Ocean Clemmys (AS Swimming Complex Project)

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Swimming Complex Project

Swimming Complex Inspiration – Fragments

The starting point of my swimming complex is fragments. The word fragments stands for parts and pieces which were broken into smaller sizes – an example of this can be broken glass, sanded rocks and also paper that had been ripped etc. In order to observant on these fragments, I have took pictures of the egg shells, from big pieces into smaller sizes. These had been placed in different orders, such as in balance or by random. I think that they are good sources which can give me different ideas and starting points. Also by looking at them at different angles, there is a big contrast between the smooth side and the sharper edges.

I selected parts of the egg shells and turn them into a flat shape, this give me ideas on what the building can look like while from the front view. I then take away some of the details and leave only the sides on my paper. This had kept the shape of the egg in place but also allow me to think of more changes base on a basic line drawing.

I joined the lines in the egg shells together, in order to create windows base on its original shape. I make the outline to become more simple and leave shapes between the buildings.

I had decide to turn the curves into sharp edges while developing my ideas. This represent more ideas about fragments since the sides looks all broken.

I then separated the sharp designed shape in to pieces, this will help me which thinking of the use of glass around my building, either if it will be simply rectangle, or change to fit with the building.

I had created a section drawing of the design at the top, this shows where the walls are going to be place and also the amount of floors which can be use in the building.

I decide to draw out how the building from a birds eye view. The change of colours on the top had suggested the deepness of the roof, as it is curved in order to follow the egg shell’s shape.

The color scheme based completely on blue had added enough relation to the idea of swimming, while the clear glass suggested the surface of water. By having a simple white surface floor, it makes the pool to stand out from the environment, which the audience will be concentrate on the race.

Experiment with material should be done before making decision, in order to know that they won’t be damage near water. Width and depth of the interior is also important due to different audience uses the space at the same time. It shouldn’t be deep for a children’s pool due to their height; but it should defiantly be deep if it is for a diving pool, otherwise it will cause serious issues to the audiences who uses it. I have found out that most of the swimming environments are based on a green or blue colour scheme, as they are the two main colours that the earth is made by.

Primary Analysis PTW Architects – Beijing National Aquatics Centre

Unclear surface links to the idea of fogy

How pieces of polygons can be join flatly

Frosty surface which adds a ice cube texture

Glass roof at the top Glass ceiling (lighter color)

I have analyst the Aquatics Centre base on the model of the building, which had included lots of details including its unbalance surface that is made will different polygons. I had drawn some of those shapes in different ways in order to see how different materials can show pattern on the glass. I also feel interested on how the glass can changes its colors at night by using LED light.

Swimming pool at the middle

Glass walls (changes color on the outside) Glass walls (changes color on the outside)

Flat ground surface

Functions in Beijing National Aquatics Centre

I usually use plain paper to sketch out the interior with a fine liner, then adds simple colors on top to show the parts and shades. This can show a development from black and white to colorful drawings by scanning both of them. Also, tracing paper is also useful for doing improvements and by comparing different color scheme on the same line drawing. From the photos I have took, I have found out that even furniture were also designed specially in order to fit in the environment; however they are still comfortable for the visitors to use.

I have used markers to sketch out the interior view of the building, the windows had been colored with watercolor pens as it adds a transparent texture to the drawing. White gaps are leaved between in order to show the reflection of light.

The reconstruction which adds entertainment such as fountains and waterslides had been placed around the swimming area, they had been designed by following the shapes and colors of sea creatures.

The windows based on different polygon build up a strong structure for the building, adding three dimensional shapes to the interior space. This makes the spaces inside to become more interesting, instead of a basic square environment.

This makes the visitors to feel that they are staying in the ocean. The bright colors used on the slides had shown a contrast to the blue background, this can also add attraction to different audiences including children – this can also encourage them to learn how to swim in this amazing environment.

Félix Candela – L’Oceanogràfic

The design of this architecture looks similar to waves and ships, which make the audience to directly know about its relation to water. The use of blue and grey shade of the building work well with the ocean near it, which will not destroy the sight of the environment. I will want my design to include similar ideas for example the use of glass and its shape. Also, the use of rocks had included more natural elements around the space, even if the building is located in a busy city.

This interior could included a wild life theme around the indoor swimming pool, which the audience can feel like they are in the forest. The use of wooden bridge is also suitable for wet places, since the surface is not flat and smooth. I think that it is possible to include wild animals around in order to add excitement, as long as they are safety. The idea of rock cave and glass windows will be suitable due to the different age groups and audiences.

Primary Analysis Zaha Hadid – London Aquatics Centre

Roof top with a sea wave shape

Ball shape lightings between the roof

Blue Glass

Screen for showing information Grey sits for audiences

Ground spaces for changing rooms Diving pool

Swimming pool for racing Ground floor

This center has spaces on both sides, which allows it to add extension sits for the audiences while the Olympic events. The main use of purple and blue again represent the theme of ocean to the building.

The sea wave shape of the roof top creates a huge shelter which covers the ground at the outside. These spaces can protect the audience from getting wet by the rain.

The sight through the windows are different from the inside and outside, which the audiences can be more concentrate on the events at the middle.

This is a model base on the interior of the Aquatics Centre. I first drawn out how the interior positions, then add on the details of how they look like. I kept the original building to be as simple as possible, so that there are chances for me to fine more ways of developing it. Firstly, I took away the roof of the building in order to focus on changing the interior.

As I have experiment on changing the walls into unbalance glass, I will also need to think of how the roof top will need to become. For ideas, I believe that it will work if I design it base on half of the original roof top, as the curve can still work well with a sharp edge. However, this means that I have to think about some physical issues, otherwise it is likely for the building to be destroy.

I have think of making both sides of the building to become unbalance. In order to include this in the original design, I have changed parts of the building into glass. I then select it and apply movements – this pulls the part into an inaccurate shape. Since the building has to fit in the shapes given, I have kept the glass to stand straight around the building.

Experiment on developing the London Aquatics Centre

By looking at the architecture with the other buildings on the side, it gives out a shape of an whale. This can represent a better idea of the ocean, instead of only having an egg shape view at the outside.

I have found out that the original building is build out by following the shape of a boat. The architect then change some of the parts into more complicated shapes, including the curved windows and added a huge cover on top.

Primary Analysis Swire Properties – Ocean Shores

I have use paper to make a model of the Jacuzzi, in order to look at how water can be pass from it to the main pool.

The sides around the Jacuzzi has also follow the wave pattern of the main pool.

The walls around the Jacuzzi is higher then the sides of the swimming pool. This separates the ones who are enjoying the massage and the others who are swimming.

This give me inspirations of how water can work inside an interior area, including the ways to kept them in space and flow. Materials that will be use around the pool should be related to a certain theme.

Sketches created by using Indian ink

If the building is covered mostly with glass, it will allows natural light to pass into the area. This saves energy use and decrease the electricity bill. However, this also means that their will be less privacy if it is a swimming environment for the customers. However, I should also think about the amount of glass I need, in order to cover the building with safety. The gaps between the glass will have to stick completely close, so that water and air will not pass through into the interior space.

Inspiration and functions of glass I have observant on the glass which are placed between the handles of the escalator. I have found out that they are mostly designed with curve pieces on the sides, in order for the handles to move properly. To develop these glass into other ways, I think that it is possible to include patterns on them, it is even possible to change the glass’s shape with the escalator, so that it can have more relation to the swimming complex. Except of transparent glass, I have found out that there are other types of glass which could be use for my swimming complex. This is not only by change its color, but also improving them by changing thickness, transparency and protection.

Inspiration by turning the escalator into a water slide

Inspiration and functions of glass

Glass are not only use for windows, it can also become fences which can protect the audience from falling down. It is also a material that allows the audiences to have a wider sight from inside to the outside. This can also be done for function such as clear floors.

The idea of having this cover on top of the open area allows light to pass through, but also block the wind and rain out of the environment. If I include this type of architecture around the swimming pool, it will be possible to have a cool environment to enjoy in the summer. However, it might not be suitable for winter use since cold air will come in the environment. To develop a better area that can be use in all weather, it could be possible to add movable glass covers on the sides, in order to make it suitable in windy and rainy days.

Primary Research on green and nature environment If the building is build around of places such as parks or forests, it is even possible to use glasses that contains mirror surfaces on top of the walls. This will allow the environment to reflect on top, which the building will blend into the place. This also makes the building to become attractive by the eye as its colour will change naturally by time and seasons.

Except of plants, other sources such as water, rocks and sand can be use on the floor to create a different tone and texture compare to a modern architecture – an example of this will be a rock path or water roads.

I had took some photos of the green environment around the Olympic park for inspiration, in order to add nature areas for the audience to enjoy outside of the swimming complex building.

Since it is important to take care of environment issues, I have also took photos to see how plants and other natural sources can be place between the area. Except of simply planting trees, there are also ways of adding grass pieces on the floor around the building. This can even be placed on top of the buildings in order to create a green surface while looking it on birds eye view.

