2021-2022 ANNUAL REPORT 5782

CONTENTS2HeadofSchoolMessage8CharacterDevelopment14Top10 HighlightsDevelopment20 Primacy4 Relevancy& of Torah Athletics10 Leadership16 EnhancementsCampus22 GeneralUncompromising6Studies Alumni12 ReportingFinancial18 Donor24 Listing 2

Rabbi Arye Sufrin Head of School Rabbi Joseph Schreiber Principal Rick St. Laurent Principal of General Studies Rabbi Shimon Abramczik Dean of Students
The school year of 2021-2022 was truly one for the history books. It was our first full year back on campus since the pandemic, and we could not have asked for a more positive experience to reintroduce us to the world. The uplifting and joyous energy that radiated on both campuses was simply unmatched. There is no question that our historic merger played a significant part in creating that atmosphere. The merger has profoundly changed the path of our community - we have been brought together not only on paper, but in spirit and support. Both divisions benefited logistically – we were able to share resources that included staff and facilities, we have successfully frozen tuition two years in a row, and we have broken enrollment and fundraising records for both divisions. We have also raised over $1,450,000 for campus enhancements on the Gindi Campus where construction has already Thebegun.unified support from the community is what really signifies how crucial this stepping stone will be to our children’s education and ensure that we fulfill our three pillars to their fullest potential. This past year has demonstrated that when we have one strong, unified community who share the goal of ensuring our children grow in Torah values, we can mold our students into outstanding future leaders com mitted to Halacha and Torah learning.
RabbiBi’veracha,Arye Sufrin Head of School 3
Finally, the successes of this year would also not have been possible without our devoted lay leadership, board, administration, faculty, and staff. Chazal explain, except for saying Amen to a bracha , the only part of the amidah repetition that the tzibur can speak is during Modim . The rea son for this is when it comes to expressing hakarat hatov , one cannot rely on a messenger, but rather, one needs to express thanks themselves.
Though words cannot adequately express my gratitude, thank you all for your unbreakable commitment to YULA. Our theme this past year was #YULAppreciates , and there isn’t a more appropriate phrase I could use to wrap up 2021-22 school year. Please take a moment to celebrate this amazing year with us by taking a look at our annual report, which celebrates the joys and successes of YULA.
Rabbi Arye Sufrin Head of School Rochel Gargir
Dear YULA Family,
Rochel Gargir Chief Operating Officer Nancy Schiff Director of Finance Jesse Orenshein Director of Admissions and Marketing
Chief Operating Officer
Samira Miller Director of Admissions BOYS DIVISION
Racheli Luftglass Judaic Studies Principal Yehudis Benhamou General Studies Principal Dr. Natalie Williams Principal Rachel Shandalov Assistant Principal and Dean of College Guidance Nancy Schiff Director of Finance

Ariella Gershov ‘23, Shalva Kaplan ‘23, Josh Anziska ‘23, and Kovi Etshalom ‘23 were the recipients of the YU Torah U’Madda Book Award with a $2,500 merit scholarship towards their first semester on the NYC campus. In the Baum Family Advanced Gemarah Track , Rabbi Sch reiber’s 9th grade completed the entire first perek of Makkot, and Rabbi Sufrin’s 10th grade com pleted the entire perek Hakones.
YULA Students Eliana Waghalter ‘24 placed 3rd and Eitan Gelb ‘22 and Raphy Amsellem ‘23 tied for 2nd place nation wide in the NCSY YU Bronka Weintraub Bekiut Program !
YULA welcomed many Torah leaders to campus this year, in cluding: Rav Mordechai Burg, The Chief Rabbi of Iran— Rav Yehudah Gerami, Rebbe Hill, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rav Elie Marcus, Rav Shay Shachter, Rabbi Dr. J.J. Schachter, Rebbetzin Sima Spetner, Rav Jonah Steinmetz, Rav Reuven Taragin, Rebbetzin Shani Taragin, and The Vishnitzer Rebbe “KI MITZION TEITZEI TORAH” PROGRAMSCHOLARS
With our first full year in person since the pandemic, our wonder ful Rebbeim and Mechanchot focused on continuing to build meaningful relationships, with their students, providing them with positive role models and mentors on and off campus. Weekly co-curricular programing on and off campus has helped foster these relationships and the excitement and commitment for religious growth we have seen has been significant.
This new enrichment program was introduced with the goal to provide our students with the opportunity to learn from out standing educators outside of PILLARS OF A YULA EDUCATION: PRIMACY AND RELEVANCY OF TORAH
The Girls Division celebrated its first Annual Torah Celebration, honoring Mrs. Bruria Siegel for her inspirational devotion to her students for the last 15 years. The community also had the zechut to hear from Rabbanit Shani Taragin and 10 students received Torah Growth Awards. At the Boys Division Annual Torah Celebration, we honored Rabbi Michael Abraham for his commitment and dedica tion to our students. The Jacob & Lea Friedman z”l Family Masmidim Program had over thirty students make a siyum on Masechet Taanit, and they chazered 9,000 daf in gemarah throughout the year. Thirteen students received Torah Growth Awards from their rebbeim, and we presented the inaugural Has mada Award to Moshe Feldman ‘23 for going above and beyond in his Limud HaTorah.

