Techniques to train your creepscore l farm by zadarkus

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Techniques to Train your Creep Score / Farm / CSing 1. Use a Empty Rune Page Explanation:. Runes normally make it easier to farm since most of the times you´ll have attack damage, penetration, attack speed or cooldown reduction runes. If you manage to get used to farm without these stats improvements once you´ll use them in a real game it will only make your sucess even higher.

2. Try to no use any skills while training Explanation:. From self experience as a Mid Laner I noticed I got way to used to clear my waves using abilities. It may seem pratical and easy at the start but there are many downsides to it. The biggest downside is that it makes your ability to control your lane at will harder, as abilites mostly end up pushing your lane. Other than that, in many cases you may just not have the mana or you just want to save your skills for other reasons, this will prevent that from happening. In the end, getting used to use abilites to clear waves makes your brain used to work in a much bigger "mistake margin" as even if you can´t last hit so well there is no problem since you can just spam some skills. I believe its very improtant to train your brain to last hit with ease and without the need of using skills. That will also make it easeir to keep up the high CS scores when you play other champions with less CSing friendly skills.

3. Dont attack at all time, just last hit. Explanations:. The most common mistake of newer players is that they are always attacking the creeps. Don´t do that , get used to wait for the creep to be low HP and just give the killing blow. Attacking all the way in will only push your lane for no reason and you´ll end up actually missing more creeps than you should because ot the delay between attacks. You should get used to: 1- Only attack to kill creep 2- Be always moving ( Improve your APM - Actions Per Minute ) , standing still in lane is a bad habit, will make it easier for your enemy to hit you and you won´t get used to react fast enough and the be "Active", getting used to always be moving, used to the mouse control and feel and overall character moving flow is very important, this will lead to your improvement of Micro as well, as you´ll get more accurate clicks and be used to do so, this in future games will help you to dodge / juke and outplay other players. 4- Get used to the Creeps HP bars and different stats. (Melee Minions vs Caster Minion Vs Siege Cannon )

4. Create Goals Explanation:. If you are mostly getting around 40 creeps at 10 minutes in the game, maybe it may be too hard to get 80 from day to night. Or maybe you have a great creep score early in the game but it falls off as the game continues, you may want to set your goal to get a sustained creep score. Find what you need to improve set a goal inside reality and as you reach that goal set up higer goals.

A great place were you can set goals and see how much Creeps you can get in any given time is at the Creep Score Calculator : **I suggest to use the option : Wave Clear as it gives you 60 seconds to clear the last spawned wave.

5. Pick the Right Champion Explanation:. By pick the right champion I mean, either pick exactly the champion you want to improve to get used to his mechanics and animations, since attack animations change from champion to champion, some are more responsive than others, by that easier to farm with. Or pick a champion that normally is really bad farming ( Le Blanc , Karthus, Zilean ) and use them ( only Auto Attacks ), if you manage to get good creep scores with champions that are pretty bad to last hit, using good champions for that will only make it easier after.

6. Create Costum Games Explanation:. Many players in higer division did it, even the pro players did it. All you need to do is to create a costum game and play on the map ALONE, go to the mid lane and try to get the best creep score possible in " x " time. I would never stay after the tower falls. Best amount of time to do this is 1015 minutes. Use the previous tips of course :. Only LAST-HIT, don´t push the lane, avoid using skills, do it without runes. Take a note of how many CS you got in that time and try to beat that score the next time you go.

7. Play vs Bots Explanation:. Try to pick the higer difficulty bots and queue for a game. The reason why I suggest this is simply the fact that a game against bots is not taken so seriously and the players in your team mostly won´t flame you if you just want to improve your farm. Normally playing normal games brings up the pressure and there are a lot of other things to worry about ( ganks, objectives, baron /drake, teamfights, who is fed or not . . .) and because of that people may react badly for many different reasons and you won´t be focused on improving your creep score. To avoid this and to make sure you can focus 100% on improving your Creep Score, playing against Expert AI is the best way to start. You will still have someone against you in the lane, your lane will get pushed if you are in base or somewhere else, you may as well train the ability to control the lane, you will learn to choose when to fight in lane or just farm and get used to choose the best times to go Base in order to loose as less CS as possible.

8. Create Milestones Explanation:. Having milestones to work towards and check how you´re doing helps a LOT on a daily basis and in every game. I have my own milestone and I strongly suggest everyone to have them as well. In my case I put my milestones to: At 15 mins in game have : 100 - 110 CS At 30 mins in game have : ~ 250 CS The good side of these two milestones are that they are easy to remember as they are only two, but it would actually be better to have shorter period of times milestone as for example : 10 / 20 / 30 / 40

mins milestones. In my case I would make mine look like this: 10 mins : 60 -70 CS 20 mins : 150- 160 CS 30 mins : 260 - 270 CS 40 mins : 350 CS Note that these are not he best milestones possible, these are the ones I should get in most cases knowing my typical CS score. Having these will make it easier to track when you have improved, when you are missing more CS than you should and in what phase of the game you normally fall off. In my case I know that unless I play a heavy farm target game ( karthus / anivia ) I normally don´t get 350 CS at 40 Mins so I know I need to improve my sustained farm from 30 Mins to 40+ Mins in the game. Other times when I do play with a great focus on farm I actually had 400 CS + after 40 mins (farming jungle also) on those game I knew that given my milestones I´ve done pretty well. So try to use milestones, put your own goals and raise them as you get better.

9. Easier results dont mean improvement Explanation:. This is not actually a direct tip, yet something you should know in order to not fall in the illusion that you are doing stuff right. Playing champions like Mordekeiser, Anivia, Brand, Veigar or any other champions that clears farm really easily with skills dont mean you improved your CSing ability. Like mentioned before if you get too used to abilities to farm you may actually get worse at farming without them. When I played Orianna for a long time and went back to Ahri in the mid lane I noticed a huge fall off on my Creep Score. On Orianna I would have 150-180 Cs at 15 Mins (doing Wraiths) and on Ahri that only after some items can clear the backline of a wave with her Q I would have 90-120 Cs at 15 mins (without wraiths). I know there is the Wraiths difference, but that happens because of the fact that Ahri dosent really clear camps so well like Orianna and doing camps on early stages of the game would end up making me miss lane creeps. The conclusion is that I actually was missing a lot of Creeps with my Auto Attacks or just messing everything up with my Abilites. Take that in note so you dont fall into the same mistake.

10. Real Games are the best Explanation:. I know I told you to go costum or to play against Bots and you really should do it. After some time that won´t bring you a challenge anymore, and nothing can be compared to a real game, so the final point tips is to reach these goals in a real game. If you manage to get all creeps in costum, miss only 15 in a game vs bots, aim to do the same in a real game, it will be harder so even if you dont get the best results early dont feel bad. There a lot to be said about a real game when in comes to shared focus on state of mind of the players. But the final level of practice and ever lasting improvement is in the real games. With hard work and positive thinking you will be able to get the same or similar results you did in the costum or against the bots.

By Zadarkus @

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