Yujin CAO | Harvard GSD MAUD 2022

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M a s t e r B . A r c h ,

o f U r b a n H u a z h o n g











O 2 0 1 4

D e s i g n , G r a d u a t e S c h o o l U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n d


2 0 2 2

o f D e s i g n Te c h n o l o g y


Mobile: +1 9175366769 | Email: yujincao@gsd.harvard.edu Nationality: Chinese | Date of Birth: 01/18/1996

EDUCATION 09/2019-05/2022

Harvard University, Graduate School of Design (GSD) • Master of Architecture in Urban Design 22’


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning

• Cross Registration, Course 4.607: Thinking about Architecture. Grade: A 09/2014-06/2019

Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) • Bachelor of Architecture, GPA: 3.97/4.0


UC Berkeley, College of Environmental Design

• Summer Program: DISC*[Design & Innovation for Sustainable Cities] 08/2017

AA School of Architecture Visiting Programme, Wuhan, China

• Summer Program: Collective Forms in China


Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, Architecture Intern

• Daqing shengwu Office Design Development Participate in atriums study, MEP study, smoke exhaust, facade study, mock up; • Jiaxing Camerich Campus Design Participate in schematic design; 11/2020-01/2021

SOM(Shanghai Office), Urban Design Intern

• Shanghai Lingang Financial Bay East Extension Competition Participate in positioning study, scheme build up, diagrams and renderings; • Shanghai Huangpu District Beijing Road Regeneration Project Participate in commercial street case study, modeling, economic calculation, sunlight analysis and diagrams; 07/2020-10/2020

Atelier Deshaus, Architecture Intern

• Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum Project, enter the Finalist Top 4 Participate in the preliminary conceptual design, scheme design, structure study and drawings (diagrams, rendering); • Hengqin City Plaza Phase II Commercial Complex Project Participate in preliminary planning and design, architectural design: design of the podium and public space, high-rise massing prototype study; 02/2019-06/2019

Li Baofeng Studio, Architecture Intern

• Hubei Xuan'en Xinglong Old Street Boutique Hotel Design: completed in 2022.01 Lead architectural concept design, schematic design, drawings and model making; 02/2016-07/2016

Meta Cooperation Design Lab, Jewelry Designer

• Leb[e]wohl Accessories Series Participate in ring design/modeling, product packaging, photography and promotion.


Guest Critic, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design


Group Art Exhibition, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design


Guest lecturer, Temple University, Tyler School of Art and Architecture


Guest Critic, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Guest Critic at Harvard GSD Design Discovery, summer 2022

Course VIS 2446: Drawing for Designers: Techniques of Expression, Articulation, and Representation Guest lecturer at Architecture Studio instructed by Gabriel Kaprielian, fall 2021

Guest Critic at final review of Studio: Mountain Museum Architectural Design, Spring 2020


Publication: “Huazhong Architecture”, From Dystopia to Urban Micro-renewal Advisor: Lei Peng; Co-Authors: Yinhui Chen, Lei Peng, Yu Mi


National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program

2015, 2016, 2017

National Scholarship, in Recognition of the highest level of Academic Achievement

Team Leader: Drying Device Suitable for the Hot and Humid Climate


The Third Prize; the Shadow of Time Shanghai Jingan District "Yuyuan Square" Renovation Design Competition


TOP 30/500; Living among the Ancient Trees

Ancient Tree Civilization and Residence Future International Architectural Design Competition 01/2021

The Second Prize; Weaving Street Into Brocade

Haikou Jiangdong New Area Road Landscape and Street Furniture Competition 11/2018

The Third Prize; Co-Working & Co-Living

The 15th Cube New Architecture Talents Award 10/2018

Renewal and Remodel-Bronze Award; Crazy Makers' City

The 16th 2018 Asian Design Award 10/2018

Honorable Mention; Another Collectivism

UIA-HYP CUP 2018 International Student Competition in Architecture Design 12/2017

Honorable Mention; Crazy Makers' City

2017 “Tianhua” ART&TECH National College Students’ Arch Design Competition


Silver Award; Dystopia Community Life

The Academic Year Award for the Human Settlement Environment Design in China 12/2016

Honorable Mention; Interstitial

2016 “Lianchuang” ART&TECH National College Students’ Arch Design Competition


Revit, Rhinoceros, SketchUp, Adobe (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Premiere) V-ray, Enscape, AutoCAD, ArcGIS Chinese (Native), English (Proficiency)

REFERENCES Ron Witte (Studio Instructor): rwitte@gsd.harvard.edu Lyndon Neri (Employer): Lneri@neriandhu.com










Memory is redundant: It repeats symbols so that city can begin to exist. --Italo Calvino, Invisible City Deeply trapped in the era of consumption, architecture with complexity and contradiction is in crisis, especially in contemporary China. The more you use symbol with a gimmick, the easier it is to get public attention. In the process of performing, Chinese architecture today has lost its direction in the torrent of consumerism. Roland Barthes has pointed out in Symbolic Empire that “we are not consuming the consumer itself, but the symbolic meaning it has”. After the symbolization of architecture itself, we need to be vigilant if the meaning of its symbol becomes too shallow. Architecture should be seen as a symbolic manifesto of the materialization of social networks. Such symbols should be seen as antithesis of lightness, they can also embrace rich meanings. We should pay attention to how underlying forces such as economic, cultural and political factors were reflected in physical forms. Based on that, design, as a profound symbol, should be a strong declaration that is powerful enough to change, improve, strengthen, and bridge the network of modern society and promote social transformation. We designers should make use of the power of symbols to act as thoughtful leaders and game changers, it is our responsibility to shape the dynamic built environment towards a better resilient future, and I do believe what we are doing right now is to help policy-making and social change in the next 25 years.

CONTENTS S 01 BROOKLYN DAIRY PROJECT Borderline(s) investigation #1: Lightness

02 HIDDEN GRID, REVEALED ROOM Extension for Boston Public Library


Traditional Boutique Hotel Based on Mountain Terrain


Revitalize the Lake Chapel


A New Model of Co-working and Co-living Based on the Post Collective Era

06 PUBLIC FIGURE | COMMON GROUND Redevelopment of FBI site in Washington D.C.


Visions of the Future Vilnius Railway Station


New Civic Node for Transit-Oriented Future


New TOD Mode in Urban Peripheral Area in Flux

10 CHANNEL AS ECONOMIC GENERATOR Resilient Waterfront Strategy in Urban Cores in Transition



Digital Media | Drawings | Jewelry Design | Material Test

S 01 BROOKLYN DAIRY PROJECT Borderline(s) investigation #1: Lightness

2022 Spring Harvard GSD Option Studio Location: South Brooklyn, NYC Group Work with Bonnie Ye Contribute to the Concept, Design, Modeling & Drawing Instructor: BRUTHER

Through proposing the two programs: Brooklyn Dairy and Urban Farm, we hope to create a multi-layered productive system to activate the unused toxic industry docks to its full potential. the different programs integrate closely and enhance each other. The ground floor is sheltered cow garden and open public space for social and cultural events. The first floor is aquaponic. And the upper movable part is production space and greenhouse. The huge surface would be repurposed as farmland for cows, it would also be a social space for city dwellers to reconnect with nature. The whole system recycles and reuses waste from each production cycle to form a sustainable loop. The building is flexible and sustainable enough to support the dairy cropping system. for extreme weather in summer and winter, the upper parts, which are places on a set of wheels, would slowly be sliding out along the track on the fields. At the same time, the hanging cylinder will open, the shed is unfolded from the cylinder to cover the open farmland. The semi-open space in between the two separated parts bring landscape into the holistic system. Also, in different seasons, different materials would be used to protect the plants, generating suitable microclimate for crop growth. Relating the project back to the device, the movement of one single triangular module both affects and originates from the process of the whole industrial and agricultural complex. It has become a symbolic gesture, reflecting the broader landscape system and urban conditions in flux.

CHAPTER I | Strandbeest by Theo Janssen

Looking into the mechanism of one single leg of Strandbeest, the rotation of just one point would trigger all fragments to move accordingly following the specific track. All movements are in sync with each other.

DEVICE | Fragment Inspired by Strandbeest

DEVICE | Fragment Inspired by Strandbeest

We developed a series of moveable structure by integrating the leg system and gear mechnaims. With one single input from one leg, it will trigger movement of one gear, followed by movement of connecting gears, in the end result in the movement of all the legs. The triangulate sections are individuals, yet their motion is a result from the operation of the collective.

ORGANIGRAM | Seasonal Changes and Programs

We propose a linear sustainable infrastructure that contains urban farming and dairy, in between there are shared social spaces and cultural venue. The project looks into the potential of creating a multi-layered system to activate the unused docks.

Section | the Movable Structure

The upper part are placed on a set of wheels, which can slide along the track in the fields. When the upper part is moved out, the hanging cylinder will open, and the plastic sheet will be pull out to connect to the lower part of the structure, providing a sheltered space for agriculture below it.

PLAN | Ground Floor Plan

SECTION | Milk Production

When upper parts and lower parts are combined together, cow manure on ground floor can generate energy through biogas production to support the other farming system, while the waste from milk production can provides nutrients for fish farm and greenhouse.

RENDER | Milk Production

SECTION | Greenhouse

This typical section shows how we try to bring different programs into one system. The upper part is combined with the urban farm production line. Water circulation system are integrated, which features rainwater colleciton and filtration.

