Portfolio V3

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Design Portfolio Yuan Gu 2





Master of Design Program

2009 China Design Research And Study Forum (Cixi, China)

Graduate Research Assistant BE in Industrial Design

Glass Package Studio

Oral Care Studio

2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Cellphone Design Project

Business Computer Project

Baby Boomers and Travel Pioneer Humidifier Design

Urban Transportation Studio

Intern ID Engineer at DTT

Intern Designer at Jingkelong.co Torch bearer & Volunteer

My Works


U.S.A Introduction / Contents

Design Potfolio, 2011


4 12


Yuan Gu

Industrial designer Design researcher 424 Riddle Rd Apt2, Cincinnati, OHIO 45220 +1 513-328-5568 guyuan1987@gmail.com

Skills Rhino 3D, Alias Studio, Solidworks; Keyshot render, Hypershot render, Vray render, Autodesk Showcase; Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Lightroom; Microsoft Office Word, Powerpoint, Excel; Hand sketch & Sketch with WACOM pen table Foam prototyping, CNC prototyping & Powder print prototyping

Business Network System

Wool Ball Hybrid Humidifer


2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention


Language Mandarin & English

Pioneer Humidifier Design

Urban Transportation Studio

Introduction / Contents

Design Potfolio, 2011


Shark Business Network System A future solution of business computing

2007, Best Originality Award and Best Design Award, Top 5 of over 4 500

Business Computer




Small business

Medium business

Large Enterprise



Standard performance Reliability Standard security

Mid performance High reliability High security Professional meatainess

Best performance Best reliability Best security Professional meatainess

Reliability Performance Security Compatibility After service Energy saving

High perfonmance in Connecting, communication and processing Full time on line Digital instead of simulation signls Easier to use





Literature Review Benchmarking Consumer Interview Identifying Opportunities

Brainstorming Sketch Modeling & Rendering Prototyping

Prototype Test


A better business computer means more reliable, more compatible and cheaper This project offers a new solution for the LENOVO business computer, which is especially for those small businesses. In addition, this project wins an best originality prize in the LENOVO future business computer design competition. Based on some survey, we recognized that one of the most common problems in the usage of business computers is actually not the hardware problem, but the software, which probably is caused by virus or false-operation.

LENOVO Business Network System

Concept design, 2007


Design Research


Human factor issueSystem speed

Software issues Miss operating


Performance/speed Compatibility

Virus Energy saving

Memory device damage Cooling problems Data lost Hardware damage Operation system

Internet connection problem

LENOVO Business Network System

Concept design, 2007


Hardware Resource Optimization The graph below shows the general work process of the whole system. Generally speaking, the system is consist of one main machine (including operation part), and several Terminal part (used for employers to work with).

CPU usage A% CPU usage B% Shut off

Upload data to "Server" system Download necessary data after being operated

Terminal on line Lower load/energy saving

Mulitiple terminal share one Server Server act like a operation center

CPU usage X%=A%+B%

Terminal on line Heavy load/more work

Terminal off line Energy saving


Working Procedures





Storage Internet adapter Input devices Output devices

Cable Wifi etc.

Software security Hardware security

Mass Storage ROM & RAM CPU Internet adapter Output devices Case Coolling system

All the On-table sets in a group share hardware resource from Server. So that makes sure the resource optimization.

Problem Statement

Design Brief

Unfriendly device increase the chance of miss operating which lead to Unstable efficiency and Data sec urity problem.

New concept increases the work efficiency of every employer. Reduce the effect of unexpected data lose. Most optimum distribution of resources, save resources for customer.

