How To Get Your Priorities Straight /business/how-to-get-your-priorities-straight Nov 21, 2016 1 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen
Author Sergei VanBellinghen
Articles written: 72 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Business Internet and Businesses Online Self Improvement
You may feel, on a regular basis that you are pulled in a million directions while you are more frequently struggling to prioritize and find balance than experiencing powerful and productive days, but why?
There are always declining moments, these happen more often than fruitful ones, only because you are overwhelmed by the daily tasks and problems at hand. You feel like you have so much on your plate, and yet, you are confused on how to get your priorities straight. This multitasking is what challenges you and wears you down.
On the other hand, you have productive days, even weeks, and perhaps months when all things fall into place as if magically and you achieve your objectives without any real effort. At those times, you feel invincible and ready to take on the world. But most time wasting days, you forget to refocus on what's really important. In those moments, it is essential to remind yourself of what are your priorities. Easier said than done, isn’t it? A few steps can be followed as a remedy.
Get Rid of the Distractions Most people do not realize the massive time they spend on random activities like looking at their phones, reading messages or spending time on social media. It becomes such a habit that you don’t even pay any more attention to your behavior. People walk down the street without even looking around them anymore, as if they were alone and invulnerable to the reality of things. It is time to end all this non sense which is distracting you, sucking your time and energy, and stopping you from getting your priorities straight. Get rid of the needless distractions when you sit down to work. You need to understand and recognize what are the actions that rob you of your precious time. Focus on what your priorities are in your life and learn to prevent any interruptions that get to you.
Get Your Priorities Straight In order to get your priorities straight and improve focus, you have to find and put in place your own particular system of daily productive activities. If you do not have one, create one that works for you. I create my day-to-day priority plan by writing all important things the previous evening, just before I go through my gratitude list. Enjoy the period while you put your mind to work, as to not forget to appreciate life all together and fill any free time you might have with the distractions you desire. Choose your priorities and not what others expect you to do. Don’t try to please others, even for momentary pleasures. Take also accountability for yourself. Forgive the people in the past that may have hurt you...and let go. Substitute all negative thoughts that occur with positive ones. Remember that no negative emotion whatsoever has ever enhanced the life of any individual out there.
Focus on One Thing at the Time You have to identify what is important in your life to have clear cut objectives. Then break your plan into steps over years, months and even days so as to focus your attention in the right place. Complete these steps one by one, each time by making an effort to emphasis your attention on each step exclusively, without any outside distractions. Stop multitasking as it reduces the quality and value of what you do. By focusing on the one and most important thing first and by getting your priorities straight, you will see the quality of your efforts increase. You will have more attention span, which will result in more fulfillment and satisfaction. At home or in your relationships, get your priorities straight, spend only time on people or things that elevate you, enhance your potential, highlight your strengths, allow yourself to be you and give you peace. Here are a few ideas to be able to prioritize: Write a daily plan the evening before. Schedule your most important tasks for the morning. Learn to manage your time.
Shut the access to your work place. Stay away from outside distractions. Use earphones with enhancing music if your work room is busy or noisy. Turn off or mute instant messaging platforms, as well as your phone for a couple hours. Spend less than one hour on social media daily. Do not get distracted by the time clock. As you take the time and a renewed energy to refocus on how to get your priorities straight, you will realize that you can accomplish anything in life. Always remember that you possess all that you need to be great. Through hard work, you are able to move mountains and cross oceans, metaphorically. Discover an exclusive offer with a life of new priorities >>> Get It NOW Follow and subscribe below for more articles on self-improvement
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and, Success & Self-Improvement Coach, Freedom entrepreneur & business partner of Stuart Ross, also counselor in East Europe-West relationships, a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker