*yuli wang holds a bachelor in architecture [University currently pursues a master in architecture [Columbia in traditional architecture, and hand drawing. Prior Architects], Europe [Christian Kerez] and China Architecture Institute of Tsinghua].
yuli wang*
yuli wang yw3597@columbia.edu new
[University of Notre Dame] and [Columbia GSAPP]. She is specialized Prior work locations include US [Pei China [Atelier FCJZ, Mur Mur Lab and
Christian Kerez
Atelier FCJZ
yuli wang

MILAN, IT 2022.06 - 08
Youyuan Footbridge - Nanjing, CH
Parking - Muharraq, BH [under construction]
BEIJING, CH 2021.06 - 09
Muli Art Museum - Guangzhou, CH A Private House and Studio - Yixin, CH Community Center - Shenzhen, CH Perspectival Playground - Shenzhen, CH
NEW YORK, US 2019.07 - 09
China Institute - New York, US [under construction] Chateau Lynch - Bages - Pauillac, FR [built]
SHANGHAI, CH 2018.06 - 09
Tree Installation - Natian, US Supermonkey Gym - Shanghai, CH Public Restroom - Shanghai, CH [built] Vase, Cabinet Public Platform [ArchDaily, Wechat]
BEIJING, CH 2017.07 - 09
Government - Anyang, CH [built]
NANJING, CH 2016 - 2019
Southeastern Chinese Housing Architectural Drawings
NANJING, CH 2014 - 2022
Museum and Hotel/ PEI Architects[built] Headquarter and Factory/ HDR
.education Columbia GSAPP - M.Arch 23'
STUDIO: Prof. Ziad Jamaleddine, Trailscape, Islamberg Prof. Erica Goetz, Social Housing, New York Prof. Karla Rothstein, Public School, New York Prof. Anna Puigjaner, After School, New York
COURSE: Prof. Nicole Dosso, Urban Systems Integration Prof. Gabrielle Brainard, Envelopes Prof. Tommy Schaperkotter, Construction Ecologies Prof. Mark Wigley, Questions in Architecture History Prof. Enrique Walker, Open Work Prof. Michael Rock & Prof. Whitney Dow, Graphic Architecture Project
Univeristy of Notre Dame - B.Arch 20'
ROME PROGRAM 2017 - 2018
Prof. John Stamper, Highrise, Chicago Prof. Lucien Steil, High School Gym, Navajo Prof. Ettore Mazzola, Civic Park, Rome
Prof. Alan DeFrees, Building Technology Prof. Brian Smith, Applied Structural Systems Prof. Judith Dimaio, Prof. Ingrid Rowland, Roman Urbanism and Architecture Prof. Richard Piccolo, Graphics - Drafting, Freehand, Watercolor
.skill LANGUAGE: CHINESE [native], ENGLISH [proficient], ITALIAN [basic]
ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE, 2D [AutoCAD], 3D [ArchiCAD, Grasshopper, Revit, Rhinoceros, SketchUp, 3ds Max], RENDERING [vRay, Enscape], MAPPING [GIS], MODEL MAKING [Laser Cutting, 3D Printing, Wood Working, Cement Casting], VIDEO MAKING [Premiere Pro, After Effects], Microsoft Office
W alking, the sole of the foot and the earth briedfly touches. Pausing, lets root in the soil. Lifting, falling, as one foot leaves the ground, the other waits for its return. In the abeyance of walking, we know the road under our feet is both an exile and home-coming. In the accumullation of each small step, we come a long way. We become attuned to our surroundings, and our surroundings become part of us.

