ABPL20050_2018_SM1: Design Workshop Student Name: Yueting Yang Student No. 810226
Exercise one - Poster design based on a director (Jacques Tati)
Play Time Mon Oncle
Mon Oncle
Play Time
L'ecole des facteurs
Play Time
Space,Time and Reality Building was created since human started to build shelter to live. Before the invention of camera and film projector, the only ways that people can describe or convey their feelings of space and depict an architecture are through either words or drawings. The appearance of film, I think, enables people to explore a new sensation through this new form of art. Now people can have a general feeling of a constructed building without even been there through watching the video. The ability to recorded series of continuing images make people's visual experience of images pop out from the previous static mode. The audience now can feel not only the space but also time.
Jean Epstein, a French filmmaker, film theorist, literary critic, and novelist.
As French filmmaker Epstein said in his book the intelligence of machine1, film gets rid of the conventional concept of static form. It represents the quality of motion and the motion is the inherent quality of form. Time and space are now combined and organized with each other in the producing of film.
1. Jean Epstein, The Intelligence of A Machine, 1st edn,2014.
Chanson d'Armor (Jean Epstein, 1934)
Cinema and architecure Goethe used to describe 'Music is liquid architecture; architecture is frozen music' because they both share some same qualities of representing beauty. By the emergency of film, now some people think film should be the most related form of art to the architecture. They both have clear articulation in the structure of time and space. They all try to represent the space in where we exist. Even though, architecture and cinema are different types of art, they still have strong influences on each other. On the one hand, the fundamental experience of architecture is based on the visual movement. On the other hand, film requires architecture to articulate the story of space or to back up the story that happens in the space. As Robert Mallet Stevens said in his article “Le Cinéma et les arts: Architecture,”1 in 1925, undoubtedly that film has great impacts on the modern architecture, at the same time, architecture also play an important role in the film to represent the art of sense and light. Architecture is not only the stage or background of film. It jumps out from all kinds of limitations and is more like a "player". 1. Robert Mallet Stevens, "Le Cinéma Et Les Arts: Architecture", 1925.
Koolhaas's design for an entrance of Dutch House was based on the inspiration from German Expressionist cinema - Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari/ Robert Weine
Dutch House/ Rem Koolhaas
Photographing exercise
The process of photo taking to some extent let me understand more of composition of image, which is also very important when designing scenes of films. A film was composed by a series of continuous images to tell a story so in order to design these set of images, usually the cinematic plan and scenes design are used in an incorporat way. The former is to design the movement of camera, the latter is to design the composition of key scenes. These key scenes are organized in a storyboard to make a clear clue of how the story is going to be represented through cinematic designs. In this exercise, the set of camera, angle of taking shots and compositions are planed ahead before the photo taking.
A cinematic plan and a scene design of a Hitchcock’s scene drawn by Nicholas Proferes
Photo taken on Story St by Yueting (3/11 2018 Melbourne)
Geometry and Colour For this photo, I focused on the composition and proportion. I want to capture the geometries in this facade and use faces, edges and points to show the strong feelings of geometrical tensions between these elements. The colour contrast is also an interesting point for this photograph. The window and door elements pop out from the flat white surface by using a contrast colour - red. Value Before
Value After
Photo retouching is as same important as the editing for film. Crop things that is non-useful and colour adjustment. What I have also down is the perspective adjustment because I cannot keep camera at the middle height level of this house, which creates a very strong distortion for the vertical lines in this image. Composition analysis of image
Photo taken in Melbourne Uni by Yueting (3/11 2018 Melbourne)
Layers of story telling
Corridor frame Foreground trees
When I took this shot, I found there were three people talking at the cor-ridor. There are at least four layers happening here. Instead of putting the figure in the center of image, I arrange the tree in the foreground to enrich the depth of feeling of this image. Architecture works so well as a space or stage for where the talking happened. What I failed in this photo is that in order to capture the three people clearly, I set the iso too high which leads to fuzzy quality of image.
Photo taken at RMIT building by Yueting (3/11 2018 Melbourne)
Design the position of camera
For two different arrangements of camera, I get completely different outputs. Only setting the camera right along the column and keep it horizontal can create the powerful symmetrical composition. I want to record the feeling of being trapped in a small gap between two constructed high walls. Lights also play an important role here to enhance the atmosphere.
Photo taken on Elizabeth Street by Yueting (3/11 2018 Melbourne
Camera angle and Length of focus To take the skyscraper in low angle creates a strong vertical convergent lines which all point to the upper vanish point. Sometimes it helps to represent the height of the building and create constructive element to the photo.
I changed to longer lens focus to capture the detailing instead of the overall shape of buildings because I found what happens to the horizontal level of these buildings is far more interesting. It is like a horizontal color sandwich, which shows the density and material varieties.
Photo taken on Elizabeth Street by Yueting (3/11 2018 Melbourne
In-class filming exercise
Cinematic Plan
Camera 2
Camera 1
We set two cameras in different positions and angles. Three people entered the classroom and sit down in their seats.
Camera 2
The camera one used to capture the three people in one scene but the second one only focus on the second person
Camera 1
Camera2 was used to focus on the second person who is dominate in the screen. Although the first person appeared in the screen earlier while once the second person came, the focus point moved to the second person. Then, the third person came, just passed by the second and then disappeared in the screen. Audience can image the movement of the third person and where she finally sit down. The camera2 firstly failed to focus on first person for our first try. For the second try, we measured the distance and adjusted our manual focus points. So for the second time, we achieved the effect that focus point transferred from the first person to the second one.
The Turin Horse
Lazer cut panel Horse Stables
Living house
Turin Horse was directed by BĂŠla Tarr and Ă gnes Hranitzky. It recalls the whipping of a horse in the Italian city Turin which is rumoured to have caused the mental breakdown of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. This film depicts the stroy from another angle of horse-owner and his daughter. After they whipped the horse, they returned to their home but the horse refused to move or eat. The whole film almost happened in this tiny shed to show the mental change of father and daughter in a despairing situation within seven days.
the story. Use the movement throu CRITERIA EXCELENT Movement seems fluid and helped show the sequence of spaces. CAMERA MOVEMENT the story. Use the movement throu THECRITERIA ATMOSPHERIC RUBRIC EXCELENT Images create a distinct atmosphe show the sequence ofexactly spaces. The story is told with the ri IMAGES The storydifferent is told with exactly ri TIME LINE THE RUBRIC matches parts of thethe stor TIME ATMOSPHERIC LINE throughout. It does not seem too sh throughout. It does not seem too sh CRITERIA EXCELENT Images create symbolism a distinct atmosphe communicate and/or IMAGES The story is exactly the m ri too long. THEATMOSPHERIC ATMOSPHERIC RUBRIC The storydifferent is told told with with exactly ri too long. TIME LINE THE RUBRIC matches parts of thethe stor TIME LINE throughout. It does not seem too sh throughout. It does not seem too sh CRITERIA EXCELENT communicate symbolism and/or m Movement seems fluid and The tape is edited with only high The story isRUBRIC told exactly the right amount detailq Movement seems fluid andofhelped helped too long. THE MOVEMENT toowith long. EDITING TIMECAMERA LINE ATMOSPHERIC CAMERA MOVEMENT throughout. It does not seem too short nor does it seem the story. Use the movement throu Video moves smoothly from shot t the story. Use the movement throu EXCELENT THECRITERIA ATMOSPHERIC RUBRIC CRITERIA EXCELENT too long. Movement seems fluid and helped The tape is edited with only high q show the sequence of spaces. transitions are used to assist in com Movement seems fluid and helped show the sequence of spaces. CAMERA MOVEMENT EDITING The story is told with exactly the the story. Use the movement throu Video moves smoothly from shot TIME LINE ideafluid and smooth flow from onrit the story. Use thethe movement throu Movement seems and helped the audience visual throughout. It does not seem too sh CAMERA MOVEMENT Images create aaused distinct atmosphe CRITERIA EXCELENT show the sequence of spaces. Images create distinct atmosphe transitions are to assist in com Shots and scenes flow seamlessly. the sequence the story. Use show the movement throughof outspaces. the building IMAGES CRITERIA EXCELENT The story is told with exactly the CRITERIA EXCELENT too long. matches different parts of the stor TIME LINE matches different parts of the exac stor idea and smooth the flow from onri show the sequence of spaces. appropriately foris emphasis. The story told with TIME LINE throughout. It does not seem too sh Images create a distinct atmosphe communicate symbolism and/or m Images create a distinct atmosphe communicate symbolism and/or m Shots and scenes seamlessly. IMAGES throughout. It tone does not see IMAGES Movement seemsflow fluid and helped THE ATMOSPHERIC RUBRIC Images create too a distinct atmosphere or that long. matches different parts of the stor CAMERA MOVEMENT IMAGES matches different parts of the stor The story is told with exactly the right amount of detail appropriately for emphasis. The story is told with exac The storydifferent is told with exactly the right amount of may detail THE ATMOSPHERIC RUBRIC TIMETIME LINE LINE too long. matches parts of the story. The images the story. Use the movement throu communicate and/or m throughout. It seem too short nor does it seem The foreground, medium scene, m communicate symbolism and/or m throughout. It does does not seem toosymbolism short nor does ithigh seem The tape edited with only q throughout. Itof does see The not tape is edited with only high q DEPTH communicate symbolism and/or metaphors. Movement seems fluid and not helped ATMOSPHERIC RUBRIC show the is sequence spaces. EDITING too THETHE ATMOSPHERIC RUBRIC CAMERA MOVEMENT too long. long. background layers are designed so Video moves smoothly from shot tt Video moves smoothly from shot too long. the story. Use the movement throu Movement seems fluid an CRITERIA EXCELENT The foreground, medium scene, m CAMERA MOVEMENT good depth of aimage. CRITERIA EXCELENT The tape is edited with only high q Movement seems fluid and helped the audience visual transitions are used to assist in com The tape is edited with only high q The tape is edited with only high quality shots remainin DEPTH Images create distinct atmosphe transitions are used to assist in com Movement seems fluid and helped the audience visual show the sequence of spaces. EDITING CAMERA MOVEMENT the story. Use the movem EDITING IMAGES CAMERA MOVEMENT background layers are designed sott Video moves smoothly from shot the Use the through out building Video moves from shot tothe shot. Athe of idea and smooth flow from on the story. story. 