Lin, Yu-Hsin
Portfolio 2004-2012
Urban Chambers Part 1 // Intuitive Taipei - underguaduate projects
[Limpid balcony in solitary city]
[Tension & Curves]
Part 2 // Transitive Taipei - undergraduate thesis Preface 03-1. 03-2.
2006~2007 42
stop 1 : St. Francis High School
[Desert island ; Oasis]
stop 2 : Huachung Riverbank Park
[Infinite opening]
Explorations Part 1 // Professional projects 04.
[Interior] : Chao Residence
[Building] : House C
[Landscape] : contruction site supervision
Part 2 // Others 07.
[Next] - a film
[Encounters] - journies
Curriculum Vitae
Part 1// Intuitive Taipei underguaduate projects 2004~2006 The real Taipei is formed by the gathering of individuals, which are combined from our feelings, experiences, and memories...
Taipei on the map is not real Taipei. Real Taipei is not in the material form, which is constructed by objects of numberous buildings and bridges. For some residents like me, material Taipei is strange and fake. I have lived in Taipei for over 24 years in 8 different places. That’s how I know the city, piece by piece from everyday experience. The locations marked on the map are 8 places where I have lived in Taipei for 24 years. The 8 places are not related to each other. Where I lived and live now are incidental. However, the 8 places are not just locations. For me, as for people living in Taipei, the places where you live are beyond locations. A place always goes with experiences, feelings, and memories. That’s why a place is from a location and makes Taipei real.
Real Taipei is constructed by the time when we live, Details occurring in daily life are layered into real Taipei. It cab be shared to each other, for everyone knows his and hers. Real Taipei cannot be defined by dimensions or numbers. The only way is to recall the memories. Memories are never pure. Memories are melted by the present feelings and experience.
“...,I am reminded that what gives a city its special character is not just its topography or its buildings but rather the sum total of evert chance encounter, every memory, letter, color, and image jostling in its inhabitants’ crowded memories after they have been living, like me, on the same street for fifty years.” Orhan Parmuk [Istanbul] p.110
+ The real Taipei of mine // the images, the events, and the 10000 words stories...
高低不平的騎樓,磨石子地板,媽媽說小時候都讓我在地上爬來爬去。 老舊的文具店,只賣3塊錢的原子筆,還有很多畫迷宮的本子、練習寫國字的本子,香蕉的蕉好難寫。 每次買麥芽鮮奶的麵包店,外面都有很大的狗躺在門口,不敢進去只能在外面等他走開,有一次忘了帶錢老闆娘說回家拿錢再給他沒關係。 一樓是店面,那時候最想當的就是門市小姐,因為可以隨自己高興擺櫥窗,穿的漂漂亮亮只要微笑。 後面一點是伯父展示家具的地方,豪華的沙發組餐桌組床組,在裡面想像到處的隔間,跑來跑去覺得自己是某個女主人,很多客人,很多故事。 房子的最後是會議室,爸爸曾經在那跟客戶起衝突,嚇到大哭,媽媽帶離背著哄睡,說世界上就是有這樣的人。 搬家過來是為了可以走路五分鐘就到學校,原本的房租貴又要舟車往返,只是台北市和台北縣,彷彿各方面就相差了很多,房價或是環境,那一道看不見的界線 二樓是廚房和餐廳,窗子望去室別人家石棉心瓦屋頂,有很多貓咪在上面走來走去,有時候也會跑進來偷吃東西。 是覺得要是當初沒有搬到台北而繼續在中和唸書,那麼本質雖然一樣,氣 半夜肚子餓,吵爸爸炒蛋炒飯,翻鍋很厲害,而且會用大蒜爆得很香,要是加醬油膏就敢吃媽媽煎的荷包蛋,有時候為了加番茄醬還是油膏猶豫不決。 房子後面是工廠,雖然從11樓望出去視野非常遼闊,但並沒有幾次真的在窗口待上多久的,只有颱風來的時候會多看河堤幾眼,空氣差,不時一有燒電纜的塑膠 晚上休閑娛樂是大家在電視前面看選美吃泡麵,煮得很大鍋,晚一點就全部糊在一起。 門關窗,把自己緊緊的悶在房子裡頭,噪音又大聲,即使是夏天也不愛 爸爸公司每次用印表機列印就發出很大的聲音,旁邊有洞的那種紙,看堂哥對著閃藍光的電腦敲打鍵盤覺得很厲害。 小小的房間擠了三個人,把自己的東西擺在靠牆邊,一個一個排成一長列。 我的房間一整面牆都是窗戶,陽光可以直直的照射進來,整個空間變成黃色,風也吹動白色半透明的窗簾,搖晃著。晚上唸 唯一的窗的另頭是堂姊的房間,牆上都是小虎隊和優歡派對的海報,霹靂虎比較帥。 除了我們這個小社區之外,附近都是工廠,隔壁有幾棟比較高的辦公大樓,遠一點的地方才有多一些的公寓住宅區,一些固定的時候就會有大量的員工從工廠進 一個人一整天盯著電視裡的節目,選擇很少,天天開心、今日農家、國防線上、京劇、每日一字、五點的卡通,看完就要吃晚餐。 的時候,附近就有一些便當店和小吃店,家裡沒開伙的時候 拿媽媽的保養品和化妝品一個人扮家家酒,乳液加上胃散加上化妝水在瓶蓋裡亂攪就是濃湯。 社區的一樓有一家川菜餐廳,常常舉辦喜宴,每次經過門口多看婚紗照幾眼,再看看坐在裡面的本人就覺得格外有趣,鞭炮聲也會不絕於耳。不知道是什麼節慶 廁所是蹲式的,離房間很遠,在房子的最邊,冬天晚上很冷很害怕還是用尿壺多。 著橘子,拜拜後就這麼公然的在路 不喜歡刷牙,跟媽媽一起洗澡的時候就不能不刷。 幼稚園早上上學時吃完早餐到暗暗的一樓,媽媽把鐵捲門打開可以出入的高度,外面店家都還沒開,等娃娃車。 離學校近總是算好時間才出門,經過樓下鐵門還緊閉的餐廳,經過還沒什麼人的辦公大樓,上橋,空氣不太好,朝著太陽升起的方向前進,天空常是參雜著灰塵 偶爾的晚上,全家手牽手到長安東路附近夜市(應該是遼寧街)吃東西,路的兩邊都是亮亮的攤販,興奮,吃蚵仔煎或魚湯。 的公車開過,而我獨自往學校用一定速率走著,跨過橋就是台北市,空中的懸浮粒子瞬間沉澱。放學練完旗或是唸書完回家,已經過了晚餐時間,週遭回到一種 在後面巷子上的雜貨店買雞蛋,媽媽叮嚀一顆一顆要挑過,回家路上和堂姊被狗追。 樓徘徊,聽著隨身聽走上橋,來回的車像在為音樂作影片般的撥放,下頭的水很穩定的放置在那,一些小亮點反射在水面,偶爾繞個路到另一頭的河堤坐著,跑 另一家賣肉乾的,最期待伯母買一片豬肉乾吃,甜甜鹹鹹的。 點,那時候特別感到一股舒坦,即使是書包再重衣服再髒,也許因為是回家的路,經過麵店聞 房子裡幾乎都是灰色的磨石子地,穿著鞋子走來走去,只有到房間時才會脫掉。 七張捷運站旁邊的麥當勞像是一個據點,下課了不想回家,就是到那裡去和同學說笑,那是他們回家的必經之路,對我而言卻不是,要來回的跑,更遠的地方也 晚上睡覺時怕身邊的媽媽突然死掉,仔細看她有沒有呼吸,打呼的時候就捏她的鼻子。 在學校幫老師簽聯絡簿,看她用椅子的板子打人很害怕,回家哭說不要上學。 總是跟著伯母去菜市場買菜,她看起來很厲害,很高的高跟鞋,夾在腋下好像很高級的包包,又高又捲的頭髮,鮮紅色口紅,很會罵人,在她身邊有莫名安全感。 雖然是遺世獨立在灰色工業區裡的住宅,似乎因為如此,社區更顯得對彼此的感情維繫非常重視,聖誕節請來小樂團在狹小得可憐的中庭(其實只是一個內凹的
To design is not to creat a new object in the city. To design is to find a kind of latent relationship with environment. There is nature inside a place. However, the nature is hidden and has to be discovered. To design is to disclose the locus and to create a path for people to experience. The path is a progression of entring or feeling the locus that will lead people to preceive his/her own relation which has already existed in place.