DEDICATED Thank you to Anne and Mark Goldin for dedicating the Eleanor Goldin z”l 9th & 10th grade Beit Midrash Program at the Boys Division. The Eleanor Goldin z”l 9th & 10th grade Beit Midrash Program is in partnership with the Merkaz HaTorah Kollel to provide our students with an enrichment learning track designed to emulate the typical Beit Midrash-style of learning, found in post-high school Yeshivot around the world.
MIDRASHA PROGRAM CON TINUES Dedicated in memory of Dr. Leila Leah Broner z”l , the women’s weekly Midrasha program continued this year, with approximately 25 evening
classes attended by students, parents, alumni and staff.
The new Boker Torah Program was an optional weekly learning initiative with Rabbi Sufrin that took place at 7:30 AM. Every Tuesday Rabbi Sufrin learned Contemporary Halacha with Seniors and every Thursday learned Shmirat Halashon with Juniors. Los Angeles. This year, the Ki Mitzion Teitzei Torah Faculty featured Rav Reuven Taragin , Dean of Students at Yeshivat Hakotel and Educational Director of The World Mizrachi Movement and Rabbanit Shani Taragin , Educational Director of Matan-Bellows Eshkolot Tanakh teachers’ professional devel opment program. Rav Reuven Taragin delivered a weekly shiur at the Boys Division, and Rab banit Taragin delivered a weekly shiur at the Girls Division via Additionally,Zoom. our Girls Division seniors participated in a new program where they were able to learn from Rebbetzin Dr. Posy ‘96 about the various ways one can maintain a strong identity as women through halacha, even posthigh school.
This year, the Boys Division initiated the Dor L’dor Torah Initiative where all fathers were invited to join their sons for Sunday morning davening and shiur. Many fathers participated weekly and we are excited to continue this program moving forward.
DIVREI HITORERUT Both divisions came together to publish the first collaborative Divrei Hitorerut Torah Journals this year, which included Divrei Torah from Boys and Girls students, alumni, and staff, and were published before the Yomim Noraim and Pesach

Eitan Gelb ‘22 and Yehuda Holender ‘22 were named PSAT/ MSQT Commended Students , among the top 50,000 highest scoring stu dents to be recognized.
This spring YULA sent an inaugural team of 11 girls and 4 boys to the highly competitive and prestigious Model Con gress Conference. Out of the 1,800 students from 78 schools across the country, YULA stu dents received 3 Honorable Mention Awards! MODEL ACHIEVEMENTSUN
Mazel Tov to Daniella Zisblatt ‘22 for being named a National Merit Scholarship winner ! After a long and competitive selection process, Daniella was chosen as one of 8,000 stu dents nationwide recognized from a group of over 1.6 mil lion PSAT test-takers.
Nicole Kahen ‘22 was awarded the Silver Key from the Scholastic Art and Writ ing Awards for an essay she wrote on the topic of femi nism. Joelynn Aynesazan
YULA students participat ed in Yeshiva University’s Model UN competition in Connecticut along with over 30 schools across the country! They debated important worldly matters and cre ated resolutions. For the 2nd year in a row the YULA team received 1st place in the competition. YULA has placed 1st place in the competition 9 times, more than any other competing school.

APAPAPMicroeconomics,StatisticsandWorldHistory YULAYULABOYSGIRLS
Shoshana Zisblatt ‘24 received the Honorable Mention at this year’s regional art contest in the editorial cartoon category. PUBLICATIONSWINNING
in 5 years YULA
FAREWELL We wished farewell to our beloved faculty that retired this year. We are forever grateful to you for your dedication and commitment to the thousands of students that you have taught at YULA. We wish you well on your retirement, you will be missed beyond words! ‘23 was awarded the Gold Key from Scholastic Art and Writing Awards in the poetry category.
Poleymatheus received a Gold Medal from the Columbia Scho lastic Press Association, and All Columbian Honors in Essentials and Verbal! Congratulations Israel Gootin ‘22 , Editor-in-Chief! In addition to Polymatheus, the Panther Post student newspaper publication won a Silver Medal, also from The Columbia Scho lastic Press Association.
YULA hosted four local meets in the Samson Center for thirteen different teams this year. Con gratulations to our Robotics team for advancing to regionals at the FIRST Robotics Regional Qualify ing Meet once again. pass rate in Biology, Literature Composition,and had the highest passing Exam rate GIRLS had the highest number of students taking exams
in 5 years 7

IMPACT DAY On Chanukah, both divisions held its annual Impact Day, a day of communal chesed and giving back to our community. Some of the organizations that they volunteered for were: JFam, Love n Groceries, Our Big Kitch en Los Angeles (OBKLA), Gift of Life Registry, Tomchei Shabbos, Global Kindness, Etta, Yachad, Soup Kitchen, Garden of Palms, and Chai Lifeline.
YULA students with Congressman Raul Ruiz
At the start of the school year, each division held its Annual Clubs & Chesed Fair, showcas PILLARS OF A YULA EDUCATION: DEVELOPMENT
Mazel tov to Atara Samson ‘22 and Jake Lewis ‘24 on being honored by Beth Jacob Con gregation with the very special Noah Arnold z”l Chesed and Leadership Award. They were honored in Noah’s memory at the Noah Arnold z”l Memorial Breakfast commemorating his first yahrzeit.
private meetings with Congressmen attended by YIAC students lobbying for a strongrelationshipAmerica-Israel 19 students serve on the YIAC board , planning Israel activism and advocacy events for the YULA student body students attended the Annual YIAC kickoff event to Lauren & Ezra Kest for their generous support of the Israel Advocacy Program for the refuah of Mordechai Tzvi Ben Soro Rochel.
The YULA Israel Advocacy Club (YIAC) was named as one of the AJC’s 2021 “Disrupt Antisemi tism” winners. The 2021 winners represent ideas that are innovative, impactful, and counter antisemitism through non-traditional mediums, and they received a $10,000 grant to achieve their goals. YIAC’s “Inter-Community Youth Initiative,” will bring Jewish and non-Jewish high school students together for a fellowship pro gram designed to build trust, foster understanding, and fight antisemitism and racism. Thank you to our student-led Panther Productions team for producing the video submission.

Our Tools for Tolerance pro gram kicked off this spring with our faculty and staff participating in meaningful and thought ful programs. Thank you to the Museum of Tolerance for en gaging our faculty and students in this program that focuses on sensitivity, empathy, and respect for all.
“Love your neighbor as you would love yourself”
Mazel tov to Leila Fishman ‘22 , Arieli Mahler ‘22, Bina Goldman ’22, Talya Totaiv ’22, Eitan Klein ‘22 and Caleb Astrof ‘22 for being named the recipi ents of Yeshiva University’s Core Torah Values Scholarships. The scholarship is awarded to 60 students nationwide who repre sent and embody YU’s five Torot and ideals, and we are so proud to have 4 of those scholarships awarded to YULA. We can’t wait to see all that they accomplish during their years at YU!
Mazel tov to Bina Goldman ‘22 , Talya Totaiv ‘22, Natan Levi ‘22 and Menachem Nissim ‘22 for receiving the YU Nagel Scholarship that is awarded to students who have excelled aca demically, demonstrated school leadership, and exemplified outstanding character. SAVE A LIFE YULA held 2 blood drives and 2 bone marrow drives on campus this year. A bone marrow match was found this year from a Gift of Life drive that was held at YULA!
ing an array of chesed organi zations and the myriad of 40+ clubs that YULA offers. This allowed students to find their passions and to sign up for new clubs that provide so many rewarding opportunities for all.