Specific Aims Physical needs User friendly & portable & customizable Emotional needs Sence of calm and peace & modern & encouragement & reliable Maintainability Easier and quicker to fix problems & System of hardware optimization & Professional maintainability Cost requirements Low cost & energy saving & esay to upgrade LENOVO Business Network System

Concept design, 2007



Sketched in Photoshop with WACOM pen table

Take out the HDD from above

Take out HDD

Drawer like removable HDD

Hard disc drive

Inspired by ipod dock

Similar to digital player

Base dock

LENOVO Business Network System

Concept design, 2007



0.30cm 2.00cm



3D Modeling Modeling with Rhino 3D

Power button

Heat releasing vent

AC port

USB port 1 USB port 2 Ethernet port 12.60cm

USB port 1 USB port 2 12.00cm


LENOVO Business Network System


Concept design, 2007


01 Plastic shell case

Concept Details

02 Solid State Drive 03 Dock port

Modeling with Rhino 3D, rendered in Hypershot The terminal set is mainly made up of memory unit (HHD or SSD), USB-HUB and power supply unit. All necessary I/O devices, such as keyboard or display, are connected with it by USB, HDMI or other ports. Basically, to solve most of problems that employees encounter (such as virus), employees can use some other memory unit instead. The Server is mainly made up of memory unit (hard-disc drive Raid) and operation unit (a group of CPUs and RAMS). The Server exchanges data with the Terminals. The Server is used to store all in formation of the whole work group and makes sure its safety. In a word, the whole system helps customers accelerate their process and minimizes the unexpected damage.

04 Plastic top work surface


05 Base shell 06 Motherboard 07 Copper Cooling system 08 Led monitor 09 Touch spot switch 10 USB port 11 AC-in port

Features and Technical Specifications Four USB ports in two side of the docking station can be used to connect other devices such as keyboard or flash drivers. One button on the docking station for switch on and off the terminal. A let light indicate the work states of the system. And there is also a LCD screen on the surface of the dock to show additional information. Comparing with traditional computer, the terminal is quite compact because it dose not have a large motherboard with all the devices set on it.




09 08 11


06 10


LENOVO Business Network System

Concept design, 2007


Prototyping Powder Print Prototyping, finished with paint

LENOVO Business Network System

Concept design, 2007


Wool Ball Hybrid Humidifer

2007, Project Sponsored by YADU, Beihang University 12


Design Research Market analyzing & Benchmarking


Specific feature Use in mulitiple enviroment Portable device Hybride/energy saving Self-rechargeable Technology

Most of humidifiers on the market are kind of "low use of style and technology" product. Some other kinds of "technology driven" product look bad. This project focuses on the upper right of the diagram which means product with higher "use of style and technology". It follows the YADU company's requirement of a product for North America pioneer consumers.

Environmentally friendly and energy-saving are two vital elements in this project This project is designed for the humidifier manufacturer “YADU�. The task is mainly about a hybrid energy humidifier for those consumer leaders in North America market. On one hand, selecting of raw materials and its principle of work should follow above two elements. We can use nature materials instead of petrochemical materials, so that we can decrease environment pollution. To save energy, we can add solar panel or some kinds of self-recharger in it. On another hand, the visual form should relate to those elements too. Therefore, I chose knitting-work style in its shape, so that it can easily remind consumers of some green plant-base stuff. Moreover, its color and texture should be unique unlike other normal products. It should provide some kind of familiar and luxurious experience. [ Wo o l B a l l ] H y b r i d H u m i d i f e r

Concept design, 2008



Sketched in Photoshop with WACOM pen table

e c a f r e t n User i

Mosaic like buttons and LCD

Solar panel

Vol y b

al like

Roly-poly ball

LCD screen Cube with a cut-off angle

Motion generator

Put it on the radiator

[ Wo o l B a l l ] H y b r i d H u m i d i f e r

Concept design, 2008


Concept Details Modeling with Rhino 3D, rendered in Hypershot

Refill Rotate the knob attached to the water tank can unlock the water tank, then it can be taken out of the humidifier. In the other side is the bottle cap of the water tank. Rotate the cap can open the water tank to refill water. There is a rubber insert on the cap, and water can seep into the humidifier.

Mode A: Standard


The humidifier is attached with a base and it can work with external electric supply, warm up air to accelerate evaporation and recharge its battery. In this mode, humidifier can work highly efficiently. Actually, it is the major way to use this humidifier which is just similar with other humidifier. In tis case, "HYBRID" element is not in use.

