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Yu-Ting Chen, 陳郁婷

Taiwan Current City: Leuven, BE Email: yu_ting1205@hotmail.com Mobile: +32-483-664194

Architect with 2 years experiences in design and implementation of diverse architecture projects, as well as extensive background in urbanism and interior design. With strong passion and positive attitude facing all challenges and persevering appreciation for design and detail. Well interpreted the process of conceptual development to practical projects. Excellent technical qualifications complement an innate sense of creativity in the design of aesthetically attractive as well as highly organized and proficient in related software to accomplish drawings to progress. Meticulous and precise on every work detail, but also flexible to adjust for any possibilities. Good at interacting in teamwork and work well under pressure. Experience 2014.10-2015.01

RUA Research Urbanism and Architecture| Leuven, Belgium

Intern Urbanist, supervised by Bruno de Meulder, Kelly Shannon + Revised Mekong Delta Regional Plan 2030 and Vision 2050

Developed the concept of revised master plan with international transportation infrastructure and ecology experts, also integrated and analysed all documentaries and researches, as well as visualized and interpreted the resources to investigations and proposal. 2010.03-2012.03

Shih-Kang Chu Architect’s office| Taipei, Taiwan

Architect |Landscape& Architecture| + I-Lan River landscape project: Cycling path, bridge and mobile toilet facilities, I-Lan, Taiwan

Developed the concept with administrative department and cooperated with bridge engineering and landscape planning consultants. Executed the drawings making. + Yingge farmer Barn renovation project, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Proposed a new framework of spatial use for Yingge barns. Re-organized and re-programmed the functions in the site for reflecting the significant tourism value in Yingge. Executed the drawing making. |Interior Design& Exhibition Design| + Central Motion Picture Corporation Studio film park planning project, Taipei, Taiwan + Residential Interior Design Projects + 10th Anniversary exhibition in Museum of Religions- Inheritance and Innovation, Taipei, Taiwan

Proposed new layouts for projects and executed shop drawings making. Supervised construction process and merged discussions from different departments of constructors. 2009.08-2010.02

Studio of professor Cheng-Luen Hsueh| Tainan, Taiwan

Research& Project Assistant + 2010 Taiwan at the Venice Biennale of Architecture competition + Campus planning of National Cheng Kung University

Cooperated with professor Hsueh and played the role leading the development of projects, also organized the structure of international workshop in NCKU. 2008.07-2008.09

Ricky Liu & Associate Architects + Planners| Taipei, Taiwan

Intern Architect + Taiwan Hakka Cultural Center Miaoli Park

Led intern architects accomplished shop drawings.


TS Design| Tainan, Taiwan

Intern Architect + Concept development in Housing and industrial building Design + Model making

Cooperated with other intern architects and developed the concept of several projects, and assisted architect accomplished related materials for projects progressing. Education 2012.09-2015.06 Leuven, Belgium

Master of Urbanism and Strategic Planning, University of Leuven (KUL)

+ Final thesis: Recovering the dynamisms of the Belgian coast- A landscape urbanism approach on infrastructure and urbanization.

2013.02-2013.06 Barcelona, Spain 2013.09-2014.02 Venice, Italy

European Postgraduate of Urbanism Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

2004.09-2009.09 Tainan, Taiwan

Bachelor of Science in architecture, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

Università IUAV di Venezia (IUAV)

- Design Studio [situations scenarios],
Bernardo Secchi, Paola Viganò

Honor 2009.05



La Biennale di Venezia, 12th International Architecture Exhibition Competition of Taiwan Pavilion Exihibition, Honorable Mention, 2009

Skill+ Language

+ Auto Cad/ Adobe package: Illustrator, photoshop, InDesign/ SketchUp/ GIS/ Microsoft Office + Mandarin(Native tongue)/ English(Fluency)/ French(1 year)

+ +



Urbanism Landscape urbanism

[Recovering the dynamism of the Belgian coast] A landscape urbanism approach on infrastructure and urbanization

Design studio: Situations Scenarios

[ Superstrada: PEDEMONTANA ] Specialization of the existing network Urbanism studio

[Weaving the spatial barrier with eco-infrastructures]

Specialization of the existing network

Architecture Architectural design

[ The memories of decomposition ] Revitalizing the navy fuel plant as a living container

Architectural design

[ Traveling terminal, Bike Hostel]

An Urban reading with biking scale


01 //






BE ---N



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---N BE




[Recovering the dynamism of the Belgian coast] A landscape urbanism approach on infrastructure and urbanization 2014.03-2014.08 Belgian Coastline Thesis design The Belgian coast synthesizes a peculiar and dynamic intertwinement of linear infrastructural structures and patterns of urbanization. Two major infrastructure systems define its urban structure: a sea protection system of dike and dunes, and a transportation system of coast tram and royal avenue. Parallel to the coastline, these systems form two strong and rigid barriers that sandwich the concentrated coastal urbanization in- between.

Transforming and recovering the landscape

The approaching impact of climate change makes the Belgian coastal area particularly vulnerable for flooding risks and coastal damage due to the low-lying ground level, the complex water dynamics and insufficiency of the protecting infrastructure. As a design-research, the research ‘Recovering the dynamisms of the Belgian coast’ proposes to re-think and re-structure the fixed urbanization ecologically, meanwhile anticipating on future environmental damage by enhancing the resilient capacity of the landscape. In short, the design research proposes to exchange the hard engineering approach of the industrial and fordist era to a soft engineering approach that suits better the ecological agenda of the 21st century. The proposed paper explores, first of all, the evolution of the Belgian coast’s topographical landscape transformation together with the formation of the characteristic pattern of coastal urbanization structured by infrastructure systems. Secondly, the restructuring of urbanization and infrastructure and the recovering of coastal landscapes is explored through landscape urbanism scenarios. In short, an ecological vision for coastal Belgium, and on the mutual integration of infrastructure, urbanization and landscape resilience is presented.

Climate change scenario

re-constructing the mobility infrastructure

new urban structure and expansion

The evolution of the Belgian coast A process from the dynamics to the fixture

The coastal urbanization strucutred by 2 infrastructure systems: Sea protection system and transport infrastructure [Sea protection system]

[transport infrastructure]


11th Century dike systems perpenticular to the currnt coast

12th Century dike systems built along the dunes, where is the matched to the current coastline


4th~8th Century offshore dune islands

12th Century dike systems intervened the coastal dunes formation

Tramway + Royal avenue

1885- WWI dense tramway network + train system (mesh)

Today coastal tramway line+ train system (line)

Map on the right (top to down) 1. Map of landscapes on the coastal region (France- Belgium- Netherlands) 2. Map of flooding scenarios and existing protection system (France- BelgiumNetherlands) 3. Map of coastal erosion and sedimentation (France- Belgium- Netherlands)

[3] [3]

[2] [1]









[ primary structure f or land reclamation ]

[ primary structure f or land reclamation ]

[ secondary structure for land reclamation ]

[ flooding plain ]

[ building new dike ]

[ flooding wetland ]

[ swampy nursery ]

[ flooding forest ]

[ dune formation ]

Ecosystem/salt and fresh water


(De Haan- Wenduine) De Haan

[flooding landscape]

Wenduine [ mudflat ]

[ salt marsh ]

Estuary+ mudflat---[3]

[ fresh water swamp: tree nursery ]

Aquaculture Beach+ Lagoon---[1] Heathland

Salt marsh [ young forest ] [ forest ]

salt water swamp Fresh water swamp---[4]

Salt water system

[ recovered swamp: water basin ]

New land reclamation [dune landscape]

Dune forest---[2]

flooding plain/ basin---[5]

Preserve dune forest

[ beach, heathlands ]

[ young dune forest ]

[ preserved dune forest ]

Man-made landscape

[economy, urban landscape] Fresh water system [ aquaculture ] [ lagoon ]

[ forest path ]

Formation of swamp forest

Formation of dune forest

The concept of build up a swamp forest is taking the topography advantages of low-lying area, such as the polder system or the area of ancient swamp, to function as a regulator, which spontaneously accumulate the discharge water. It can also funtion like a sponge to adjust the upstream discharge and the overflow of rainfall.

Dune forest creates the natural barrior to defeat the salt water intrusion. Also, it becomes a ladscape dike for coastal protection preventing the sea level rise and flooding the coastal cities.