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Use the movem IMAGES Length and flow of sequence excel is steady with few pans and zooms TIMETEMPORALITY LINE idea and smooth theand flowsmooth fromfor onethe scene to the next. idea flow from on appropriately emphasis. matches different parts of the stor idea and smooth the flow from on throughout. It does not seem too short nor does it seem appropriately for emphasis. Images create a distinct atmosphere or tone that Imagesand create a distinct atmosphere or tone that (EXPOSURE/FOCUS) All shots arethe clearly focused and w show sequence of spa Shots scenes flow seamlessly. Digital effects are us Images create aseamlessly. distinct an focus attention. Video shows evide IMAGES Pacing changes accordingly with SCALE Shots and scenes flow IMAGES too long. different communicate symbolism and/or m Shots and flow seamlessly. matches parts of the story. The images may matches parts of the story. 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LIGHTING AND SHADING good depth of image. Allgood shots are clearly focused and w Images create a distinct atmospher All shots are clearly focused and well framed. The video show the sequence of spaces. SCALE a depth of image show the sequence of spaces. Abundant changes of light that var SCALE The tape isDigital edited with on Shots and scenes flow seamlessly. effects are us Shots and scenes flow seamlessly. IMAGES turns into an essential element to communicate symbolism and/or metaphors. Shots andwith scenes flow seamlessly. Digital effects are us MOVEMENT is steady steady with few pans and zooms transitions are used to ass is with few pans and zooms EDITING is steady few pans and zooms. 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The video steady with few pans and zooms Images create a distinct atmosphere or tone that is a contrasting color impact or a SCALE Video moves smoothly from shot t The foreground, medium The lighting compliments the imag idea and smooth the flow from one shadow (attached shadow, shadin IMAGES turns intowith an essential element to reveal the The lighting compliments the imag Evidence ofthe abun-dent manipulatio shadow (attached shadow, shadin LIGHTING MOVEMENT is few pans and Closeups are used DEPTH AND transitions are used to assist inearly communicat Establishes azooms. purpose on and is steady steady with few pans and zooms. Closeups are used LIGHTING AND SHADING SHADING (EXPOSURE/FOCUS) All shots are clearly focused and w matches different parts of story. The images may focus attention. Video shows evide CHARACTER transitions are used to assist in com Abundant changes of light that var Shots and scenes flow seamlessly. turns into an essential element to arrangement and the form of monolithic volumes. SCALE background layers are de (EXPOSURE/FOCUS) focus attention. Video shows evidence of good Abundant changes of that var turns into an essential element toto Light complements mood and com focus idea attention. 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Video shows evide pan/tilts, movement, and perspect CHARACTER MATERIAL Shots and scenes flow seamlessly. pan/tilts, movement, and perspective. turns into an essential element to background layers are de pan/tilts, movement, andemphasis. perspective. turns into essential element to appropriately for or flat. Depicting the color ofhigh the building, whether the focus throughout. The tape is edited with onlyan quality shots remainin good depth ofatmosphere. image. composition (ratio of image to fram EDITING Emphasizes the material of the bui appropriately for emphasis. arrangement and form of mon Emphasizes the material ofone. the bui good depth of image. All shots clearly focus arrangement and the form of mon is a contrasting color impact or a are coordinated Video movescompliments smoothly from tothe shot. A variety of MATERIAL (NARRATIVE) The lighting the image and mood. The lighting compliments the imag The lighting compliments theshot image andcolor mood. SCALE SOUND pan/tilts, movement, and perspect LIGHTING The foreground, medium scene, mb AND SHADING or flat. Depicting the of the LIGHTING AND SHADING LIGHTING All shots are clearly focused and well framed. The video or flat. Depicting the color of the b transitions are used to assist in communicating the mai DEPTH Abundant changes of light that varies along the day. Us SCALE steady with few pans an Abundant changes ofislight that varies the day.var Us Abundant changes ofalong light that Emphasizes the material of the bui background layers are designed so is steady with few pans and zooms. Closeups are used Major enhancement to film. 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turns into an essential element to (ratio ofor ima background are designed socc appropriately for arrangement and the form of monolithic volumes. is contrasting color impact good depth ofcomposition image. arrangement and the form oflayers monolithic volumes. is aaemphasis. contrasting color impact or aasho (NARRATIVE) Com-pels rich emotional response. (EXPOSURE/FOCUS) pan/tilts, movement, and perspective. focus attention. Video shadow (attached shadow, shadin Establishes a purpose early on and All shots are clearly focused and w Establishes a purpose early on and good depth of image. pan/tilts, movement, and CHARACTER SCALE Emphasizes the material of the building, whether it is focus throughout. turns into essential element Emphasizes the material ofan the building, whether it to is rr composition (ratio of ima is steady with few pans and zooms All shots are clearly focused and well frame focus throughout. MATERIAL The lighting compliments the image and mood. SCALE SOUND foreground, medium scene, main body andon and or Depicting the color of the building, whether the LIGHTING AND SHADING The or flat. flat. the color ofa the building, whether the (NARRATIVE) Establishes purpose early DEPTH (EXPOSURE/FOCUS) All shots are focused and w focus Video shows evide isDepicting steady with few pans and zooms. Establishes aclearly purpose early on and pan/tilts, movement, and MATERIAL CHARACTER The lighting compliments Abundant changes ofattention. light that varies along theCloseup day. Us composition (ratio of image to frame, line of gaze,
CHARACTER SCALE background layers areimpact designed that the picture has is color or aasocoordinated one. LIGHTING AND SHADING is aa contrasting contrasting color impact or coordinated one. focus throughout. (EXPOSURE/FOCUS) is steady with few pans and zooms focus attention. Video shows go composition (ratio of evidence image to of fram shadow (attached shadow, shading and cast shadow) focus throughout. Full emphasis of broad and naunce good depth of image. Abundant changes of ligh Sound completely enhances the st (NARRATIVE) (EXPOSURE/FOCUS) Sound completely enhances the sto turns composition into an essential element toVideo reveal the perspect focus attention. shows evide (ratio ofinimage to frame, line pan/tilts, movement, and MATERIAL The lighting compliments SOUND architecture shot. Material corres shadow (attached shadow LIGHTING AND SHADING Establishes purpose early on and maintains clear and voice fits the sto All shots areaaclearly focused and well framed. video Establishes purpose earlypunctuation) on and maintains clear and voice punctuation) fitsaaThe the sto pan/tilts, movement, and perspective. composition (ratio of image to fram CHARACTER SCALE CHARACTER Abundant changes of ligh contributes greatly tointo” intended atm throughout. turns into an essential ele isfocus steady with few pans and zooms. Closeups are used Sound completely enhances the st focus throughout. audience really “get the story The lighting compliments the imag Sound completely enhances the stt audience really “get into” the story pan/tilts, movement, and perspect SOUND LIGHTING AND SHADING (NARRATIVE) Establishes aevidence purpose early on form and (EXPOSURE/FOCUS) shadow (attached shadow focus attention. Video shows of good MATERIAL The lighting compliments the image and mo and voice punctuation) fits the sto arrangement and the emotional response that matches CHARACTER Abundant changes of light that var and voice punctuation) fits the sto emotional response thatofmatches LIGHTING AND SHADINGcomposition (ratio of turns image to frame, line gaze, focus throughout. into an essential ele audience really “get into” the story Abundant changes of light that varies along The lighting compliments the imag shadow (attached shadow, shading audience really “get into” the story Sound enhances the story. The pace (rhyth Sound completely completely enhances the story. The pace (rhyth LIGHTING AND SHADING pan/tilts, movement, and perspective. (NARRATIVE) SOUND Establishes a purpose early on and shadow (attached shadow, shading and cas arrangement and the form emotional response that matches CHARACTER Emphasizes the material Abundant changes of light that var and voice punctuation) fits the story line and helps the turns into element r emotional response that and voice punctuation) fitsan theessential story line andmatches helps to theo MATERIAL focus throughout. turns into an into” essential element tostirs reveal the audience really “get the story. Music aa colo rich The lighting compliments the image and mood. shadow (attached shadow, shading audience really “get into” the story. Music stirs rich arrangement and the form of mon or flat. Depicting the LIGHTING AND SHADING Sound completely enhances the st Establishes a purpose early on and maintains a clear (NARRATIVE) arrangement andmatches the form monolithic vo emotional response the story line well. CHARACTER SOUND Abundant changes ofthat thatessential varies along the day. Uso emotional response that theof story line well. Emphasizes the material turns into an element to r islight amatches contrasting color focus throughout. MATERIAL andshadow, voice punctuation) fitsshadow) theimpa sto shadow (attached shading and cast Emphasizes the material of the bui arrangement and the form of mon (NARRATIVE) or flat. Depicting the colo MATERIAL Sound completely enhances the st audience really “get into” the story Emphasizes theelement material the the building, wh turns into an essential to of reveal SOUND MATERIAL