When the humidifier works without a base, it can work with the integrated battery, recharge the battery and shine, emit sound when it rolls. The humidifier “Wool ball” can be used as a toy for babies or pets. As it rolls, it recharges the battery by using the generator inside. Also it can speak or make sound to show its ”HYBRID” function is in working which will also make a lot of fun.

[ Wo o l B a l l ] H y b r i d H u m i d i f e r

Concept design, 2008


Concept Details Modeling with Rhino 3D, rendered in Hypershot

LCD Touch Screen A simple control panel with basic order such as power on/off and fan speed control. Also, it shows necessary information battery condition. The blue backlight makes it easy to be read. The point is this touch screen can make the whole kinttingwork look humidifier turns into a future style stuff.

Filling Hole The turning button is actually used to take out the water tank, so that consumer can refill water. The material and shape of this filling hole is similar with the other side (the LCD screen) in order to match in the same style.

Working Principle The main working process can be seen in the right sketch. Water comes out from the outlet and make the sponge paper wet; while the fan turns on to accelerate evaporation.


Structure The sketch above shows the basic parts inside the humidifier. The water tank is placed in the black sleeve. The space between those parts and the outside casing is padded with sponge papers. As the water come out through the water outlet (in the other end), it makes the sponge papers wet, which is the source of vapor. The heater can warm up the air inside the casing in order to accelerate evaporation in cold condition. The generator can recharge the battery. To sum up, this is a “Hybrid�. [ Wo o l B a l l ] H y b r i d H u m i d i f e r

Concept design, 2008




Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

2010, Project sponsored by University of Cincinnati Nursing School, Live Well Collaborative 17

Design Process

Design Delivery

Interview In home visit Focus group research

Observation & Literature Review

Data Analysis

Diet/ Excise Determinants of Behaviors Culture Identify Generation Differences Research Methods

To slove the problem, 3 solutions came out: Education system, interaction software and new product

Interview Insights Opportunity search Exisiting solution research Marketing study


Research Diabetes positive correlate to obesity,From focus group research we found it is quite necessary to separate food and sauce when eating.



Ideation Brainstorming Genesis 3 solutions

Concept Development

Prototype construction User trail Evaluation Refinement

Sketches Human factor analysis Form exploration User scenarios Technical evaluation

2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Design research, 2010


Literature Review

Collect backgroud information


Design Opportunity

Absorb and correct information

Profile 基本问题 1. 名字:

8. Generally, who take care of your kids? 多数情况下谁负责照看孩子? First name: 9. Who in charge of cooking? 您家谁负责烹调?

2. Age: 你的年龄是: A.20-30 B.30-40 C.40-55 D.55+

10. Who in charge of grocery shopping? 你家谁负责采购食物?

3. Age of your spouse: 您配偶的年龄: A.20-30 B.30-40 C.40-55 D.55+

11. Are most of your kid's friends Chinese or Americans? 您的孩子的朋友多是美国人还是华人?

4. How many family members? 您的家庭成员数目:


5. How many kids do you have 您有个小孩: 6. How old are your kids 孩子们都多大:

Which exact place of China is your

Diabetes Positive correlate to


7. Do grandparents live with your kids? 祖父母是否和您的孩子生活在一起 ?

2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Design research, 2010


Focus Group Insights To directly get information from Chinese America family, we went to “Huaxia” Chinese school for interviews. Parents give us a lot of useful information which lead to the following insights.

Parents think the words from teachers always works better than the words from parents. Sometimes they listen to their friends more.

“Kids will act more like American, school effect then a lot.”

Due to the reason that their kids are not fat, many parents don’t care about obesity at all.

Parents have their own definitions of “healthy food”, which are different from person to person.

Some of the parents believe that gene means a lot in obesity problem.

“My kids are pretty healthy, I never worry about their weight problem.” “They eat a lot; they do sports a lot. It’s their natural growing process. They won’t be fat.”