[ promenade ]

[ existing urban [ proposed pattern ] urban pattern]






[2] [2]





[ secondary structure for land reclamation ]

[ primary structure for land reclamation ]

[ flooding forest ]

[ flooding forest ]

[ flooding forest ]

[ dune formation ]

[ dune formation ]

[ fishpond and oyster net system]

[ flooding forest ] [ fishpond and oyster net system]

[ dune formation ]

[ dune formation ]

Landscape proposal (De Haan- Wenduine)

De Haan: The sensation of Living in a dune-forest city New De Haan city is an urban extension project. The new urban structure is oriented by the stretching of tramway network from old De Haan. It reveals an entirely inexistent orientation before on the Belgian coast. The land reclamation in De Haan is not only for obtaining more living space, also, it is utilizing the concept of landscape performance to wall up a nature barrier which leave more distances and heights from the effects of sea level rising. [1] Tidal park [2] Swamp forest [3] New sustainable communities [4] Promenade [5] Urban platform- tramway staion-New Dehaan center [6] Dune forest- underground water reservior Coast tram: - Stretching, shifting and re-linking the existing coast tram to connect the new accesses and urban extension. For example, extending the existing tramway route that connects with the dune forest city “New De Haan�. The new perpendicular axis of transport will give the isotropic urbanization a stimulation for future urbanization development. Water purification plant Rainfall

Water supply Dune forest Wind erosion Dike: Preventing sea level rising Underground water reservoir Salinity water intrusion

[1] Tidal park: Buffer zone for water dynamism Swamp forest

[2] Dune: Underground fresh water reservoir

Water collecting and supplying process



urbanization zone proposed


new tramway route proposed

[6] [1] Structure of land reclamation (new tramway route and urbanazation proposed )




[2] Dynamic landscape between tidals

Tidal park

Recreational swamp forest Wave breaker

Dike: Preventing sea level rising

Tidal regulator

Urban extension

Main road access to hinterland [Wenduine]

New route of coast tramway

Recreational access [Recovering the creek]







[ tramway route ] [ tramway Station ] [ main road access ] [ coastal path ]


Stretching, shifting and re-linking

Recreational tidal park Sustainable dune community

Urban platform

[ creek path ]

Preservation zone: Underground fresh water

Tidal electricity generator Fishery village/ Aquaculture

Fish market

Urban corridor

Nature observation path

Programing the new urban structure

Flooding regulator


Forest nursery

[1] Fish/ oyster farms [2] Fishery villiage [3] Coatal promenade [4] Fish market [5] Urban corridor- public space [6] Nature observation path

Wenduine: An aquaculture landscape nurtures new urbanization

[1] [2]


[1] [4] [1] [3]



Fish farms

New Wenduine New fish village on the Dune forest constructed platform

Lagoon Fish ponds

Aquaculture city “Wenduine� is a project functioned with both protection and production. According to the analysis in previous chapter, it indicates that Wenduine is under a high level risk of breaching formation. On the other hand, the Ferraris map shows there was a huge area around the urban zone was swampy, and it is close to the breaching point of Wenduine coast. In this sense, in order to reduce the damage to further inland, depoldering (recovering the swamp to regulate the flooding) is the strategy to seek the new border with water again. Introducing new economic activity- aquaculture into Wenduine coast is an attempt to create a new experience of coastal city. Although we know that Spuikom, Oostende, is a main oyster farm with most of the yields on the coastal region, the history shows that there were several oyster farms on the coastline in different cities (Nieuwpoort, Oostende, Blankenberge and Zeebrugge). In the other word, the Belgian coast provides a good condition for raising aquaculture. In addition, the light structure of oyster or fish farms can be a water breaker to reduce the erosion and also benifit the beach nourishment in the same time on coast.

Old Wenduine Dune forest


02 //

[ SUPERSTRADA: PEDEMONTANA ] Specialization of the existing network

What if instead of building up a new infrastructure: Super Strada Pedemontana Venaeta(SSPV), we make use of existing infrastructure in order to solve the traffic congestion and articulate the dispersed territory 2013.09-2014.01 Veneto, Italy Studio design Superstrada Pedemontana Veneta(SSPV) is a new regional tollway which is aim to solve the traffic congestion in Veneto region and connect with France and the Eastern of Europe for constructing a transportation corridor in continential scale. Also, the regional adminisration expects the convinience of transportation network attracting more investments, and improve tourism and economics. However, this project is still critical and isn’t supported by many local residents, professional reaserchers in the fields of civil engineering, ecology, evironmental protection and urbanism. Under the circumstance, what we proposed is to re-think the possibility by articulating and re-structuring the existing transportation system to overcome and improve the weakness of current transportation network in Veneto region. SCENARIO CHARACTERISTICS - Reducing space for private cars without building new roads - Take advantage of the existing road infrastructure and rail - Treating the water management with dispersed strategies - Revealing “new” public spaces within the beautiful landscape - People will start cooperate in the transportation of freight? - Will landscape corridor be perceived as public spaces as it is expected?