or flat. Depicting the color of the b
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The images maygood, communicate atmosphere/tone it needed more work. Image choice appropriate atmosphere/tone. to drag somewhat OR need slightly more detail in one or long or too short in more than one section. short to be interesting. hort nor does it seem to drag somewhat OR need slightly more detail in one or long or too short in more than one section. short to be interesting. hort nor does it seem ere or tone that Images create an atmosphere or tone that matches some An attempt was made to use images to create an Little or no attempt to use images to create an metaphors. symbolism and/or metaphors. is logical. The story composition is good, though The story need more It too The story extensive ight amount of detail two sections. The composition is typically typically though it it seems seems The story seems seems to tobut need more editing. editing. It is is noticeably noticeably too The story needs needs extensive editing. editing. 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No Story the main and timing. of wipes andwere fades selected are not poor always appropriate distracting. dmmunicating the audience audience visualize Movements helped the audience audience visualized the story story but but Movements were made to enhance enhance the story, story, but some Few movement orand descriptive gestures were used. used. Story The story composition is typically good, though it seems The story seems to need more editing. It is noticeably too The story needs extensive editing. too long orused too are ight amount of detail ugh out the building to it was a little choppy. were unclear. was to shot. of to remaining. A choppy. variety of transitions are used. Good pacing Transitions from shot to shot are assist choppy, and the types transitions between clips are used It oristransitions ne scene tovariety the next. for theunclear. scene. Transitions do not in communicating ugh out Athe building it was a little were was unclear. unclear. to drag somewhat OR need slightly more in one or long or too short in selected more than one short to no be attempt interesting. hort does itthe seem ere or tone that Images create an or that matches some An attempt was made to use images to an Little to ere ornor tone that Images create an atmosphere atmosphere or tone tone thatdetail matches some Anwipes attempt was made to many use images to create create anand/or Little or or no attempt to use use images images to to create create an an mmunicating main and timing. of fades are notsection. always appropriate distracting. Digital effects are used the main and idea. There are unnatural breaks The story composition is typically good, though it seems The story seems to need more editing. It is noticeably too The story needs extensive editing. It is too long or too ight amount of detail two sections. ry. The images may parts of the story. The images may communicate atmosphere/tone but it needed more work. Image choice appropriate atmosphere/tone. ry. The images parts of the story. The images may communicate atmosphere/tone butThe it needed Imagemore choice appropriate atmosphere/tone. ne scene to the may next. for the scene. Transitions do notmore assistwork. in communicating early cuts. Digital effects are overdone and distract from editing. The story composition is typically good, though it seems story seems to need It is noticeably too The story needs extensive editing. It is too lo ctly the right amount of detail to drag create somewhat OR need slightly more detail in one or long or too short in more thanimages one section. short to no be attempt interesting. hort does it are seem ere or tone that Images an atmosphere or that matches some An attempt was made to use to an Little to to create an metaphors. symbolism and/or metaphors. is ere ornor tone that Images create andrag atmosphere or tone tone that matches some An attempt was made to many use images to create create anand/or Little or or no attempt to use use images images toto create an metaphors. symbolism and/or metaphors. is logical. logical. Digital effects used the main idea. There are unnatural breaks content. to somewhat OR need slightly more detail in one or long or too short in more than one section. short be interesting. em too short nor does it seem dry.the audience may visualize Movements helpedThe theimages audience visualized the story but Movements were made to enhance the story, but some Few movement or descriptive gestures were used. Story two parts of may atmosphere/tone but it more work. Image choice appropriate atmosphere/tone. ry. The images may partssections. of the the story. story. The images may communicate communicate atmosphere/tone butThe it needed needed more work. Imagemore choice appropriate atmosphere/tone. early cuts. Digital effects are overdone and from editing. The story composition is typically good, though it seems story seems to distract need is noticeably too The story needs extensive editing. It is too lo ctlyThe theimages right amount two sections. ugh out the building to of detail it was a little choppy. were unclear. wasItunclear. metaphors. symbolism and/or metaphors. is logical. main body and Layers are designed so that the picture has a good depth Layers are designed in some shots so that the picture has Little or no layers design. metaphors. symbolism and/or metaphors. is logical. the content. quality shots remaining. Tape is edited throughout with only quality shots Tape is edited in few spots. Several poor shots remain. Tape is unedited and many poor shots No to drag somewhat OR need slightly more detail in one or long or too short in more than one section. short to remain. be interesting. em too short nor does it seem quality shots remaining. Tape is edited throughout with only quality shots Tape is edited in few spots. Several poor shotsbut remain. Tapemovement is uneditedorand many poor shots remain. No Story d the audience visualize Movements helped the audience visualized the story but Movements were made to enhance the story, some Few descriptive gestures were used. oto that theA picture has a but it is distracting. aTransitions depth. from to shot. A variety of remaining. A variety of transitions are used. Good pacing Transitions from shot to shot are choppy, and the types transitions between clips are used or transitions used are shot. variety of remaining. A variety of transitions are used. Good pacing shot to shot are choppy, and the types transitions between clips are used or transitions used are two sections. ughhelped out thethe building to it was a little choppy. were unclear. was unclear. nd audience visualize Movements helped the audience visualized the story but Movements were made to enhance the story, but some Few movement or descriptive gestures were PROFICIENT SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY main body and Layers are designed so thatwith theoronly picture hasmatches ashots good depth Layers are designed inspots. some shots so that the picture has Little or no layers design. quality shots remaining. Tape is edited throughout quality Tape is edited in few Several poor shots remain. Tape is unedited and many poor shots remain. No mmunicating the main and timing. of wipes and fades selected are not always appropriate distracting. quality shots remaining. Tape is edited throughout with only quality shots Tape is edited in few spots. Several poor shots remain. Tape is unedited and many poor shots remain. No ere or tone that Images create an atmosphere tone that some An attempt was made to use images to create an Little or no attempt to use images to create an mmunicating the main and timing. of wipes and fades selected are not always appropriate distracting. ment through out the building to it was a little choppy. were unclear. was unclear. o that the picture has a but it is distracting. a depth. to shot. A of remaining. variety of transitions used. Good Transitions from shot to shot are choppy, and the types transitions between clips or transitions used ne the next. for the scene. Transitions do not assist in communicating to scene shot. Ato variety of remaining. Astory. variety ofimages transitions are used. Good pacing pacing Transitions from shot to shot aremore choppy, and theto types transitions between clips are are used used or transitionsor used are are ry. The images may parts of theA The mayare communicate atmosphere/tone butMovements it needed work. Image choice appropriate atmosphere/tone. ne scene tovariety the next. for the scene. Transitions not assist in shots communicating nd helped the audience visualize helped audience visualizedSATISFACTORY the story but were made the story, some Few movement PROFICIENT well framed. The video The camera isMovements held steady. Pans and the zooms are limited. The motion shots are fairlydosteady. Some are enhanceUNSATISFACTORY Many shots but are unfocused and poorly framed. The descriptive gestures were aces. mmunicating the main and timing. of wipes and fades selected are not always appropriate distracting. Digital effects are used the main idea. There are many unnatural breaks and/or ere or tone that Images create an atmosphere or tone that matches some An attempt was made to use images to create an Little or no attempt to use images to create an mmunicating the main and timing. of wipes and fades selected are not always appropriate distracting. metaphors. symbolism and/or metaphors. is logical. Digital effects are used the main idea. There are many unnatural breaks and/or ment through out to subject it was a littleslightly choppy. were unclear. unclear. llent-ly paced. Film