YULA Boys High School 2015-201 6 A n n ua l R e p o r t 5776
YULA Boys High School 2015 -2 0 1 6 A n n ua l R e p o r t 5776
Table of Contents Q&A With Rabbi Dov Emerson
Letter from the President
#DevelopmentPride 18 Annual Revenue and Expenses
Donors 2015-2016
Q&A with Rabbi Dov Emerson Head of School Q: Every morning, I’m grateful for... A : all Hashem gives us, especially my family, and our friends both near and far. We are grateful to be a part of a vibrant YULA community that is always seeking to grow. These are truly exciting times for YULA and it’s a privilege to serve as leader. Q: I got into education because... A : I had the privilege of being raised in a family in Memphis, TN where all of my role models from parents to grandparents, uncles and aunts, were passionate about education. To this day, they serve as community leaders, ensuring that the institutions that are vital to educating the next generation, namely the school and synagogue, are fulfilling their potential. One could say it was in our DNA. After spending 3 summers as a counselor in the NCSY Summer Kollel, I emerged energized and excited about spending my career in education.
believe passionately in our mission and in the importance of a great Gemara shiur, alongside a great literature program, alongside a superb STEM program, along with a full slate of athletics, and clubs, and leadership opportunities, and on and on. YULA is unique because of the sheer volume of opportunities afforded for our students to grow as Bnei Torah, as leaders, as students, and as people. While finding the time, resources, and funding for all of these programs is no small task, it’s a labor of love because we all implicitly understand why we are doing it and believe in the mission.
Q: The educator who most directly impacted my life was... A : Rabbi Ayson Englander, my rebbe throughout high school. He demystified the study of Gemara for me, giving me the gift not only of comprehension of the Gemara, but also a system that I have used myself in teaching my students. He also took his role as rebbe and role model seriously, making himself available for learning, chatting, and support.
Q: Three things I expect in my colleagues are... A : respect, a passion for helping kids succeed in any way they can, and accountability.
Q: If I wasn’t at YULA, I would be... A : in Israel working for a tech startup! I am really interested in how technology continues to change the way we educate and the incredible power it has to spread Torah. Q: The most challenging part of my role as Head of School is... A : everyone wants everything. Contrary to what that may sound like, it’s a very good problem. It means that our school is a vibrant place full of stakeholders who
Q: If I could pass advice onto the next generation of Jewish leaders, I would say... A : don’t take the fact that there will be a next generation of Jewish leaders for granted! We need you to step up! The Jewish people, led by the Orthodox community, are very strong right now. That does not happen on its own. It requires people, both lay and professional, who are willing to give of themselves to make progress happen. That is how leaders are made.
#TorahPride Gemara is a primary focus and foundational component of the Judaic Studies curriculum.
The goal is to equip our students with the skills to independently learn and analyze the Gemara with commentaries, appreciating the relevance of the Talmud in our lives. Our Judaic Studies faculty have developed classroom standards that enable each student to grow and succeed. These standards, known as R.U.A.C.H. HaTorah – Reading, Understanding, Atmosphere, Comprehension, Hashkafah – allow for individualized instruction based on the level and skill of each student and guide them to mastery. We expanded an already robust curriculum with several new Judaic Studies courses, including a high honors Tanach Masters course and a 12th Grade Jewish Life Cycles course.
Practical halacha is a hallmark of a YULA education. Complementing the halachot of tzitzit students learned in class, a practical workshop enabled students to make their own tzitzit whether following Ashkenazi or Sephardic minhagim.
Over 200 fathers, sons, rebbeim, and lay leaders packed our beit midrash for an incredible Father-Son Learning program with keynote presenter, Yeshiva University President Richard Joel who spoke about the powerful partnership between YULA and YU and led a learning session on the topic of “Is it ever okay to lie?”
YULA is cognizant of the generations before us, upon whose shoulders we stand today. As part of our yartzeit program, we commemorated the yarzheits of Torah giants Rav Yosef Dov
Soloveitchick, the Rav, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Ovadya Yosef, Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Belsky, Chofetz Chaim, Rav Nossan Zvi Finkel, Rav Aharon Kotler, and Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, talmid muvhak of the Rav, among other gedolim that have impacted us.
#StudentPride We are proud of our students’ accomplishments both in and out of the classroom: Zevi Gersten ’20
honored at a Graduation Ceremony at the Los Angeles Zoo for having completed their rigorous curriculum to become a Student Volunteer.
