How To Improve Your Self-Worth Like A Skyrocket /business/how-to-improve-your-self-worth-like-a-skyrocket Jul 31, 2017 46 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen
Author Sergei VanBellinghen
Articles written: 158 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement
While you probably want to improve your self-worth, you may come to realize that you have a hard time coming up with one or two good things to say about yourself. It is not uncommon for many to feel unworthy. However, like a skyrocket, there are ways to boost yourself. So, where do you begin?
Do you want to value the person you are rather than the one you want to be? Are you feeling down about who you are? Do you often think you are not good enough, smart enough, rich enough or anything as such? 1/5
If you do, then your true self-worth is not coming from within but outward. To improve your self-respect, you have to accept every part of yourself, which is not always easy. Day in and day out, since childhood, you hear remarks, expectations of people around you, and negative attitudes of others. As a result, your self-worth is losing fuel. And if you could find a way to boost it, it would enable you to believe that you are capable of better things. You could believe in your talents and be worthy to lead a satisfying life. So, improving your self-image and taking it to the next level is therefore essential and healthy. While life is tough enough under normal circumstances, it is even harder to sail across it when you think that you are not good enough. You have to understand that the majority of the time, self-worth is made by what you believe and influenced by outside sources. What people say or think are not facts, they are just opinions. So why should you believe it is true? Do not let their view become yours. Stop trying to please others. To have a real sense of self-worth, it must come from accepting yourself as who you are.
Begin to Improve Your Self-Worth First of all, to improve your self- image, you have to tell yourself that you matter. Self-affirmations are part of the process and are excellent to build up your self-worth. It is a good way to begin if there is any inner negative speaking that you might have established. In this way, you boost yourself and acknowledge that you do matter as much as anyone else. You should know that self-affirmations are not all that you need to improve your sense of self. They are not the magic potion but an ingredient for it. You also have to understand that it is important to act on your sense of selfworth. You have to take matters into your own hands and begin to make changes. Therefore, stop the inner critic. You know the little voice inside your head that talks to you like you are nothing. To improve your self-worth, pay attention to what you say to yourself. As soon as it comes up, replace the negative declaration with a positive one.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" - Eleanor Roosevelt
Learn to Value Yourself To enhance the value of yourself, you have to learn to ignore the tangible and material things you possess or do not possess. I do not say it is wrong to have material stuff; I am just saying not to compare inner and outer possessions. In today’s world, we tend to value people by what they have rather than by who they are. Therefore, remind yourself that you are a unique, worthy, and magnificent individual who matters. Meet yourself again; accept all of your traits, as if it was the first time. To better understand this concept, see this user’s guide video about meeting yourself by Niko Everett. The way you perceive yourself, talk about yourself and represent yourself eventually becomes your reality. So, to boost your self-worth, you need to realize and rejoice in the fact that you are a valued individual. You are equal to anyone out there. Of course, believing this can be quite challenging but it is always possible to change your beliefs and boost your self-image.
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Part of improving your self-worth is to identify small and big opportunities and take them. Sometimes, there might be some self-restraint to make, or you may have to back up a step to better move forward later on. But you have to take some of the chances life gives you because you deserve to make the most of them. Next, you need to express your feelings instead of bottling them up. Do what you have to do to boost your self-image at first. Then you may be able to help others enriching theirs. You must learn to overcome the fear of self-love. A lot of people think that it is narcissism or some one-way trip to arrogance. It is because of the confusion people have about it. They believe that thinking of oneself is not being generous or doing good things for others. They often forget that to take care of other people you must first take care of yourself. A good self-worth is about being your own best friend.
Trust in Yourself To improve self-worth, it requires trust in your feelings. You have to listen to and rely on your intuition and not react to what other people think or say. Self-esteem drops when you let others make decisions for you. At first, it seems like it is the easy path and one that allows you to avoid difficult choices. But in the end, it turns out to be the wrong one. The reason for this is simple, it is not what you wanted initially, and you got in through decisions other people made for you. Living your life for someone else is unfortunate. So, start making decisions for yourself instead of following a compass set by other people's expectations. Individuals with improved self-worth will share what they know and will be willing to guide you. You should seek such people and ask them to mentor you instead of being misled by the unfortunate people around you who are too unhappy to do what it takes.
Respect Your Self-Worth Unfortunately, many people live without recognizing their self-worth. You should never make choices based on the desires of your parents, spouse, friends, or the media. When it comes to what to study, what career to choose, where to live, and how many children to have, you should learn to respect what you want. Quit being afraid of standing up for your desires and value your self-worth.
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Comparing yourself to other people you believe are better than you will not help improve your self-worth. It always makes you think you are never good enough. You have to realize that sooner or later, you will always find someone who is better than you at certain things. On the other hand, there are things that you are better at than others. So, focus on making yourself better.
Improve Your Self-Worth through Resilience When you look at resilient people, you can see that they have a strong emotional suit that gets them through life's challenges without falling apart. They are not cold people who have no feelings but rather very optimistic and real. You always have a choice between reacting or acting firmly to the situation. To be resilient, you have to focus on what you need to do to change the circumstances. Realize that you have to improve your self-worth through resilience and persistence for you to reach a better outcome.
Maintain Your Focus To boost your positive self-image, you must follow through. Recognize that it takes time to change harmful habits 3/5
and stop putting yourself in last. Do not erase yourself from the equation anymore. Rather, take the courage to make the changes that you need. Remember also that you are looking to improve and get more respect as you go.
Tips to Skyrocket Your Self-Worth Turn up the volume on positive thoughts and press delete on the negative ones. Tell others what you like about them. This way, you help them jumpstart their positive thinking. Keep a notebook of your achievements. Take it out at times and read through it to improve your self-worth. When you receive a compliment, stand your ground, look at the person and say thank you. Write down ten things about yourself that you admire, that if you were someone else, you would be jealous of. Compete only with yourself, not with others. Appreciate who you are with all of your flaws, faults, weaknesses, and fetishes. Affirm to yourself that you matter. Invest in helping you ensure a sound life and financial freedom. Take part in something that challenges you either physically or mentally. So that after you cannot help but feel good about yourself. Cut out of your life people and circumstances which are sources of lowering your self-worth. Break the habit of trying to please everyone all of the time. Meditate to boost hormones that improve your self-worth, mood, and attitude. Remember that only you can give yourself the boost of self-respect you need. Improving your self-worth is all about what you do and how it makes you feel. Leave the past behind you after learning its lessons. It won’t come back. The only moment that matters is right now. So if this instant is not what you expect, change the next moment. The only person that can improve your self-worth and skyrocket it is YOU! Related Articles Your Thoughts determine Your Life How To Improve Your Self-Confidence How To Increase Your Self-Discipline How To Stay Positive In Life
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle, currently a Self-Improvement & Success Expert Consultant, using selfdevelopment techniques to help you succeed and have a better life. Visit my website at