Seeking My Ideal

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t , Seeking My Ideal 1800752 Yukari Togawa


009 015 023 MIND MAP



029 043 047 5 CORE CONCEPTS


057 073





083 089 101 INITIAL IDEA



111 117 129 MOOD BOADS



133 141 155 LOGO DESIGN




159 165 171 KEY POINTS









Part 1 Task 1



No Feeling No Creative This outcome consisted of my hands I took and illustrations which I created using Adobe Photoshop because I wanted to communicate I am a Kinesthetic learner, learning with physical feeling, and I thought my hands pictures could help to express it.



TASK 01: QUESTIONNAIRE VAK Learning Styles Self Assessment Circle or tick the answer that most represents how you generally behave. 1.

VAK Learning Styles Explanation The VAK learning styles model suggests that most people can be divided into one of three preferred styles of learning. These three styles are as follows, (there is no right or wrong learning style) •

Someone with a visual learning style has a preference for seen or observed things, including pictures, diagrams, demonstrations, displays, handouts, films, flipchart, etc. These people will use phrases such as “show me” , “let’s have a look at that” and will be best able to perform a new task after reading the instructions or watching someone else do it first. These are the people who will work from lists and written directions and instructions.

Someone with an auditory learning style has a preference for the transfer of information through listening: to the spoken word of self or others, of sounds and noises. These people will use phrases such as “tell me” , “let’s talk it over” and will be best able to perform a new task after listening to instructions from an expert. These are the people who are happy being given spoken instructions over the phone, and can remember all the words to songs they hear!

Someone with a kinesthetic learning style has a preference for physical experience – touching, feeling, holding, doing, practical hands-on experiences. These people will use phrases such as “Let me try”, “how do you feel?” and will be best able to perform a new task by going ahead and trying it out, learning as they go. These are the people who like to experiment, hands-on, and never look at the instructions first!

When I operate new equipment I generally: a) read the instructions first b) listen to an explanation from someone who has used it before c) go ahead and have a go, I can figure it out as I use it


When I need directions for traveling I usually: a) look at a map b) ask for spoken directions c) follow my nose and maybe use a compass 3.

When I cook a new dish, I like to: a) follow a written recipe b) call a friend for an explanation c) follow my instincts, testing as I cook


If I am teaching someone something new, I tend to: a) write instructions down for them b) give a verbal explanation c) demonstrate first and then let them have a go


VAK LEARNING STYLE At first, I answered VAK Learning Style Questionnaire (30 questions) and I understood I am a Kinesthetic leaner from the result.

I tend to say: a) watch how I do it b) listen to me explain c) you have a go


During my free time I most enjoy: a) going to museums and galleries b) listening to music and talking to my friends c) playing sport or doing DIY


When I go shopping for clothes, I tend to: a) imagine what they would look like on b) discuss them with the shop staff c) try them on and test them out

People commonly have a main preferred learning style, but this will be part of a blend of all three. Some people have a very strong preference; other people have a more even mixture of two, or less commonly, three styles. When you know your preferred learning style(s) you understand the type of learning that works best for you. There is no right or wrong learning style. The point is that there are types of learning that are right for your own preferred learning style.


MY STUDYING STYLE After that, I tidied up my studying style as a creative person with a real picture and illustrations which I created in Adobe Photoshop for the outcome. I have 6 points such as Mind Map and I use physical sense in each part.


CREATING OUTCOME Finally, I started creating outcomes using Adobe Photoshop. I usually develop my work on the screen and don't use hand drawing process on the way so much.

Part 1 Task 2



Favorite is My Energy I collected my favorite elements and created boards. I get many inspirations from them and they help my works from the bottom, therefore, they are my energy and I wanted to communicate my design power through each board.



FINDING PICTURES I used Pinterest and picked up pictures I was fascinated from it. And then, I categorised them for each board.

This outcome consisted of my hands I took and illustrations which I created using Adobe Photoshop because I wanted to communicate I am a Kinesthetic learner, learning with physical feeling, and I thought my hands pictures could help to express it.


ART DIRECTION Art direction is the most interested field in graphic design because I think this field fulls of creativity more than other fields. For me, art director is not only a designer but also an artist and it’s one of desier as a creative person. These pictures are very impressive for me and the most interesting part is visual tricks are in the works such as rips make look like vases.


Part1 Task1


DESIGN INSPIRATION Mostly I get design inspiration from packaging. Key words for my inspiration are simple, modern, and unique. I really like to go seeing fabulous packaging to variety shops or gallery, and I collect good design idea. I chose some examples which are simple style and colour palettes packaging but there are little bit unique and I feel "little laxury".


FONTS I am a big fan of thin sans serif fonts. I feel such fonts are very delicate and naive. I think these features are kind of essential in my design which is simple and modern.


Part1 Task1


COLOURS My colour palette is Japanese traditional colours which I love. Especially, dull colours are very gentle and make me feel calm. Also, I usualy start thinking colour palettes for my design three primary colours, therefore, red, blue, and yellow are very important for me.


BRANDING For me, design is a philosophy and for hardening my own thoughts, to research brand identity is very important process. In my researching, MUJI’s branding is the most fitting to my thoughts for now because this brand full of Japanese

essential aesthetics and I’m thinking mine will be based on such thoughts which I cherish. They are MUJI’s posters and I really like there are very deep and interesting meaning in each object and poster.

Part 1 Task 3



If They weren't as a Designer, I would not Choose This Way In this section, I show my design heroes with their design phirosophy. My design style has been influenced by them and if I didn't find them, I would not choose a designer as my future.



Oki Sato Sato Oki is a Japanese designer and I was attracted design fields by him. It's not too much to say, if he weren't a designer, I wouldn't be a design student. His works very simple but they would not normal because his perspective is very unique. "To see something from a back is to see a front of it". This is his perspective

for creativety and the reason which he create simple and unique works. For example, chop sticks which are called Hanataba look like a bouquet when we see the top. This work needs advanced skills of craftmen and he tried to improve them for this bouquet. Not only he creates beautiful outcomes but also improves

Japanese traditional skills. I was moved such his attitude as a designer.


Kenya Hara Kenya Hara is also a Japanese designer. However, for me, He is not only a designer but also a philosopher and I was noticed one of my design aesthetic by him. He often tells about Japanese aesthetics and I'm fascinated his thoughts everytime. "Emptiness" is one of interesting word and it means Japanese simple. I felt

strange that Japanese simple is the same as western simple before I found his opinion. My feeling was correct and he gave me the answer through the word. It's difficult to explain in English because the thought is quite Japanese so I'll write about it other opportunity. Kenya is an adviser of MUJI as well and MUJI's

branding is full of this word. He should be a key person who help to seek my ideal.


Taku Sato Taku Sato is a Japanese graphic designer and we can see his works everywhere in Japan. His main ideas are " Good design is not noticed" and "Design exists to sympathies with users' unconscious rather than the designers' assertiveness.". When I found these quotes, I was shocked in

good meaning and I reflected my design. His design is very simple and not flashy but his ideas are instilled in objects used by us thus, his design would be loved by everyone for a long time and I would like to be a creator such as him.

Part 1 Task 4



Just Be Myself

As one of designer, I have 5 design concepts and I've shown them in this section.






"Giving form to delusions" This quote is Oki's design theme and delusion means "It would be great if we had". Oki Sato is a Japanese designer but he doesn't have any specific design fields. His range of design field is very huge, for example, stationaries, architecture, furnitures, shops, and so on. He just follows his belief and make people's delusion a reality. I was fascinated his works and his theme. I wouldn't be a design student I am without him and he is my role model as a designer forever.




I like normal and daily life. Moreover, I'm not used to spend time with perfectly gorgeous products such as a big diamond ring or GUCCI's belt. But I do like find and use a little luxury things. For example, a tiny sweets boxes which is little bit expencive than normal one but the packaging is very unique, a label is designed as an unusual shape, and unique wrapping which how to open is complexly and beautiful. Commonly, I'm excited to see them, open them, and used them and I would like to give a little luxury and excited to everyone's daily life.




Repetation is one of regular array but it makes a design tricky depends on how it is used and still keep the design simple. The features are my favourite points. This picture is used repetation and gradation, however, if there weren't these accents in this artwork, just a lady would lied down on the vivid pink floor. A first impression of this work was very unique for me but I noticed that not only unique but also still simple and I thought I would like to use such a technic effectively in my design.




I am a Japanese. This is my identity. I yearned for European before I came to the UK, that's why I decided to study abroad when I was 16 years old. However, I thought what Japan is and who I am through classes and talking with my friends in my uni life. Then I was noticed that there are so many attractive ideas in our daily life and Japanese thoughts of design is very pure. I would like not to forget respectable Japanese aesthetics in my design as a Japanese creative person.




"Be water" MUJI says this quote as a meaning of MUJI's existence. Water is phantasmagoric; if it is boiled, it can be steam, if it is frozen, it can be ice. Water can flow everywhere; a narrow space, a tiny stream, to huge ocean. Water doesn't have big power as one drop but if a lor of rain drops gather and fall from the sky, they will have a power that it can cause a disaster. The most important feature is we can't live without water. Flexible, necessary, as needed and powerful. My creativity want to be water as well.

Part 1 Task 5




〜 Seeking My Ideal~ I wrote down my design philosophy in Japanese and English. For me, Japanese is the most comfortable language and I thought it could help to express my thoughts which is in the depths of my heart, therefore, I wrote it down in my language at first and then translated into English.


理想を追求せよ 私にとって「学ぶ」とは、まだ見ぬ自分の理想のデザインフィ ロソフィーを追い求めることだ。意識的に集めた情報と、無意 識のうちに自分の中に取り入れた知識を掛け合わせ、常に今目 の前に提示されている情報と比較し、自分にある情報を書き換 える。つまり、常に自分を最新の状態にしておく。なぜなら、 そうすることが自分の理想を手に入れる1番の近道だと考えて いるからだ。私は自分のデザインフィロソフィーを持ってはい るものの、それが「理想」と言い切れる自信はまだない。だか らこそ「学ぶ」のである。 クリエーティビティは、学ぶという行為の途中に生まれるセレ ンディピティのようなものなのだと感じる。私が何かをデザイ ンする時、 「何かクリエーティブなものを生み出したい」とい う感情はほぼない。そもそも私は凡人であるため、自分が意図 して非常にクリエーティブなものを生み出せるとは思っていな い。自分が学ぶ中で磨いた感性や得た知識を組み合わせて利用 し、できた作品が誰かの目を通した時に「クリエーティブな作 品」であると判断されるのだと考えている。よって、私にとっ てクリエーティビティとは自分の学びが生み出した「偶然」な のである。 とてもひねくれたことを書いたが、私の中身は至ってシンプル である。私はどんな形にも変化することができ、隅々まで行き 渡る水のようでありたい。最初は山の小さな川だったものも、 いつかは大海になる。私がここに書き連ねた内容も、自分の理 想に近づけば近づくほど変わっていくはずである。しかし、そ の変化こそ私なのだと思う。


Seeking My Ideal For me learning is to find my ideal design philosophy, which I have not found yet. I use both information found consciously or in the unconscious. I let this two information update my thoughts, allowing for a constant cycle of new information. I think that this is the right method to figure out my ideal design philosophy. I have seemed to develop my own design philosophy but is unconfident that it has reached my ideal. Therefore, I continue to learn. I think that creativity is serendipitous in that it happens while you learn. I’m not thinking about being creative or revolutionary when I design. I feel that I am an ordinary person, creating work with aesthetics and knowledge I got from learning. And that creation is then perceived as ‘creative work’. So, to me creativity feels more like a chance that's birthed from all the learning. It may seem complex what I've written down above but I am actually a very simple person. I’d like to imagine myself as the water; Always changing forms and flexible enough to go anywhere. I would like to be a small stream in a mountain that could develop into a big ocean someday. The closer I get to my ideal design philosophy, more changes would happen in the way I think. Even on things I’ve written here. But this change is also what makes me, me.

Part 1 Task 6



The Shape of My Manifesto I tried to choose the best elements for showing my design manifesto as an outcome and I would like to show them in this section.



For expression of my design manifesto, a key word was Simple and I collected appropriate elements with this word.





6 Columns, 3mm Gaps, 0mm Margin COLUMNS I planned quite simple and unique poster, I wanted to fill the left side with the text which is my design manifesto and 6 columns and 3mm gaps were the best for it from my experiments.




Helvetica Neue Regular 115Q Helvetica Neue Light 115Q Helvetica Neue Thin 115Q Helvetica Neue Ultra Light 25~28 Q Letter Gothic 15~20Q FONTS My design key word is Simple in this outcome, I chose gothic fonts especially thin fonts. I think they would looks the outcome simple and elegant.




赤銅色 Shakudou-Iro #7E090F C:0 M:90 Y:79 K:60

卯の花 Unohana #FBFDF6 C:0 M:1 Y:4 K:2

COLOURS I chose 3 colours from Japanese traditional colour palette; Unohana would be a base colour, Shakudou-Iro would be a title and Kaba-Iro would be texts in a poster. I thought my design

manifesto is quite Japanese and these Japanese traditional colours would help to express my thoughts of design, that's why I chose them.

樺色 Kaba-Iro #92836C C:0 M:14 Y:30 K:55

Part 1 Task 7



Leaving My Footprints For leaving my footprints of my project, I've recorded my design process on this book and I would like to show the design guidelines of it in this section.




Through all projects in this term, I would like to keep very simple so I tried to choose simple structure and other elements.


At first, I gathered all elements on one page but I felt a little bit narrow impression that's why I divided into 3 pages.





FORMAT I'm planning to create a square book and a box for it. I would like to express "Empty" which is a key word of Japanese simple and a part of my design manifesto by a shape and I felt that this shape would be this thought instinctively, maybe square has 4 lines which are the same lengths, simple and perfect form for me, therefore, I chose square book.

DETAILS -Square (200 mm x 200 mm) -Colour Space CMYK <If I printed it out> -Perfect Bound or Hand made Bound -Hard cover




IMAGE I tried some experiments of picture, however, in this project, I thought normal pictures which I don't add any effects would be better because I would like to keep simple through all projects and I chose using normal images in this book.





Helvetica Neue Bold, 30Q

MY NAME ON THE FRONT COVER Helvetica Neue Light, 20Q

MAIN CONTENTS TITLES Helvetica Neue Thin 40Q, 45H

SUB CONTENTS TITLES Helvetica Neue Thin, 50Q

Themes in Each Task Nagomi Gokuboso Gothic,80Q,100H

Body Texts

Minion Variable Concept Display, 13Q, 15H or 20Q, 22H

FONTS For keeping simple, I thought that simple fonts such as Helvetica would be appropriate in this book and I collected. In this book, sans-serifs are used as titles and subtitles, for body texts, I chose serif font. I was guessing that I needed contrast between titles and body text because it could help to keep a balance in this book, therefore, I made difference with completely different types of fonts.




COLUMNS 200 mm x 200 mm is not large and I'm guessing I don't have to play layouts a lot on the place because if I were play too much, outcomes might be chaotic. I would like to be simple and it doesn't suit my design MANIFESTO as well. Therefore, the columns are just 3 and It could help me to keep simple.

DETAILS -Top margin: 20 mm -Bottom margin: 20 mm -Inside margin: 20 mm -Outside margin: 20 mm -Columns: 3 -Gutter: 5 mm -Bleed: 3mm




赤銅色 Shakudou-Iro #7E090F C:0 M:90 Y:79 K:60

卯の花 Unohana #FBFDF6 C:0 M:1 Y:4 K:2

樺色 Kaba-Iro #92836C C:0 M:14 Y:30 K:55

赤銅色 Shakudou-Iro #7E090F C:0 M:90 Y:79 K:60

鉄紺 Tetsukon #003149 C:85 M:0 Y:0 K:85

鶯茶 Uguisucha #6f5a26 C:60 M:62 Y:100 K:19

COLOURS I chose these colours including Japanese traditional colour. In one of my design philosophy, my identity which is as a Japanese is very important point and I would like to show this part with colour

not only throught all projects in this termbut also in the process book.

