15 Habits You Must Handle In Order To Be A Successful Person digitalbloggers.com /business/15-habits-you-must-handle-in-order-to-be-a-successful-person Oct 08, 2016 7 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen
Author Sergei VanBellinghen
Articles written: 50 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Relationships Self Improvement
Never wonder what kind of habits do you need to have in order to be a successful person in life?
We live in a ‘follower’ generation where most people want to be followed by thousands, have hundreds of friends and have a deep desire to be ‘famous’. But I can tell you right now that this is the path to self-destruction, and never
is the choice of a successful person. For most people, a Thursday or a Friday is the start of a weekend. It is a time where they can forget about the week’s hard work and rejoice over 2-3 days of “off time”. Here are the 15 Habits you must handle to be a successful person.
1. Being True to Yourself A successful individual, an icon, a legend and or a famous person requires being true to himself and to his mission… and that doesn’t come by trying to have hundreds of followers or partying; it comes by staying true to yourself and find a few that love you and will support you through your journey.
2. Having the Correct Mindset Prosperous individuals go after what they want, full in, at 100%. Do not leave anything to chance. There is certainly no such thing called luck, it is called hard work. People respect and look up to people who make things happen, rather than what the masses do.
3. Celebrating Accomplishment Successful people celebrate when they usually accomplish something, and not because it is a certain day of the week. The majority of people are partying while they are working. You must celebrate when you accomplish something and not just by usage that you have survived the first 4 days of the week.
4. Taking Risks Thriving achievers take risks. Most people do not want to take risks. That is perfectly okay; you can work for me and build my dreams. No! Okay then, if you don’t want to hate your life, start taking some risks. You have what it takes to be successful. There are books written on practically everything, or take learning courses and destroy your goals.
5. Fulfilling a Purpose The future of successful individuals is determined by the work they do today, not next week or next year. You need to be living in the present but with the foresight that what you do every day will be your future and your ultimate legacy. You need to have goals that will fulfill your purpose.
6. Having the Right Friends If you look closely to successful people, you’ll notice that they do not have hundreds of friends. They often do not have over 5 of them. Why, It is not because they are losers, it is not because they do not like people, it is because they value great company and they want to be surrounded by life’s game changers, and those persons are rare. You need to surround yourself with those have similar ambition, a vision for the future and a similar path.
7. Letting Success Speak A successful person smiles at everyone who doesn’t believe in him or her. Other people will bash your dreams time and time again, telling you what you can or can’t do. You need to work every day to prove them wrong. Don’t say anything to them; let your success speak for your words. This way you keep them on their toes.
8. Being Selfish in a Good way 2/4
Many successful people are selfish but in good way. Meaning that loving yourself and have enough self-respect to say no more to habits that are bad for you, to negative people and to things that have no place in your life if you want to be successful. Focus on yourself and on those who force you to be better.
9. Chasing Passion Successful individuals don’t chase the money, they chase their passion and their passion always wins. The money will come if you love what you are doing? This way, you won’t give up when times are hard, instead you will push through. You will want to work when others are partying.
10. Having a Strong Vision They have such a strong vision and believe so much in it that they are unstoppable. Don’t let petty things get to you. There are no reasons you can’t become successful. Would you rather spend the rest of your life doing something you hate or go after something you love? It is a simple choice.
11. Seeking Counsel The only opinions that successful people take into consideration are theirs and the ones from those who have achieved what you are going after in life. You never need to value the negative or pessimistic opinions of others as these people have achieved nothing. Focus on your ultimate vision. Seek only counsel from successful persons and you will be successful.
12. Not making Excuses Prosperous people do not make excuses. You can’t deposit excuses in the bank, so why do you keep making them? Dream big; create a larger and powerful vision, so that you won’t be able to make excuses. All you are doing right now is surviving and adapting. How badly do you want to succeed?
13. Being Motivated A successful person has hating followers. I mean by that, that when you are successful, you are going to have followers, and many of them will not like you. They will be jealous, negative and quick to call you an ‘overnight’ success. Do not be deterred by those types of people, instead use them to motivate you. How? By thinking of them in tough times to spark your fire and fuel it to accomplish even more.
14. Taking Account Successful and thriving people take account of their habits, lifestyle and priorities. You need to sit down in a room alone and just think, think of who you want to become, review your plan every day and adjust it according to your situation.
15. Being a Successful Person Being a successful person is working every day of the week, even Sunday. Are you sleeping in or are you working on your vision? I have been grinding since 5 am. Do you think that a Carnegie, Rockefeller or Morgan ever complained? You need to stop watching or doing useless things that aren’t going to get you anywhere in life. Money doesn’t take breaks. Now, I get a 104 day advantage over everyone who takes the weekend off, and then you will wonder why I am becoming successful.
Take advantage of this great opportunity >>> Get it NOW !!! Are you watching TV, partying or fooling around when you know it is time for a change in your life, a time to get serious and grind. You feel you want to reach your vision; get rid of loser habits and loser friends. Then follow in my footsteps to be a successful person. Follow in my footsteps NOW >>> click here
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and sergeivanbellinghen.com, Success & lifestyle Coach, Freedom entrepreneur & business partner of Stuart Ross, also counselor in East Europe-West relationships, a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker