MOVE OUT - mobile AR exhibition space 行動AR展覽體驗空間 MOVE OUT致力在城市間打造高移動性的AR展覽體驗空間,提供民眾更靈活的藝術參與形式。團隊由成功大學 五位熱愛藝術策展的夥伴組成,在為期約三個月的商業競賽,以真實創業為目標,擬定商業企劃爭取投資人青 睞,我們對藝術與設計參展市場做分析,並蒐集了三百份消費者調查問卷,真實了解消費者需求後,擬定獲利 與行銷策略。 MOVE OUT aims to create a highly mobile AR exhibition experience space in the cities, and provide people with a more flexible way to approach to art. The team consists of five partners who all have passion in curation from NCKU. In the three-month business competition, with the goal of starting business truely, we propose a business plan to win the investors’ favor. We analyzed the market of art&design exhibitors, and collected 300 consumer surveys. After truly understanding the needs of consumers, we formulated profit and marketing strategies. Team| 麥榮富、蔡育倫、陳文妍、蘇安愉、許祐庭 Role| Chief Marketing Officer(CMO) Contribution| Business model、Market analysis、Competitor analysis、 Consumer understanding、Marketing strategy
Problem Take our exhibit experience as a starting point, the form of participation in the art & design exhibition is limited and expensive in Taiwan. Furthermore, Taiwanese society is still immature in understanding the fields of design, art, and aesthetics. The street scene in several city is immutable and lack of vitality.
Solution MOVE OUT is a mobile AR exhibition space, and the exhibits are presented through AR to free from physical restrictions. People can interact richly with the exhibits by wearing the AR glasses we provide. The Exhibition hall is constructed by mobile module at selected open space.The pop up style is beneficial to penetrate every corners of the city initially. We plans to expand to five locations in Tainan in first three years. The long term goal is to become an easy-reach exhibition space for the public.
MOVE OUT AR glasses
Business model canvas
Market trend Why now? a.The trends of art & cultural activities and curation are rising in Taiwan. b.The number of participants in exhibitions and performances in Taiwan is increasing.
全國藝文活動歷年出席人次(百萬人次) 263.279
Statistics from the Ministry of Culture
Market size We start from Tainan and expand to other cities three years after business starting. Our target focus on 20-30 year-old young people. According to official statistics, this group has the highest proportion of participating in art & cultural activities among all age groups. They are also the group that most willing to spend money on exhibitions attending.
Target: 20-30 young people
Statistics from the Ministry of Culture
Competitors We mainly have four types of competitors, and we compare our own strengths with these four competitors.
文創園區 跳脫實體限制 移動性 觀展免費 高宣傳度 策展服務
Consumer survey We create an online survey by Surveycake with 17 questions about people’s experience and favor of going to the exhibition and finally collected over 300 questionnaires.
1. Your age.
2. Your gender.
4. How many exhibitions do you participate in each month?
5. The most impressive exhibitions.
7. How much are you willing to
8. How long are you willing to
pay for the exhibition
quene up for the exhibition.
3. Where do you live?
6. In what way to know about the exhibition.
9. What elements do you think a good exhibition needs.
10. Have you ever bought souvenir in the exhibition?
13. When do you usually go out?
16. Commonly used social media.
11. Continue the previous question,
12. How many times do you go out
how much is willing to spend.
14. Where to go on weekends?
every week?
15. Where to go on weekends?
(People from Tainan)
(People not from Tainan)
17. The degree of rejection of “download the app to receive discounts.”
It’s OK. Would rather die.
Marketing strategy There are two essential for MOVE OUT to survive. The one is “sufficient publicity” - let MOVE OUT well known to people, and the other is the “visibility of the exhibition space itself” - to earn more profit from advertising. According to the consumer research results, our marketing strategy focus on social media especially Instagram initially to get the attention of young people. Besides, we will collaborate with well-known theme creators to attract customers in a short time.
Takeaway and Follow-up 1. In order to avoid being replaced by other competitors, MOVE OUT need a economic moat, which is much stronger competitive advantages, and we need to develop the ability of curation through vertical integration. 2. Increase the source of income. 3. We focus on the right target now, it’s a potential market! 4. More professional cash flow calculation.