How to enhance the quality of your life

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How To Enhance The Quality Of Your Life /business/how-to-enhance-the-quality-of-your-life Mar 29, 2017 Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Self Improvement, Reference and Education 39 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen Articles written: 122 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement

Apparently, like many of us, a thing you often seem to forget is how to enhance the quality of your life. There is no greater discouragement in life than routine and negativity because such a state of mind reduces your potential to be something much larger and keeps you from living a fulfilling life.


Your experience and the choices you make provide you with an incessant reality check, and each of these options has consequences that can teach you how to enhance the quality of the life you currently have. People who regularly feel miserable have more stress, missing various opportunities in life because they do not see past their negative thoughts and routines. When you have difficult choices to make, the best thing to do is to rely on your intuition and experiences. Because if you listen too often to your conscious mind to know what to do or the direction to take, you may end up climbing the ladder only to find out that it leaned on the wrong wall. You should learn to accept that life will bring difficult situations and challenges. To improve the quality of your life, you must be ready not to take the hard times so personally.

Learn to Slow Down In this world of “rushing through everything” generation, so few people take the time to unwind and let go. People are always rushing in, multi-tasking, running and jumping from one thing to another as if they hadn’t enough time with 24 hours. Just like them, you may take one hour or two commuting to spend 8 hours on a job you don’t care about, and then you return home by commuting again for the same amount of time. You wait for the weekend to come, believing somehow that these two days will help you unwind the stress you accumulated during the week. But then on Monday, you go back to the same routine. Most people do not even realize that this method is so counterproductive because it is like investing 5000 dollars to get 2000 in return. Learn to manage your time effectively is one of the greatest things you can afford to do to enhance the quality of your life. It requires your attention of the important over the urgent. It means defining your tasks so that you are following priorities and not just reacting to whatever happens in your day. Of course, this also involves getting rid of bad habits such as procrastination, watching too much television, surfing the internet for hours on, and be on social media until late in the night.

Have a Purpose Having a purpose in life can improve the quality of it all. You can also achieve and strive for greater things, and it becomes a sure path to a healthier life. Happiness is the result of accomplishment and success. Move towards whatever goals you have, be creative and wake up with a purpose. Let inspiration and motivation increase the quality of your life. You have to discover a purpose that is uniquely yours. Work hard by turning any stress into positive actions. Don’t let worries paralyze your move forward. Just focus on working on your dreams, and the pressure will dissipate faster. Furthermore, efforts and actions act always as a prodigious fulfillment while laziness and depression are frustration. Act and watch your thoughts if you want to develop a better quality of your life. Let these actions, as well as gratitude, wealth, abundance, hard work, goals, dreams, exercise and adequate sleep becomes your habits. In life, you can either be your best ally or your worst enemy. Like the rest of us, you are usually harder on yourself; so don’t let that self-defeating little voice be destructive to your happiness. Instead, learn how to change the way you speak to yourself.

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To increase the quality of your life, start your day by spending 15 minutes on what you have to be grateful for instead of dwelling on things that you are unhappy about. If you search, you can always find something to be grateful for. Thank the universe each day for what you have every single day, even if you think it’s not much. Put it out there. Make the law of attraction work for you and get into the habit because until you lose something that you took for granted, such as a person, work, health, freedom, or anything else, you will never realize just how good you had it. Keep learning, it allows you to grow, progress, and gain knowledge that lets you put your life into a different perception, enhance the quality of your life and help you achieve your dreams. Read every single day. Before bed time is usually a great moment. Accept difficulties as part of life because the way you choose to see the world creates the world you see. Negative moments will pass. Do your best to live efficiently when difficult times arise and trust that with each difficulty, it will help you grow and enrich your life. Avoid negativity by learning to look at everything as an opportunity. It is an excellent attitude to have, and it gets noticed by other people, it makes you more attractive, and more possibilities will open up. Individuals who do not understand the ups and downs of their lives are in an endless state of misery.

Avoid the Biggest Risk of All Most people in life are gambling on the biggest risk of all which is the bet that one day they can buy back the time they wasted chasing their monthly paycheck, working for someone else’s dream and being over-stressed. People think that if they work for 40, 50 or 60 years, they can retire, have a better quality of life and enjoy it by doing what they want. The problem with this kind of mindset is that nine out of ten people are dying broke by using that strategy as a blueprint for their life. Not to mention how unhappy they become with the meager pension they receive and the terrible regrets of not having pursued the greatness of their dreams in the first place. I firmly believe that all of the stated reasons are why people cannot improve the quality of their lives. Life is more than just performing. To enhance the quality of your life, take breaks, kick your routine, go on a day trip or vacation, laugh, and become alive. Do not waste another minute to begin your journey and go!!! Thank you!!!

Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and, Success & Self-Improvement Coach, Freedom entrepreneur & business partner of Stuart Ross, also counselor in East Europe-West relationships, a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker



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