How gratitude can change your life

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How Gratitude Can Change Your Life /business/how-gratitude-can-change-your-life Apr 07, 2017 Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Self Improvement, Reference and Education 37 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen Articles written: 125 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement

Giving thanks for what you already have is an element called Gratitude which can change your life and which each of us should practice. Also known as the law of attraction, the law of reciprocity, or the law of cause and effect, it is an important part of life. Yet, Many do not practice it in their lives.

It seems only to be followed by when something good comes people’s way that they, in turn, return the favor. Of course, we all know that it is always much easier to complain than to be grateful. For many, being thankful seems hard because life is often difficult enough and it feels like there are conditions in


which gratitude does not take place that easy. In the business and success world, people talk about the law of attraction. Well, the law of attraction says that your mind is like a magnet, meaning that whatever gets in your mind and stays there, you will also attract in your life.

It Works Both Ways Of course, this works positively and negatively. In other words, if you are constantly thinking about lack, you will attract never having enough, and if you are always thinking about illness, you will attract poor health. Anyhow, it works positively too. If you are continually being grateful and thinking about abundance, favors, and thoughts such as “Any day now, my breakthrough is coming,� you are going to attract opportunities and wealth in your life. In fact, it is proven, that people who come to a new country from another are three to four times more likely to become successful or millionaires that those who are born there. Why? It is their belief of a better life which is so programmed in their mind and which in turn draw new opportunities. Consequently, some people walk right into success as a magnet. It is the law of attraction at work. In recent studies, scientists and doctors concluded that the brain expects life to improve if someone fervently believes in it. And so it does! Whatever you focus on, you will attract in your life. What you think about, you bring about.

One of the Greatest Attributes There is a success trade that many successful people stumbled upon called: Expressing gratitude. In other words, it means that when you are grateful for things, you attract more to be grateful for. And the opposite happens when you complain you attract more to complain about. Expressing gratitude can change your life, and it is the law of attraction in action. You can look at every success trade that works, and it works because it comes straight from undeniable belief and a mindset which can stand anything coming their way. There is a huge difference between a complaining and a gratitude mindset. When you are grateful, you put positive things into your life and other people’s lives. You give yourself and them dignity. In letting go of the complaining mindset, your world will open like never before because a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles and can change your life. Any self-improvement & success consultant or coach advise gratitude as one of the greatest attributes of successful people. Oprah Winfrey, Bob Proctor, Jim Carrey, Jack Canfield and many others do so. And you thought that when your mother was telling you to say thank you, it was all about good manners, well, in fact, it is one of the greatest success habits of dream achievers.

Expressing Gratitude Stimulates the Brain You should know that expressing gratitude stimulates an important part of your brain by regulating stress and worries. It is the part that produces the sensation of pleasure. Not only thinking negative thoughts rewire your brain for negativity, but spending time with negative people


generates the same effect. Simply put, constant negative thoughts create an easier way to think yet more negative thoughts. Know that five minutes of gratitude each morning and evening would be worth it, even if just for the benefits cited here. It is truly worth watching this short video about gratitude by the time-lapse photographer Louie Schwartzberg on a TED talk video.

15 Benefits of Gratitude 1. Gratitude strengthens your emotions, reduces feelings of envy, gives you happier memories, lets you experience pleasure, and helps you bounce back from stress. 2. It rewires your brain, creates new pathways and changes your brain chemistry. 3. Being grateful brings out the best in you. 4. Gratitude gives you more self-esteem. It is like living in a world where people help you all of the time for no other reason than liking you. 5. It gives you more of what you already have. 6. Showing gratitude and giving a warm thank you is the best way to defuse any anger. 7. By acting grateful, regardless of emotions, you persuade your mind into processing positive feelings. 8. Being thankful each day can extend your lifespan by a few months or even years. 9. Gratitude develops more optimism as it is strongly related to it. 10. It helps you become less self-centered as your very nature of being grateful is to focus on others. 11. It increases sleep quality, reduces the time required to fall asleep and induce a relaxation response. 12. By engaging in gratefulness, you’ll see the doctor less often and have lower blood pressure. 13. It is a positive emotion which is among the strongest relaxants. 14. Gratitude makes you a more competent manager, colleague or leader. By being grateful to others, employees or partners, their performance will increase. 15. People who are grateful are usually more productive because they direct more of their focus towards their work than their worries. So each day, give gratitude at least once, by saying thank you, by giving value to others, by giving something for free, by helping in one way or another, or by giving away to charitable places. If I may say, gratitude is a powerful tool that can change your life and make wonder. And that’s sexy, don’t you think? Thank you for reading!

Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and, Success & Self-Improvement Coach, Freedom entrepreneur & business partner of Stuart Ross, also counselor in East Europe-West relationships, a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker



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