Yun Shan Li's portfolio

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con t e nts 01









easy planting

About Li, Yun-Shan

New Laundry System Design

Raincoat-type Bag

Magnetic Tableware Frame

Tape-type Pot Plant




tainan impression


wild princess



Old Things, New Life Design

Take-out Coffee/Tea Cup Lid

Silver Ring

Copper Ring

黎芸 姍 Li , YUN-SHAN Education Background 09/2007~06/2011 Dept. of Art Industry, National Taitung University (NTTU) 09/2012~now Graduate school of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Major/ Human Factors and Interaction Design

Work Experience 2009 International MedTech Art Show, Exhibition Staff 2012 Dian Shin / Design Refreshment Exhibition, Media Campaigns Staff 2012 MOE Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts and Design, Workshop Staff

Special Experience 2010.10 ~ 2011.3 Short-term Exchange Student Program of Sendai University, Japan 2011 International Youth Exchange Forum of Taiwan Japan 2012 Business of Design Week (BODW), Student Representative

Exhibition 2009 International MedTech Art Show, Barrier-free Art Creation Program

Award May 10, 1989 Fangliao Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan (R.O.C)

2009 Cultural and Creative Competition Across Taiwan Strait (Group of Product Design) organized by Taiwan Association of Digital Media Design and Shanghai Multimedia Trading Platform, Honorable Mention 2010 Hakka Featured Product Design Competition organized by Hakka Affairs Council, Honorable Mention 2010 Local Life Animation Competition organized by Zhang Qihua Culture and Art Foundation, Honorable Mention 2010.10 ~ 2011.3 Xue-Hai Studying Abroad Scholarship awarded by Ministry of Education 2012 Quality Kansei Design Award awarded by Taiwan Institute of Kansei (TIK)

Bibliography As a design student who comes from field of art and culture, study human factors and interaction design at graduate school of industrial design, I not only deep understand the value of culture, have a good sense of product's Kansei aspect and have distinct creativity, but also can make design easy to use by considering the limitations of human's Physiological, Psychological and Cognitive features. Besides, I am interested in Cultural Exchange, because different values and lifestyles of culture can let me get inspired and then produce a creative design. With these professional abilities, personal characteristics and keep looking for right ways to influence people, hopefully in the near future I can make a positive difference to this world.

product Design

T eg g Designed in 2012 Designed by Yun-Shan Li, Chia-Sui Hsu, Qiu-Hua Phuar*  Yi-Liang Chen* Main duty / ideation, sketch, model making  animation making

* Department of Industrial Design, National University of Singapore

Tegg is a new laundry system design for improving affective experience and using experience in public laundry. It not only improves the hygiene problem of existing public laundry machine, but also provides a better affective experience of public laundry. By creating a better laundry experience with personal laundry basket, Tegg makes the laundry process easier and more convenience.

Background / Rapid reduction of living space Due to the rapid reduction of living space in modern city, the public laundry equipment has become the necessary product in people’s daily life. However, as the number of small families and students who use the self-service laundry machine are gradually rising, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the problems of public laundry.

Source /

Research / Contextual inquiry We adopted contextual design method (Beyer & Holtzblatt, 2013) to discover the potential problems in public laundry. For our contextual inquiry, we recruited 10 students who live in Ching-Yeh student dormitory of NCKU, involved 5 international exchange students and 5 Taiwanese students. We observed as they laundry and inquired into their actions to understand their motivations and strategy. We also conducted one-on-one field interviews in the laundry room to discover what matters in their laundry.

Research / Cultural Model We used Cultural Model to capture the culture and policy that constrain the users when doing laundry. It shows what users care about and how they deal with those problems.

Research / Sequence Model The sequence model shows the detailed steps performed to accomplish each task important to the laundry work. It shows different laundry strategies users used, the intents or goals that their task steps were trying to accomplish, and the problems getting in their way.

Problem 02 / Felt unsafe and unclean Users felt unsafe and unclean because they need to share the washing tub with others. Moreover, if previous user forgot to pick up his/her clothes in time, the following user first need to move those clothes out of personal laundry basket in order to get his/her clothes washed. Both users may feel unsafe and unclean with touching others’ clothes.

Problem 03 / Missed the collection timing

Problem 01 / Overwhelming things to carry Through contextual inquiry, we noticed that users often bring too many things to the laundry room, such as laundry basket, detergent and coins, which made transferring process became inconvenient.

Users often miss the right timing to take their clean clothes because they often engage in other activities when waiting.

Problem 04 / No confident with the machine Laundry machine is also thought unfriendly due to its technical image.

Research / Experience attributes We arranged all observed key terms from contextual inquiry into an experience attributes. It shows that “approachable”, “quality”, “fresh” and “trustworthy” are the major key terms that influence users’ laundry experience. Therefore, we used experience attributes to evaluate our concepts.