Primary research on pattern and textures

Squares should be useful when designing the walls inside the building, these could be use in the restaurant as it can show a 80’centre style for the area. If it is made with suitable materials, dirt such as oil can be clean off very easily, even if these walls are placed in the kitchen.

I have create a sectional drawing of the light in order see how many layers it is made out by. The shape of the lamp is designed as an eye shape, while light can come out from its middle. The transparent cover on top protects the light bulb and makes the shape of the light to have an eye pattern. This will be helpful while thinking of the interior design of my swimming, as I can add lighting effect to the environment by deciding the shape and color of the light cover.

I have taken photos of different textures which had been used on different buildings, this will help me to build up my ideas on what materials can be used for my interior and exterior. Random shapes can also create a nice texture to the interior; I can even think about the general look of my swimming complex by basing it on a unbalance but interesting shape.

I think that triangles work well when creating a 3D pattern, since it can be use to form other accurate shapes. These can help on producing different shades on the wall due to the shadows.

I had also think of using a flat surface such as glass in order to allow audiences to see through from one point, this can be use between each pool in order to join them together. In order to do this, I have also create another sectional drawing to show how the glass can be place between the wars and columns that holds the building.

Model 1 (Experiment on fragments and record ideas) I have randomly placed fragments of broken machines into different compositions, in order to get ideas which might not have been think of before. Instead of following how they look in detail, I have decide to simplify some of the shapes in order to create a more suitable interior environment. The use of small pieces helped me on separating the spaces.

Front view

Side view

Side view

Side view

Front view

Side view The models which I experiment on are made with thin card paper, this allows the model to stand easier compare on using normal paper. It is also easy to cut while containing suitable thickness – this means that I can cut through half of the surface, then fold it by following the lines. After creating some designs that are quite straight on its sides, I then place the paper parts in different angles in order to have more interesting shapes to my swimming complex model. Other then the card which I have placed around, I have also observe on the shadows which the model had created, as I think that they can give me other ideas for developing my swimming complex building.

Develop ideas of the plan by looking at the arrangement of objects


Glass Cover

Resting Room Wooden Cover Changing Room

Swimming Space

Glass Corridor Exit

Glass Wall for Aquarium Toilet Fragmental shape window


Model 2 (Observe on broken pieces and create open space)

This thin glass piece allows me to separate the spaces. The ideas of using a clear wall links me to ideas of adding in functions such as watching sea animals behind the glass.

This hole created by a pipe can act as a tunnel, this can be use for directing the audiences to walk into the main area.

I have placed this long component as a roof of my exterior, I think that it can be use for covering the escalators.

Plan view

Birds-eye view

By looking at the pieces in a plan view, it allows me to know if there are any free spaces which I can keep or change while developing my ideas. The interior space should be free and open in order for the audience to enjoy while swimming. For a swimming complex, it will be important to have enough spaces for the pools and paths; I should also make sure that the racing pool can be place in the area with a correct scale.

I have also placed the broken pieces in a way which they become close together, this helped me to think of ideas on how the exterior of my design might look. This will also give me inspiration of open spaces, such as the pools and cafĂŠ which can be place at the outside.

Front view

Birds-eye view

Develop ideas of the roof by folding paper into shape I have simplify the folds in to polygons, as it can give me a better view of how they can be made with materials such as glass and concert in my building. he shapes which it gives out in different views looks different, which helps me on developing different areas of my swimming complex. Combing different views of the same piece of card together can also work well, for example making a roof that looks like a mirror effect.

Example of how the glass could look like

Model 3 (Develop ideas by using fragment shapes)

Birds-eye view

Front view

After creating the models base on the broken pieces, I then combine the ideas with my theme. I use techniques of Origami to create a roof top for my model (which I had been inspirited from the research of patterns), which allows lots of straight turns and folds that fits well with the space. I also try on placing the Origami pieces in different directions, this can show a range of ideas in order for me to decide about the roof top of the final design. I am specially interested on the gaps which the Origami had created, and I will try on developing them through my project. I believe that these holes can turn into doors and windows if I place glass pieces on top of them. In order to included these in my final idea, I can think about combining them as different studios, so that they can all contain different pools and functions.

I have placed the inaccurate glass pieces around the building, which make the swimming complex to contain a more open space.

The roof can be build out by combining lots of triangle glass together, this allows the building to have a stronger structure. If any of the glass is broken, it will be easy to change as they are in a small size.

I also insert glass pieces between the walls. Although light cannot pass through from these small gaps, it still gives the building a interesting pattern on its side.

