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樂 欣 怡 / 平 面 設 計 師 YUEH HSIN YI / Graphic designer Yueh 涉略廣泛的藝術設計領域特別是在平面設計。於 2014 年於倫敦



Born / 26.08.1990 Tel / +886 937185501 Email / yueh19900826@gmail.com Website / www.yuehdesign.com

面自由工作者。除了平面相關技巧外,她也擁有不錯的工藝技術並且 熟悉不同材質的運用,像是皮革、木材和塑膠。這些優勢與能力都使 她能夠處理廣泛的設計案件與問題。除此之外,當 Yueh 在台北的東 喜設計工作時,訓練了良好的時間管理與組織規劃能力,對於事情都 秉持認真負責的態度,因而備受同事與客戶的肯定與信賴。 Yueh employs a wide range of art and design techniques, especially those related to graphic design. In 2014, she finished her master's degree in Communication Design at Kingston University. Following the completion of her MA, Yueh became a graphic freelancer in London. In addition to graphic-related skills, Yueh also possesses excellent hand-making skills with a range of materials including leather, wood and plastic due to her time at university, which equipped her with the ability to provide solutions to a wide range of design issues and problems. Furthermore, Yueh has learned to manage any task so that it is well-organised and delivered on schedule. Yueh has also learned to work well under pressure during her employment with the Tomic Design Studio in Taipei.

Skill Photoshops, Lightroom, Illustrator, Indesign and Flash Mandarin - native speaker, English - f luent


教育 Education September 2013—August 2014

September 2009—June 2012

倫敦金斯頓大學 | 平面設計學系 Kingston University London | MA Graphic Design

國立台灣藝術大學 | 工藝設計學系 National Taiwan University of Arts | BA Crafts & Design

經歷 Experience March 2015—June 2015

October 2014—Present

July 2012—September 2012

瑜悅設計 | 平面設計師 Transform Design | Graphic Designer


都市色彩計劃 | 攝影實習 CITY YEAST PROJECT | Photography Intern

December 2014—March 2014

January 2013—July 2013

January 2012—July 2012

東喜設計 | 平面設計師 Tomic Design Studio | Graphic Designer

台北國際當代藝術博覽會 | 展覽視覺設計 YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2012 | Exhibition Designer

台灣華特迪士尼股份有限公司 | 創意實習 The Walt Disney Company | Creative Intern

成就 Achievements 2014


彰化生活美學競賽 | 優選

APPortfolio | 入選 Be selected to APPortfolio

National Changhua Life Arts competition | Merit Award



工藝設計畢業製作 | 優選 Graduation Design Exhibition BA | Merit Award

環保牛創意設計競賽 | 優選 Environmental Competition of creative cow | Merit Award


愛戀金飾設計競賽 | 銀賞 & 優選 Love Ring Design Competition | The Second Prize & Merit Award


主要 設 計案 1

Main Project 1

My tree Online major project report http://issuu.com/yuehdesign/docs/mp_report_20140000

My tree 將親子成長與自然保育的 概念結合,透過有趣並附有意義 的方式來推廣植樹。父母與孩童 可以透過網站選擇自己適合的樹 種並且預約種植時間,經由專家 協助完成種植,在之後的每一年 都能親自拜訪 My tree 並拍照留 念,這些圖像日記將會記錄著孩 童與樹木的改變。過程中父母能 夠陪伴孩童一起成長學習進而增 進親子與大自然間的情感。

2014 碩士畢業製作 MA Graphic Major Project


'My Tree' aims to promote planting in a meaningful and interesting way. The parents can select the trees w ith their ch i ld r en on-l i ne , a nd g r ow t he t r e e with the help of experts. From then on, the family members can visit their tree annually to capture the precious moments with photographs, according to the change of the children and the tree. Essentially, this activity would enhance intimacy and communication bet ween parents and children, also the tree will become part of everyone’s life in the future.

背景 Background

My tree 的概念源自於我的童年回憶,記 得幼稚園時期我曾經有一堂課關於領養一 棵自己的樹,課程的主要目的是想教育孩 童如何透過照顧樹木培養對大自然的責任 感。現今,環境問題不斷的受到討論,越 來越多的人開始利用平面設計去宣導這項 議題,然而我個人覺得最有效的方法是從 孩童教育開始,因此這個提案主要是希望 透過設計讓年輕一代的人瞭解大自然的重 要性,尤其是種樹這項活動。


This idea originated from my childhoodwhen I was a child, there was a lesson called adopting a tree. This lesson was meant to build up children’s responsibility and teach them to care for nature. Nowadays, with the increasing number of environmental issues, many people have begun using graphic design to promote environmental topics, however I think it would be better to start this education f r o m c h i l d h o o d . T h e r e f or e , t h e m aj or project is to teach children to understand the importance of nature, specifically tree planting, through graphic communication.

