Architecture Portfolio - Yue Wang

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P O RT F O L I O Architecture | S e lected Works | 2018 — 2021


''First we shape the cities, then they shape us.''

- Jan Gehl






Memory of Market



Mirror Garden



Athletic Park



Other Works


Living architecture with life cycle

Transformation and Activation of Old Urban Areas

Renovation of the Old Industry Building

Gymnasium of the University Town Design

Personal Architectural sketches

01 Agaritecture Living architecture with life cycle

Graduate Studies Acadamic / Group Work Project Type: Material Architecture Group Member: Yue Wang, Mattice Boets, Yuliang Bai, Quincey Location: London, United Kingdom Date: December 2020 We commonly conceive buildings as fixed things, but we believe that they are not, they are moving, evolving, degrading, growing masses. With Mycelium, we can witness this at an incredible rate, creating an organism that is architecture, that has a lifecycle. We use mycelium as an alternative to traditional building materials.The mycelium starts to grow within a week, feeding off the substrate within as well as the hessian, eventually growing on the surface of the hessian bags, exposing its beauty to the outer world. It is entirely biodegradable and can be recycled after the building is demolished.

Mycelium + Textile Test Result of the Growth

Over the past several years, mycelium has become recognized as a useful material that could shape a future from which architecture can be grown. The case for building with mycelium is that it is fast-growing, low-cost, energy efficient, and a low-waste alternative to known, traditional building materials. Celluose is a kind of food for mycelium. Textile made by cellulose plants is our only choice for experiment. Natural plants textiles as a substrate to provide nutrition to the mycelium. Mycelium is mixed with hemp hurds and the mixture is then shaped by putting it into prestitched hessian bags. And mycelium can grow on the surface of the bag.

Ca nv as


Duck Canvas

C a n v a s C o tto n L i n e n

Day 1

Day 1

Day 1

Day 7

Day 7

Day 7

Day 14

Day 14

Day 14


Natural textiles

Ca lico

Day 1

Day 7

Day 14

Cellulose Plants

Cotton Linen

Day 1

Day 7

Day 14



Day 1

Day 7

Day 14


Prototype Design Making process We watered the wall prototype and covered the plastic wrap inside of the black fabric for the greenhouse to prevent mycelium from drying. It is vital to keep the greenhouse being damp and promote the growth. We can control the watering time to let mycelium stop in different growth state or continue its life cycle constantly. It can impact the aesthetic texture of mycelium-textile composites as a part of the design. We classify stages of growth into three stages: starting of growth, mid-term growth, end of growth. From the observation of these stages, its intrinsic principles led mycelium show different interaction in textures of material including colors, the pattern of textile and quantity of mushrooms as decoration on the mycelium-textile surface.

Mycelium-hemp fibre composites

Fix the shape



Fill the mycelium


Life Cycle of the Wall



Huts Design Rendering



Site Location

02 Memory of Market Tr a n s f o r m a t i o n a n d A c t i v a t i o n o f O l d U r b a n A r e a s 4th Year of Undergraduate Studies Acadamic / Group Work Group Member: Yue Wang, Haiyue Xing Project Type: Urban Design Location: Kunming, China Date: October 2018 Kunming is one of the most important tourist cities in China. This city is on the road of urbanization and new industrialization. As a designer, residents should be endowed with a sense of belonging and urban space and architecture in line with the history and memory of the city. I do not want the connotation and self-renewal ability of local culture to be blurred and lost under the influence of globalization.

Decline of The Old Town

Waterways K unM i ng Downt own Si te

Metro Line In the boom of urban development in recent years, the old city in the center of the city has been abandoned and forgotten in the process of development, becoming a lost space. On the other hand, the residual humanistic culture in the minds of the older generation still has some potential to be retained and developed. This topic focuses on the activation and transformation of zhuan new agricultural and trade zone with the characteristics of old kunming.

Yunnan Opera

Local foods

The largest vegetable market

landscape advantages

Abundant activities of local residents

Protect Regional Cultural Diversity As a new communication mode emerging in the development of creative industry, "creative market" is more and more popular among urban youth. It can not onlyy promote the development of innovation consciousness of the whole society, but also serve as a good interactive communication platform. In essence, it has similar behavior pattern and space pattern with the traditional market, which is more acceptable to the aborigines. The vision and attitude of the younger generation into the body of the traditional market, not only let us remember the warm and lively secular scene to be shown, but also create both local and trendy lifestyle and name card.