ATHLETICS GO PANTHERS! YULA Athletics came back in full-force after the pandemic. Student participation was at an all-time high, and the community jumped to support the athletes by sponsoring teams or filling the stands for crucial games and Senior Nights. We’re so proud of the teams for persistently work ing on one of our crucial pillars, Character Development, while bringing home many accolades. YULA Girls claimed the ChampionshipLeague in three sports Tennis, Soccer, and Basketball YULA Girls Basketball Team traveled to Miami and placed 3rd in the RASG Hebrew Academy Tournament YULA Girls Track & Field Team had sprinters finish in the Top 10 at every meet, and the Sprint Relay claimed 2nd and 3rd place at various meets new teams: • Boys Cross County • Boys JV Soccer • Girls Freshman Volleyball • Girls Sophomore Volleyball Due to increased participation, YULA started 4 YULA TeamsconsistedAthleticsofthisyear 2580% studentparticipationathleteschoolwide ATHLETICS 10

1st in Team Foil at Championshipsthe YULA Girls Fencing Team won YULA Girls Fencing Team won 2 Golds 1 Silver 1 Bronze at various tournaments YULA Girls Flag Football Team was chosen to repre sent our school at the Super2022Bowl YULA Boys made the Playoffs in three sports –Tennis, Soccer, and Golf YULA Boys Baseball team traveled to Ohio and placed in the InvitationalColumbusTournament 3rd YULA Boys FencingnabbedTeamthe MetalGold in Saber ATHLETICS 11

ALUMNI Members of the Class of 2022 were admitted to the following institutions: ALUMNI YESHIVOT AISH ToratShalavimReishitOraytaNetivMevaseretMayanotLevKeremHakotelGushEretzDerechAshreinuGesherOhrSamayachHaTzviHarEtzionB’Yavneh(KBY)HaTorahTzionAryehShraga SEMINARIES Aish Gesher for Women MichleletMichlalahMachonJewessenceEshelBarBa’erAmudimMiryamIlanMaayanMevaseret Yerushalay im MidreshetMidreshetMidreshetMidreshetMidgal(MMY)OzAmitHarovaLindenbaumMoriah Midreshet Tehillah Sharfman’sShaalavimNishmat Bnot Torah TomerTiferet Devorah 6TVAgraduates received the Daniella Lee Casper z”l ’07 Israel Scholarship towards their seminary tuition. Thank you to Kerri and Frank Lee and friends who established this fund in Daniella’s memory. The class of 2002 celebrated their 20 year reunion this year. Thank you to event chairs, Tova Bernstein ‘02, Aaron Katz ‘02, Avi Kreitenberg ‘02, Dovid Levine ‘02 and Pamela Talansky ‘02! 12

COLLEGES Arizona State University* Babson College Barnard College Baruch CaliforniaCaliforniaCalCalCalCalBrandeisBinghamtonCollegeUniversity*University*Poly-PomonaPoly-SanLuisObispoState-LosAngelesState-NorthridgeStateUniversity,LongBeachStateUniversity, Northridge Chapman University* Cornell University IDC UniversityLoyolaJohnsIndianaHerzliyaUniversity*HopkinsUniversityMarymountUniversityofMaryland-College Park* University of Massachusetts-Amherst University of Michigan Muhlenberg College* NYU,NYU RutgersPrincetonTischUniversityUniversity* Santa Monica College Syracuse University* The George Washington UniversityUniversityof Toronto Touro College UC Davis UC San Diego UC Berkley UC Irvine UC Merced UC Riverside UC Santa Barbara UniversityUCLA of Arizona* University of Maryland* University of Michigan University of Pennsylvania WashingtonUSC* University in St. WashingtonLouis University in St. Louis, Olin School of YeshivaYeshivaBusinessUniversityHonorsProgram*University* 2 Alumni were chosen as YU Strauss Scholars this year 102 students graduated this year! 90% of our Senior Girls will be Seminaryattendingthisyear! *Students were offered merit-based scholarships ALUMNI YULA Rebbeim were mesader kedushin at eight alumni weddings this year! 13

Over 600 parents, students, alumni and friends attended the drama de partment’s 3 sold out performances of Hamilton this winter! Drama de partment participation has doubled since last year!
We welcomed two new Sifrei Torah to the Nagel Family Campus this year! The new Sifrei Torah were dedicated by Doris and Behzad Javidzad in honor of the bar mitzvah of their son, Aaron ’23 memory of Avraham ben Rachamim Ha’cohen z”l and Miri and Rueben Robin in memory of Reuven Shaul ben Leah z”l .
For the first time in over 7 years, Seniors participated in an Israel trip to tour seminaries for their gap year in Israel. It was the largest group in YULA’s history to participate in this trip. YULA commemorated Yom Hasho ah with an extremely meaningful and impactful program remember ing victims of the Holocaust, honoring survivors, and sharing stories of resis tance. A museum of historical artifacts and inspiring student and staff art pieces were on display for our school community to experience. Faculty members led sessions on the Berlin Olympics, Evian Conference, Kristallnacht, Petition to FDR, Allies bombing Auschwitz, The Auschwitz Protocols, The Catholic Church, Der Sturmer, and Dachau, 1934: The New Republic. We will Never Forget.
The Girls and Boys Divisions each held powerful Selichot pro grams. The evening was filled with tremendous inspiration and instilled a feeling of pre paredness for the kedusha of the upcoming Yomim Norim