識別設計發想 Development of Identity

以 Hannes von Döhren 所設計 的 Pluto 作為標識的主要字體。 為了讓 logo 看起來更為舒適, 我將字體部分稍做調整,使之 與外圈的有機圓協調呼應,讓 整體視覺更顯完整。


The font selected for the logo is Pluto by Hannes von Döhren. Afterward, I slightly modified the original ty peface. The angular parts have been adjusted smoother to ma ke the logo look more harmonious and comfortable with the outside organic shape.

製做過程 Making process


產品介紹 Product introduction


白 蠟 樹 Ash tree


橡 樹 Oak tree


品 牌 設 計 Branding/ Graphic identity logo

產 品 包 裝( 書 ) Product packaging (book)

名片 Business Card

小冊 子+樹木出生卡 Booklet + Tree birth card

明信片 Postcards


產品形象廣告 Product advertising


主要 設 計案 2

Main Project 2

Tipsy bistro 這是一間以女性為概念做設計的 酒吧, 目標 是 為女 性 顧 客 提 供 一 個舒適 且能 無 負擔的飲酒 空 間,Tipsy bistro 提 供了六 種 新 鮮的手工水果啤酒以及可搭配的 輕食套餐。“ 微 醺 ”可以放 鬆 心 情也使女性更為迷人。

2014 都 市人 文 設 計 Urban culture project


This concept takes female consumers as the target to design a cozy place for consumers to enjoy, with six fresh fruit beers and three kinds of light cuisines which can be mixed. The state of being ' t ip s y ' i s c on s ider e d t o b e b ot h t he mos t c om for t able a nd at t ra c t ive for female consumers.

背景 Background

這是一個有關都市人文的設計提案,藉由 觀察柏林城市的地景與文化,從中尋找設 計師能夠發揮的問題或靈感,德國一直 是啤酒文化盛行的地方,大部份的酒館 與啤酒廣告都是以男性為主去做設計,卻 忽略了女性市場的重要性, 因此 TIPSY BISTRO 將以女性為出發點重新設計出能 夠滿足女性需求的精緻小酒館。


Tipsy Bistro is a research project regarding contemporary urban culture, during which I aimed to identify a design point/problem through obser v ing people’s daily lives in Berlin. As a city well-known for its drinking cu lt u re , mo s t of Berl i n's ba r s a nd b e er adver tisements are geared towards male consumers while ignoring the female market. With this understanding, this project attempts to propose a lifestyle especially tailored to a female perspective and will eventually lead to a brand design for a feminine, intimate bistro that suits female requirements.

識別設計發想 Development of Identity

Script MT Std Bold

確定版 Final version


品 牌 設 計 Branding 產 品 插 畫 Product illustration



相 關 產 品 Related Products


產品形象廣告 Product advertising


主要 設 計案 3

Main Project 3

The square meal 對於歐洲人來說用餐是一種美麗 藝術,此概念將味覺轉化成影像 透過四季的方式分類,每一幅噴 漆創作都代表整不同的階段與感 受,春天的清新活力、夏天的甜 美浪漫、秋天的都四季的美好彷 彿停留在這個正方形的木盒中。

2014 造型實驗設計 Shape experiment project


In most Europe a n countr ie s, d ining could be considered the most important part and art of life. Like the changing of the sea sons, dif ferent ta stes could also be related to different moments of the year. During the experiments, spray paintings represent the various stages and feelings accordingly, such a s the f reshness of spr ing, the sweetness of summer, and so on. All tastes are wellpreserved in a square wooden box in an imaginative and surreal way.

背景 Background

這是一個從正方形去做延伸的設計發想練 習,希望能就由不斷的設計實驗過程,接 著將自我生活中的觀察結果與相關的學術 資料作結合,漸漸由單純的圖像發展成出 版刊物或實體的設計創作。


The Square Meal is a series of experiments aiming to explore the possibilities of simple geometric shapes. The process emphasises the combination of observation and academic study to develop a publication or practical design according to the assigned shape.

識別設計發想 Development of Identity

實驗過程 Experimental process




四季菜單 Season menu


刊物 &包裝設計 Publication & Package Design


主要 設 計案 4

Main Project 4

Dressing the screen 此視覺設計希望呈現高雅與美麗 的質感,透過設計將時尚與電影 產業做出巧妙的結合。Logo 中的 線條彷彿是投影機所投射出的光 線,左邊的黑與白代表了過去主 要的流行色彩,相對右邊的亮色 系則是代表現代時尚的活潑與創 意,不同時期的時尚風格將會彼 此影響而融合和進步,最後且種 要的是主要的三角形視覺圖案, 它代表著時尚與電影產業將會不 斷發光發熱。

2014 展覽視覺設計 Exhibition identity design


Combining fashion and film, this exhibit's identity quite simply presents the qualities of elegance and beauty through its design. Projectors will be used on both sides of the room: on the left, it is shown that the mainstream elements in the past were colours between black and white; and in comparison, a sense of creativity and the dynamic quality of modern fashion is symbolised by the bright colours on the right. The spirits from both times not only enhance each other but fuse as one through mutual inf luences. Finally, a t r ia ng u la r shap e p oi nt i ng upw a rd indicates that fashion and film will keep growing and glowing in future years.