mostly sequence generally Acknowledgement of film pacing. Common occurences Complete of pacing. display little atten-and s. Closeups are next. usedthe to building The pacing main isadequate, located off center, using the unfocused or poorly framed. Few close-ups are used. camera islack not held steadyShots andwas excessive panning ne to for the scene. Transitions do not assist in communicating early cuts. Digital effects are overdone and distract from ry.scene The images may parts of the story. The images may communicate atmosphere/tone but it needed work. Image choice appropriate atmosphere/tone. ne scene to the the next. for the scene. Transitions dosteady. notmore assist in communicating early cuts. Digital effects are overdone and distract from well framed. The video The camera isImages held steady. Pans and zooms are and limited. The motion shots are fairly Some shots areuse Many shots are unfocused and poorly framed. The aces. atmosphere or tone that create an atmosphere or tone that matches some An attempt was made to images to create an Little or no attempt to use images to create a ence of good "rule of thirds." Most shots are clearly focused well zooming distracts the viewer. No close-ups are used.to narrative atmosphere appropriate. rare appearances of improperly paced of forced, unnatural cuts. tion to flow of narrative. Minimal effort during editing Digital effects are used the main idea. There are many unnatural breaks and/or content. metaphors. symbolism and/or metaphors. is logical. effects are used the main idea. There are many unnatural breaks and/or content. quality shots remaining. Tape is edited throughout only quality shots Tape is edited in fewframed. spots. Several poor shots remain. Tape isgood unedited and manyand poor shots remain. Noand s.Digital Closeups are used to The main subject is located slightly off center, using unfocused or poorly Few close-ups areit used. camera isImage notpace. held steady excessive panning me, line of gaze, framed. of the story. The images may parts of thewith story. The images maythe communicate atmosphere/tone but needed more work. choice appropriate atmosphere/tone. shots. ensure early cuts. Digital effects are overdone and distract from early cuts.some Digital effects are overdone and distract from to shot. A and variety of that "rule remaining. A variety ofshots transitions are used. Good Transitions from shot shot are choppy, and the transitions between are used orortransitions usedtoare atmosphere or tone Images create atmosphere orpacing tone attempt was made to types use imageszooming to create an design. Little no attempt use images to create a ence of good thirds." Mostso are clearly focused and well that matches distracts theclips viewer. No close-ups are used. tive. main body Layersofare designed that thean picture has athe good depth Layers are designed inAn shots so that the picture has Little or no layers and/or metaphors. symbolism and/or metaphors. istosome logical. the content. the content. dme, theline audience visualize Movements helped the audience visualized story but Movements were made to enhance the story, but some Few movement descriptive gestures were used. quality shots remaining. Tape is edited throughout with only quality shots Tape is edited in few spots. Several poor shots remain. Tape is unedited and many poor shots remain. No Story mmunicating the main and timing. of wipes and fades selected are not always appropriate distracting. ofpicture gaze, framed. of the the story. Thehas images may parts of the story. The images may communicate atmosphere/tone but it needed more work. Imageorchoice appropriate atmosphere/tone. o that a but it is distracting. a depth. ugh outmood. the building itremaining. was a littleAsometimes choppy. were unclear. was unclear. to shot. A variety of to variety so of that transitions arethe used. Good pacing Transitions from shot to shot are choppy, and the types transitions clips aremaking used orpeople transitions used are ge and The lighting compliments image and Little effective use of andassist shading. Shoots the light source, shadows. ne scene to the next. for the scene. Transitions doshots not in ver communicating tive. main body and Layers are designed designed the picture picture has good depth Layers are designed some shots so that therich picture has Little orinto no between layers and/or metaphors. symbolism and/or metaphors. is logical. main body and Layers are so that the has aathe good Layers are designed ininlighting some but not No consideration layer, totally flat image dnly thehigh audience visualize Movements helped audience visualized story were made tomany enhance butand/or some Few movement orofdesign. descriptive gestures were used.and Story mmunicating main and timing. of wipes fades selected not the always appropriate distracting. along the the day. Usea remaining. mood. Other times distracting. Shading with are designed quality shots Tape itthe isisedited throughout onlybut qualityMovements shots Tape isare edited instory, few spots. Several poor shots remain. Tape is unedited many poor shots remai Digital effects arehas used the main and idea. There are unnatural breaks oories that the picture but it is distracting. a depth. that the picture hasto depth but it issometimes distracting.compliments the image and ugh out the building it was a little choppy. were unclear. was unclear. ge and mood. The lighting Little effective use of lighting and shading. Shoots into the light source, making people shadows. ne scene to the next. for the scene. Transitions do not assist in communicating ng and cast shadow) mostly. early cuts. Digital effects aresteady. overdone and distract from om shot to shot. A variety of remaining. A variety of transitions are used. Good pacing Transitions from shot to shot are choppy, and the types transitions between clips are used or transiti well framed. The video The camera is held steady. Pans and zooms are limited. The motion shots are fairly Some shots are Many shots are unfocused and poorly framed. The well framed. The video The camera is held steady. Pans and zooms are limited. The motion shots are fairly steady. Some shots are Many shots are unfocused and poorly framed. The re orhigh tone thatday. Images createtimes an atmosphere or tone that matches some attempt wasThere madeare to use toincreate an and/or Little or no attempt to use images toiscreate an and many poor shots remai ries along the Use mood. Other itlocated distracting. Shading areusing designed nly quality shots remaining. Tape isisedited throughout with only qualityAn shots Tape isimages edited few spots. Several poor shots remain. Tape unedited Digital effects are used main idea. many unnatural breaks reveal the the content. s. Closeups are used to The main subject is slightly off center, the unfocused or poorly framed. Few close-ups are used. camera is not held steady and excessive panning and sist in communicating the main and timing. of wipes and fades selected are not always appropriate distracting. s. Closeups are used to The main subject is located slightly off center, using the unfocused or poorly framed. Few close-ups are used. camera is not held steady and excessive panning and ry.and Thecast images may parts of the story. The images may communicate atmosphere/tone but it needed more work. Image choice appropriate atmosphere/tone. ng shadow) mostly. early cuts. Digital effects aresteady. overdone and distract from nolithic volumes. om shot to shot. Atovariety of camera variety of transitions are used.An Good pacing from shot to are assist choppy, and the transitions between well framed. The video The is held steady. and are limited. The motion shots are fairly Some shots are Many shots are unfocused and poorly framed. ence of good "rule of thirds." Most shots are focused well zooming distracts the No close-ups are used. well framed. The video The camera isremaining. held steady. Pans and zooms are and limited. motion shots are Transitions fairly steady. Some shots areshot Many shots are types unfocused and poorly framed. The ence of good "rule ofcreate thirds." Most shotsAPans are clearly focused and well zooming distracts the viewer. No close-ups are used. clips are used or transiti w one scene the next. for the scene. Transitions do not inor communicating refrom or tone that Images an atmosphere orclearly tonezooms that matches some attempt was made to use images to create an Little no attempt to viewer. use images to create an The metaphors. symbolism and/or metaphors. isThe logical. main body and Layers are designed so that the picture has a good depth Layers are designed in some shots so that the picture has Little or no layers design. reveal the the content. resents the narraMostly fluid and adequately paced. contributes to Planned movement is observed, with loose pacing and Observed movement appears to be unplanned, s. Closeups are used to The main subject is located slightly off center, using the unfocused or poorly framed. Few close-ups are used. camera is not held steady and excessive panning and sist in communicating the main and timing. of wipes and fades selected are not always appropriate distracting. me, line of gaze, framed. s. Closeups are used to The main subject is located slightly off center, using the unfocused or poorly framed. Few close-ups are used. camera is not held steady and excessive panning me, line of gaze, framed. Thethe images may parts thereflect story. the The material images may communicate atmosphere/tone but it needed work. Image choice appropriate atmosphere/tone. amlessly. Digital are the main idea. There are many breaks and/oron the material and color ofand ilding, whether it has iseffects rich Effectively and color of the building Description on the material and more color of the building are unnatural Little or no reflection the ory. that picture a butused itof isvisualisation distracting. a depth. nolithic volumes. ence of good "rule of thirds." Most shots are clearly focused and well zooming distracts the No close-ups are used. with respect toscene shot overall of narrative. Occasional conflict often encounters conflict with composition. Several sometimes irrelevant toviewer. narrative. Movement appears tive. ence of good "rule of thirds." Most shots are clearly focused and well zooming distracts the viewer. No close-ups are used. w from one to the next. for the scene. Transitions do not assist in communicating tive. metaphors. symbolism and/or metaphors. is logical. sis. early cuts. Digital effects are overdone and distract from main body and Layers are designed so that the picture has a good depth Layers are designed in some shots so that the picture has Little or no layers design. building, whether