How Can A Wrong Decision Bring Opportunity To Your Doorstep /Yusupov8/how-can-a-wrong-decision-bring-opportunity-to-your-doorstep/
You need to accept that you won’t always make the right decisions, that you will screw up, royally sometimes, but understand that when you make a wrong decision, these failures are not the opposite of your success; they are a part of your success. The ways in which you proceed in the face of wrong decisions are critical to your recovering ability. To understand this, you must understand the mindset of the world around you.
The Mindset Circle The mindset circle is made of only 2% of the world’s people and these are outside of the comfort zone doing things differently, and then there is the other 98% of people who are inside that comfort zone. It means that there are two categories of people in this world: The first category of people are going for their dreams, having confidence, exploring new things, embracing the unknown, getting excited, liking change, living without limits, believing in abundance, acting in spite of fear, choosing happiness, being fulfilled and getting the most out of life. The second category are for the people who are insecure, surviving, ruled by fear, just getting by, having a dull life, playing it safe, procrastinating, regretting, settling for less than they are worth and being like everyone else.
In which category would you put yourself?
9 Ways to Change the Output of a Wrong Decision Here are 9 ways in which you must act when you make the wrong decision that will keep you going and bring the opportunity to your doorstep. 1. Take responsibility for it . Tell courageously what happened. You made a mistake, it happens, so don’t just think that no one will realize. 2. Offer a solution. What you do after a blunder is important. Think of the definite steps you have to take to get things back on the right path. 3. Give a why justification. Show confidence, accountability, and integrity by acknowledging your errors and this can actually increase your status and learning experience. Don’t give excuses, just give the facts. 4. Get right back out there. Don’t let a wrong decision create doubts. It is a mindset that will destroy you bit by bit. And don’t wait either, it only make bad feelings worse. 5. Prevention is a key. Avoid doing the same mistake again later on. Learn out of your wrong decisions to be sure that only good things will come out of it. 6. Perspective is a factor . Be skilled at rebounding after a wrong decision. Don’t blame your wrong doing on your lack of cleverness or some other unknown bad quality you think you have. It will make you less of a risk taker. 7. Use wrong decisions to your advantage. It requires a flexible and mental strength to see that positive attitude is just as essential as the steps you take. It requires intelligence to use wrong decisions to your benefit. 8. Optimism is vital. People who are optimistic bounce back faster from incorrect decisions. A 500 entrepreneur’ study established that optimistic entrepreneurs are probably being more successful than those who give up after one or two bad decisions. So, see any of your erroneous choices as a building brick to build the wall of success as your learn from it. 9. Persistence is action. Persistence is what you do with your optimism. When the 98% say “Enough is enough” and decide to call it quit and return into the zone of comfort, you should act as a persistent person and brush off any wrong decision by keeping to move forward. A persistent person is exceptional because her optimism never dies. This makes them great at rising back up like the Phoenix.
Alone or in a Crowd Don’t count too much on your friends, relatives, ex-colleagues or acquaintances to help you, as it is mostly talk. A long time ago, I learned to stop counting the number of people who promised to support or help and didn’t, and started to focus and appreciate on the ones who did. A wise man can always be alone if needed, but a weak man will always be found in a crowd. Bad choices are a result of your own perspective. For my part, I wanted to marry my dreams, so I cheated on fear and broke up with my doubts. I do not know about you, but I want become so financially secure that I forget it is payday.
What one person evaluates as a devastating and shattering defeat, another sees as a slight and comforting obstacle. The truth is that you can modify how you see a wrong decision so that you can use it to your advantage. It is time to take your life in your hands and create a successful life for yourself. Don’t make a wrong decision. Click on this opportunity NOW and work to live instead of living to work. How do you react at wrong decisions? Please share your views in the comments section below, as I may learn a lot from what you have to say.
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle, Success & Lifestyle Coach, Freedompreneur, Consultant, Passionate Globetrotter & Avid Audio Booker.
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About Sergei VanBellinghen You might ask “Who is Sergeï” Well, let me tell you…My friends call me “Ice Man” and it just kind of stuck. Welcome! Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle. Lifestyle Coach, Freedompreneur, Consultant, Counselor in East-West relationships, Passionate Globetrotter and Avid Audio Booker. Besides being a Life Coach and a Freedompreneur,I am also a consultant that is dedicated to coach you and to show you how you could be having a better life, a life of freedom by working smarter and not harder. My tagline is “Dare Create Live Your Dreams” or in short “Live Your Dreams” My goal in creating this site is to inform and help other like-minded people succeed and obtain a better, improved and flexible way of life for themselves, as I am dedicated to procure each one with the tools and strategies required, both to create a new life ‘of freedom’ and a real purpose for themselves and their love ones. When I’m not presenting ways or strategies with the coolest web business mentors and clients in the game, I’m practicing Kung Fu, riding horses, travelling over the world (even when I am working), writing a book and learning to be a better person. I am also a well-travelled and cultured man, as I speak 5 languages, Russian, Ukrainian, French, English & German, and lived for countless years in 3 hemispheres of the globe, Eastern Europe, North America & West Europe. Right now, I am currently based Vienna Austria, and when I am not there, I am in Ukraine or all over the world.