R’ Sufrin and R’ Baalhaness joined 51 fathers and sons for an emotional, unforgettable, and inspiring week in Poland. They relived the horrors of the Holocaust, learned the history of our Gedolim , and celebrated the future of Am Yisroel . A moving documentary was produced and directed by board member and parent, Gil Goldschein.
Our Model Congress Team had a memorable trip to Boston where the team worked together with delegates from other schools to create new bills for global improvement. What a tremendous Kiddush Hashem as our delegates did not compete on Shabbos, but still merited honorable mention. Our Model UN team competed in New York this spring and came home with another back to back 1st place finish! This was the 9th YULA victory since 2005!
Over 600 members of the YULA family cele brated Purim together at our annual Purim ex travaganza in memory of Dr. Jack Levkowitz z”l . The evening included Megillah reading, a concert with Rabbi Shua Rose and concluded with a kumzitz with Rabbi Sufrin and Rabbi Rose. Thank you to Elayne and Howard Levkowitz for sponsoring the 3rd annual Purim Extravaganza.
We had nearly 100% student participation at each of the Girls and Boys schoolwide Shabbatons this Spring! The exciting activi ties, uplifting Divrei Torah , and inspirational singing and dancing further solidified the strong friendships our students have created and enhanced the connection of the students with their Rebbeim and Mechancot. We can’t wait until next year’s Shabbatons!
Jewish music stars Eitan Katz ’99 , Joey Newcome and Simcha Leiner performed for our students throughout the year on campus. As part of our monthly vasikin Rosh Chodesh minyan, Eitan Katz ’99 led an uplift ing musical Hallel in honor of Rosh Chodesh Adar that was attended by over 150 people. On the girls campus, the surprise Simcha Leiner concert introduced our new alma mater “YULA My Home,” composed by Meira Ives ’22 and Mrs. Rochel Rose, adding to our forever-lasting ruach at YULA!

The academic year 2021-2022 is now in the rear-view mirror. Before we part with it, however, we should take the time to note how it was among the most suc cessful years in YULA’s storied history. First, the girls and boys divisions re-merged. This has al ready paid enormous dividends. We saved $1.2 million, enabling us to hold tuition in place for the second year in a row (not a small accomplishment in an environment of raging inflation).
In celebration of the merger, we broke every fundraising record, with an incredibly successful Night of Comedy Event and Trustees Dinner, each with head line honorees who have really given of themselves to YULA.
Further, we had our most suc cessful recruiting season ever, as we get ready to welcome over 120 new ninth graders – with over 60 kids in each division for the first time in YULA’s history! May Hashem, the G-d of our forebears, increase their num bers a thousandfold, and bless each of them as He promised them ( Deuteronomy 1:11 )! But these accomplishments are all trivial, compared to the strides we made culturally and institutionally. Rabbi Sufrin, along with his administrative team, incessantly repeated the values that we stand for. They made great progress in deep ening a commitment to Torah values in both divisions. When tested, which invariably happens in life (see Nachmanides on Gen esis 22:1 that Hashem creates ways for us to discover our inner capabilities), YULA was clear about what it stands for: 1) the primacy and relevancy of To rah; 2) uncompromising general studies and 3) character development. Character development is part and parcel of the primacy and relevancy of Torah, as the Torah’s ways are pleasant, and all her paths, are peaceful ( Prov erbs 3:17 ). We will always fiercely protect what we think is in the best interests of our students’ character development. We still have so much more to do to live our values. I could not be more pleased that – be ginning in late August – we will be the new, permanent home of the Jack and Gitta Nagel YU Community Kollel. The Kollel has brought eight new families to Los Angeles. While the eight men will be learning on our campus daily, from morning to FROM SETH BERKOWITZ, PRESIDENT

Finally, the girls campus will be undergoing an extensive upgrade through the summer – that will invariably leak into the academic year. When done, we will have a new Girls Beit Midrash, a new workout room, a new half court gym set-up, and a completely re-tooled and re-fashioned front and back courtyard, thanks to the gener osity of a number of commit ted families. It’s going to be a game-changer. In addition, we have significant seed money to continue to look for ways to meaningfully expand the foot print of the Girls Division. 2021-2022 was historic. We are in a great financial posi tion, fundraising is growing, the campuses are being im proved, enrollment is exploding, the education is improving, costs are being held under control, and we are adding program ming, while welcoming an affil iation with the new Kollel. Most importantly, we have a clarity of vision and a deep commitment to our values. Now we just need to go out and execute all over again. I’m looking forward to an even better
night, their wives have taken po sitions at YULA Girls, Maimon ides and Yavneh, bolstering the ranks of our Torah educators. In addition to the Kol Torah in the boys Beit midrash, there will be weekly Torah programming through the Kollel at the YULA Girls division as well. I believe the impact of the Kollel’s daily presence in the lives of all of our students will be immeasurable.
Berkowitz, President Howard Levkowitz, Vice President Alan Gindi, Co-Chairman Brian Kleinman, Treasurer David Nagel, Co-Chairman Shuli Steinlauf, Secretary Evan DonnyShmuelShalomAnziskaAynesazanBarakFeldman David Gershov Nancy Gofman Gil StevenGoldscheinHeumann Mark Horowitz Yona Elishis Yitzy Katz ‘00 Kamyar Mahboubi Dani Samson ‘86 Omid DanielShayeUretsky ‘99 Effie Zisblatt ‘90 INTRODUCING THE YULA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS 17 PRESIDENTTHEFROMMESSAGE