Part 1 Task 8



This Is Me

In this section, I created a poster which show my design philosophy and I just traced my thought in the bottom of my heart on the poster.



As I wrote donw on the left page, I just reflected my design thought on the poster, I didn't use papers and pen before designing on the screen; I created the poster with my idea which was in my brain and traced it on software. So I can't add any sketching process but I would like to show my digital design experiment in this section.


INITIAL IDEA This picture is my initial idea. My outcome was based on it.


TITLE DESIGN On the poster, the title would be the most highlighted object so I needed to create interesting one. I chose Helvetica Neue as the main font and add simple idea; I just cut the top of I and graduated them.

I would like to communicate my ambition for seeking my ideal with the gradation.



DEVELOPMENT The initial idea was too simple and I thought it would be difficult to express my design philosophy through the idea, I added the text "seeking my ideal" from task 5 and back ground colour. About the text part on the left, at fist, I just added it normaly, however, I felt that it was very boring, so I added the same colour as the title on some letters. Also, I wanted to show "water" which is one of my design concept with the layout of the text, I changed the gaps between the lines and fonts. In the initial one, I chose little bit blue white but it would give little bit

cold-hearted impression to someone so I changed little bit yellow white which is called Unohana in Japanese. And then, I considerd the title font. This poster is very simple and the title would be the most highlighted object, so I thought that it would be a key point of keeping balance in this poster and I tried to find a font which can bring harmony. At the end, I wanted to add a sence of fun because actually I don't want to forget naivety such as kids in my daily life and design, so I separated the end of the text and I tried to show a part of flow of water with them.




I think one of Japanese aesthetic, an artwork becomes a final outcome with audiences' thoughts or feeling and I wanted to use this skill in my poster. When people look a work, it can receive all opinions such as how they feel and think through it and even though it would be negative opinion. For this action, the artwork would needs to have empty spaces which are invisible and can grant opinions. This is Japanese simple’s true character and it is “Emptiness”. Also, I tried to break perfect layout (I’m not sure this word is correct but it means like symmetry or something ), perhaps it’s similar to wabi-sabi. In this poster, I put the title on the middle right at first but I felt something is wrong. When I move the title little below the middle right, the feeling was disappear. I’m guessing there are few works which are perfect symmetry because the works were sometimes influenced by nature. That’s why imperfect layout is comfortable for me.

Part 2 Task 1



Exploring Issues In this section, I explored issues which are happened in all over the world and Japan by mind maps, then I decided a issue for my brand from them.


DEVELOPMENT As exploration of issues, I used mind maps and at first, I wrote down about any issues which I knew, find interesting issues which is a world wide issue and a domestic issue from this map, then created other maps for them separately and dig the issues deeper.




I’m planning to create a not for profit brand about succession and development of traditional cultures because I think to save traditional cultures give us confident as one of society’s or country’s member and makes our life more colourful. They would affect to develop the society and country as well. There are so many traditional cultures and craftsmen who have very high skills in Japan and I’m proud that the skills as one of Japanese. Most of brands has been succeeded for over 300 years and have long histories, however, amount of craftsmen has decreased gradually, therefore it becomes difficult to succeed today and a lot of brands need to end the their life.


Also, few people think about it as social issues because we can be easier to notice impacts of the issues from other such as saving the Earth, saving children, keeping animals, and so on. “Culture” is often put off because I’m guessing that the priority of cultures as one of issue is lower than other issues. However, “culture” was not only created by peoples life and social background but also over a long period of time, thus, if we lost it even once, we couldn’t regain the same one never. We need to think about “the meaning of losing” and I would like to rethink about this issue and think what I can do for it through this project.

Part 2 Task 2



Researching Would Give Me The Truth In my opinion, amount of information would be related with a quarity of outcome and for increasing it, I did 2 researches in this section. One is about customers lifestyle and the other is about the issue for my targets.



RESEARCH 1 In my opinion, twenties and thirties have big power for societies than older and younger generations because, for example, most of trends in the world would be created by these people and they are working for good society now. I'm guessing that this power would be needed for succession of traditional culture and young folks would change the situation with the power. That's why I've chosen Japanese twenties and thirties as targets of my brand and asked them some questions for customer research. I asked 15 people and my questions were; >Age >Your Job or School >Place >Living with >The way of transportations >Usual shopping style, going shopping or online >3 brand names which you often use >Hobbies

RESEARCH 2 For proving Japanese traditional culture is demanded by Japanese twenties and thirties who are my targets, I would like to show the results of questionnaire about it in this section. 40 people answered on Survey Monkey and my questions were; >Gender >Age >The categories of interesting Japanese culture >Degree of interest about Japanese culture >Frequency in relate of Japanese culture



No image

Name: Kosuke Age: 20 Occupation: Student (Tourism) Part-time job: Korean BBQ shop He lives in Shiga, Japan and Brighton in UK. He lives with family ( 7 people) in Japan and lives alone in the UK. He doesn't have any specific brands which he often use. His hobbies are doing sports, taking pictures, cooking and so on. He usually go shopping by car and doesn't use internet so much.

Name: Rinako Age: 20 Occupation: Part-time job She lives in Kyoto, Japan and live with family (5 people). she often uses clothes shops and the brands are H&M, gogosing and laurenhi. Her hobbies are sawing and making accessories. She usually buy online.

Name: Narumi Age: 21 O c c u p a t i o n : S c re e n i n g associator She lives in Tokyo, Japan and live with family (4 people). she often uses convenience store and the brand and Family mart. Her hobbies are singing, eating, sleeping and taking a hot spring, She usually go shopping by train and doesn't use internet shoping so much.


No image

Name: Sae Age: 20 Occupation: Student (Piano) Part-time job: Pianist She lives in Tokyo, Japan and lives alone. she often uses clothes shops and brands are ZARA, UNIQLO, and MUJI. Her hobbies are taking photos, making coffee, and eating. She usually go shopping by train and doesn't use internet so much.

Name: Humiaki Age: 20 Occupation: Student (Faculty of Low) Part-time job: TV studio He lives in Sendai, Japan and lives alone. He often uses cafe and the brands are Starbucks coffee, Saintmark and Tully's. His hobby is music and he enjoy misic as a band man. He usually go shopping by bicycle and doesn't use internet so much.

Name: Natsumi Age: 21 Occupation: Hairdresser She lives in Tokyo, Japan and lives alone. she often uses clothes shops and the brands are jouetie, GRL and wcloset. Her hobbies are drinking. She usually go shopping by train and doesn't use internet so much.


No image

Name: Shuru Age: 21 Occupation: Student (Product design) Part-time job: Petrol station He lives in Tokyo, Japan and lives with family(4 people) . He often uses coffee shops and the brands are Starbucks coffee, Hoshino's coffee and Renoir. His hobbies are sawing, taking pictures and editing videos. He usually go shopping by train and doesn't use internet so much.

Name: Sakura Age: 20 Occupation: Student (Violin) Part-time job: Nothing She lives in Tokyo, Japan and lives alone. She often uses internet shops and the brands are Amazon, lookfantastic and HQhair. Her hobbies are playing instruments and learning languages. She usually buy online.

Name: Keisuke Age: 20 Occupation: Student (Design) Part-time job: Nothing He lives in Tokyo, Japan and lives alone. He often uses clothes shops and the brands are GU and coen. His hobbies are composing music (DTM) and reading manga. He usually go shopping by bicycle and doesn't use internet so much.


Name: Takumi Age: 22 Occupation: Student (Culture) Part-time job: Cram school He lives in Tokyo, Japan and live alone . He often uses convenience stores and the brands are Okay mart, Seven eleven and Peacock store. His hobbies are listening music and radio, watching comedies, cooking and drinking. He usually go shopping by train but buy online as well.

Name: Kotone Age: 21 Occupation: Student (Graphic design) Part-time job: English clam school She lives in London, UK and Nara in Japan. She lives alone and She often uses clothes shops and the brands are ZARA, ZOZO and Bershka. Her hobbies are visiting museums. She usually buy online.