there mostly. readable. building. quality shots remaining. Tape is edited throughout with only quality shots Tape is edited in few spots. Several poor shots remain. Tape is unedited and many poor shots remain. No me, line of gaze, framed. ntinuity with composition. Rare breaks inand contuinity. breaks in continuity are observed. unnatural. in continutiy are common. me, linewhether of Digital gaze,it iseffects framed. amlessly. are used the main idea. There are many breaks and/or ilding, Effectively reflect theofmaterial color of the building on use the material and color of the building are unnatural Little or noBreaks reflection on the material and color of the are oto that picture hasrich a but is distracting. aDescription depth. coordinated one. of the content. shot. A variety remaining. Asometimes variety transitions are used. Good pacing Transitions from shot to shot are transitions aremaking used orpeople transitions used ge and mood. The compliments the image and Little effective of and shading. Shoots the source, shadows. tive. ge andthe mood. The itlighting lighting sometimes compliments the image and Little effective use of lighting lighting andchoppy, shading.and the types Shoots into intobetween the light light clips source, making people shadows. tive. well framed. The video The camera is held steady. Pans and zooms are limited. The motion shots are fairly steady. Some shots are Many shots are unfocused and poorly framed. The sis. early cuts. Digital effects are overdone and distract from building, whether there mostly. readable. building. quality shots remaining. Tape is edited throughout with only quality shots Tape is edited in few spots. Several poor shots remain. Tape is unedited and many poor shots remain. No mmunicating the main and timing. of wipes and fades selected are not always appropriate distracting. ries along the day. Use mood. Other times it is distracting. Shading are designed ries along the day. Use mood. Other times it is distracting. Shading are designed s. Closeups are used The main subject is located slightlyare off center, using the hasTransitions unfocused or poorly framed. Few close-ups are used. camera is not held steady and excessive and coordinated one. the content. to shot. Ato variety of to remaining. variety ofare transitions used. Good pacing from shot toincorporating shot are choppy, and the typesshots so transitions clips are used oror transitions used are main body and Evidence Layers so that the picture a good depth Layers are designed in some that the picture Little nopanning layers design. ge and mood. The lighting sometimes compliments the image and Little use of lighting and shading. Shoots into the light source, making people shadows. escene, scene next. for theeffective scene. Transitions do not assist in communicating ng and cast shadow) mostly. and mood. The lighting compliments the image and Little effective use of at lighting and shading. Shoots intobetween the lighthas source, making people shadows. on offramed. light inthe shot. of Amanipulation ofdesigned light to complement Demonstrated attempt lighting into Inadequate demonstration ofand intended lighting inThe shot. ng and cast shadow) mostly. dge maintains aThe clear Establishes asometimes early on maintains focus for There are a few lapses in focus, but the purpose is fairly It is difficult to figure the purpose of theare well video The camera ispurpose held steady. Pans and zooms are limited. The motion shots are fairly steady. Some shots are Many shots are unfocused poorly framed. ence of good "rule of thirds." Most shots areand clearly focused and well zooming distracts theout viewer. No close-ups used. mmunicating the main and timing. of wipes and fades selected are not always appropriate distracting. ries along the day. Use mood. Other times it is distracting. Shading are designed Digital effects are used the main idea. There are many unnatural breaks and/or reveal the esigned so that the picture has a but it is distracting. a depth. ries along day. Use mood.of Other times it is distracting. Shading designed reveal thethe mpo-sition, enhances shots. lighting complements the narrtive and areusing shot. lighting or corresponds loosely toclose-ups shot and are lacks Lighting present lacks post production correction and the presentation. clear. presentation. s. Closeups arenext. used to The main subject is located slightly off the has unfocused poorly framed. Few used. is not held steady excessive me, linevolumes. of gaze, framed. main body and most Layers are designed socenter, that the picture a good depth Layers areassist designed in some shots socamera that the picture has andLittle or nopanning layers and design. escene, scene to the for the scene. Transitions do overdone not in communicating ng and shadow) mostly. early cuts. Digital effects are and distract from nolithic ng and cast cast shadow) mostly. nolithic volumes. dontrbutes maintains a clear Establishes a purpose early on and maintains focus for There are a few lapses in focus, but the purpose is fairly It is difficult to figure out the purpose of theare used. to composi-tion, occasionally contibuting to the effectiveness in contributing to atmoshpere. its direc-tion & intensity confuses and disorientates ence of good "rule of thirds." Most shots are clearly focused and well zooming distracts the viewer. No close-ups tive. Digital effects are used the main idea. There are many unnatural breaks and/or reveal the esigned so that the picture has a but it is distracting. a depth. content. reveal the most of thereflect presentation. clear. presentation. audi-ence. me, linewhether of gaze,it framed. ilding, whether it is is rich richTheatmosphere. Effectively the material and color color of the the building Description on the theeffects material and color ofand the building are Little or or no reflection reflection on the the material material and color color of the the cuts. Digital overdone distract nolithic volumes. ilding, Effectively reflect material and of building Description on material and color of the building are Little no on and of sed andmood. well framed. video The the camera is held steady. Pans and zoomsearly are limited. Theare motion shots are fairlyfrom steady. Some shots arelight source, Many people shots are unfocused and poorly frame nolithic volumes. ge and The lighting sometimes compliments the image and Little effective use of lighting and shading. Shoots the making shadows. tive.bodywhether main and Layers are designed so that the picture has a good depth Layers are designed in some shots so that the picture has Little orinto no layers design. building, there mostly. readable. building. the content. building, whether there mostly. readable. building. nd zooms. Closeups are used to The main subject is located slightly off center, using the unfocused or poorly framed. Few close-ups are used. camera is not held steady and excessive pann ries along the day. Use mood. Other times it is distracting. Shading are designed whether it is Effectively reflect material and of building on and of are Little reflection on the and color of osed that picture a TheContributes but it is distracting. aDescription depth. silding, intoand the narrative to The film. the Occasional imperfec-tion in Sound is presenta-tion and film. Sound notno or not for film. No coordinated one. ilding, whether ithas is rich rich Effectively reflect material and color color of the the Description on the the material material and color color oftothe the building are Little or or nopresent reflection on approporiate the material material and color of the the coordinated one. well framed. video camera is held steady. Pans and zooms are limited. Theapproporiate motion shots arebuilding fairly steady. Some shots arelight Many shots are unfocused andNo poorly framea ge and mood. The lighting sometimes compliments the image and Little effective use ofinlighting and shading. Shoots into the source, making people shadows. ows evidence ofthere good "rulethe of thirds." Most shots arebuilding clearly focused and well zooming distracts the viewer. close-ups ng and cast shadow) mostly. main body and Layers are designed so that the picture has a good depth Layers are designed some shots so that the picture has Little or no layers design. building, whether mostly. readable. building. ce engagement. Mostly engaging and approporiate to are common breaks with pacing of film. Lacks engagement attempt match pace of narrative. Lackisofnot audience building, whether thereare pacing. mostly. readable. building.toare nd zooms. Closeups used to The main subject is located slightly off center, using the unfocused or poorly framed. Few close-ups used. camera held steady and excessive pann ries along the day. Use mood. Other times it is distracting. Shading designed reveal the age tothe frame, line ofa gaze,but it is distracting. framed. ocoordinated picture a depth. one. coordinated one.ofhas . that narrative. with audience. engagement. ows evidence good "rule of thirds." Most shots are clearly focused and well zooming distracts the viewer. No close-ups a ng and cast shadow) mostly. d maintains a clear Establishes a purpose early on and maintains focus for There are a few lapses in focus, but the purpose is fairly It is difficult to figure out the purpose of the well framed. The video The camera is held steady. Pans and zooms are limited. The motion shots are fairly steady. Some shots are Many shots are unfocused and poorly framed. The d maintains a clear Establishes a purpose early on and maintains focus for There are a few lapses in focus, but the purpose is fairly It is difficult to figure out the purpose of the d perspective. most of presentation. clear. presentation. the are line age to frame, framed. s.reveal Closeups usedof togaze,The subject is located slightly off center, using the unfocused or poorly framed. Few close-ups are used. camera is not held steady and excessive panning and mostmain of the the presentation. clear. presentation. maintains clear Establishes aaispurpose early on for There are few in but the purpose is It to the purpose of the well framed. video camera held steady. andmaintains zooms arefocus limited. The motion are fairly steady. shots are Many shots are unfocused and poorly framed. of goodaaThe "rule of thirds." Most shots are clearly focused and well zooming distracts the out viewer. No close-ups are The used. maintains clear Establishes purpose earlyPans on and and maintains focus for the image There are aa shots few lapses lapses in focus, focus, butSome theuse purpose is fairly fairlyand shading. It is is difficult difficult to figure figure out the purpose of thethe dsdence perspective. the image and mood. The The lighting