Sunrah Delrhea Jones 2242Midwick Drive, Altadena, CA 91001 626.825.2125
PROFILE Entergetic, dependable student with solid communcation skills. Excells under pressure, fast learner and has excellent problem solving skills. Enjoys working with others and is a supportive team member who likes working in a fast paced environment.
EDUCATION Aveson Charter School, Altadena, CA
Fall 2009 - Present, Earned 65 High School Credits Anticipated Degree: High School Diploma, expected May 2011 Course Study of Interest : English Opportunites for Learning, Pasadena, CA Fall 2008- Spring 2009, Earned 57 High School Credits Sumemr 2010 , Earned 20 High School Credits Pollytechnic High School, Pasadena, CA 2010 SEP– Summer Enrichment Program Earned 5 High School Credits
EMPLOYMEN T Kumon Math and Reading Center, Pasadena, CA
June 2008 – September 2009 Job Title: Office Specialist/Tutor Primary Duties: Filing, answering phones, greeting students, Math and English Tutoring for Elementray students Agape Christian Church, Pasadena, CA
August 2009 – Present Job Title: Aide - Toddler Childcare Primary Duties: Meet and greet parents, engaged toddlers in appropriate play, provide snacks and administer sign in and out procedures.
ACHIEVEMEN TS International Library of Poetry Academic Award for English and History
SKILLS Microsoft 2007, Windows, Excel & Powerpoint HOBBIES Taking Care of Animals, Cooking, Motocrossing, Singing, Piano, Hiking & Art