Sanford and Beverly Deutsch were instrumental in laying the foundation for the Mod Orthodox community that has flourished in the greater Los Angeles Area. Their philanthropic leader ship includes starting Ram bam High School, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Yeshi vat Yavneh and serving as President of Sharei Tefillah and of the Orthodox Union. Eleven of their grandchil dren have attended YULA. are grateful for donors who have had the vision to ensure YULA’s vibrancy well into the future through the establishment of endowment fund. looking forward to continued growth of this important fund, which will continue to have an impact on school for generations to come.
INVESTING IN THE FUTURE OF JEWISH EDUCATION SANFORD & BEVERLY DEUTSCH Z”L ENDOWMENT SOCIETY, YULA BOYS DEDICATED BY ROBIN & MEIR GELMAN Ruth & Seth Berkowitz Lynda & Arie Buchman Gregory Cortese Elaine & Mark Gershenson Rachel & Jack E. z”l Gindi Barbara & Alan Gindi Naomi & Gregg Gittler Nancy & Yasha Gofman Harwitt Foundation Lauren & Ezra Kest Kestenbaum Family Foundation Lesley & Brian Kleinman Aviva & Scott Krieger Elayne & Howard Levkowitz Tina ‘85 & Michael Loboda Vivian & Jordan Lurie Rick MelodyMacaya&Kamyar Mahboubi Debi & Harry Peled Gitel & David Rubin & Family Joanne Saks Sheri & Arnold Schlesinger Irine & Victor Schweitzer Sara & Ronald Solomon Jeff Stern Ann & William Warnick Fay z”l & Irwin Weiss Geri & Isaac Wiener 2022-23 Projected 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 200250150100500 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 ENROLLMENT GIRLS BOYS 2022-23 Projected Yisca & R’ Michael Abraham Susan & Michael Baum Lynda & Arie Buchman Class of 2012 Tabitha & Brian ‘89 Dror Robin & Meir Gelman Felice Gottlieb ‘00 & Shmuel Barak Ann & Avi Hier Sheryl Neuman & Mark Hyman Hedy & Ted Orden z”l Scholarship Fund (Helen & Moshe Sassover) Amy & Mark Kestenbaum Trudy & Louis Kestenbaum z”l Lesley & Brian Kleinman Rosina z”l & Robert Korda Elayne & Howard Levkowitz Tina ‘85 & Michael Loboda Cheryl & Ronnie Nagel Gitta & Jack z”l Nagel Marnie & David Nagel Judy SassoonPosnerFamily Foundation Sheri & Arnold Schlesinger Stephen Sigoloff Sam TamarSmall&R’ Arye Sufrin Kity Wallace Fay z”l & Irwin Weiss Geri & Isaac Wiener ENDOWMENT FUND, YULA GIRLS
We are

DEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHTS 1 5 5 8 8 4 12 40 103 72 75 99 72 206 113 DONATIONS BY GIVING LEVELS
Thank you to Mark Schiff for organizing the evening’s enter tainment. This year’s Night of Comedy raised over $185,000!
Thank you to the Decron Properties Golf Committee and to Michael Bernstein ‘98 for working year-round, year after year to continue to raise the bar on this critical fund raiser benefiting our scholar ship fund. This year’s tourna ment raised over $700,000! 400 supporters attended our first joint Night of Comedy and Magic at the Seban Theatre honoring Charlie & Victoria Frankel
At our Annual Trustees Event we honored longtime parents, board members, and support ers, Elayne & Howard Levkowitz. They have served for a combined 19 years on the board playing a major role in YULA’s growth and develop ment, and particularly in the merger of the two Schools. We also recognized our alumni Felice Gottlieb ‘00 and Daniel Uretsky ‘99. Record breaking fundraising of over $1.3 million dollars was raised towards financial aid and student activ ities scholarships. Thank you to our honorees, Board of Direc tors and senior leadership for helping us reach this historic milestone. Thank you to our event co-chairs Gila & Yitzy ‘00 Katz and Sheryl Newman & Mark Hyman.

NAGEL FAMILY BOYS CAMPUS DEDICATIONS Abramson Family Bleachers dedicated by Dana & David Abramson Heumann Family Panther Streaming Network (PSN) dedicated by Simona & Steven Heumann Robin Shot Clocks dedicated by Miri & Reuben Robin 193 First time donors 823 Donations made to YULA in FY 2022 108 YULA alumni made donations 116 Donors increased their giving level in FY 2022 $1,467,000 raised in Capital Gifts for the Girls Campus Enhancements! 21 HIGHLIGHTSDEVELOPMENT

Dedicated by Chaya & Mark Horowitz
This summer, we began the first phase of the Campus Enhancements for the Gindi Family Girls Campus. We look forward to completing these projects over the course of the year.
Dedicated by Elayne & Howard Levkowitz
LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS Thank you to Sherri and Babak Rashididoust for donating new lighting for the entire Girls Campus! Campus Enhancement Dedication Opportunities available, please contact Rochel Gargir at rgargir@yula.org or 310-203-0755 for more information. GINDI FAMILY GIRLS CAMPUS: CAMPUS ENHANCEMENTS
Every morning, students arriv ing at YULA will enter through the Horowitz Family Plaza. The updated contemporary space will serve as an inviting first appearance of our beautiful campus. The additional seating and shade structure will create a central hub for numerous school activities that unite our students and faculty.
The Levkowitz Family Courtyard will undergo renovations to create an inviting and updated modern space. To accommo date the growing student body, the renovation will create additional seating and work spaces on our campus.

The beautiful 1,700 square foot half court will be located in the Kellerman Gymnasium and was designed to mirror the look of the Samson Center, bringing a sense of cohesiveness to the two cam puses. In addition to being used daily for girls’ physical education class, both divisions will benefit from this space for various athlet ic practices and programs.
DAVID & MARNIE NAGEL COURT Dedicated by Marnie & David Nagel
Dedicated by Murielle & Steve Uretsky
The Fitness Center will be locat ed in the Kellerman Gymnasium and will be equipped with cardio equipment, weightlifting equipment and other state of the art gym equipment for the students to work out. With its high ceil ing, natural light and vibrant wall graphics, this is an exciting new addition to our campus and will be used daily for girls’ physical education class, both divisions will benefit from this space for various athletic practices and programs.
The Beit Midrash will be a ded icated space of Torah learning for students and adults. The Beit Midrash will be utilized through out the day, Midrasha, and adult education. With a furniture layout designed for Chavruta style learning with a sefarim library and an Aron Kodesh dedicated by Ruth & Seth Berkowitz.
Dedicated by Magda & Harold Katz, Gila & Yitzy ’00 Katz, Dena & Chaim ’02 Katz

