Rd. then 2.5 miles N. on School Rd. (Melita Rd.), and follow signs to resor t.
OPEN: May 1 October 15 16733 U.S. 54 BOWLING GREEN, MO 63334 (573) 324 3055 www.cozyccampground.com
ACN DISCOUNTCOZY C RV C AMPGROUND BOWLING GREEN, MISSOURI FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located between Hannibal and St. Louis, this park offers 45 full hookup sites and 1 with water and electricity only. With 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Tent camping is offered Group sites for tents are available Pets are allowed, leash required Facilities include: picnic area and close by: lake fishing (license required), river fishing (license required), and boating, laundr y, and tables RV supplies, LP gas and wood are available
DIRECTIONS: Two and one-half miles east of U.S. 61 on U.S. 54 towards Louisiana, MO. OPEN: Year round 7936 HWY. M 77, GERMFASK, MI 49836 (906) 586 6684 bigcedarcampground.com
IG CEDAR C AMPGROUND GERMFASK, MICHIGAN FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Big Cedar is a family owned and family oriented campground It is the perfect place to stay and take day trips to the entire eastern U P attractions The campground is located on the banks of the beautiful Manistique River with many sites overlooking the river All sites have water and electric with 9 FHU sites and a dump station There are fire pits and picnic tables on all sites Facilities include: modern bathhouse , hot showers, coin laundr y, playground, picnic pavilion, barbecue and canoe , kayak, or river tube rentals DIRECTIONS: S bnd: From Jct of US 28 & M 77, S 7.5 mi on M 77 (L); or N bnd: From Jct of US 2 & M 77, N 10 mi on M 77 (R). OPEN: May 1 October 15
required), grills, fire rings, and traffic control gate RV supplies, LP gas, ice , and wood are available DIRECTIONS: On Depot Rd., 1/2 mile N of the junction of Route 16 and Route 25 W. Go Won Depot Rd. for 3 miles . OPEN: Mid May Mid October 7TH RANCH RENO CREEK RD., GARRYOWEN, MT 59031 (406) 638 2438 www.historicwest.com ACN 7DISCOUNT TH RANCH RV C AMP GARRYOWEN,
62 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE HC 147, MONTGOMERY CITY, MO 63361 (573) 564 2949 www.lazydaycampgroundmo.com ACN DISCOUNTLAZY DAY RV PARK MONTGOMERY CITY, MISSOURI FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With a 3 acre lake and 3 ponds stocked with catfish and bass, this resor t offers 63 sites: 52 full hookup pull thru sites With 30/50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Tent camping is offered Group RV and tent sites are available Pets are allowed, on a leash Facilities include: recreation hall/rec room, picnic area, horseshoes, lake fishing, pond fishing, hiking trails, fire rings, and owner lives on site There is a limited grocer y store RV supplies, ice , and wood are available DIRECTIONS: Take I 70 to Exit 170 (Danville Exit) Go south 1 5 miles and follow signs to campground OPEN: Year round 10545 HWY. 2 EAST, CORAM, MT 59913 (406) 387 5016 sundancecampground.com ACN DISCOUNTSUNDANCE RV PARK CORAM, MONTANA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Secluded in the woods between Glacier Park and Flathead Valley, this campground offers 21 pull thru sites with water and 30 amp electrical ser vice Nine 50 amp sites are available Air conditioners and heaters are allowed Tent camping sites and a rental cabin are also offered Pets are welcome , fenced dog play area Facilities include: handicap accessible newly renovated restroom bathhouse , 2 laundr y rooms, tables, and fire rings with grills Pickle ball cour ts, playground, picnic area, and horseshoes Ice , and firewood are available in the new gift shop Free WiFi and on demand honey wagon ser vice available DIRECTIONS: Six miles southwest of Glacier National Park on U S 2, Mile Post 147, one mile nor th of Coram OPEN: May 1 October 15 990 SUNCOOK VALLEY HWY., EPSOM, NH 03234 (603) 736 9758 www.epsomvalleycampground.com ACN DISCOUNTEPSOM VALLEY C AMPGROUND EPSOM, NEW HAMPSHIRE FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located on a river’s edge , this campground offers 70 sites, 40 with w/e/s and 30 with w/e With 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Tent camping is offered Group tent and RV sites are available Facilities include: free WiFi, fire rings, river swimming, tubing, small playground, river fishing, badminton, spor ts field, horseshoes, and volleyball Ice and wood are available for a fee RV storage is offered (fee) DIRECTIONS: From the junction of I 93 and I 393, go east on I 393 to U.S. 4/202/9 to Epsom traffic circle , then 1/4 mile nor th on Hwy. 28.
OPEN: Memorial Day Columbus Day DEPOT RD., TAMWORTH, NH 03886 (603) 323 8031 www.tamwor thcamping.com
FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Discover historic Montana on your next vacation! This RV park offers 66 RV sites with room for big rigs and all sites are pull thrus with 30/50 amp electrical receptacles Pets welcome Facilities include: pavilion, laundr y, free hot showers, grills, picnic tables, lawns, horseshoes, playground, nature trails, fishing, frisbee golf, satellite reception, supplies, firewood, ice , escor t to site , RV storage , self ser vice RV wash, and free WiFi Cowboy cabins and tepees are available , DIRECTIONS: From
I 90 & Garr yowen (exit 514): Go 3 miles south on Railroad Frontage Road, then 1/2 mile east on Reno Creek Road. Signs to the resor t are posted, please follow the signs OPEN: May 1 October 1
TAMWORTH C AMPING AREA TAMWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This family campground offers 100 sites including 46 with full hookups, 40 with water and electricity only, 7 with water only, and 7 without any hookups With 20 and 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Tent camping is offered Group tent and RV sites are available RV rental is available Facilities include: recreation hall, shuffleboard cour ts, playground, arcade game room, miniature golf, volleyball, basketball, horseshoes, badminton, and river fishing (license MONTANA Jct.