Ilan Bocian ’20
reached the third and final round of American Society of Human Genetics 2016 DNA Essay Contest. Only 2% of submitted essays reach this final round open to high school students worldwide.
Jason Cury, President of Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE) came to YULA to meet
Asher Willner ’16
who was one of 40 finalists from across the country in the Intel Talent Search Competition. Asher was the only student from a Jewish high school in the entire country to be selected for this honor.
Seven YULA students attended the Jefferson Awards Students in Action Conference in downtown Los Angeles where they joined 300 fellow students from different high schools and middle schools across Los Angeles County. The SIA conference teaches students how to lead and how to impact their own communities through community service activities.
students awarded President’s Education Award
National Merit Scholarship Commendations awarded
Brawerman Fellowship of the Jewish federation awarded to
Nathan Bentolila ‘16
Thermo-Fisher Scholarship awarded to
Nathan Bentolila ‘16
students received Presidential Volunteer Service Award for their efforts making the world a better place
YULA students believe in giving back! Our students volunteer for the following organizations in addition to giving back in so many other ways:
Bnei Akiva
Friendship Circle
Immediate Needs (founded by Sam Richter ’16)
Chai Lifeline Etta-Israel First Tee
Red Cross Blood Services – record number of donors in the 2015-2016 drive Tomchei Shabbos Yachad
#EthicalPride The popular Ethical Leadership Seminar brought many speakers this year who provided valuable insights for our students. Speakers included: Donald Etra Gary Finder Dr. Charles Frankel Alan Gindi Ryan Hyman
Stan Kasten, Co-owner, LA Dodgers (pictured above) Dr. Adam Mamelak Robert Millman Jonny Ritz Ben Shapiro ‘00
Jacob Siegel Jared Sichel Behrouz Soroudi Eli Portnoy Antonio Villaraigosa
#PantherPride Seeded 5th at the 25th Annual Yeshiva University Sarachek Basketball Tournament, the Panthers beat #12 ranked MTA in the first round and cross-town rival, #4 Valley Torah in
round 2. Despite losing to #1 ranked DRS, the Panthers beat Frisch, placing third in the tournament overall but led the pack in middot and teamwork!
For the first time this year, the Panther Baseball team took part in the Columbus Torah Academy Invitational, aka “The Jewish World Series� in Columbus, OH. The players, along with coaching staff, Athletic Director Damian Rodriguez, and Rabbi Dror Baalhaness, spent a beautiful weekend and Shabbat with students from yeshiva high schools around the country.
#YeshivaPride Our students have been accepted to the following programs in Israel:
of the Class of 2016 will be spending a year or more studying in Israeli institutions
of the Class of 2015 who spent a year in Israel will be staying for shana bet
Ashreinu Derech Har Etzion (Gush) Hakotel Kerem b’Yavneh Kivunim Lev Hatorah Bar Ilan Israel Experience Mevaseret Tzion Netiv Aryeh Ohr Yerushalayim Orayta Reishit Sha’alvim Tiferet Yerushalayim Torat Shraga
#CollegePride 100% of our 2016 graduates were accepted to one or more colleges including among others:
Boston University Brandeis University Columbia University Cornell University New York University
University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Riverside University of California, San Diego
University of California, Santa Barbara University of Maryland, College Park Yeshiva University Yeshiva University Honors
#AlumniPride YULA’s alumni play a critical role in the YULA Nation.
This year a formal YULA Boys Alumni Association Board (YBAA) was created, headed by Dan Shainberg ‘98, YBAA President, and a team of Vice Presidents and Class Chairs. The Alumni Association launched an exciting Lunch ‘n Learn series where YULA rebbeim meet with alumni over lunch for a short shiur and networking.
alumni teach at YULA
YBAA Board Members played an active role in promoting the annual YULA Trustees event where Yakov Agatstein ’00 accepted the first ever Alumni Service Award. The YBAA is actively seeking Class Chairs, especially for the 1980s. To get involved contact: Ryan Hyman Director of Institutional Advancement rhyman@yula.org
alumni have children that are current students
#IsraelPride The Land and State of Israel play a central role in the YULA mission. YULA focuses on this very special connection through programs such as:
Yom Hazikaron commemorated with
a moment of silence, student-read stories of bravery, Hatikva and learning for the day dedicated to the memory of our fallen soldiers, which then lead into a celebratory commemoration of Yom Ha’atzmaut, through tefilla, singing, dancing, and special programs. AIPAC Policy Conference, Washington, DC —our students became inspired advocates for Israel hearing from five of the six presidential candidates about their views on Israel. The AIPAC Policy Conference is preceded by the special AIPAC High School Summit where YULA students joined over 500 students from across the country learning how to lobby our congress people on behalf of Israel.
Renowned speakers, such as former Israeli Ambassador Danny Ayalon , addressed YULA students as well as Trustees at a private event hosted by Shalom and Rita Aynasazan, and moderated by Zev Nagel ‘00.
students are attending this year’s NCSY Kollel in Israel
students are attending Mach Hach Ba’Aretz in Israel
#CommunityPride The greater Los Angeles community plays an important role in the YULA Nation.
We recognize how YULA impacts the community and how the community impacts YULA.
YULA joined forces with several other schools and shuls in a display of achdut to complete all of mishnayot in memory of Mr. Louis Kestenbaum, community leader, philanthropist, and YULA supporter. YULA Boys School President, David Nagel , spoke movingly about Mr. Kestenbaum’s support for education and that he was instrumental in shaping our school into what it is today.
Rabbis David and Yedidia Shofet of Nessah Congregation addressed the YULA community at an event organized by YULA High Schools in conjunction with YULA Initiative for Sephardi Jewish Heritage, and hosted at the YULA Boys campus. The event was a special opportunity for our Ashkenazi and Sephardi brethren to come together and learn about the important legacy of Iranian Jewry.
Also from the Persian community, Mr. Bob Refuah spoke about life in Iran as an Orthodox Jew and how he escaped from his homeland.
#LegacyPride A group of juniors, seniors and several fathers, travelled to Poland for a life-changing journey in the shadow of the Holocaust.
Students from both YULA Boys School and YULA Girls School participated in Names, Not Numbers©, an oral history film project that takes the teaching of the Holocaust and its lessons well beyond many previous efforts. YULA is proud to be the first school in California selected to participate in this program. The project preserves an essential segment of the history of World War II and its aftermath. Students interviewed and filmed Holocaust survivors and gained intimate details about this terrible time in our history. In addition to the student-created documentary, the documentary maker/film director filmed students, rebbeim, teachers, and interviewees throughout the process creating a second documentary entitled “Names, Not Numbers©: A Movie in the Making.” This documentary about our students was premiered at the Grove to a packed theater.
#LAJewishHistoryPride Their legacy, in part, is a flourishing Jewish day school system, including at YULA, where generations of students have incorporated a love of Torah from their magnificent rebbeim, teachers, and heads of school.
Dr. Morris and Eve Golomb, Z’L, believed in the importance of
Jewish Day Schools at a time when the concept was in its infancy in Los Angeles. With vision, purpose, and dedication, they worked to make a quality day school education available to all Jewish children. When Morris and Eve arrived in Los Angeles in the late 1940s, there were no Jewish day schools. Believing that day schools were critical for their children, the Golombs, along with several like minded pioneers, set to the arduous task of developing community support, raising funds, and hiring teachers. Their enthusiasm was contagious. Those early schools grew into flourishing day schools and eventually high schools. YULA Boys and Girls schools with their excellence in both Judaic and General studies are an outgrowth of the efforts of these pioneers.
When Eve and Morris met and married in Youngstown, Ohio, they already shared a dream of providing their children with the finest Jewish education possible. They believed in day schools, where students would thrive and excel equally in both Judaic and general studies, and where all subjects would be taught as a unified whole in the context of a Torah framework. They refused to be deterred by the argument that in a Jewish day school, secular education would suffer. Standardized testing would later prove them correct. Eve and Morris inspired the life paths of their children, Geri Wiener, YULA Education Committee Chair, and Marilyn Selber and grandchildren, Michael Wiener ’99, Zev ‘01 Wiener and Tova Nadler ’05, by showing them the beauty of the journey. They demonstrated how parents who are dedicated to their Judaism can transmit these same values to their children.