sometimes compliments and Little effective of lighting Shoots into light source, making people s most of the presentation. clear. presentation. s. Closeups are used to The main subject is located slightly off center, using the unfocused or poorly framed. Few close-ups are used. camera is not held steady and excessive panning and me, line of gaze, framed. most of the presentation. clear. presentation. ed aspects of Effective representation of physical aspects of Material elements are visible, however they do not Lack of visible material elements. When visible, ht that varies along the day. Use mood. Other times it is distracting. Shading are designed tory. The pace (rhythm Sound enhances the story. Occasionally speaks Sound enhances the story at times and other times does Sound not help story. No attempt to the tory. The paceand (rhythm Soundofmostly mostly enhances theare story. Occasionally speaks Soundand enhances the story ateffective times anduse other times does Sound does does not contribte help the story. Noclose-ups attempt to match match the ence of good "rule thirds." Most shots clearly focused and well the image zooming distracts thethe viewer. No are used. tive. sw, the image mood. The lighting sometimes compliments Little of lighting and shading. Shoots into the light source, making people s sponds and architecture in shots. elements correlate to the contribute to overall narrative or atmosphere elements do not to overall narrative/ shading and cast shadow) mostly. ory line and helps the too fast or too slowly for the story line. The pacing not. Tries to use pacing (rhythm and voice punctuation), pace of the storytelling to the story line or the audience. ory line and helps the too fast or too slowly for the story line. The pacing not. Tries to use pacing (rhythm and voice punctuation), pace of the storytelling to the story line or the audience. me, line of gaze, framed. ht that varies along the day. Use mood. Other times it is distracting. Shading are designed mosphere. atmosphere, but lacks contrbution. negatively impacts intended atmosphere. ement tostirs reveal tory. The pace Sound mostly enhances the speaks Sound at and Sound not help the No match y. Music aa(rhythm rich (rhythm and voice punctuation) is relatively engaging but is often that the does not the ge mood. The lighting compliments the image and for Little usethe of story lighting and shading. Shoots into the making people to shadows. tory. The pace (rhythm Sound mostly enhances the story. story. Occasionally speaks Sound enhances the story at times times and other other times does Sound does does notlight helpsource, the story. story. No attempt attempt to match the the y. and Music stirs richthe (rhythm andsometimes voice punctuation) is Occasionally relatively engaging for but it iteffective isenhances often noticeable noticeable that the pacing pacing doestimes not fit fitdoes the tive. dw, maintains aand clear Establishes a purpose early onstory and line. maintains focus for There are to aAudience few lapses in(rhythm focus, but the purpose is fairly It is difficult to figure outtothe purpose ofor the shading cast shadow) mostly. ory line and helps the too fast or too slowly for the The pacing not. Tries use pacing and voice punctuation), pace of the storytelling the story line the audience. m of monolithic volumes. the story line well. the audience. story line. is not consistently engaged ries along the day. Use mood. Other times it is distracting. Shading are designed ory line and helps the too fast or too slowly for the story line. The pacing not. Tries to use pacing (rhythm and voice punctuation), pace of the storytelling to the story line or the audience. the story line well. the audience. story line. Audience is not consistently engaged mostlighting of the presentation. clear. presentation. ement tostirs reveal Music aa rich (rhythm and voice is engaging but is that the does ge and mood. The compliments the image and for Little use of lighting shading. Shoots into the light source, making people shadows. gy. cast shadow) mostly. y.and Music stirs richthe (rhythm andsometimes voice punctuation) punctuation) is relatively relatively engaging for but it iteffective is often often noticeable noticeable that and the pacing pacing does not not fit fit the the dm maintains a clear Establishes a purpose early on and maintains focus for There are aAudience few lapses in focus, but theengaged purpose is fairly It is difficult to figure out the purpose of the of monolithic volumes. the story line well. the audience. story line. is not consistently of the building, whether it is rich Effectively reflect the material and color of the building Description on the material and color of the building are Little or no reflection on the material and co ries along the day. Use mood. Other times it is distracting. Shading are designed reveal theline well. the story the audience. story line. Audience is not consistently engaged most of the presentation. clear. presentation. g and cast shadow) mostly. nolithic volumes. or of the building, whether there mostly. readable. tory. The pace (rhythm Sound mostly enhances the story. Occasionally speaks Sound enhances the story at times and other times does Sound does not help the story.building. No attempt to match the of the building, whether it is rich Effectively reflect the material and color of the building Description on the material and color of the building are Little or no reflection on the material and co reveal the act or a coordinated one. ory line and helps the too fast or too slowly for the story line. The pacing not. Tries to use pacing (rhythm and voice punctuation), pace of the storytelling to the story line or the audience. ilding, whether it is rich Effectively reflect the material and color of the building Description on the material and color of the building are Little or no reflection on the material and color of the nolithic volumes. or the building, theremostly mostly. readable. tory. The pace Sound enhances the story. speaksfor Sound the story at times and other Sound does not help the story.building. No attempt to match the y. of Music stirs a(rhythm rich whether(rhythm and voice punctuation) is Occasionally relatively engaging but it isenhances often noticeable that the pacing doestimes not fitdoes the building, whether there mostly. readable. building.
The Turin Horse 23:00-24:50
1 1
The depth is relatively rich and it changes when daughter moves away from table.
Focus transfers from daughter to father
Elongate shot for father when tring to focus on and feature him.
Long shot do not feature many details but still capture tactile stones on the wall
The sound of eating and washing dishes shows the contrast from the quiet of room.
Contrast between the dark interior and bright outside the window
Scene 1 23:14
Daughter in foreground, Father in middle and window in background
Medium Long shot do not feature many details but still capture tactile stones on the wall
Mainly focus on daughter eating
The sound of eating shows the contrast of quiet of room.
20s for daughter's eating
Contrast between the dark interior and bright outside the window
Scene2 23:36
The depth is relatively rich and it changes when daughter moves away from table.
Long shot do not feature many details but still capture tactile stones on the wall
Daughter stands up from chair and moves from foreground to the middle
The sound of footsteps on the wooden deck shows the contrast of quiet of room.
Very quick transfering by following daughter's movement
Contrast between the dark interior and bright outside the window
Scene3 24:37
Father in the right middle of fore ground and views outside the window in background
Tactile stones on the wall are more clear when zoom in
Camera zooms in. Tansfer from Long shot to medium long shot
The sound of wind takes domain to imply the bad weather outside
Elongate shot for father when tring to focus on and feature him.
Contrast between the dark interior and bright outside the window. Silhouette sit in front of the window.
The Turin Horse 53:18 - 54:45
1 2
The depth of field is shallow in these scenes, when the focus is on background, the foreground is fuzzy and vice versa, which gives audience sense of focus.
Focus transfers from father to daughter when daughter starts to talk but quickly transferring back after she left.
Elongate shot for father when capturing details of he doing hand crafts
Fuzzy background did not feature many details but still gives a sense of tactile stones on the wall
Only the sound of wind to imply the weather conditions outside.
Contrasts between the background and foreground to imply the emotion of two figures in space.
Scene1 53:22
The depth is shallow, when daughter comes closer, the background turns fuzzy.
The furniture in the background gives audiences some infomation.
Daughter moves from background to foreground and disappears in the frame
Mainly the sound from outside of wind.
Camera did not move. Static frame to capture the movement of daughter.
Showed contrasts between background and foreground to mainly emphazise on foreground views.
Scene 2 53:44
Camera Movement
The depth is shallow. Background is fuzzy to capture the expression and details of father.
The rough stone walls are shown to imply what type of house that figures are living in.
Camera moves from father's face to his hand to show what he is doing.
Mainly the sound from outside of wind.
20s for father's face, 20s for his hand.
Showed contrasts between light background window and dark interior emvironments.
Scene3 54:41
Focus on father
Focus on daughter
The depth is shallow. When focus on one person, the other one is fuzzy.
The tactile of stone walls are shown.
Focus moved to daughter and moves back to father after daughter left.
Mainly the sound from outside of wind as a background and voice from daughter.
Elongate view for father, a short view for daughter.
Showed contrasts between light background window and dark interior emvironments.
The Turin Horse 64:50-66:50
1 0
The DoF is deep, in this scene, both interior and exterior are shown clearly.
Shot transfers from interior to exterior as the guest leaves far and far.
Elongate shot for guest which implys that the daughter kept watching him leaving.
The tactile of stone walls are shown.
Mainly the sound from outside of wind as a background and voice from speaking of guest.
Showed contrasts between light exterior and dark interior emvironments, especially when guest opens the door.
Scene 1 62:03
Close-up shot to capture the facial expression of this guest.
Not very obviousb because this scene is mainly focusing on person
Gradually zoom in.
Mainly the sound from outside of wind as a background and voice from speaking of guest.