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 63 13953 HWY. 187, ARREY, NM 87930 (575) 267 1049 www.zianet.com/mmoyle ACN DISCOUNTARREY RV PARK ARREY, NEW MEXICO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With lots of trees and a view of the mountains, this park offers 22 full hookup sites with 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles Air conditioners and heaters (fee) are allowed Tent camping is offered Group tent sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: patios, picnic area, large BBQ, cabana, recreational room Covered storage area is under secure lock Open boat or RV storage is offered A state park with a lake is one mile away DIRECTIONS: From I 25, take Exit 59, turn south Go one mile on Hwy 187 to mile marker 19 OPEN: Year round 540 WEST THERMA DR., EAGLESNEST, NM 87718 (575) 377 6188 www.goldeneagler v.com ACN DISCOUNTGOLDEN EAGLE RV PARK EAGLENEST, NEW MEXICO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: We are an outstanding resor t park located in Moreno Valley offering 30 and 50 amp spaces with full hook ups and picnic tables at each site Facilities include: clubhouse , rec hall, pavillion, handicap accessible showers and rest rooms, outdoor firepit and community area, convenience store , on site laundr y,WiFi, game and movie nights, ice cream socials, boat storage , RV par ts dealer, propane and firewood for sale In addition, our location puts you in the middle of some of the greatest sights and activities the territor y has to offer Pet friendly DIRECTIONS: From Jct of Hwy 38 & US 64: Go 1/4 mi SW on US 64 (R) OPEN: Year round 2854 SCHROON RIVER, CHESTERTOWN, NY 12817 (518) 494 3645 www.ranchopines.com ACN DISCOUNTRANCHO PINES C AMPGROUND CHESTERTOWN, NEW YORK FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This family oriented campground offers 50 full hookup sites and 4 with water and electricity only With 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners are allowed (fee) but heaters are not Cable TV is available Tent camping is offered Pets are allowed Facilities include: recreation hall/rec room, swimming pool, playground, picnic area, grills, fire rings, horseshoes, bocce courts, basketball, volleyball, spor ts field, arcade game room, river fishing (license required), beach area, boating in limited water depth, canoe rental and hiking DIRECTIONS: From I 87 (Nor thway) Exit 25, take Rt 8 E 100 feet to Schroon River Rd Turn right (south) and go one mile to resor t OPEN: May 15 October 15 244 BURT RD., COLD BROOK, NY 13324 (315) 826 5335 adirondackgatewaycampground.net ACN ADISCOUNT DIRONDACK GATEWAY COLD BROOK, NEW YORK FACILITIES / AMENITIES: On 166 secluded acres, this campground and lodge borders the Adirondack State Park It features 20, 30, and 50 amp electrical receptacles, 43 full hookups, 10 par tial sites and 20 tent sites Pets are allowed, but not in rental units Facilities include: outdoor swimming pool, playground, rec hall, golf range , horseshoes, fishing ponds, lounge , laundr y, gift shop WiFi, and dump station DIRECTIONS: From I-90 take Exit 31 to 12 N, to Poland Speculator Exit Rt. 8 N. Follow N through Poland and Cold Brook. See a Town of Norway sign. Take the second right onto Hall Rd. Follow to end and turn left onto Bur t Rd. Campground is second proper ty on right. OPEN: May 15 October 12 2383 HARTLAND RD., GASPORT, NY 14067 (716) 795 3812 www.niagarahar tlandr v.com ACN DISCOUNTNIAGARA HARTLAND C AMPGROUND GASPORT, NEW YORK FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located in the countr yside , this campground offers 83 full hookup sites; 15 with water and electricity only and 10 without any hookups With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners are allowed, for a fee Heaters are not allowed Tent camping is offered Facilities include: recreation room, boating (no motors), canoeing, pedal boat rental, lake and pond fishing, playground, badminton, horseshoes, and volleyball, laundr y, public phone , tables, and fire rings Limited grocer y store , ice , and wood are available DIRECTIONS: From the center of the village at the junction of Hwy. 31 and Har tland Rd., go 6 and 1/2 miles nor th on Har tland Rd. OPEN: May 15 October 15
64 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 3493 BLUE RIDGE RD., NORTH HUDSON, NY 12855 (518) 532 7863 blueridgefallscampsite .com ACN DISCOUNTBLUE RIDGE FALLS C AMPGROUND NORTH HUDSON, NEW YORK FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground offers 40 full hookups sites, 21 with water and electricity only, 10 with water only, and 5 without any hookups With 15 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Pull a long trailers are available for rent Pets are allowed Facilities include: recreation hall/rec room, swimming pool, playground, picnic area, laundr y, tables, and fire rings, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, arcade game room (fee), pond fishing, beach area, boating (no motors), canoe rental, hiking trails, and store DIRECTIONS: Off nor th I 87, turn at Exit 29 Go left and 2 miles W to the campground Going south, turn at Exit 29 Go right and 2 miles W to the campground OPEN: May 15 October 15 1053 ROUTE 9, QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 (518) 798 6218 www.lgcamp.com ACN DISCOUNTLAKE GEORGE C AMPSITES QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Amenities include a swimming pool, playground, recreation room, horseshoes, volleyball, basketball, laundr y, store , bathhouses, propane and dump stations Pet friendly Area attractions:The Great Escape & Splashwater Kingdom, a Six Flags theme park, Saratoga Springs, race track, museums, boat rides, waterslides, shopping, theaters, golfing, go car ts, horseback riding, rafting, hiking DIRECTIONS: From Canada & Nor th: Take I-87 Nor thway south to Exit 20, one mile south on Rt. 9 to Lake George Campsites. From NYC & South: Take I 90 Thruway nor th to exit 24, I 87 Nor thway nor th to Exit 20, one mile south on Rt. 9 to Lake George Campsites. OPEN: May 1 October 15 11948 POPE RD., RANDOLPH, NY 14772 (716) 358 4900 www.popehaven.com ACN DISCOUNTPOPE HAVEN C AMPGROUND RANDOLPH, NEW YORK FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located in the hear t of Amish countr y, this campground offers 100 sites with water and electricity only With 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Pets are allowed Facilities include: swimming pool, recreation hall/rec room, pavilion, full ser vice store , playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, movies, arcade game room, grills, fire rings, and traffic control gate Planned activities are available DIRECTIONS: From the junction of I 86 ( Exit 16) and Hwy. 394, go 1.5 miles NE on Hwy. 394, then 3 and 1/2 miles N on Hwy. 241. OPEN: May 15 October 15 3333 NIAGARA FALLS BLVD., N. TONAWANDA, NY 14120 (716) 693 5695 royalmotelandcampground.com ACN ADISCOUNT A ROYAL MOTEL & C AMPGROUND NORTH TONAWANDA, NEW YORK FACILITIES / AMENITIES: One of the best family campgrounds in Western NY, close to all of the major attractions Just a shor t drive to Niagara Falls (only 9 miles!), Casino Niagara, the historic Erie barge canal, restaurants and shopping areas All sites and roads are paved! The resor t has pull thru RV sites, 30/50 Amp ser vice , water and sewer hookups, RV repairs ser vice next door, firewood and ice available , playground area, free hot showers and clean restrooms, free WiFi and pet friendly DIRECTIONS: From Jct of I 90 (exit 50) & I 290, W 0.1 mi on US 62 N (Exit 3), N 5.7 mi on US 62 (R); or From Jct of I 190 N & US 62 S (exit 22), S 7 7 mi on US 62 (R) OPEN: Year round 81 S BEAR CREEK RD., ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 (800) 833 0798 www.ashevillebearcreek.com/ ACN ADISCOUNT SHVILLE BEAR CREEK RV PARK ASHVILLE, NORTH C AROLINA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Asheville’s finest invites you to enjoy the beautiful scener y of the “Land of the Sky” and local attractions. This RV park offers large , paved sites with full 30/50 amp hookups The resor t has 25 pull thru sites (25’×60’), big rig sites, and 65 back in sites (25’×50’), a recreation hall, game room, playground, seasonal heated pool, cable , WiFi, horseshoes, showers, laundr y, RV supplies, and metered LP Gas DIRECTIONS: W bnd: From Jct of I 40 & NC 191 (exit 47), cross NC 191 to S Bear Creek Rd, W 0.6 mi (L); or E bnd: From Jct of I 40 & NC 191 (exit 47), N 0.1 mi on NC-191 to S Bear Creek Rd, W 0.6 mi (L); or From Jct of I-26 & NC-191 (exit 31), N 1.1 mi on NC-191 to S Bear Creek Rd, W 0.6 mi (L). OPEN: Year round