“I think pizza is healthy because you can see many vegetables on it.” “Some Chinese food contains too much salt and oil.” “Chinese food is healthier than American food. My kids get

“No one in my family is fat, so my kids will not be.” “Eating more doesn’t necessarily mean one will have obesity problem. He or she must have the gene. ”

Their friends can be anyone from everywhere. But the possibility for them to have a Chinese best friend is very big.

Children are afraid of being different or odd. They give up Chinese language when they grow up gradually.

“My kids’ best friend is also Chinese America, maybe because they are similar.”

“No one want to be different, kids don’t want to speak different language or eat different food in front of their America friends.”

Parents force their children to eat Chinese food cause they want their children to get used to Chinese food.

“Since we all like Chinese food, we really want our child like Chinese food.”

2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Design research, 2010


Focus Group Insights

All parents kind of trust the food in school. They believe the school must have already invited some one to take care of the food problems. And they think their children can learn the healthy food knowledge from the school, from the science class. Parents trust school.

“There are some healthy food advisor in school.” “Kids know which kind of food is healthy, school already taught them that. ”

Parents normally don't encourage their children to drink coke.

Kids don’t really care about what they eat. They love to eat together and play during eating.

“I don’t want them to drink soda, but they could steal soda from our restaurant by themselves.” -Mom run her family Chinese restaurant “We don’t buy soda at home, but now kids are smart. They would buy from vendor machine.”

“Kids don’t care about the food. Like my son, he loves to eat with his friends and they have a lot of fun together.” “I think it is a good idea to add more fun for kids’ meal.”

It is very important if parents have time to spend with their kids. Parents normally spend more energy on younger child than older ones.

“ I feel I am not a good mom after answering your questions. I should spend more time to play with my son. The only activities we did together are doing homework and going to supermarkets.” “I have to take care the 1 year old kid, so I cannot spend too much time with my elder kid. Maybe when the baby grow up, they can play together.”

2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Design research, 2010


Chinese people share dishes

Focus Group Insights What we found from focus group that parents usually add a lot of oil or even they have a sense that oil is no good; they still add a lot of sauce when cooking. A consumer group also found that the typical Chinese menu is a sea of nutritional no-nos. A plate of General Tso’schicken, for example, is loaded with about 40 percent more sodium and more than half the calories an average adult needs for an entire day. And among all of those sodium and calories, most of them come from added oil and sauce. So it is quite necessary to separate food and sauce when eating. Even the sauce itself, most of Chinese traditional sauce contains a lot of oil so it is necessary to separate the solid and the oil.

Left picture shows a traditional spicy sause from China which contain a lot oil. That is why we should separate oil and sauceProblem found from home visiting

Chinese people seldom use measuring cup while cooking.

2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Design research, 2010


Team 1

Product for Education & Warning

Education System

Concept Development

Existing Solution

Team 2

Ideation Brainstorming Genesis 3 solutions

New Product Two approch

Team 3

Interaction Software

New Applied Product

Our Solution Dishware design

Design Inspiration Design concept is inspired by the seedpod of the lotus. This particular feature not only express the meaning of healthy and green but also give a function similar as a filter.

2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Design research, 2010


Concept Details

Modeling with Rhino 3D, rendered in Keyshot

The holes on the plate can let the oil leak into the stainless steel oil container. Users can enjoy their dishes with less oil mixed in them. Also users can actually see how much oil in the dishes which can warn users that their way of cook is not healthy.

Upper oulet for oil and bottom outlet for sauce. So if you just can enjoy some sauce without that much oil. The bottom outlet can be closed by rotate the upper part and make the inner hole departure from the outlet. 2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Design research, 2010


Concept Details

Modeling with Rhino 3D, rendered in Keyshot

[ D i s h w a r e

S e t

D e s i g n ]

2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Design research, 2010


Concept Details

Modeling with Rhino 3D, rendered in Keyshot

[ D i s h w a r e

S e t

D e s i g n ]

2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Design research, 2010


Prototyping Powder Print Prototyping, finished with paint

2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Design research, 2010


Here we offer several tips for making a meal healthier:Look for dishes that feature vegetables instead of meat or noodles. Ask for extra broccoli, snow peas or other veggies.Steer clear of deep-fried meat, seafood or tofu. Order it stir-fried or braised.Hold the sauce, and eat with a fork or chopsticks to leave more sauce behind.Avoid salt, which means steering clear of the duck sauce, hot mustard, hoisin sauce and soy sauce.Share your meal or take half home for later.Ask for brown rice instead of white rice.

