Location Type Client Status
Nantou, Taiwan Pharmaceutical Company
Lotus Completed
Lotus Pharmaceuticals manufacturing site in Nantou, Taiwan, has been undergoing significant upgrade and transformation since 2019 with its Site Masterplan upgrade. The projects I have managed included the following :
• Site Masterplan Proposal
• Facade Renovation
• Structural Reinforcement
• Area QA Lobby
• Area A&C Change rooms
• Canteen & Glasshouse
• Area G Offices and Change rooms
• Value Stream Office Area A & C & G
• Area F Level 1 & 2 main office
• Area QC Laboratory
The total value of these projects listed above equates to approximately USD $6 million dollars.
With the existing lab design, layout, and space constraints, the labs are unable to meet the increasing business market needs because of limited QC capacity. In order to increase lab capacity and efficiency, the redesigned labs will incorporate lean lab principles and have flexible, modular systems. The open plan could make a lab and an office with dynamics and connectivity, which is good for Lotus flexible operations. Between lab and office, where separations are required, glass walls are used to allow visualization of the activities inside, i.e., open space with minimal solid walls and barriers.
We use Taiwanese street snacks as the design elements. Transforming them into the pop art and street art style illustrations and print on the white tiles.
Type Area
Client Status Position
Tainan , Taiwan
Enterprise Office Interior Design
4,730 m2
Adhesive Manufacturing Company
Under Construction Designer ,SD ,DD
As the largest brand of adhesives in Taiwan. NAAPAO wants to create an space for operation headquarter and strengthening R&D development. The design of the office is inspired by the art collections of chairman. We want to increase this humanities and arts characters in to this innovative manufacturing company when people entering this building.
Lobby main wall consists of different NANPAO products.
Art collections SECTION
小松美羽 Miwa Komatsu
五次元 5th Dimension
2017| 壓克力顏料Acrylic 、 複合媒材Compositematerials
鬥牛系列 Fighting Bulls Series
2016 | 銅 Copper
荷意 Lotus
2014 | 銅Copper
Location Type Area
Client Status
Taipei Taiwan
Commercial Interior Design
1,050 m2
Cathay Life Insurance
The project is situated in the Cathay Landmark, an office building in Taipei City's Xinyi District. The 24F is being converted into a living service area to offer better services and convenience. We would like to create a "NEST"-like atmosphere in this space where people can take a break from work for a while and relax or engage in meaningful conversation. We produce a fluid, flexible, and effective design as opposed to inflexible office layouts. The space is made of various recycled materials, including MFC board, cork, plastic gluing material, stainless steel, and the furniture is modularized to satisfy diverse functional requirements. This design was inspired by birds gathering local resources for nests.
Location Type Area Client Status
Chiayi ,Taiwan
Enterprise Office Interior Design
7,743 m2
Medical Surgical Device Company Completed
Location Type Area Client Status
Taipei , Taiwan Enterprise Lobby 200m2
Cavebooks Competition
In the West, Plato used the cave as a metaphor for his view of truth and knowledge.
In the East, the profoundness of the Mogao Caves is excavated bit by bit.
By using purely materials and simple geomatric design to convey the process of exploring knowledge and education when we are reading books.
Kaohsiung Villa
Kaohsiung , Taiwan House 300 m2
Dr. Gu Urology Clinic Zhongshan
Taipei , Taiwan
House C
House P
House K
House T
House J
House L
t m w
Skilled and passionate designer with 10+ years of experience in interior design, architecture and urban design projects included master planning, transportation facilities, campus buildings, commercial mixed-use, and housing projects. Forwardthinking and constructive problem-solver. Excellent at solving design challenges with good communication and adept at learning new technologies.