OPEN: Year round
ACN DISCOUNTTERRA STAR CHECOTAH, OKLAHOMA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t provides 300 total RV sites, (146 full hookup), (154 par tial hookup), 30 and 50 amp ser vice is provided. Sites can accommodate RVs up to 50 ft, and there are 8 pull thru sites Group camping is allowed with 21 full hook ups Facilities include: fire rings, ice , storm shelter, pavilion, picnic tables, grills, outdoor swimming pool, boating, fishing, lakefront, tennis, water skiing, basketball, playground, game room, softball, badminton, shuffleboard and horseshoes
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 65 40523 NORTHEND RD., AVON, NC 27915 (252) 995 5596 www.sandsoftimecampground.com ACN DISCOUNTSANDS OF TIME AVON, NORTH C AROLINA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This park offers 51 full hookup sites with 20, 30, and 50 amp electrical receptacles Tent camping is offered Rental cottages Cash only Customer responsible for all days reser ved unless changed or canceled at least 24 hours prior to check in If stay is shor tened at check in rate will rever t back to full price ACN rates do not apply during holiday weeks No limit to the number of days discount can be used as the electricity is metered Facilities include: hot showers, sewage disposal, laundr y, free Cable TV and free wifi and tables Small pets only on a leash DIRECTIONS: From the stoplight in center of town, go 1/4 mile west on Harbor Rd , then 300 feet nor th on Nor th End Rd OPEN: Year round 2221 KINGS CREEK RD., PINEY CREEK, NC 28663 (336) 359 2267 ACN DISCOUNTRIVER C AMP USA PINEY CREEK, NORTH C AROLINA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground offers full hookup sites as well as sites with water and electricity Air conditioners and heaters are allowed Holiday and weekend rates var y Facilities include: pavilion, limited grocer y store , playground, picnic area, horseshoes, volleyball, river fishing (license required), birding, canoeing, kayaking, tubing rentals, laundr y, fire rings, and traffic control gate WiFi for a fee Pets welcome DIRECTIONS: From the junction of US 221 and Hwy. 113, go 4.5 miles N on Hwy. 113, left .5 mile W on South Fork Church Road, left 2 miles W on Kings Creek Rd. Entrance on left just before South Fork New River bridge . OPEN: April 15 November 1 2330 APOLLO RD., C ARROLLTON, OH 44615 (330) 739 2811 www.twinvalleycampground.com ACN DISCOUNTTWIN VALLEY C AMPGROUND C ARROLLTON, OHIO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground offers 60 full hookup sites, 40 with water and electric With 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Cable TV is available for a fee Pets are allowed Facilities include: recreation hall/rec room, equipped pavilion, limited grocer y store , heated swimming pool, shuffleboard, playground, picnic area, laundromat, tables, fire rings, traffic control gate , horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, spor ts field, pond fishing, and local tours DIRECTIONS: From the east junction of Hwy. 39 and Hwy. 43, go 3 miles south on Hwy. 43, then 3 miles east on CR 27 (Bay Road). OPEN: Year round 55015 E. 270TH RD., AFTON, OK 74331 (918) 257 5164 www.grandlakewest.com ACN DISCOUNTGRAND COUNTRY RV AFTON, OKLAHOMA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Grand Countr y is an adult (50+) park with a park like setting and RV spaces overlooking Grand Lake A friendly mature park that ensures the oppor tunity to de stress Thir ty full hookup sites with 30 / 50 electrical amps Resor t offers pavilion, horseshoe cour t, chipping range and hiking trails DIRECTIONS: On I-44, exit 302 south on US 59 travel 5 miles and take a right onto Hwy. 125. Travel 5 miles, turn right onto 85A. Go one mile and turn left onto 550. Go 1/4 mile to park and follow signs.
OPEN: Year round 420589 E. 1147 RD., CHECOTAH, OK 74426 (918) 689 2164 www.terrastarrpark.com
DIRECTIONS: From I-40 and Hwy. 69 (exit 264), go 7 miles south on Hwy. 69 to Hwy. 50 (Texanna Rd.) Go 2 miles east on Hwy. 50 (Texanna) to NS 420 Rd. (Campers Corner). Go south 3/4 mile , turn left, and go straight into park.
WAPWALLOPEN, PENNSYLVANIA / AMENITIES: In the Pennsylvania Poconos, this campground offers 69 full hookup sites and 156 with water and electricity only. With 15 , 20 and 30 amp electrical receptacles Facilities: recreation room, pavilion, arcade games, rowboat and canoe rental, stream fishing, playground, badminton, horseshoes, volleyball, hiking trails, RV storage , laundr y, fire rings, limited grocer y store , ice , wood
DIRECTIONS: From the junction of I 80 and Hwy. 93, go 3.75 miles nor th on Hwy. 93, then 5 miles nor thwest on Hwy. 239, then one mile nor th on paved road. Year round
66 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 19620 HWY. 101 S., BEAVER, OR 97108 (503) 398 5334 www.campercovecampground.com ACN DISCOUNTC AMPER COVE RV PARK BEAVER, OREGON FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This park offers 28 sites: 15 full and 13 par tial, with 30 amp electrical receptacles Twenty five tent sites are available , most along a creek Cabins are also available Facilities include restroom, showers, laundr y, mini mar t, club house , picnic tables, fire pits, video rentals, dump station and honey wagon (for par tial sites) Nearby attractions include areas for biking, crabbing, clamming boating and fishing Also within the vicinity are coastal towns, sand dunes ocean beaches and scenic drives No pitbulls allowed DIRECTIONS: The park is located 12 5 miles south of Tillamook, on Hwy 101; 2 5 miles nor th of Beaver on Hwy 101 OPEN: Year round 92478 C APE ARAGO HWY., COOS B AY, OR 97420 (541) 888 9300 www.midwayr vparkcoosbay.com ACN DISCOUNTMIDWAY RV RESORT COOS B AY, OREGON FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground offers 60 total RV sites that can accommodate RVs up to 80 ft It provides 20, 30 and 50 amp ser vice , full hookups, and pull thrus Facilities include: private hot tub and bathrooms, clubhouse , laundr y room, WiFi, instant on phones, spa bath, store and planned activities Recreational oppor tunities include: crabbing, clamming, fishing, boating and whale watching Nearby are botanical gardens, shopping and restaurants DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. 