RENDER | Greenhouse


We introduce the self-sustainable dairy cropping system. With the all-year-round cropping system, biodiversity can be reached. It helps remediate the land, and at the same time, provide the diverse food for cows. Spring & Fall

Summer & Winter


we would transform the kinds of crops to feed c

ANDSCAPE | Soil Remediation

e surface into productive landscape. We plan to cover the asphalt surface with 40cm of soil, which is efficient enough for planting all cows.

S 02 HIDDEN GRID, REVEALED ROOM Extension for Boston Public Library

2021 Fall Harvard GSD Option Studio September 2021 to January 2022 Location: Boston Design: Individual Work Instructor: Ron Witte

For most libraries, they have generic grids. Based on the system, generic stack rooms and reading rooms experience are formed. While, as one of only two public libraries in the United States that are members of the Association of Research Libraries, the Boston Public Library holds extensive special collections in a wide variety of subjects and formats. There are rich categories for the special collections ranging from fine arts to photographs. So, what kind of system can accommodate the special collection for the public to view? I propose to create an incrementally increasing grid system, which can accommodate intense special collections of Boston Public Library. The grid system is broken by isolated reading room bars and hidden among intense collections and reading rooms. The relationship among the rooms, though, are revealed through visitors’ meandering in the collections and reading rooms maze. Furthermore, I am interested in exploring to what extent the grid system are hidden or revealed. High contrasts are formed among the different categories and different era. Rich imagination would be stimulated during one’s meandering in the intense collections. The overall circulation would follow time sequence. The stairs can also offer time shortcut. It is possible for readers to go directly from 17c to 21c with only several stairs. Walking across wall by wall, columns by columns, you can also experience the different relationship between readers and information brought by the grids.The completely different categories of information across the grids stimulates your imagination, modern art of the 20c are put together with furniture, and music CDs, and books.From the most extreme space to lager open space, both the roof skylight window and the façade openings encourages your meandering in the collection space.

CONDITION | Special Collection

As one of only two public libraries in the United States that are members of the Association of Research Libraries, the Boston Public Library holds extensive special collections in a wide variety of subjects and formats. There are rich categories for the special collections ranging from fine arts to photographs.

SYSTEM | Special Collection

Here are the categories of the special collections and what kind of space they may need. The different scales and groups of collections need various rooms to accommodate them. Ranging from a thin cabinet of music CDs to a wall of drawings, to a group of stacks, to a cluster of animal specimens.

GRID SYSTEM | The Formulation Process

High contrasts are formed among the different categories and different era. Rich imagination would be stimulated during one’s meandering in the intense collections.The reading room bar are inserted into the grid, pushing the intense information away. The reading room break the grid, while they reorient the view and direction; Also, it helps divide the intense collection space, and suggest the hidden grid.

GRID SYSTEM | From Architecture Scale to Urban Scale

I overlap the grid system with the extension volume. The library extension is conceived as a set of rooms of different sizes, which incrementally increased length and width. The grid will furthermore extend to the Copley Plaza, providing rich space for civil life.

High contrasts are formed among the different categories and different era. Rich imagination would b into the grid, pushing the intense information away. The reading room break the grid, while they reori grid. For the circulation, the main direction, which is perpendicular to the walls, is suggested, w

be stimulated during one’s meandering in the intense collections. The reading room bar are inserted ient the view and direction; Also, it helps divide the intense collection space, and suggest the hidden while views are pulled to both sides, the movement, which is parallel to the walls, is encouraged.

PLAN | B1 to 3rd Floor Plans

B1 Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan

03 FIVE COURTYARDS Traditional Boutique Hotel Based on Mountain Terrain


HUST Graduation Thesis Project From February 2019 to June 2019 Location: Enshi, Hubei Completed in January, 2022 Individual Work Instructor: baofeng Li Considering complex topography, the building should give reasonable layout and design according to the mountain topography and put forward appropriate structure to fully solve the limitation given by the terrain, so that make good use of the characteristics brought by the site. In addition, we should not be limited to the architectural design itself, but to do a good job in the integration of architecture, urban planning, landscape. From planning to interior design, the overall design should be fully completed, and we should not only fully consider the regional and contemporary use of architecture, but also consider the future adaptation for resilient environment.

TYPOLOGY | Figure+Ground

The following rules can be summarized: Firstly, understand the traditional Tujia settlements, focusing on commercial streets and residential communities. As growth-type settlements, their texture and structure grow naturally; Secondly, learn the influence of different terrains on the building, and understand how mountain buildings and terrain affect each other; Thirdly, find the prototype, which is the abstract core of the Tujia settlement, and find the element that can best represents the spiritual core of the Tujia culture; Last but not the least, understand the structure of settlement buildings, and how Tujia buildings adapt to the terrain for structural selection and construction implementation.