Name: Mifuyu Age: 21 Occupation: Student (Sociology) Part-time job: Supermarket She lives in Tokyo, Japan and Bristol in UK. She lives with another person. She often uses clothes shops and the brands are MUJI and UNIQLO. Also she likes coffee and the brand is Starbucks coffee. Her hobbies are eating with friends and family, drinking, taking a hot spring and listening music. She usually go shopping by bicycle or train and doesn't use internet so much.


Name: Koyuki Age: 20 Occupation: Student (International) Part-time job: Supermarket

Name: Yosuke Age: 21 Occupation: Student (Japanese) Part-time job: A clue of USJ

Name: Manami Age: 21 Occupation: Student (Economy) Part-time job: Pub

She lives in Shizuoka, Japan and live with family (5 people) . She often uses supermarkets and the brands are Shizutetsu-store, Big, and Mum. Her hobbies are sleeping. She usually go shopping by bicycle and sometimes car.

He lives in Osaka, Japan. He lives with family (4 people) and he often uses book stores and the brands are Kinokuniya book store, Junkudo book store, and Book first.His hobbies are doing kendo and talking. He usually go shopping by bicycle but sometimes buy online as well.

She lives in Nagano, Japan. She lives alone and she often uses stationary store and the brands are TOCA and Ink stain. Her hobbies are cooking especially curry, listening music, and walking. She usually go shopping by bicycle or car with her friends and she doesn't use online shopping so much.

97 Are you student or worker?

Living in country side

Living with family


Living alone




Where do you live in?

Who do you live with?



Ways of transportation?


Ways of shopping? Online shopping

Other Car




40% 33%

Living in urban


Going shopping




FEATURES & VALUES FOR USERS In this questionnaire, there are many students and people who lives in an urban. I'm guessing that there are so many universityies, other schools and offices in there, therefore, relatively Japanese twenties and thirties live in the big city. Also, transportations are very fullfilling in such the large city, thus many people use between each shops would not so far, that's why some people use bicycle as well. On the other hand, in country side, a population would be less, not only transportations would not be expanded but also it has a huge land and each

shop distances would far than the city or they need to go other city for shopping, therefore, people who live in the rural district would use a car for shopping. From this result, 80% of people prefer going shopping to online shopping and I suggested feelings of each customer. I'm guessing that online shopping is more useful than going shopping because we can buy anything anytime and don't have to go anywhere for it. Conversery, going shopping is go somewhere and sometimes we can't get things which we need now.

However, we can get other things which we don't think and enjoy dropping on the way. Therefore, customers who often buy things online think that buying staffs they need or want is important, and for people who prefer going shopping, they not only like buy something but also they enjoy activities like window shopping, dropping into shops, finding something, and so on.



Favorite Brands

>Essential Things

>Fashion Brands

Eating, Sleeping, Cooking

H&M, gogosing, laurnhi, ZARA, UNIQLO, MUJI, jourtie, GRL, wcloset, GU, coen, Bershka

>Outdoor Activities Doing sports, Taking Photo, Taking a hot spring, Drinking with friends, Visiting museum, Walking

>Indoor Activities Making accessories, Singing, Making coffee, Listening to music, Sawing, Editing videos, Reading manga, Watching comedies HOBBIES & BRANDS Mainly fashion brands, twenties answered simple and stylish brands, thus, such a brand is trent in Japan. As you can see, twenties outdoor and indoor activities are the same ratio in this result and I think a branding which aproach both hobbies could get many users, for example, not only customers can enjoy a fashionable shop but also the brand products make customers' indoor life more colourful.

>Cafe Starbucks Coffee, Saintmark, Tully's coffee, Hoshino's Coffee, Renoir

>Supermarkets Family mart, OK mart, Seven-Eleven, Peacock store, Shizutetsu-store, Big, Mum

>Online Shops Amazon, lookfantastic, HQhair, ZOZOTOWN

>Other Kinokuniya, Junkudo, BookFirst, TOCA, INKstain



Frequency in related with Japanese culture

Age Early twenties

Female Male


once a year





15% 10%

several times a year Once a month Everyday



Favorite categories of Japanese culture

Range of interest about Japanese culture 1%


Not interesting


Little bit interesting Interesting Very interesting


25% 28%

Music Act


40% 50%

Art Accomplishments

82% 52%

Crafts Food

ANALYSIS OF PIES Fortunately, I could get the answers from half males and half fimales as results (there wasn't people who chose "other"), therefore, the results below would be fair in gender. I gathered them from my instagram so they are early twenties inevitably. The most Japanese people relate with Japanese culture several times a year from this chart and I would like to aim for achieving "everyone is with

Japanese culture everyday " through the brand and I think it would help succeeding Japanese culture in the future. From this result, we can understand that most of people are interested in Japanese traditional culture and there would be a demand for my brand.In favorite categories of Japanese culture, they allowed multiple choices so these numbers of percentages are not followed

the circle proportion but we can understand how many people like each category from this graph. Most of people are interested in Japanese traditional food including sweets, and 52% of people like Japanese crafts. I'm guessing that I could conbine these 2 categories so I would like to focus on them as fiels of my brand.



RESEARCH 1 I've got a lot of useful information for branding and I decided some details of my brand. For getting many customers who my brand's target, I'm planning a fashionable shop in a tourist site of Kyoto as one of setting. I think that it would be difficult to get visitors except who are very interesting in Japanese culture in daily life and it means that it would be also difficult to get my brand fan and achive the aim of my brand. For this issue, traveling would help and this is a reason I want to have shop in such a location. When people travel, they

RESEARCH 2 would want to experience and visit where they don't go usually by walk, train, and car. In my plan, people drop into the shop in the middle of traveling, they would be fascinated with this shop and be regular customes. Also, young folks often post their trip pictures on SNS with comments. It would be a power for succeeeding Japanese traditional culture and the brand. Of course Kyoto is a famous place as sightseeing resort and many people visit there from domestic and overseas. Therefore, I'm planning to have the shop in such a place as a part of setting of my brand.

From this questionnaire, I could prove the demanding of my brand for my targets and decided some important elment for my brand. Through this brand, I would like to increase opportunities which people have time with Japanese culture, few times to everyday and help to succeed Japanese traditional culture. For achieving this aim, I would like to choose Japanese food and crafts as main field of the brand and I hope this choice would activate Japanese traditional culture with them and flesh young power.

Part 2 Task 3



Analysing is My Nutrition of Creativity For getting inspirations, I analysed some branding which are related with succeeding of Japanese traditional culture in this section.



COLOURS As you can see, the colour palettes of Japanese traditional culture charities are very simple and we can understand that red is a key colour. For Japanese, red would let them associate Japan. Perhaps red is a part of Japanese national flag. There are several types of red which are bright and dark in these icons and each red communicate different feeling through icons.



FONTS In these icons, there are sant-serif and serif fonts. I feel that sant-serif are modern than serif fonts and serif fonts would be valiued tradition. Therefore, I'm guessinhg that sant-serif typographies suit young people and people who likes modern design, serif ones are good for old people and people who value tradition. I also noticed that this sant-serif fonts are more modern that thick one.



ICONS These icons are very simple structures, not complex and try to communicate kind of summary of each content. For example, Nippon Teshigoto Zukan (The Japan handwork picture book)'s logo are composed of a hand and a red ball. From this logo, I'm gusessing it communicate that making Japan or Japanese culture by hands and succession to the future. FOSTER JAPANESE SONGS is an another example. The logo consists of black F and gray J which are the initial of the charity's name. Also, we can find S in this logo as well.



ZENDEN A key message of Zenden is Beyond the Century and for this, the organization train grobal leaders whith Japanese culture, have culture lessons for ledies and kids. Also, this group attempt to create new demand of Japanese culture which suit today for this key word. For this aim, it supports international exchanges and developping sales markets, produce products and projects with designers, artists and craftsmen. This organization is an allrounder and it is active in several fields of Japanese culture such as craft, artm music and so on.