Highway network and railway network in Northern region of Italy

20 Km

New multimodal terminal Bus catchment area (500m)


Railway station (2.5km)

Industrial buildings Expandable industrial platform Urbanization

Proposed route of sspv and the international connection to France and the Eastern of Europe


- Is it possible to change our mobility habits? - Will public transport and bikes be able to support local private movements? - Hubs and terminals on rail will absorb the traffic of trucks in an efficient way? -People will start cooperate in the transportation of freight? -Will landscape corridor be perceived as public spaces as it is expected?

Min. of 25,000 vehicles should transit everyday

The actors participating, operating and investing in SSPV project

The length of whole project is 94,5 km long. It will cross through 2 provinces and 36 municipalities. The proposed route will intercepted with 3 existing highways. For the structure itself, it is with 16 exits, 51 km entrenched and 26,5km elevated. SCENARIO ZERO: Known issues of the SSPV project

toll of 1,20 euros per each 10km

Environmental impact study approved in 2005

Constructed parallel very close to existing roads

Urbanized area of 2km radius around each exit

Passing Through a protected park

No interaction with the crossing tracks

Passing through a trash dump to be depurated of the state cost of 94 millions

Tunnel below the underground water

SPATIAL IMPLICATIONS | Counter strategies facing the SSPV

New public transport on rail Possible wonerf spaces Rest of roads Roads dedicated for trucks (hard ows) Landscape mobility through dirt roads

[Landscape cutted by the SSPV]

[Articulation of the existing to face the traffic problems adding value to the landscape]

[Water system blocked. High investments in hidraulic infrastructure]

[Improve the existing water management by the creation of water reservoir in the unused gravel pits, revealing new public spaces and paths for leisure]

[Increase of road capacity, encouraging more travels with motorized vehicles.]

[Distinctions between roads for trucks (hard flows) and roads for people (soft flows)]

[No interaction betwen SSPV and the rail system]

[Exploit the existing rail net to cope with freight transport by roads, creating hubs and multimodal terminals]

SHIFT IN THE TRANSPORT CHAIN | Towards a cooperative scheme of transportation Delivery chain [Long term/ Short term]


Average trucks in Treviso Province are just full of 35% the capacity (P.T.C.P. Province of Treviso 2010)

Return truck empty Client


Trucks ounced by the industries or by the purchasers




Bassano del Grappa

Castelfranco Veneto



Hard flow network


Roads for freight and multimodal terminals

20 Km

Industrial buildings Industrial buildings

Multimodel terminals Multimodal terminals

Expandable Industrial Platforms Expandable industrial platform

Railway freight Hub hub Railway freight

Delivery chain


Trucks full of 100%

Freight transport by highway (Medium distance) Thanks to an efficient network of terminals and hubs, transportation by rail is seen as the solution to face the freight transportation problems for long distance.

Existing road network Road dedicated for trucks Industrial hub Railway network Proposed multimodel hub for freight Collect store and transport process in the multimodel terminal/ hub

Trucks hired by logistic company shared between platform proprietors

Industrial platform

Economically competitive on distance more than

150km Unaccompanied Combined Transport (UCT)

Main UCT route in Europe Terminals Rail Hub Treviso



Vicenza freight transportation Freight transportation on railon rail Dedicated roads for for trucks Dedicated roads truck Existing roads Existing roads


Proposed multimodal terminals in Veneto plain

Pilot project for a multimodal freight terminal in Signoressa 1) SF COMPAGNIA TRASPORTI “We do not produce anything in here, we are a logistic company. I think you’re doing a good job, work on it, we know it could be ideal in lots of cases” 2) ISOLANTI SRL “We produce building materials and we bring them to the construction sites, trucks for us are the best solution, train by now would be useless, but in future we’ll might extend our exportations”

3) BT ALLESTIMENTI E RIMORCHI “Everything we do is very local, transportation by rail wouldn’t make sense”