By bringing the elements of water and bridge into the house, to show the respect for chinese traditional dweilling.


The introduction of traditional fire pit can help bring people together.


Preserving the ancient trees in the site, also provide an intriguing view from inside of the rooms.


The platform is a good place for sight-viewing, visitors can see the layers of mountains.


Tribute tea are planted in the courtyard, providing a quient space to enjoy the nature and mediate.


the in-between space is located between two house massing, underneath the big roof.


the relationship among the massing model, the courtyards and the topography.

GROUND FLOOR PLAN 1. Lobby 2. Bridge House 3. Fire Pond House 4. Ancient Tree House 5. Distant Mountains House 6. Tribute Tea House 7. Parking Lot 8. Commercial Street 9. Entrance Plaza

1. Distant Mountains House 2. Tribute Tea House 3. “ In Between” Courtyard

MODEL | Site Model and Unit Model For the unity design, all five courtyards show different characteristics and traditional elements from courtyards, unit typology to landscape, where all elements are conhensive.

Site Model | Five Courtyards

Unit Model | Boutique Suite in Bridge House

CONSTRUCTION SITE | Completed in Jan, 2022

Photos taken in October, 2020

Photos taken in April, 2021

Photos taken in July, 2021


04 LAND-DIAL Revitalize the Lake Chapel

ReUse Italy Architecture competition From Januarary 2022 to March 2022 Location: San Lorenzo Nuovo, Viterbo Group Work Team Member: Yalun Li, Susu Pan

Along the pilgrimage route Via Francigena, San Giovanni in Val di Lago is an old octagonal church next to the lake. Its nearby town San Lorenzo Nuovo adopted the form of the church on the urban scale as a central plaza. Similarly, we propose to revitalize the cultural significance of this abandoned church, making it the center of the new community of the pilgrims. The geometric form: Octagon is an architectural

symbolism of the Christian faith. It presents a spiritual upheaval with a centripetal force, while at the same time its multifaceted and circular characteristic encourages a radiating motion in eight directions and also indicates a circular movement. Pilgrimage is essentially the journey into unknown territories towards a sacred place in the mind. Such movement is embedded into the site as a suggestion for meandering instead of a linear path.

DIAGRAM | Time indicated by the Landdial At the center of the church, a 32m tall sundial, casts shadows on the site, indicating the movement of time. As the highest structure on the site, it is visible at any location.

RENDER | Entrance to the Chapel

MASTERPLAN | Program and Sequence

1. San Giovanni in Val di Lago 2. Sunken Outdoor Theatre 3. Residence Zone 4. Stepped Garden 5. Kitchen and Dining 6. Arched Gallery 7. Water Well

The eight axes radiated out from the church, slice the site into eight zones, on which the arrangement of civic programs and landscape follow the established orientation and dimensions. The four zones marking the front, back, left and right sides of the church feature hardscape including a thin water channel guiding the journey towards the church. The other four zones are programed with a kitchen and dining structure, an outdoor theatre, and two housing zones with softscape design. An array of tall Italian Cypress marks the entrance from the north side. Continued by the columns of the arched gallery, which is adjacent to the kitchen, the visitors would turn and walk along the water to enter the church. The theatre is sunken into the ground, allowing undisturbed visual access to the church while the housing clusters are terraced up allowing residents’ view towards the lake.

PILGRIM HOUSE | Plan. Section and Render

Ten residential units are scattered in the two housing zones orienting towards the chapel. Each unit is 4m by 4m with a circular staircase in the center. Although small and simple, the house provides a space of one’s own.

CHAPEL | Section, Plan and Render

The original chapel remains untouched while a reflective quadrilateral roof is hung with tensile structures from the Landdial. The roof mirrors the church upwards with a circular opening revealing the sky. Inside the chapel, another set of tension rods from the Landdial is tiled to the ground. A screen is attached to the three rods in the back, with the Landdial, as the backdrop of the alter. The Landdial is an artifact that combines time, structure, and religious meaning.

M 05 ANOTHER COLLECTIVISM A New Model of Co-working and Co-living on the Post Collective Era

Honorable Mention in UIA-HYP CUP 2018 International Student Competition Architecture Design From February,2018 to June,2018 Location: Hubei, Wuhan Group Work with Hongjun Liu Role in Team: Conceptual Design(85%), Technical Drawings(95%) Instructor: Mei Jiang

In the past, the unit compound was a top--down collectivist house dominated by socialism political environment and collective economy in that period. It was a symbol of the Maoist era during which people gathered together because of factors of production. However, as the social mechanism changes and with the unit system proved outdated, the unit compound must constantly reform itself. A new production model for future is urgently needed. By providing a social condense of co-working & co-living, people live together based on shared interests. Previous traditional relationship between work and residence, office and housing, and between collectivism and individualism, is revised. A new model of amalgamation of production and reproduction is needed. This design project has offered such a model. The cogent symbol of this new collectivist residence can even offer a possibility for political and economic developments.