Letter from the President Dear YULA Family, We have enjoyed another successful year at YULA Boys High School – academically and spiritually, our students have thrived. YULA continues to be acknowledged as the school for the highest quality Torah education coupled with an exceptional general studies education; a distinction of which we are certainly proud. Together with the administration, the Board continues to push the envelope. We continually challenge ourselves – board, administration and faculty - to be the very best we can be so that every YULA student receives the best possible Judaic and general studies education. This year saw our most successful fundraising campaigns yet with not only a record amount raised at our Annual Trustees event but record attendance too. Our spring campaign included an exciting 24-hour Matching Gift Challenge that raised $500,000 and galvanized the entire YULA family. The energy we generated was palpable through the community. This fundraising is critical to YULA’s mission to provide an excellent education and I thank each of you for your commitment to our school. I am also pleased to report that we have raised $9 million towards our capital campaign and we will soon be breaking ground on our campus expansion and completion project. This is a very exciting time for the YULA community and I look forward to updating you on the project very soon. I continue to feel proud of our community. Our goals are set high, but our mission is vital, and our students, your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors, are so worthy of our investment! David Nagel President & Chairman of the Board YULA Boys High School
#DevelopmentPride The Petersen Automotive Museum was the perfect setting to compliment the theme of our annual Trustees event, Moving YULA Forward where we honored Geri
Wiener, Yakov Agatstein ’00 and Chana Gelb ’92 .
YULA became a hive of activity as we launched a 24 Hour Matching Gift Challenge as part of our Spring Campaign. Students manned our Command Center and made calls to YULA friends and supporters. The energy within the school and on computers across the country and globe was palpable!
increase in monies raised over the previous year’s Trustees campaign, ensuring that YULA’s Boys School and Girls School are positioned to offer the very highest level of Judaic and general studies. A record
300 guests attended.
students, administrators, board members, faculty, alumni, and YULA friends in the Command Center
4,000+ phone calls, emails and texts sent to supporters of this exciting campaign
alumni contributed to YULA’s fundraising campaigns
YULA Staff members contributed to this year’s fundraising campaign
Annual Revenue 4%
Tuition & Fees Fundraising Grants
Annual Expenses 2%
4% 77%
Compensation & Benefits Education Expenses Technology Expenses Non Educational Expenses Student Activities
The above charts are representative of YULA’s annual budget and fall within the national standards seen by similar private schools.
Donors $100,000 +
Dart-L Foundation Joleen and Mitch Julis Louis Kestenbaum a”h
$75,001 - $100,000
Builders of Jewish Education Decron Properties Gitta & Jack Nagel Savills Studley
$50,000 - $75,000
Dina & Fred Leeds Elayne & Howard Levkowitz Marnie & David Nagel Cheryl & Ronnie Nagel Sassoon Family Foundation Sheri & Arnold Schlesinger
$36,001 - $50,000
Jewish Federation of Greater L.A. Max Webb Foundation
$18,001 - $36,000 Michelle & Mark Barak Barbara & Alan Gindi Lauren & Ezra Kest Meridian Capital Valerie & Gary Weitzer