Even though every person has his/her own progression to build the relation to a place, but the building experience is able to be shared by others. The progression is not only subjective but also objective. It will be a gathering of individuals. It will be a new method of a space creation.
媽媽同事的舊房子,古老的五樓公寓,灰色而狹窄的樓梯間,有些樓層被燒金紙的煙薰的黑嘛嘛一片,舊式雕花鐵窗,附近有各種樣式各種顏色,卻比現在新穎的不銹鋼更有質感,邊間的陽 台轉了一個彎,雖然窄可是很長,滿滿的擺放著媽媽心愛的盆栽,鐵窗上有手工加裝的紗窗以防貓咪跳下去,於是那裡就成為他曬太陽的最愛。巷子不寬,和對面好近一開始很不習慣,一到 晚上就放下窗簾,但是住越久也就越來越不在意了,在對面眼中應該就跟他們自己一樣,穿著吊嘎露著肚皮大剌剌的盯著電視。 附近是一些錯綜的巷子,住了很久還是到很後來才搞清楚方向,一到中秋節,家家戶戶像著魔一樣,一樓的在路邊烤肉,樓上的在陽台烤肉,燒焦味道瀰漫在巷子之間還呈現一種霧氣,我從 線也許階級就產生改變,像是我總 捷運站走回家的路上被這幅色香味具全的景象震 住了,大家各烤各的,談笑聲卻全部混在一起迴蕩著,實在詭異的有志一同。 對於這裡的認識,大概就是從捷運站走到家的五分鐘路程罷了,回到家就攤在家裡吃喝拉撒睡,在照不到陽光的小房間裡睡得不醒人事,被幾乎黏貼在一起的隔壁窗戶傳來的油煙味薰醒,吃 氣質和想法卻和現在會有所不同。 過飯又是一樣的路回捷運站坐車,那些路上的奔馳吵鬧好像一點關係都沒有,回家像是要完成一件事,看媽媽和吃媽媽煮的菜,家裡呈現的是一份平靜的氛圍,跟在屋裡漫步的貓咪將時間凝 膠味,全家就會一個口令捷迅的關 結在一起,幾乎沒有屬於我個人使用的物品和空間,所以只是盯著電視手上拿著飯碗,這樣的消磨與休息。 愛開窗,算是這裡最美中不足的。 有的時候媽媽騎腳踏車載我到她的學校,也是我曾經唸過的學校,呵護她的花草,整理她的教室,我在已經不太熟悉的校園裡作白日夢,對於板橋的認識最多好像就是這樣,從哪一條路好像 唸書,望出去是全然的一片黑暗。 裝潢本來是打定主意交給我,無奈我實在抽不出空,又必須搶在原本住的地方租約到期前弄好才能搬家,因此幾乎都是媽媽一個人打裡所有的事,我只有給意見而已,油漆、木地板、打牆、玻璃門等等,看起來並不 是接到哪裡,從淡水騎車來的路徑是什麼,經過疏洪到和五股新莊過大漢橋,到家就是一個句點。 是大手筆的裝潢,沒有巴洛克或時尚,但是和之前有如天壤之別的清爽。 進出換班,中午也是大家出來覓食 媽媽在學校受了傷,不能自由的上下樓梯,家變成了不能回的地方,電梯變成了基本配備,該買房子的氣氛圍繞,那代表了必須犧牲很多享受,忙碌中不知道該不該積極,那麼對老人來說這 為了感覺像是全新的,完全屬於自己的,所以整頓了一番,把前人的氣味全都消散,浴缸這樣的東西也是很乾脆的打掉,完全不同的感覺不同的顏色也就有不同的心情,再也沒有想丟而不能丟的別人的東西,空間很 候我也去跟他們一起排隊買便當。 小但是滿滿的舒適,我們取捨了很多事,心境上的不同是最大享受。 些沒電梯的古早房子都變成危險地帶? 慶,卡車運來巨大的豬公,嘴裡咬
路邊宰殺,不忍卒賭,血腥一片。 塵的,身旁一輛輛載滿黃衣服學生 種住宅區的寧靜狀態,幾隻狗在騎 跑步和蹓狗的人經過,談情的好地 聞到牛肉香氣也會泛起莫名微笑。 也是,那種感覺跟在途中找事作是 很不一樣的感受。 的出入口空間),穿起聖誕老公公的 種異常樂融融的景象,也是奇景。
我想著將來的日子都會在這裡度過就有一種特別的感覺,以前總冥冥之中知道有一天會離開會改變,這些地方即使是家也只是暫時性的,自此之後可以安心的寫我家地址,再不用擔心會收不到,是一種從未有過的完 全穩定 前面一邊緊鄰著一個長形的小公園,旁邊是一個很多老人跟小孩聚集的永安公園,對面是很多球場的八德公園,很多樹,萬板大橋的橋頭的車也是絡繹不絕,從窗子望出去是彎來彎去的萬板路,看不見盡頭。 搬家當天剛好遇上颱風要來,晚上全家用轎車在了好幾趟零碎的東西之後,在舊家洗好澡,秤著風雨的空檔,慢慢走到新家睡覺,那時候已經是半夜,一路上風很大很大,天很黑,路上沒什麼車,三個人一前一後提 著大包小包像是要夜遁一樣,安慰自己這應該是將近最後一次的搬家了吧。 從捷運站走到家的路途變遠了,以前五分鐘就可以到,現在要十五分鐘,而且一路上沒什麼有趣的店家,前段幾乎都是餐廳,後段就是住宅和一些眼鏡行之類不會無聊進去逛逛的店,每次都是聽著音樂前進,唯一期 待的就是快到家時的寵物店,櫥窗裡有貓和狗,通常都不大理我,但還是看的很高興。 從陽台望出去可以看到橘色的夕陽,媽媽總是在陽台擺滿了綠色植物。 從家裡去媽媽的學校走路只要十分鐘,途中會經過很大的海產店,媽媽說學校聚餐都在這裡辦,我們沒有買車位,所以還是把車停在學校的停車場,要用的時候才去開。 管理員伯伯常認不出我來,問找誰,報了媽媽的名字說是她女兒,他總是這才恍然大悟。
The one who expects to remember the past should not stand still! The memories strewed in the wild world. We need to travel around and to dig them out from the hidden invisible depth. Thus, we have to move on.