People's One day in Danwei in 1970

Living Place

Working Place

Characteristics of Danwei in the PAST VS. FUTURE The danwei (work unit) is the socio-political, economic and spatial models that profoundly restructured Chinese society in the Maoist era.

01 FINAL FANTASY Interest Group A --ACG Lovers' Gathering Place This group is set for the enthusiasts of animation, games and all the new era of e-sports , as the Internet is an important mean of communication.




03 THE ARENA Interest Group C --Sports Enthusiasts The group is aimed at young makers who love sports and outdoor life. They try to create more possibilities of sports for life.




02 URBAN FARM Interest Group B --Planters The group is aimed at urban people who are interested in planting, and try to find open land to grow edible and ornamental crops in the city.




04 ART VILLAGE Interest Group D --Young Arts' Gathering Place The group is for art lovers who love art, fashion, books and movies. They will be a group of young makers who pursue the quality of life.






Retail +

+ Residential

M 06 Public Figure | Common Ground Redevelopment of FBI site in Washington D.C.

Cross-Disciplinary Option Studio, Harvard Graduate School of Design fifteen weeks from February 2020 to May 2020 Location: Washington D.C., the United States Individual Work Instructor: Thomas Luebke The FBI is located on Ninth street, where Seventh, Eighth, and Nineth street have the potential to form a new civic axis between the two political axes -- the White House axis and the Capitol axis. Located at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and the new civic axis, the FBI building acts as an important and complex civic node. As a connection and transition point, the FBI building reclaims and expands the city center to the waterfront space and attracts visitors from city mall to city center at the same time. I hope to propose a dynamic band by mirroring the program of Seventh street to Ninth street, thus focusing on the street experience around the FBI building and redeveloping the FBI site to be a mix of cultural, retail and office spaces. For the FBI building, one of the most characteristic Brutalism buildings in Washington DC, I propose to evaluate its strengthens and weaknesses, emphasize the building itself, and create a friendly human experience within the building, so as to highlight its role of destination, transition, and connection within the urban fabric. On the ground floor of the three slabs, a friendly street experience is created along the street by making use of the existing moat. The courtyard surrounded by the perimeter of the building would be the core area of this block. With the public auditorium and library in the center and open landscape and hardscape around it, the courtyard connects to the free ground floor of the three slabs. Thus, the unity forms an open, accessible and permeable common ground. On top of the common ground, careful intervention would be made by carving, pushing, and pulling in and out of the volume. By adaptively reusing the FBI building to be a vibrant common ground with mixed urban uses on top of it, I hope to soften the image of the brutalist building, create a common experience, and rebuild civic imagination.

URBAN FABRIC | The Civic Axis

STRATEGY | Urban Scale







The FBI is located on a new civic axis between the two political axes. The new civic axis is composed of residential, commercial, federal, and cultural programs, among others, which provides diverse public space and active city life.

Seventh street is vibrant with lots of retail and bars, and Eighth street is not continuous but symmetric with some symbolic buildings along the axis, while Ninth street has more traffic and lacks identity. Thus Ninth Street need to be redefined.

REDEFINITION | Transition and Connection

Located at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and the new civic axis, the FBI building acts as an important and complex civic node. As a connection and transition point, the FBI building reclaims and expands the city center to the waterfront space and attracts visitors from city mall to city center at the same time.

PROPOSAL | a Dynamic Band

I hope to propose a dynamic band by mirroring the program of Seventh street to Ninth street, thus focusing on the street experience around the FBI building and redeveloping the FBI site to be a mix of cultural, retail and office spaces.





4 3


1. Office 2. Library 3. Exhibition 4. Residential 5. Residential Public Space




Retail + Residential

Ninth Street

D Street

Tenth Street For D Street, with the cut in, the block has been more permeable; Ninth Street, with the retails inserted into the moat, the scale of the street would be more friendly; For the tenth street, the transparent corridor and floating gallery would make this façade much more attractive and become a real anchor point.


On top of the common ground, careful intervention would be made by carving, pushing, and pulling in and out of the volume. For the and contrasting light and transparent material allow people to get a better understanding of the brutalist building. By adaptively reu building, create a common experie


intervention system above, including the intervention on the ground floor and upper volume, the juxtaposition of the brutalist concrete using the FBI building to be a vibrant common ground with mixed urban uses on top of it, I hope to soften the image of the brutalist ence, and rebuild civic imagination.



