Uxuk for yu hsiang chiu loughborough university

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The Design of a Social Communication Platform for Building Bridges between Family Generations Yu-Hsiang Chiu M.A. Interaction design Loughborough University

Hunt Statement International students who study abroad have the needs of emotionally connecting with their family. Parents/ grandparents of oversea students also hope to keep in touch with their offsprings regularly when they are studying overseas. However, the time difference and other factors such as the younger person’s schedules and traditional communicating means often cause lots of problems to their twoway communication. Sometimes, the connection of communication have widened the generation gap and cause negative feelings to international students, such as homesick and anxiety which will affect their study and harm their mental health.

Design Brief In this decade, new technology has helped international students to communicate with their family easily. However, the barriers such as varied time zone and generation gap still exist between different generations. Therefore, this project aims to develop a new social media app which may help to improve the communication between international students and their older generations. The new social platform would increase the digital connected experience of international students who travel or study abroad, helping them and their older generations to be staying digitally connected.


Description of the APP : Touch

Touch is “A Social Communication Platform for Building Bridges between Family Generations”. WELCOME

It will help to improve the communication between international students who study abroad use technology to communicate with their older generation. It will enhance the digital connection experience when international students are traveling or studying abroad. Through a new social platform that helps different generations to achieve the personal needs of staying digitally connected. It would dramatically better the experience effectively improve international students and their family’s digital connection.

Narrow down the gap keep get in touch even time fifferent

Objectives and Challenges Product Defining It is for...

International students who study abroad Parents who children are in abroad

Who are dissatisfied with...

Target user’s experience has been reduced by factual barriers and technological difficulties.

Our product is a ...

New Social Network Platform An Extend of Current Communication

That provides...

Solutions and new touchpoints for international students and parents

Challenge For Parents

For Children

Difficulty on Digital Learning

The difficulty of online guidance

The Internet is unstable.

The Time Zone Difference

The Time Zone Difference

Generation Gap

Generation Gap

Why should audience use the service?

Connection Service Design An New Touchpoint of Connection

Goals To satisfy user’s social needs. The experience is rich and visual. Narrow down the generation gap. Raises the interaction between target users. Increase the possibilities to help user overcome the difficulties. Users can receive positive connecting experience.

Target Audiences 1 : International Students

“The topic should be interested to both sides but my parents keep asking the same question all the time." "Are you busy? Have you finished your meals? Do you feel cold?”

Name Age Gender Nationality Occupation Personal Detail

Janessa Chen 23 Female Taiwanese Postgraduate student of Loughborough University Janessa is a postgraduate student. She is studying in MBA. She likes social. She often goes out with friends and classmates. She also sends text messages on Line, in the family group. She likes to share everything in her life. Sometimes, she shares too much information to her relative, her mother has to message her to stop sharing.

Current Situation of Connection

Difficulties of Connection

She connects with her family twice a week (video chat).They also send messages on Line regularly. She shares photos because she wants to show the scenery where their family has never seen before. However she still avoid talk everything during video chats. “I don’t want my parents to know something about I don’t want them to know.”

The Internet is unstable, Time zone difference. “For example, I have different schedules with family. I only have video chats with my family in weekends.”

Technology Used

To get in touch with parents and make them don’t worried about her. To know more about the current situation of hometown. To share abroad experience to family.

She owns the smartphone, laptop, iPad. She uses smartphone and laptop to connect with her family. Line is the social media she is using and has a video chat with family. “Basically, I use the same platform between family and friends.”

Social Network Platform Mapping


Expecting Experience To avoid any argue during video chat. To have an interesting interaction with family. To feel the sense of security from parents. To be able to enjoy the highly interactive social life.

She uses for connecting with her friends: Facebook: Share photos, text chat, voice message, Snapchat: Take photos videos and share, story function Line: Text chat, voice message, share photos, share video WhatsApp: Share photos, share video, text chat, voice chat. She uses for connecting with her family: Father: Line - video chat (big family group) Mother: Skype – Video chat 2-5 days Line- text message (every day) Line (big family group) - text chat Share photos video, share interesting things (everyday) Line- text message (every day) Line (big family group) - text chat

Expectation of Connection She wants to make the family feel good about her current life but she feels a bit bored on the topic of video chat. “I will not post the negative information on Line. I post my private feeling on Snapchat because I don’t want my parents to feel worried about me.”

