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Ida Ayu Widya Savitri, Teknologi informasi, Universitas Udayana

“All that I know is that mining has abundant amount of money. After some research, I learn that mining is important to construct infrastructure or make goods out of metals. Some also say that mining is harmful to the environment, yet in fact when good mining practice is applied, it can minimize the impact to the environment. Technology is also more and more advanced, hence its implementation, such as AI (artificial intelligence), machine learning, others in mining can help minimize the harmful impact to the environment.”


Farahdila Apriliani Putri, Hubungan Masyarakat, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta

“As someone who runs a business in industry, I think mining industry has a fairly bright prospect in Indonesia. Currently, the people still rely heavily on processed minerals and its derivatives. Thanks to the abundant resources and high mineral reserves, the mining business in Indonesia is quite promising. In meeting the relatively high demand, it is expected that mining management can consider the environment, especially in limited natural resources to make the mining management sustainable to make the community more prosperous. “

Rifa Alfaza Arindaputri, Manajemen Rekayasa Industri, Institut Teknologi Bandung

“In my opinion, the mining sector in Indonesia has been good enough, as can be seen from this year’s event that promotes the theme “Green Economy in Mining” in which this is a strategic attempt that the mining sector does. This surely shows to the public that some sustainable mining activities are still aware of environmental issues, and this is expected to change their opinion of the mining sector, from one which only brought damage to the environment to the one that is aware of environmental issues. Therefore, to manifest this green economy, collaboration and intensive communication are needed between various stakeholders to ensure that the process can be carried out well that Indonesian community can benefit this green economy.”

Tiara Zaghita Husni, PGSD PENJAS, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

“I think in this current industry era, all countries in the world, including Indonesia, face these numerous issues regarding nature degradation. When exploitation, utilization, and usage of natural resources fail to take sustainability aspects of environment into consideration, it can be a threat to humanity. Green economy is an economic activity that enhances the people’s welfare and equity and, at the same time, significantly mitigates the environmental damages and natural resources scarcity. In the future, it is expected that green economy can make the society more aware of the environment and treasure the benefits it gives as well as refrain themselves from wasting it.”

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