An experimental video art describing the loneliness of being a flaneur. Produced during the first month moving to the UK.
This video art is inspired by a sentence written in the project brief : The flaneur has no specific relationship with any individual, yet he establishing a temporary, yet deeply empathetic and intimated with all he sees. The character was created with my own shadow. Combining the memories from having agoraphobia and the experience moving to a foreign country.
A short moving image , suggesting the right to love. Focusing on erotic fetishism and paraphilia.
This project aims at breaking the traditional image of an industrial sewing machine business.The animation was made to help develop future projects, it employ components of the industry with a creative twist. It’s a group project , I am responsible for the animation and most part of the concept.
黑色康乃馨 ㄧ
A Black Carnation 動畫編號零零壹
This project is looking at the parent / child relationship. Inspired by my anonymous survey asking: “What is the worst thing your mother ever said to you.” The main focus was on guilt , because this might be the Most common issue that exists in a parent/child relationship.
Production time line
A child can never give back the time, effort and the life itself, in return. And expectation will never be fulfilled. The animation experiments with the use of m o t i o n g r a p h i c a n d C h i n e s e t y p o g r a p h y, d e p i c t i n g the guilt of being a“parasite”toward his or her m o t h e r, a n d t h e a s p i r a t i o n t o a n i d e a l i s e d f a m i l y home.
amazarashi 『性善説』
Mommy (2014 film)