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As Raw Material Of Solar Cell In Support Of Achieving Net Zero Emission In The Future

Electricity has become one of the people’s main needs in this modern era. Increasing population in an area will influence the people’s life aspects. One of the aspects influenced by the increase in population is the need for electricity. The bigger the population of an area, it is certain that the need for electricity also increases. Therefore, sufficient power supply is needed for industrial, business, public service sectors, etc. to operate well. The increased need for electricity will be a new problem if it is not responded wisely.


According to ESDM, Indonesia’s 62% current need for electricity is supported by coal. It is not impossible that this percentage will increase in the future.

This is a special concern for the people and the Indonesian Government. the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arifin Tasrif, confirmed that Indonesia is committed to reach Net Zero Emission no later than 2060. Reaching this requires transition of currently used energy to a clean energy system for balance between the energy issued by human activity and emission that the earth can absorb.

One of the transitions of currently popular energy is the use of environmentally friendly alternative energy, such as solar energy. Solar energy is unlimited and does not produce pollution that contributes to carbon emission to the atmosphere. Indonesia that is on the equator has great potential to use solar energy. The solar energy is up to 4.8 KWh/m2 or equal to 112,000 GWp, while the currently used is only about 10 MWp. Solar energy from sunlight should first be converted using solar cell technology into electricity. Solar cell is made sing silicon (Si) that is usually found in the form of silicate and quartz sand in the nature. Indonesia has abundant quartz sand resource. According to the Ministry of ESDM’s 2022 data in Rencana Pengelolaan Mineral dan Batubara Nasional Tahun 2022-2027, the number of quartz sand resource in Indonesia is 439.9 million ton with reserve of 79.4 million ton. However, solar cell panel can only be made using high purity quartz.

Quartz that is under high purity quartz classification is one with SiO2 content of 99.7% or more with mineral impurities in the form of Fe2O3 ≤ 85 ppm, TiO2 ≤ 140 ppm, and Al2O3 ≤ 500 ppm. According to the research data in Indonesia, samples from Bangka and Central Kalimantan show quartz specifications with SiO2 ≥ 69.8% – 95.6% and mineral impurities in the form of Fe2O3 of 11.000 –18.000 ppm, TiO2 of 130 – 420 ppm, and Al2O3 of 2.650 – 17.210 ppm for Bangka and quartz specifications with SiO2 ≥ 97.9% – 99.1% and mineral impurities in the form of Fe2O3 of 6.000 – 8.800 ppm, TiO2 of 168 – 3.600 ppm, and Al2O3 of 900 – 3.200 ppm for Central Kalimantan (LPPM ITB).

Quartz sand in Indonesia actually may potentially be raw material for solar cell with relatively high purity level. However, the data show that impurities in quartz sand in Indonesia is high compared to the minimum standards set for raw material of solar cell. Therefore, further processing and refining are needed to get rid of the big amount of impurities. This is a new challenge that needs further study and a large amount of development and operation costs.

The abundant amount of quartz sand resource in Indonesia can be big potential, especially for the state economy. Besides, with this transition to environmentally friendly energy, the ideals for Net Zero Emission can expectedly be achieved.


ESDM. (2022). Berkenalan dengan Net Zero Emission. Retrieved from https://ppsdmaparatur.esdm.go.id/ seputar-ppsdma/berkenalan-dengan-net-zeroemission

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. (2022). Kepmen ESDM No. 301.K/MB.01/MEM.B/2022.

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Syafrizal. (2022). Potensi Pasir Kuarsa Indonesia untuk Sel Panel Surya. ITB. Retrieved from https://pengabdian. lppm.itb.ac.id/information/potensi_pasir_kuarsa_ indonesia_untuk_sel_panel_surya

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