101 go west 2.5 miles on Newmark. Go south 1.5 miles on Empire Blvd. Cape Arago Hwy. to park. OPEN: Year round 869 AUTUMN LANE, GLENDALE, OR 97442 (541) 832 3114 ACN DISCOUNTMEADOW WOOD RV PARK GLENDALE, OREGON FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground offers 22 full sites and 42 with water and electricity The park also provides 50 amp electrical receptacles, 120 ft RV sites and tent sites Facilities include: seasonal outdoor heated pool, laundr y, clean restrooms,WiFi, HBO, pavilion, picnic area, horseshoes and hiking Fishing (license required) and boating are available nearby DIRECTIONS: Take I-5 to Bar ton Road (nor thbound Exit 83, southbound Exit 86). Follow signs to Bar ton Road. Go east on Bar ton Road for 500 feet to Autumn Lane . Turn right and go one mile to office . OPEN: Year round 2011 OREGON ST. (HWY. 101), PORT ORFORD, OR 97465 (541) 332 6175 www.campblanco.com ACN DISCOUNTC AMP BLANCO RV PARK PORT ORFORD, OREGON FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Camp Blanco RV Park is a haven of green grasses and shady trees on the shores of the Pacific , just a few minutes nor th of Por t Orford It offers level sites which are 20 feet wide , can handle 100 foot rigs, and have full hookups, including 20/30/50 amp electric , WiFi, telephone and free cable TV There is easy access from the Highway 101 entrance The campground has a recreation room and horseshoe pit, and offers propane sales There are hot showers and a fish cleaning station nice after a chilly morning of surf fishing DIRECTIONS: Located 26 miles from Bandon and 26 miles from Gold Beach. Located right on scenic Hwy. 101 at N end of town, on the W. side of the Hwy. OPEN: Year-round 212 RUCKLE HILL RD., WAPWALLOPEN, PA 18660 (570) 379 2566 councilcupcampground.com
Facilities include
OPEN: April 1 October 31 22700 SILVER CITY RD., RAPID CITY, SD 57702 (605) 341 3667 blackhillswhisperingpines.com
ACN DISCOUNTWHISPERING PINES C AMPGROUND RAPID CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This resor t has 20 full hookups and 20 hookups with water and electric . 30 amp electrical receptacles are available . Maximum RV length is 40ft Check in and out time for sites and rentals is at noon Leashed pets are welcome on the park and in rental units Facilities include: a playground, picnic area and hiking trails There is a nearby lake with boating, fishing (license required), swimming, and beach area
OPEN: May 1 October 1
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 67 205 DUKE DR., AIKEN, SC 29801 (803) 648 5715 ACN DISCOUNTPINE ACRES C AMPGROUND AIKEN, SOUTH C AROLINA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground offers 43 full sites that can accommodate RVs up to 40 ft It provides 20, 30 and 50 amp ser vice Facilities include: propane , bathhouse , cable hookup, sewer hookup, WiFi and laundr y facilities The campground is in close vicinity to multiple recreational areas for biking, golfing, swimming, fishing, boating and birding Visitors here can also find facilities for polo DIRECTIONS: Located one mile from Aiken and 15 miles from Augusta, GA. From I 20, take Exit 22 and drive south on Hwy. 1 toward Aiken. Go 4 8 miles to campground on the left From Aiken, off 118 Bypass, drive nor th on Hwy 1 for one mile Campground is on the right OPEN: Year round 115 92 JEFRIES HWY., WALTERBORO, SC 29488 (843) 538 8731 ACN DISCOUNTEAGLES C AMPGROUND WALTERBORO, SOUTH C AROLINA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With shaded, grassy, and level sites, this campground offers 20 full hookup sites With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles Air conditioners and heaters are allowed Pets are allowed on a leash Facilities include tables, sewer, storage available Nearby: river fishing, boating, canoe rental, and river canoeing DIRECTIONS: Take Exit #68 off I 95. Go 2 and 1/2 miles east on Hwy. 61. Then 1/4 mile nor th on Hwy. 15 on right. OPEN: Year round 14144 SD HWY. 109, BIG STONE CITY, SD 57216 (605) 862 7650 ACN DISCOUNTC AMPING 109 BIG STONE CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground offers 40 full sites that can accommodate RVs up to 60 ft It provides 30 and 50 amp ser vice , full hookups, and pull thrus Camping 109 borders the public access to a boat launch on Big Stone Lake and there is a swimming beach 3 miles away at the foot of the lake Facilities include showers and laundr y DIRECTIONS: Located 3.5 miles from Big Stone City, S.D., and 4.5 miles from Or tonville , M.N. From Big Stone City, go nor th on Hwy. 109 approximately 3.5 miles. Resor t is on the right of Hwy. 109.
DIRECTIONS: On I-90, take Exit 284. Go 1/4 mile nor th on Hwy. 45 (16). Resor t is on the right side of the road.
showers and bathrooms
DIRECTIONS: From I-90, take exit 57 onto Hwy. 44 West. Follow 44 W out of town 15 miles. Turn right onto Hwy. 385, proceed 3/4 mile to campground on left. Turn on Silver City Rd. to entrance .
OPEN: April 1 November 1 200 W. HWY. 16, KIMB ALL, SD 57355 605) 778 6312 DISCOUNTC AMPGROUND KIMB ALL, SOUTH DAKOTA This resor t offers 24 full sites with 30 amp ser vice It accommodates RVs up to 40 feet four cable sites, WiFi spots, Nearby are a playground, post office , grocer y store , hardware store and auto repair Attractions nearby include a tractor museum and Native Prairie Gardens Pets need to be leashed No credit cards accepted; cash or checks only
68 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 505 HONEYDALE RD., BROWNSVILLE, TX 78520 (956) 982 2230 honeydalepark.com ACN DISCOUNTHONEYDALE MOBILE HOME & RV PARK BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Honeydale is a 55+ retirement park The park is close to the Gulf of Mexico and the beautiful beaches of South Padre Island The resor t has 185 mobile home and RV spaces Super vised pets are welcome Facilities include: a large clubhouse , shuffleboard, kitchen facilities, pool tables, bingo, crafts, live music and planned activities It is located close to shopping malls, golf courses, fishing locations, Mexico, and the valley’s fresh grown fruits and vegetables DIRECTIONS: Southbound on US 77/83, turn on Hwy. 281 (Boca Chica), take a right on Boca Chica and go about 2 miles, turn right on Honeydale Rd The park is on the left side about 4 blocks OPEN: Year round 2117 N. ESPLANADE, CUERO, TX 77954 (361) 275 3437 www.wildflowerinnr v.com ACN DISCOUNTWILDFLOWER INN CUARO, TEXAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES:This southeastern Texas campground offers 19 full hookup sites With 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Cable TV is available Some phone hookups are available Tent camping is offered Pets are allowed Facilities include: pavilion, swimming pool, playground, and picnic area, laundr y, public phone , tables, and grills Ice is available DIRECTIONS: From the junction of 87 and U.S. 183/77A, go one mile nor th on U.S. 183/77A. OPEN: Year round 400 N. VAL VERDE RD., DONNA, TX 78537 (956) 464 2272 www.casadelsol.us ACN DISCOUNTC ASA DEL SOL DONNA, TEXAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: In a tropical setting just 15 minutes nor th of Mexico, this campground offers 250 full hookups With 30 or 50 amp electrical ser vice Facilities include: recreation hall/rec room, heated outdoor swimming pool, spa, exercise room and equipment, shuffleboard, horseshoes, laundr y, patios, traffic control gate and local tours Planned group activities are offered Pets under 30 lbs accepted Two per unit WiFi available at the rec hall DIRECTIONS: Exit Expressway 83 at Val Verde Rd. (FM 1423), go south, around the cur ve and the campground is on your left. OPEN: Year round 791 FM 2665, GOODRICH, TX 77335 (936) 365 4910 www.magnolialaker vpark.com ACN DISCOUNTMAGNOLIA LAKE RV PARK GOODRICH, TEXAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located 50 miles nor th of Houston, this family oriented park welcomes large rigs and groups. It offers 45 full sites. Facilities include: 24 hour laundr y facility, public restrooms with hot showers, free high speed wireless Internet,cabin rentals, 2 clubhouses, recreation room, charcoal grills and a fishing pond Pets are allowed DIRECTIONS: Take Highway 59 on FM Road #2665, 3/4 mile east to park. OPEN: Year round 7485 HORTON HWY., GREENEVILLE, TN 37745 (423) 234 4992 www.baileytonr vpark.com
ACN DISCOUNTB AILEYTON RV PARK GREENEVILLE, TENNESSEE / AMENITIES: This RV park offers long, level pull thru sites, big rig friendly, 30/50 amp electric ser vice , full hookups, cable TV, WiFi, pet friendly, furnished cabins, camp store , grassy tent sites (with water & electric), LP Gas, modern laundr y facilities, covered pavilion, clean non metered hot showers, fire rings, walking trails, three stocked fishing ponds (no license required), 300 yard driving range , 8 hole golf course (next door), gaga ball, friendly and helpful ser vice
DIRECTIONS: From Jct of I 81 & Hwy 172 (exit 36), N 0 7 mi on Van Hill Rd/Hwy 172 to Horton Hwy, Right turn onto Horton Hwy E 1 mi (L) Year round
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 69 23560 W. I 20, LINDALE, TX 7577 (903) 882 6244 ACN DISCOUNTWILLOW BRANCH RV PARK LINDALE, TEXAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Beautiful and well manicured, this park offers 37 full hookup sites and 9 with water and electricity only With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Limited tent camping is offered Group RV sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: hot showers, sewage disposal, laundr y, and tables DIRECTIONS: From the junction of I 20 (Exit 544) and Willow Branch Rd., go one mile east on nor th ser vice road. OPEN: Year round 1223 N. FRONT ST. MATHIS, TX 78368 (361) 547 0177 ACN DISCOUNTMATHIS MOTOR INN & RV PARK MATHIS, TEXAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With well lighted, flat, grassy lots in the city limits, this park offers 37 full hookup sites With 15, 20, 30, and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed for a fee Free cable TV Pets are allowed Facilities include: recreation hall/rec room, shuffleboard, picnic area, horseshoes, volleyball, badminton, laundr y, and guard Some RV supplies and ice are available DIRECTIONS: Take I 37, Exit 36, west 359, 1/2 mile west on right at Y. Nor thbound, I 37, Exit 34, under I 37, right for 1 and 1/2 miles. Park is on left. Office in motel. RV Park drive is the nor th drive . OPEN: Year round 6639 STATE HWY. 16 S., PIPE CREEK, TX 78063 (830) 535 4840 cowboycapitalr v.com ACN DISCOUNTCOWBOY C APITAL C AMPGROUND PIPE CREEK, TEXAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located just 3 hours from the Gulf Coast and Mexico, this campground offers 26 full hookup sites With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Phone hookups are available Tent camping is offered Group tent sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: playground, picnic area, and horseshoes DIRECTIONS: On St. Hwy. 16, from San Antonio, approximately 35 miles to community of Pipe Creek, then 3 miles to resor t. From Bandera, 5 miles to resor t. OPEN: Year round 702 CHAMPION, PORT ISABEL, TX 78578 (956) 943 7340 www.piparkcenter.com ACN DISCOUNTPORT ISABEL PARK CENTER,INC PORT ISABEL, TEXAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located on a salt water channel of the Gulf of Mexico, this campground offers 200 full hookup sites With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles Cable TV is available , for a fee Pets must be leashed Facilities include: recreation hall, laundr y, WiFi, exercise equipment, shuffleboard cour t, horseshoes, area golf courses, fishing (license required), docks, ramp, and local tours DIRECTIONS: From junction Hwy. 48 and Hwy. 100, go 3/4 mile east on Hwy. 100, then 2 blocks south on Champion Ave . OPEN: Year round 16878 SOUTH FM4, SANTO, TX 76472 (940) 769 2526 ACN DISCOUNTWIND MILL ACRES SANTO, TEXAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With shaded, grassy, open, and level sites, this campground offers 14 full hookup sites. With 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners are allowed Tent camping is offered (fee) Pets are allowed Facilities include: laundr y, tables, grills, free WiFi, lake and lake fishing DIRECTIONS: From the junction of I 20 and FM 4, take Exit 380. Go south 100 feet on FM 4. OPEN: Year round
70 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 5706 COLEMAN WAY, VON ORMY, TX 78073 (210) 623 6737 www.hiddenvalley.net ACN DISCOUNTHIDDEN VALLEY RV PARK VON ORMY, TEXAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This park offers 30 full sites in a quiet countr y atmosphere with 30/50 amp ser vice Some pull thru sites available Many sites are shaded and can accommodate up to 70’ rigs Pets welcome (with some restrictions) Facilties include: small clubhouse , WiFi, mail forwarding ser vices, small laundr y, fishing in private creek tourist ser vice Located just outside downtown San Antonio and not far from Fredricksburg, some nearby attractions include: the Alamo, Sea World, Prime Designer Outlet Stores, and the San Antonio Missions DIRECTIONS: Take I 35 to the southwest side of San Antonio, exit at Fischer Rd (exit 144) Go east on Fischer 3/4 mile to entrance at Campground Rd Registration booth is 5 mile down Campground Road OPEN: Year round 25128 IH 10 EAST, WALLISVILLE, TEXAS 77597 (409) 389 2468 www.tur tlebayr v.net ACN DISCOUNTTURTLE B AYOU WALLISVILLE, TEXAS FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located on a bayou, this park offers 63 full hookup sites and 25 pull thru sites Electrical receptacles are 20, 30, and 50 amps Tent camping is offered Pets are welcome Free WiFi on site Facilities include: hot showers, laundr y, public phone , picnic tables, propane fueling, store , boating, canoeing, dock, 3 rowboat and 3 canoe rentals, and river fishing DIRECTIONS: Located halfway between Houston and Beaumont on I 10 on the south frontage road.Westbound:Take exit 810. U turn under freeway (left on access road), follow camping signs for 2 miles to park on right. Eastbound: Take exit 811, follow signs to park on right. OPEN: Year round 97 VALLEY RD., LEEDS, UT 84747 (435) 879 2450 www.leedsr vpark.com ACN LDISCOUNT EEDS RV PARK & MOTEL LEEDS, UTAH FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Quiet and clean, this resor t features over 200 fruit and shade trees amidst lush lawn Visitors will find 47 full hookups with up to 50 amp electrical receptacles Leashed pets are allowed Large groups and extended stays are welcome Facilities include: laundr y room, hot showers, clubhouse , public phone , kitchenettes, pavilion, and picnic areas Motel rooms are available DIRECTIONS: I-15 southbound Exit 23: go east 1 block to Main St., go south 1/2 mile to Center St., go east 1 block to Valley Rd., go south 500 ft. to park entrance on left. I 15 nor thbound Exit 22: continue forward on Main St. 3/4 mile to Center St., go east 1 block to Valley Rd., go south 500 ft to park entrance on left OPEN: Year round 492 N. MAIN, PAROWAN, UT 84761 (435) 477 3714 ACN DISCOUNTSPORTSMAN'S COUNTRY RV PARK PAROWAN, UTAH FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This park offers 28 full hookup sites with a quiet and friendly atmosphere 30 and 50 amp electrical receptacles available Tent camping is offered, for a fee Group RV and tent sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: restaurant, picnic area, horseshoes, arcade game room, lake fishing (license required), pond, river fishing (license required), hiking trails, horse riding trails, and local tours, picnic area, tent camping, sewage disposal, tables, and patios Ice and wood are available within walking distance DIRECTIONS: Seventeen miles nor th of Cedar City.Take I 15, exit at 78, go 2 blocks south to 492 N Main Street, park is next to Best Western. OPEN: Year round 2654 VT RTE. 232, MARSHFIELD, VT 05658 (802) 426 4122 grotonforestroadcampground.com ACN DISCOUNTGROTON FOREST ROAD C AMPGROUND MARSHFIELD, VERMONT FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located near Groton State Forest, this quiet and friendly campground offers 32 RV sites with water and electricity. With 30 amp electrical receptacles, the campground can accommodate up to 45’ RV lengths Facilities include: a pavilion, swimming pool, playground, horseshoe cour t, new restrooms, laundr y room, dump station, hot showers, mini store with gifts and maple syrup, lake fishing and hiking DIRECTIONS: On Rte . 232, 2.5 miles south of Rt. 2, about 26 miles from Montpelier or St. Johnsbur y. 22 miles west on Rt. 2 to Rte . 232. OPEN: May 15 October 15 (weather permitting)