The Vilnius Pu roundabout cr

07 CITY SPINE Visions of the Future Vilnius Railway Station

2021 Vilnius Railway Station and Public Square Competition From March 2021 to May 2021 Location: Vilnus, Lithuania Group Work Teammate: Landscape designer: Liwei Shen, Shuyue Liu; Architecture designer: Fenghao Lu, Zhanglei Xu The goal of our overall planning of the territory is to achieve the social justice in ecology, economy, and mobility by the physical and internal of the ‘city spine’. In the other word, we hope to provide high-quality and sustainable public spaces, ensure the convenient connections by all modes of transport, activate the local economy, and at the same time, create qualitative distinctiveness and preserve local identity by this design. Transportation organization is the physical manifestation of the ‘city spine’. By diverting people and vehicles at different elevations, the vehicle circulation and parking lots are mainly placed underground, which not only ensures smooth flow lines and enough parking spaces, but also enables the North Square owns flows with a slow traffic system mainly for pedestrians and bicyclists, becoming an area with a better landscape version.


ublic Transport Terminal replaces the existing dispersedly situated public transport stops near the Railway Station building and the rossroads.


In the South Square, landscape, architecture and urban areas are interwoven into one, providing people with diverse public spaces and bringing vitality to business and offices.


The Vilnius Public Transport Terminal replaces the existing dispersedly situated public transport stops near the Railway Station building and the roundabout crossroads.

SECTION & PLAN | Railway Station Renovation

Inside the building, we mainly divide the flow of people into two parts - the citizen streamline and the passenger streamline. Citizens mainly use the axis connecting the north and south of the city. At the same time, we set stairs at the ends of the two sides so that they can enter the second floor to carry out necessary work and life, avoiding the main circulation line with large passenger flow. Passenger flow is subdivided into arrival and departure streamlines. The departure level is mainly on the platform of the second floor.

RENDER | Railway Station Renovation

We arrange the services and supporting facilities for passengers on the platform which is on the same floor as the waiting space, so people can receive qualitative services more directly while waiting for the train.


08 WYNWOOD LANDING New Civic Node for Transit-Oriented Future

2020 ULI Hines Student Competition Two weeks in January 2020 Location: Miami Design: Group Work with Xudong Zhu, Hua Zheng Urban Planning & Real Estate: Weiyi Cao, Patrick Braga Instructor: Alex Krieger, Stephen Gray

Wynwood Landing will establish a new civic node and precedent for Miami’s transit-oriented future. The proposal better connects the socioeconomically divided neighborhoods of Edgewater, Overtown, and Wynwood Norte across the tracks. A neighborhood center in the form of a generous public space, Manatee Place, extends above the tracks, establishing the rail station as an attractor and destination rather than a divider. Manatee Place reaches out with four linear extensions, supporting neighborhood accessibility and social interaction.

Articulating new streets and open spaces, Wynwood Landing will become a seamless, accessible, and integrated extension of Miami's urban fabric. Manatee Place will link the station to surrounding blocks and articulate a space that welcomes Miamians from all walks of life. Residents near the station will find regional access to employment alongside recreational and cultural amenities. Our plan will result in creating a canonical environment – a land-to-sea transect for future railoriented growth in South Florida.


Regional Analysis -- Two Urban Development Corridors Miami - Regional Analysis

Issues & Strategy -- Current Situation & Proposed Strategy CURRENT 01 - Public Space Shortage

Site - Current Situation

Communtiy 1

Art District

CURRENT 02 - Income Segregation





Communtiy 3

Communtiy 2

Site - Proposed Strategy

STRATEGY 01 - Public Facility

CURRENT 04 - Transportation Barrier

Storm Surge


CURRENT 03 - Climate Issue

Sea Level Rise




STRATEGY 03 - Sponge Park

STRATEGY 04 - TOD System



TYPOLOGY + STREET | Type + Program

Four types of mixed-use building typologies are proposed, which provide various programs for different demographics. Each building Housing Type 01-Residential 02-Live & Work 03-Parking

Housing Type 01-Residential 02-Culture 03-Parking


A NEW CIVIC NODE Wynwood Landing will establish a new civic node and precedent for Miami’s transit-oriented future. The proposal better connects the socioeconomically divided neighborhoods of Edgewater, Overtown, and Wynwood Norte across the tracks. A neighborhood center in the form of a generous public space, Manatee Place, extends above the tracks, establishing the rail station as an attractor and destination rather than a divider.

is designed to meet the ecological and sustainable standards through the design of roof garden, rain garden and solar panels. Housing Type 01-Residential 02-Hotel 03-Commercial 04-Parking

Housing Type 01-Office 02-Commercial 03-Parking

AXON | Programs Along Each Corridor Commercial Corridor

Community Corridor

Elevated C







Creative Corridor

Ecology Corridor



Articulating new streets and open spaces, Wynwood Landing will become a seamless, accessible, and integrated extension of Miami's urban fabric. Manatee Place will link the station to surrounding blocks and articulate a space that welcomes Miamians from all walks of life. Residents near the station will find regional access to employment alongside recreational and cultural amenities. Our plan will result in creating a canonical environment – a land-to-sea transect for future rail-oriented growth in South Florida.