4) ITALSAPLAST “We produce shoe soles, we export them everywhere, for us a freight train-terminal would be great, overall to sell them to Russia” 5) FELTRIN “30 years ago we use to send our inox autoclaves by rail! For us using trucks is a martyrdom, because our products are too big. A railway terminal would help us a lot, and I think that Geox positioned their new industries there for a strategic reason” 6) FAVERO LORENZO SNOW GROOMERS “My dad started this production in the 80’s, from a local market we reached a world market now, Corea, Russia, Germany…buyers regularly come and pick up the machine, but if we could reach a port by rail it could be worth” 7) SILNI CALZATURE “We produce shoes, but they are processed in Ukraine and then they come back here and we export them…railways in east Europe are worst than here…” 8) GESTA SMALTIMENTO RIFIUTI “We are a company that collects garbage, from Rome-southern. To collect it we use many ways of transport, from trucks to donkeys” “Why not train?” “It is too much disorganized”

Trees plantation for biomass

Platform cross section

Railway terminal for freight Vegetation along the roads

Solar panels on the roofs

Industrial platform Sant Elena

Pilot project for a multimodal freight terminal in Signoressa

Recycled warehouse: green house Recycled industry: temporary residence

Green buffer: sight/ noise/ pollution

Soft flow network

Roads for local inhabitial connection New street furniture furniture New street

The accessibility with different vehicles and roads hierarchy New surface for bicycle New surface for and pedestrian flowsflows bicycle and pedestrian

Water phytodepuration Water phytodepuration along the intervened roads along the intervened roads

Dirt roads as bike path: Welfare net Connections between services on the territory

Roads for buses & bike lanes: Direct net Connections between different main towns

PUBLIC TRANSPORT Railway and bus




20 Km

Bus catchment area (500m)

New public transport on rail

Railway station (2.5km)

Dedicated roads for new public transport

Urbanization Welfare facilities (Schools, Hospitals, Church)

Existing roads Possible Wonerf spaces Rest of roads

Rail network Dirt roads connecting welfare facilites Proposed public transport corridors


White roads connecting welfare facilities




20 Km

Welfare facilities (Schools, Hospitals, Church)

Rail network Dirt roads connecting welfare facilites Proposed public transport corridors


A parallel system of connectivity




20 Km

PEOPLE ORIENTED NETWORK Potential car-free streets

White roads directions with White roads directons sign system with signage

White roads directions with

White roads directons with signage sign system

New tree Newplantations tree plantations

Street furniture where possible Street furniture where possible

Highlighted in color are the elements that could articulate a network of public spaces accesible through dirt roads: Gravel pits, vineyards, clearings and forests dispersed in the territory with public parks and sportive facilities in towns.

Dirt roads as soft corridors for leisure Connections between different local beauties


Revealing new public spaces through dirt road routes


Specific elements of the territory as ground for new


03 //

[Weaving the spatial barrier with eco-infrastructures] Requalifying the infrastructures 2012.10-2013.01 Kortrijk Studio design The shift of urban core and Impossibly maintain of over-sized infrastructure The city Kortrijk is undergoing a major metamorphosis, due to the increasing rationalization of health care and education. The four historic hospitals in the city center are closing their doors while being replaced by one brand new facility along highway. The school system is undergoing a similar development.

Historic city center Kortrijk

These ongoing transformations have to be added to the consequences of the deindustrialization that devastated the city in different shocks and waves since the petrol crisis of 1970s. Commercially, the center is suffering from competition of big retail facilities in the periphery and it is without saying that convents and churches already lost most of their significance a long time ago.

New development Hoog Kortrijk

The historic city center is losing its significant position. The commercial, education, medical service and new real estate development are shifting to outside of the ringroad.

Short, the historic core of Kortrijk is losing a lot of exactly the central function that in the past provided it its centrality. Last but not the least, a lot of infrastructure the last 50 years to accommodate the car, proves to be oversized, misconceived and impossible to maintain as such.

Diagram A: current

Diagram B: proposal

Conceptual diagram: Intertwining historic city center and new urban development by extended N-S local road system ( 3 blue axes) and W-E highway (green spine).

