Born To Do What You Love /business/born-to-do-what-you-love Oct 18, 2016 6 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen
Author Sergei VanBellinghen
Articles written: 55 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Relationships Self Improvement
What is it with people who tell you to be realistic? Especially when it comes to you going after your dreams.
You are not supposed to live a meaningless existence where you die of daily boredom from not doing what you care about the most. You are born to do what you love. What does it even mean when someone tells you to be realistic? You mean that you want me to settle down for mediocracy. You mean that you want me to live in fear and stop short of excellence because that is what you did at
one point in time? The next person that tells you to be realistic, politely extend the spiritual middle finger and say “I am” and then tell him “Now go forth and conquer your day”
Not Meant to Be Average You were not meant to be average. You were born with a specific purpose and to illuminate this earth with your gifts. You were not meant to only enjoy the small talk of life. You were not meant to wake up every day, hating your life. If you feel this way, something is wrong! It is time to make some changes, if you don’t know what you want, try experimenting with different things, volunteer with an organization, start a business online from scratch, think about what you wanted to do as a child, until you find a passion that drives you towards creating an awesome and exciting life. You may not be able to do what you want right now but I ask all of my followers and anyone reading this to stay encouraged.
Be on Your way While you are on your way to accomplish your dreams, you may encounter multiple road blocks in the form of people, places or things. As you meet them, you need to stop giving and wasting your time on those distractions. With all regards to people, it doesn’t matter if it is romantic, platonic or even professional. Don’t waste your time with people who do not appreciate you, don’t waste time on those who don’t deserve you. Remember what I said, you are born to do what you love , and don’t spend so much time on everyone and everything around you. This has been the hardest for me romantically, I always tried to see the best in people, but eventually, I realized that I was wasting precious time. My ex-wife and I spent 9 years together, where she took full advantage of my feelings for her and used it against me. I then realized that I was the only one giving myself fully into this relationship, and I had to break my pattern. I was living only for her and not for me. I had put all of my dreams on hold for years. One day, I simply told her it was over. I know it is hard, especially if you are loyal, but maybe you can take baby steps to ease yourself out of the relationship. Be direct with friends or work related people, but choose your words carefully with family. Say what you mean and mean what you say. No one likes inauthenticity.
Born to Do What You Love Do you get this? You were born to do what you love. In the meantime, until you can work your dream job, be sure to add moments where you are doing things that give you joy. The universe will always replace anything or any relationship with something better, as long as you put in the work. Remind yourself that thoughts are things; it doesn’t matter if they are positive or negative. What you focus on manifest itself. Dump those which are unworthy; it does not make them bad people, but there has to be an even exchange of energy. You are the most important person in your life. This is an idea for those who may not have outside hobbies or interests. Find things that you love. Yours will, of course, be different than mine. Make sure you tell your loved ones that this is your time and you don’t want to be disturbed. I like to practice Kung Fu, ride horses, write, read books, learn languages, and these things are helping me de-stress and I could get lost doing these things for hours.
In Starting Your dream Life 2/3
Some of you might be already starting or living their dream life, and it can be so tempting to give advice to people, in an effort to help them. But be really choosy about what you are saying and how you are saying it. You don’t want to come out as a know-it-all. I am willing to hear advice from almost anyone, but what will impress me the most is their example, how they live their life. I am very turned off by people who talk a lot but whose actions do not follow their words. If you want people to listen to you, all you really need is to show them. It is not your job to convince anyone of anything. If you are being authentic, sending out good vibes, others will notice and follow suit. For my part, I never wanted to be average. I never wanted a 9 to 5, unless it was temporary, I always knew that I wanted to be different, to change some of this world, and it still drive me crazy at times when I can’t reach people on a global scale. But I use this to fuel myself towards my goals. And I will not rest until my presence has touched as many souls as possible. So remember: You are born to do what you love . Are you with me? Get your chance to make a change for yourself and for the better >>> get chance NOW Share you thoughts below.
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and, Success & lifestyle Coach, Freedom entrepreneur & business partner of Stuart Ross, also counselor in East Europe-West relationships, a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker