Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Background According to my observations from daily life, I found that most lasting design usually derives from people-centred thinking. Although some people state that we are still alive without design, I believe design makes life better. Additionally, I think design should be thought about more deeply; designers need to think about the future. This idea originated from my childhood- when I was a child, there was a lesson called adopting a tree. This lesson was meant to build up children’s responsibility and teach them to care for nature. Nowadays, with the increasing number of environmental issues, many people have begun using graphic design to promote environmental topics, however I think it would be better to star t this education from childhood. Therefore, the major project is to teach children to understand the importance of nature, specifically tree planting, through graphic communication.
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Concept The concept of the major project is to educate children to treasure nature through tree planting. Trees are not just the lungs of the planet, they also accumulate the stor ies of different generations. Therefore, the idea is to combine with a bookstore to make the program more interesting and attractive. However, we don’t sell books, rather we record the meaningful moments of life in a unique way. Essentially, this activity would enhance both the intimacy and communication between parents and children, and the tree will become part of everyone's life in the future.
Introduction of my tree My tree is a concept store for tree planting. We offer a selection of t rees that symboli ze dif ferent meanings and which are suitable for plating in England. People can pick their ideal trees online through our professional introduction. After purchasing a tree you will receive a book after about seven days. The books are designed according to the features of different trees, and the ‘wood’ is made from the reclaimed furniture materials. In sum, the book can be seen as a collection of your valuable memories.
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Field of Study
About tree planting Everybody knows that trees have played essential roles in our lives; they provide shelter, warmth, and spiritual benefits for us. Nowadays, due to massive carbon emissions, experts emphasize that tree planting can not only combat the effect of global warming, but also help to curb worsening air pollution (Stone, 1990). Therefore, with so many tree species, it is important to pick a tree that will have a more positive influence on the environment. In 1993, David Nowak published a study in which he suggested that "walnut, pine, and several varieties of oak trees were beneficial for absorbing the most carbon dioxide. In particular, oak and hazelnut trees had a greater impact with respect to combating global warming due to their long, creeping roots." The organization Treepeople have summarized some of the benefits of trees including lowering the temperature of cities, conserving energy, reducing violence and saving more water. In addition to their environmental influence, tree planting has also had a great effect on our society. Street trees are normally planted by the government or by an outside agency, however I have found that most city residents prefer planting trees by themselves. Research indicates that people obtain more benefits and values as they participate in the program of tree planting (Sommer et al., 1994). For example, their involvement can be expected to promote a sense of responsibility, enhance a sense of community and help to build a good relationship with neighbors. Rather than plating trees directly, people also can explore other ways to support environmental conservation. The program called “Buy a Shoe, Plant a Tree� is a good example, and is supported by the sports brand Etnies. The main purpose of the program is to continue the planting of trees in areas of the world that urgently need help to accomplish this. In this manner, people can contribute towards environmental protection efforts, even if they are living far from the forest. Thus it can be clearly seen that these planting projects provide an opportunity for people to reconnect with the natural environment and to be involved with saving our planet.
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
The Symbolic Significance of Trees
Planting a tree can be viewed as one of the most joy-filled and lifeaffirming experiences. In the past, "trees have traditionally been planted in many cultures in honor of an accomplishment or as part of an important ceremony of passage such as a graduation, wedding, retirement or the birth of a child.(, 2010)" For example, couples usually plant trees together in their yards or in park s on their fifth anniversaries to symbolize their solid and long-lasting relationship, and to express the hope that their marriage will grow as strong as the trees. In some cases, people believe that planting a memorial tree is a valuable activity to commemorate the life of a loved one upon the loved one's passing (, 2010). Tree planting also symbolizes new life and growth. With regards to my concept, it is more likely that children will realize the importance of trees through planting them from seeds. This also affords the opportunity for a little ceremonial care and attention during their college summer breaks, or at regular family reunions. As a result, I am sure that growing up with a tree alongside, and as part of, the family will be an intensely meaningful experience. My research indicates that many tree species have both cultural and symbolic significance. In England, oak trees are linked with national symbols of strength and survival, while the mountain ash has links to Celtic spirituality. In Hong Kong, people believe that the Lam Tsuen Wishing Trees can bring good luck (Butler, D., 2010). Allowing people to choose appropriate trees for them based on the symbolism that appeals to them is the best course of action. Finally, if to the trees are to be planted in an outside public places, it is worth making a clear label, preferably containing a name, date and a simple inscription to record the occasion(Butler, D., 2010).
Nature education Children are always full of curiosity about their world and surroundings. Once they can move, they like to try new things, explore their world and learn things from their parents (Child and Youth Health, n.d.). Therefore, it is clear that childhood education is really important to help children develop a positive personality and to build a good relationship with their parents. In the UK, the government has attached very great importance to nature education for children. In 2012, the gover nment funded a project for 500 children to plant their own tree (BBC, 2012). Education Minister Tim Crookall stated, "The Tree for Life campaign will encourage children to learn about their environment in a hands-on and fun way�. Another case is Horticultural Therapy - a kind of nature education - that includes "planting seeds and following through with their care to assist children with developing a better sense of individual capacity and accomplishment (, n.d.)." Research clearly indicates that the purpose of nature education is to assist wit appreciating the beauty found in nature, and to facilitate understanding the relationship between natural habitats and human life, and to overcome any fears that may have been acquired and learn facts that can be used for thinking and reasoning skills. Above all, the key point is that parents need to engage in the activities with their children until they are mature. Related art work YOKO ONO’s ACORN PEACE Spring 2009 I w a s ve r y i n s p i r e d b y t h e Ja p a n e s e a r t i s t Yo k o O n o, particularly her project sending oak seeds to the leaders of different countries, hoping they will plant them in their garden and grow two oak trees for world peace. Tree planting has become another way of communication that does not require words. It is a simple idea but the impac t is power f ul and influential. Tree planting can not only improve environment but also change people’s minds.
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Secondary research T he majority of children live in urban areas, and they have little opportunity for interaction with nature (Lohr, V. & Pearson, C., 2005). Nature education and outdoor experience can help children acquire a respect for living things, and provide them with meaningful life experience (Lohr, V. & Pearson, C., 2005). T herefore, my or iginal idea was to focus on encouraging urban children to plant trees in their garden. I found that this activity would not only improve nature education for urban children, but also lead to an increase in the environmental benefits of their local areas, such as pollution interception, carbon sequestration, fuel use, noise reduction, and hydrology (Hastie, 2003). Initially I was researching trees that can be grown in a garden or small space. As a result, I did some simple interviews with tree experts in person as well via email to some organizations suppor ting tree planting such as the Woodland Trust, The Tree Council and Trees for life. Summarizing all the feedbacks I received, I found that many of trees would be easier to grow from saplings. Apple, Birch and Rowan were the trees most suggested. They also suggested that it would be best to plant a native tree species because it would provide better benefits for the local environment.
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Interview with tree experts ① The Chelsea Gardener ② GARDEN MUSEUM ③ Feedbacks from tree organizations
Secondly, I found that there are many lovely products on the market particularly some interesting seed packages. Follow ing thi s I conduc ted a detailed analysi s of the strengths and weaknesses to improve them in my product. It is obvious that there are some advantages that these packages have in common such as complete visual design and a certain object. Despite the fact that these packages are convenient and functional, they still lack an emotional connection and continuity with the costumers. This stage, affords a good opportunity to integrate the symbolism of trees with the project.
① URBAN SEED PACK T he pur pose is mainly to encourage urban people to value the impor t ance of bees. They are a special mix of poppy and cor nf lower seeds that prov ide t a s t y forage for bees after hibernation.
② URBAN SURVIVAL PACK The product was designed to reduce the ef fec t of urban pover t y. It can al so be u sed a s a u sef ul i n s t r u c t i o n a l d e v ic e b y teachers in school.