While Kortrijk is facing the period of urban transformation, many industrials and major facilities move to Hoog Kortrijk, Highway becomes a spatial barrier disconnecting the links between the ancient city center and new urban development. In the project, what is expected is to give the highway a new spatial identity, by which we anticipate to re-structure a ecological and sustainable urban system. So, in the proposal, the highway is not only a hard infrastructure for car flows; it is also transformed to be a green spine to reshape the urban skeleton of Kortrijk. In the meantime, the productive landscapes proposed on the green spine give the city a new character to response the risk of climate change and the decreasing of resource in the future.

3 main axes:

New mobility intervention:

Main connection to old city center

Tramway route

Green boulevard

Bike path

local road Tramway station Train station New housing project Public building/ industrial factory / Science park community and housing Green/ Hard pavement New water collecting system Existing water landscape

Multifunctional Green spine / Productive landscape A. Botanical garden B. Forest C. Wetland: rain water storage D. Public transportation terminal E. Green spine: Eco panels, vegetation rooftop, rainwater collector and solar panel F. Green boulevard G. Urban park H. Urban farm I. Energy park: rainwater collector and solar panel J. Tree nursury


Residential area: The commom open spaces

3 main axes connecting old city and new development: Bridges

Gap between Kortrijk and Hoog Kortrijk: Highway

SE 3







H. H. C-

SE 1



E. J.

D. G. C.


Reinterpret the functions of bridge and transform the form of bridges becoming multifunctional platforms for residential common space and people’s daily use.


Also, collect most of green spaces around the spine to establish a sustainable green network.

Tram bridge

Route for new tram route and access to Tree nursery (Section_3)

Landscape bridge

Connecting energy patk and urban farm (Section_2)

Air bridge

Air bridge

Boulevard / pedestrian path

Air bridge

Main connection to kortrijk center

Landscape bridge

Tram bridge

Route for new tram route and access to forest/ sciencepark / botanical garden

Solar panel

Rain water collector

green rooftop/ tree

green rooftop/ vegetation Residential area

Urban park

Residential area

Rainwater collector Water playground

Bike/Pedestrian path

Waterway for transporting collected water

Green spine

Residential recreation platform bike path and pedestrian path


Energy park Bike/Pedestrian path

Green spine: Skeleton: Extension from existing axes: The structure of green spine is based on the old city structure and highway itself. According to the analysis map, it shows the three main axes connecting N-S direction of Kortrijk, and by the surrounding nearby, the three connections represent different features (from left to right): main road connecting Kortrijk city center, road for local inhabitants and road to croplands. In the process of transforming highway, the three axes extended from old Kortrijk center become a very important starting point to integrate Kortrijk and Hoog Kortrijk. Skin: Building-up a various of element to create a sustainable life platform The green spine is not only created for connecting and sewing the gap between Kortrijk and Hoog Kortrijk cutting through by highway, which is also to structure a big surface of platform for sustainability with 3 different ecological functions: green rooftop, rainwater collector and solar panels. On the side of the platform, pedestrian paths and bike paths for the use of inhabitants living in the area are also included in the expanded linearity. Green Landscape




New tramway route/ Bike path


Urban green + Green spine + Urban park + Soundproof forest + Rain water collector

ndproof barrior

Green spine

Bike/Pedestrian path

Rain water collector

Soundproof barrior

Residential area

Bike/Pedestrian path

Productive landscape + Landscape Bridge + Urban park + Energy park +Urban farm + Rain watercollector

Landscape Bridge Rain water collector

Urban farm Bike/Pedestrian path

Public transportation/ Productive landscape + Landscape Bridge + tram route + Tree nursery + Cropland Green infrastructure Vegetation planting Water collecting Cropland

Landscape Bridge/ Tram route

Tree nursery

Productive landscape Agriculture New residential flows

Water Landscape Rain water collecting system


04 //

[ THE MEMORIES OF DECOMPOSITION ] Revitalizing the navy fuel plant as a living container 2008.11-2009.05 Hsinchu, Taiwan Thesis design Respecting the past and integrating with the current urban condition The project is a discussion about how to re-think the value of historical architecture and gives it a new identity in the process of urban renewal. In the project, what I was dealing with is how to memorize the historical episodes by the interpretation of architectural design and landscape design, and also re-program the daily needs that are missing in the residential area. On the other hand, besides satisfying the lacks of residential recreation space, I also expect, by renovating the site, in the same time I can completely preserve the image of spatial beauty of the heritage that I saw in the first moment. What I try to convey is the concept of respecting the past and integrating the old and the new elements. Instead of entirely demolishing the old structure, the navy fuel plant will be transformed to a new space merging into the current urban structure and solve the lack of recreational spaces in high-dense urban zone surrounded with residential buildings.