$25K $49,999 Dana & David ‘96 CBREAMAbramsonHouseCapital Markets Yona & Isser Elishis, B Rachel Gindi Ilana & Gil Goldschein, B SimonaHarwittGrundcoFoundation&StevenHeumann, B Keri & Frank Lee The Kenneth Leventhal LaurenFoundation&Mark Mintz Cheryl & Ronald Nagel PS2 MirriamInc & Aaron Robin Rachel & Omid Shaye, B Shuli & Avi Steinlauf, B Mary & Aric Streit Rick Macaya $10K $24,999 All Valley Washer American Power Solutions Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Shawni & Jeffrey Astrof Michelle & Mark Barak Dahlia & Art Bilger Burns Environmental Citi Private CommercialBankRoofManagement Current Energy Elkins, Kalt, Weintraub, Reuben, Gartside Victoria & Charlie Frankel Tracy & Sander Gerber Michal & David Gershov, B Greenberg Glusker LLP Rachel ‘00 & Akiva Greenfield J MindyBetsyBertieSquaredLevkowitzLevy&Robert Licht Tina ‘85 & Michael Loboda Melody & Daniel Mahboubi, B Meridian Capital Carol & Larry Mizel MS OneMarketingCallRenovations, Inc. Optima Energy Naomi ‘00 & Dovi Prero Gitel & David Rubin Seamless Flooring Rebecca & EffieTheWolf,WalkerLeslieShmidmanYehuda&GeoffreySitbon&DunlopRifkin,Shapiro,Schulman&RabkinRonaldandEthelGruenEndowedFund&UriZisblatt, B $5K $9,999 Allbright Painting Alison ‘98 & Evan Anziska, B Armon Investments Rita & Shalom Aynesazan, B Sandra & Avy Azeroual Yoli & Guy Bachar Dalya & Simon Backer Barak, Richter & Dror Felice ‘00 Gottlieb & Shmuel Barak, B Susan & Michael Baum Ilana & Ari Berenson Berkadia JennyTraceyGibsonChanaJennyEsthieRitaEdmunds.comTabithaDesignCLACityCityCIRMChicagoCapitalCAMCal-QuakeRobinRosaleeEstherMortgageCommercial&JacobBlaich&CheskyBraunstein&ElliotBroidyConstructionServicesOneCommercialRealEstateTitleNationalRochdaleServiceContracting,Inc.&Develop&Brian‘89DrorLewkowicz&SimonElhiani&WalterFeinblum&EmilFish‘92&PaulGelbDunn&Crutcher&Joey‘86GoldsteinLewkowicz&EmanuelGottlieb HD Supply ZivaPacificSarahOut-FitOmniaErikaRinatDoritAnnieDarrenMillenniumAvivaEstherDinaAvivaSaraKJKimball,SigalElisaCeceEvaMarleneJoleenJLLRinaNancyHurkHoldsworthLeebaAngieMaintenanceFacilities&MoiseHendeles&ZevHertzFamilyDAFDesignConstructionStark&StanleyLezman&SherwinIsenbergCapitalMarkets&MitchellJulis‘86&Mark‘87Kahan&AbeKaplan&MikeKarz&MeirKeller&JonathanKellyTirey&St.JohnCarpetWholesale&BennyKohanteb&ScottKrieger&FredLeeds&PaulLerer&RoyMansanoEnterprises,LLCEdwards&Daniel‘02Nagel&HarryNelson&NathanNewman&PinchasNissanoffPacific&AdivPachterWesternBank&DovPlattner, F RealPage,PNC Inc. Denise & Weston Richter $250 k + Barbara & Alan Gindi, B Chaya & Mark Horowitz, B Gitta & Jack z”l Nagel Katz ElayneFamily&Howard Levkowitz, B Marnie & David Nagel, B $100K $249,999 Ruth & Seth Berkowitz, B Ann & Mark Goldin Lauren & Ezra Kest Lee DebbieSamson&Sunny Sassoon $50K $99,999 Decron InstitutionalPropertiesProperty Advisors (El InstitutionalSegundo)Property Advisors (Palo Alto) Amy & Mark Kestenbaum Rosina z”l & Robert Korda MiriPershingNewmark&Reuben Robin Sheri & Arnold Schlesinger B Board Member F Faculty & Staff Member Please note: This issue of the Annual Report deals solely with the 2021-2022 fiscal year which ended June 30, 2022. 24 LISTINGDONOR
Robert Medrano Concrete Rosie & Mark Rosenbaum The Ruderman Group –Morgan Stanley Rivkie & Daniel ‘86 Samson, B Helen & Moshe Sassover Brigitte & Jonathan Schoen Joy & Ron Sentchuk Sherwin Williams Sharon & Morris Silver Gabriel Simha ‘13 Rachel & Jonathan Teller Wayne Tennis Meryl Shapiro Tuchin & Michael Tuchin United Texas Bank Zahavah & Daniel ‘99 Uretsky, B Weiss Family Foundation Judy & Morry Weiss Derek SabrinaEvans&Aric Zamel $2.5K $4,999 Nely & Pirooz Amona Michelle & Benjamin Andron Lisa & Geoffrey Aranoff Sara ‘97 & Yoni ‘98 JennyBarzideh&Moshe ‘00 DePasquale,Chargie,BuchmanLLCKelley & RenaShoshanaFergusonEsteeJessicaTaliIlanitEuroGilatDuffyCompanyKruspodin‘84&Yossi‘84EnglanoffDesignElectric&MichaelFallas&MikeFayfel&AntonFeingold&EbenFeinstein‘99&JoelFogel‘82&JamieFrankel, F Devora & Moishe NaomiFrankel& Ben Fried Rachel & Steven ‘96 Fried Daphna & Ben Gerendash Yasha & Nancy Gofman, B Judith & Aryeh Goldberg Mazal & Victor Hadad Eliana & Nachum Hascalovici Alison z”l & Alex ‘99 Hendeles The Holdsworth Group, LLC Sheryl Neuman & Mark Hyman Israel Discount Bank Naomi & Jeremy ‘92 Ives Lesley & Brian Kleinman, B Mark CarolStephanieSherriTRGPlatinumLeebaCareenaPacificDaphneShellyElizabethNa’amitLeviDebraRivkaDalyaMarcieTracyDeborahPhilipEvvyVivianAlaineJacquelineDanielleKruspodin‘95&StevenKupferman‘99&Kupperman&JordanLurie&DavidMankowitzManoucheri&AviMarcinao&SidneyMathalonMeier&MottiMeisels&MichaelMost&ScottMund&LaurenNagel&Zev‘00Nagel&MarcNeiman&ShmueliNewman‘86&JonathanOrensheinComputerSupply&DrewParker&ZevHertzSecurityFireSystemBabak‘99&BabakRashidi&TzviRatner-Stauber‘95&AdamReich Shira & Benjamin Rosenberg Stephen & Rachel Ross Matthew Ruderman Elimor & Rafi ‘02 Ryzman, F Estie & Allen Samson Mareen & Michael Samson Suzanne & Kevin Schlanger Robin & R’ Joseph Schreiber, F Lorriane & Steve Spira Lisa & Alan Stern Max TamarStern&R’ Arye Sufrin Perri & Jonathan ‘98 Tabak Dorit & Alan Teichman Ilana & Jonathan ‘05 Uretsky Sarah & Yossi Wachtel Soshea Leibler & Jance WeinstockWebermanManion Reisman Shore & Neumann Valerie & Gary Weitzer Adi & Philip Werthman Annette & Michael ‘99 Wiener Yvonne & Abe Wintner Francine & Jacob Wintner Jennifer & Philip ‘95 Wintner Lisa & Yoni ‘99 Wintner Kurt SarahWood&Yitzchak Yasharpour $1K $2,499 Lynn & Jonathan Abesera Yisca & R’ Michael Abraham, F Action Investment Group, Inc. Anonymous LisaAnonymous&Scott Arnold B.M. Plumbing & Construction, Inc. Kenny Bendik & Alissa Rimmon Bryndie & Moshe Bennaroch Hilda & Dan Bergher Dena ‘96 & Joel Bess Karen & Meir Brunelle Cedars Sinai Mojgan Zakhor & Homayoon Darvish Risa & Simcha Dauer Mitchell Davis Chava & Avi Dayan E Galindo Cleaning Services Yvette & Eric Edidin Elite Elevator Service Sharon & Kovi Elkus Enviroworx Pest Control Cindy ‘01 & Leeran ‘01 Factor Shana ‘91 & Donny Feldman, B Deborah Fellman Shari & Jeffrey ‘85 Fishman Agnes Frankel Nora & Irwin Friedman GE Consumer & Applicances Jenny & Billie Gelb Robin & Meir Gelman Geo’s Painting, Inc. 25 LISTINGDONOR