③ BOX OF CULINARY SEEDS The box consists of seven packets of 'quirkily' named seeds, which are heritage varieties. Each pack contain s a shor t hi stor y, as well as a contemporary desc r ipt ion and plant ing instructions.
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Trees are not only vital to the environment but also link with different generations because of their longevity. Combining tree planting with a journal could be another inspirat ion encouraging people to t reasure nat ure as well a s their ow n lives. However, due to per manent considerations, the packaging will have the conservable value; people will keep it to remind them of the existence of their trees. I have discussed these ideas with my tutors to make sure it is possible to achieve it.
A summary of the advice given by the different tutors, and the problems they identified are listed below: 1. The project would take such a long time, so the graphic .....elements need to be strong, simple and permanent. 2. Do research on related organizations in the UK. 3. Carefully consider the media for the project. 4. Think about the methods, whether planting by yourself .....or not. 5. Fruit trees might be unsuitable for this project.
After wards, I did some further research on the trees I had selected. Generally speaking, fruit trees are able to live for at least hundred years depending on the type of fruit, rootstock, variety, and management. However, not all people are not professional tree experts or gardeners, many are entirely unfamiliar with how to plant a tree, even with completed graphic introductions. Furthermore, it would take a relatively long time to grow a tree from seed. Additionally, if people live in a central area it is unfeasible for them to plant a tree nearby to their accommodation. As a result, considering the variety of factors, I think it is important to make sure of the country I plan to carry out the project in, and to investigate associated organizations. Following comparison, some effective strategies that I can use in my project emerged. I will improve the shortcomings of the existing visual design and make it more attractive for children. This is a long-term project containing the spirit of inheritance and continuity, so integrating this with the idea of a journal would make the activity more meaningful and permanent. My research highlighted the importance of choosing the right native tree species for the place and the local environment, and so the project will start in England first and gradually be extended to other countries. With regards to the media, print is my first choice as it will still be around in 30 years time. In addition, in terms of the article, books are warmer and more comfortable to hold (Jabr, 2013). The target group is the children who start attending elementar y school at about age 6. Research suggests that there are many ways to learn. "Children learn by watching, by listening and especially by doing (Child and Youth Health, n.d.)." Therefore, I think it would be better for them to plant the tree with their parents, to have in these early years the chance to help shape children's learning when they start school. As a result, this is linked to key times in each year and to their progress.
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
There are three good organizations for tree planting, listed below: 1. WOODLAND TRUST 2. Trees for Life 3. TREE COUNCIL
Primary research â‘ Identity
A s far a s the brand image i s concer ned, establi shing a s t rong ident it y can boos t bu s ines s in many ways. Nevertheless, what are the essential elements of brand identity? According to the article, logos are a major graphic symbol that represents the product, so they should fully contain the spirit of the design concept. No matter the var iet y of placement s, they all should have the same essential qualities. Choosing key colors and a suitable typeface that will print well on any material. Last but not least, having a consistent style and a full library of graphic elements would support attempts to build a clear branding system(, 2010). Regarding the identity of my project, it recalls the aesthetic concepts of Wabi Sabi, the Japanese notion that emphasizes finding beauty in imperfection and accepting the natural cycle of growth and decay. An example of this is the architectural office SANAA (Sejima and Nishizawa and Associates), which avoids the use of classical symmetry in their architecture, frequently employing slightly distorted geometric figures such as the organic circle designed for the Vitra Campus (Adam, H., 2012). Another example is the Ando gallery designed by Kaoru Kasai, which also successfully brings the elements of the organic circle into the logo design.
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Vitra Campus by SANAA 14
Ando gallery by Kaoru Kasai
First of all, I used var ious organic c ircles to combine different typefaces. However, owing to the slight changes in my concept - I think “plant me” does not completely conform to the idea of life recording - And after discussion with my tutors, I proposed another idea called “my tree”. T his is still clear, but has deeper and more significant emotion. Moreover, the logo is quite f lexible in many materials, such as wood, paper and acrylic board. Above all, the font selected for the logo is Pluto by Hannes von Döhren. T his was chosen because the font is infor mal and f r iendly at f irst sight and lend s it self to di splay settings(, n.d.).