I can spread the colours of the glass into blue and green, as it shows a wild theme to the swimming complex. The opacity of the glass can also be different, in order to block some of the light which come from the outside.

In the interior, walls can be build by the glass fragments in order to link different areas together by the sight. However, this will mean that least privacy will be allowed for the victors.

By placing the piece flatly on the floor, the spaces had been separated, these will need to be strong enough in order to hold the roof.

Plan View

The different arrangement of egg shells gives me quite different ideas including the amount of rooms available, the shape of the final outcome and also how it could fit well with the swimming pools.

I use the images of the egg shells as a base and simplify its outline, this produce out a interesting shape for a plan view idea. I then add in the detail lines of the egg shell, and change them into walls which separates the different interior spaces.

The use of circle shapes had been applied around the plan views, since it contains more links to the smooth surfaces of the egg shell shape.

The arrangement of interior spaces can be all stick together or being separated around the plan, this will affect how the customers can travel from one part to another.

I then take the parts which I like from the plans and combine them together. This had create me a better plan as I can have more control on its usefulness. I decide to create a shape that contains interiors that all stick together, this is because it will allowed the building to have more free spaces that fits the pools and a huge amount of customers while being use.

Development of interior plan using egg shells

Plan view of the general interior space I decide to start my design from a plan view, and build it up in step by step. The position of the walls from the start are made base on long rectangles which fits the size of the swimming pool.

Entrance to the outdoor pool Waiting Area



M/F Changing Room


Resting Room

Main Entrance The shape of the base starts to become more interesting when I apply the curve shape of the egg shells into some of the interior space, I will think about how they can be use in order to work well for my swimming complex.

Shower Area

Path to changing rooms and pools

Resting & Learning Pool


Waiting Space This map shows the positions of my interior spaces, which will be a guide for me while developing each space. There should be 3 interior pools in total which can be use for different functions. There will also need to be other areas that can give the audience a more comfortable swimming environment.


Interior Map

The walls were build base on a 3m height in most of the interior space, however there will be changes made when I decide on the shape of the roof later, this means that the walls might become inaccurate in each spaces, in order to have a exterior that doesn’t look boring.

Clock & Screen


Racing Pool

Shape inspiration Diving Pool

Preparation Area for competition

Idea with sharp edges

Idea with curved side

Developed model of the changing room area

Birds eye view

Original Idea which includes sharp edges on the sides instead of a curve and smooth surface.

Doors to changing rooms

Side view

Covers added on the changing spaces

Birds eye view The curve is also related to the ball shape of the egg shells, showing a link to my theme.

Balance amount of spaces had been included for both the male and female changing room, which means that the design is fair to both customers.

This development allows more people to have shower at the same time since there are more intervals available around the shape of curve. Two doors which each guides the audience to the male and female changing rooms. This will need to be made by solid materials so that it is impossible to look inside.

A longer rectangle area can fit in a larger amount of lockers and chairs, available for the amount of customers to use after using different swimming pools.

Development of the changing room by using range of model materials

Changing room entrance

I decided to place the entrance at this place after looking at the positions of the cardboard model, this will be the most suitable place in order for customers to walk in and out.

Side Views & positions of lockers

The curved shape of the changing room had followed the design of the card board model, and also shows relation to the smooth side of the egg shells.

There are enough space on the path between the lockers, this will give the audience a comfortable area for changing. Benches and hangers can be placed at the middle depending on the amount of customers there are.

There are two doors in order to get into one changing room, so that people at the outside cannot directly look in the changing room. This gives the customers a better privacy.

ArchiCAD model of the changing room Plan view

There are 540 lockers available in each changing room, which allows a huge range of customers to use them at the same time. More blocks of walls were added between the interior space in order to create shower spaces for more people, there are 20 shower rooms that can be use at the same time in each changing room.

Sample SketchUp Model

The floor of the changing room should made with non-slip materials, this is important in order decrease the rate of causing accidents to the customers.

There are gaps available between each set of locker, this means that there will still be free spaces for the customers even when it is peak hours. This will also allowed areas for decorations.

Model positions in ArchiCAD

Rendered view made in ArchiCAD

Ball shape lightings work well in changing room as it won’t produce too much light to the area. This place only need enough amount of brightness, otherwise it is possible to get very hot and there are no windows for decreasing the temperature.

Render drawing and development by adding furniture and interior theme

Circle shape drain which allows water to be pass out from the floor, in case it get too slip.

Long benches with a wave style shape, allows a range of customers to use at the same time.

Polygon shapes combined together in order to create the roof, leaved with holes for applying lightings between them. Fragmental style chair made will clear surface of mirror, which can be sit and use while make up. Wooden benches which have holes between, allows water to get pass into the drain on the floor.