01. [Limpid balcony in solitary city] The project is about a business hotel in Ximentin, one of the busiest area in Taipei. To fill all the desire of a lonely traveler, the ‘project’ tries to ‘project’ an imagination of special form for home... Type/ Academic, Individual work Year/ 3th year : Nov-Dec, 2004 Site location/ Taipei, Taiwan Supervisor/ Ray-Jen Yang
Homeless. Loneliness. Body is in the city and mind at home. I can see you. However, I don’t wanna touch you. I feel not exist in the noise. But, I exist. 15
Ximentin to Taipei Main Station
pedestrian zone
+density of visitors
+high-density urban tissue
+various building heights
>8R 4-8R <4R
Location/ C HA N
XIMENTIN, a unique youth subculture area, full of high school students and tourists. Plenty of movie theatres, restaurants, fashion colth shops and street vendors... forced Taipei Government re-planned this area to be a leisure shopping zone. For the people in Ximenton always look to each for their hair style, their make-up, etc., we have to dress up before getting there. Sometimes I feel a huge of release when walking alone the noisy street, even there are large quanitity of people all around me. I am nobody, invisible in the crowd.
It seems that we connect to each other so tightly. It seems that there is no gap in between. The morden city shorten the psyical distance among people. We smile to everyone. We feel comfortable when smliling for there is already a wall built around our heart.
Same as the reality, in contradictory morden society, we, people are so lonely, so fragile, hoping to have more confidence. Meanwhile, we need a private space to talk to ourselves so badly. It happens everywhere, in this crazy world.
+space out the distance among units, making a stronger relationship among them...
+concept +Out-balcony form of traditional residential space
+The normal residential units always have balcony in the outside only. I want to reverse the relationship, to disperse the balcony inside with outside, and to be transparent in the vertical diagonal direction.
+The hotel is made of units. The unit is essential to the hotel. Every unit is a hotel space. To space out the distance among units will increase the interface and interaction among units...
+Every unit become a L shape space + a balcony. The balcony is a new medium for social interaction.
+The units always keep privacy but also easily connect to other units by balconies which become a new form of publicity.
+Public Space A vertical public plaza is extended from the street by a big, long staircase. The level changes of many stairs with a swimming pool make the street life strange. To the end of the big staircases, a platform in the 3th floor become a show walk in the air... You can catch the public life in a private hotel. Before entering my own comfort-zone, I can feel all the people staring at me on the staircases. I feel like a movie star. I am different from others who used to stand on the street level with me. Enjoy the wind, image to have a long long skirt.......
a2 unit
b1 unit
+lawn balcony
+swimming pool with high celling
R +7 -7 +6
+5 -5 +4 -4 +3
-3 +2 -2 +1 -1 +0 -0 G
ht/shadow/wind/humidity/rain/stars/sky/cloud/close your eyes.....
level G
level - 0
level + 0
level - 1
-restaurant + bar -kitchen -changing rooms -elevator to pool/ hotel lobby
-swimming pool -cafe -elevator to ground floor/ hotel lobby -elevator to hotel rooms
-hotel lobby -elevator to ground floor/ pool -elevator to hotel rooms -show walk
-hotel rooms -elevator -circular hallway
After long staircases which are also a stage for showing peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s walk, the swimming pool is right beside you. There are a ring of walk all around the pool.
The lobby has a perfect view to the pool, and a narrow show walk between pool and staircases.
Instead of ground entry, this level plays a role for service to support upper-floor uses. To avoid overactingkeep, the solid part and the entrance set back from the street.
Room boxes with gaps in-between, feeling all the wind, sunlight, city scenes. They are the prefaces for rooms.
level + 1
level - 2
level + 2
level - 3
-hotel rooms -elevator
-hotel rooms -elevator -circlular hallway
-hotel rooms -elevator
-hotel rooms -elevator -circlular hallway
Inside the rooms, the bed has high celling and is transparent to the atrium, the bathtub is transparent to the street.
Room boxes with gaps in-between, feeling all the wind, sunlight, city scenes. They are the prefaces for rooms.
Inside the rooms, the bed has high celling and is transparent to the street, the bathtub is transparent to the atrium.
Room boxes with gaps in-between, feeling all the wind, sunlight, city scenes. They are the prefaces for rooms.
R +7 -7 +6
-6 +5 -5 +4 -4 +3 -3 +2 -2 +1
-1 +0 -0 G
02. [Tension & Curves] The project is to utilize the characteristics of making clothes to architectural design. There are several steps to be operated in the design process. A multi-function architecture is assigned, including show rooms and workshops for fashion designers. Type/ Academic, Individual work Year/ 4th year : Mar-Jun, 2005 Site location/ Taipei, Taiwan Supervisor/ Da-Jen Tsai
Are you willing to be my dancing partner? Once our hands put together, the music is ready to play. Dance under the mountain, above the sea, we will feel the light and dark via our body through all the pores; we will stir the reeds and wave the sea wherever we are-... Would you dance with me? 31
begin from the body.