Goudy Sans Bold
Pluto Gond Bold
DIN Black
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Material testing ① Acrylic ② Wood ③ Paper
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Primary research â‘Ą Book package
In my opinion, each tree seems to be a jour nal which acc umul ates the var iou s s tor ies f rom generat ion to generation. Based on the research, almost ever y tree species has a cultural and spiritual significance. Therefore, designing the package like a book might be a good way to lead people to explore as well as record. About the material, the wood used in the packages all come from the recycled wood which are the rest of the timber. The reason for using recycled wood rather than other materials is that I would like to reconnect the users with the planet and it is much more durable than paper. In addition, the books are quite appropriate for viewing as nice home decorations. Fortunately, I am quite familiar with each step of making the wood spine as I used to study Crafts deign in collage. Also, it was a nice opportunity for me to use the machines which I have never used it before. In order to make the book more perfect, I have contacted The Wyvern Bindery which i s London's t radit ion al book binding s tore on Clerkenwell Road. After discussing with them, I decided to make two hardcovers and emboss my title on the front of the covers.
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Primary research ③ Postcards (photos)
All the postcards are or iginally f rom photos taken of yourself with your tree once a year. They will help people document collective memories as time goes by. Therefore, I spent one day in Hyde Park photographing people of different ages. Film cameras can effectively soften colors and light, thus I prefer using a film camera rather than a digital one for thi s projec t. Af ter compar ing many photography papers, I eventually chose Photo Rag due to the thickness and the delicate surface.
Primary research â‘Ł Booklet
The booklet will be an image-based design since the target group is children. In general, people remember pictures better than text. Given this, creating a set of icons will be helpful for expanding brand continuity and producing high recognition of the product. Therefore, the style should be kept simple and iconic, and the icons will be based on natural elements. Most of the inspiration comes from a website called NounProject, which offers many fancy icons posted by different designers. Making sure all the icons have the consistent style and perform nicely in small sizes in a key step. About the typeface used for the booklet, it is a beautiful and highly functional font which is often used for a magazine or a corporate identity. In addition, it is well suited for text layout as it looks robustly legible even at small sizes (, n.d.). The final stage is to carefully screen print the covers on the recycled paper, which I got from a paper store called Sheperds, based in London.
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
③ ① Typeface ② Planting locations ③ Selected Icons from NounProject
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Conclusion Broader influence As I have mentioned before, my project is not only to improve the natural environment but also enhance the family relat ion ship even f ur ther. T herefore, when it comes to the possible f ut ure development and w ider impac t. According to t he research, mos t de veloped count r ies have at t rac ted much at tent ion for nat ural resources(Dif ferencebet, 2014). In cont ra st, developing countries depend on the developed countries for help to establish their industries; it results in poor countries might sacrifice their environmental concerns. For the following development, this project might be helpful to some developed countries such as China, Nepal and Bangladesh(Shah, 2005). Furthermore, during the rapid development, the majority of parents are all busy at work; hence, lack of well parent-child relationship is a common problem occurres in these countries. In my mind, I would like to rely on this project to let everyone realize that natural conservation should be sincerely valued before serious destruction. Finally, although the technology has progressed rapidly, I hope people can still remember the traditional methods like photography, writing postcards and even the birth cards through this project.
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Critical reflection By and large, completing a big project alone is quite challenging to me. I should even improve myself on the schedule management and keep thinking clearly at each process. In spite of some difficulties, I have still learned a lot of natural knowledge from this project and get valuable exper ience from different manufacturers. About the tree-planting project, I was thinking if I plan to implement in different countries, it should be thought over the local cultural and environmental restrictions. Therefore, the approaches to such issues require rethinking. To sum up, doing a su stainable env ironment projec t mu st recogni ze the interconnectedness between human beings and the environment.
Oak tree
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
Ash tree
Concept store in London
Major Project Report MA Communication design 2014
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