Year 3 Portfolio

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Tse Yu Hin

Architecture Portfolio

Tse Yu Hin

Architecture portfolio ARC3006M 2015-2016 -Outline Design Project -Comprehensive Design Project student no.: 16591264 Tutor: Richard wroght BA(hons) architecture (ARB/riba part 1) university of lincoln

00 Initial Ideas 01 02

Cover page Content page P.1


P.4 - 17


Case Studies P.32 - 39


Site Studies P.18 - 31

Comprehensive Design Project P.40 - 90


Archive Library Initial Ideas

initial idea Monument Valley (puzzle game)

ThE initial idea of the studio topic was derived from the idea of optical illusion and impossible object, from a puzzle game - “Monument Valley�, in which the projection by the visual centre of human subconsciously interpret a two-dimensional object as a three-dimensional object. In the game, the castles and surreal towers are decorated in interweaving pathways andstaircases; players are able to transform the landscape (staircases unfold, passageways and towers rotated) by switching, manipulating and levering to reveal a path forward. The player leads the player-character princess to go through the mazes of optical illusions and impossible objects until she get back her lost memory. In view of this arresting idea, the following investigation aims at integrating the above two concepts with various architectural elements. However, before the integration, deeper analysis of the structure of the game and expansion of my own knowledge on the aforementioned concepts is required.

Outline Design Project

the different types of impossible objects were abstracted and simplified which can be found in the game. The left columns seems like they are regular and reasonable isometric drawings where all of them make sense. However, when a person move to the right column, the impossibility becomes apparent after successively concentrating on the figure for a few seconds. For example, in the first set of the five diagrams, the red lines consists of a tower which connects the starting point and the ending point. Though the existence of the red tower is contradicted to the originally planar structure (the initial diagram which solely encompasses of black lines), people still misinterpret the diagram of the red tower to be possible. The major reason why impossible objects are fascinating and mysterious is that it is immensely difficult, if not impossible, to find out the loophole.

The idea from Monument (IPHONE Game) Waterfall -M.C. Escher

The idea from Monument (IPHONE Game) Impossible Diagram

Outline Design Project

M.C. Escher was found to be the first person who applied the technique of optical illusion and impossible object in drawing. His drawing, for example, “Treppenhaus”, “Waterfall” and “Relativity” were analysed, especially the artwork- Treppenhaus. In that drawing, it is a magnum opus that can entirely express the idea of mathematical concepts of space. In order to understand more about the spatial construction of Treppenhaus, line drawing was recreated. it distinctly illustrates the use of sinusoidal curves rather than straight lines to mimic the mapping of perspective over the field of a shifting glance. As the technique used in the line drawing stifles the sense of direction of ordinary people, one may feel extremely difficult to imagine the spacial arrangement of the real model.

Study of Treppenhaus M.C. Escher Original Drawing

Study of Treppenhaus M.C. Escher Line Drawing

Outline Design Project

Study of Treppenhaus M.C. Escher Axonmetric Drawing

Study of Treppenhaus M.C. Escher Physical model

For the isometric drawing, it seems to be the easiest way to reveal this drawing because it is distinct to show the XY direction of all the staircases, and it will be much easier to understand the spatial composition of Treppenhaus.

For the Physical model, it is clear to show the spatial composition of treppenhaus which is even better than the isometric drawing.

Outline Design Project







The Name of the Rose is a movie about an early fourteenth - century monastery where secrets are currency, and knowledge is a weapon as well as a tool (Eco, 1980). The main actor William arrived at the vast Monterey to investigate a series of murders. Soon after his arrival, he was then involved in identifying the causes of a murder case, as well as to figure out the murderer. During the investigation, he found out an ancient secret in the monastery inside the labyrinth of the tower. there were a lot of books, documents and art pieces. It is because knowledge at that time was a kind of power, hence the monks didn't want people to acquire much knowledge as they believed that it was a mean to protect their religion. In this movie, the writer designed every detail of the tower and Labyrinth to emphasise on the importance of the interior layout of the building. Also, it shows the significance of the place where knowledge is stored, and the ways to integrate knowledge with architecture in the reality, as well as creating secret space for labyrinthine library to keep the knowledge. Therefore, the programme of this project aims at an archive which was protected by merging the idea of optical illusion and impossible object to create amaze."

1. Movie Capture of The name of the rose 2. Behind-the-scene photo from Annaud’s movie adaptation The Name of the Rose 3. The sketch of the composition of the LIBRA 4. ECO’s Design idea diagram 5. Eco’s sketches for the ground plan 6. Eco’s final ground plan for the labyrinthine library with notes

Outline Design Project

Study of Treppenhaus M.C. Escher Sketch

Outline Design Project

The methodology of Thinking the 3d maze


Outline Design Project






1/15/1 1/3/1

The methodology of Thinking the 3d maze

13 Different option

Outline Design Project

The methodology of Thinking the 3d maze Mixing 13 option together

The diagram is the methodology of how to compose the maze, the bluendots represent the starting points while the pink dots represent the end points. The green dots represent the various options which can be selected based on different windings. In the diagram below, 13 different types of maze are designed which can be combined together to form a maze of higher complexity.