INSTRUCTOR: Ziad Jamaleddine
TEAM: Christopher Scheu, Mingyue Zhang
LOCATION: Islamberg, New York, US DATE: Spring 2022

Pilgrimage in 21st Century

Each year, over 2.5 million Muslims go to pilgrimage. The huge number of the pilgrims makes the crowd management a big issue for the pilgrimage in 21st century. Merely in 2015, nearly 2000 people were killed in stampede. Another concern of the great scale of the pilgrimage is the appalling amount of carbon emission. The question arises, how to do a greener pilgrimage , both for people and nature?
Hostility between Human and Nature
In the Upstate New York, nature and human are unfortunately against each other. While people mine in quarries, permanently damaging the surrounding environment, nature returns with floods caused by erosion, destroying human habitat.

Backyard Pilgrimage, Mobility Heritage, Act of Healing
To deal with the issue is to introduce a backyard pilgrimage that is for both pilgrims and hikers. By wayfaring from one point to the next, people take part in the act of trail-making . The trajectory of the trail is determined by the ecological issues along the way, passing through the quarry, erosion, flood, invasive species overgrown, creek and road crossings. As one picks up the stone from the quarry waste, carries it and puts it into the gabion wall along the creek, grows the seedling and plants it in the barren land, the trailscape becomes the practice of conservation of the land, a ritual in itself, bridging the contemporary nature-religion divide.

Quarry has significant effects upon ecosystem as it transforms the land ecompletely into barren, and destroys the habitat of any species in the area. Furthermore, it creats a huge amount of waste which composes over 70% of the total rocks it produces.
To reiterate it into a mosque in rock, several cavities is carefully introduced into the construction process of the quarry.
As hikers and pilgrims enjoy the tranquility in the shrine, they pick up a small rock and carry it as they continue the trail -

With limited vegetation and poor soil condition, the hill is facing the Islamberg is experiencing an issue of erosion.
To address the problem is to build gabion walls on the slope, strengthening the ground. The gabion walls together enclose the space for the nursery.
In the nursery, while rocks are put into the while, seedlings of pine trees are grown and carried to the barren land along the trail -
As the creek meanders and will move forward at those curving points, structures nearby will face the danger of flood within 50 years.
To limit the destruction, groins are installed, perpendicular to the river bank, limiting the movement. In those groins, bathhouse is framed within the poche.
Here, people with rocks put them into the frames, building the groins -
The sanctity of the trailscape arises through an incremental relationship between pilgrims/ hikers and natural environment. between together form a trailscape
Undersized and poorly placed culverts degrades water quality via scour and erosion, as well as restrict the movement of aquatic organisms between upstream and downstream habitat.
To reconstruct a safe and stable stream crossings, culvert is replaced with bridge.
In these area, to address the existing issue led by the culvert, including erosion, hikers and pilgrims put rock into the walls and plant seedlings along the bank -
The constraints of property boundaries create a significant challenge to ecological restoration due to limited access.
To address the issue is to reiterate the property line. Rather than a straight, arbituary line on map, it is a curved line based on the site.
As hikers and pilgrims put rock along the path and into the preinstalled steel frames, place for rest and storage is created within the gabion walls -
The overpopulation of the invasive species - knotweed, takes off the habitat of other species. To eradicate them, hikers and pilgrims cut the weeds, dehydrate and weaved them into sheets under the roof supported by the gabion wall. After cut, rocks are put on the land in the shape of seats and tables, marking the completion.
incremental and long term approach to develop a symbiotic environment. The constellation of healed spaces and the paths in trailscape which itself is a mobility heritage.

Knotweed Shrine
Private Property Line
Rock and Water Trail
The trail unfolds into the surrounding countryside, seeking focal points for environmental species such as overpopulated knotweed, where the property line is arbitrary and leads to issue

Creek and Road Intersection
(4 - 8 days, 30 miles)
environmental restoration. These points might be an area where an invasive arbitrary and restricts the ecological restoration, or where road sits on the water issue of erosion.

Prayer Trail (1
The smallest, prayer trail centers around the existing mosque trail for local residents. Nursery, together with the mosque creating spaces for

hour, 4 miles)
mosque in the village of Islamberg, as a 1 hour prayer mosque and the bathhouse enriches the religious life by for spiritual rituals.

Islamberg will take charge of growing seedlings in the nursery. The seeds will be planted in September, grow over 18 months, be taken care of by Isamberg, and then be ready to be moved by the pilgrims and hikers to the barren lands.
Within the gabion walls that mitigate the erosion and encloses the nursery, inhabitable spaces for prayer, rest and storage are made with the malleable meshes, which together with rebar and rock compose the wall

Made of the gabion walls, the groins intrude into the river, perpendicular to the river bank. The insertion of the framework will be done by the construction team, and pilgrims and hikers will fill up the wall with rock later.

The stepped gabions in the ground allow the water to flow into the bathhouse and form a basin where people could abluere and rest around. While the ablution is facing backward Mecca, the prayer on the other end is facing the holy city.

The trailscape is not changes as it goes. Most of the materials, even the waste on degree. As the pilgrims further
(top) Material along the Trail (left) Guidance for Pilgrims and Hikers to Build

Closed Cycle of Material and Labor
not supposed to exist only within a specific timeframe but rather endures throughout time and goes. Consideration over material and labor is taken from as early as the stage of extraction of material, to manufacture, transportation, construction, and state as a ruin.

The entire life of the trail is designed.
materials, except the rebar and mesh for the gabion walls, are from the site, and most of which, are the site. The construction of the site lowers the negative ecological impacts to the smallest pilgrims and hikers carry stone and plants along the trail to the designated destination, they further decrease the affect that construction team could have on the environment.

Closed Cycle of Material and Labor

Walking on the trail, one carries a rock from the quarry waste to gabion walls along the flood zone to repair the ecological damage, while creating a spiritual bathhouse. By wayfaring from one point to the next, the pilgrim takes part in the the act of Trailmaking and Healing.
The trailscape becomes the practice of conservation of the land, a ritual in itself.
1: 25 Model - Construction Process

Plant a tree and feel the delicacy of the young take hold of an ageless stone and feel the crustal process

young shoots and the strength of their growth; process in its texture that is vaster than any human being.

LOCATION: New York, New York, US
DATE: Spring 2021
T he flow of school is organized through fluctuations in attraction and repellency - bouding and unbounding. Voids allow changes in intensity and scale. With varying degrees of solidity among the boundary of rooms, each space and program has different levels of flexibility. While some are like weeds, actively interacting with the surrounding, others are rock, tough and everlasting. Around these, a river of activity runs through the school, introducing constantly changing scenes. The architectural flexibility reflects a pedagogy where students, teachers, parents, or citizens fully engage with and coontrol their environment as well as experience and understand the surrounding.
A Public School in Alphabet City

with well-defined structures, serves only a limited portion of citizens



(top) solid school that is not only open to limited people but also open to limited action
a. shop: brick facade and clear window b. school: high solid wall

c. government: stately gate and high window d. residence: restricted access and window with guardrail
Solid City and Its People
Before the construction of city, everything is like in a river, where there is no barrier. People are free. They walk or dance, sleep or read, doing all they could. As city builds, there comes residence, shops, and then government and school. More and more buildings are put into this river like obstacles. They are disciplined and limited at the same time. People are entitled an ideal shape.
Reintroducing the River
To free people from limitation and bring out all potential, the first step is to develop the idealogy that everything, including study, work and life can be changed and reformed by anyone, anything, anytime.

Attraction of Voids

Prototype Study

River, Weed
A river of public programs, including reading, eating, moving, acting there are solid rocks that are composed of private spaces such from external forces and break the flow. There are also soft and affected by the free flow of the river. These all together build up privaty.

Weed and Rock
acting and discussing, running through the school. In this river, as restrooms and changing rooms. They stay in the place, free fluctuating weeds that are composed of classrooms and studios, a river of actions and activities at various degrees of solidity and privaty.