The Market Old Residents

Young people

The Market Activity Strategy

Working Days Monday to Friday

s i g h ts e e i n g n ight m ar ket

gro c e r y s h o p p i n g

danc i ng

d r ink tea

p l a y i n g ma h j o n g d i a n o p e ra t heat r e t h e f l e a ma r ke t

Maker Festival

cre a ti ve ma r ke t


e x h i b i ti o n

Flower Admiring Party One week in April

Music festival Two days in May and August

stre e t t h e f l e a m a r k e t cu l tu re souvenir sale standsnack

th e o u td o o r p re mi e re

c re a ti v e a c t i v i ti e s

city discos

the audience area

Fixed Facilities in Central Plaza Installation Fixed Facilities in Streets Fixed Facilities in the Park


Rebuild the Old Town Space

Scattered Market

Building Renovation Facade renovation and functional replacement of the buildings Demolished buildings New buildings

800m Walking radius

Main flow line

Site analysis

500m Walking radius

Best view


Coordination of Multiple Relationships

Cultural Identity

Creative youth

Enhanced Vitality

Promoted Sociability ng

o w n in g


Industrial Upgrading




o w n in g

Developer Policy Support



Other local ow


The government



Local Residents


Strengthened Local Economy

Enhanced Vitality

Enhanced City Fame

The City

SITE PLAN Installation Fixed Facilities Square Main entrance


Type of Market Units Pop-up Installation and fixed Bazzar units can be used separately or combined with each other to maximize space utilization and rich activities in different time periods. Basic functional components can be freely combined by users to explore more possibilities.

Audienc e Seat s

Landscape Pavilion

C o m m u n i ty Ya r d

Community Corridor

Pa r k C o l o n n a d e

Pop-up Installation

Private Rooms

Ticket Booth

St r eet Ex hibit s Cor r idor

Fixed Container

G las s Showc as e

Display Board

6m x 18m x 3m&3.5m

Baz z ar Ev ent

Bazzar Event

Pop-up Installation

Fixed Container

18m x 28m x 9m


6m x 18m x 3m&3.5m

d Sale

Ope n-a ir Cine m a

M us i c F e s t i v a l E v e n t s

We e k e n d F a i r E v e n t s

W or k i n g D a y s E v e n t s

Flower Admiring Party


1 Screen



Booth x 8 6m x 3m x 3m

2 Picnic Tent


Und e r l y i n g B u s i n e s s


1 Coffee Shop 1 St ag e E v e n t

24m x 36m x 12m

24m x 36m x 12m


Memory of Market This project seeks the common ground between traditional culture and emerging culture, Bridges with Market and designs pop-up installation and some street and square facilities to slightly intervene in the space of the old city, so as to have a series of rich regional activities in different festivals and occasions to awaken the vitality of the city.

Site Location

03 Mirror Garden Renovation of the Old Industry Building 3rd Year of Undergraduate Studies Acadamic / Group Work Group Member: Yue Wang, Haiyue Xing Project Type: Renovation & Studio Design Location: Chongqing, China Date: May 2018 The site is located in Shapingba District of Chongqing city, Shabin Road in the east, elevated garden bridge in the north and planned track loop in the south. Saci culture industrial park is a national historical and cultural block, a national cultural industrial park and an important cultural tourism destination in Chongqing. There are large areas of residential areas and university towns and other educational buildings.

Ruin In the City The site is full of vegetation, forming a natural vertical greening. The entire site is located in the mountains, northeast of the jialing river, with a good geographical landscape.The old factory buildings, far from the bustling crowds of shapingba, are green, quiet and old "ruins" in the city.In the process of urbanization and industrialization, leaving behind such industrial wasteland, we can't help asking, what should they become?

Preserve and increase the green

Reflecting Memory In the future, it will integrate into the new functions of the city. We wish to retain the rough texture of the cement mortar of the factory building. The "newly added element" cannot hide the original texture, so the new element should be light and transparent, which can be concealed in the green and ref l ect the memory of the city -- "mirror".



Enlarge the space and increase the green

I ndoor gar d e n


Facade Disappears Reflect the texture of the original building

Place The Mirror Mass

Mirro Glass

Project the exterior scene into the interior

Types of Glazing

Honeycomb Space




According to the height difference of the site, the building has multiple entrances and exits, allowing users to enter the main body of the building from different elevations and reach different functional areas. The outdoor stair and the viewing platform facing the jialing river follow the terrain and connect and interact with the outside world, and have the best view in the east.


