Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Aalto's proposal for the National Pension Center, first scheme. It won the competition in 1948.
All Photo Credit: Reed, Alvar Aalto Between humanism and materialism, p 336
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Competition Drawing.
Final scheme physical model.
[1] Photo Credit: Yusheng Fan [2] Photo Credit: Fleig, Alvar Aalto, p 120
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Epidaurus Theater
Before the pension center building, Aalto paid a visit to Greece. He went to the Epidaurus theather and Dellphi in the mid-part Greece.
[1] Photo Credit: [2] Photo Credit:
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Building location in Helsinki. When Aalto won the competition, the building was planned on a different site, on a much more open site. All Photo Credits: Google map
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Center plan for the town of Avesta, 1944 The center plan for the town of Avesta designed by Aalto and Albin Stark used similar layout to site the new buildings in relation to the existing buildings. The National Pension Center is also on the same axis with the park. The Children’s Hospital which designed by Elsi Borg, Otto Flodin and Olavi Sortta sits on the other end of the park, completed in 1948.
Figure.3 [1], [3] Photo Credit: Kries & Eisenbrand, Alvar Aalto : second nature, p 83 [2] Photo Credit: google map
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Aerial view from Northeast.
[1] Photo Credit: Reed, Alvar Aalto between humanism and materialism, p 238
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
National pension center Northeast facade, the main facade. The building volumes are resolving in response to the triangular site.
[1] Photo Credit: Reed, Alvar Aalto between humanism and materialism, p 239
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The main facade of the national pension center is a complete reverse of Palazzo Rucellai by Leon Battista Alberti. The wall here is the void. [3]
[1] Photo Credit: Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos) 1952-56 Alvar Aalto, p 26 [2] Photo Credit: Xiang Qiang [3] McCarter's comment in class
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Street view from east side.
[1] Photo Credit:
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Since the site locates at the end of gentle slope coming all the way from the sea. Aalto took the maximum advantage of the brow of the hill on which it sits. And the residual spaces are treated as rocky natural outcrops. [2]
[1] Photo Credit: [2] Ray, Alvar Aalto, p 122
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Figure.3 Figure.2
Southeast side of the building.
Figure.2 [1] Photo Credit: Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos) 1952-56 Alvar Aalto, p 27 [2] Photo Credit: Les Editions d'Architecture Artemis Zurich, Alvar Aalto Band 1922-1962, p 181 [3] Photo Credit:
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
South side of the building.
[1] Photo Credit: Kela p 34-35
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
South side of the building.
[1] Photo Credit:
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Turning around to the Southwest side of the building.
Figure.2 [1] Photo Credit: google map street view [2] Photo Credit:
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Southwest facade in two different seasons.
Figure.2 [1] Photo Credit: Kries & Eisenbrand, Alvar Aalto : second nature, p 84 [2] Photo Credit: Reed, Alvar Aalto Between humanism and materialism, p 343
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
From the building looking into the garden on the west side.
[1] Photo Credit: google map street view
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
From the garden looking into the national pension institute.
All Photo Credit: Kela, p 94-95, p 96-97
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The green of the garden continues into the site of national pension institute.
Photo Credit: google map street view
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The building volume on the west side retreats to allow the green to make to courtyard. The building volume on the west side retreats to allow the green to make to courtyard.
Photo Credit: Fleig, Alvar Aalto, p 124
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Building Northwest corner.
[1] Photo Credit: Frederick, Alvar Aalto, image No. 72 [2] Photo Credit: Google map street view
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Building Northwest corner.
[1] Photo Credit: Google map street view
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Building Northwest corner.
[1] Photo Credit: kela, p 31 [2][3] Photo Credit:
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Building North facade.
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
An entrance for staffs is on the North side of the building.
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
[1] Photo Credit: Google map street view
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The copper entrance doors surrounded by the glass infilled metal grating, above is curved shape copper canopy. The dark green stone slabs applied on the entrance facade are also in harmony with the copper color.
[1] Photo Credit: [2] Photo Credit: McCarter, Alvar Aalto, p 129
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The courtyard is only for the personals who work in the pension institute. It is a private courtyard.
Figure.2 [1] Photo Credit: [2] Photo Credit: McCarter, Alvar Aalto, p 129
Context | Private Exterior Goal-Route
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The courtyard featured with water pond.
Photo Credit: Frederick, Alvar Aalto, image No. 66
Context | Private Exterior Goal-Route
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
In the North side of the building looking into the courtyard.