$10,001 - $18,000
Bernards Susan & Michael Baum Ruth & Seth Berkowitz Tabitha & Brian ‘89 Dror Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. (Custodian) Rachel Gindi Tina ‘85 & Michael Loboda Lauren & Mark ‘81 Mintz Rachel & Jona ‘00 Rechnitz Lee Samson Suzanne & Kevin Schlanger
$5,001 - $10,000
Citi Private Bank 20-20 Foresight Executive Search 2H Construction Advantage Fitness Products All Valley Washer Allbright Painting Armon Investments Rita & Shalom Ayenehsazan Anna Baum & Barry Novack Bryndie & Moshe Benarroch Laurie & Roy Blumenstrach Brascia Builders, Inc. Lynda & Arie Buchman CAM Services Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. Ed Grush General Contractor, INC Elkins, Kalt, Weintraub, Reuben, Gartside Ilanit & Michael Fallas Rochelle & Gary Finder Jenny & Emil Fish Generation Construction Michal & David Gershov Sharon & Elie Gindi Nancy & Yasha Gofman Adrian Goldstein Tracey & Joey ‘86 Goldstein Rachel & Akiva Greenfield Gruen & Associates Har-Bro Hertz Family Foundation HFF Sheryl Neuman & Mark Hyman Dalia & Nissan Kahen Eva & Abe Kaplan Elisa & Meir Keller Amy & Mark Kestenbaum Lesley & Brian Kleinman Rosina & Robert Korda Liftech Elevator Service Melody & Daniel Mahboubi Mike Rovner Construction (MRC) Milken Grant Gittel & David Rubin Joanne Sacks Rivkie & Dani ‘86 Samson Seamless Flooring Elizabeth & Peter Steinlauf The Los Angeles Jewish Fund The Teichman Family Wash Multifamily Laundry Systems Wells Fargo Bank Lisa & Yoni ‘99 Wintner
Anonymous (8) ABM Onsite Services Yael ‘92 & Craig Ackerman Alison ‘98 & Evan Anziska Esther & Jacob Blaich Jackie & Robert Bocian Jackie & Victor Cohenca Mahnaz & Asher Esagoff Chana ‘92 & Paul Gelb Marlene ‘88 & Mark ‘87 Kahan Sara & Benny Kohanteb Aviva & Scott Krieger Evvy & David Mankowitz Debra & Scott Mund Musser Architects, INC Nanas, Stern, Biers & Neinstein Ziva & Dov Plattner Adom & Julie Ratner-Stauber Denise & Weston Richter Rachel & Stephen Ross RSL Construction Helen & Moshe Sassover Irine & Victor Schweitzer Nomi ‘88 & Daniel Silverman Shuli & Avi ‘88 Steinlauf Studley Helen & Howard Szabo The Greenspan Co Helena ‘88 & Steven Usdan Walker & Dunlop LLC Fay & Irwin Weiss Eliana & David Weiss Geri & Isaac Wiener Brigitte ‘94 & Mark ‘93 Wintner Wolf, Rifkin, Shapiro, Schulman & Rabkin Effie ‘90 & Uri Zisblatt
$1,801 - $2,500
$1,001 - $1,800
Barak, Richter & Dror CBRE Brokerage Services Elissa & Edward Czucker Galit & Eyal Dahan Judy & Ely Dromy Yvette & Eric Edidin Shana ‘91 & Donny Feldman Beloria & Samuel Fink Joseph Gindi Mazal & Victor Hadad Efrem Harkham Rina & Sherwin Isenberg KHR Design Soshea Leibler & Jance Weberman Esther & Paul Lerer Vivian & Jordan Lurie Annie & Daniel ‘02 Nagel Rivka & Raphy Nissel Careena & Drew Parker PNC Susie & Sam Porgess Nancy & Michael Rabbanian Carol & Adam Reich Afsaneh & Shahin Sadik Yael & Dan ‘98 Shainberg Anonymous Standard Parking Betsy & Simon Timsit Sarah & Peter Weintraub