Images of experience attributes

Sketch /

Design feature / Tegg is a new laundry system design for improving affective experience and using experience in public laundry. It not only improves the hygiene problem of existing public laundry machine, but also provides a better affective experience of public laundry.

Size / 550 x 550 x 750 mm 450 x 450 x 500 mm (Laundry Basket)

Design feature 01 / Personal laundry basket become the laundry tub of public laundry machine We use personal laundry basket as the laundry tub of public laundry machine, which can avoid the hygiene problems caused by sharing laundry tub. When previous user missed the timing of collecting clean clothes, next user only need to move laundry basket rather than moving the clothes out with hands. Thus users will not feel unsafe and unclean because the personal clothes are never be touched. Moreover, users will not unintentionally left items in the machine.

Design feature 02 / Easily move Personal laundry basket equipped with wheels and handle. Therefore, users can easily carry their clothes to the laundry room.

Design feature 03 / Personalized strip Users can personalize their laundry basket by inserting different paper strips into the provided space. Thus users will not only identify their laundry basket easier but also increase their positive feelings.

Design feature 04 /

Design feature 05 /

Approachable, Quality, Fresh & Trustworthy feeling

Animated graphical user interface (Animated GUI) of

The appearance of system is designed with the major key terms from experience attributes to decrease the negative feelings caused by technical image of laundry machine.

Design feature 06 / Provided detergent Tegg provides several laundry detergents for users. Therefore, users do not need to carry detergent while doing laundry.

public laundry machine We designed a series of animated GUI to show every functions of public laundry machine, which can offer users more intuitive operation.

Design feature 07 /

Design feature 08 /

Water inlet holes, drain outlet & laundry turntable

NFC mobile payment

After putting personal laundry basket into the public washing machine and completing settings, water and detergent will be poured into the laundry basket from the bottom drain outlet and water inlet holes. When laundry process is accomplished, dirty water will drain out from the bottom drain outlet. Therefore, users can directly carry clean clothes home.

We adopt NFC mobile payment as the payment way of public laundry. Therefore, users do not need to carry coins to do laundry.

Design feature 09 / SMS reminders for collecting clean clothes When users pay, the payment system will record users' phone number. SMS messages will be sent for reminding when finished.

rainbog Individual project Designed in 2012

Rainbog is a raincoat-type bag suitable for Taiwan barometer cross climate. When it is sunny, Rainbog is carried waterproofed bag. When it rains, Rainbog can instantly be a raincoat with backpack. People no longer worry about suddenly raining. More important, the raincoat can be folded back as a carried bag through simple steps and leave belongings dry. Therefore, when people need to temporarily put away raincoat, they no longer worry where to store it nor need an extra raincoat pouch.

Background / Rains frequently Taiwan is located in subtropical regions and belongs island climate. There are raining half time of a year so people have to carry umbrellas and raincoats to avoid sudden raining. Many Taiwanese people who ride motorcycles frequently choose carried raincoats which are lightweight, easy to carry and without restriction to theirs hands.

Source / CNA news

Research / The problems However, there will be some problems when people bring wet raincoats into the interior.

1.. Nowhere to store

2. Wet dry belongings

Umbrella stands are provided in many interior spaces but the places to put raincoats are hard to find. As a result, people have no places to put their wet raincoats.

If wet raincoats are not stored well, dry belongings or surroundings will be wet.

3. Raincoat pouch brings people burden Some people will separately prepare a pouch for wet raincoats, but there will be a limitation for people's activities and creating the burden on the body.

Sketch / When I was sketching, I would like to combine a raincoat and belongings to become a product that can be easily used and stored. Finally I designed a combination of a carried bag and a raincoat.

Design feature / Rainbow Bag Rainbog is a new raincoat-type bag. When it is sunny, Rainbog is carried water-proofed bag. When it rains, Rainbog can instantly be a raincoat with backpack. The raincoat can be folded back as a carried bag through simple steps and leave belongings dry. Therefore, when people need to temporarily put away raincoat, they no longer worry where to store it nor need an extra raincoat pouch.

Design feature 01 / Turning into a raincoat in one minute Only need to release the button between the two bags, a raincoat inside can be in use.

Design feature 02 / Carried bag becomes a backpack The carried bag will become a backpack after people wearing a raincoat.

Design feature 03 / Easily store the wet raincoat The wet raincoat can be shaken out or erased most raindrops, and then fold the raincoat as usual steps. Next, only need to buckle the two bags. The raincoat storage is completed.

Design feature 05 / Waterproofed carried bag Rainbog can be a carried bag as casual time. It is applied waterproof membrane outside so that people no longer worry their stuff will be wet.

Design feature 04 / Hang dry Hang Rainbog dry after using. It is reusable.

Design feature 06 / Two-bags design Rainbog is made of two bags so that people can store their stuff by categories.

UP ! Individual project Designed in 2013

Up! is the magnetic tableware frame which is designed to have special angles and radian. When eating, people can take and put their tableware more easily and avoid dirtying tables or unused tableware with it.

Background / Globalization of food diversity The cuisines that people enjoy today are abundant and diverse. East chopsticks, spoons and West knives, forks are used frequently now. No matter which tableware is, it is common that people do not willfully dirty tables with used tableware and vice versa. Therefore, tableware frames are used to improve those problems.

Source / W&T

Research / The problems However, there are some problems with tableware frames now, which cause inconvenience when using.

1 . T h e s p a c e b et we e n p l a c e d

2. Tableware can only be placed

3. Tableware is easily fallen

surface of tableware frame and

in the same plane

down on tables or floors

Therefore, used tableware easily dirties unused one when people use it.

It will make tables, tableware or floors unclear and bring users inconvenience.

desktop is not enough to let users hand reach into easily Therefore, it will bring users inconvenience when taking tableware.

Sketch /

Manufacturing process / I designed Up! with Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Plaster board and strong magnets.

Design feature / Avoid dirtying tables or unused tableware

Up! is the magnetic tableware frame which is designed to have special angles and radian. When eating, people can take and put their tableware more easily and avoid dirtying tables or unused tableware with it.

Design feature 01 / Magnetic attraction to adsorb tableware Adsorb magnetic tableware by the principle of magnetic attraction. It can achieve quickly fixing effect without any additional fixing stuff.

Tableware is not easily falling down on tables or floors due to being touched.

Design feature 02 / Suitable Angle There is an appropriate angle between tableware and desktop. User’s hands could facilely stretch into the angle and take tableware quickly.

Design feature 03 / Multi-putting space It can avoid the situation that used tableware dirties unused one by fixing different tableware on different flat when people put it.

Design feature 04 / Arc groove Non-magnetic tableware can be placed in the arc groove.

Easy Planting Individual project Designed in 2014

Easy Planting is a mini pot plant that can be used like a tape. People can easily paste the pot plant everywhere without any additional fixing stuff, and make a special view of pot plants by pasting the pot plant as pictures or words. Therefore, people can decorate their house much more easily and creatively.

Background / Decorate home with pot plants In Taiwan, people prefer to decorate their doors and fences with pot plants which make their houses look more attracting. It could not only bring owners earn accomplishment during taking care of pot plants but also please passersby by those beautiful plants.

Research / The problems However, it is very inconvenient for people to fix pot plants on their doors or fences because of the volume and the weight of pot plants. People usually need to nail on walls and then tie pot plants on nails with wire. In addition, some people nail a platform to put pot plants on or hang them with ropes on walls. By those ways, the location of pot plants is limited or pot plants need to be fixed on ideal places by breaking walls. As a result, I want to have a simple design which can help people decorate their houses more easily and freely.

Sketch / When I was sketching, I wanted to make plants be easily stuck on walls. Then, I chose a tapetype mini pot plant, which people can create plant view freely without any additional fixing stuff.

Manufacturing process / I made this design with paper tape, super absorbent polymers, and the seeds of Garden Peas. There were two pieces of paper tapes. For the first piece, due to better permeation, I punched smaller holes on the paper tape and bigger ones for plants’ growing. Then, I fixed the seeds and the super absorbent polymers on the second piece of the paper tape. Finally, I stuck those two pieces of tapes and put on back glue on the bottom of the second piece.

Planting experiment /

Design feature / Easy Planting is a mini pot plant that can be used like a tape. People can easily stick the pot plant everywhere without any additional fixing stuff. There will be a special view of pot plants that people can easily make by sticking the pot plant as pictures or words. Therefore, people can decorate their house much more easily and creatively with Easy Planting.

Design feature 01 /

Design feature 02 /

Design feature 03 /

Tape-type pot plant

Easily fixed

Create exceptional view of pot

Like tape, people can cut how long they like.

Due to its small volume and light, people can fix the pot plant effortlessly by back glue on the bottom of the paper tape.

plants People can easily make special pictures or words by sticking the pot plants creatively.

Design feature 04 /

Design feature 05 /

Design feature 06 /

Fixed anywhere

Automatically adjust the water

Protect a surface of walls

yield and the nutrient People can easily stick the pot plant everywhere without any additional fixing stuff.

After people water Easy Planting, the super absorbent polymers between the paper tapes will absorb 200 times amount of water and release the water yield and the nutrient according to what the plants need. Therefore, people can water them once three to five days.