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 71 277 LAKE DRIVE, GREENVILLE, VA 24440 (540) 337 1510 www.stoneycreekresor t.net ACN DISCOUNTSTONEY CREEK RESORT GREENVILLE, VIRGINIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: We are a full ser vice campground proudly offering RV and Tent camping in a beautiful lakeside setting This resor t offers 198 sites with 30/50 amp electrical ser vice Maximum RV Length: 40 ft Facilities include: clubhouse , pavilion, fully stocked lake for fishing (no license required) and swimming White sand beach for sunbathing and volleyball, swimming pool,18 hole putting course , shuffleboard, picnic area, playground, horseshoes, basketball, bingo, childrens librar y, miniature golf, boating and dump station DIRECTIONS: Turn left on Rt 1205, then make immediate right Turn left onto Greenville School Rd and go for about 1 5 miles, to dead end Turn left and go 5 mile till see resor t sign on right OPEN: April 1 November 30 1800 ENDLESS C AVERNS RD., NEW MARKET, VA 22844 (540) 896 2283 www.endlesscaverns.com ACN DISCOUNTENDLESS C AVERNS RV RESORT NEW MARKET, VIRGINIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Endless Caverns RV Resor t, know as “Big Rig Park” offers 148 sites with 30/50 amp electrical ser vice , on site cave with cave tours, swimming pool, game room, fishing pond, playground, horseshoes, bath house , volleyball, hiking and biking trails, store , gift shop and laundr y DIRECTIONS: From Junction I 81, take exit 257, turn nor th (right) onto Route 11 going towards New Market and continue for approximately. 4 miles. Turn right at the signs onto Endless Caverns Road. Continue 1 1/2 miles into resor t. OPEN: April 1 November 15 4730 STATE ROUTE 12, ELMA, WA 98541 (360) 482 4053 www.elmar vpark.com ACN DISCOUNTELMA RV RESORT ELMA, WASHINGTON FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This park offers 104 full hookup (3 pull thru) sites with 30 and 50 amp ser vice on the full hookups Accommodates 40' rigs with ample room for slide outs The resor t also offers tent sites Pets are welcome with the exception of rottweilers, dobermans, chows and pit bulls Animals must be leashed and picked up after or you will be asked to leave Facilities include: propane gas, dump station, picnic tables, laundromat, showers, cable TV, WiFi, group fire pit, clubhouse with full kitchen, exchange librar y and video rentals DIRECTIONS: Heading S on I 5 from Seattle , take exit 104 and go W towards Aberdeen. Take Oakville exit at Elma, SR 8 and SR 12 junction. Go E under the bridge on SR 12 Park entrance is on the right Heading N on I 5 from Por tland, take exit 88B W to SR 12, 30 minutes to park OPEN: Year round 3906 W. C ANYON SPRINGS WAY, LOON LAKE, WA 99148 (509) 233 2081 www.deerlakeresor t.com ACN DISCOUNTDEER LAKE RESORT LOON LAKE, WASHINGTON FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located just 35 miles nor th of Spokane on Deer Lake , which is a 1,200 acre spring fed lake with an abundance of fish The resor t has cabins, 65 full hookup RV sites with 50 amps, and tent sites Pets are welcome for a fee Facilities include: picnic area, playground, horseshoes, volleyball, boat ramp, boat rentals, hiking trails, swimming area, fishing, skiing and beach DIRECTIONS: From Spokane or Colville , take Hwy. 395 to Nor th Deer Lake Rd. at mile marker 193. OPEN: May 1 October 1 737 MARY ANN CREEK RD., OROVILLE, WA 98844 (509) 485 2011 ACN DISCOUNTNORTH COUNTRY CHRISTIAN C AMPGROUND OROVILLE, WASHINGTON FACILITIES / AMENITIES:The Campground features 21 RV sites that can accommodate any size of rig.The campground offers 30 amp electrical receptacles Facilities include: laundr y, showers,WiFi, and a nearby fenced area for children and pets Recreational oppor tunities include fishing and hiking at a nearby lake and parks We have year round school Restrictions include: smoking, drinking, illegal drugs, loud music , par tying, cohabitating, fighting and fireworks DIRECTIONS: From Tonasket, go past Sitzmark Ski area and follow signs to Chesaw until you turn left on Mar y Anne Creek Rd. From Oroville , head toward Chesaw, turn left on Mar y Anne Creek Rd. From Chesaw, turn right on Mar y Anne Creek Rd. and camp is 3/4 mile on left. OPEN: April 1 December 1, weather dependant
72 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 777 PARADISE ISLAND, VERNER, WV 25650 (304) 583 2825 paradiseislandwv.homestead.com ACN DISCOUNTPARADISE ISLAND OF CHRISTIAN VERNER, WEST VIRGINIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This southern West Virginia resor t offers 43 full hookup sites, 56 with water and electricity, and an unlimited number of sites without any hookups With 20/30/50 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Tent camping is offered Facilities include: manager on duty, 18 hole mini golf, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, river fishing (license required), boating (no motors), lighted trail night walking, local tours, and catering Ice (fee) and wood are available Group activities and church ser vices are offered 12 Nites outdoor drama of the passion Trail, The Footsteps of Jesus (2 3 day gospel singing), Christ Praying in the Rock DIRECTIONS: On Rt 80, at Verner/Christian, between Man and Gilber t, WV OPEN: Year round 1011 EDGEWOOD AVE., LADYSMITH, WI 54848 (715) 532 7812 ACN DISCOUNTWESTCOVE C AMPGROUNDS LADYSMITH, WISCONSIN FACILITIES / AMENITIES:Westcove Campgrounds offers 15 sites, 8 full and 7 with electricity only The campground provides 30 amp electrical receptacles Pets are welcome Tent camping is allowed Facilities include: laundr y, and showers Ice is available Nearby river for fishing and boating The campground is also situated next to a city bowling center and restaurant A 9 hole golf course is nearby DIRECTIONS: Westcove Campgrounds is on Hwy. 8 in the town of Ladysmith. OPEN: May October 13846 CTY. RD. Z, NEKOOSA, WI 54457 (715) 886 3871 ACN DDISCOUNT EER TRAIL PARK C AMPGROUND NEKOOSA, WISCONSIN FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located on Ross Lake this campground offers 165 sites with water and electricity and 7 without any hookups Electrical receptacles are 20, 30, and 50 amps Tent camping is offered Facilities include: recreation room, pavilion, heated swimming pool, boating (7 5 hp limit), canoeing, ramp, rowboat and canoe rentals, lake fishing, playground, mini golf, badminton, miniature golf, spor ts field, horseshoes, hiking trails, volleyball, laundr y, tables, fire rings, limited grocer y store Ice and wood are available DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. 73 and Wisconsin River, travel 3 miles south on CR Z. OPEN: Open April 25 to November 5, limited winter camping No water on sites November April W13165 CTY. RD. D, TILLEDA, WI 54978 (715) 787 4143 www.tilledafalls.com ACN DISCOUNTTILLEDA FALLS C AMPGROUND TILLEDA, WISCONSIN FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Beautiful, quaint campground located beside the Embarrass River and centered on the site of a historic mill, this park offers 33 sites with electrical hookup (15, 20, 30 amps) and 5 primitive sites Rental unites, seasonal sites, RV sites and tent sites available Facilities include: game room, swimming, boating (electric motors only), canoeing, dock, rowboat and canoe rentals, river and pond fishing, basketball, horseshoes, playground, volleyball, tables, fire rings, small store , firewood for sale and rental equipment DIRECTIONS: Fifteen minutes west of Shawano. West of State Highway 29, go one mile on County Road D nor th. OPEN: May 1 October 1

RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 73 A C N C A N A D A C ANADA We a r e a l l tra v e l e rs i n th e wil d e r n ess of th is wo r l d, a n d th e b es t w e ca n f i n d i n ou r tra v e ls is a n h o n es t f r i e n d. Rober t Louis Stevenson

74 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1901 ALASKA AVE., DAWSON CREEK, BC V1G4T9 (250) 782 2590 ACN DISCOUNTMILE ZERO PARK DAWSON CREEK, BRITISH COLUMBIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located at the star t of the famous Alaska Highway, this resor t has 38 full ser vice sites, 42 with just power and water with a range of 25 to 50 amp to choose from All sites have picnic tables and WiFi ser vices Additional ser vices include washrooms with free showers, laundromat,outdoor pool, picnic areas, pavilion, playground and the Walter Wright Pioneer Village a Heritage village Dawson Creek is located at the junction of four major highways and is a good resting spot before tackling the “Alcan Highway ” The town is an agriculture community with rolling hills, forests, scenic attractions, and wildlife DIRECTIONS: Campground located at mile 1 5 of the Alaskan Highway OPEN: May 1 September 30 16660 B ACKEDDY RD., EGMONT, BC V0N1N0 (604) 883 2298 www.backeddie .ca ACN DISCOUNTB ACKEDDY RESORT AND MARINA EGMONT, BRITISH COLUMBIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With water frontage to the Jer vis Inlet, this campground offers 24 sites with electricity only With 15 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Rental cabins and a motel are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: store , restaurant, pub, Jacuzzi tub, hot showers (fee), handicap restrooms, laundr y, tables, fire rings, picnic area, lake swimming, lake fishing (license required), ocean fishing (license required), boating, full ser vice marina, dock, ramp, kayak rental DIRECTIONS: Egmont is 84 km from Vancouver to Ferr y terminal on Hwy. 101 and 90 minutes nor th of Longdale on Hwy. 101. Turn left on Maple Rd in village of Egmont Follow signs to campground OPEN: Year round 4020 HWY. 3 EAST, CRESTON, BC V0B1K0 (250) 428 2954 www.mountainprk.com ACN DISCOUNTMOUNTAIN PARK RESORT CRESTON, BRITISH COLUMBIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: In a natural setting with cedar shaded sites overlooking the river this campground offers 46 large sites with15/30 amp electrical receptacles,water and fire pits at ever y site Tent camping is offered Pets are allowed Bike friendly Facilities include: pavilion, playground, new washrooms and free hot showers, handicap access, sani and sewer stations, group camping, post office , laundr y, internet, cable , special events, horseshoes, volleyball, river fishing (license required), gold panning There is a grocer y store with RV supplies, ice , wood, firewood, ice cream, seasonal fruits and vegetables, and homemade ar ts and crafts are available DIRECTIONS: From nor th, west, and south: Pass Creston for 3 miles From east: On Hwy #3, just before Erickson OPEN: Year round 2200 DAVIS ST., STEWART, BC V0T1W0 (250) 636 9205 www.bearriverr vpark.com ACN DISCOUNTBEAR RIVER RV PARK STEWART, BRITISH COLUMBIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Bear River RV Park is a family operation and consists of 68 full ser vice sites and beautifully manicured dr y/tenting areas the resor t has 30 amp electrical ser vice , recreation room, pavilion, nature trails, horseshoes,outdoor games, restrooms, showers, laundr y, RV supplies, firewood, ice , self ser vice RV wash and WiFi DIRECTIONS: From Jct of Hwy 37 & Hwy 37A, W 59kms/36.8 mi on Hwy 37A (L). OPEN: Year round 1375 A MAJOR TRAIL, ILE DES CHENES, MB R0A0T0 (888) 878 4203 www.arrowheadr vpark.ca ACN ADISCOUNT RROWHEAD RV PARK ILE DES CHENES, MANITOB A FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Arrowhead RV Park is located just 10 minutes south east of Winnipeg, Manitoba. The resor t offers 30 and 50 amp sites (mostly pull thru), full hook up, wireless internet, laundr y, and clean bathroom and shower facilities Our park welcomes RVers from all over Nor th America DIRECTIONS: N bnd: Jct US Border & Hwy 75: N 26.9 mi to Hwy 23, E 17.7 mi to Hwy 59, N 22.9 mi to PR210, E 1 mi to Old Hwy 59, N 0.3 mi (R). E-bnd/S-bnd: Jct TCH100 & Hwy 59: S 8.2 mi to Dumaine Rd, E 0.2 mi to Old Hwy 59, S 1 mi (L). W-bnd: Jct TCH1 & PR206: S 7.6 mi to PR210, W 8 mi to Old Hwy 59, N 0.3 mi (R). OPEN: April 15 October 31
RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 1 (800) 934 3443 75 RR 3 C ANNING, LOOK OFF, NS B0P1H0 (902) 582 3022 lookoffcamping.com ACN DISCOUNTLOOK-OFF FAMILY C AMPING RESORT LOOK-OFF, NOVA SCOTIA FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground offers 10 full hookup sites, 26 with water and electricity only, and 18 without any hookups With 15 and 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are not allowed, rental camp cabins are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: store , recreation hall/rec room, café restaurant, swimming pool, playground, hot showers, handicap toilets, sewage disposal, laundr y, tables, grills (deposit), fire rings, traffic control gate , picnic area, horseshoes, volleyball, badminton, spor ts field DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. 101, take Exit 11. Follow the signs to Rt. 358 nor th to Look Off. In Canning, turn left at Monument Up Nor th Mountain, at top bear right Resor t is on the left side of road OPEN: May 15 October 10 448 BLYTH PARK RD., COLBORNE, ON K0K1S0 (905) 355 3826 ACN DISCOUNTSALEMWOODS TRAILER PARK COLBORNE, ONTARIO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This quiet park, with beautiful tall trees, offers 6 full hookup sites and 10 with water and electricity only With 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Tent camping is offered Group RV and tent sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: recreation hall/rec room, shuffleboard, playground, picnic area, hot showers, sewage disposal, tables, fire rings, guard, horseshoes, basketball, badminton, pond swimming, pond fishing (license required), and river fishing (license required) Ice and wood are available DIRECTIONS: South of Hwy 2 between Colborne and Brighton Take Blythe Park Road (#448) toward Lake Ontario from Hwy 2
DIRECTIONS: From Hwy 11, turn on Rt 113 to Shippagan At the first intersection (in front of Petro Canada) turn left towards Upper Shippagan The campground is 4 kilometers from the intersection
OPEN: May 1 October 31 1 CEDAR SHORES RD., JELLICOE, ON P0T1V0 (807) 879 2523 cedarshoresresor t.ca ACN DISCOUNTCEDAR SHORES RESORT JELLICOE, ONTARIO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This campground offers 4 full hookup sites, 12 with water and electricity only, and 5 sites without any hookups With 15 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are not allowed Pets are From Duluth, take Nor thshore Drive (U.S. 61) to the Canadian Border. Proceed on Rt. 61 to Thunder Bay, to Queen’s Hwy. No. 11/17 E for 70 miles to Nipigon, turn left on Queen’s Hwy. 11, 70 miles (thru Beardmore) to the resor t on the right.