Key Variable Low Low Low Low Low

Experience of social media’s benefits Hunger for informatiom Tolerance of disruption on the connection Social needs from family Interestimg in new connect platform

High High High High High

Target Audiences 2 : Students' Parents Current Situation of Connection

Technology Used

“My husband is not using so many functions as me. I ask colleague instead of ask my children. If I want to ask my child, I need to find the right time and requires a video chat. It will be difficult to learn through the voice chat.” The internet is unstable when she video with daughter.

She owns a smart phone, a laptop,and a tablet. She mainly uses smart phone to connect with her family. She uses Facebook, Skype, Line frequently She think she can learn the new app by herself or ask the colleague or daughter for help.

Social Network Platform Mapping


She connects with her friends use: Phone- Make a phone call, Text message. Line-Text chat online, Voice chat, Share photos, Share mood.

To avoid the misunderstanding and mistakes during digital connection. To feel that I love my daughter and she also love me. To be able to enjoy the time of chat with children.

She connects with her daughters use: Line- Text chat, Voice chat, Video chat, Share photos, Share mood. Share useful sentence and article.

“I prefer a video chat with my daughter- because I can see my child and I can closely listen to the voice of my child. The whole feeling is very different from typing.”

Name Age Gender Nationality Occupation Personal Detail

Eva Lin 55 Female Taiwanese Sales manager Eva Lin is a sale manager who works in an international company. She has two daughters. One is studying in the UK. Another one is studying in Taiwan. She connects with her daughters every day. She reads a variety news and online article for sharing with her daughters. She can control her smartphone smoothly now. But she has a difficult time at the beginning of using smartphones. Now, she is learning how to use an iPad.

Expectation of Connection Although Eva has a busy job, she still tries to find the time to form a video chat with children. “When we have the consensus and the resonance at the same topic, I will feel happy and to think about the dedication on my hard working is worth it.”

Difficulties of Connection The Internet is unstable: “ Sometimes, I just see the video without come out the voice. It is quite strange and the disconnection will drive me crazy. The time of connection is so limited.” The time difference: “ I just arrived my office and I found out my daughter did not go to bed until very late for a chat with me.” Generation gap: “ When we did not have the same consensus or point of view on the same issue, I will feel upset.” “ Sometimes, she seems not interesting in my topic ”

Expecting Experience To get in touch with children more frequently. To know more about children’s life. To learn about how to use a digital device.

Technology Profile Negative Attitude towards technology

None DIY None None Low


Motivation to use technology


Getting the operation done

Ask for help

Desire for children’s help Desire for friends or other people’s help Experience of social media’s benefits

High High High

UX Methodology and Approaches

Primary Research

Insights & Theme

Define / Synthesis Stage

Opportunity Areas

HMW Question

Data Analysis


Rip the Brief


Communication Questionnaire Mapping

Interview Result Analysis

Questionnaire Result Analysis

User Journey Maps Analysis

Define Themes & Insights

Participant Boards

Reframe Insight Statements

Affinity Diagram

MoSCoW Methid

User Behaviour Pattern

Research Finding

Persona forming

How Might We Design Questions Concept

Experience Principle

Initial Personas

User Experience Vision

Key Finding

Persona, Key Insight & opportunity

User Journey Map Canvas

Concept Defining

Research Outcome

Function Defining

Design Stage

Cluster Topics

Secondary Research

Test & Evaluation

Discover / Resrearch Stage

The project has been developed according to the Double Diamond Design Process — followed the four main stages: discover/ define / design/ testing - to deal with the challenges.

Interaction Designing

Prototype Building

Visual Design

Secondary Research


Concept Development

Concept Evaluation

Design Requirement

Value Proposition

Concept Statement.