The main sm is created f part of an w
Woman body is the object of investigation. Her skin is the first piece of clothes, containing the bones, muscles, organs, blood, and our soul inside. The skin is smooth and soft but interweaving to a tensional three-dimensional body container as clothes. + THE CLOTHES
The dress has its own self structure by material, cutting and sewing. The body is essential, but not perfect. Dressing is a process of shaping to make the body more perfectly in tensional way to reveal its characteristics.
The clothes has to be semi-transparent, swinging, with something shining. After dressing, the way I walk and the way I stand will keep me a low profile but not able to be ignored.
+outline of an woman body
70-90cm 30cm
+design soft and hard.
mooth curve from three woman body
The fabric is made by delicate threads which lead to a extensible and tensive textile. In the progress of cutting and sewing, the clothes is given the life of a construction of a body container.
steel wire, hard metal but at the same time able to be bended to a beautiful curve. The curve is the main key to support the dress in 3 points: chest, waist and bottom. It will be a sculpture swinging in its own way when it stand. Some materials are added to create the curve, and space for penestrating.
+geography contour of an woman body
Weighty and light, strong and weak, solid and hollow, all the contrasts meet together. It will be as a beauty as me when it is alone. When the dress on it, as I dress up.
steel wire
screw nut = fixed
ball = the medium screw nut = fixed
+ THE SITE Bi-Sha Fishing Port Wan Yue Valley North Coastal Highway East China Sea
The site is in Keelung, a place along the sea with sunshine and fog, at the northeast corner of Taiwan. It is a backyard of Taipei. Keelung is also where the cold current meets the warm current. Behind the site is a famous port for seafood. Visitors will come for local delicacies and beautiful view. Comparing to that, the site is quite, extensive, only sea tide, grass, and few buliding. It is a secret topia.
+ THE FASHION STUDIO The body within clothes is as the space within environment. The studio is going to provide a showroom, a studio, a exhibition area for whom are working in fashion industry, also a cafe for visitors. But it is more than a studio. Every fabric is made of threads. It lives up once it is weared. The space created by clothes via the body makes a dramatical experience. Therefore, the studio will be the one that we not only feel ourselves, but also the surroundings around us.
In this peaceful site, the seawater is the mirror reflected all scenes above, same as the body. The seawater is a medium, swung or shaked by the movements.
All the â&#x20AC;&#x153;xenobioticsâ&#x20AC;? will have interaction with the place, reside here.
The studio is below existing horizantal line. There is several boxes glow up on the ground. The boxes hint the suprise you will receive after walking down staircases. Water, in oblong shape surrounded by the grass, is soaked from seawater and reflects the sky and cloud with sunshine wave. The show walk floating on the sea is the extension from the ground to show the body curve. The main space below water is filled of twinkling lightspot. Spotlights are everywhere, on the floors and on the body as well. +water reflection study
+study model
+PERSPECTIVE : two walls, sky, and the waves 37
12 3
C 10 9
6 11
8 5
+B2 PLAN A 38
1 entrance 2 exhibition deck/stairs 3 way to up-view C 4 water wave plaza 5 show walk 6 fashion studio 7 cafe 8 storage 9 guest rooms 10 lawn 11 fitting/meeting area
A horizantal space exists between two waters. Wide stairs lead us to sea. It is the overtune of the play. The play is held on natural stage in daytime. In the night time, it will be held on an unusual luminary underground which becomes a transparent volume. No matter what time it is, the play always swings as long as time goes. Below several square hollows, the power is enriched for the environment to extend the tension dramatically. +SITE PLAN
Part 2// Transitive Taipei underguaduate thesis 2007 Combination of systematizatical Taipei via bus system and the memories of Taipei...
1 7
2 8 4
5 6
The bus routes. Buses shuttle around every corner in the city. Accroding to market researches and the userâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s projection, buses routes are planned one by one. A variety of bus routes appear, long or short distance, to donwtown or to uptown. People take bus and create their temporary life on bus. People interact on their bus life and then off. It is a micro world of life. The bus itself is a moving city. On bus is in a city within a city. The bus city is hollow. Every bus city roves on streets alone and has its own uniqueness. But the exchange among bus cities is so common. Finally, they completes the meaning of a city through the gathering of individuals. Thus,buses build the real Taipei.
+ vehicle
On bus, the unique transporter, the world is a scene from windows, and you are inside of another space. Departing from the reality, you are an observer in a special speed. It moves slowly with some pauses in route. You see things from height, which creates a unique veiwing angle to the reality.
+ accessories
A bus as a city is demonstrated by its customized small details. These accessories creat a space of its own, which is totally different from the outside.
total area of Taipei basin: 243 km Taipei central area: 35 km
total routes of Taipei bus: 470 lines longest route: 66 km shortest route: 9 km
There are 80 bus lines out of all, which need to take more than 1 hour to complete the whole journey. The 80 journeys always pass through the city. I pick up 25 out of 80 journeys to experience and build real Taipei.
266 214
+25 bus lines
223 202
275 278
245 260
299 645 630
passing through the city for more than one-hour traveling
Bus no.275 / route distance : 66 km
Bus no.278 / route distance : 49.3 km
Bus no.508 / route distance : 54 km
Bus no.630 / route distance : 43.2 km
Bus no.645 / route distance : 47.6 km
Bus no.666 / route distance : 41.8 km
the route
2 Renai
1 Vegetable market
BUS 630 east lake ----- east park
8 Hua-chung riverbank park
stop photos
observation/context hard information 8 stops from Bus no. 630
sidewalk beside an three-floor stores arcade near a bridge within a vintage arcade on a traffic island old-style on an intersection commercial-residential
waiting people
about 10 elders/ few students
16 bus lines none
Crawling, stopped by garbag truck or automobile carriers waiting with patience, as if la stated.
