Design Journal

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abpl 30058 architecture design studio 4: Sparks barlow motors headquarters subject coordinator peter hogg tutor anna nervegna student yuri assis pinto 604858

barlow motors headquarters

ASSIS PINTO, Yuri 604858 architecture design studio 4: Sparks - abpl 30058 subject coordinator peter hogg tutor anna nervegna The University of Melbourne 03 of june of 2013

Site Analysis






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The site is located at 333 Exhibition St, between Latrobe and Mackenzie Streets. A third connexion is possible through Grant Lane. Currently occupied by a seven story parking building, the site presents some restrictions to a possible new building. Located between 5 considerably high structures, a hotel, three residential buildings and a commercial one, the site lacks natural sun light during the morning and at the end of the afternoon. When it comes to winds, the concrete wall that Latrobe St constitutes makes a considerable wind blow that goes through it. During the summer months, south and southwest winds are more common in Melbourne and the buildings on the other side of the street can present a blockage to them. During winter time, North and West winds are more usual and there is no considerable blockage to those. When it comes to topography, the site present a 5 meter difference between its lower and high faรงade, the lower being at Latrobre St and the higher at Mackenzie St. The site area is 2490 square meters.

Site Analysis

Night Views




Day Views










The conceptual idea was long exposure photography of traffic lights. The building attempts to capture the notion of movement, velocity and freedom, all sentiments that a high end car customer would expect to feel while driving its new machine.



The intention of this proposal was to create an architectural landmark in the heart of the Central Business District of Melbourne. With a powerful form, the new Barlow Motors Headquarters should be as innovative as its owner, Alexander George Barlow, known as a pioneer on the Australian automobile industry. Combining with Mr Barlow’s urge of modernity and innovation, the design is a response to one of the most recent aesthetic concepts in architecture,


[1] New York, by Van Tame. Oil on canvas. [2] Night time high way scene, by nrbelex. [3] bmw windows wallpaper at

first proposal - the stripes building

the building as a neon sign. The architectural volume would be treated difrently day and night as if there were two buildings coexisting in one site. The groundfloor would be car shoroom and the mass volume above car park and office spaces. the building is devided in three main elements that would each be placed on a different ground level, apropriating the form to the site’s topography. The monotonus rectangular form was not aproved. The building should not represent the sites form.

section planes were created to add movement and dinamisn to the structure.

view of the section planes.

should the building also represent rupture? View of the proposed volume beeing ripped by its columns [piramid solids]

desired composition. in this image we can the see the car showroom on the groudfloor. the building would be lifted up from the ground to accomodate a permeable space with both mackenzie and latrobe st.

first proposal - the stripes building


[sketch] Day composition. The layers of the faรงade are set back from one another to create a light and shadow element to the massive volume. The sunlight is projecting the notion of continuity, movement and velocity.

[night] Night composition. LED lights are placed under the concrete layers of the faรงade in different locations to achieve a discontinuos light pattern, contrasting to the continuous reading of the building during the day.

first proposal - the stripes building




barlow motors logo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]


Mackenzie St view


Volume scheme Three level GroundFloor car showroom. inverted piramids - concrete columns. first mass volume. Second mass volume. Third mass volume. Building during the day. LED lights. Neon sign.


Latrobe St view

car showroom

The tutor’s feedback was “Your building have light. instead, the light should be the building”

second proposal- neon sign

Ligh Paint Photography personal archive

third proposal- neon sign

This proposal was an attempt to materialize the effect of the light painting photography. The idea of having the light element as the dictator of form is brought from the camera to an architectural space. This building has the same principals of movement and velocity but the “alien� look to it was not appreciated.

Because the final form of the previous proposal was so different from what I have envisioned for the site, I decided to go back and try again. This proposal is an attempt to lighten the building with an external steel structure holding the massive volume above. Even with the changes, the building still looks like it has light not that it is made out of it.

fourth proposal - the light building [neon sign] NEON




SOUTH ELEVATION not to scale

To achieve a built form that seemed to be pure light a composition with translucent and opaque material was in order. The Neon light being placed on top of the translucent form made this material diffuse the light, “blur it”. This effect maximizes the luminosity and transforms the building on a built Light Paint. STRUCTURE

fifth proposal - the light building

In this design the façade stays the same but the structural elements differ. The columns are positioned in the tensioned points of the façade; they justify the form with its twisted and stretched look. The yellow columns are the primary structural elements and the black ones are secondary elements. The vertical connection – a steel polygon structure with neon and black tinted glass - is a contrasting form from the horizontal discontinuous lights of the façade.

