Architecture Portfolio 2013 - Yuntong Mu

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2013 Portfolio Yuntong Mu



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Urban Analysis (Year 3 Groupwork)


Demarco Project --

This project requests to design a multi-purpose building for scottish artist Mr. Demarco. The building should contain an archive, a cinema, galleys and a residential block for short term living and working.

importance suqunce of the area edges

My main concept is evolution. I believe an archive should not only holds art but also generate it. It should be a place where presents its own past and influence the future, a place where gradually changes the people, the area and the city eventially. I was inspired by the recent redevelopment of Dundee. In the past decade, Dundee is trying to come out from its troughs of industry though a series redevelopments in the waterfront and city center area, but the main residential and industrial area is left behind. The Roseangle area is such a place.

Demarco Project --

Site Analysis (Year 3)

Free public car parking

Street Level Perth road are all commercial areas

I choose six potential sites from the given area as a start then dicided to use the one sited along side Perth Road. Then analysing the site context from different aspects such as from height, size, material, usage, plant and open space. 3

Demarco Project --

Demarco Archive, Gallery and Residencial block (Year 3)

archive cafe


control piont(Office) gallery

After the investigate of the city and area, I propose to develop a disused land sited on Perth road. It has the potential to be the intersection of the most significant futures of Dundee. The site in general has a clear boundary on its own. The significant edge condition of an exiting brick wall formed the etmosphere of westfeld lane, the variety patterns shows the rich history by itself. Therefore I keep dicided to keep it. Studying the mass of the surrounding building to make my break down my design to fit the surrounding.


floor plans




I consider the external space as well as the internal space. To make the area active, I site back my building from the street, then creat a square a route and a garden supported by art gallery, which all act together to make a peaceful and relax space for art in the heart of the city. 13

Nightime view

key spaces


general slop geometry and Tay River view

model photos 17

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17

Detail 1

1 2 3 4 5

6 7

8 9

10 11

Detail 2

Detail 1

Detail 2

1. plaster board 2. liner tray 3. structural steel column 4. water proofing membrane 5. wall insulation 6. gape 7. existing brick wall 8. eletric pipe for lighting 9. flexible steal between skirting board and floor 10. under floor heating 11. acoustic insulation 12. prestressed concrete floor slab 13. fresh air supply 14. extract exhausted air 15. plaster board 16. polyfoam floorboard 17. drainage channel membrane

1. concrete external wall 2. external fnish 3. flashing 4. double glazed unit 5. frame to surpport glazing 6. timber board marked insitu concrete blades beam 7. timber board marked insitu concrete wall 8. aluminum retaining cap 9. Weep Holes for Drainage 10. Existing Brick wall 11. Brick Finish


Measure Drawing --

CAD Drawing 3 people 4 days

St Peter and Paul Church (Year 3 Groupwork)



BTM Competation --

(Year 3 Groupwork) two-way concrete slab for the roof/ceiling 7500mm*7000mm two-way concrete slab for the roof/ceiling 7500mm*3500mm s e c o n d ar y c o n c r e t e b e a m 700mm in span section dimension 50mm*20mm p r i m a r y c o n c r e t e b e am 1 5 0 0 m m i n s p an section dimension 100mm*35mm lift shaft l o ad - b e a r i n g w a l l concrete column

structure diagram

We were asked to investigate the relationship between structure, material and space by design a gallery which had been gaven a building shell. For our group, we were given the test to use one concret column within the gallery space to support the building. People involved: 3 Time: 2 day

BTM Competation 2--

(Year 3 Groupwork)

We were asked to investigate the architectural relationship between exhibition space and the raw ingredients of a 'room': natural daylight, artificial light, materials, structure, air quality and ambient temperature. To faciliate the above within the confines of this four-day project, we have been delegated a generic cubic volume to work with. The volume is based on a 9-square grid of 3m bays, giving an overall dimension of 9m x 9m x 9m.The task for this project is to design a room with a specific atmosphere that is tailor-made to display the art work specified in Demarco project brief. People involved: 3 1:20 model

Time: 1 week 23

Palpability of Space --

Thinking of city (Year 3 Groupwork)

This is an one week project which aimed to find how many percentage of open scapce do we need within the city. Each people within a group of nine comes out with 3 design with different percentage of open space. Then choose 9 out of 27 to create a mini community.

FInal Proposal This combination was chosen as the concluding design of the city. There is an evident variety of spaces and interactions occurring, both from aerial view as well as at eye level. The building edges gives definition to the streets. The building in the middle becomes a focal point of the city, a monument and at the same time contributes to the city by providing a green space below it. The green space opens up to a make shift square with the building to the north creating interaction with one space to another. The city appears to have a variety of interrelated spaces having a series of courtyards and a variety of different experiential spaces. This makes the city an interesting space to explore.

Measured Drawing

(Year 2)


School Project


This project is aim to design a primary school located on specific site. My concept is to creat an enviromental friendly building in which spaces are interlocked with each other.

classroom plan and sections 27

annotated drawing


school sections and plan

elevations 31

model photos

model photos 33

Streat Project (Year2)

Requestes: In a group of 13 each one of us

had been assigned a block. Each group need to come out at least 5 rules.

1. Max 3 bedrooms including studio space 2. Design for young couple’s with one or two kids 3. 9 meters hight liminted for the group streat fecade 4. Materials must be agreed between members 5. Pitched roof angle and direction decided by group

Concept - Idea of folding

1. Change the space horizontally to fit the existing site conditions. 2. By chage the space vertically to eliminate boxes and impentrate concept.

plans 35

Apply the idea of folding from plan to sections. Take advantage of the narrow site, by using two load bearing walls at the long edges as the primary structure element to free the parti-walls in the middle.

frount fecade and key spaces 37

Brain Box

(Year 2 Groupwork)

At the begining of second year we were committed by a local primary school to design an outdoor learning space. We were asked to provide the full detail of the design construction and a design solution to offer an alternative environment for teaching and learning in addition to the classroom.


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