9 bus lines
fast, typical bus-way
Vegetable market
Renai Sinsheng intersection
China Times square
beneath a highway bridge
few, some display centre
26 bus lines sparse
unhesitatingly fast
Hu-kuang market
opposite to a department store
whole block of commercial-residen tial buildings
about 12 workers/ students
22 bus lines none, and no space for them
medium speed, stopless unwilling brake
Da-hu park
sidewalk alongside the lakefront
few, an indoor pool in a leisure center
11 bus lines luxuriant, with lake behind
unhesitatingly fast
St. Francis high school
pavement next to 2 schools
about 50 masive students
17 bus lines luxuriant inside midium of enclosere
MRT Zhongxiao Dunhua
about 20 female workers
9 bus lines
medium, held by traffic lights
Hua-chung riverbank park
unhesitatingly fast
complex along the road
on a traffic island on an intersection pavement beside a bridge
red playground and mottled school buildings boundered by 180cm-high wall pretendedly low-profile commercial building but shows seducetive field with fence; 3-floor apartments; enbankment and park
saunter in the town
ge s, aw
Bus 630 route distance : 42.3 square total stops : 126 stops for one run
3 China Times square 4 Hu-kuang market
i Sinsheng intersection
5 Da-hu park
Bus no.630 is a line shuttling the central Taipei from northeast to southwest, from the riverside to the mountain zone, and cut through the busniess area in the downtown. After investigation, 8 stops are chosen for their characterietcs coping with my real Taipei experience. The experience is from the memory recall of my different periods living in 8 different places of Tapei.
6 St. Francis high school 7 Mrt Zhongxiao Dunhua
stop diagram
stop image
soft atmosphere smell
inner voice
engine of cars, pop music from shops
kind of familiarity of somewhere else
coarse, some deep past traces
very low volume of sound of traffic
regular, independent breathing
soft, flexible
dull echo of speedy vehicles
slight sighs
firm surface accompanied mysterious shinny
evaporated gas combined with dust
excavators at metro construction site; students chartting
non-focusing lens
simple but colourful
very damp
speedy vehicle passing through
unnoticed noise between silence and speed
dirt and living person
racket made by students
intensively ambigurus atmosphere surrounding young freh
soft, but strongly adhered
noise of traffics; footfalls
shadows of trees and people
living person
sounds of vibration from bridge after cars passing by
complete silence
smooth and mottled
poiling fish and ruin vegetables in the traditional market
slightly humid grass
damp, small of gasoline
outter voice
temperture warm
The diagrams + sketches when tmy real Taipei meet the 8 stops on bus no. 630 Taipei: sound of residences
Taipei: time of lost
Taipei: post-school shopping area
Taipei: school and the other
1 52
Vegetable market
Renai Sinsheng intersection
China Times square
Hu-kuang market
Taipei: desert island ; oasis Taipei: collage distance Taipei: a room and some lanes
7 5
Da-hu park
St. Francis high school
Mrt Zhongxiao Dunhua
Taipei: infinite opening
Hua-chung riverbank park
my Taipei memories with 8 places Faraway and unfamiliar place is acturally the same place. Destination is unknown. All the atomsphere about to be familiar slowly release. Taipei is chaotic but seemingly familiar. School at that time is a dreadful place. Anywhere other than school is joy. Therefore, Taipei is divided into two places, school and anywhere else. Frog calls and dog barks in the dark without shops. No one can find it. Taipei has became an empty city without people. School is the main focus of living. And the main point is the time after school. Laughter of classmates and temperature of food court is Taipei. Going home is a long-awaited holiday. Although it is a long and difficult trek, I want to stay out of everything. The bus from dormitory to metro station, the metro from Tamshi to Banciao, the walk metro station to home. My taipei is the inns of these journeys. Home in the morning awakes in the smog from the factory. School at night sleeps at the levee side after sweating. Taipei is walking back and forth repeatingly between the bridge of wasteland and oasis. The youngest day before school is alone in the room and the alley beside the heavy traffic road. Taipei is mixed in the eye level of this little child. Trying the best to renew the second-handed, to me, is the future. This is the Taipei I have in mind, which is living in a grey area with lots of opportunities to evolve. 54
cube prototype
wall systems 3
Taipei memories of mine 1
Taipei: time of lost
Taipei: school and the other
Taipei: sound of residences
Taipei: post-school shopping area
Taipei: collage distance
Taipei: desert island ; oasis
Taipei: a room and some lanes
Taipei: infinite opening
wall elements 4
process of modeling
related cubes major
Recalling the real Taipei of mine, accroding to the relationship between my homes, my schools and all the things, they have spacial atomasphere that would be transfer (see as) to space elements, which can be simplized to certain phototypes in 4x4=16 squares. 1=8=1 The 8 periods of memories from different places also have their connections with one another, and have differences between levels. The importantce is not the outcome they combined. It is the way from each cube and how they connect. Whole memory is one thing but seperated, then consequence to one. That is my Taipei. 55
8 cubes
Taipei: time of lost
Taipei: school and the other
Taipei: sound of residences
Taipei: post-school shopping area
Taipei: collage distance
Taipei: desert island ; Oasis
Taipei: a room and some lanes
Taipei: infinite opening
+630 bus route
+small Taipei 58
+site +small Nei-Hu
03-1. stop 1 : St. Francis High School
- [Desert island ; Oasis]
All the experience we had constructed in the real city which we build up, including the bus stops, the streets, the shops, the school, the parks... We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t exactly breath with Taipei unless we call out the memory and head a journey... Type/ Academic, Individual undergraduate thesis Year/ 5th year: Sep, 2006-May, 2007 Site location/ Taipei, Taiwan Supervisor/ Chun-Hsiung Wang 59
+New / Old
old town
new town
Bus no. 630 goes through Nei-Hu, which is in the northeast edge of Taipei. The bue line passes through the old town and the new zone and connects the central Taipei.
The youth of the age 17. The days of contradiction and beauty. Seems that I could change everything with power but misgive in the same time. pressure from school. Vibrate between the desert island and oasis, bright and barren, sorrow and sweet... 62
Nei-Hu chaple
St. Bonaveture Girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Senior High School
1 St. Francis High School 2
4 Nei-Hu Junior High School
+site elements 1/ intersection 2/ sidewalk 3/ wall 4/ desolated garden 5/ asphalt road 6/ pedestrian bridge
[the intersection] of stop 1 : St. Francis High School
St. Bonaveture Girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Senior High School St. Francis High School
Nei-Hu Junior High School
Bus stop
This stop is at an intersection among 3 schools. It always in rush hours on every school day when the students going to classes or going back home. people student 0
+on school
+site character-1
+among schools
This stop is at a intersection between 3 school. It always in rush hours on every schoolday when the students going to classes or going back home.
+off school
[the bus behevior] of stop 1 : St. Francis High School
bus bus
existing bus stop
During the time when the students stll in schools, the existing bus stop remains its function to contain waiting people.
existing bus stop
During the time off school, the students wait for bus on the road. They never go to the existing bus stop.
+site character-2
After school, those buses collect passengers before arriving at the bus station. Students gather together like a tacit agreement. The flow of people like sea waves, forms a curve line in rush hours.