Photo Credit: Kela, p 86-87
Context | Private Exterior Goal-Route
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Photo Credit: Kela, p 88, 92
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Aalto wanted to have water feature in to courtyard just like the public space in Rome. But it only can be utilized in Summer time. Context | Private Exterior Goal-Route
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Ground floor plan. The most important space on ground floor is the pension meeting room on the south side. The spaces are arranged along several corridors in the building.
Figure. 1
[1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.40
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Second floor plan. There are restaurant and library on second floor. And other spaces are for the staff offices. The courtyard are framed by the volume of the building.
Figure. 1
[1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.41
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Figure. 1
7th Floor. Direcor’s floor plan with conference rooms.
[1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.42
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Section cut through the staff restaurant, courtyard and column hall.
Figure. 1
Section cut through the pension meeting room. The pension meeting room is the most public place in this building. It has space with double height. And people use this space for discussing their pension. [1] Photo Credit: Karl Fleig, Alvar Aalto : Complete works,,,,, p. 178 [2] Ibid p. 182
Figure. 2
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Figure. 1
On ground floor. The most public space on ground floor is the pension meeting room and the wating area round it on the south side.
public semi-public semi-private private
[1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.40
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Figure. 1
On second floor. Restaurant ,library and courtyard are the most public. Staff offices are semi-private or private. [1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.41
public semi-public semi-private private
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Figure. 1
On 7th floor. Corridor to connect the offices and conference room is most public. Office and conference room are arranged along the L shape corridor.
public semi-public semi-private private
[1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.42
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
Figure. 3
Figure. 1
First part is the public goal-route. Entering from south, the space works as waiting area and reception hall.
Figure. 2 [1] Photo Credit: [2] Ibid [3] Ibid
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
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Figure. 1
In the waiting are look into the pension meeting room. The meeting room and waiting area are seperated by the glass.
Figure. 2 [1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.30 [2] Ibid p.31
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
Going into the pension meeting room. This room is for staff and people discussing the pension after their retiring. The sklight are deep triangle shape to provide light in heavy snow. Beam is split into two part to reduce the feeling of the massive volume.
Figure. 1 [1] Photo Credit: Mateo Kries and Jochen Eisenbrand, Alvar Aalto : second nature , p.86
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Figure. 1
Another view in the pension meeting room. It shows the spatial relationship between the scond floor and pension meeting room.
[1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.32
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
Figure. 2
Look from second floor and stairs into the pension meeting rooms. Comment from Professor McCarter: It shows how the scale drops in this space from monument double height space with skylight to private meeting devices.
Figure. 1 [1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.107 [2] Photo Credit: Alvar Aalto, A+U E8304 , p.98
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
Figure. 2
Close look to the meeting device. It is very human scale. The photo on the above show how people use this meeting device.
Figure. 1 [1] Photo Credit: Frederick Gutheim, Alvar Aalto , p.102 [2] Photo Credit: Mateo Kries and Jochen Eisenbrand, Alvar Aalto : second nature , p.87
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
Figure. 2
Close look to the skylight. There are two layers of glass. And there are lights inside the two layers of glass.
Figure. 1 [1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.40 [2] Photo Credit: Mateo Kries and Jochen Eisenbrand, Alvar Aalto : second nature , p.102
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Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Second part is the staff goal-route. It is the corridor on first floor. It is next to the courtyard. Lights comes from the window into the space.
Figure. 1 [1] Photo Credit: Mateo Kries and Jochen Eisenbrand, Alvar Aalto : second nature , p.88
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
View towards the stair connecting the ground floor and library on second floor.
Figure. 1
[1] Photo Credit: Erkki Sarkkinen, Alvar Aalto : Elevating The Everyday , p.102
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
View towards the library. It has the similar sunken reading space and skylight condition in Viipuri Library.
Figure. 1
Figure. 2 [1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.34 [2] Photo Credit:
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
View towards the sunken reading space.
Figure. 2
Figure. 1 [1] Photo Credit: Erkki Sarkkinen, Alvar Aalto : Elevating The Everyday , p.98 [2] Ibid, p.100
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Figure. 2
View towards the stair connecting the ground floor and restaurant on second floor. Right side is for lining up. Left side is used as regular stair.
[1] Photo Credit: Karl Fleig, Alvar Aalto : Complete works,,,,, p. 187 [2] Photo Credit: [3] Ibid
Figure. 3
Figure. 1
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Figure. 2
Figure. 3
Figure. 1
View towards the dining space in restaurant. It is only place using radiant ceiling in this building. The dining space is next to the exterior courtyard. And the windows bring light into the space from side.
[1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.39 [2] Ibid, p 103 [3] Photo Credit: Peter Reed, Alvar Aalto : between humanism and materialism, p 123
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Figure. 1
View towards the corridor on second floor. It also work as small meeting space outside the offices. Close to windows, the ceiling is white to catch up more light into the space.