Elogate shot to stay focusing on the speaking person.
Not many contrast, the light again, focusing on the person to depict this character.
Scene2 65:10
The back of father is fuzzy. Focus is on guest 's leaving back
Tactile of stone wall and towels on the wall.
Guest opens the door, the light comes in and he leaves.
The sound of wind becomes louder when he opens the door.
Very quick action of guest without any hesitation to show his personality.
Very interesting contrast. Audience has no idea of what situation is outside. Implying that the guest won't be traped here like the father and daughter.
Scene3 65:30
Both foreground and background are very clear in this scene to show duaghter and guest.
Tactile stones on the wall are more clear when zoom in
As guest leaving, the camera zoom in with him.
The sound of wind takes domain to imply the bad weather outside
Elongate shot for guest as daughter is watching him leaving.
Contrast between the dark interior and bright outside the window.
The Turin Horse 99:40-101:00
The depth of field is normal.
Daughter's movment as well as camera movement.
Elongate shot for the horse to capture the charasteristc and status of her.
The wooden door was filmed in detial and also the texture of the inside of stable.
Only the sound of wind to imply the weather conditions outside.
Contrasts between the light external and dark internal environments.
Scene1 99:55
The depth is shallow, close-up shot to film detial of door.
Very rich detials to show of both door and the inside view of stable.
Daughter moves into frame and opens the door, the interial view then being revealed.
The sound of daughter's footsteps can be heard before she moves in.
Several seconds to focus on door before daughter moves into scene.
When camera moves into stable, there is a strong light contrast. The interior is very dark.
Scene 2 100:30
Horse face is focused. Daughter is the background.
Medium Long shot do not feature many details but still capture tactile stones on the wall
Daughter moves from background to foreground
Only the sound of wind and daughter can be heard. The quiet of horse implys the sick status of horse.
Elongate shot for horse.
The light for this scene is not very rich and it is a little dark.
Scene3 100:42
The depth is relatively deep, both daughter, horse and stable are clear.
Still capture tactile stones and a hole on the wall
Camera moves backward, from medium shot to long shot.
The background sound of wind.
Stay focusing on both the daughter and the horse.
Contrast between the dark interior and bright outside the window
Tutorial Reflection -- Line of Action 1. Can only be applied when there are cuts. Single-shot scenes do not require. 2. The purpose of following the rule of line of action is to make sure fragmented cutting scens can be represented in a reasonable and cohesive sequence so audience won't get confused.
Fig. An illustration of "The line of action" . Excerpt from Maya 5 Fundamentals, Volume 1. pg15
In the Mood for Love
Scene 1
Scene 2
So in this scene, the line of action is the eye contact between two actors. When the image cut to another one, audiences can still understand that they are looking at each other. We don't lose clue about their positions. For these two scenes, cameras are set in one side and the line of eye contact remains same.
Scene 1
Scene 2
Line of action
Camera 2
Camera 1
Line of action
Harakiri seppuku 1962
Camera 1
Camera 2
Tutorial Reflection -- Narrative There are two ways to narrate architecture, to speak by persons who use it or to speak by itself. 1. Speak by itself: showing images of architecture itself to show the spacial quality or materiality. Usually long shot to show the over all space or close up to show the texture.
2. Speak through the person: to represent the function and scale of space and the relationship between character and architecture.
In the Mood for Love
I found in the movie In the mood for love. Two characters emotion and subtle feeling are shaped in the tiny and narrow corridor. One corridor walked by two people at different time. Only several time, they pass through each other so I screenshot these interesting image or moment to make a collage for new poster.
The two characters are always doing the same thing in a different space, which implies there are thinking of each other but they are separated by walls or space. The contrast and similarity happen here at the same time.
Textures & Materials---Details
Sometimes, materials are shown only to represent the architecture itself or as a transition In the Mood for Lovethe shift from one scene to another. In the movie In the Mood for Love, detail scene between of textures are shown mainly to render or enhance the subtle emotion between to character by creating a melancholy atmosphere. Details are mainly close up shot, which can enrich the types of scened and create more dynamic and diversity between normal scenes.
Music & Sound Repeated sound track to represent repeated theme. This has been used in both In the mood for love and Turin Horse.
In the mood for love. Same music is used when they brush past each other to enhance the theme of unspoken affection. In the Turin Horse, same music is used to render desperation.
For our film, we used repeated footstep to render or imply the anxious of protagonist.
The pacing us fluently showing the plot
different layer are created through the staircase, which makes the space more deep
fluent camera movement following the character’s movement
strong contrast between wall and the stair case, emphasises the space of the staircase
proper sound contributes to the story
not much detailed architectural material is shown in this scene
In these shots, the staircase is only occupying a small space, which might make the audience feel boring if the shots are all from one perspective. This movie shows us different opportunities for shooting staircase and shoot from different characters’ views. We coud learn from those shots to shoot our film in Arts West. Different patterns of the staircase could be explored through shooting film. In this way, not only ourselves would experience the space more but also we could create a better journey for audience to feel the space.
When stairs as an architecture elements are used in film, it is usually filmed in several anglesďźšTop, bottom or side. To film at the top, the pattern of repeated stairs are presented. In this case, actor is usually very eager and in a rush, wants to finish the stairs as soon as possible. Another case is that stairs create a possibility to film from low angle, which makes the effect that characters are taller than they actually are.
flow is appropriate according to the plot of the film
several layers are created by the spiral staircase, which is using special camera angle to show the depth of the space. Audience would feel more about the intense atmosphere through the space
camera movement contributes to show the depth of the staircase and adds the intense sense for the scene
strong contrast of lighting condition between different space, complements mood and composition
sound contributes to the atmosphere
the wall and stair detail is shown in this scene, which contributes to the whole setting of the film
fluent sequence following the narritive the layers are not too distinguishable which is a little bit plain
camera moves up gradually towards the character, which makes the focus on Jack, contributing to the whole plot
proper lighting for the whole atmosphere and show the space better clear cound contributes to the whole movie
some details of the staircase is shown in this scene which helps audience feel how the space is arranged and feel the atmosphere
From this shot, we could notice that the stairs are not only for creating layers or showing lighting relationships, but also could move the focus on the characters. The balustrades become the lines pointing the character. This is a good example of using architectural elements to help create the atmosphere. We have many scenes on the stairs, this techinique is also helpful for us to shoot our film.
There are lots of ‘frame in frame’ scenes in this movie, such as some are from doors, windows, opennings on the wall. On the one hand, this creates different layers in the scene, on the other hand, it is also an interesting way to look at the movement of characters, like looking through the window to see Zero and Monsieur Gustave in Madam D’s mansion. In our film, we could still consider to use the window or the other opennings to create a frame to show the interior and exterior relationship and make the film more interesting.
In this scene moves 180 degree from the room and then extend through the window, shooting outside environment and then go back to the room. The importance of openning is emphasised and also the scale is changed quite good. The camera rotates smoothly which leads audience feel like going though the scene themselves. Long shot is used when showing the exterior environment, mid-shot and close-up are used to express the interior atmosphere, where the main character is in. Layers are created through the position of different characters. Through my observtion, the window is a good medium for having layers in particular scene. People inside the room will be one layer, the window itself would be one layer and outside would be another layer. There is no music, just only some simple sound in the background, which shows the spacious environment around. We could take the idea of planning the camera movement and the use of window to distinguish with different spaces.
Corridor According to the type of corridor in film, there are long corridor and short corridor. There are corrdiors filmed in movement to focus the transition or in static scene to emphasize the stroies happended in the corridor. For one person moving i n t h e c o r r i d o r, t h i s scene usually works as a transition from one space to another. We can see the opening, light and strong vanishing point in the end at the corridor. Audiences are expecting what will happen. The person in the scene is leading us to the story.
A corridor that accommodates two people usually is used to imply the relationship between these two people. They are framed in a tiny and narrow area where at the end is the vanish point. In the movie in the mood for love. The narrow space provides the scene that two characters inevitably brush past each other so they have slightly body touching and eye contact with each other.
Mirror & glass -- Reflection/ Dissolving In our movie, we use a lot of reflection. I was deeply inspired by the mirror effect. First, mirror or glass creates a kind of ambiguity, for which audience hard to find which one is real immediately - the real one or the mirror. Second, the images are copied many time in the reflection to create an artificial repeating effect. Thirdly, the image inside the reflection always imply something meaning in different films.
For the first scene, the camera simultaneously shows the doubled imag-es of actor, which creates a dramatic artistic effect. For the second one, in the foreground, is the actress's real back view but the background is the reflection of the actor. They are actually sit on one side, by using this technique, they appeared in the image in a opposite. The mirror reflects the complex and unspoken emotion they between them.
For Jacques Tati, reflections are used in either amusing way or ironic language. Glass has two qualities, one is the translucent, and another is reflection. Glass is a modern material which is typical to show the mod-ern city lifestyle.