背景 Background

英國的 British Council 將舉 辦一場國際 時尚電影展。這場展覽將會在 2014 年於 莫斯科開幕,接著會在巴西、泰國和莫斯 科展出,展覽的作品包含了過去 75 年間 世界最著名以及有淺力的時尚設計師以及 電影製作人。


Dressing the Screen: The Rise of Fashion Film is a new international British Council ex h ibit ion. The ex h ibit ion w i l l op en i n Moscow in 2014 and will then tour in Brazil, Thailand, and Mexico. The exhibition brings together work by some of the world’s most famous and innovative fashion designers and filmmakers from the last 75 years.

識別設計發想 Development of Identity




主要 設 計案 5

Main Project 5

Bubble bubble 透過傳統玻璃工藝呈現出泡泡輕 巧的空氣感,透過陽光折射後, 每一 個 Bubble bubble 都 具 有獨 特的光影層次,這是只有手工製 作獨 有的 溫 度 感, 造 型多變 的 Bubble bubble 也提供人們更多使 用上的選擇。

2014 大學畢業製作 BA Craft design Main Project


In order to deliver the sensation of bubbles, Bubble Bubble adopts the traditional craft of glass blowing to generate its airy and clear texture. Under sunlight, each spice shaker exhibits its own special effect of light and shadow, which also reveals the uniqueness of handmade art. Further, the varied form of Bubble Bubble enables a wide range of different uses according to different situations.

背景 Background

靈感來自於街頭的表演藝術者,藝術家 靈活地運用手中的工具朔造出各種不同的 泡泡,為繁忙的街頭增添許多趣味感。 Bubble bubble 將此想法套用到生活中, 利用泡泡的輕盈舒適感來抒解壓力,調 味罐不止豐富您的味覺感受也同時提高了 視覺美感。


As one of the most popular forms of busking art, bubble tricks have the ability to make a busy public street intriguing and vivid. I n s pi r e d b y t h i s c l a s s ic t y p e of s t r e e t per formance, Bubble Bubble attempts to transform the experience in order to ease the stresses of daily life. Through imitating the soft and elegant sensation of bubbles, this spice shaker not only helps to enhance the flavour of food but also its aesthetic taste.

造型發想 Form development


糖 果 罐( 圓 形 ) Candy jar (Round) 糖 果 罐( 長 型 ) Candy jar (Long) 咖啡組合 Coffee combination



相關 設計案 1

Other work 1


2014 Kingston 碩 士 畢 業 展 視 覺 設 計 Kingstion MA degree show visual design


展覽文宣 Exhibition f lyer


相關 設計案 2

Other work 2

Pop art identity design

2013 Barbican 展 覽 視 覺 提 案 Exhibition visual proposal of Barbican


三種版本 Three versions


相關 設計案 3

Other work 3

Matter lab

2015 手 機 殼 品 牌 BRANDING

Iphone case branding





相關 設計案 4

Other work 4

Poster design 2014

Protective clothes must be worn


相關 設計案 5

Other work 5

Poster design 2014

Which do you love ?


附錄 Appendix

YUEH 攝 影 作 品

YUEH photography

Everydayness See more/ www.yueh-c.format.com(click here)


November 2013 Urban Banqiao Taiwan

June 2014 Urban London UK

Jan 2015 Landscape Rye UK

October 2014 Portrait London UK

工作 室參 訪

Studio visit

工作室參訪 Studio visit 倫敦一年多的求學生活,除了從旅行中認識不同國家的文 化與設計觀點外,我更想深入了解每個國家對設計的運作 模式,因此我們試著接洽當地的設計工作室詢問是否能夠 有面談的機會,很幸運地收到幾家工作室的熱情回應,每 一次的參訪都讓我不僅在設計甚至是生活上都有所改觀, 也學習到除了熱情外更需要傾聽顧客的需求,有規劃性的 去執行每一件設計案件,這些文章都會分享到 Everyday object 提供更多人認識不同的設計思維。

During the period of my studies, in addition to understand the culture and design point of view from different countries, I was more eager to gain further insight into the design operation of each country. Therefore, we were trying to contact the local design studio independently and asking for the opportunity of a simple interview with us. Fortunately, we received enthusiastic responses from several studios. Every visit always makes me change a lot; it is not only in the field of design and even my life. Furthermore, I have learned the importance of listening to customers needs except enthusiasm; also, carrying out every design case logically. All the articles will be published on the website of Everyday object.

Fernkopie studio — Berlin http://www.fernkopie.de/#


White studio — Porto http://www.whitestudio.pt

AH_HA studio — Lisbon http://studioahha.com

Silvadesigners — Lisbon http://www.silvadesigners.com


Publishing and Design w w w.yuehdesign.com Translation Hsin Yi Yueh Publish June/2015 Type 花園明朝 MillerDisplay/Light

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