2nd Generation Chinese American Diabetes Prevention

Design research, 2010


Pioneer Humidifier Design Project Thesis project sponsored by YADU & Westinghouse, Beihang University

2008, Beihang University 29

Pioneer Humidifier Design Project Thesis project sponsored by YADU & Westinghouse, Beihang University From research to prototype, create a pioneer humidifier for pioneer consumers in North America and China.

Excellent Undergraduate Thesis Paper in Beihang University, 2008, Top 10% of over 3000

Pioneer Humidifier Design Project

Thesis project , 2009


Concept Details

1 Click spot 1:

LED Indicator

Activate the humidifier setting Rotate the click wheel: Turn on/off the humidifier; Set humidity level.



Click Wheel


Air/vapor outlet open

Handle A


Use handle A to remove water tank for refill

Click spot 3: Activate the timer setting Rotate the click wheel: Set timer LED: Red LED shows the remain time

Ultrasonic Component

Air purifier

Air outlet and handle closed

Water Tank

2 Click spot 2: 1

Power off

LED Ultrasonic humidifier

Activate the air purifier setting Rotate the click wheel: Turn on/off the air purifier; Set fan speed of the air purifier. LED: The number of green LED indicates fan speed

Modeling with Rhino 3D, rendered in Hypershot

Handle B

Use handle B to move the whole humidifier

Turbine Fan

Air Filter

Pioneer Humidifier Design Project

Thesis project , 2009



CNC Prototyping, finished with paint

Pioneer Humidifier Design Project

Thesis project , 2009


Concept Series Modeling with Rhino 3D, rendered in Hypershot Design concepts sharing the "Click wheel" interface

Pioneer Humidifier Design Project

Thesis project , 2009


Urban Transportation Studio Prophase analysis for Cincinnati street car proposal, Live Well Collaborative

2010, Live Well Collaborative 34

Design Process

Human Level – Personal Space interior experience (direct engagement, use – passive entertainment, comfort, ) exterior impression (innovative visual statement – innovative rethinking of the vessel itself) psychology of shared space (tension from blurring economic, cultural, racial boundaries

Levels of Resolution Structure

Machine Level – Public Space user experience & impression (communally, individually) culture of ‘street or village mentality’ (community issues)

Systems Level – Planning and Macro Space city grid, routes, neighborhoods (pedestrian zones, entertainment and cultural zones) auxiliary systems (links & tie-ins to other transit: bike & car share programs, foot paths) societal issues

Background Research

Inspiration Team

Qualitative Interview




History Research Current Status Benchmarking People Team U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i o

Design research, 2010



Fixed Rail Background and Context Definitions and Vocabulary (Difference between light rail and street car) Benchmarking what makes rail successful (and what makes it fail) - Criteria for success - Attributes of failures Benchmarking Design (or Cataloging Design) - Exterior look and feel - Interior look and feel

Stakeholder Understanding Users - Work - Recreation - Residents - Visitors Controllers - City Politics - Funding - Support and Structure (employees of the service) Neighborhood Connectors - What are the neighborhoods and their identities? - What are the landmarks that need to be included? Are there tiers? Deliverables in this section: - Clearly identify the groups and some characteristics - Develop a discussion guide that has been tested - Recommend how to go about interviewing and experiencing the city through the people who live, work, and play in it

Definition of Cincinnati Historical Context - Mass transit in Cincinnati (did rail exist, how did it work, why did it go away) - Identity of Cincinnati (major events that have helped define the city) Identity Work of LPK - Somehow need to get in contact with them to understand the work and where they are with everything

What is the University's Role as a 'System Champion' Should there be an active role of education as the system is developed What responsibility does the University have as: - an employer - an educator - citizen - What does it mean that this project is funded by the university? - Should we be looking at this as one university, or as a collection of universities, including Xavier, Mt. St. Joseph etc...