In the movie Black Swan, mirrors are used in a more artistic way. Reflec-tion here is used to reveal the darkness side of the figure so reflection here also worked in a psychological way. Several mirrors are set together to create more complex and interesting pattern as a visual effect.
Reflection in our film
In our film, we take use of the reflective material as an advantage to show the relationship between two characters that supervising and being supervised.
lighting+frame+eye level=loneliness
lighting+frame+higher angle=intense feeling
Her artificial light
no lighting
no lighting
artificial light
pace changes according to the plot and shows the atmosphere. Two layer are created by different lighting conditions.
Fantastic Mr. Fox
The fluent movement contributes to expressing the space, which means showing different
strong contrast between two rooms, which proper sound which creates a sense of loneliness/scary in the scene. not much materials are shown as the shading takes the main part of the scene
Sometimes lighting is also acting as an important role in movies. For example, the scene from Her, show the loneliness of the character as he is enteringin an dark and empty space. The frame is created by the door and lighting creates the atmosphere of lonely ans slient. For the second shot, the shooting angle changed and the atmosphere changed as well. Audience are seeing the same view with the protagonist and feeling the intense throuogh the guy’s shadow. This reminds us to use same techinique by adding different elements to change the atmosphere of the film. The opening could create better effect when combining with lighting.
pacing is fluent shows the two characters’ movement and changes according to the narritive. distinguishable layers are presented through the openings, which made audience feel more engaged in the space
camera movement fluently shows how the soace is arranged
strong contrast between different layers, which leads audiences pay more attention to the characters appropriate sound contributes to the atmosphere
as the focus is on the character, not much material of the architectural elements are shown in these scenes.
As those two scene are viewing from the protagonist’s view. When the scene is half door and half other character, it conveys a feeling of looking at what’s happening secertly from another person’s view, which can have a better experience for audience to immerse in this film. More layers are created through the door, the depth of the shot is emphasised. I think this kind of shooting techiniques can apply in our film when we change to the character’s view. We could use this techinique to shoot people inside the tutorial room. It could involve audience more to feel the space of the building and how te rooms are arranged in this building.
length and flow of sequence is perfectly paced layers are created through the corridor, which makes the focus be on the character, audience could feel the depth of the space
camera is still which will lead audience focus on the character
proper lighting condition contributes to the atmosphere proper sound according the narritive
some details of the material is shown which will give an impression of the condition of the architectural elements for the audience
When the foor is positioned at the end of the corridor, a special atmosphere would shown through it. For the scene from Psycho, Norman is sitting within the door frame and the corridor seems to be dark and the focus in all on his action, his face, which creates an atmosphere of tense and suspicious. And the other scene in the crime, Monsieur Gustave appears in the door frame which creates a feeling of a movement appears in a still scene, which emphasised on the character’s action and creates the atmosphere of relaxing and humerous. As the lighting changes, the door frame could also change the function for the shoots. In our film, we have many corridors in Arts West building. The long distance created by the corridor is a good thing for us to do our ‘thriller’, I think maybe we could do some same shots as the one in phycho to use this architectural element to show the atmosphere.
Applying Design Workshop to Fire Studio
Reviews for Fire Presentation Combining reviews from interim presentation, I found that what I focusing on was mainly form finding, in other words, finding a proper form based on a list of 'form vocabulary' which fits into my space as a language concept. However, I ignored the space experience so the render of classroom looks so flat and not attractive to students. To put units into a grid leads to that I only focusing on plan but the experience of space is three-dimensional. The space should be more interesting so I decided to design from human perspectives or in human scale to rich the experience. Imaging myself as a student who use the space instead of as an arrogant designer who design the project in the 3d computer program and always in an aerial view with no site and no scale.
Improving What cinematic concept contribute to architecture design is that designers always think a human angle which means design the visual experience for audience. Audiences are imposed to see what they are expected to see. All frames are well designed, while archi-tect are doing the same thing. Trying to predict and design the feeling for users. So in-spired by these, I started to work on designing atmosphere and experience for students in the next stage..
Storyboard for Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, 1958
Design the scene and experience The first way is that I 3d modeled the rough space in a right scale then I adjusted myself to right angle and screen shot it. Based on this image, I did a quick design by sketching. I want the general studing area being intergreted with netball court. The classes are Physical Education; Outdoor Education and Environmental Studies; Health and Human Development. Several of them are related to sports so students can be inspired or can study from competition held in the netball court during the classtime. Theory and practice are combined in terms of pedagogy. Classrooms are visually connected to sports area but not acousticly. Each class room is like a platform.
After I did the sketch, I went back to 3d modeling software to make sure that the structure and organisation are proper. After 3d modeling, again, I chose to use painting to render and depict the atmosphere that I would like to create for students.
When I drew this perspective view, I designed the view as what I studied in a cine-matic plan and I have a focus point on the background so the foreground person is blur. And it also has several layers to create the atmosphere in the stadium.
Converging lines that lead to a one vanishing point. The space experience leads peo-ple to the end of corridor. So people have curiosity and want to explore that hap-pened in the end of stairs.
Brief Introduction of our film We were inspired by the movie Play Time that how they use two actors to represent the atrium space. Therefore, the view can change from low angel to aerial view from top thus we can show a more interesting and rich view of the atrium
View from top
View from bottom
For the West Art Building, it is very interesting for its circulation system which in-cludes the corridor outside and the corridor inside. The stairs in the atrium are also very interesting. So we are going to use the reflection as the introducing from out-side to inside and also the vie shift from outside person to the supervisor.
So the contrast is a very important aspect for our film. Contrast between inside and outside. Light and darkness, top and bottom, quick and slow, being supervised or supervisior. These contrasts are shown through our actors, one in black
Contrast bewteen light and darkness
Contrast bewteen outside and inside
Contrast bewteen lookup and lookdown
For this shot, we have the similar idea from The Grand Budapest, which is keeping the scene in balance and putting the character in center which is better for showing the depth of the arcade. And in this shot, the lighting combining with the sound is adding atmosphere of mysterious and suspense.
In this scene, the glasswall is used for reflecting which creates more depth. The reflection shows the environment which are not in the camera. And the difference between the real arcade and the relection of the arcade is interesting as the lighting condition is different.
In this scene, the glasswall is used for reflecting which creates more depth. The reflection shows the environment which are not in the camera. And the difference between the real arcade and the relection of the arcade is interesting as the lighting condition is different.
In this scene, the glasswall is used for reflecting which creates more depth. The reflection shows the environment which are not in the camera. And the difference between the real arcade and the relection of the arcade is interesting as the lighting condition is different.
Different angles for shooting the stairs in Arts West is used. The orevious shot is using character’s view to look up the staircase, and in this scene, it is shot from bird view. As we have many shots about the stairs, we need to find different angles and some other changes in our films.
This time, we are focusing on the detail of the stairs, close-up is used in this shot. The lighting creates a strong contrast between each step, which is emphasising on
We are trying to make use of everything which couold create reflection of the environment. In this scene, the reflection helps to create layers and also shows there is no other way for the character to find the one who is spying on her. This shows architectural elements could help to create atmosphere.
The lights on the wall created strong contrast and decorating the space at the same time. we keeps the scene in balance, which makes the space more mysterious. And the scene show the character’s anxious.
This time, we used a closer shot to show the texture of the wall. The focus is set on the wall rather than the character, it will lead the audience to pay attention to the material used in Arts West.
In this scene, there is a strong contrast between different colours in Arts West. This is also a particular thing we wanted to show in our film which would be recongnized as a feature of this architecture. Reflection is used to show more colours on other side.
camera on first floor
In this scene, in order to keep everything in balance, we put the character in the middle of the stairs. We wanted to emphasis the gradual change of the lights on staircases, and this creates mysterious sense of the film.
This is the first time two characters appear together. We put the second character right below the light on second floor. And the camera stayed there for several seconds, in this still shot, people would feel how the stairs are arranged in this building. And the intense atmosphere is conveyed.
We are finding some special camera angles to shoot the stairs as we have characters running on the stairs for so many times. We found that at night, the skylight will become a mirror to reflect things beneath. It is very interesting as in previous scene we showed that the skylight is still showing the sky, but this time, it is reflecting.
We really like the medical models on this floor, and we want to show this in our film. These models also adds the suspense atmosphere in our film. The lights are focusing on the models rather than the character, creates the atmosphere of intense and horror.
One other feature we want to show in Arts West is the decoration inside the elevator. It is the corridor pattern, which is similar to the very beginning of the film, the outside arcade. This pattern creates more layer and increase the depth of the scene.
We changed the camer angle from the other side to end the film, which gives people much chance to think about what will happen next. And when the door closes, the reflection of the building will appear on the elevator door, which is very empty and slience. This will contribute to convey the horror atmosphere to the audience.