[1] Photo Credit: Erkki Sarkkinen, Alvar Aalto : Elevating The Everyday , p.125
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
View towards stairs connecting second floor to 7th floor. Light comes through the window and the wood fence.
Figure. 1 [1] Photo Credit: Erkki Sarkkinen, Alvar Aalto : Elevating The Everyday , p.120
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
Figure. 1
Figure. 2
View towards meeting room and office.
[1] Photo Credit: Erkki Sarkkinen, Alvar Aalto : Elevating The Everyday , p.128 [2] Photo Credit: Frederick Gutheim, Alvar Aalto , p.105
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Figure. 1
View towards conference room on 7th floor. Scale drops in this space from largr meeting room to private sitting device again.
[1] Photo Credit: Yukio Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute (Kansaneläkelaitos), Helsinki, Finland, 1952-56 / Alvar Aalto , p.36
Interior Special Hierarchy|Goal-route
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
Figure. 1
Figure. 2
View towards conference room on 7th floor.
[1] Photo Credit: Erkki Sarkkinen, Alvar Aalto : Elevating The Everyday , p.133 [2] Photo Credit: Frederick Gutheim, Alvar Aalto , p.129
Interior Special Hierarchy|Goal-route
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The KELA headquarters building was erected close to the centre of Helsinki where the surroundings were already completed. To begin with, the rock excavation and construction work annoyed the local residents, who expressed their disgust in the correspondence columns of the newspapers. The excavations for the foundations were nicknamed the KELA gorge. Public opinion changed later on when the building was finished and people could see how carefully its surroundings were taken into account.
[1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 12 [1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 12-13
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Excavation work started in spring 1952, and the base of the excavation was concreted during the following year. The design of the building had no progressed beyond the sketch stage when the rock was already being broken. When the site was changed, Aalto’s office had to completely redesign the building, which had originally been designed for a different site.
[1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 14 [2] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 17
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
This is the first floor’s column grid of National Pension Institution.
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
This is the second floor’s column grid of National Pension Institution.
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The specific shape of rectangles was applied in the organization of its floor plan. (First floor)
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The specific shape of rectangles was applied in the organization of its floor plan. (Second floor)
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
And anther geometrical design language is found in its floor plan as well. But I am not sure if it was densigned intentionally or unintentionally.
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
This is the strategy how Aalto dealt with the property line.
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The boundary National Pension Institute’s lower level follows the property line. However, the higer level of the building stretchs out a little bit.
[1] Photo Credit: [2] Photo Credit:
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The ends of floorslabs raise up slightly, around 30 degrees, which bring more sunlight into indoor space, and make the ceilings seem like they are suspending.
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
[1] Photo Credit: Frederick, Alvar Aalto. P. 242
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The building is broken down into a series of smaller units, which are grouped to provide outdoor spaces that related to the sorrounding context.
[1] Photo Credit: Google map
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The smaller units are also corresponding with the scale and shape of surrounding buildings.
[1] Photo Credit: Google map
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The space known as “KELA HALL”, originally designed for customer service, is lit by huge roof lights. During the darker times of the year, artificial light comes from the same direction. The high roof lanterns give the space the feel of a temple, and its staff began referring to the hall as “Alvar’s church”. Figure.3
[1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 75 [2] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 75 [3] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 75
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Aalto endeavoured to create a series of prototypical urban spaces, drawn from Italian precedents but adapted to the Nordic climate by being brought inside, suffused with light and opened to the city and to nature. [1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 89 [1] Photo Credit: Zurich, Alvar Aalto. P. 184 [1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 74
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The wooden window frames are always wrapped around by the copper panel. It is the transitional material applied between the solid brick walls and the windows. Figure.3
All Photo Credits:
Experience | Connotation
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
All the building parts that are touching the ground are wrap either with copper panels or darker color tiles.