01 Site 02 Park Entrance 03 Jialing River


Main Entrance Safety exit



LOWER GROUND FLOOR 01 Fitness Room 02 Lounge 03 Coffee Space 04 Dining Hall


Mirror glass














05 Studio 06 Exhibition Space 07 Reading Space 08 Storeroom 09 Office Space 10 Meeting Room

1 Facade Disappears Reflect the texture of the original building

2 Project the exterior scene into the interior

1 Facade Disappears Reflect the texture of the original building 3 Enlarge the space and increase the green The space is divided into private rooms

Space of Mirror Mass Because of the particularity of hexagon, it is fixed no longer with rectangle when furniture is put and designed. But the different property design according to different space saves a space, the furniture that has a characteristic and put a way. For example: the working room will be placed around the desk by hexagon, the center again enclosed a part of the tea room & print room, make full use of the space of hexagon.


1 Facade Disappears Reflect the texture of the original building

3 Enlarge the space and increase the green The space is divided into private rooms

From Inside To Outside Green garden coffee bar for full height treatment, green plants can be free to grow. Outdoor creeper is introduced and wound on the concrete column to make the indoor environment Transform to the outdoor.Double height space can be planted green plants, at the same time after the reflection of mirror material, expand the green range,beautify the indoor environment.

SECTION 2-2 29

Tr a n s p Tr a n s lu



t G la ss

G la s


Steel Column Steel Beam Mirror glass Riffled Plate

Analysis of Structure 30

Garden in the City

Indoor Garden 31

Site Location

04 Athletic Park The Gymnasium of the Univ e rsity Town D e sign 4th Year of Undergraduate Studies Acadamic / Individual Work Project Type: Gymnasium Design Location: Kunming, China Date: April 2019 Comparing to the traditional function of the gym, the scheme of human behavior and demand investigation, according to the different activity form of people try to break such as bicycle, skateboard behavior and reorganize the space order, near the site of college students and residents can freely in this scenario of street performance can be passing the audience to better appreciate, continue in different periods of activity from the ground at the same time, the city's public life let people really happened.

Traditional Gymnasium

Very quiet when there is no activity

Need to rent to use

The interior space is relatively closed and not easy to enter.

Undulating Roof

The roof is raised to form the interior space

The bleacher is integrated with the roof

Enter the interior through the slope

Make Flowing Space Flowing space should avoid isolating static mass combination and pursue consecutive movement space. In concept form of the scheme, the site is considered as a piece of tiling paper, and the irregular arcs are trimmed to create a flexible shape and a flexible space for the foundation. Lifting the paper to create a new interior space means that the floor slab and the wall are integrated. The part that is not completely lifted is connected to the ground to become new vertical traffic, and the raised part can undergo various internal activities, so that the boundary between indoor and outdoor become blurred, and people's behavior has more continuity and uncertainty again.


Active Point Distribution

Plan the Road

Raise The Ground

Cut Space

Add Slopes

Landscape On Roof






02 05 06

SITE PLAN 01 Music Square 02 Small Stage 03 Dance Stage

04 Skateboard Stage 05 Graffiti Square 06 Main Stadium

Pedestrian Entrance Car Entrance


Music Square 01 02 06


Dance Stage


Skateboard Stage

03 Graffiti Square

05 05

01 Lecture Hall 02 Rehearsal Room 03 Washroom 04 Gym

05 Sports Classroom 06 Coffee Space Roof Entrance Audience Entrance


Athlete Entrance Office Entrance VIP Entrance

For the layout of the room, the shape of space is basically offset according to the curvature of the arc and then separated to make the space agile while ensuring the maximum use of the space. As for the main body of the stadium, the space under the more open roof can be freely passed through the steps and ramps. Whether waiting space or commercial space has become flexible in the main stadium, it no longer brings a kind of overly serious closure sense.



01 Business Area 02 Rest Area



Platform View

Bleachers 37

6500 4500










Roof Fence: 70mm round section steel @2000mm with net

Roof Floor: polyurethane coating(painted light brown)

Eave: plywood polyurethane resin enamel paint light gauge steel backing

Interior Fl oor: 6mm polyurethane coating 50mm cement screed


Bleachers: plywood polyurethane resin enamel

Foundation: steel pad bolt anchorage reinforced concrete filling

Filler: concrete filler

Roof Detail As the roof is an important space for people's activities, the steel structure is a suitable choice to support the roof activities while ensuring the stability of the interior space. In order to bring people comfortable visual sense, the bleachers and fl oor surface decoration are wood paint and plain concrete paint.

Hand model 39

05 Other Works

Personal Architectural sketches

Castle, Sept 2016 40

Garden path, Sept 2016

Traditional pavalion, Sept 2016

The village, Sept 2016 41

''First we shape the cities, then they shape us.''

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