The third phase is El Campo, a predominantly commercial wedge that carves a lively gathering area at the northwest node of the site. This gesture strengthens an economic connection between Wynwood Landing and Midtown.


Miramar Green offers a convenient connection from the station to existing public recreation and high-density waterfront living, connecting a large potential base of consumers, employees, and people seeking outdoor recreation.


On its western length, the Paseo will connect the existing Wynwood arts district to the transit hub more visibly, offering live-work units, coworking, and other unique art and entrepreneurship spaces.


We propose an open space network of several resilient, sponge-like parks which absorb rainwater during storms but otherwise act as unstructured playspaces. Brownfield parcels north of NE 29th St will be part of the network.

L 09 Transition-Scape New TOD Mode in Urban Peripheral Area in Flux

Elements of Urban Design, Harvard Graduate School of Design Six weeks from November 2019 to December 2019 Location: Westwood, Massachusetts Group member: Hua Zheng Instructor: Julia Watson

This project looks at the Route 128 Station in Westwood, MA, an urban peripheral area in flux. Like many suburbs in the United States, Westwood reached its peak in the 1970s and has since been in a state of stasis, albeit a relatively prosperous one in this case. Westwood is a well-connected suburb in the Boston region, located at the intersection of two major highways: the I-128, the major ring road around Boston, and the I-93, the main route southwards. It is a transit hub, with direct Amtrak connections to Boston and New York via the rapid Acela service, and MBTA commuter rail service to Boston South Station. Next door is Norwood Airport, the base of a flight school, and a hub for chartered flights to Boston. The Route 128 Station was built as one of the first park-and-ride facilities in the United States. Despite being surrounded by relatively bland parking facilities, business parks, and shopping malls, Westwood presents an attractive combination of easy commute and quiet neighborhoods for the suburbanites, resulting in its persistently high property prices. However, given the uncertain future of suburbs amidst long term demographic shifts away from the nuclear family, and broader concerns for social, economic and environmental sustainability, it would be pertinent for Westwood to explore new models of development that could widen its appeal to a wider range of people and programs. An obvious hub for this exploration is the area around the Route 128 Station, which had previously been conceived as a relatively autonomous transportation hub, disconnected from the neighboring towns, residential areas, and natural systems. Considering several issues, how can development in the suburbs facilitate senses of communities and places, in the plural, and accommodate the despecialization of programs over time?

CONCEPT | Transition-Scape We propose to take advantage of the transportation system and transform the site into a high-density high-tech campus. After retaining the existing means of transportation, we introduce a pedestrian road and bicycle system. There are seven different modes of transportation, which bring people different landscape experiences at different speeds and heights.

55 MPH

Route 128 - Continuous Scape

550 MPH

Private Car - Fragment Scape

Plane - Aerial Scape

20 MPH

100 MPH

AMTRAK - Continuous Scape

30 MPH

15 MPH

Commuter Rail - Continuous Scape


Shuttle Rail - Fragment Scape


Bicycle/Pedestrian - Immersive Scape

LANDSCAPE SYSTEM | Existing & Proposal

In the suburban context, it becomes critical and necessary to think of landscape as urban form - the shift presents us with a new repertoire of elements to consider and deploy. r




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Landscape system can be treated as symbols (landscape elements as a kind of landmark), continuous landscapes (landscape elements as a continuous background) and fragment landscapes (landscapes bring about immersive experience). Different elements in the site are combined with different modes of transportation.

REGIONAL SCALE | Connectivity & Segregation





TOD Mode Development

Axon | Continuous Landscape


After rerouting the rail track, high tech campus is distributed along the track, and this shuttle rail leads to the distribution campus; A west side of our site, there are town houses responding to the suburban context; and at the South side, there is a natural pedestrian road connecting the campus and natural reservation. We keep the route 128 station and propose a new garage at the south end, so the cars are parked at the two ends of the campus, which provides opportunity for people to walk and bike inside the campus, and is the bicycle line. The three intersections of the landscape matrix and green corridors are transportation interchanges, they are rai stations combined with some programs.

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Central Green Axis

Crossing Station Node

The crossing station connects the main green corridor, which extends into the community. From the green axis, landscape and hard pavement, permeating into the campus and residential. This spot is the interchange for shuttle rail, bicycle and pedestrian, also serves as community center, library and café. Residents and workers can come to the core intersection and share those facilities together.


NODE | the Crossing Station This spot is the interchange for shuttle rail, bicycle and pedestrian, also serves as community center, library and café. Residents and workers can come to the core intersection and share those facilities together.