[1] Photo Credit: [2] Photo Credit: A+U, Alvar Aalto, p 67
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Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Part of the restaurant walls and the circulation areas are clad in curved shape ceramic tiles, which Aalto also used in many his later buildings, The convex outer surface is glazed while the concave inner surface contains mortar bedding. [4] Those tiles are like small columns. They have very complex double fluting. [5] [1] [2] Photo Credit: Kries & Eisenbrand, Alvar Aalto : second nature, p 90-91 [3] Photo Credit: Les Editions d'Architecture Artemis Zurich, Alvar Aalto Band |1922-1962, p 187 [4] Ray, Alvar Aalto, p 85 [5] McCarter's commnent in class
Experience | Connotation
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
[1] Photo Credit: [2] Photo Credit: Les Editions d'Architecture Artemis Zurich, Alvar Aalto Band |1922-1962, p 187 [4] Kela, p 78
Experience | Connotation
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The everyday experience of ‘the‘ little man’ is well presented in the place where the clients meet their representetives. The 28 cubicles help to break a one large public space into individual private realms which only hold the conversation of two. [3]
[1] Photo Credit: Les Editions d'Architecture Artemis Zurich, Alvar Aalto Band |1922-1962, p 184 [2] Photo Credit: Les Editions d'Architecture Artemis Zurich, Alvar Aalto Band |1922-1962, p 183 [3] McCarter, Alvar Aalto, p131
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Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Originally, the wooden booths were designed as the height of a person standing upright to cut the connections between the interview and outside. Later, the upper part of the cubicles were made of glass, which makes the people feel less compressed during the interview. The positing of the furniture also helps to avoid direct eye contact between the clients. The Lights are positioned carefully in between (not in the center) the clients and the staffs to illuminate the solutions. Since most of the people come here to deal with their pensions are senior people, the size of the chair is larger than the staff’s seat shows Aalto’s thoughtful design in every detail.
[1] Photo Credit: Schildt, Alvar Aalto masterworks, p 122 [2] Photo Credit: McCarter, Alvar Aalto, p130
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Conference Room
Conference Room Figure.5
Lighting Fixtures
Dining Room
[1]-[4] Photo Credit: Frederick, Alvar Aalto, image No. 80-83 [5] Photo Credit: [6] Photo Credit: [7] Photo Credit: Photo Credit: Kries & Eisenbrand, Alvar Aalto : second nature, p 95
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Hallway Hallway
Financial Department
Lighting Fixtures
All Photo Credits: Kela, p 57-58
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Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
Luncheon Room
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Conference Room
Conference Room
All Photo Credits: Kela, p 104-111
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
All Photo Credits: Kela, p 104-111
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Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The ceiling in the Dining Hall consist of grids of white metal panels with four bended corners. The white panels are not only good for bouncing more natural light into interior but they also help to hide the rediant heating diffusers. The handrail in the Dining Hall help to separate the different circulation. All the furniture are also designed by Aalto.
[1] Photo Credit: Futagawa, Public Pensions Institute, Alvar Aalto, p 38 [2] Photo Credit: [3] Photo Credit: Fleig, Alvar Aalto, p 122
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Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The library in the national pension center is a mini version of the Viipuri Library.
[1] Photo Credit: Les Editions d'Architecture Artemis Zurich, Alvar Aalto Band |1922-1962, p 186 [2] Photo Credit:
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National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
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Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The handrails that connect the upper level and lower level are wrapped in leather. The 12 double curves brass lighting fixtures were also designed by Aalto to illuminate the bookshelves.
[1] Photo Credit: [2] Photo Credit: Les Editions d'Architecture Artemis Zurich, Alvar Aalto Band |1922-1962, p 186
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Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
Careful design extends right through to the staircases. Aalto wanted the handrails to the staircases to be in wood, which would be pleasant to the touch. [1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 122 [2] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 123
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
For the same reason, the handrail in the library is finished in leather. [1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 99 [2] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 100-101
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
A significant proportion of the door handles and door pulls used for national pension institution were designed specifically for this building. Some of them came to be used regularly in Aalto’s buildings thereafter. [1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 134
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The light-metal handle used for office doors and designed specifically for this building. Subsequently, the handle became commonly used in work by Aalto’s office. [1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 136
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
A rain shield was designed for the bronze handles on the main entrance doors so that there is no need for customers’ gloves to get wet when they arrive at this building. [1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 140
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
One of Aalto’s design trademarks is a leather finish on door handles. He considered it important that the handle feels pleasant to the touch. Figure.4 [1] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 143 [2] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 143 [3] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 143 [4] Photo Credit: Kela, Elevating the Everyday. P. 143
Lige Tan|Yusheng Fan|Xiang Qiang
National Pension Institution | Alvar Aalto
The National Pension Building designed by Alvar Aalto is considered in every single detail from the site of the building all the way to a shape of a door handle. Quote from McCarter’s book, the detail such as the custom-formed door handles that fit the hand in a tactile celebration of the act of entry give the building an unmatched sense of human scale. It was critical to Aalto that, as he said, a little old lady from the country, visiting the city to attend to her pension, should be honored, rather than humbled, by bureaucracy, it should come to her. [4] End quote.
[1] Photo Credit: McCarter, Alvar Aalto, p 128 [2] Photo Credit: Kela, p 126 [3] Photo Credit: Kela, p 134 [4] McCarter, Alvar Aalto, p 131
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