Activity on

Rather than separating space and activity, the wall proposed intersection and

influential factor
penetration smell
smell, light smell, light, vision
smell, light, vision, hand food - dining hallway chair - auditorium body - office plant - farm variability
on the Wall
proposed is designed to hold actions as a in-between zone, where exchange occur.

food - dining hallway hand - classroom clothes - classroom book - reading hallway rain - weather
smell, light, vision, hand smell, light, vision, hand, body smell, light, vision, hand, body
smell, light, vision, hand, body

Complete SD Package of the School Project

LOCATION: New York, New York
DATE: Spring 2019
TEAM: R. Du, J. Guo, A. Lam, K. W
Basement Ground Floor Gym Floor (2nd)
Auditorium Floor (4th) Garden Floor (5th) Library Floor (6th)

Structural Section

TEAM: Jackie Pothier
LOCATION: New York, New York, US
DATE: Fall 2021
Collective Housing in Bronx

L ocated in the Hub, the center of Bronx, the project is aimed to build up not only an ever-changing landscape to meet with changing needs and lifestyles of locals, but also offering them a life-long home that could be inhabited for generations.

Bronx receives many immigrant and migrant groups, first from European countries, such as Ireland, Germany, Italy and Eastern Europe, and later from the Caribbean region, particularly Puerto Rico, Haito, and Jamaican. It is a neighborhood of diversity.

The average income in Bronx is low that it contains the poorest congressional district in the United States.
At the same time, it is also a lively neighborhood with a lot of things happening...

The site is in Hub, which is the center of Bronx. In the block, there are 11 existing residence buildings standing on the ground. One is a social senior housing and the rest are all apartment buildings. Other than residence, there are also some commercial spaces on the ground floor and a public building, which is the Bronx Documentary Center.

Plug In Housing
grid floor stair
The collection of prefabricated CLT columns, floor and walls allows quick and variable construction according to othe various needs of the residents.

hallway elevator
On the ground floor, most of the existing residences are kept except the public senior housing residents of this building will move into the proposed Plug In housing together with other new stronger connected community and offer them better facilities, part of the existing buildings into commercial and public spaces, including shops, markets, offices, library and gym,

housing which is outdated with poor facilities. The new residents. To engage these people into a buildings on the ground floor will be reprogrammed gym, that are open to the locals.
Vertical Zoning Regulations

Though it may be impossible to predict how the units in the Plug-In House may result in layout, form, occupation, and so forth, a set of vertical zoning regulations is implemented to ensure again overcorwding and grids.

Assembly of Prefabricated Clt Members
The members of the complex, all columns, walls and floors are designed and prefabricated. Before they move in, each resident will receive a brochure of the wall selection and order the members they want.

The grid system accommodates the needs of multigenerational tenants. The standardized structure, which can host a variety of sizes of additions, can expand or reduce over time, depending on the needs of tenants. A tenant starting a family can rent an additional grid to host new bedrooms, bathrooms, play spaces. The grid offers the opportunity for the tenants to live their life in the same unit with it expanding and shrinking at different age.

Grown-up50yearslater...childrenmovingoutwithbutstillsharingthekitchen theirparents.
Ecological Material and Local Factory
Compared to walls made of other materials, CLT walls emit less carbon dioxide and preserve more energy. Most of the materials are chosen from local factories in the New York State to decrease the shipping cost and help with local business.
As6monthslater... residents,thefirstgenerationofgrid thesinglewomangraduatingmovesintoastudioafter fromcollege.

one-bedroom two-bedroom studio loft
Units Cluster Around the Shared Patio
Many components of the standard unit walls are operable. Windows with adjustable louvers allow more or less air flow and light, and large doors turn walls into breezeways. The operable nature goals for sustainability and flexibility.

Units Cluster Around the Shared Patio
The four apartments, utilizing three different levels, share common private stairs and outdoor spaces. Parts of each apartment share levels with parts of other apartments, so that opening the large living room partitions can expand a private interior space to a shared exterior space.