The Fuel Station The Fuel Storage The Quarry

The site is located in Hsinchu City. In the period of Japanese colonization, Japanese government considered Taiwan is an important military base because of the possession for rich resources and the advantage of position. Therefore, there were many fuel plants that were building in the early 20th century in Taiwan. (Find the map above for locations/ dot in pink) But, many of them were unfinished due to the failure of Japan in WWII, which made the Japanese government retreated from Taiwan and left the constructions. Now, we still can see many military heritages remained since that period and the navy plant is one of the cases. In the district, we can find not only the structure of navy plant, but also many related facilities were scattered around. After decades pass, because on one hand, the administration hasn’t managed the properties organizely, and on the other hand, in the early age, the lack of housing forced people take the structure for temporary shelters, the structures were occupied by residents or were abandoned until today. The different builds overlaying and growing with the scale of industrial construction which presents a very unique condition of living environment.

High density of inhabitants: lack of green, leisure spaces and parking lots.

In recent years, the real estate development around the site is prosperous. This situation makes the inhabitants living in the district faces a problem that is the lack of green spaces and recreational spaces. Due to the high population in Taiwan urban zone, the average of most housing type is 15-floor building and people only can share a courtyard for their leisure time in each community.

Plant construction

New inhabitants occupation

[MOTHERSHIP] Connecting the history, urban development and inhabitants’ life


[LINES] The location of navy fuel plant and other facilities

[GRID] Developement of residential area .

Site model

Phase 01 Current: Helping residents moving out and cooperating with professional consevative consultants for maintaining the historical structures

Phase 02 Removing the structures of illegal occupation inside of the navy fuel plant and conserving and re-using the remained structure for the future new project planning.

Phase 03 Based on the need of this district, re-structuring the green open space in the community and proposing a new multifuntinal public park for residents’ recreational life.

Limited green spaces and huge amont of residential housing in the district School/ park New real estate development National housing (built by government) University dormitory Navy fuel plant (mothership)

New residential construction by government involving


Project proposal

01.Restaurant + Cafe 02.Information Center 03.Artists’ Open Lab& Studio 04.Funnel Experienced Hostel 05.Art Gallery(Ground floor) 06.Light Gallery(Air bridge) 07.Light Tower+Paths(Chimney) 08.Memorial Square 09.Parking Lot 10. Hostel Reception and bike rental


Master Plan The structure of master plan will be extended from the old navy fuel plant, “the mothership”, and will follow with the historical traces we investigate and research in the previous paragraphs to connect the old scattered houses in the spatial and historical aspects. By re-defining the role of this architecture, the heritage is not only given a new identity, but also participates in the residents’ life with a new perspective. It is not just a ruin containing the memory of past and immigration, what it will be transformed is a life container.












06.Light Gallery(Air bridge)

04.Funnel Experienced Hostel 07.Light Tower(Chimney)

05.Art Gallery(Ground floor)

07.Light Paths

03.Artists’ Open Lab& Studio

04.Funnel Experienced Hostel

07.Light Paths

[New interventions attached on the mothership]

Using different materials in renovation to represent the dialogue between new and old. Trying to give the old structure a new image.

New vision of entrance

The navy fuel plant with maga-scale construction and its historical condition gives visitors a unique atomosphere while entering. The light and shadow vary due to the angle of sunlight, which creates a natural light experience gallery. In the project, I expect to create a gallery merging with the light changes and interacting with time and lights. 03.Artists’ Open Lab& Studio

06.Light Gallery(Air bridge)

The navy fuel plant itself is a light Renovating and Re-utilising the exhibition; also open the venue old residential housing for local for artists to create and develop artists and inhabitants to sattheir installations. isfy the lack of space for local activities.

The open space between hostel and artists’ lab

The view from the hostel room

06.Light Gallery In the new master plan, the second floor of navy fuel plant will be organized as a light gallery. The idea is to conserve part of the exisitng plan, and when visitors walk through the new air bridge who can enjoy the unique spatial atomosphere and see per- 04.Funnel Experienced Hostel formance between light and the structure. The old architecture will not only be preserved for art exhibition, it will also be combined with several func05.Art Gallery tions. One of them is funnel experienced hostel. By which This area is planned to become a venue to create a new way to enjoy the spatial beauty of the for artist or inhabitants holding events interaction with sunshine and industrial structure. and exhibitions.