The back glue on the bottom of the paper tape are made not to break a surface of walls so that people can have clear walls during moving the pot plants.

cultural Design

frostory Individual project Designed in 2013

Frostory is an "old things, new life" design that combined old frosted glass, light and clock. It is a clock covered by frosted glass, which brought people memory about past life. The frosted glass makes time look faint like impression. However, when an inside light is turned on, the frosted glass will become transparent so that time will look clear and warm such as recalled memory. It not only recalls memory of past life but also creates memory of new life.

Background / A beauty is disappearing In the past, people often used frosted glass to distinguish indoor and outdoor spaces. Its unique texture protects the privacy of indoor people, but outdoor people can know the movement of indoor people when turning on the lights. Therefore, life is full of much romantic imagination. Nevertheless, with advances in technology, the glass that can better protect people's privacy replaces the frosted glass so that they become rare in modern life. In order to evoke the memory of frosted glass, as well as the continuation of the use of this traditional material, I decided to make an application with frosted glass.

Research / Faces of windows There are several frosted glass commonly used to be as windows.

Feature / Become transparent once light is turned on

The greatest feature of frosted glass is that when the light is turned on, it become transparent. One side of the frosted glass is carved with patterns, so it becomes frosted because it refracts light in a disorderly way. But when the inside light is turned on, the frosted glass can no more refract light effectively. The glass then becomes transparent.

Sketch / Frosted glass + Light + Time = ? When I was sketching, the first thing flashes in my mind is the relationship between glass and light. What is the possibility of their combination between them? The answer might be a lamp. But when I consider the time characteristics of frosted glass, I decided to design a lamp made by frosted glass, which combines a clock.

Manufacturing process /

I found the old frosted glass and the old glass ornaments decorated on chandeliers in a second-hand furniture store. I arranged them looked like an ancient clock. Then connected the power of LED light and clock. Finally, I connected the switch that can control LED light.

Design feature / Frosted memory Frostory is an "old things, new life" design that extends the value of old frosted glass. In days, the clock is covered by the texture of frosted glass, which makes time look faint like impression. In nights, when the inside light is turned on, the frosted glass will become transparent so that time will look clear and warm such as recalled memory. This design makes frosted glass can reintegrate into modern people's lives and continue the beauty of past life.

Tainan Impression Individual project Designed in 2013

Tainan Impression is a take-out coffee/tea cup lid design that expresses the impression of Tainan city. When travelers incautiously spill out coffee/tea, the hidden Tiehua window patterns will show on the coffee cup lid. It not only turns people’s negative feeling caused by dirty lid into positive emotion, but also expresses the fusion between old and new impressions of Tainan city.

Background / “ Old House , New Life ” in Tainan Tainan city is the oldest city in Taiwan. One of the biggest features of Tainan city is that old buildings hidden in the modern street. Recently, coffee shops remodeled from old buildings are extremely popular. A great number of travelers are attracted by those coffee shops. Travelers can enjoy their time in Tainan by not only enjoying an afternoon tea in an old building but also having a cup of coffee or tea when walking in ancient and modern staggered alleys.

Source / Méchant bébé London boy

Research / The problem

Nevertheless, it may not be a good experience about having a take-out cup of coffee/tea. Because coffee/ tea is easily split when travelers walking. It may bring people negative feeling due to dirty lids and effect their travelling interest. As a result, I want to have a simple design to solve this problem and, by this design, I can deepen people's impression of Tainan city.

Feature / Tiehua windows The major feature of the old buildings in Tainan is the unique Tiehua windows. Those Tiehua windows were used to protect residents’ safety and made streets more beautiful in the past. Therefore, they are traces of people's life in the old time, and are one of a special feature of Tainan city. I want to make good use of such feature in the design.

Sketch / Tiehua windows + Take out coffee cup When I was sketching, I tried several ways to solve the problem that people may have negative feeling due to dirty lids. Finally, I decided to render Tiehua window patterns on lids by split coffee/tea.

Manufacturing process /

Design feature / The fusion between old and new impressions of Tainan city Tainan Impression shows Tiehua window patterns when travelers incautiously spill out coffee/tea when moving. It can turn people’s negative feeling caused by dirty lid into positive emotion because of seeing beautiful Tiehua window patterns of old buildings in Tainan, and then deepen travelers' impression of Tainan.

Value added / Travel commemoration and re-use Impression about Tainan which contains the characteristics of Tainan City has the monumental impression. People can take it as cup lid, bookmarks, and decorations.


wild princess

Material / Silver

f ly i ng

Material / Copper

Li, Yun Shan Master Student Graduate school of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan(R.O.C) TEL / + 886 915 684 611 MAIL /

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