Plug in Future in Bronx

INSTRUCTOR: Lucien Steil
LOCATION: St Michaels, Arizona, US
DATE: Spring 2019
in Navajo Nation

T he porject stars with a master plan for St Michaels Indian School sitting in the neighborhood. It follows with a design for the school gym.
While playing basketball is highly valued by the locals, as a break not only of body but also of mind from the motonous life, the activity is given with a sense of spirituality for the community. To celebrate this moment, the design for the gym stems from the myth of the traditional Navajo community. The gigantic building breaks down into a series of small hubs, which together build up a roof that covers the main court and connects all the space together.

Ground Floor Plan

The gym spreads out from the central court space to the surrounding auxiliary programs, including meditation pavilion, dance studio, family room and fitness. Rather than one single gigantic creature, community activities is held in a "village of sports" under a collective roof.

Site Section
The gym sits on the top of the hill, overlooking the campus across the woods. Between the campus and the gym is the running trail that connects the two.
Myth of Creation
The Navajo myth is a beautiful tale that details the emergence of the Navajo people on ocean, blue sky, yellow mountain and red sun did the people come to this land of spirit. four layers of space and finally come to the vertex of the central court, which is also the surrounded with not only their brothers

(top) south elevation (bottom) longitudinal section

on their homeland. It is said that only after crossing through the four worlds of black spirit. The story is depicted in the architecture of the gym with leading people going through the main gather space for the traditional ceremonies of Navajo people. Here, they are brothers and sisters, but also nature and god.

TEAM: Zelin He
DATE: Summer 2021 LOCATION: Yixin, China
PHASE: Schematic Design
Specifically designing the operablepanel option for house and accordingly its plan organization. Carefully analyzing the project and producing documents for costing. Coordinating with consultants and suppliers. Preparing presentation drawings throught numerous design iterations. Managing digital models (SketchUp), producing renderings (Enscape/ Lumion).
Atelier FCJZT he project is a series of private houses and studios for an architect and a sculptor, separated but also connected in between. Located in the countryside of Yixin, the project creates some playful spaces that would inspire the artists all the time by playing with time and light.

Axonometric view

1# Studio

2# Studio
Ground floor plan
Section Elevation

Ground floor plan


01 Entrance 02 Bathroom 03 Kitchen 04 Dining room 05 Bedroom 06 Cloakroom 08 Worker room 09 Living room 10 Outdoor platform 11 Courtyard

Axonometric view Floor plan


TEAM: Zelin He
LOCATION: Shenzhen, China
DATE: Summer 2021 PHASE: Design Development
Preparing precedent studies and presentations. Researching materials and products. Managing varied facade brick arrangement and preparing construction documents.
T he project is a community center sitting in the Nantou Historical Town in Shenzhen. Responding to the complexity of the environments in terms of space, form, scale, etc, a public space is created as a supplement and improvement of the site. The building studies from the urban fabric and inherits two characteristics from the local - impurity and publicity.

Site perspective Overall plan

Brick facade
The building is composed of four blocks, each built with mixed green and red bricks in different proportions.

Fifth floor plan

Public space grows up from the ground floor. With the ground open to the public, various community programs are located on the upper floors.
Fourth floor plan
Cross section
Mimitating the cluttered but rich street system in the historical town, the building develops streets within and weaving between the four blocks of public spaces.
Third floor plan
Second floor plan

Ground floor plan

A Footbridge in
Nanjing Christian Kerez
TEAM: Jorge de Jorge, Chiao Yang, Ece Duran
LOCATION: Nanjing, China
DATE: Summer 2022
PHASE: Concept Design, Schematic Design
Managing variation options for bridge scheme.
Providing landscape design according to the bridge schemes. Preparing precedent studies and option analysis for internal discussion.
Communicating with clients; translating their desires into design.
Cooperating with foreign project partners and local institutions for engineering and lighting. Managing digital models (Rhino) and physical models, which are presentable; Enrusing consultants have the most up to date model. Checking contracts with attorneys and parties.
T he bridge sits at the intersection of Qinhuai River and Long River. While many bridges are merely the fastest connection between the two banks of the river and do nothing else. The project is to propose a playful experience that enable visitors to have more surprises within the limited footprint.