589 HIGH RD., SHIPPAGAN, NB E0B2P0 (506) 336 3960 www.camping.shippagan.com
allowed for a fee Facilities include: store , playground, picnic area, hot showers, sewage disposal (fee), laundr y (fee), tables, barbecue grills (fee), fire rings, some patios, horseshoes, lake swimming, lake fishing (license required), beach area, boating, dock, rowboat/canoe rental, river canoeing, and hiking trails DIRECTIONS:
ACN DISCOUNTC AMPING SHIPPAGAN SHIPPAGAN, NEW BRUNSWICK FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This relaxing family campground offers 20 full hookup sites, 16 with water and electricity, 53 with electricity only, and 46 without any hookups With 15 and 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Tent camping is offered Group tent sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: store, playground, picnic area, volleyball, movies, arcade game room, beach area, boating, canoe/paddle boat rentals, planned activities hot showers, handicap restrooms, laundr y, tables, grills, fire rings, traffic control gate, and guard
OPEN: Mid June September 15
DIRECTIONS: Located off of LOC ATE HWY 11. Call for directions. Latitude : 4559826 N Longitude : 7919422 W.
ACN DISCOUNTGRANITE RIDGE WILDERNESS C AMPGROUND KEARNEY, ONTARIO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: Located on beautiful Himbur y Lake with its golden sand beach and spring fed water. Granite Ridge Campground is situated on 175 acres of stunning wilderness with the Magnetawan river running along the proper ty Facilities include: playground, nature trails, campfire rings, picnic tables, hot showers, restrooms, store , swimming, fishing, basketball, horseshoe pits, soccer, beach, volleyball, spor ts field, sand pit, coin laundr y, firewood, ice , boat rentals, lake & sandy beach, dog beach, river, group sites, family sites, tent sites, pull thru sites, hydro/water/sewer sites, sewage dump station
OPEN: May 15 September 15 2900 HWY. 518, KEARNEY, ON P0A1M0 (877) 949 2267 graniteridge.com
OPEN: May 15 September 1
rentals, WiFi
the end of the street OPEN: May 1 October 15 KM 1602 ALASKA HWY., HAINES JUNCTION, YT Y0B1L0 (867) 634 2812 ACN DISCOUNTOTTER FALLS CUTOFF HAINES JUNCTION, YUKON TERRITORY FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This nor th Canadian campground offers 50 sites with water and electricity and 20 without any hookups With 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed Tent camping is offered Group RV and tent sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: hot showers, sewage disposal, public phone , tables, grills, fire rings, playground, picnic area, volleyball, badminton, movies, canoe rental, and hiking trails There is a limited grocer y store Ice , gasoline , diesel, and souvenirs are available DIRECTIONS: On
www.nuggetcity.com ACN
DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. 20, take Exit 210 to Rd. 161 South. Drive 13 kilometers. Past village of St Valere , turn left on Rue Lunean, go to KM 1602 Alaska Hwy., 627/KM 1003 ALASKA HWY., WATSON LAKE, YT Y0A1C0 (867) 536 2307 DISCOUNTB ABY NUGGET RV PARK WATSON LAKE, YUKON TERRITORY The Baby Nugget RV Park one of the Yukon’s newest and modern This RV park RV ice on site RV ser vice RV storage RV wash, site hot From Jct of Alaska Hwy. & Hwy. 37, W 0.5 mi on Alaska Hwy. at mi 622/KM 1003 (L). Year-round
RV Parks.
80 miles west of Whitehorse . OPEN: May 15 September 15 MILEPOST
offers 95% large pull thru which allow any size vehicle with tow car 30/50 amp with water, electricity, cbl/satellite and a sani dump Pets welcome , on leash only Facilities include: restroom and showers, laundr y, control access gate ,
76 1 (800) 934 3443 RVA / WIT CLUB C AMPING GUIDE 59 HAGUE BLVD., LAKEFIELD, ON K0L2H0 (705) 652 8610 lakefieldcampgrounds.ca/main.html ACN DISCOUNTLAKEFIELD C AMPGROUNDS LAKEFIELD, ONTARIO FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With naturally wooded or open sites, this campground offers 37 full hookup sites and 53 with water and electricity only With 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners (fee) and heaters are allowed Pets are allowed Facilities include: shuffleboard, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, lake swimming, lake fishing (license required), river fishing (license required), boating, dock, and ramp, hot showers, handicap restrooms, sewage disposal, tables, fire rings, and traffic control gate Ice , wood, and a snack bar are available DIRECTIONS: Lake 401 to Exit Hwy 115/35 to Peterborough Parkway Exit Follow University of Trent sign through Peterborough, past University to Lakefield In Lakefield, turn left at Esso ser vice and first stop light follow sign to campground OPEN: May 1 September 1 571 RANG ST EDOUARD OUEST, ST ALEXANDRE, QC G0L2G0 (418) 495 2677 ACN DISCOUNTC AMPING LE PASSANT ST-ALEXANDRE, QUEBEC FACILITIES / AMENITIES: With shaded and level sites, all pull thrus, this park offers 42 full hookup sites, 34 with water and electricity only, 3 with electricity only, and 11 without any hookups With 15 and 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Tent camping is offered Group RV and tent sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: store , recreation hall/rec room, pavilion, heated outdoor swimming pool, hot showers, sewage disposal, laundr y (fee), tables, fire rings, playground, picnic area, horseshoes, basketball, volleyball, badminton, and arcade game room RV supplies, ice , and wood are available DIRECTIONS: From 20, Exit 488, take Rt 289S, then Rang St Edouard O From Rt 132, take Rt 289S, then Rang St Edouard O OPEN: May 5 October 15 170 RUE LUNEAN ST VALERE, QC G0P1M0 (819) 353 1216 ACN DISCOUNTC AMPING ST-VALERE ST-VALERE, QUEBEC FACILITIES / AMENITIES: This quiet campground for nature lovers offers 50 full hookup sites, 10 with water and electricity, and 10 without any hookups With 30 amp electrical receptacles, air conditioners and heaters are allowed, for a fee Tent camping is offered Group tent sites are available Pets are allowed Facilities include: pavilion, outdoor swimming pool, picnic area, pond, river, river canoeing, and hiking trails hot showers, laundr y, tables, and traffic control gate Wood is available
, groceries, restaurant,
fishing supplies, on
L o o k d eep i n to n a tu r e, a n d th e n you wil l u n d e rs ta n d e v e ryth i ng b e tte r. Alber t Einstein