How To Master Yourself To Take Charge Of Your Life /business/how-to-master-yourself-to-take-charge-of-your-life Aug 17, 2017 52 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen
Author Sergei VanBellinghen
Articles written: 163 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement
It seems evident but to master yourself you have to get control of your mind, so you can also take charge of your life. Most of what you do on a daily basis is unconscious, as some old evolutionary habits persist! Your mind has a way of doing things on automatic while you do not even realize it.
What if you could get control and take charge of your interactions with others? Would you be interested in knowing a little secret on how to master yourself? In fact, you may not believe this, but your subconscious brain can handle 275 thousand times more information in a second than your conscious mind. Shocking, isn’t it? What if I said to you that there is an unseen power within you that can help you master yourself? 1/4
Now, before I share with you this knowledge, just take a second and think about how you would define yourself. You might begin to refer to your name, then your profession, hobbies and some of the things you like. So in short, you are the creation of all things you experience in life. You are born with a blank tab. You have no notion of self yet. Your parents give you a name, and you then start to learn how the world works by the many desires and circumstances it provides you with. These are such things as your first kiss, things you learn in school or life, people you have come across, stuff you have seen on television, books you have read, and much more. So, your mind is the processor that takes all Information which consistently fires at you. Also, you go throughout the day with a tumult of noisy emotions in your head and heart. Most of these feelings are counterproductive as you react. But know that you can gain the way to master yourself through the hidden treasure which is your unconscious mind.
Meditating Is the Start to Master Yourself Meditation is one of the most powerful things you can do to master yourself and take charge of your life. It is for everyone and is something which can teach you a lot about yourself. You do not need to sit on top of a mountain all day. You can do it anywhere! You should try. Have an open mind, and you will be amazed. I promise you! The idea of meditation is pretty simple. The entire purpose of meditation is not to think so you can clear your mind. But not thinking is almost impossible. You lack control over your thoughts as they just occur. Therefore, meditation puts you into a state where you can perceive your thoughts. It makes you realize that you are not your thoughts. You then understand that your thoughts are just jolts in your mind which always take place. When you just observe them, you can then learn to master yourself and not let the thoughts in your mind take control.
Mirroring Others to Conquer Oneself The next step in mastering yourself implicates in centering on some features of your body language. Acting as a copycat and imitating other people to influence them is interesting when you want to master yourself and take charge of your life. When it comes to master yourself, influence someone or a group, you ought to start out mirroring the body language of the most important person. That will make that someone or group unconsciously believes that you are an excellent, reliable and trustworthy person. After you have mirrored them for a while, then you have to begin taking the lead. This time, you need to make these people imitate you. By making a strong impression on them, they will copycat you. The truth is that your body signals what you think before you are consciously aware of it.
Practicing Mental Imaging Countless of athletes have been using some of the power of their subconscious minds to master themselves. They often visualize or practice mental imaging of what they do in a race or a game. Years ago, in the era of the cold war, the Soviets were the first to achieve such feat which widely spread around the world after. The results can be as extraordinary for you as you master yourself through your unconscious mind. Why? Well, it shows that the influences and circumstances you have experienced in your life do not define you. Now, you can choose to ignore thoughts that do not help you, get control and replace them with better ones to better yourself. 2/4
Using Gut Feelings to Master Yourself You undoubtedly experienced your gut feelings before, but it is now time you know it better. To master yourself, you have to understand what gut feelings are. The truth is quite surprising. You may believe it or not, but you have around 100 million neurons in your gut, so it is a second, but mini brain. And it has the size of a grapefruit. It is the only part of your body that is not controlled or managed by the brain in your head. In fact, it is independent and autonomous. The Chinese have connected these dualistic brains for centuries via what is called “Chi.” It means ‘energy, ’ and Western studies suggest, and shows that it might be the path of communication between both, your big and mini brains. So to master yourself, you have to use your Chi by linking your gut feelings to your brain. You have to trust more in what your intuition makes you feel.
Living consciously The quest to master yourself may just be the biggest challenge of your life. The more you master the power of your unconscious, the more you become your true self. However, you should also live consciously because it is the foundation to learn, improve, grow, develop, and become a better person. I believe that if you are reading this post, it shows that you are among the small number of individuals who are on the way to master your unconscious and conscious living. Too many people are driven by ideas created out of all their experiences in life which were caused by outside influences. So let go of reactions in an automated manner and master yourself.
Focus to Master Yourself Focus firmly on course, until successful in mastering yourself. Does it sound simple? Starting something is easy, but finishing it is the hard part. You need to have the mindset of focusing on everything you do, and you are bound to be successful. To master yourself, you must stay focused on you so that you can take charge of your life, your business, and your loved ones.
The Best Tips to Master Yourself Observe your thoughts and the emotions that may come up with them. Start your meditation to master yourself, and amazing things will happen. Accept whatever thought or feeling you experience. Make the conscious choice of where you want to put your attention. Be aware that your thoughts are just processes in your head, so start to ignore them. Practice the above suggestions so that you will live better, be happier and more fulfilled. Have control over your thoughts and emotions. Master yourself because it is probably the most useful skill you can acquire in life. Follow and listen to your gut feelings. Know there is no way you can fail if you master yourself. Learn to master yourself because it is like a muscle that you train to become stronger. 3/4
So, it is the time for you to take charge of your life, clean up your mental attic, master yourself and start living as the person you should be. Now, it is up to you to choose to master yourself by using this power but know that if you do, your life will never be the same. Remember, you are a miracle of nature with an incredible treasure within you. Related articles Never Give Up On Your Dreams No Matter What On The Other Side Of Fear Lies Freedom The Unbelievable Power of Certainty How To Control Your Emotions Better
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle, currently a Self-Improvement & Success Expert Consultant, using selfdevelopment techniques to help you succeed and have a better life. Visit my website at