KJ Carpet Wholesale ACT Hana & Joe Kornwasser Ariella & Yakov ‘00 Agatstein Danielle ‘95 & Steven Kupferman Avraham Amouyal L.A. Group Design Works, Inc Felice Gottlieb ‘00 & Samuel Barak Lapointe Construction Shlomit & Shimon Ben-Shushan Bertie Levkowitz Ilana & Ari Berenson Lillian & Rabbi Abraham Lieberman Michael Lee Berman Logan Investments Dina & Joel Bess Sandra ‘89 & Ari Mackler BMD Technologies, Inc Marcus & Millchap-Ronald Harris Karen & Meir Brunelle McKently Malak Architects, INC Cabral Roofing & Waterproofing Corp Med-Files Campbell Castle Construction Marcie Meier Cars 4 Causes Dalya & Motti Meisels Joyce & Aubrey Chernick Merrill Lynch Commercial Roof Management Millenium Enterprises Joseph F David Dena & Mark Mizrahi DePasquale, Kelley & Co. Mount Sinai Mortuary & Memorial Parks Seth Dorfman ‘01 Na’amit & Zev ‘00 Nagel Maureen & Larry Eisenberg NAI Capital, Inc. Rina & Rabbi Dov Emerson NWP Services Corporation Laurie Cooper & Donald Emerson Otis Elevator Company Ruth & Sam Eshaghian Pacific Commercial Company Fame Floor Covering, INC Pacific Crest Consultants, Inc. Esther & Walter Feinblum Ronne & Josh Penn First Century Bank R & R Electric Co First Property Raider Signage First Western Financial, Inc Revive Real Estate Group Inc Fischer, Zisblatt & Kiss Rosie & Mark ‘86 Rosenbaum Howard S. Fisher RSS Architecture, INC Victoria & Charlie Frankel Gail Rubin Martha Frankel Studio One Eleven & P+R Architects Tracy and Sander Gerber Foundation Faramarz & Sheilagh Sadeghi Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Sherwin-Williams Gordon Law Shlemmer, Algaze & Assoc. Jennie Lewkowicz & Emmanuel Gottlieb Stay Green Landscape Arieh & Felice Greenbaum Mary & Aric Streit Harry Grossman TBG Danco, Inc Kendra Harkham The Rainmaker HD Supply Facilities Maintenance Total Access Elevator Annie & Avi Hier Tower Saint Johns Imaging Lance Hirt Tyler Development HKA Elevator Consulting UBS Financial Services Rayme & Yaacov Isaacs V & A Flooring Inc Israel Discount Bank Van Tilburg, Banvard & Soderbergh, AIA Frank Jansen Weinstock Mannion Reisman Shore and Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Mitchell LLP Newmann Law Firm Nelly & Henri Kahn Rachael & Jonathan ‘85 Wernick Kessler & Kessler A Law Corporation Larry Winter Kikuchi + Kankel Design Group Mojgan & David York Kimball, Tiery & St. John, LLP Zauner Manhattan Design Kindel Gagan/Tom Flintoff
Susie & Ernie Agatstein
$501 - $1,000
Anonymous (5) Linda & Mark Abraham Agi & Bob Adler BC Painting Jeffrey Berkowitz CSL Management Judy & Erez Gargir GE Golden West Security Inc Guardsmark Stacy & Ranon Kent Babak Kohanteb Max Systems Judy Posner Royal Window Products, Inc Robin & Rabbi Joseph Schreiber Sign Excellence Gregory & Andrea Smith Tamar & Rabbi Arye Sufrin Terra-Petra Western Ave Capital Alyssa ‘01 & Daniel Wiesel Natalie & Chaim Williams Koren ‘03 & Aaron ‘02 Wizenfeld
$361 - $500
Jenny & Moshe ‘00 Buchman Mark Clark Control Technologies West Ellner Consulting Devorah ‘00 & Shmuli ‘00 Feinblum Atara & Dael ‘96 Geft Debbie & Mark Goldenberg Asher Gottesman ‘92
Cari ‘82 & Jonas Hanelin Amy & Ryan Hyman John Ickovics Naomi & Jeremy ‘92 Ives Harold Katz Gail & Yitzy ‘00 Katz Alan Kaye Tali & Michael ‘01 Kleinman Daniel Korda ‘04
Anonymous (15) Eric Abergel Yiska & Rabbi Michael Abraham Huvi & Rabbi Shimon Abramczik Radine Abramson & William Spier Nava & Rabbi Moshe ‘99 Adler Asi Amar Susan L. Amin Carol Amsterdam Melanie & Geoffrey Anderson Ian Arenas Cheryl & Khedouri Azair Albert Bamela Eileen & Kalev Barak Revital Barazani Julia Baum ‘11 Stefanie Baum ‘07 Joseph Baum ‘09 Beaumont Gitlin Tashjian Esther & Rabbi Jonathan Benzaquen Ariana & Michael ‘98 Bernstein Myndell F. Betensky Gail Katz & Mayer Bick Yuval Bitton Amy Bitton Blinded by the Light Rachel & Rabbi Steve Burg C.K. & Sons Paint & Wallcovering Cadtronics, Inc California Building Maintenance Carl Kleinman Accountancy Corp Batya & Jack Cate Sari ‘88 & Jason Ciment Rachel & Rabbi Aharon Ciment Stacey & Martin Cohan Cecile & Jerry Cohen Jerome Cohen Paul & Judith Cohen Family Trust Commercial Retail Associates, INC Aileen & Pace Cooper Rosalyn & Rabbi Abraham Cooper Crain & Associate Cross Sectional Imaging & Clearfuze Naomi Davis Joey Dayan ‘10 Chava & Avi Dayan Rochel Leah & Ariel Deitcher Bluma & Shmuel Drebin Esther Dreifuss-Kattan Omid Ebizadeh Shira & Rabbi Shlomo ‘96 Einhorn Sahar Elyassi Adam Englander Judy & Peter Faber Cindy ‘01 & Leeran ‘01 Factor Eli Feiler ‘95 Zachary Finder ‘10