[inner / outer] of stop 1 : St. Francis High School
+the height on the top of bridge inside of school
desolated garden
+the height on the ground
outside of school
pedestrian bridge
+site character-3 Bus Stop
Pedestrian Bridge
Nei-Hu Junior High School
St. Bonaveture Girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Senior High School
St. Francis High School
Street Intersection
[Desert island ; Oasis]
There is a desolated garden between two worlds divided by the wall, which you may notice only when you stand on the pedestrian bridge, and look forwords the school side. Physically, the wall separates the inside of the school from the outside. But in fact, the line between two worlds is not that clear. When you follow the staircases of the pedestrian bridge and reach a landing which surpasses in the air to the area of school, the inside and outt become indistinct, as our mind at that age: wandering between the desert island and oasis......
+DESIGN ELEVATION concrete wall with hollow
metal wall with hollow
+90 +70
the path
metal mirrow wall
metal wall extension
pedestrain paving
16 (m)
asphalt road with plants
road extension 70
pedestrian paving extension
asphalt road extension
This is a journey. You have to detour the way you walk everyday to another track to recall the memory.
Scerte space entrance is the hole which is cut from the pedstrian bridge. Along the paving with no height difference, you will get sinking slowly within another scene. As land of outside keeps rising, the way you see the world recalls the height of childhood when you walk forwards. But you will find that you are clipped by a thin metal wall and the school wall. The desolated garden and water appear after going into the space. When you turn around, the noise is behind.
Time is trunning back, the thought is feather in the air. YOU ARE HERE, in this oasis with waterweeds growing freely. However, the sound still remind you about the desert outside and makes you hesitate.
The hollows on the wall are windows to lead the flow between inside and outside. The images from years ago appear in front of your face. On the last period of journey, you rise up, then see your own look at the moment on the mirror wall, which is also the final shot in journey. Going through all of these, you turn back to reality as the scerte path that no one notice...
+site plan 71
[1] asphalt road extension
+DESIGN SECTIONS [7] [6] [5]
The paving you step on is the same level with cars, the asphlt leads people head to pedstrain bridge.
[2] between two walls
The inside of the school (right side) is a wonderland of planting. It is the celebration of being forgotten.
[3] turn around, inside
Before going into the mysterious land, sloping down reminds you the height of younger you. You memory starts to be recalled.
[5] the face of outside
+DESIGN SECTIONS [7] [6] [5] 74
The small windows, which are related to the asphalt road, connect the outside and the inside, the present and the past.
[6] the dryland
The dry land is after you when you had been through the beauty of memory.
[7] reflection
[4] the wetland
The wall as a reminder shows the way you look right now. It is time to get back and expect that we meet next time.
After being compressed by the bridge, the scene in front of you is plants with water glowing freely as the thought in your mind. The memory that you thought has been forgotten. 75
+630 bus route
+small Taipei 76
+small Hua-Chung
03-2. stop 2 : Huachung Riverbank Park -
[Infinite Opening]
All the experience we had constructed in the real city which we build up, including the bus stops, the streets, the shops, the school, the parks... We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t exactly breath with Taipei unless we call out the memory and head a journey... Type/ Academic, Individual undergraduate thesis Year/ 5th year: Sep, 2006-May, 2007 Site location/ Taipei, Taiwan Supervisor/ Chun-Hsiung Wang
It is an old place for others, but for me, that will be called a termination yet a new begining. At lease I try hard to renew it. Start from here. Even it is in a grey area, I expect a new possibility from now on, a little starlit in my heart...
Bus no. 630 goes through Wanhua, which is in the southwest edge of Taipei city. The bue line passes a vegetable wholesale market and arrives at the terminal stop, then parks underneath a highway bridge.
Huachung Bridge
Vegetable Wholesale Market
freeway dyke
Huachung Riverbank park
As the last stop of the whole route, it locates in front of a dyke, clipped between old house and the beginning of a bridge. It seems like an end with several grey concrete bridges. But there is a wide green park in the other side of the dyke. To go to the riverbank park, you walk straightly to enter the gateway of the dyke, or use the pedstrian bridge up to the car level, then cross the dyke in the air and use another staircase to go down. These two paths to the riverbank park have very different experience. 80
The gateway of the dyke is a big hole to let river water flow into and to let gravel hint a bright light in the other side of dyke. The ground level will receive a whole sight with wider and wider natural paving. The pedstrian path is lengthened in the air to strenthen the feeling of speed. A new experience is thus created. Huachung bankpark
They are just like the lives we have, we are always on life journey but we can always reset a start from any point by ourselves. We might choose to live without a pause, or we can have a little ceremony in heart to pass through the gate.
+top level +second level +ground level
+15 +15 +0
extended pedstrian crossing wall cutted compressed stairs
extended old paving low wall
a plaza with soil and gravel slow staircase with old paving stone lung wall
metal frame bus stop a path with soil and gravel original stone paving
Huachung Bridge highway
[1] wonder
[2] step up
[3] in the air
Walk along a narrow path between the bridge and houses. Red-brick paving leads you to go up. There is another small path besides with soil and gravel, straightly going somewhere.
Go up on the pedestrian bridge, the rhythm of steps ask you to keep slow. The wall of left side is the gabion, the gravel inside is coming from nature... Underneath the staircases, the soil path starts to become wider, the gateway of another world is indistinct...
The paving you stepping on directs the way to an upper place which you will expect. On ground level, a plaza is formed. The plaza is an extended riverbed which is going to be flooded. You are near the wonderland.
[4] run up
[5] take off
A little lower than running cars on bridge, you have a long lane to start to speed up without walls around you. The extended paving ask you to move on. (go ahead !) On ground level, the gateway is open in front of you with no shy.
Finally you are here, a top level above trees, roads, people. You can see throgh the sky by taking off the end wall. Busy cars pass by. You are likely to fly, and land wherever you like.
04. [Interior] : Chao Residence (Issued on Taiwan Architecture Magazine 197, p.24-27, 2012/02) Type/ Professional work, team work (with Ya-Ting Yang) Site location/ Taipei, Taiwan Area/ 330 m2 Project name/ Chao residence Company/ HoHou Architects Principle/ Albert Ho, Jen-Su Hou
Design duration/ Jan- Jun, 2009 Construction duration/ Jul, 2009-Mar, 2010 Position/ Designer: Responsible for concept development, schematic design, design development and shop drawings and construction administration for interior and furniture
To design a home is different from to do interior design. Interior space is created by walls first. Following that, the shapes, colors, materials, lights are coming next to become textures. However, home is not a subject for designing. The hard core of making a home space is about the human. The rest are still all the extended from the human. What a designer can do in designing a home is just to dispose a background for life itself. This makes the home formed. The design form just a beginning for you to look back. Then it will change bit by bit as time goes by. The outcome is the new start in fact. To creat this new start is a huge construction work of re-composition, not only in real spacial solid work but also in soul. +1F entrance
Welcome home.