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[ Traveling terminal, Bike Hostel] An Urban reading with biking scale 2008.10 Tainan, Taiwan Design studio-senior

The site, which is a city park located in the old center of Tainan City and it’s in the location surrounded by local residential housings and public buildings. The open space absolutely provides residents and students an excellent open space for daily activities. However, most of the fields in the park are abandoned and less of use, only the pedestrian path on the edge of park is using by locals. This situation makes the vacant park becomes a huge urban void which present a strong contradiction with the surroundings. On the other hand, for the use of urban land, this is very uneconomic and inefficient. So, in the development of project, first of all, by the site investigation, understanding what is the reason causes the park seldom be used will be the priority. Secondly, by studying the urban scale of Tainan to proposed new approach and possible programs in the park. Lastly, according to the result of analysis to re-organize the relation between park, neighbourhood and Tainan city.

The study of traditional and existing open spaces in Tainan: Square in front of temple In traditional society of Taiwan, people lives with religion center, so the square in front of temple is a very important space for people’s daily life. In the same time, we always can find a tree planting in the square. This becomes a spatial icon and neighbours naturally gather around, celebrate holidays and hold events in the square.

A new approach of reading Tainan: Biking Public bike rental system and the trend of biking: the size of bike/ accessibility/ labyrinth/ bike riding speed/ scenery reflection

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The tourism map indicatingCULTURE the locations of sightseeing and cultural park in Tainan City HISTORIC SPOTS/ PARKS

Tainan is a very popular tourism city in Taiwan in recent years. It was the first capital city in the period of Dutch colonization. Because of the history of early urban development, what we see today is the complexity of urban structure intertwined and the variety of cultures generating in different periods. Tainan is famous of its historical architecture and traditional street food. But tourists’ visiting brings a certain amount of population and car flow, which causes the traffic congestion every weekend. However, recently biking in Taiwan has become a top recreational activity. Many routes of bike path in Tainan is finished and the local government will keep extend the network. The establishment of bike path and the old urban scale of Tainan give the new approach to visit the city. By riding bikes, it is a small scale of movement that can help visitors to see the details of Tainan, and experience local’s life.

The bike path map/ 3 main bike paths (dashed line: underconstruction) CYCLEPATH IN TAINAN CIT Y

Local residential housings


Public housing, schools and court house

Contradiction of building density on different sides.

Study of the measurement for path system 1.2M one-way bike path 2M two-way bike path 4M two-way bike path+ pedestrian Street house and local retail shop

Elevated pavement: build-up a barrior

Park: abandoned

Section of the street

Impenetrability: Hard pavement and elevated platform/ The park didn’t be used efficiently by locals. Local and residential activites only occupying the edge of park. Concept development

Extension of exisitng network volume reflects to the street house neighborhood open space landscape park (vegetation)

Extension of exisitng network

[1] Reprsenting the urban scale of Tainan/ [2] Response to the current urban system and environment [3] Elevated constructed volume: reflect climatic condition Elevating the construction to leave the ground floor for residents and increase the surface of shadow. The weather in Tainan is warm and humid, the area in the shadow can avoid the heat and create more spaces for outdoor activities. [4] Organic urban development: follow the existing urban system and urban scale to arrange the form of new interventions.

Conceptual model Study model Image on the site

Although the urban structure in Tainan City has been changed, fortunately the urabn structure in old city center is still conserved due to its historical value. The hard infrastructures in old city center remain the comparatively small scale, which becomes the distinction and attraction of the historical city.

3] Elevated volume

Neighborhood square & Reception of hostel






Room types [1] [2] [3] Single room/ [4] Double room



A new interface between local housings and park [On the local street side/North]

Demolishing the barrior built up with hard pavements and giving more openess and soft pavements to welcome people, also extending activities from the edge to the center. Interpreting a new architectural types which merges the local scale of street housing and local building materials, also, giving the residential activities a better climatical environment for reacting the local weather condition

Residential Area and biking ramp


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06 05 01/02

01.Information center/ Lobby 02.Cybercafe 03.Bike Repairing 04.Bike Rental 05.Shower Room 06.Luandry Room 07.Residentail Area 08.Community Square 09.Oberservatory Deck

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