Render drawings

Since this is a reception, there will need to be a long reception table included. This will be use for registration of members, payment, asking questions and due with issues etc. I placed 8 sits for the staffs, so that there can be enough spaces for communicating with the customers.

Side views

Main entrance – There will be two slide doors on the sides and a automatic spin door at the middle, in order to fit different needs and for safety. Sofas, tables and clothes hangers will be place in front of the reception table, which allows customers to wait comfortably. These can be for members or new victors who needs to communicate with the staffs.

ArchiCAD ideas of the reception

Render drawings of the reception area

There are lots of free spaces available between the entrances and the other furniture, this can be useful for time such as peak hours and bad weather, as customers will have enough place to stand after coming into the building, and nobody will block the entrance even when it is very busy.

There are cupboards placed at the back of the reception table, which allows the staffs to store files and equipment.

There are also other accessories such as printers and computers available in the reception area, so that documents can be access and print to the customers directly. This will save time for the staff from walking around the building.

This space is available for including gates for the customers to go inside. This can be use to protect members from getting disturb by strangers. By combining it with the use of technology, the system will also be able to know who had went in and out of the building, which makes the swimming complex a more safety area.

Development by adding furniture and interior theme

This sofa is designed to include different functions, the back can be fold into a box shape so that objects can be place on top of it. This can also save spaces when placing them into the store room. Also, there are mini sofas included on the side, which can allow more people to sit around when there are not enough chairs.

The shapes which I use to develop on the reception table is base on the triangles in my pattern research. I think that the shadows of the polygons will look very attractive as a table, which can be a interesting start to the new customers.

The changes of this interior design is quite simple, mostly with furniture that contain more functions. The colours had developed into a transparent scheme, which have a better visual relation with water and glass fragments. The bright colour option can also make the visitors to feel that they are welcome in the building.

Render drawing of the resting area This is a sample of how my interior space of the resting area will look like, I have selected the shape of the plan out, then think about how the areas can be use for example by using furniture and free spaces. As it is a resting area, I believe that having comfortable sofas will be important as it can sit a certain amount of people at the same time, and it is soft which makes them to feel enjoy. It is also suitable for having a short sleep while waiting for the use of pools. On the other hand, I have also placed tables with shelves in front of the sofas, as this will allow the audience to place objects such as bags and magazines on top. This will be more easy for them to rest as there are enough spaces for them to use while resting.

I use the idea of glass layout from the range of objects as a inspiration for developing the resting room. I combine the triangle shape with the long rectangle window, by placing them together on top of each other. This creates a glass wall which is set a 35 degree angle. I think that this will look a lot more better instead of using a completely flat part, it will be helpful on making the resting area a more interesting place, not only being a square box interior.

Applying shape of glass from inspiration sources I tried on applying the idea of the glass into my rendered drawing view, which it fits well as a part of the interior space. I will then recreate a different model in order to combine the space in a suitable style.

I then took away parts of the triangles at the back, so that the glass piece look a lot more thinner, this will be needed in order to show out the view of the aquarium clearly; it also decrease the distance between the audiences and the fishes. I also split the large piece of glass into three smaller pieces, this is due to how it will be difficult for changing and traveling if it is break.

Finish Design - Resting area

Glass are placed on 3 sides of the aquarium, so that the audience can look at the same range of fishes at different interior space. By placing them at the middle of these rooms, it saves spaces from having different fish tanks in different area. This is a lot easier while taking care of the fishes for example cleaning and feeding.

Different types of sea animals with be place inside the aquarium in order for the customers to look at, they have a relation to water and also remind the audience about the importance of wild life.

Glass set at a angle of 30 degrees stops the area from being a boring box shape. There are made of three large pieces of glass so that there are less distraction while audience are looking at the fishes.

The “S� shape path made between the sofas allows the audiences to slow down while walking pass the space, so that they will have sight with the sea animals in the aquarium. This also stops children's from running around the huge space, which then decrease the possibility of getting hurt.

Furniture with a colour scheme of black and white had been applied around the space, which fits well with the grey colours used on the wall and the floor. This allows the blue glass to stand out from the space, so audiences can be focus on the sea animals.

There are enough amount of sofas for the customers to rest at, there are also long tables included so that computers and drinks can be use more comfortably in the area. It is also easy to get snacks to this area as it is just next to the cafĂŠ.

