生產 者
2010 2015
Hsieh Yueh-Ting
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Content 產
築構| Cellula Modula 椅趣| Fun Chair 合和| Table+Chair 醞器| Brew Utensil 發光。傘| Illumbrella 攝
謝岳庭 Sam 0963-213-973 cksummerhsieh@gmail.com
2007-2010 惇敘工商 室內空間設計科
2012 全國 LED 創意設計競賽 - 佳作
2010-2014 明志科技大學 工業設計系 2012-2013 朱墨形象廣告設計 股份有限公司 2014-2015 文化部(服役)
2013 全國 LED 創意設計競賽 - 入選
展覽 2012 無以名狀 - 攝影個展(宜蘭台北) 2014 新一代設計展 2014 台灣設計師週 設計星勢力(築構) 2014-2015 那些沒說的 - 攝影聯展 (參展兼策展人)
產 品
築構 Cellula Modula 設計成員|陳圓圓 YUAN,YUAN-CHEN 謝岳庭 YUEH,TING-HSIEH 陳煒蒨 WEI,CIAN-CHEN 指導老師|劉晨旭 CHEN,HSU-LIU 李建佑 JIANYOU-LI 材質|木材、3D 列印(粉末成型)
每個細胞都是一個個體,而這每個個體會不斷地連結,延伸出新的生命。 我們將細胞體的組合排列,成為我們鏤空的外型, 利用傳統木榫接法 – 止方榫的方式,成為我們家具的單元套件, 讓傳統接榫工法與新技術結合,藉由接榫改變桌椅高度與造型, 甚至是利用這套件再做更多的組合,不但可以增添人們自己製作的興趣, 同時更珍惜自己產出的家具。 Every cell is an individual, and that cells would link each other, extening a new life. The combination of cell inspire us, so it become the hollow appearance of our design. Useing the traditional method of wood nog - Tenon, to become the unit of our furniture. Make traditional method combine with new technology, so we can change the height of chair by tenon. Also can use the unit to make more combination. Not only can increase the interest of people do by themselves, but also make them cherish their works.
Cellula Modula
.cellula 是義大利文的 cell .modula 是個程式語言,以「模組」為程式單位, 用義大利文形式有「設計感」之稱。 .modula 這字沿自於 module,意味著「單元套件」。
Voronoi 的空間分割演算法
Voronoi 演算結果的簍空區
此單元件是利用 Voronoi 的空間分割演算法,做外型上的分割;現今建築 上已開始做實驗性的製作,我們也將這項演算法與我們設計的家具卡榫做結 合,外型以細胞壁的概念為造型上的延伸,讓內部支撐更強而有力,並且外 型上與細胞貼近,形成一種由細胞往外擴出,連接著每個個體,所形成的單 元件。 Voronoi
Diagram has been used in architectural designs, albeit still at an experimental stage. This unit uses Voronoi Diagram to divide spaces on the product's appearance, and combines the algorithm with the tenon designs in our furniture. The "cell wall" exterior construction increases the strength of the internal support. Hence, the unit is formed by cell expansion to snugly connect with other cells.
Fun Chair
設計|謝岳庭 YUEH,TING-HSIEH 材質|木材、油漆
Chat X Change X Heart 從積木造型發想 採用活潑鮮艷的色調 改變與重組 就像孩童彼此交換心情聊天
合和 Table+Chair 設計|謝岳庭 YUEH,TING-HSIEH 材質|木材、木質染劑、保護漆
Table X Chair ㄇ字型設計 隨心所欲組合 交叉、堆疊、旋轉
Brew Utensil
設計成員|陳圓圓 YUAN,YUAN-CHEN 謝岳庭 YUEH,TING-HSIEH 指導老師|劉晨旭 CHEN,HSU-LIU 材質|瓷土、白色釉料
時間的累積,保存感恩的氣息。 Accumulation of the time, preservation of the grateful.
生活中的醬油、酒、醃菜、米缸,都與早期的瓷器—甕有所關聯,不但幫助 我們食材延續存放,更釀出色香俱全的食材,總與我們生活的食物息息相關, 但在現代看來卻變得廉價笨重,使得我們開始淡忘他的特色和存在。 將它原有的特色及用途,轉化存放於我們生活當中的容器,早期與我們食材 相關瓷器—甕有新的詮釋地方,畢竟我們釀存的不是食物,而是醞釀「甕」 原有的特色。 Soy sauce, wine, pickles and rice jugs in our daily lives are associated with a traditional porcelain, the Chinese jars, which not only help us preserve the food, but also make the food tasty. Although jars have a strong relation to the food in our life, it is normally considered as a cheap and bulky thing making us forget its feature and presence. We transform the original features and purposes of jars to a new design that can serve as a container in our daily lives. The porcelain associated with our foods has a new interpretation, because the things we brew are not only the food, but also the original features of jars.
釀造守護者—甕, 廚房中守護食材的將軍,默默的用時間,釀出一切懷舊古早風味食。 The guardian of brewage, the Chinese jar, is the general in the kitchen to protect all the ingredients, breeding all the nostalgic flavors and tastes silently over the course of time.
發光。傘 Illumberella
Shine X Umbrella X Water Energy
設計成員|陳圓圓 YUAN,YUAN-CHEN 謝岳庭 YUEH,TING-HSIEH 指導老師|鄭洪 Cheng Hung 材質| LED 燈、水電池
讓雨傘利用撐傘時所匯集的雨水產生電力發光,可避免行人不易被看見而發 生意外。當沒電時,可添加水使用,平均一天加一次水可使用一至二個月 ( 以 正常室溫之下 ),如果不把水放進去就可長期儲存 (5-10 年 )。 This umbrella collects rain water to generate electricity to make the umbrella glow in the dark to increase the visibility of the user. Under normal temperature, water needs to be added only once every month or so to ensure continuous power generation. Removing all water, the umbrella can be stored away for 5 to 10 years without losing its functionality.
雨水進水口 Rain Intake 雨水由上方進入、滑落蓄水槽。 Rain enter trom the top of the rain intake, slide and fall into the reservoir.
光源 LED Light 經由碳、鎂、鋁、銅鎳合金棒和雨水自然化學變化產生電力。 The rain water, through the natural chemical reaction with the carbon,ricity.
碳、鎂、鋁、銅鎳合金棒 The Alloy Rod 內容物不含水銀 ( 汞 )、鉛、氧化銀、氧化汞、鎳、鎘、鐵、鋅、錳。 用根據無公害物質的自然化學反應而產生電力。 The rod is eco-frien dly and is without harmful substances such as mercury, lead, silver oxide, mercuric oxide, nickel, iron, zinc, etc. Producing electricity from the chemical reactions of eco-friendly materials.
雨水蓄水槽 Reservoir 含有 H2O 液態。 collects and holds rain water.
攝 影
謝岳庭 Sam 0963-213-973 cksummerhsieh@gmail.com
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