Outline Design Project

Maze Design Elevation view

the maze is required to be transformed into a feasible building form. Therefore, the elevation of the maze was deconstructed, rebuilt and with its walls extended to different levels, under the testing by both computer and physical model. Further testing on the combinations of different proportions is done in order to figure out the perfect one.

Study of Treppenhaus M.C. Escher isometric drawing

Maze Design Plan view

Outline Design Project

Maze Design Physical 1

Maze Design Physical 2

Outline Design Project

The idea of black panels came from The Name Of The Rose, which act as the insulation for covering some of the space to emphasise on the idea of providing secret space, and it will slightly move by following the red line. This can create some secret space for hiding the treasure.

all the ideas (optical illusion and impossible object, the inspiration from The Name Of The Rose, the methodology diagram) are combined to design a huge maze. The maze is designed based on a sequence that is started from the bottom part, then there are few greenish yellow platforms and one of the countless routes can pass through the maze and reach the end point in the upper part. The maze seems like a tower, but in reality, this claim is incorrect. Based on the elevation and plan view, it is separated into 2 parts which are connected by a long deck. Moreover, some of the platforms (red slashes) will move (go up side down or rotate) by following the red lines. As the above design creates more possibilities for the players, the chance of choosing the correct route to reach the end point will be lower, which in turns increases the difficulty of the game.

Mixing 13 option together

The methodology of Thinking the 3d maze

Outline Design Project


Archive Library Site Studies

The diagram analysis that most of the buildings in Lincoln was built in 16th century and Georgian Age, which approximate 85%. Also, it still can keep three architectures perfectly that was built in Lindum Colonia (the age of Roman Empire). Moreover, it shows this area is not rely on the modern technology, only few building built after industrial revolution.

Site study Separating the differ ent age of the building

Outline Design Project

Lincoln is a cathedral city and the county town of Lincolnshire, within the East Midlands of the England, which was developed from the Roman town and hence a lots of historical buildings are preserved (Fig.17). For this reason, thousands of religious books or historical document which are of significant importance for the archaeological workers to undergo further investigation, have to be stored. Being one of the oldest cities in the United Kingdom, an archive is important to provide a safe space to preserve and store the historical items. Moreover, the archive should also be freely accessed by the public for their reference. The building will be located in Lincoln Castle which is nearly the highest point of Castle Hill. It consists of the city wall which is bounded by a stone curtain wall, with ditches on all sides except for the southern part, and the walls are located on two earthen mounds on the south side, and 3 existing buildings (The Courthouse, Victorian Prison and heritage skill centre).

Site Study Site : Lincoln Castle

Outline Design Project

the figure ground of Lincoln, it is like radial structure which start from the castle and cathedral

Figure Ground 1:10000

Figure Ground Castle surrounding 1:1000

Outline Design Project

William the Conqueror 1068 builds a castle at Lincoln

1826 Courthouse is built Victorian Prison is built 1848 The designed for the “separate system”

of Lincoln, “The Joust” : 1141 Battle King Stephen is taken prisoner Battle of Lincoln: Fair King Henery III’s 1217 Army defeats the rabel barons

Civil War 1644 English Partiamantarians capture the castle

Georgian gaol is built to imprison 1788 debtors and criminals in the castle

Skill Centre and 2015 Heritage Megna Carta Vault built

The historic Study The change og Lincoln Castle from 1068

Outline Design Project

Site study Sketch

Outline Design Project

Observatory Tower

the mound and square tower were constructed during the 12th century. The turret was built in the early 19th century using convictlabour from the old Georgian gaol

Victorian Prison

the 'separate system', an isolating regime that kept prisoners apart from the corrupting influence of their fellow prisoners

Assize Court

built in 1826, one of the registed Courthouse in Lincoln

Medieval Castle, 1068

William the Conqueror built the first castle on the site. Some 166 Anglo-Saxon dwellings were torn down to make way for it within the old roman walls.

The historic Study The historic Building inside the castle From the entrance

Outline Design Project

Site study First geometry

Outline Design Project

Tritton Road

where the first British tank was designed and made

The Lawn

former Lincoln Lunatic Asylum

River Trent an historic river transport route

Westgate Water Tower Built after Lincoln’s typhoid epidemic

Outline Design Project

Lincoln Cathedral Place of pilgrimage for 1,000 years

Newport Arch Roman gateway to upper Lincoln City


busy shopping street, once with the Castle’s bail

Judges’ Lodgings built in 1810 for the visiting judges

Exchequer Gate former main access to Cathedral Close

Medieval Bishop’s Palace ancient residence of bishops of Lincoln

Steep Hill

steep cobbled street lined with medieval buildings

Chad Varah House named after the founder of the Samaritans

High Street

which is prominentally placed in ‘‘Uphill’’ Lincoln

Chad Varah House named after the founder of the Samaritans

The historic Study The historic Building around the castle From the observation Tower