Night time view Snooker table is another entertainment which I decided to included in my design, this directly makes the cafĂŠ to become a advance restaurant since this is a expensive sport to do. This also gives them another reason to come again and have fun. To apply different entertainment that suits the favor of the audiences, music is included for giving them a more relax experience in the cafĂŠ. The choose of piano should be a electrical type which can play automatically, so that there will be music even when the player is not around.

Lots of free spaces are availably at the entrance of the cafĂŠ, which customers can stand here while waiting or deciding what to eat from the menu. This decrease the possibility of them to distract the others who are eating. It also create a open view to the victors, so that they can actually look at the options of food and drink from the tables.

The tables used are mostly family tables, as a swimming complex is mainly for groups of people to swim and enjoy. These are options of circles and rectangle tables, which can be choose from depending on their amount.

Render drawing and interior design of the restaurant

The curve arrangement of glass work very well for showing a sense of lighting to my render drawing, sample views had been shown successfully by changing the amount of daylight at the outside.

The shadows which had been created between the windows and the bars had added a natural pattern to the interior space, so that the floor won’t look so plain and boring. This also work well with the positions of the tables, as the rectangles are shown accurately between the gaps. Day time view

Finish Design – Cafe Glass are used for covering all the sides of the circle shape café, these allows the customers to look at the outside easily. But since it can get very sunny at the middle of the day, curtain will be apply in order to cover the space. Air-con will also be include in the café, in case the place got over heat. Tables and chairs are placed around the circle interior, so that most of them are window sites, the others are either close to the swimming pool or the aquarium, all gives different sight depending on where the customers are siting.

The bar table is placed at the central of the café, this is due to that the view at the middle is less interesting for customer who want to look at things related to swimming, while enjoying their meal. On the other hand by placing the staffs at the middle, it is more easy while managing, as it can look at every part of the café and see if anybody need their help.

The use of bar table create more sits for the customers, especially for customers who are by their own. This could be more comfortable for some of the audiences and can make them feel like they are eating in a wine bar. This turns the style of the café into a expensive looking restaurant.

The pattern of the black and white squares are used to decorate the area, so that it gives out a different style compare to the swinging space. This also looks different while linking it with the half circle shape glass. The colour is related to the general grey scheme between the wall and the floor.

The exterior view of the roof is designed based on a shell shape. The circle shape is split into ten parts in balance.

The lines had also work as a guide for the windows, this makes the windows to contain a accurate size and also fit together at the correct angle.

The glass which covers the cafĂŠ in 360 degrees had created a panorama view for the audience, as this place can view most of the areas in the building, including the resting room, indoor swimming pool, outdoor swimming pool and the aquarium. This makes the cafĂŠ a suitable place to sit at while watching these actions which had been done by the other customers. The view from the restaurant to the outside can directly see the exterior pool and the water slides. This can be use as a entertainment for the audience as everybody slides differently. This also allows parents to watch their child who are playing in the pool, while the elders are enjoying their meal.

Ideas for the exterior roof top by combining bended cards together

The origami roof contains a unbalance shape, which makes it difficult to fit with all the walls of a interior space. This means that the length of the walls with need to change in order for the building the stand. The rectangle interior space should change into a freeform polygon shape, this will use all the spaces that had been created between the origami cover. The scale of the cover can be more wider in order to contain a swimming pool inside it. There will need to be enough space around the pool in order for customers to walk around.

This part of the roof had been bended to touch the floor, this shows a possibility of how side walls can link with the roof as a whole piece. The fragmental shapes of the origami piece can split into pieces of glass for my exterior space. This will allow day light to pass through.

Experiments by placing origami roof on top of the interior walls

It is possible to add solar penal on top of the roof, which can produce electricity to the building from natural light.

The glass are placed at the side of the roof, this can reduce the electricity waste at day time as there are enough natural lighting. The opacity of the glass used shouldn’t completely clear, otherwise people from the outside will easily see what the customers are doing. By decreasing the opacity of the glass, it can help on giving the customers a better privacy.

As customers might want to look at the outside while swimming, there are glass windows arranged around the swimming area. These are arranged in general rectangle shapes, which stops the building for getting over complicated.

I had simplify the shapes of the fragment parts in to triangles, then apply it as a roof to a part of my building. I then develop it by splitting the large piece into smaller size, which will be easier while building them out with glass pieces. The middle part of the roof is a solid cover, this covers most of the part of the pool, which means that light will less likely to heat up the water directly. This will provide a cool, area for the customers to swim in summer.

Cardboard model and SketchUp model ideas for building up shapes for exterior walls The gaps between the strips of the cardboard had gave me inspiration of placing glass bars between the walls. This create a interesting pattern to my building when you look at it from the side.

