Portfolio of Yung-Han

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Portfolio of Yung-Han 陳詠函作品選集

陳詠函 Chen, Yung-Han

helloakaka@gmail.com +886 963-192-886 www.behance.net/HanChen

Education Sep. 2016-Oct. 2017

University of Brighton MA Sequential Design/Illustration Sep. 2009-Jun. 2013

Chung Yuan Christian University Department of Commercial Design

Working Experience Oct. 2015-Aug. 2016

HOOU Exhibition Design Art Designer Nov. 2013-Jun. 2015

Zhanlu Enterprises - Marketing Department Graphic Designer Jun. 2016

Personal Exhibition Chen Yung-Han’s Illustration Show - Forest Travel

Skill & Tool Used Language: Mandarin, English Drawing: Gouache, Coloured Pencils, Acrylic Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint

Picture Book / Characters

No.11 Oak Street

A story about lonely people in a block of flats. This is my main project for my MA degree in UK. It is a picture book for teenagers and adults. The original idea comes from the lonely people in the cities. The project tells a story about social issues of isolation and loneliness and how the characters get together through a single event. A block of flats as the background makes this story closer to people’s life. I hope to evoke the public’s concern to their lives around. The images were all completed by gouache and coloured pencils. Also, this is my first hand-drawing picture book.

Size: 148.5x210mm Year: 2017 University of Brighton MA Show

In this block, all the residents live quiet lives. They don’t care much about others. They are different ages and have different life experience, but they have one thing in common: they feel lonely.

Dean thinks that going to school is like going to a cactus forest. He feels hurt and pain. He is isolated. He hopes that one day he can ďŹ nd some friends who will understand him.

Terry has worked for two years in this company. He performs well at his job so everyone always passes their work on to him. He works day and night.

Terry helps to carry heavy packages when they meet by chance in the stairway and later, they will drink tea in Mrs. Jade’s at together.

“What are the animals worried about?” Some drawing of animal characters.

I like to create characters and give them stories. I will do the drawing once I get new ideas. In this practice, I use the impression of animals and find the suitable description. I illustrated the animals in human’s clothes and wrote the short stories for them. I searched for animals’ habitual behaviour and matched with human’s career. Not all of the animals have negative thoughts, I also draw some animals live in happy moods. Some animals have something to worried about and some of them find happy things in their lives.

Graphic / Commercial Design

“Invisible and Visible NTU”

Exhibition main image and brochure design. “Invisible and Visible NTU” is an exhibition featuring maps of the university from different periods. Because it is an exhibition about maps, I created a new image of the school map. To connect with the subject, I drew icons for school buildings, departments, and the old trees on campus. For the needs of the exhibition, I also designed five theme maps. They were “map of named building”, “map of old time NTU”, “map of old trees”, “map of public artistic production”, and “map of ancient dormitories”. Besides using the icons in the main image brochure, I drew many other items for the small maps. The five theme maps were used in the exhibition as instructions.

Size: 600x426 mm Year: 2015 HOOU Exhibition Design



動動手·拼拼看·看似簡單的六面立體拼圖· 你拼得出六張不同年代的臺大地圖嗎?

不同年代的校總區地圖·概述著臺大空間成長的歷史軌跡與流轉。 展示的地圖年代:1930年、1961年、1976年、1986年、2006年。

探索臺大 沿著層層疊疊的圓木串接·透過各式主題地圖來認識臺大校園·你會發 現·原來臺大·這麼有趣:建築語彙相似的帝大建築群;那些你不曾探 究的建築物名稱來由;樹木茂密的校園裡·原來有些是受到保護的掛牌 老樹;2004年以後·公共藝術如雨後春筍般地冒出校園地表;現今基隆 路以北的校總區·沒有一間男生學生宿舍·從前可多著呢;校園圍牆外 臺大管有的日式宿舍群·曾經住在裡面的教授·精神長存。

失落臺大 「每一間老房子拆除·就等於又一段長度與臺大 年歲相等的故事隨之灰飛煙滅。」精選十三張已 經消逝的臺大建築或地景照片·一一述說她們的 身世背景。當你瞪大眼睛發現原來臺大校園裡曾 有那樣的一頁·也就意味著那一頁曾經失落。 現在·我們幫你將那一「落頁」·拾起。

播放由臺大電機1985級空拍團隊拍攝製作· 於2015年發布並授權予母校使用的

登上一米五的高台·瞭望展場的一切。 開放時間有限·敬請保握·每次僅限一人登台;如果排隊人數眾多·敬 請遵循現場人員指揮。

《看見臺大──重履心靈故鄉》空拍影片。 影片youtube連結·請掃描上方QR Code。



溫馨小木屋書房·或休憩·或閱讀·一次覽盡與臺大 校園文化資產有關的書籍·享受這一刻美好的時光。

新舊臺大 歡迎操作使用由臺北市都市發展局開發的「歷史圖資展示系 統」·選取你想比對的地圖年份·比一比·仔細看·左右兩 張新舊臺大的影像·你發現了什麼蛛絲馬跡?