>TARGET Ambitious people for griobal leader, ladies whi want to build a career and children for the future. >SUPPORTERS Famous people, artists and designer who work as a professional of Japanese culture. >LOCALISATION Only Japan but some activities are for abroad.

>USP For getting a lot of funds, it has several types of benefits which are used Japanese traditional skills and were produced by Zenden and supporters. >STRENGTH This organization has connections to famous professional people and artists as supporters and it would be help to have an attractive USP.



NTZ This brand was born with very pure reason; "We want to help keeping Japanese handworks" and it dupports to succeed Japanese handworks to the future with video. Zukan means a picture book in Japanese and it would uses videos instead of pictures. For supporting handworks, this team has free consulting for shooting vieo and selling the products and events as online shop and catalogue. Also, there is an applying form of internshio for students who want to learn handworks skills by professional handworkers on the website.

>TARGET Kids and people are very particular about daily life. >SUPPORTERS Handworkers and videpo creators. >LOCALISATION Japan only.

>USP People can apply to handworkers as an internship on this website and it has online shop which sell products and events this group has uploaded introduction videos on the website. >STRENGTH It has meny creators for recording and editing videos and supply very high quality video on the website.



FJS This brand focuses on Japnaese music and a key message is "We would like to do international exchanging with Japanese traditional songs and dispatch of Japanese branding". A difference between other branding I've analysed is this brand want to spread Japanese culture all over the world, it doesn't focus on training vocalists who sing Japanese song only. Of course it supports training Japanese singers who will be damous and active in the world but the aim of this organization is Japanese songs will be sung by such singers all over the world and the songs will not only loved byJapanese but also foreign people.

>TARGET The target would be over 40 years old. >SUPPORTERS Classic musicians, professors of music, designers, consultants, and so on. >LOCALISATION International

>USP They have members system which has attractive benefits such an invitation for special classic concerts according to class of amount and there would be demand for people who love music. >STRENGTH It's a kind of government project so trus for this association would be strong.



I could imagine my branding clearer than before through this process. I understood that a brand for succeeding Japanese traditional culture need let someone feel "JAPANESE" from the branding such as a logo and in this case, red would be a key colour. I would like to use this colour on my logo. Also, for achieving their aim, they consider interesting contents. I decided few things but I would like to develop them.

Part 2 Task 4



Babies of My Idea Before thinking my branding, I collected pictures and created mood boards as references. I would like to show them with reasons.



LOGO I collected some Japanese logos and as you can see, they are not only very simple colour palettes, structures but also unique and modern. I would like to learn design aesthetics from them and create my brand’s logo.



JAPANESE PATTERNS As one of element in my logo, I would like to use Japanese traditional patters now because Japanese petterns consist of simple elements and it would be flexible. I think this feature would be very useful and helpful for creating interesting logo, that’s

why I would like to use this element in my design.



KUMIKO Kumiko is one of Japanese traditional craft skill and I could use this element in the logo because not only the structure would be similar to a Japanese pattern but also Japanese claft is a category which my brand have.



PACKAGING If I have a time, I would like to create original packaging as my branding because people often buy things with packaging and it would help Japanese craftsmen who are worried about their sales as a part of the shop branding.

Part 2 Task 5



The Egg of The Brand I’m planning to create a not for profit brand about succession and development of traditional cultures because I think saving traditional cultures give us confident as one of society’s or country’s member and makes our life more colourful. They would affect to develop the society and country as well.


INTRODUCTION This project is focused on Japanese tradisional culture, especialy handcrafts and foods, and supporting to make connection between Japanese customers (young people) and Japanese craftsmen on the website. There are so many traditional cultures and craftsmen who have very high skills in Japan and I’m proud that the skills as one of Japanese. Many brands has been succeeded for over 300 years and have long histories, however, amount of craftsmen has decreased gradually, therefore it becomes difficult to succeed today and a lot of brands need to end the their life. That's why I've chosen the targets. The design outcomes will be a platform and multi brand shop which connect young people and craftsmen. I'm guessing creating connection between users and supporters needs something like services and creating platform would be essential for creating services. From my research, I suppose that young people like going shopping, therefore, I'm guessing select shop would be better way than online shop only.


A THEME AND USERS "Thinking the meaning of losing". “Culture” was not only created by peoples life and social background but also over a long period of time, thus, if we lost it even once, we couldn’t regain the same one never. I would like to rethink about this issue and think what I can do for it through this project. In my research, there are a lot of young people who are interested in Japanese cultures, espetialy crafts and food, and mostly they like fashionable things which is simple. However, they don't have many opportunities to experience them; many people have time few times a year and "traditional" is often thought old-fashined. Thus, I would like to solve this needs of users and the issue with design and contents and increase the time which relate to Japanese cultures in daily life.



To decide a field for my branding

Hand writing/23.11-25.11

Brand Competition Analysis

Personal Brief

Hand writing, InDesign/30.11-02.12

Audience Profile

Instagram, InDesign/26.11-29.11

Brand Logo Types

InDesign/03.12-06.12 & Brand Icons Hand writing, Illustrator/10.12-23.12

Design Inspiration Pinterest/30.11-

Brand Naming


Process Book & Review







15% 10%

once a year



several times a year Once a month Everyday

48% 1%

FEW TIMES A YEAR TO EVERYDAY From my researching, young people have opportunities to relate with Japanese culture few times a year even though they are interested in it. I would like to increase the time fewtimes to everyday and cheer up it with young power.


Not interesting


Little bit interesting Interesting Very interesting





ALWAYS FASHIONABLE, ALWAYS SIMPLE It doesn't have to save traditional culture as an old-fashion. “Culture” was created by peoples life and social background, thus, it's natural to change the forms and it would be suite contemporary daily life values, and fashion. From trend researcing , simple branding and things are very fashionable nowadays. Also, simple would be flexible and I think this feature is very important in traditional cultures because, as I've written above, culture was born by our daily life and if it doesn't suite contemporary life, it will decline and vanish from the world silently.




LITTLE LAXURIES I think "A Little Laxury" is one of essential feature of Japanese traditional culture. Not gorgeous but filling our hearts, this is Japanese culture. I would like users to find little laxuries in my brand and to spend time with them. Also I will try to collect such things for shop and send little laxuries to users. A little laxury makes our rich daily life.

Part 2 Task 6




Bunka, Karuchah, Karafuru


Dentoh, Mukashi


Nihon, Tokyo, Higashi


Aka, Beni


Tsunagu, Musubu, Mirai

THINKING At first, I wrote the elements of the brand, then associated some Japanese words from them. I planed to create a brand name using these key words. The left side is the brand elements and the right side is the key words which I associated with the elements.



I decided this name "DENTO". In Japan, 3 and 4 sounds are trend as brand names because they would be easy to remember and pronouns. I thought they are very important elements for spreading the brand and I wanted to use it. I took the name from "dentoh" in Japanese which means tradition and this name would communicate contents of the brand.

Part 2 Task 7 & 8



The Face of The Brand For me , a logo is a face of the brand because people could identify each brand with a logo and it seems like our face which means that we see a face and identify who he or she is. Also, people sometimes judge someone's personarity or feeling by his or her face. I think this phychogy system would be used in logo design and it means people could

understand contents of the brand from the logo (perhaps including the name). I would like to create my brand face with these my considerations.



DRAWING At first, I sketched some ideas which are in my brain with my comments and this is my initial idea. I used these information as a design base and developed it on the screen.



PART 1 In this logo, I used Hexagon and patters of kumiko which is one of Japanese craftworks. Usually, kumiko would not be used with a cicle, so I chose hexagone which would be similar to this shape. However, for me, this logo is quite busy and it would not

suit my branding. Also, my sister said that it seems to be for old people because she felt little bit old fashion from this logo. This opinion shows this logo would not be good for my targets.


PART 2 Icreated these logos with Kikko and a pattern of kumiko. Kikko, one of Japanese traditional shape, is turtkeshell in English and it means "longevety". I would like Japanese culture to live long. I changed the pattern which is more simple than

before. I felt the design is not bad but at the same time, this logo is like business company or something and it would not suit my brand which is for charity brand.