This is a model which I create with paper and card board, it shows an idea of how a part of my wall can look like. The cardboard strips shows the walls which will be made by solid materials in the building. I have curved the model as it follows the plan view which follows the shape of the egg shells.

I come out with this idea after looking at my cardboard model from a birds eye view. I apply lines between the semi-circle, which work as a way for splitting the part into a rage of glass pieces. This had been use to cover the same curved wall from the model.

The back of the card board model had been created as a open space that can allowed customers to sit and relax on. The floor of this area can be make as a sand area, so that they can feel that they are playing in a beach. On the other hand, it can also work as a shade for the exterior areas near the outdoor pool, which can block the summer heat from the customers.

Side view

Swimming Complex Final Design -

Ocean Clemmys This is the final design of my swimming complex. The name“Ocean Clemmys” is decided after looking at the shape of the building. Clemmys is a biology name for the general animal group of Terrapins (which looks similar to Turtles). The swimming complex building is split into two parts, the indoor area and the outdoor area. There are four general pools in total, all are aimed for different use od functions.

Floor Aquarium Slides

This included: - Resting & Learning Pool - Racing Pool - Diving Pool - Outdoor Swimming Pool

Side view

There are also other interior spaces included except of the pools. This included: - Reception - Resting Room - Café - Changing Room - Aquarium

Outdoor Pool

Sand Area

Side view from the outdoor pool Racing Pool

Diving Pool

Changing Room

Resting & Learning Pool



Reception Resting Room

Side view from the back of the building

The whole interior area follows the shape inspiration from the Clemmys: the head had include the restaurant, reception, resting room and playing pool; while the large spaces for racing had act as the carapace of the Clemmys.

The shape of the plan view look like the sign of the infinity 8. This suggest about wildlife issues as how sea animals can survival from hunting and natural disasters.

These are the half clear views of my final design, which had work well for showing the scale of each function and pool compare to the roof of the building. This shows a direct link to the original plan view, which had then be developed into this model. The heights applied for the roofs are different depending on the areas, which had make the exterior to look like the shape of a Clemmys at last. This is why the building is named as the “Ocean Clemmys�.

Final Model – Resting & Learning Pool A Jacuzzi is applied on one of the angle of the pool. It is next to the entrance of the corridor, so that customers who only wants to use the Jacuzzi will not need to work far from the changing room.

On the other hand, there are also pieces of glass fragments on the wall, which allow the customers to look at the fish while feeling the massage.

Half of the side is linked with the aquarium, a thick glass wall is placed between which is safety and uneasy to break. By applying a aquarium next to the swimming pool, it allow the audiences to swim with the fish, just like if they are enjoying in the ocean..

There are a wide space at the other side of the swimming pool, which is enough for doing warm up before starting to swim. The length is suitable for inserting beach benches around the space, so that the customers can rest between their swimming time.

This pool is generally made for relaxing, there are no racing paths on top which it is free to do any water activities. This can include the swimming lessons for children, family fun time, water ball games etc. The depth of the pool will get deeper and deeper from the start to the end, which fits the need of different users, there will be warnings for people to notice on this, so that every customer can have a safety environment to swim.

The side of the swimming pool is made by clear glass, this means that the customers can see the fish from the aquarium while they are swimming in the pool. This provides a illusion which the customers are swimming with the fish in the same pool. It can also build up the kid’s interest on swimming.

The wide use of glass around the swimming produce a wide space for the customers, these are all made with a blue colour scheme, which makes the audience to feeling the whole space is like a box of ocean.

The floor near the aquarium is covered with clear glass, so that the whole view for the audiences who stand on there will be fill with the sea animals. This will help on building up the knowledge of the children towards these sea animals.

The entrance for this pool is wide and open, so that audiences who come out form the swimming pool can directly jump into the swimming pool and start their enjoyment.

Final Model – Racing Pool This is the diving pool with two diving stations which contains a different height. This pool contains a lot more depth compare to the racing pool, as it needs to make sure that the divers are safety after jumping into the pool from a high stand.

This is the preparation area Which can be use before the competition. There are a wide space for the swimmers to do warm ups and registration.

These are the bleachers which the audience can sit at, while watching the swimming activities. The wall at the front is made with glass, which even children can look at the race with the nearest view.

This racing pool at the middle had follow a correct scale, which includes eight paths that can use for competitions. The depth of this pool is flat for the whole time, which doesn’t change at all. The edge of the pool can apply diving stands, in order for having a professional race. The side of the pool will be made for calculating the time when the swimmers touch on it, helps for knowing the amount of time which they used to swim.