+ The day before dismantle
In the central Taipei, one old typical community, two floors of a home. original diamond plan, one staircase to connect.
+space connection-1 : book shelf + metal stair
+space connection-2 : wood window frame + blind
16 10 14
7 1
+space connection-3 : circle coloumn
+PLAN-2F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
entrance closet powder room living room lounge dining room kitchen bedroom
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
bathroom parents room living room study shrine master bedroom master bath closet
the diamond shape of plans are re-composed by a series of clean walls with rhythm. A focusing circle coloumn on 1F, as the public space to social. The private space on 2F, both two floors are utilized few axes to form the space and classified different levels of private, and connected by the vertical book shelf and a metal stair. In the other hand, the wood is full of whole space, the window frame element strews in every main room, low profile with fine texture...
carpet dark brown veneer tile
kilin burns tile
oak floor
Different floor materials and patten leave the space created.
color concrete outdoor wood
+ July 2009/ dismantle
+ September 2009/ walls setting out
+ March 2010/ wood work
+ December 2009/ staircase+ wood
+ May 2010/ painting
+steel plate stair with wood steps
+customized switchs and panels
05. [Building] : House C (Issued on Meta online magazine - archicake daily 2008/11: Type/ Professional work, team work (with Ya-Ting Yang/Chin-Jung Nien) Site location/ Ilan, Taiwan Design duration/ Jan- Oct, 2008 Project name/ House C Position/ Designer: Site Area/ 1800 m2 Responsible for concept development, schematic design, design Company/ HoHou Architects development and preparation of design documentations and shop Principle/ Albert Ho, Jen-Su Hou drawings for architecture and landscape 95
A narrow and long site located in the plain of Ilan. The surrounding is full of rice fields and farmlands, peaceful and quiet. The main idea is to insert several courtyards with different atomosphere and functions inside the house.
90 (m) 33.5 (m)
main stair
entertainment courtyard-2
This house is for 8 people, a couple(the host), two daughters, and two couples of parents from host and hostess. The 4 courtyards play difference roles for the separation of private and the gathering of reunion. In the meanwhile, they are the hollow spaces for connecting the environment of nature. When walking on main hall, the scenes will be transformed between outside and inside several times.
living room
guest room
parents bedroom x2
master room
child room-2
child room-2
20 (m)
13.5 (m)
06. [Landscape] : construction site supervision Type/ Professional work, team work Site location/ Macau Site area/ 10,5560 m2 Project name/ Venetian Cotai Parcel 5&6 Hotel and Resort Development (officail project name: Sands Cotai Central) Company/ AECOM Asia Company Limited Prject director/ Nancy Lin
Duration/ Nov, 2010 - Mar, 2012 Position/ Consultant (Resident Site Staff)
-Responsible for site coordination and inspection of external/internal landscape with lead consultant and trade contractors -Attend regular site walks and design coordination meetings -Manage site progress reports and document control -Assist to review design drawings to suit site condition -Assist to review shop drawings and other submissions
Introduction// In Novermber 2010, I started to explore a new working filed, as a consultant for a landscape construction in Macau. It is a new resort called [Sands Cotai Central], located at Cotai, which is a reclamation island, in the opposite of Venetian Cotai Hotel, including 3 different brand of hotels (Holidy Inn, Sheraton,and Conrad), several huge casinos, and leisure facilities. AECOM is responsible for all the soft and hard landscapes including the external, the internal, and 5 areas of swimming-pool decks on roof. The site had been suspended in 2004 for 2 year. In that period, the client constructed few areas by others. Therefore when we come back to the site have to handle all the conflict between the site situation and design drawings and to coordinate with contractors. At the same time, the shop drawings need to be checked carefully before construction. I as a site stuff charged for coordination to the proprietor, lead consultant and other sub consultants, which came from all around the world. We also need to cooperate with our design team in Hong Kong. On site, we have regular site walks, meetings, monitoring the work process, resolving site issues instantaneously, inspecting all landscape work as progressing, and submitting drawings to Government. The project was completed on March 2012, and the phase 1 of the resort was openned on 11, April 2012. 102
260 (m)
406 (m)
Level 1 : Forecourt + Roads Level 4 : Pool Deck x4 Level 8 : Pool Deck
+ Macau is combined by 2 little islands and half-island. Now the 2 south islands are connected by new infill land. The new land called Cotai is full of resorts, malls and casinos contrlled by the Western. The area is planned to be a entertainment zone which had become a wonderland...
hotel: Galuxy hotel: Venetian hotel: City of Dream Macau
hotel: Four Seasons
Reflection// It is a very special journey and challenge. Working in this huge system project that means not only need to improve the professional ablity but also the communcation with one another. We need to work with people from different parties and from different nations, including people from USA, Australia, Philippine, Malaysia, Portugal, Macau, and Hong Kong. This is the first time for me to work for such a big project, especially to face with a huge site as 15 times of football field. The defects and any possible construction issues might happen anytime. Small to the paving quality of the pool mosaic, big as the new design proposal change all the time as construction progressing. The feeling was complicated when I worked on site. It was very good that I can see the very detailed things going on every single day, observing the changes and work combinations from parties, feeling the temperture and atomasphere in bulidings and gardens when wheather changed. I learned a lot from touching the materials straightly no matter they are plants or concrete. I also felt a lot of pressure when we have to meet the deadline, the workers did not match the quality we expected, and we tried to achieve new design changes on site. In the meanwhile, we had to compromise to client such as new requests or buget limit. We faced a design which was not made by ourselves, but we need to measure the balance between the intended and the constructed. This was the simplest yet the most complicated experience that I had been through and so close to a construction reality. 104
+Soft Landscape related
transplanting of palms at night
setting out of palms
setting out of trees
indoor artificial + real plants
muds of artificial rock
artificial rocks works
wood deck installation
crazy paving and grout quality
mosic with patten
mosic with corner detail
concrete work of planters
concrete work of pool with levels
concrete / metal frame work
concrete work of pool
random stone wall
planter waterproofing
artificial trunks
+Coordinate site walks with client/other consultants/contractors
+Business trips in China for Dragon sculpture
shop drawing
+Business trips in Macau for Dancing lady sculptures
shop drawing
+Hand sketches for site issues resolving / Shop drawings reviewing
+INTERFACES ISSUE (between planter/ timber deck/pool)
07. [Next]- a film (Registered the Award of Taipei Film 2007) Position/ Director, Screenwriter, and Actress Film length/ 45 minutes Production duration/ Nov-Dec, 2005 +film online:
Team members/ Lin Yu-Hsin, Lo Jo-Wei, Hsu Wen-Ching, Ker Chun-Yen, Chang Wen-Jui, Xu Chia-Hao, Yang Hai-Lin, Lo Jo-Wei, Liao Zu-Hsiang
â&#x20AC;&#x153;the memory fade, not vanish. It still revives in some where. The next time, the next moment, the next stop in our life is worth to expect. on the point we are about to disappear, we revive in a different appearance.â&#x20AC;? Expectant, is nothing but dormancy.