Linda Fine Jaclyn & Jacob Fishbein Elizabeth ‘07 & Menachem Fishkin Shana & Mordechai Fishman Michal ‘03 & Yoni Frankel Rena ‘82 & Jamie Frankel Marlene & Steve Frankiel David Friedman Ilana & Ephraim Friedman Debby & Rabbi Yehoshua Gabbai Mrs. Gabbay Tammy & Ezra Gamzo Rochel & Shachar Gargir Leeba & Ivor Geft Jenny & Billie Gelb Glynis & Selwyn Gerber Marcia Glaser Josh Golchech ‘08 Judy ‘97 & Aryeh Goldberg Joseph Goldberg ‘06 Gabriela & Jacob Goldfinger Ilana & Gil Goldschein Alan Goldstein Helene L. Goodman Chavi & Baruch Gorman Gotomyapartment.com Green World Maintenance Aliza Greenbaum Patricia & Aaron Grunfeld Avi Gutis Pinhas Hadad Ruth Amin & Zion Haham Eli Hami ‘98 Iris & David Hecht Malka & Rabbi Marvin Hier Diana & Sam Hirt Laurie & Darrin ‘86 Hirt Donna & Robert Hoenig Asher Hoffman Cheryl Ibgui ‘84 David Ickovics Howard Ishakis Jackson Family Beverly & Carl Jacobs Atara Kagan Joseph Kahan Michael Kahan Sandy & Rabbi Alan Kalinsky Ronit & Alan Karben Ellen & Richard Katz Daniel Katz Kevin Katz Phyllis & David Katzin Malka & Josh ‘94 Katzin Sylvia Kellerman Wendy & Richard Kellner Leslie Kessler
Judy & Ralph Marcus Peyton Berookim Ram Dandillaya, MD Jacob Ratner-Stauber ‘18 Alice Garfield & Daniel Romano Hugo Rose Thomas E. Schiff Freda & Sandy Small
$50 - $360
Clarita Kornreich Tuvia Korobkin Benjamin Kosberg ‘94 Miriam Kosberg Avi M. Kreitenberg ‘02 Miriam & Danny Krombach Jacqueline ‘99 & Alain Kuppermann Esther & Cyrus Lavian Rachel Lee Leo’s Electric & Plumbing Service Benjamin Lesin Daphna & David ‘88 Levine Aliza & Shlomo Liechtung Richard A. Lopchinsky Marla Lustman Gabi & Rabbi David Mahler Damian Maldonado Rodriguez Miriam & Ari ‘95 Mark Aviva & Harry ‘85 Marshak Sara & Yossi Mayberg Moussa Mehdizadeh Sharon ‘92 & Nicholas Merkin Metagenics Joshua Metzger Niloufar Mobassery Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Berl & Rebecca Nadler Babak Naffas ‘99 Ariella & Michael ‘00 Novack Elisheva & Naftali Nunberg Aric Ohana Daphne ‘86 & Jonathan ‘83 Orenshein Lisa & Ben Orlanski Bea & Jay Perl Danielle Perlman David Peto Joseph Piekarski Jonathan Platt ‘03 Bob Plugah Shoshana & Jacob Polevoy Naomi ‘00 & Dovi Prero Prero Orthodontics Jacob Rabbanian BenZion Radinsky Raider Painting Stephanie ‘99 & Tzvi ‘95 Ratner-Stauber Jonathan Ravanshenas ‘01 Adam Rhodes ‘09 Natan Rose Jessica & Jason Rosenbaum Adam Rosenberg ‘94 Miriam & Rabbi Dov Rosenbluth Leah & Arnold Rotter Molly & Zack Rubin Daniel Rubin ‘07
Dana & Joey ‘00 Small Sunset Janitorial Bracha & Eitan ‘97 Tashman The Harris Group Gary Torgow Michelle & Alan Willner Farhad Yazdininian