記憶徵集&創意發想區 故事尚未完結·記憶還在累積…… 逛完一圈展覽·您是否覺得意猶未盡呢?那些關於 臺大過往、已消失的重要地景、人文風情。如果您 有珍貴的照片·歡迎捐贈給校史館典藏;如果您有 想要訴說的故事·歡迎直接用文字寫下·或鉛筆描 繪在桌上提供的白紙;抑或是您有任何臺大主題地 圖的創意發想·歡迎創作於紙上。 展覽期間·校史館將會不定期挑選出優秀作品·並 致贈小禮物感謝。 洽詢電話: 02 3366 381 8 陳小姐



2016年3月辦理「微型臺大工作坊」·相關活動 資訊請屆時關注臺大校史館臉書。

邀請您走出展場後·親身實地走訪·思索每一個主題背後的歷史成因、 透露的訊息。其實每個主題·都可以繼續深掘、延伸、無限放大…… 這裡·只是一個起點。從不同的視角切入觀看·那些過往你「看不見」 的臺大·現在·你看見了嗎?

& Invisible & Visible NTU

微型臺大 運用微型積木慢慢搭建出一棟又一棟的臺大建築 物·這是一場觀眾參與的未來進行式……預計於




5. The five theme maps 1. Map of public artistic production 2. Map of old trees 3. Map of ancient dormitories 4. Map of named building 5. Map of old time NTU


Size: 60x60 cm Year: 2015 HOOU Exhibition Design

Newdawn Charity

Drip coffee package design A case I worked on for Zhanlu Enterprises. I helped the charity to design a coffee package. I used images of a girl and boy to distinguish the tastes. The icons also symbolise the children helped by the charity. Now the products are sold in the coffee shop of charity and on the Internet.

Size: 107*110*135mm Year: 2014-2015 Zhanlu Enterprises

Red Envelope Design

Design for Chinese New Year "Monkey Year" I enjoyed using my drawing to design some small things. I thought this would make people happy. In Chinese culture, we put pokey money in red envelopes and give them to our family. We belive this will bring good luck for New Year. Because year 2016 was the monkey year, so I used monkey as main icon to design three different types design.

Size: 90x180mm Year: 2016 HOOU Exhibition Design

Zhanlu Coffee - Marketing programme Designed Christmas posters and flyers

When I worked in Zhanlu Enterprises, my position was graphic designer. In the time I spent in this role, I was not only responsible for cooperation with other companies but also planned and implemented the marketing programme for our own coffee shops. This was the special offer for our Christmas activity. I used some symbols which were related to coffee to design a Christmas tree. This was used in the posters and flyers for the coffee shops.

Size: 500x700mm (Poster) Year: 2014 Zhanlu Enterprises

Exhibition Visual Design

NTU Express 20 Anniversary

Main image design for NTU in the Hong Kong Book Fair A case I worked on for HOOU Exhibition Design. I joined in the design for National Taiwan University. This was displayed in Hong Kong Book Fair. In this project, I used geometry patterns for the main image. I used yellow and other warm colours to make the atmosphere more positive.

Size: 600x250 cm Year: 2016 HOOU Exhibition Design

2017 Taipei International Book Exhibition

Reading area main image design

To make the Image more interesting, I used geometry patterns to complete the illustration which is different from my past works. The image was more like a graphic design work. The drawing was about Taiwanese endemic species and I thought this was suitable for children's reading area. Futhermore, the whole drawing was a long image. I was very satisified with this work.

Size: 1800x250 cm (x2) Year: 2016 HOOU Exhibition Design







The drawing of reading area.

閱 讀 小 聚 落 貓頭鷹

松鼠 紅尾鶲 臺灣黑熊


樹蛙 梅花鹿

插畫設計/陳詠函 Han Chen

2016 Taipei International Book Exhibition

Main image and display design for National Central Library In 2016, I designed the main image for National Central Library for Taipei International Book Exhibition. The concept is “Golden House” which came from an ancient proverb. In this peoject, I used to hand-drawing illustration to express human and animal reading together in a tree house. This illustration also presented the hope for living peace with nature. For the client’s requirements, I used my illustration to design the information posters for them. In the exhibition, I assisted them with the display and the sign design. The exhibition design experience let me increase the ability in planning display ideas and space design.

Size: 540x300 cm Year: 2016 HOOU Exhibition Design

Personal Exhibition

Chen Yung-Han’s Illustration Show - Forest Travel Before I went to UK, I had a small illustration exhibition in NTU Press Book Store. I had ten pieces of works for display. The drawing was completed by acrylic on the canvas. The design of reading area in 2017 Taipei International Book Exhibition came from this art works. The background story is: Black bear has been living alone in the mountains. One day, he wants to explore different lives. He decides to go for a trip. To find some new friends, or maybe he can find something he has lost. On the way he sees many landscapes which he has not seen before. Sometimes he loses his way and encounters thunderstorms. But there are hiding friends in the forest will help him through the storm. Finally, he climbs up to the highest hill. Looking at this view, the bears thinks in his mind: "Although I travel alone, but my heart is not alone."

Year: Jun. 1st 2016- Jun. 30th 2016 NTU Press Book Store

Portfolio of Yung-Han 陳詠函作品選集 Copyright © 2018 by Yung-Han Chen All Rights Reserved.

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