Build A Life Instead Of Settling For One
Jan 04, 2018 - 11:58 107 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen Articles written: 199
Author Sergei VanBellinghen
Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement
For many, it may sound crazy to build a life instead of settling for one, but what if I tell you that your dreams and ideas define who you are. And, when you pay attention to them, they provide you with a road map to follow to achieve a life that will bring you joy, satisfaction, happiness and even success. Do you hold back from what can bring you true happiness? Or are you chasing after your dreams? Why is it essential to follow an intense connection to something you desire? Are you settling for less than what you deserve? I hope not, but most people in this world do! They tend to take the safer route and settle because it is always easier than build a life they desire! Yet, today, I want to talk to you about why you should never settle for anything in life.
Each day, too many of us are settling for average things in many aspects of our lives. You accept a job you hate for the sake of a salary, deal with people who let you down, and even let your loved ones get away with stuff that no one else could. As a result, you accept those things instead of changing and creating better opportunities. Why?
The Fear of Making Choices Well, most people have the strong desire to build their dream life, yet are too scared to go after it and are even more terrified to be alone. I find this heartbreaking! That fear leads so many of us to make choices that are not always in our best interest in the long run. In other words, people are settling for ordinary. It is wrong since it prevents you from having a life or getting in a relationship that is better suited for you. It even blocks you and the other person involved from being truly happy. Everyone deserves to build a life instead of only settling for one. It is like a relationship where you and your partner accept the way things are, but you both know you deserve better. You should not be afraid to be alone, and in fact, you might enjoy being on your own, at least for a while. Even if I did in the past, I know I never want again to be with someone that I feel I am just settling for. I deserve better and so do they.
Settling is not the Way When you build a life, you make decisions by comparing the consequences of different options and actions you take. But when you are settling for existence, you assume that you should not take some actions unless the benefits are greater than the sacrifices you make. The last bit is why you settle in your life. I am not perfect and I have indisputably settled for things in my past. So, I am not different than you. But over the years, I have learned the art of not giving a damn. Often times, settling is one of those things you do without realizing you are getting too used to routine. So, you should never settle for any of the areas in your life. Your existence is yours and yours only! And there are important parts of your life that deserve going for what you want, believe and deserve.
Doing What You Love or Settling In your life, you will spend an immense majority of your waking hours working. It is a fact of life and for most of us, something we cannot avoid unless we build an existence we do not need an escape from. Therefore, since a lot of the hours in your lifetime are spent working, you better choose something that you not only love, but which challenges, fulfills, and at last, makes you happy. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Jobs And yes, most of us are scared of changing, failing and taking risks. It is the essential 2/4
reason you are settling in life. But you deserve to change your existence for the things that make you happy. Remember that you not created to drift simply along in life and whine. I do agree that it is easier to settle than it is to break out of your comfort zone, but is it what you want?
Chasing After Your Dreams So, is it better to settle in your relationship, your job, your life because you are scared of what might happen and maybe lose the stability it offers? Fear paralyzes people and holds them back, but in fact, it is merely false events appearing real. There are always other options in the world. Yet, settling might prevent you from realizing this. You even might have doubts about your abilities or are unable to believe you are good enough. Of course, there are times where you have to settle for a job you do not enjoy, but it should be only temporary. Just remember to use those circumstances as stepping stones to build a life which you are meant to live. If I say this, it is because you are settling, you will get to a point later in life when you will not only regret your choice, but you will feel like you wasted a part of your life. Too many people forget to pursue their dreams. I have done it also at some point in my life. It is so easy to fall into the trap of being busy and forget to chase after your dreams.
Build a Life instead of Settling for One So, I encourage you to build a life instead of settling for another. Get an existence where you do not throw your dreams and ideas into the ‘Impossible’ pile. And five or ten years from now, you will thank yourself for the life you chose. Therefore, you have to change the way you think, change the way you feel, raise the bar and do not settle for average. It takes time, effort and patience to find the right purpose, life or person. Things worthwhile need a lot of time, struggle, and determination, which many people do not want to go through. Again, it is more comfortable to keep the routine than to challenge yourself. But you have to fight through all the obstacles that lie between where you are and where your dreams are. Most people are lazy, or lack the confidence, desire and drive necessary to be the CEO of their own life. Yet, they will frequently complain about their current circumstances but will do nothing about it.
Life is Too Short for Ordinary Settling for ordinary is a place where you often get stuck and do not know how to escape. It is a fixed mindset that can only change with a growing and learning mind. So, you have to begin to think differently, get rid of what is not working which is not easy, and connect with the people who can help you build a dream life, design a plan of action, and give you mentorship along your journey.
As for me, I have realized as I get older that I need to invest more time in continuing to achieve my dreams, passion, and purpose. And that is what I am working on right now. I have to follow the things I love. I won’t say or reveal much at this point, but as I plan further down the road, I am building a life with incredible opportunities for myself which inspire me. Life is way too short! The only way is to stop settling. Do not follow the ordinary or you will begin to die a slow death. So, the next time you look at your dreams, think about your ideas, make an effort on your goals, I encourage you to take time to reflect on building a life for yourself rather than accepting the average. Understand that you deserve the life you want, even if you need to make changes or make some hard choices to make it happen! End the settling and the endless excuses, and build a life you are proud of. If you do not, I promise you; you will look back at your life with regret wishing you did not settle. Related articles Sergei The Black Sheep Of The Family Follow Your True Calling In Life How To Have The Mindset For Success Difficult Roads Often Lead To Beautiful Destinations 17 Pretexts Why Most People Are Giving Up Way Too Easily
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of FirstClass Lifestyle, currently a Personal Growth & Success Expert, using self-development techniques to help you succeed and have a better life. Visit my website at