Experience Design Principles



Current Platform Function Analysis

Co-design & Brainstorming

Card Sorting

Concept Mapping

Technology Feasibility

Wireframe Sketch

User Interface Flow

Pre-user Tersting

Initial Sitemap

Social Platform Analysis

Low Fidelity Prototype

RITE user Testing

Iterative design

Final Sitemap & Wireframe

Mood board

GUI Design

High Fidelity Prototype

Iterative design

Vusual Design Evaluation

Users' Testing Feedback and Evidences It made a good control process. It will be simple and easy for teaching older people to use. Safe report (Location Track page) could go to difficult or dangerous for parents to know the corrent place.

Rapid Iterative Testing

The head portrait shows the robot is a good idea but the chat block could be closed or shortcut to prevent the user slip a long screen to get the previous chat content.

& Evaluation (RITE)

The privecy issue should be concerned.

The bubble board is a good idea but the function should be easy to control for older people.

RITE method can explore user behaviour and it is easy to find the problems and adjust design direction at the early stage.

The digital assistant function can offer a useful support for information search but the robot should not show the result on another user's screen, otherwise, I will feel embaresed.

The bubble creation and sending process can offer a feedback for me to realise the message has been sand. I will not press the button repeated to make sure I send the message out success.

The golden time is great but it can combine with do not interrupt mode.

The golden time reminder function is quite interesting and it is convenient for video chat by press big button but it seems not easy to set up the golden time.

Feedback and opinion from users’ test Safe report is a new function I have never heard. I will feel confident to know my family is safe. “Is it only offer the location?” “Are there any other function?”

A.I. online support is a good idea.

The function of safe report enables parents to feel relieved; it helps effectively. It is able to participate in children's lives; provide the sense of participation.

Visual Design Evaluation Using remote moderated research method for people who evaluate from Leicester and Taiwan.

Low-fidelity prototype Tool

The function of safe report is very considerate and it is easier to know where you are for the meeting point.

Feedback and opinion from users’ test It is a thoughtful function to report safe conditions regularly and it is quite complete.

It is a novel idea of sharing diverse emotions and experiences by bubbles with different colours. This is a very interesting idea and I have never seen any design like this before.

https://popapp.in/ Prototype Link: https://popapp.in/w/projects/57b746066956a0bb1c009a0f/mockups

Hi-fidelity prototype Tool

http://www.axure.com/ Prototype Link: http://ib35d7.axshare.com/#p=welcome

Screen Shots- Emotion board and Digital Assistant Welcome

Emotion Board- Daytime

Main Board

Log in

1 Information: To show date, Time, Location , weather, tempter. It offers user the basic information about the environment of children / parents.




Janessa Chen

Janessa Chen

Loughborough, U.K.

Missing this dork....


MON 08:15 A.M. Loughborough

Amenda Chen

1 N N



Love it!

At 5:30


Sign in with skype

Narrow down the gap keep get in touch even time fifferent


Sign in with Facebook Sign in with LINE

Janessa Chen Loughborough, U.K.

MON 08:15 P.M. 1 Loughborough

2 Bubble: To show emotion by colour and real feedback during operation. Unread bubble shows a small sight beside the head portrait.



Emotion Board- Night



Sign in with E-Mail

N N 3




3 Background: Blue sky shows the day or night of the other side. The user can aware the rest different.

Digital online assistant Personal Chat Page

Digital Assistant- Voice Search

Digital Assistant- Text Search Janessa Chen Loughborough, U.K.


We used selfie sticks to take photos!!

You girls had a wonderful time!

Online assistant : Input by words

Online assistant: Input by voice Janessa Chen

Janessa Chen

1 The user can highlight the

Loughborough, U.K.

words which unfamiliar with.

We used selfie sticks to take photos!!

2016/08/26 12:35 read.

We used selfie sticks to take photos!!

2 The system will copy and paste to search bar automatically.

Selfie sticks is pretty simpleit’s basically a stick (some are telescopic and can extend) with a fixture on the end to hold your cell phone (iPhone, Galaxy, Android, Windows) or certain cameras (GoPro, digital camera).

3 When user press “search” Aa

button, the digital assistant will offer explanation : Pictures, texts, or videos.


We used selfie sticks to take photos!!

record interface. Then, switch to the white microphone (speak to robot) and ask the question directly.


We used selfie sticks to take photos!! Selfie sticks is :


5 The user will receive an answer from chat robot with a voice record.

What is selfie stick?



selfie sticks



Loughborough, U.K.

Loughborough, U.K.

4 The user can switch to voice

Loughborough, U.K.

Janessa Chen

Janessa Chen


Screen Shots- Safe Report Safe Report Page

Janessa Chen Loughborough, U.K.

5 Current Location

6 Location Track

Janessa Chen

Janessa Chen Loughborough, U.K.

Loughborough, U.K.


Safe Report: Send / Require. It can be set up to send report regularly.


Current Location: The location from the safe report will be shown on google maps.


Location Information: It can show the detail of safe report.


Location Tracker: It’s able to shows the different form last report. It’s able to shows the footprint from previous report location.


I am Safe!!

1 Safe Require

New report : 21 mins ago Location : Stonehenge, U.K. Previous report : 1 hour ago


New report : 21 mins ago Location : Stonehenge, U.K. Previous report : 1 hour ago

3 Safe Report History

Stonehenge, U.K.


Durrington, U.K.


Country way, M3, Twickenham, U.K.


Oxford road, London, U.K.


Safe Require

1 hour 35 mins ago

7 Location History



Durrington U.K.

Report History: It offers a record to support the user to receive more confidence.

21 mins ago


3 hour 35 mins ago

Oxford road, London, U.K. 4 hour 35 mins ago


New report : 21 mins ago Location : Stonehenge, U.K. Previous report : 1 hour ago

Privacy Issue: User can decide the accuracy of location sharing such as only show in XX zone, on XX street.

7 New report : 21 mins ago Location : Stonehenge, U.K. Previous report : 1 hour ago

8 Durrington U.K. 1 hour 35 mins ago

Country way, M3, Twickenham, U.K. 2 hour 35 mins ago

Oxford road, London, U.K. 3 hour 35 mins ago

21 mins ago

8 Location Information

Location History: It likes a travel diary to show where user have been to during these days.

1 hour 35 mins ago

2 hour 35 mins ago

Stonehenge, U.K.

Location Information : It shows the detail of current spots. User can save the spots on google map or my favourite folder.

New report : 21 mins ago Location : Stonehenge, U.K. Previous report : 1 hour ago

Screen Shots- Golden Time Reminder Golden Time Reminder

Function Setting Functional Setting

1 Main Board 1

Janessa Chen

Golden Time Reminder: On Main Board: It will show bubbles to get closer and turn the head portrait become golden background and show the time with a countdown time bar.

Loughborough, U.K.

Safe report Location sharing Golden time Monday










Safe Report Setting


Goldern Time Reminder Setting


House Number

08:15 Loughborough

MON 08:15 A.M. Loughborough

At 5:30

08 : 15 MON

Loughborough, U.K.


N N 1



1 3

08 : 15 am - 09 : 15 am 22 : 30 pm - 07 : 30 am


Janessa Chen


Per Hour


Love it!

Loughborough, U.K.

Loughborough, U.K.

Loughborough The United Kingdom 28/08/2016

22 : 30 pm - 07 : 30 am



At 5:30

Janessa Chen

Janessa Chen



Amenda Chen 本館紀念品設計很可愛....


Love it!

At 5:30


2 Emotion Board

Golden time

08 : 15 am - 09 : 15 am


Amenda Chen 本館紀念品設計很可愛....


Loughborough, U.K.

Per Hour


Amenda Chen

Love it!

Tiime left : 18:37

Missing this dork....


Janessa Chen


Janessa Chen

Missing this dork....



Golden time

The Bubble will get closer and turn the colour to golden and show voice / video chat button on screen.

Loughborough, U.K.


Janessa Chen

Golden Time Reminder: On Emotion Board:

Janessa Chen

Safe report





Golden time

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