PART 3 They are my final experiment in this section and my favorites because simpley they would be appropriate design to my branding. I put a circle into d and instead of o. Using Ichimatsu pattern inside of the circle but little bit boring so I would like to find another

petterns or shapes. I prefer o one to d because d is a little bit tricky to read.




I chose Helvetica Neue Ultra Light as typography because this brand is for Japanese young people and a thin font which looks modern is trend of them today in Japan. It could give good profit for the brand.

I feel comma would continue something and it would relate with succeeding. It was inspired by Kumiko which is one of Japanese traditional craftwork skills. I chose red because Japanese national flag consists with a red circle and I'm guessing that this motif could be associated Japan easily. This is called "Dentoh wo mainichi" and it means everyday with Japanese traditional culture. I used Hiragino Kaku Gothic W2 as font. I tried to find it which suit the logo.

Part 2 Task 9


Keeping Perfect I created the logo guidelines for keeping perfect propotion of the logo design.







LOGO Instead of the end of O, I put a red motif which is inspired by Kumiko. Kumiko is one of Japanese traditional craftwork skills and it could not only match the aim of the branding but also a red circle could be associated Japan easily. Also, I've added comma on the end of the logo because I feel comma would continue something and it would relate with succeeding. That's why I've used comma as a name.

FONT I've chosen Helvetica Neue Ultra Light as typography because this brand is for Japanese young people and thin font, especially sans-serif which looks modern is trend of the generations today in Japan.








Please don't put anything inside of this flame (10mm each edge).


The minimum size of this logo is 30mm wide.If you made it smaller than this size, the design, especially the red motif, would look not good.




STRAPLINE The strapline means "Everyday with traditional culture" and the Japanese pronounces like "Dentoh wo mainichi".

DETAIL ヒラギノ角ゴシック 2W (Hiragino-Kaku-Gothic 2W )




樺色 (Kabairo) #92836c R:146 G:131 B:108 C:0 M:14 Y:30 K:50

真朱 (Shinshu) #d72500 R:215 G:37 B:0 C:19 M:95 Y:100 K:0

卯の花 (Unohana) #fdfbf6 R:253 G:251 B:246 C:0 M:1 Y:4 K:2

黒 (Black) #000000 R:0 G:0 B:0 C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100








LOGO USAGES 1: FULL COLOUR The logo can be used in the black and shinshu on white and light background. 2: GRAY SCALE Black can be used in this version. 3: COLOURED BACKGROUND Kaba-iro or Unohana can be used on coloured background. 4:BUSY BACKGROUND There must be enough contract between a textured background and the logo and use appropriate colour for the brand.

Part 2 Task 10



If The Brand were Exsisted I created 5 pieces of mock-ups as references for my brand. I chose kind of a business card which is wooden emboss printed, an emboss processing paper, a shop bag, and 2 types of shop sign. As my branding setting, it has a shop in a tourist site of Kyoto and for to imagine it easily, I chose these

things which are related with shops or associated with craftworks skills as example. I could imagine my shop clearly by them.


AMAZING DISCOVERY I'm really sartisfied with my logo design in this process because the sensitive motif which was inspired by kumiko is used its gooodness in 3D things for example emboss processed paper and a shop sign which is lighted from background. Also, I knew this circle can be used as an icon of the brand.

Part 3 Task 1



For Greatful Website I tidied up my idea of the brand before creating website which could commit achieving the aim of the brand in this process.



My brand is for succession and development of traditional cultures because there are so many traditional cultures and craftsmen who have very high skills in Japan and I'm proud that the skills as one of Japanese. Many brand has been succeeded for over 300 years and have long histories, however, amount of craftsmen has decreased gradually, therefore, it becomes difficult to succeed today and alot of brands need to end the their life. In this brand, I would like t ocommunicate "Thinking The Meaning of Losing" as a message. I hope saving traditional cultures give us confident as one of society's or country's member ans makes our life more colourful. They would affect to develop the society and country as well.



FEW TIMES A YEAR TO EVERYDAY Young people have opportunities to relate with Japanese culture few times a year even though they are interested in it. I would like to increase the time fewtimes to everyday and cheer up it with young power.

ALWAYS FASHIONABLE, ALWAYS SIMPLE From trend researcing , simple branding and things are very fashionable nowadays and simple would be flexible. I think this feature is very important in traditional cultures because culture was born by our daily life and if it doesn't suite contemporary life, it will decline and vanish from the world silently.

LITTLE LAXURIES I think "A Little Laxury" is one of essential feature of Japanese traditional culture. Not gorgeous but filling our hearts, this is Japanese culture. I would like users to find little laxuries in my brand and to spend time with them. Also I will try to collect such things for shop and send little laxuries to users. A little laxury makes our rich daily life.



For achieving the aim and bringing out the full potential of the key points, I would like to create the website which is simple design and interaction but I don't want to forget it would be attractive for users. As one of my key points, there is "little laxuries" and it would the most important in creating the website because I'm guessing the word would communicate what I want to say. Keeping simple but someone could find something special or laxury in it. I'll try to create such a website.

Part 3 Task 2



With Them

I show some important points for creating the website as a continuation from task 2 in this process.



DEMANDS In my research, there are a lot of young people who are interested in Japanese cultures, however, they don't have many opportunities to experience them; many people have few times a year and "traditional" is often thought oldfashioned. Also, Japanese craftsmen need demands, moreover, proceeds and successors. This brand could solve both supporters needs and the issue with design and contents.



WAYS OF CAPTURING I've chosen Japanese craftsworks and foods as main categories pf Japanese culture in this brand because in my research, most of Japanese twenties and thirties which would be targets of the brand are interested in them and the contents would help to getting users' attentions and it would connect with achievement of the brand's aim.



Example of Typography DESIGN THEME In this brand, thin and simple style the most appropriate to the users. Especially, about simple, I would like to choose Japanese simple which is the same as "empty"; empty means it can accept everything like peoples' different feelings and thoughts of users. Also, empty is a condition which guarantees users' free usages of a product. Simple design is trend in my target and empty would be essential of Japanese culture. That's why I've chosen the style.

Example of Colour Palette



WAYS OF CAPTURING For expression my message in the most interesting, I would like to describe my decisions of communication ways. First, I want to use short and poetic sentences with thin fonts because it would be easire understanding than long sentences and influence users in a moment. Thin font would make something elegant and simple. From my research, my targets would like simple and fashionable design nowadays,therefore, this would work in this brand.

Second, about visual information such as a picture, I'm planning to use cool craftsmen photos like the right top one because we could feel professional spirits which is difficult to have the words from their poses and these pictures would affect emotionally. Also, I would like to use simple modern pictures for each product as thumbnail of online shop.

Part 3 Task 3



Get Good Ideas

I show some important points for creating the website as a continuation from task 2 in this process.



For choosing websites, I tried to pick different categories of products and businesses up because I thought that perhaps websites which selling or appeal similar things might be similar web design as well. Also, the websites which I've chosen has different features, impression, and techniques. As one of my aim in this section, I would like to learn a lot of unique design skills and improve my work with them, that's why I decided these criterions for choosing websites.



SWIM This website would be like portfolio. In my suggestion, the company shows their works and want to get customers who want to offer works to the design company with their very simple design aesthetics. Their words are poetic for example the sentences with the main picture. I think that it would help to express their aesthetic as well. This website is used auto animation of pictures on the home page effectively. These pictures are very simple but communicate strong message of the brand with pictures and I would like to use the technique on my website.

DETAILS Audience: Someone who want to offer works or just visit for design references like me. Aims: Getting cliants and showing their works Aesthetics: Thin sant-serif, just plain colours (black and white) and impressive pictures Interaction: As the brand name, some icons like main button and main picture are wavie when touch them.



IMPOSSIBLE BUREAU This site has many interactions on each page and it would be interesting and getting attention from visitors. It could help to get cliants which would be one of aim of the website. In this website, I felt that hover actions are very attractive even though the based design is simple. I'm guessing that people would be attracted by tiny actions such as a hover and I would like to create small interactions which people feel interesting on a simple design website.