Amir Rurdayn Zahava & Avi Ryzman Judy & David Sacks Chaya & Rony Sawdayi Nathan Sazegar ‘10 Nancy & Mark Schiff Florence & Gary Schlanger Yisroel Schochet Beth & Joel ‘87 Schoen Elisa & Alan Schoenfeld Aryeh Schottenstein Sara & Nati ‘11 Schreiber Aaron Schweitzer ‘12 Tamir Shabtay Ariella & Ari ‘05 Shandling David & Fela Shapell Family Foundation Adam L. Shiff Michael Shiffman Yoni Shraga ‘05 Rochel & Rabbi Sandy Shulkes Linda & Richard Sieger Signature Signs & Designs Joyce & Ben Silveman Tuli Skaist Julie Spaeth Toby Standard Nily Steinberg Alexander Stern Sara & Allan Sternberg Steve Solomon Avivya & William Stohl Rachel & Rabbi Yisroel Sufrin Tannaz Talasazan Kara Tanaka Cynthia Tocci Dr. Jordana & Rabbi Kalman Topp Revital & Asher Turgeman Sariti & Joe Wachtel Talya & Alex Waldman Yosef Warshawsky ‘05 Marsha & Manny Wasserman Karen ‘84 & Steve ‘83 Wasserman Charlee & Josh Weinberg Matla Wiener Sarah & Jonathan Wiener Lisa & Rabbi Dr. Zev ‘01 Wiener Channa & Steve Wintner Esther & Joe Wizenfeld Ethan Youssefzadeh ‘12 YULA Boys Parent Council Edwin Zaghi ‘95 Zbra Studios Stephen Zeffren ‘05 Roberta Zelkha
#LeadershipPride Board of Directors
David Nagel, President & Chairman of the Board Shalom Aynesazan Shmuel Barak Michael Baum Avi Hier Mark Hyman Brian Kleinman Howard Levkowitz Ronald Nagel Dani Samson ‘86 Suzanne Schlanger Sheri Schlesinger Howard Szabo Steve Wasserman Irwin Weiss Geraldine Wiener
Mark Hyman, Chair Samuel Barak David Nagel
YBAA Class Chairs Jason Isenberg ’91 Steven Bernstein ‘94 Shervin Eshaghian ‘96 Yitzy Katz ‘00 Lesley Portnoy ‘01 David Ouaknine ‘06 Jeremy Shelton ‘07 Nick Sandlow ‘09 Josh Kohan ‘13 Jojo Himmelman ‘14 Donny Yellin ‘15 Shayan Kohanteb ‘16
Education Committee Geri Wiener, Chair Elayne Levkowitz Jordan Lurie Anna Baum Novack Joanne Sacks Freda Small Avivya Stohl David Waghalter Michelle Willner
Administration Rabbi Dov Emerson, Head of School Rabbi Arye Sufrin, Principal Rabbi Joseph Schreiber, Dean Rick St. Laurent, Principal of General Studies Ryan Hyman, Director of Institutional Advancement
Golf Michael Bernstein ‘98, Co-Chair Eric Diamond, Co-Chair David Nagel, Co-Chair Rula Almquist Samuel Barak Sander DeWildt Mark Hyman Ryan Hyman Shannon Izydorek Chris McCauley Daniel Nagel ‘02 Zev Nagel ‘00 Alex Yamada
YULA Boys Alumni Association (YBAA) Dan Shainberg ’98, President Jeremy Ives ’92, Vice President David Pourati ’01, Vice President Jonathan Wizman ’14, Vice President
Parent Council Marlene Kahan ‘88, Co-Chair Elayne Levkowitz, Co-Chair Rachael Wernick, Co-Chair Laurie Blumenstrauch Michal Gershov Dalya Meisels Sandra Mackler ‘89 Sharon Merkin ‘92 Marci Reiss Helen Szabo Michelle Willner
Trustees Susan & Michael Baum, Co-Chair Tina ’85 & Michael Loboda, Co-Chair Alison ’98 & Evan Anziska Ruth & Seth Berkowitz Jenny & Moshe ‘00 Buchman Michal ’03 & Yoni Frankel Barbara & Alan Gindi Tracey & Joey ‘86 Goldstein Gila & Yitzy ‘00 Katz Aviva & Scott Krieger Marnie & David Nagel Sheryl Neuman & Mak Hyman Rivkie & Dani ‘86 Samson Yael & Dan ‘98 Shainberg Koren ’03 & Aaron ’02 Wizenfeld
Plant, Facilities & Security Denise Richter-Chair Samuel Barak Felice Gottlieb ‘00
STEM Debbie Mund, Chair Michael Baum Alex Fax Ari Mackler Sheri Schlesinger
Shmuel Barak, Chair Suzanne Schlanger, Chair Shalom Aynasezan Moshe Bennaroch Eyal Dahan Sharon Gindi Mark Hyman Dina Leeds David Nagel Dani Samson ‘86 Joe Wachtel
Howard and Helen Szabo, Chairs Roy Blumenstrauch Ezra & Lauren Kest Howard & Elayne Levkowitz Debbie Mund
Endowment Mark Hyman, Chair
Business Office Shawn Clary, Director of Technology Rochel Gargir, Administrator Chavi Gorman, Administrative Assistant Judy Posner, Business Manager Sandy Roessler, Interim Director of Admissions & Marketing Ziva Zeharya, Registrar
Yeshiva University of Los Angeles Boys High school Nagel Family Campus 9760 West Pico Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90035