Invest In Your Mind To Get A Better Chance Of Success /business/invest-in-your-mind-to-get-a-better-chance-of-success Feb 21, 2017 Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Self Improvement, Reference and Education 42 views Written by Sergei VanBellinghen Articles written: 110 Joined: 23 September 2016 Niche: Internet and Businesses Online Reference and Education Self Improvement
To get a better chance of success, you should constantly invest in your mind but these kinds of investments do not always come the easy way. It usually takes a lot of hard work, discipline and determination. So what are some day-to-day tips which you could invest into?
In the crazed world we live in, our attention is pulled in so many different directions at once since most of us multitask each and every day. Within a simple 3-minute period, a lot of people forget their priorities and divide time
between checking email, working on a task and doing something else. Nowadays, most people are very often looking for all kind of shortcuts, means or tips in order to excel in something to be more successful. But did you know that you can actually train your mind to excel and be more successful by doing some mental exercises? The more knowledge you acquire, the better-equipped you are to confront any challenge coming your way. You should remember that even though you may lose a whole lot like your material possessions, money, job, and even your health, knowledge is the only thing that can never be taken away from you. Here are some important tips you can invest into that will help you improve your personal and professional life if done daily:
Practice Visualization to Learn a New Ability By using repetition and visualization, you can quickly learn a new skill, because your brain cannot tell the difference between you doing something or actually visualizing it. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to create new neural pathways. When you repeat a skill that you are trying to master, you strengthen the neural networks that represent that action. The same happens in the brain whether you perform the action or simply visualize it. Thus comes in the “Fake it until you make it” rule because your brain cannot tell the difference at all.
Reading to Add New Software to the Brain Did you know that reading as much as 15 minutes a day adds new software and rewires your brain, and yet a very small number of people are spending time reading?
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body” – Joseph Addison
You should read every day. Like muscles, your brain requires exercise. Reading gives you mental stimulation, reduces stress, expands your vocabulary, furnishes you with stronger analytical thinking skills, improves focus and concentration, produces better writing abilities, and offers tranquility, inner peace and free entertainment. What more do you need? It also improves your memory! Your brain is a marvelous machine working 24/7 year after year until you pass away. Every new memory you create builds new synapses or brain pathways and reinforces existing ones, which assists you in short-term memory recollection and in stabilizes your moods. If you read for 15-20 minutes when going to work (bus, train, metro), you might be amazed at how much more attentive you are once you get on the job.
Achieve Your Goals by Keeping to Yourself Keeping to yourself can help you to better achieve your goals, and this really hits close to home. I realized that most people often do not achieve a goal after talking about it repeatedly. Numerous tests have shown and proven that when you tell someone your objective, you are less likely to have the desire to realize it.
Therefore, it is better to keep your mouth shut when you feel the desire of a promotion, want to achieve better results, double your sales, or get more clients. Somehow, your brain mistakes the talking for the doing and is deceived into feeling like the objective has already been achieved.
Choose to Smile to Improve Your Frame of mind Your facial feedback specifies that your brain can again not tell the difference between a posed smirk, a forced grin and a genuine smile. Did you know that a posed smirk or forced grin will produce, physiologically, the same happiness response as a genuine smile? Because it is your facial muscles that cue and signal your brain to experience such positive emotion.
Understand Emotional Pain to Develop Compassion You should consider that when you hurt someone emotionally, for them it can feel like the equivalent of breaking one of their bones. You can create a better world in your sphere of influence just by being aware of these thoughts and using it to develop your compassion towards others.
Lower Your Stress Level Once more, your mind or brain cannot tell the difference between a real and imagined threat. That it is why you wake up in a trance after a nightmare for example. It seemed as if it had been a real life situation! But there is a powerful visualization exercise called “The Clear Button” to prevent fearful thoughts and to end the escalating stress. The exercise works in 4 following steps: Step 1 – Imagine a button in your hand or somewhere on your body that will end fearful thinking. Step 2 – Press this imaginary button. Step 3 – Breathe…imagine blue, breathe again…imagine green, and breathe one more time…this time imagine pink. Step 4 – Exhale…and relax into the present moment. Here you have it! Some very useful tips which you can invest in your mind to get a better chance of success or even be more successful.
Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle and, Success & Self-Improvement Coach, Freedom entrepreneur & business partner of Stuart Ross, also counselor in East Europe-West relationships, a passionate Globetrotter and an avid audio booker