NODE | Academic Field Station The academic field station is combined with convention center and co-work offices. Along this corridor. There are sports fields, hard pavement, landscape and plaza, also, it leads to the distribution center.

L 10 CHANNEL AS ECONOMIC GENERATOR Resilient Waterfront Strategy in Urban Cores in Transition

Elements of Urban Design, Harvard Graduate School of Design Six weeks from September, 2019 to October, 2019 Location: South Boston, Massachusetts Group member: Aeshna Prasad Instructor: Julia Watson

The design exercise focuses on South Boston, an urban core in transition located on the southern edge of the historic downtown. During the past decade, the area’s many underutilized tracts of land and elements of industrial infrastructure have been intensely redeveloped into one of the higher income neighborhoods in Boston. This redevelopment is anchored by luxury apartments and tech offices. The latter includes the newly relocated GE Global Headquarters and Amazon’s recently expanded hub. So far, the development has been criticized for its lack of social, programmatic, and demographic diversity, as well as for the lack of formal imagination and the absence of a distinctive and cohesive identity. While the research will encompass the broader area of South Boston and beyond, we make design proposals for the assigned site: an underutilized industrial area adjacent to the waterfront, a working container port, and a historic neighborhood. Given the housing crisis in the Boston area, we explore a program with housing as the backbone for a broader urban strategy, i.e., a mixed-use development consisting of housing and additional complementary functions, as well as public spaces. According to the sea level rising coastlines of 2025, 2050, and 2075, we can find that the land is gradually submerged, and the coastline is becoming more and more tortuous. From this we think that we can respect the laws of nature and return part of the land to the ocean, while at the same time we can also take advantage of the gradual "growth" of the coastline and the rich material resources of the channel, so that the "Channel as Economics Generator". Also, we can make use of the tortuous coastline shaped by sea level rise and marine resources to stimulate the development of local industries, thus create a thickened waterfront space. So that the site changes elastically over time and adjusts itself continuously to achieve a resilient and dynamic balance.


STRAGTEY | Channel as Economic Generator

we can make use of the tortuous coastline shaped by sea level rise and marine reso over time and adjusts itself continuously to achieve a resilient and dynamic balance.


the land is gradually submerged, and the coastline is becoming more and more tortu

ources to stimulate the development of local industries, thus create a thickened waterfront space. So that the site changes elastically

uous. we can take advantage of the gradual "growth" of the coastline and the rich material resources of the channel.



Modular Temporal Housing Typology

Terrace Stilted Waterfront Housing

Closed Courtyard Podium Housing

Open Courtyard Affordable Housing


Shenzhen Mangrove Wetland Museum Project Atelier Deshaus, Architecture Intern - Enter the Finalist Top 4; - Participate in the preliminary conceptual design, scheme design, structure study and drawings (diagrams, rendering);

Shanghai Lingang Financial Bay East Extension SOM, Shanghai Office, Urban Design Intern - Participate in positioning study, scheme build up, diagrams and renderings;

Shanghai Huangpu District Beijing Road Regeneration Project SOM, Shanghai Office, Urban Design Intern - Participate in commercial street case study, modeling, economic calculation, sunlight analysis and diagrams;

Daqing shengwu Office Design Development Neri&Hu, Architecture Intern - Participate in atriums study, MEP study, smoke exhaust, facade study, mock up;


Living Among the Ancient Trees Ancient Tree Civilization and Residence Future International Architectural Design Competition, 04/2021 - Top 30/500 - Team Work with Liwei Shen, Yiqun Wang, Yuanzhao Wang

Weaving Street Into Brocade Haikou Jiangdong New Area Road Lnadscape and Street Furniture Conpetition, 01/2021 - The Second Prize; - Team Work with Xudong Zhu, Lianliu Guo, Hua Zheng

the Shadow of Time Shanghai Jingan District "Yuyuan Square" Renovation Design Competition, 08/2021 - The Third Prize; - Team Work with Hua Zheng, Xudong Zhu, Lianliu Guo


DRAWINGS / Group Art Exhibition, Harvard University, GSD / Course VIS 2446: Drawing for Designers: Techniques of Expression, Articulation, and Representation 1. Tension, pencil on bristol paper 2. the Assemblage of Tree Trunck, Graphite on watercolor paper 3. the Fragment of Tree Trunck, Ink and pen on bristol paper

DIGITAL MEDIA / Post Digital La Villette / This project reflects on how we designers can critically apply machine learning into the process of design.



/ Meta Cooperation Design Lab / Leb[e]wohl Accessories Series, 2016 / Participate in ring design/modeling, product packaging and promotion, photography.

/ CONCRETE / In order to reimagine the conventional image of concrete, we chose to produce a design intervention for Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin designed by Eisenman Architects that got built in 2004. / Our redesign strategies can fall into three categories: replace, refill and recast.

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