U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i o

Design research, 2010


Research One day downtown metro bus trip

Route17, From Daap to Government Square Ticket Price $1.75 1:16-1:20 waiting for the bus 1:20 get on the bus 1:38 arrive at Government Square Middle-age female driver, Each stop stops 10 seconds, stops 2 minutes at Government Square, 17/38 people on the bus, 2 disabilities,1 elder, 2 disability area, 6 knock-down seat, 7 seats for elder and disability, 6 Billboards on the bus.

25-30 people waiting on the Government Square stop Mid-age female, Waiting for Route17 from 1:48 to 1:51 Old lady, with shopping bags, Waiting for Route 43 from 1:44 to 1:47 Young male, sporty look, Waiting for Route 47 from 1:46 to 1:53 Senior male, looks healthy, Waiting for Route11: from 10 minutes

U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i o

Design research, 2010


Metro Bus

Current mass transit system

Focus on downtown area: Web feature in downtown area, very convenience.

Connect downtown area to suburb: Less convenience, users have to take buses following the time table; normally takes much more time.

Carrying capacity: Good enough. The buses almost empty during none peak hours or in meagerly-populated areas.

The diagram is the visualization of the Metro bus routes. The map represents how the routes connect neighbourhoods in Cincinnati. People can also read the density of the stations.

U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i o

Design research, 2010


Worknday Regular Time

Worknday Rush-hours

Weekend Highway System

Traffic condition on highway is getting worse. U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i o

Design research, 2010


Highway System The greater Cincinnati area is highly depending on the highway system. U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i o

Design research, 2010




Based on the location of interests (such as Shopping center, museums and parks), we have chosen 9 neighborhoods for further analysis. The nine neighborhoods are Clifton, CUF, Downtown, Hyde Park, Mt. Adams, Mt. Lookout, Kenwood and Newport.

U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i o

Design research, 2010



Analysis Above picture shows the position of each neighborhood. We will give do research and point out the key elements in each neighborhood. Also, we will give a suggestion way of transportation using the sign on the right.

University of Cincinnati, Ludlow Ave, Burnet woods Park Take buses

Ride bikes

Taxi or private vehicle


U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i o

Design research, 2010



Clifton height: off-campus student housing with many restaurants and convenience store; business streets like McMillan St. and Calhoun St.; University Heights: a studenttargeted rental property. Fairview: student-targeted rental property, Italianate form of architecture, Fairview Park


Fountain square, findley market, cincinnati music hall, great american ball park, cincinnati museum center at union terminal, art center museum, macy’s, saks fifth avenue, home of some major corporations.

Mt. Adams Hyde Park

Hyde Park square, Hyde Park surrounded by retail shops and restaurants

A geographic landmark, Eden Park (the finest park in Cincinnati), Krohn Conservatory, Cincinnati Art Museum, Playhouse in the Park, bars and restaurants (popular among the 21+ age group)

U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i o

Design research, 2010


Mt. Lookout

University of Cincinnati physics department, Mount Lookout Square, local restaurants and bars at night while specialty shops and small business serve daytime needs, Auto Park.

Mt. Lookout

Middle-class neighborhood, Oakley square, two shopping center, fresh market, the 20th century theater


Kenwood Towne Centre and other businesses; a major shopping area in Cincinnati

U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i o


Newport is part of greater Cincinnati, becoming the entertainment community which is “family friendly” area instead of “sin city” Newport aquarium, Newport on the levee, many restaurants (Don Pablo’s, York Street Cafe)

Design research, 2010


Conclusion According to our research, current highway system and public transit system already shows some problems. Our research proved that streetcar is a solution to improve current transportation system.

U r b a n Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n S t u d i o

Design research, 2010


Thank Thanks Yuan Gu

+1 513-328-5568 guyuan1987@gmail.com


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