English CV

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Yu-Lun, Tsai Industrial Design Kaohsiung, Taiwan Tel: +886 975793709 Mail: alan55628@gmail.com Portfolio: https://issuu.com/yuluntsai/docs/portfolio_2019

Education 2020 National Cheng Kung University M.S. in Strategy Design

2015 - 2019 Chang Gung University B.A. in Industrial Design

Skills 2D | Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Autocad

3D | Rhinoceros Creo Parametric Keyshot V-Ray

UI | Marvel

Internship 2018 Qiao Design Studio Design Intern for 2 months 2017-18 Huemon Co.,LTD Design & Addministrative Assistant Intern for 6 months

Experience 2019 Young Pin Design Award Nomination “Oasis Kitchen” 2019 CGID final presentation winner “Oasis Kitchen” 2019 Lexus Design Award Nomination “Bertz” 2018 CGID final presentation winner “Bertz” 2018 Ministry of Education 無齡教室-苗圃計畫 Workshop Assistant 2017 The Opposite Project Workshop 2017 The Power Of Asian Design International Design Workshop 2017 Kaohsiung & Pingtung Alumni Association Minister of Artistic Design 2017 Youth Volunteer for Native Villages of Kaohsiung & Pingtung Alumni Association 2016 Design Colleges Cup Badminton Third place




Chinese English

Exercise Movie Travel

Learning Positive Teamwork

About me I was born in Kaohsiung, who have great enthusiasm in life with lots of goals and dreams. The world is so wide that there are always interesting stories happened somewhere in the world. Through reading, I can easily communicate with the world. Through traveling, I can interact with the world with all my sense opened. Feel our truely lives. Taking the road of design because I love creation. In the process of design, remove the bad and leave the best. I am deeply fascinated with the magic of making lives better. I like setting goals, and different goals at each stage. No unecessary excuse to slack off, and need to try my best to achieve it. This is the burden I giving to myself.

Working experience Having been an intern in two design companies. In Huemon, I clearly realized the procedure of design case and practical skills which I were insufficient during six months long internship. Catching the learning point much well when returning to the school. In Qiao Design, I executed several cases with senior designers. Accelerate speed in proposal, quality of picture, technique of communication with client and the importance of cooperation. Intern experience give me lots of practical abilities and help me to plan for the future. Attitude is crucial. Remind myself always be prepared, and stay positive and enthusiastic. Taking the opportunity as possible as I can when it comes.

Design makes world different Believing that Design is not only limit to the function and usability of product itself, but has the power of making society different. Design is a strategy to solve problem. We recreate the value of object and the story behind is linked to people. Furthermore, we transfer design objects to people and take society as background. Designers take the lead to break frameworks to affect the environments to let people believe the possibility. Then spread one by one.

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