Modular study

Precedence study

Section study model 1:1
Section scale analysis

20th August 2022
Christian Kerez Zurich AG Yuli Wang Eibenstrasse 9 10023 New York CH 8045 Zurich United States of America
Tel +41 (0) 44 454 40 70 mail@kerez ch
To whom it may concern, Ms Yuli Wang, born on February 23, 1997, joined Christian Kerez Zürich AG as an intern from June 1, 2022 until August 17, 2022

During her internship, Yuli was involved in the project Bahrain Parking in Muharraq, Bahrain and Youyuan Footbridge in Nanjing, China Within the various projects and project phases she worked on, Yuli gained experience in a wide range of activities related to the architectural profession She was involved in the process of how the office operates, which enabled her to understand our methods and procedures, especially how to develop and realize a project
Yuli quickly familiarized herself with the tasks and responsibilities Her way of working is characterized as a careful and professional approach She is a very diligent, reliable and efficient individual who always achieved good results Her performance was always to my satisfaction
In her time at Christian Kerez Zürich AG, Yuli showed herself to be flexible Due to her open mind, she was a pleasure to work with and a valuable member of the team She was always prepared to help others and she proved to be able to work along colleagues, superiors and business partners She has collaborated on the following projects:
Bahrain Parking for the Pearl Path, Muharraq, Bahrain
Collaboration on finding lighting suppliers
Search for the lighting suppliers in China based on the project construction requirements Support in the communication and arrangement of meetings between the supplier and the project manager
Youyuan Footbridge at the Estuary of Qinhuai New River, Nanjing, China
Collaboration during the concept design phase
Bridge variations design
Bridge variations analysis
Bridge landscape design
Physical study model 1: 87 and 1:500
Support in the communication with the foreign project partner institution and client Support in the communication with the project parties about the contract
Based on our successful cooperation, we can strongly recommend Yuli to potential employers We thank her for her valuable contribution and wish her every success in her future endeavors
Christian Kerez
October 5, 2022,
Reference: Letter of Recommendation for Yuli Wang
To Whom May Concern:
Please accept this letter as an enthusiastic and unequivocal recommendation for Yuli Wang as a talented, team-enriching, and diligent architect.
Yuli was part of our team from July 2019 until September 2019 as an intern. During this period, Yuli greatly contributed to the firm and worked with passion and autonomy on different phases of the design process and various projects such as:
● China Institute New York, USA. Design Development Phase. Worked in the design team of two for the China Institute in New York and assisted the senior architect in compiling a full DD package.
● Chateau Lynch-Bages Winery Pauillac, France. Construction Phase. Matched the construction documents and adjusted them according to the on-site construction photos of the Chateau Lynch-Bages in Pauillac, France.
Yuli immediately met our expectations and demands. Her ability to work independently with great care and accuracy on the tasks assigned to her made her an incredibly valued colleague who could be counted on at all times. She represented the interests and goals of our office and always proceeded in a very responsible and result-oriented manner.
Throughout her internship, Yuli displayed a very positive attitude towards the process of design development, and always demonstrated great enthusiasm, initiative, and flexibility. Highly committed to the projects she worked on and she was often willing to give an extra effort to deliver the best possible result. This enables her to produce very promising and interesting designs.
We appreciate Yuli as a dedicated and important team member and also an always friendly and helpful colleague. Her personal behavior towards superiors and colleagues was always impeccable and cooperative, which enabled her to work as an effective member of a team.
I believe she has all the qualities to be an excellent architect and designer which is why I strongly recommend Yuli Wang for any architectural position. I am confident that Yuli will continue to use the tools and talent that she has to work on impactful and important projects. Her abilities and enthusiasm will surely see her continue in a successful career as an architect committed to becoming the dedicated and skilled professional I know her to be.
Very truly yours,