DETAILS Audience: Someone who want to offer works or just visit for design references like me. Aims: Getting cliants and showing their works Aesthetics: Sant-serif and elegant serif fonts, Gray scales and gradation pink Interaction: Changing colours and moving back ground with cursor



CALORIE MATE This is Japanese famous nutritional supplementary food and targets of this products are students and workers who are very busy, don't want to take time and try hard. This website focuses on getting them, therefore, tone of voice would be like cheering for them. Also, the site is used yellow which is product's main colour. Yellow would be not only cheerful but also people would associated vitamin which included in the product by this colour.

DETAILS I really like slide in action on the home page and the technique would be unique the page even thoght it is simple design. I would like to use it on my website as well.

Audience: Someone who want to know what this product is Aims: Spreading fascinations of the food and increasing funs Aesthetics: Vivid and pop design and colour palette Interaction: Interesting background design with scrolling





This brand would think a great deal of their own history and the webdesign is quite modern but it has antique items such as old dictionary for introduction of their history.

Audience: Someone who is interested in and want to get the Bags

For me, images which are used on the website are very attractive and I can feel the branding from them. I understood pictures which I'll chose would have very strong power in the branding and I would like to choose suitable images for my brand carefully.

Aesthetics: Sant-serif, Just plain colours (black and white), and impressive pictures

Aims: Increasing amount of funs and selling their bags

Interaction: The main pictures which on the main page change constantly like slideshow.



From the analysing, I got some inspirations about interactions and images. I want to aware of simple design and use interesting interactions such as auto animations and hover and images on it effectively. I would like my website would help to achieve the aim of the brand, succeeding Japanese traditional cultures and for a great results, I want to try my best to create the website.

Part 3 Task 4



The Base of The Website For creating a good website, I decided the base of the website in this process.



In the first place, this brand is for solving issue which is succeeding Japanese traditonal culture and for this problem, I have 2 aims for the brand website. First one is spreading attractions of Japanese traditional culture and craftsmen. Second is getting customers who like and interesting Japanese cultures throgh this brand and products. For achieving them, I would like to analyse and research about the issue and customer, then I'll choose elements such as pictures and create a website which is interesting for my targets.



Japanese twenties, thirties and Japanese craftsmen who want to spread, inherit and develop Japanese traditional culture. For achieving the brand and web aims, demanding and suplying would be important between producers and consumers. I want to connect them on the website that's why I've choosen them as targets.



INSPIRATIONS OF THE WEBSITE I would like to create the brand website with a little luxury which is one of the brand key words and I think it would be help to achieve the aims of the brand and the website. For creating such a website, I'm planning that there are some small motions with scrolling, clickking and moving a cursor in quite simple design which is appropriate the brand concept. These pictures are my brand logo as references.



In my opinion, needless to say design is very important as visual information, however , I think words are also important as one of communication tool and I would like to consider them which could affect to peoples' heart. Japanese has prized words since antient times and the amount of words would be the top class of the languages in this world, for example, there are over 100 names of rain such as Samidare and Yudachi. For me, this would be also one of Japanese culture and I would like to consider words choice carefully with design. I hope that my consideration of design and words would communicate the brand values which would be one of importance brand as succeeding Japanese identity on this website.

Part 3 Task 5



Standing at a Start Line In this section, I stood up at a start line of creating the website. I would like to show my initial design.



HAND DRAWING At first, I drew my structure idea of the website. For comfortable creating, I drew not only screen design but also connection of each page.



Gray lines are for texts.

This box is a space of picture. These circles are a part of logo.

ELEMETS These characters are elements of the website.

I'll put a Japanese traditonal colour on a black part. This square is a button for donation.











Part 3 Task 6



Thinking Usability for Users Through this process, I could think my design is good for users and I would like to develop more comfortable usability in next process.


Home Page 2


About Us

Shop Information







Error Page


Picture Preview

Part 3 Task 7 & 8



Seeking Comfortable I considerd colours, fonts and interactives for comfortable usability carefully.



Loading Page

Home Page

Home Page 2



Moving to donation page

Moving to the first page of each content

Moving to each content






COLOURS 青碧 Seiheki #478384

枯野色 Kareno-iro #d3cbc6

錫色 Suzu-Iro #9EA1A3

櫨染 Hajizome #d9a62e

潤色 Urumi-iro #c8c2be

灰色 Gray #F0F0F0

灰黄緑 Haikimidori #e6eae3

小豆色 Azuki-iro #96514d

薄緑 Light Green #6E7955(32%)

蕎麦切色 Sobakiriiro #d4dcd6

麹塵 Kikujin #6e7955

深緑 Dusty Green #4A572D

薄雲鼠 Usukumonezu #d4dcda

赤銅色 Shakudou-iro #003149

COLOUR PALETTE I considerde which colours are appropriate this brand and chose them from Japanese trafitional colour palette.


FONTS TITLE Helvetica Neue Thin, 120

Sub Title

Nagomi Gokuboso Gothic ,100

Body Text Hannari Mincho,30

FONTS I chose appropriate fonts to the brand. I collected thin and sant-serif font mainly because from my analysis, thin sant-serifs look elegant and it would be need the brand.

HP BUTTONS Helvetica Neue Thin, 60



Nagomi Gokuboso Gothic ,60 Hannari Mincho,30 Yu Gothic ,40



COLUMNS The columns setting is 32. I tried several setting and I felt it was the best one and I used it.



・Click and Move to the

● Loading Page

● Header


・Click and Move to the Home Page

・Changing Colour →

Donation Page

・Changing Colour →

・Click and Move to the Menu Page

・Changing Colour →

● Home Page ・Auto Animation

● Menu Page

・Changing Pictures ・Auto Animation

・Changing Pictures

・Auto Animation ・Click and Move to the Next Page

・Changing Colours →

・Auto Animation

・Changing Colours →


● Products

・Changing Colours →

・Buttons for Each Categories of Product

・Moving to the Next ・Auto Animation

・Changing Pictures ・Moving to the Product's Page

・Moving to the Next

・Moving to Picture Preview ↓

・Moving to the Next Page


● About Us

● Shop Information

・Auto Animation

・Changing pictures and texts

・Auto Animation ・Stable Images


● Donation

・Auto Animation ・Moving to the Next Picture

Moving to the Event Page for Donation

・Moving to Picture Preview ↓

● Points ・Moving to the Next Page

>I haven't created some pages such as buying page and I've used Error page instead. >This Website is for Japanese People, therefore, I created it in Japanese. I will add the transration on my design book.

Part 3 Task 8


Through Someone's Eyes For checking customer usability, my sister cooperated. She looked the website and advised me as a user.


COMMENTS FROM MY SISTER My older sister is 30 years old and this age is the same as the brand target, thus I requested checking website to her. She gave me some comments and they were; at first, I felt this website was really good because design is very simple but it would be good for the target. However, I can find some objects are out of position so maybe you can fix them and it would be better.


Showing My Skills I would like to show my outcomes and bibliography.





LOGO DESIGN >Logo >Typography >Minimum size >Strapline >Colour palette >Logo usages >Mock-ups


WEBSITE DESIGN >Fonts >Colmns >Images >Colour Palette >Interactions


>MOCK-UPS I chose kind of a business card which is wooden emboss printed, an emboss processing paper, a shop bag, and 2 types of shop sign. As my branding setting, it has a shop in a tourist site of Kyoto and for to imagine it easily, I chose these things which are related with shops or associated with craftworks skills as example.


>LOGO USAGES 1: FULL COLOUR The logo can be used in the black and shinshu on white and light background.


2: GRAYSCALE Black can be used in this version.

3: COLOURED BACKGROUND Kaba-iro or Unohana can be used on coloured background.

4: BUSY BACKGROUND There must be enough contract between a textured background and the logo and use appropriate colour for the brand.



#92836c 30mm


Please don't put anything inside of this flame (10mm each edge).


The minimum size of this logo is 30mm wide.If you made it smaller than this size, the design, especially the red motif, would look not good.