Synopsis// The story is about three people. A boy who sells his memory. A girl who refuses to forget the past. The last is an author who collects photos of the boy and uses these photos to write many stories. The girl peruses these stories that were written by an author in the past place. Release and face again, and the wounds are all closed up. We discussed the relationship between memories and scenes as a person living in the city, and tried to show the city scenes with its own emotion. People exist, and cities exist. Time is irreversible, so some things elapse and some things we preserve. Places show in our life and effect on emotions among people, no matter that are new or old. In this city consisting of occurrence and fade away, another story commences.
Postscript// We traveled around Taipei City for few monthes to find the scenes which are new or old, or between the gray areas of the confliction as Taipei is in the role of changing. Sea waves are like our memories as the tides in minds. They come, then go.
Therefore, after searching around the city, you will know that memory will stay whenever you intend to remermber or forget, even the buildings or the streets changed their shapes. Maybe it is a little bitter.
What will you do?
But when the things move, the birth will come instead as you did not notice. Then you realize that you have just been through a period of waiting, like dormancy, the new interacting will follow to come anytime, anywhere. That is the life. That is the city.
It seems that everything you treasuring is going to be disappeared within the scenes that you can see as living in. However, you have nothing able to do.
We discussed over and over again about how to present the scenes not only about the city but also about the fragile souls. The contrast interaction is used in order to show the new and mixed images in our/your heart.
What will you feel?
08. [Encounters]- journies Duration/ 1983-2012
on the road The speed I had to keep it more than 80 km for safety, and for the weight of the land, also. Open all pores of body to feel the wanderland, yet to experience still. The wind, snow, rain, sands, galicier, black beach, moss land... The delayed efferts of a journey will not explode right after back, but they set a little fire in the mind and will be accompanied with me the rest of my life.
1983 1990 1994 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2006 2006 2010 2010 2012
Hiroshima - Japan (birthplace) Memphis - USA Hiroshima, Kobe, Osaka, Nagoya, Tokyo, Handashi Aichiken - Japan Vancouver - Canada Shanghai, Hong Kong - China Kyoto, Osaka - Japan Hong Kong - China Osaka, Handashi Achiken - Japan Paris - France / Luzern - Swiss / Milan, Florence, Venice - Italy London, Bistrol, Brighton, Bath, York, Thirsk, Lake, Edinburgh, Highland, Liverpool, Cambridge, Oxford, Windsor - UK Nagoya, Shirakawago, Kanazawashi, Tokyo - Japan Shanghai, Suzhou, Zhouhuang- China Soul - Korea Shanghai, Shandon - China London - UK / Barcelona - Spain / Reykjavik, Geysir, Hella, Vik, Skaftafell - Iceland -and countless number of small trips all around the little beautiful island, my home Taiwan... 119
+Taiwan (lomo camera: golden half 135)
Education/ 2002.09-2007.06
TamKang University, Taiwan Department of Architecture, Bachelor of Architecture
Professional Experenice/ 2012.06-2012.08
AECOM Asia Company Limited, Taiwan Consultant Apple Taipei Office / Taipei -Responsible for site coordination inspection of interior design with lead consultant and contractors -Attending regular site inspection and design coordination meetings
AECOM Asia Company Limited, Macau Consultant (Resident Site Staff ) Venetian Oriental Ltd., Cotai Parcel 5&6 Hotel & Resort Development / Macau -Responsible for site coordination and inspection of external / internal landscape with lead consultant and trade contractors -Attending regular site walk and design coordination meetings -Assisting to review design drawings to suit site condition -Assisting to review shop drawings and other submissions
Chinese Institute of Urban Design, Taiwan Assistant Researcher Post-War Architecture in Taiwan -Responsible for collecting, categorizing, and reserching architectural drawings, historical data, and historical photographs to create a data center for National Taiwan Museum in preparation for setting up post-war Taiwanese architecture information center. -Conducting symposium and seminars -Conducting interviews with senior architects
Ho+Hou Architects, Taiwan Project Designer House C -Responsible for concept development, schematic design, design development, and construction documents and shop drawings for building and landscape Chao Residence -Responsible for concept development, schematic design, design development, construction documents, shop drawings and construction administration for interior and furniture Sungshan Dome - a retail mall -Responsible for planning, concept development, schematic design, and design development Luchou Mall -Responsible for planning, concept development, schematic design, and design development Mehas Mall -Responsible for planning, concept development, schematic design, and design development Qi-Ming restaurant / Shanghai -Responsible for concept development, schematic design, design development, construction documents, and shop drawing for retail, facade and landscape
Curriculum Vitae
Lin, Yu-Hsin
Date of birth/ Address/ Phone/ Email/
1983.09.22 11F.-2, No.192, Wanban Rd., Banqiao Dist. New Taipei City 220, Taiwan (R.O.C.) +886-2251-6883 / +886-955-142-206
Workshops/ 2007 2006 2006 2005 2004 2003
OISTAT International theatre workshop: Space & Text - the Power of Transformation, Taipei, Taiwan City Zen Garden International Workshop, Tamshui, Taiwan City Acupuncture and Moxibustion Student Competition,Tamshui, Taiwan International Children Folklore & Folkgame Festival Workshop - Post-Paradise, Yilan, Taiwan Diverge and Converge International Workshop, Tamshui, Taiwan Self-Help House Building for Aboriginal People Workshop, Nantao, Taiwan
Publication/ Commentary artical for exhibiition - [Lilyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Taipei spacial history] (Issueed on Taiwan Architecture Magazine 181, p.68-69, 2010/10)
Exhibition/ Undergraduate Thesis [Small Taipei] in [6x2=18 paper exhibition] (Issued on Taiwan Architecture Magazine 145, p.30-31, 2007/10)
[Next] / director, screenwriter and actress/ 2005
AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, CoreDraw, Sketch up, Mircosoft office
Language/ Mandarin, English and some Japanese 123