Outline Design Project

Site Photo Victoria Prison (Panorama)

Site Photo Castle public area (Panorama)

Outline Design Project

internal area (Panorama)

Site Photo Backside of the Prison

Outline Design Project

Site Photo Castle entrance

Outline Design Project

Site Photo observation tower


Archive Library Case Studies

Case Studies Historical Documents

Outline Design Project

Awarding authority: North Rhine Westphalia, Germany Concept and development: Ortner & Ortner of Germany Felix Scheidt Ortner & Ortner Completion: 2013 Location: North Rhine, Germany

Outline Design Project

Awarding authority: City of Essen Concept and development: Ahlbrecht Felix Scheidt Kasprusch Architekten Competition: 2005, 1st award Completion: 2010 Gross floor area: 5500 sqm Location: Essen, Germany Materials: new archive building: corten steel tables

Outline Design Project

open plan

core + satellites

linerar procession




Case Study Gentic plans for exhibition

Outline Design Project


existing prison

security lobby collection storage


relaxed space



drawing article, journals


main archive

studio photograph

spatial arraignment bubble diagram

Outline Design Project

Maze transformation around the castle

Maze transformation inside the castle

Outline Design Project

Maze transformation in the garden

Maze transformation Final

Elevation (side)

Elevation (entrance side)


Archive Library

Comprehensive Design Project

Collage Secret space

The environment of the main archive should be slightly more gloomy and loads of paper, and parchment will be stored, while the concrete wall can create a raw atmosphere as the archive and concrete share the same colour tone which create a harmonious atmosphere for the visitors.

Collage main archive

Comprehensive Design Project

For the conservation lab, a large space for lab assistants is designed to reserve both documents and some art pieces such as the Magna Carta or the columns of the cathedral.

Collage conservation lab

Comprehensive Design Project

Collage exhibition space which has panels in both indoor and outdoor space for exhibiting the art pieces and paintings.

Comprehensive Design Project

Plan development Sketch plan UG2 UG1

Comprehensive Design Project

Plan development Sketch plan 1/f

Comprehensive Design Project

Plan development Sketch plan 2/f

Comprehensive Design Project

Plan development Sketch plan 3/f

Comprehensive Design Project

Site Plan roof plan

Comprehensive Design Project

Site Plan existing plan

Comprehensive Design Project

2 5



8 4



Archive A




Workshop Machine


Archive B


Office Area


Exbition Corridor


Outdoor Space


Dry Workshop


Parking Area


Main entrance and Reception


Storage Space


(Existing Prison G/F)


Wet Workshop

Main Atrium


(Photograph, Map)


(sculptures, outdoor display board)


Exhibition Space

Outdoor Lecture Area


Comprehensive Design Project


12 7





Plan UG2 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project






Archive A


Archive B


Connecting Space


Archive C


Archive D

(Photograph, Map)


(Library and study area)

(Article, Journal)

Comprehensive Design Project


Plan UG1 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project

4 5 2




Archive A


Study Room A


Archive B (Drawing)


Archive C


Reading Space


Outdoor Relaxed Space


Study Room A


Archive D


Archive E

(Photograph, Map)



(Library and study area)

(Article, Journal)

Prison Exhibition (Existing Prison G/F)


Comprehensive Design Project



10 7

Plan 1/F 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project

4 2



Archive A


Archive B


Connecting Space


Archive E


Archive C


Archive D

(Photograph, Map)


(Reading Area)


(Library and study area)

(Article, Journal)


Comprehensive Design Project



Plan 2/F 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project

4 2





Archive A


Archive E


Archive B


Archive C


Connecting Space


Archive D

(Photograph, Map)


(Reading Area)


(Library and study area)

(Article, Journal)

Comprehensive Design Project


Plan 2/F 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project




Archive E


Archive C


Archive D


(Library and study area)

(Article, Journal)

Comprehensive Design Project



Plan 3/F 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project



Archive E (Book)


Archive C


Archive D


Archive F

(Library and study area)

(Article, Journal)

(Library and study area)


Comprehensive Design Project



Plan 4/F 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project



Archive E


Archive D


Archive F


(Article, Journal)

(Library and study area)

Comprehensive Design Project

2 3

Plan 5/F 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project



Archive E (Book)

Comprehensive Design Project

Plan 6/F 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project


Comprehensive Design Project



A Section AA 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project


Comprehensive Design Project



B Section BB 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project


Comprehensive Design Project



C Section CC 1:400

Comprehensive Design Project


Comprehensive Design Project



D Section DD 1:400




E Section EE 1:200

Comprehensive Design Project

Comprehensive Design Project

Elevation 1:500

Comprehensive Design Project

Comprehensive Design Project

Elevation 1:500

Comprehensive Design Project

Comprehensive Design Project

Elevation 1:500

Comprehensive Design Project

Comprehensive Design Project

Elevation 1:500

Comprehensive Design Project

Rendering internal Secret space

Comprehensive Design Project

Rendering Entrance

Comprehensive Design Project

Rendering Outlook

Comprehensive Design Project

Rendering Outlook

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