Natalie ‘01 & Jonathan ‘99 Gerber Glynis & Selwyn Gerber Andrea & Larry Gill Sheina & Jack Gindi Elizabeth & Joseph Gindi Helene Goodman Miriam Goslins Jamie & Gershie ‘08 SamiraMichaelM.I.S.LoganMichelleAlizaRobynEstherSharonSusanLawJonathanArleneElaineAlanKalleyGailNellyIndependentHowardAlonaAnnieJenniferHerzDonnaJulietJeffreyGruenGrunfeld&AviHandelman&DanHarkhamFamily&JoshuaHerz‘92&AviHier&Michael‘92HorowitzRoofingEnviro&HenriKahn&RonaldKahnFlooring,Inc.Kaye&R’BaruchKupfer&MosheKupietzkyLauerOfficeofSeymourFagan&EricLerner&AsherLevine&CraigLevine&CraigLewis&ShlomoLiechtung&JoshuaLobelInvestmentsAppliance,INC&SusanneKestFamilyFund&AriMiller, F Mission NatalieGeriTalyaBlimyPamelaEmanuelSunriseSaraSanamShomerAdamShawKlaraShirleyCatherineThomasJuneRoyalMelanieSherylArielRefinishersRHindiSandraSusanParcelLeoraArchitectureLandscape‘06&IsaacOrenbuchPending&SusanPorgess&LawrencePost‘96&R’AdirPosy&RElectricCoChoice‘10&Ben‘10RichterRosenberg&RafaelRosenkranzWindowProducts&JosephSchamesSchiff&EricSchneider&MalSerure&MartinShandlingContractShiffInsuranceServices&AshkanSoleymani&RonaldSolomonPoolTaitz‘02&MichaelTalansky&R’HershyTen&AlexWaldman&IsaacWiener&ChaimWilliams, F Kathleen Braton & Brian Wruble $500$999 Jacklin & Behrouz Aframian American AquaAnonymousCarpetCreations Camille & Manuel Bergher Ariana & Michael ‘98 Bernstein Rosecarrie Brooks Lynda & Arie Buchman Bunny Constructions Neeli Gottlieb ‘06 & Eric MichelleCohn‘96 & Yona IlanaConzevoy&Bobby Daftari Batya & Joey ‘10 Dayan Jonathan Eltes Maggie & Zachary ‘10 Finder Natali & Gabriel Tabibi Rochel & Shachar Gargir, F Blima ‘09 Gottlieb & Akiva Glazerson Miriam & Leland Green, F Anne & Bruce Greenfield Eve & John Halwani Lori Fogel-Hess & Ron Hess Tanya & Avraham Heyman Beverly & Richard Horowitz Stanley Kandel Lea & Robert Kershberg Daphna & Dovid Levine Chaya & Jack ’17 Levkowitz Ella Levkowitz ’22 Julia Levkowitz ’19 Olivia Levkowitz ‘15 Simcha Mandelbaum Sophie & Eitan Melamed Sheila & Greg Meyer Frances & Stuart Miller Ruhama & R’ Elazar Muskin Judy Posner, F Progressive Protective Services, Inc. Gabriel Rabbanian ‘11 Matt EstherRayer&David Renzer Leon DebraRachelLyndaRivkaChelseaNatanelZahavaRittenberg&AviRyzmanSazegar‘10‘06&MatthewSchames&MosesScheinfeldSchwartzShandalovFields&JonathanSilberman, F Frieda & Sandy Small Marilyn & Jaime Sohacheski South Bay JordanaTravisRebeccaElishevaGoldieStonewaterLandscapingFinancialSusman&Yitzchak‘99Tendler&ArianTorbatiJungePoolServiceWertheimer, F Michelle & Alan Willner Marc Wishingrad $100$499 Huvi & R’ Shimon Abramczik, F Mahnaz Israeli & Isaac ShlomitAbrams&Larry Abrams, F Yael ‘92 & Craig Ackerman Ronit & R’ Nissan Ahoobim, F Ernest SerenaAmster&Gary Apfel Gila Balakhaneh ‘20 Andras Bartha Maya ‘09 & Jordan Bass Layla Bayramova & Steve Farkas, F Vicki & Richard Bellomo, F Yehudis Benhamou, F Sophia & Weissman Benporat JillAnonymousCulter& Elihu Berle Debra & Steven ‘94 Bernstein Amy StephanieWilliamRobertBittonBlitzsteinBolton&Gary Bregman Davina MehrdadCohen&Farnaz Dayani Heather & Gene Dula Sabine & R’ Pini Dunner Maureen & Larry Eisenberg Rachel & Shlomo Elspas Michel & Ramak Elyson Talya ‘04 & Adrian Engel Englekirk Institutional Jennifer ‘01 & Alex Feldman Bryna & Moishe Fiedler Anne Frankel Ira EstherRobFrankelFrankel&Yitzy Frankel, F Batsheva & Yossie Frankel, F Leslie & Richard Friedman Shira SharonGenauer&Avida Giloh Deborah & Mark Goldenberg Sol ChaviGoldner&Baruch Gorman, F Tami & Asher Gottesman Lara & Hershel Goulson Ariella & Ben Hakakian Leslie & Eli Hartman Jonathan Hay ‘18 Rachel & Mark ‘94 Hecht Jennifer & R’ Menachem Hecht, F Rachel & R’ Pinchos Hecht, F Michael Heeter, F Arie Hendeles ‘08 Deborah & Edward Herbst Dodie & David ‘73 Herskovitz Danice Hertz Gary KarenHoffman&Darrin Holender David Holender 26 LISTINGDONOR