There are two entrances applied for this hug swimming space, one is linked to the changing room, and the other is linked to the outside. This can help on controlling the amount of customers who are walking around the area.

This room is used for the staffs to observe on this swimming area, for example making sure that the whole area is safety. There will be microphone access in the room, in other to give massages to the customers. The control of the information board will also be set at in this room.

This is a bended glass war which contain a low opacity, just like the walls of the London Olympic Aquarium. This is used simply for decoration as the blue represent a strong relation to water.

This is the information board which shows the audiences about the time, it also show the records of the swimmers who had completed the race. This place allows most of the people to see the board clearly.

This is the corridor which links between the entrance, resting room and changing room. The cover is made with glass in order to prevent the visitors from getting wet; however, the use of glass had work well as the closest space which the audiences can stand while looking at the diving race.

This glass at the preparation area is useful for blocking the water splash which will be create when people dive into the pool. There will be drain between the floor, in order to stop the floor from flooding. The ladder is also near of the diving station is also near the preparation area, which they wouldn’t have to walk a far distance after doing their warm up.

Final Model – Outdoor Swimming Pool This is a small interior space which allows the customers to queue up and wait before using the slides. This helps on blocking the sun light while they are waiting, especially in the summer time.

There are eight paths on the slides, all containing the same length and angle. This reminds the audiences about the racing pool as it contains the same amount of paths. This makes them to be in a different type of race which is more base on enjoyments and fun. The shape of this outdoor swimming area is based on a six sided polygon, which had been used to split the area into different parts. The side of the pool is designed as a dry are for people to sit and take rest at, when they are watching the others in the pool etc.

This is the entrance of the exterior pool, which is linked to the resting space and the changing rooms. This makes the changing room to become the central of the whole swimming complex, and it is easy to use it as a starting point to go to all the pools around it.

This area is another mini aquarium that is covered by glass on top, the fishes are swimming under the space while the customers can walk on top of it. Children might be interested on how the fishes will react while they are playing around the space. This will be made in a strong type of glass which can afford enough pressure and weigh.

These low opacity glass covers can affectively block the sunlight and rain depending on the weather.

This is area that is covered by sand, which work as a human made beach under the cover.

Slides Entrance Waiting area

Sand area



Grass Path Rock Path

Grass Path Main Pool

These natural sources are applied in the area for making the pool are more nature place to play in. Indoor Swimming Pool

Wooden Path

Aquarium Floor Entrance

Slide Entrance

Columns which holds the covers

Project Evaluation At the beginning of my project, I wasn't clear on how a swimming complex actually work – this includes the functions such as the differences of swimming pools and what can allow the audiences to feel comfortable while resting. This is why I decide to travel and visit different swimming facilities, in order to observe on the architectural spaces. The primary research had gave me lots of inspiration through my design process, which help me both on starting and changing when I am stuck on what idea to do. Overall by looking at my final model, I agree that it had contain the specialities and functions which are needed for a swimming complex. The use of shape for either the plan view or the whole building is related back to my primary research, I specially like the process of arranging the egg shells into suitable interior spaces. The size of the areas had been successful in order for fitting the amount of audiences at different rooms, which includes enough privacy and personal space for them to enjoy. The four swimming pool designs had work well since they suits the favour of different water sports, this will be interesting to a wide range of different customers. Except of the swimming spaces, I believe that the resting areas will also be comfortable for my audiences. These are designed base on a flat and large space, which applies flexibilities for further functions – for example: events at different festivals. For the exterior view of my building, the use of glass work affectively in order to build up the range of fragmental shapes – which are linked back to the starting point. I really like the triangles that had been developed into this amusing roof top, not only because of its form, but also due to the way how natural light can pass into the building. This is important to follow since people now days cares a lot on environmental issues; on the other hand, it also provides the audiences a sunny environment just like the beach and ocean into the building. The use of glass material will save the use of electricity cost, which gives long term advantages for the building. While the process of design, I decide to challenge myself by using computer programs including ArchiCAD and SketchUp, which I had never use before. I am glad that I use them to develop from my had models, since they give me more possibilities of changing and trying. These allows the shapes from the paper model to show out a further textures of glass and concrete, this shows a view that looks like a genuine building to the audience. At last if I have to develop the building more when have time, I will apply another entrance on the side of the building, so that it is easier for the audiences to travel from one part to another. This will also be better for safety issues due to possibilities of fire and earthquake, so that the swimming complex can be both relax and safety for the audience.

THANK YOU Design, Art, Architecture. Jason Chan



Swimming Complex Project

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