Instead of the end of O, I put a red motif which is inspired by Kumiko. Kumiko is one of Japanese traditional craftwork skills and it could not only match the aim of the branding but also a red circle could be associated Japan easily. Also, I've added comma on the end of the logo because I feel comma would continue something and it would relate with succeeding. That's why I've used comma as a name.

>TYPOGRAPHY I've chosen Helvetica Neue Ultra Light as typography because this brand is for Japanese young people and thin font, especially sans-serif which looks modern is trend of the generations today in Japan.

>COLOUR PALETTE 樺色 (Kabairo)


R:146 G:131 B:108 C:0 M:14 Y:30 K:50

真朱 (Shinshu) #d72500 R:215 G:37 B:0 C:19 M:95 Y:100 K:0

卯の花 (Unohana) #fdfbf6 R:253 G:251 B:246 C:0 M:1 Y:4 K:2

The strapline means "Everyday with traditional culture" and the Japanese pronounces like "Dentoh wo mainichi".


DETAILS: ヒラギノ角ゴシック 2W (Hiragino-Kaku-Gothic 2W)

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100

黒 (Black) R:0 G:0 B:0




In the logo and the website design, I chose Japanese traditional colours because this branding is about succeeding Japanese traditional culture and I was guessing that these colour palette for the logo and the website would be appropriate setting, that's why I chose them.

I tried to create simple but interesting interactions on the website. Of course, very erabolate interactions are unique, however, I thought they would be not suit my design theme in this brand.

・Auto Animation ・Changing Pictures



Sub Title


青碧 Seiheki #478384

櫨染 Hajizome

The columns setting is 32. I tried several setting and I felt it was the best one and I used it.




灰黄緑 Haikimidori #e6eae3

I thought normal pictures which I don't add any effects would be better because I would like to keep simple through all projects and I chose using normal images in the website.

● Products

枯野色 Kareno-iro

錫色 Suzu-Iro



潤色 Urumi-iro

灰色 Gray



小豆色 Azuki-iro

薄緑 Light Green



蕎麦切色 Sobakiriiro

麹塵 Kikujin

深緑 Dusty Green




薄雲鼠 Usukumonezu #d4dcda

● About Us

赤銅色 Shakudou-iro

黒 (Black)



● Donation ・Auto Animation ・Moving to the Next Picture

・Changing Colours → ・Buttons for Each

Moving to Picture Preview ↓

Categories of Product

・Auto Animation

Moving to the Event

・Stable Images

Page for Donation

Moving to the Next Page

Moving to Picture Preview ↓

Moving to the Next Moving to the Product's Page Moving to the Next

・Auto Animation

● Loading Page

I chose appropriate fonts to the brand. I collected thin and sant-serif font mainly because from my analysis, thin sant-serifs look elegant and it would be need the brand.

Body Text

● Menu Page



・Auto Animation ・Changing Pictures

● Shop Information ・Auto Animation ・Changing pictures and texts

Moving to the Next Page

・Changing Colours →

● Home Page ・Auto Animation ・Changing Pictures

・Click and Move to the

● Header ・Click and Move to the Home Page ・Changing Colour →

Donation Page ・Changing Colour → ・Click and Move to the Menu Page ・Changing Colour →

Click and Move to the

・Auto Animation

Next Page

・Changing Colours →





What do you think you have learned about your own creative practice?


Through your Personal Manifesto? What are your interests and how do they inform your own personal creative practice? I felt that the most characteristic point of my creative practice would be similar to thinking philosophy and form the thought into design through my personal manifesto. Perhaps this feeling would be like an artist, not a designer; many artists such as fine art would reflect their thought which is very deep onto their work, however, I would do the same action in design. For me, thinking process which means thinking and giving meanings for my works would be important rather

than how to create cool design. Of course, creating super cool design is also important but a priority of thinking process is higher than creating process, moreover my thinking would lead to a good design because it’s not thought out in just aesthetic.

Reflecting on what you now know about your personal learning and creative approaches, what advice can you give yourself to help guide your work in the future? I want to expand my work as I feel that it’s not enough to just be working on one main projects. With more diverse set of skill, I can be more active in the office, therefore I will plan how to train myself for the next term.


What do you think you have learned about the way you work in relation to specialist graphic design practices? Which of the Projects did you find most interesting or challenging?and why? Discuss each project in turn.


Poster Design Designing the poster felt more like fine art than graphic design. With this project, I expressed my manifesto which were more abstract and that reflected on my poster. This I found felt similar to making art rather than designing. It’s weird to be saying this as a graphic design student but this is my honest feeling.

Interactive Design This project was totally first experience in my life and there were a lot of difficult points as skills but I am kinesthetic learner from VAK questionnaire and I really enjoyed developing the work and learning how to use Adobe XD at the same time.

Editorial Design I redesigned the layout of the book at least 3 times and the outcome would not be totally different design from initial idea. As one of my habit, I design some pages, over 10 pages, and check the harmony of each page; In this project, I noticed that one of important points in a book design

Brand Creation It was the most interesting part for me and I thought the idea of my branding twentyfour hours a day. I did it when I’m excited unconsciously but I noticed this would be one of my habit as a creative person.

is harmony through all pages, it means if each page were very cool design but there wasn’t harmony in them, perhaps the whole book would be not good design. Therefore, I had long time to decide the design but I felt I could create the process book which I imagined.


What have you learned about your personal career aspirations? Has undertaking projects relating to these 4 different types of graphic design changed or challenged your personal career aspirations? How and why?


I thought I wanted to work as a creative person in a Japanese company and graphic design will always be a viable option but I realize it’s not the only thing I can do. I learned a lot of important things for my future and I found a new interest in my field. In this term I became interested in brand creation because I’ve enjoyed the many processes such as analysis and research. This skill would be helpful not only in design b it in any creative problem

solving. I also enjoyed creating branding. Of course, logo design was enjoyable but thinking of brand content was the most interesting part in this project for me. I’ve joined some short-term internships in Japan and we did brand planning including websites. This was challenging and was an exciting opportunity. Until this term, I couldn’t decide which area I was most interested but I thought I would be enjoying working in a company related with brand creation.


Time Management.


How do you feel you managed your time during the unit? I don’t feel my time management was too bad in this term, however, sometimes I didn’t understand the date of deadline and because of it, I rushed to create my works and I think it would be one of cause for declining of the quality of my works.

How will you guide yourself differently on future projects? I would like not to do my tasks just before the deadline, especially a process book. I couldn’t create it at the same time with my tasks and perhaps I would forgot to add something onto the book. If I made it each task I’ve done, I wouldn’t have to hurry up creating, forgot anything, and they would grow up a quality of the work.



BOOK FINISH MOCK UP I wanted to see the image of the process book and I created these mock up. I put a white ball which is a part of my logo design on the front and red version on the backcover. White ball is quite light but I think it would stand out with lights.

Red ball on the white background is the same as Japanese traditional flag and this is not only my identity but also one of the origin of my design philosophy. That's why I chose this object as the book cover.


BIBLIOGRAPHY (n.d.). SWIM — The Art, The Technology And Ideas. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan. 2021]. LTD, Y. & C. (n.d.). 吉田カバン . [online] Available at: https:// [Accessed 10 Jan. 2021]. (n.d.). 日本伝統文化継承者育成実行委員会 . [online] Available at: http:// [Accessed 1 Dec. 2020]. ニッポン手仕事図鑑 . (n.d.). TOP |ニッポン手仕事図鑑 . [online] Available at: https:// [Accessed 1 Dec. 2020]. 日本伝統文化交流協会 . (n.d.). 日本伝統文化交流協会 Foster Japanese Songs 和の会 お申し込 み . [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Dec. 2020]. (n.d.). Impossible Bureau. [online] Available at: http://www. [Accessed 10 Jan. 2021]. (n.d.). カロリーメイト公式サイト | 大塚製薬 . [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan. 2021]. zenden. (n.d.).(一社)全日本伝統文化後継者育成支援協会 | TOP. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Dec. 2020].

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