Beverly YolandaAriellaJulieRachelCherylYiratShoshanaHollander-Skolnick&DavidHomami&JoshHorwattIbgui‘84‘05&AaronInlender&DavidIskowitz&Jeffrey‘86Ives&MartinJauregui, F David Kahn ‘92 Dora & Menachem ‘12 ElanaKashanian&Manish Katyal Molly & Aaron ‘02 Katz Malka & Josh ‘94 Katzin Leslie & Joel Kessler Kestutis Stupuras DBA Noble LisaHourashPlumbingKhazanKirschenbaum ‘84 Jessica Klein David Krasne Esther Pearl & Baruch Kreiman, F Avi Kreitenberg ‘02 Marilyn & Steve Lazar Jenni & Meir ‘81 Levin Daniella & Robert Linden Tova & Scott Loffman Racheli & Menachem Luftglass, F Sandra & Ari Mackler Gabrielle & R’ David Mahler Rachel & Marvin Mandelbaum Daniel & Rachel Margolies, F Jaklin & Simon Massachi Ron ChaveeMayerLerer & Victor Mellon Gil Melmed ‘91 Abie Mendelsohn ‘97 Wendi & Mark Miller Nathan RebeccaNehorayBetensky & Jeremy AlexandraNewbergerNovak, F Keren & Jeremy Nussbaum Brendan O’Malley, F Dmitri KimberlyOussik&Andrew Pomerantz David Pulitzer, F Jacob Rabbanian ‘12 Jonathan Rabbanian ‘13 Esther & Daniel Rbibo Debbie & Jack Rechnitz Freddie Reiss Emily Ricketson, F Lynn & Marc Rohatiner Rachel & R’ Shua Rose, F Miriam & R’ Dov Rosenbluth, F Zalman Roth & Sol Feiner Clarisse & Elliot Rubin Shira & Daniel ‘12 Sacks Nechama Salfer Katherine Saltzberg Stefanie & Jeremy Sandel Bracha & R’ NancyKarenSapochkinskyYitzchak&MosheSarto&MarkSchiff, F Elisa & Alan Schoenfeld Deborah & David Schultz Peter ZalmanJeremyFayMaryamSchwabShadi&NealShapiroShelton‘07&HadassahShemtov, F Sara & R’ Elchanan Shoff Bruria & R’ Yaakov Siegel, F Linda & Richard Sieger Linda & Slyvain Silberstein Edva & Craig Sims Nora & Behrouz Soroudi Allison & David Sostchen Melina Spadone Mindy & Brian Sroka, F Marcia & Richard St. Laurent, F Shoshana & R’ Jonah Steinmetz Karen & Doron Stephen Nana & Philip Streich, F Helen & Howard Szabo Leslee & Alex Sztuden Marcia & Sidney Teichman Meirav & Albert Totaiv Revital & Asher Turgeman Risa & Jeffrey Ungar Robert Ungar Rachel & David Waghalter Nessia Gottlieb ‘02 & Yosef Weinstock Lisa & R’ Zev ‘01 Wiener Rosalie Zalis Sarah Zarabi Zbra RobertaStudios&Morice Zelkha Rachel & Eli Ziv $1$99 Sipporah & R’ Dror Baalhaness, F Rachel & R’ Yonah Bookstein Julie & Jonathan Boyer Fiona MichaelBrookBurton, F Gloria & Patrick Chriqui Fletcher Crossman, F Stephen Eichenbaum, F Stephanie & R’ Yitzchak Etshalom, F Pam Felcher, F Shterny & Tully Fishman, F Cynthia & Alan Freedland Viktor Genjoyan, F Marcia & Sam Glaser, F Dina & R’ Aaron Moshe Granick, F Jaclin & Aziz Haboosheh Sarah Hazani Shira & R’ Gavriel Hershoff, F Heather Holmes, F Margy & Jeremy Horowitz, Hilary Kaplan, F Ronit & Alan Karben Chelsea Karp Pam Elfenbaum Klein & David JonathanKlein‘19 Krombach Janell LaRue, F Shira & R’ Josh Maslow, F Sara & Jonathan Nissim Noam Nizzani, F Miriam & Ethan Piliavin, F Diana Robinson, F Chaya & R’ Nachum Sauer, F Debora & Jay Semel Diann & Paul Sheridan Katherine & Brian Simon, F Dana & Joey ‘00 Small Maralyn & Paul Soifer, F Maya Steinborn, F Rivka & Yonah Tehrani, F Julie Tichon, F Lisa Utrata & Mark Irwin, F Sarah & Giorgio Yashar, F Yelena Yazmir Tzirrel & R’ Tzvi Younger, F Orly Zarur, F Ziva & Sharon Zeharya, F Nicole & Arjang Zendehdel Oksana & Gregory Zlotin, F 27 LISTINGDONOR