Sketch of the façade

fifth proposal - the light building

First Floor Plan

Ground floor Plan

Undergroundfloor Plan

The site treatment is the same in this proposal with a three level ground floor car showroom. To fit the 300 car spaces, the car park is now divided in two underground levels and five upper levels. The volume is divided in three [car park, ramps and office building at LaTrobe ST]. The plans on the right side show a proposition without car ramps and with car elevators instead. The left side schematization drawings show the building structure as well as its function spaces. The Tutor’s feedback was that the structure as well resolved but the geometric composition was rather clumsy. I was given a choice: stick to this form for the rest of the semester or come up with something completely new but with the same conceptual ideas. I agreed and decided to change the form.

Steel Structure

Floor Slabs and Ramps

Translucent façade

Neon Lights

Functional Spaces

Studies - the new form

Studying the long exposure photography more closely i noticed that the curvilinear form is more prominent than the straight lines. The following drawings and photos are depicting different curvilinear compositions.

[curve sketch - soft pastel on paper]

[Sydney Opera House - photo manipulation]

[concentric curves - pencil on paper]

[Sydney Harbour Bridge - photo manipulation]

[Full Moon - photo manipulation]

Design Evolution - the new form

Exterior Renders

The new proposal consists of curvilinear forms extracted from various highway shots and moulded onto the site. The façade is made of steel panels and is fixed into the side geometric building by illuminated beams. The structural elements of this design are highlighted in the interior renders of the showroom. The tutor’s feedback was to lose the classical look of the new form. Hierarchy, rhythm and symmetry should not be on the composition. Interior Renders

Design Evolution - the new form

The day and night views still differ from one another. During the day, the smooth sculptural surface of the faรงade will present an interesting contrast to the concrete wall that LaTrobe Street constitutes.

During the Night the building changes completely to this hightech architectural element with two LED motifs. One highlighting the original curves that formed the surface [the long exposure photography] and another presenting the smooth surface as a complex triangular composition instead.

Design Evolution - the new form The sculptural form fits well for a car showroom space. The building would be an architectural statement of technology and construction, as are the cars. The problem faced now is the car park. How to fit 300 cars on this form without losing the free plan and the high ceiling. Interior render - curvilinear form

Interior render - Car showroom

Mackenzie Street Faรงade

Design Evolution - the new form

The sketches below show how the building is structured. To maintain the high ceiling of the showroom, the faรงade is detached from the upper floors creating a void, fluid space. The car ramps are placed near LaTrobe Street because the site is wider. This faรงade will have the car access points and the pedestrian side is at Mackenzie Street.

Final Proposal - the new form The Barlow Motors Headquartes would differ considerably from the surrounding buildings. The itention was to design a new architectural landmark for the city of Melbourne, known for its contemporary architecture. The Barlow Brand will be the building. The fluid, continuous form, “dances” on the site as a new building typology. “In terms of architecture, this can be interpreted as a series of potential expressions of pure movements, defined as differentiations. Movement or alterations where there are no fixed reference points or suggestive identities. Setting forth relations not based on traditional architectural attempts towards resolution through order and repetition of the same, but relationships based on uncertainties and differences” [Krissel]. Deleuze’s concept of the fold – a complex topology made out of the mixture of different paradigms – brings a different space understanding to architects. The Cartesian model is no longer adequate do represent the complexity of architecture. The separation between site, context and object gives space to a blob, an isomorphic polysurface that represents all the complexity existing in the space. Notions such as inside/outside, façade/structure, horizontal/vertical, can no longer be understood as separate elements. the complexity can only be captured by the fold, a continuous space, fluid [deleuze]. The building twists and bends in a flexible and fluid structure, following the movement of a body in space. The result is a form that cannot be understood as a separate object, but as an unique, intricate and infinite motion trail.

Mackenzie Street View

LaTrobe Street View

Final Proposal - the new form



5 6 4 3 2



“Complexity involves the fusion of multiple and different systems into an assemblage which behaves as a singularity while remaining irreducible to any simple organization”[lynn].

Final Proposal - Structure


tubular steel structure

prestressed concrete floor slabs

aluminium panels and metal deck roof

Final Proposal - Renders

Day View from the adjacent lot

Mackenzie Street Day View

Final Proposal - Renders

GArden Night view

Night View from the adjacent lot

Victoria Parede Street Night View

LaTrobe Street Night View

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